Raspberry compote recipe. Secrets of cooking fragrant and tasty raspberry compote

There is an opinion that it is not necessary to wash raspberries, but for your own peace of mind, it is advisable to rinse them under running water. You can use fresh or frozen berries.

Open the slow cooker, pour raspberries into it. To enhance the flavor, add a handful of red currants. This is not a required ingredient, but if you use blackcurrant, be aware that it can overpower the raspberry flavor and change the color of the drink, making it darker. Pour in the sugar.

Pour the berries with water, preferably filtered or settled, mix everything gently.

If you have a Panasonic multicooker, select the "stew" function. In mv Redmond compote can be prepared in the "soup" mode. Do not close the lid when the volume is large, the cooking time is about 25 minutes.

With the lid closed, it is enough to cook for 20 minutes.

Let the finished compote brew so that the color and taste become more saturated. Serve the drink chilled in a transparent carafe to show how beautiful it turned out.


So that you can make raspberry compote in winter, make a supply of berries in the freezer. They are easy to freeze plastic bags and in plastic containers. Raspberries must be dry, otherwise you will freeze a single briquette, from which it will subsequently be difficult to separate the amount of berries necessary for compote.
If it was not possible to freeze raspberries in time, but there is an abundance of jam from it, you can use it when preparing a drink (just pour it into boiling water). Since the jam is quite sweet, it is most likely not necessary to add additional sugar. Assorted compotes are very tasty, to which just a little bit is added. There are a couple of apricots or plums, a handful of cherries and raspberries, great - send them to the pan.

Currently, there is a huge selection of varieties of garden raspberries, which differ in both color and size. But one thing is for sure, that garden raspberry, today a very popular berry. On each, even the smallest plot, a small corner is reserved for this wonderful berry. After all, at proper care even from two square meters you can collect up to three or four large buckets of raspberries. But from these berries you can cook not only jam, but also compote, the jars of which will stand out in a very saturated color and great taste. I really like raspberry compote also because you don’t need to put a lot of sugar in it, and the compote tastes sweet. Yes, and my children also fell in love with it, even the berries from the jar are eaten. In this recipe, we will tell you how to close the compote of their raspberries for the winter.

Taste Info Compotes, juices for the winter

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar

  • 1.5 liters of raspberries
  • 2.5 liters of water
  • 1 cup of sugar

How to cook raspberry compote for the winter

If you like compotes with a rich taste of berries and moderately sweet, then this recipe will suit you perfectly, but if you like very sweet compotes, then add another 0.5 cup of sugar for each three-liter jar.

Pour water into a saucepan, put it to boil. We sterilize the jars, so the compote will definitely not deteriorate, and you will also reduce the likelihood that the jar will burst at the moment it is filled with boiling water for the first time tenfold. While the water is boiling, we sort out the berries from the leaves, stalks, and also make sure that the berries are not spoiled, since raspberries retain their freshness for a very short time. Therefore, if you have already collected berries on the site, then try to arrange them in a day, but if it doesn’t work out, then store the raspberries in the sorted state exclusively in the refrigerator. Fill sterilized jars with raspberries.

Pour the berries with boiling water. Then we cover with metal lids, with which we will later roll up the compote, and set to stand for 10 minutes. So the berry will steam. If you think I forgot about sugar, don't worry, it's not his turn yet.

Well, now in a saucepan with a volume of at least 3.5 liters (since the jars into which we roll the compote are three-liter), pour a glass of sugar.

Pour water from jars with berries into a saucepan with sugar. To do this, put a sieve on the pan and pour water through it.

The berries remain in the sieve, and I transfer them back to the jar with a slotted spoon. But the water from the jar is together with sugar in a saucepan, which we put on the fire to boil.

Only steamed berries remain in the jar. And although the raspberries are no longer as beautiful as they were, but the compote from it is very tasty.

Pour the berries again already sweet water, twist with a metal lid. We carefully turn over the jars with compote, check if the lid is leaking, and leave it upside down wrapped in a blanket until it cools completely. It's so easy and simple to make raspberry compote for the winter.

Many housewives will agree that one of the best berries in the culinary sense is raspberries. Any dish with her participation is doomed to success. Delicious, fragrant and healthy - it has found its place in many desserts and drinks. And raspberry compote is included in this list. It is worth preparing it only once, and it will certainly become your favorite among other preparations for the winter.

Raspberry compote is special treat that will appeal to both children and adults


It is advisable to prepare raspberry compote for the winter from ripe fruits with intense coloring. Moreover, it is allowed to use both fresh and frozen fruits, which can not be defrosted beforehand, but placed in a saucepan directly from the freezer.

To make the compote more saturated, add a small slice of lemon or citric acid- they perfectly set off the aroma and taste of raspberries. calories ready drink is about 60 kcal per 100 g of product, and to change it, it is enough to reduce or increase the amount of sugar in the recipe.

Classic variant

This recipe for raspberry compote involves sterilizing the drink, but at the same time significantly reduces its preparation time. And this means that vitamin composition will be largely preserved.

Prepare ingredients:

  • raspberries - 900 g;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 3 l.

Cooking process.

  1. We sort out the fruits, remove the stalks, leaves and gently rinse in a colander.
  2. We set a colander with berries over the sink so that the glass is excess liquid and proceed to the preparation of the syrup. Combine water and sugar, bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes.
  3. We lay the berries in jars, pour in hot syrup and cover with sterile lids.
  4. We sterilize jars with compote in boiling water and roll up the lids.

    Advice! Sterilization time will depend on the capacity of the jars you choose: for half-liter jars - 5 minutes, for 1 liter - 10 minutes and for 3 liters - 20 minutes.

  5. After the drink has cooled, it can be transferred to storage in the basement or cellar.

Without sterilization

According to this recipe, you can cook raspberry compote for the winter without sterilization. It is possible that this method will be more convenient for you.

Prepare ingredients:

  • raspberries - 900 g;
  • water - 3-3.1 l;
  • sugar - 800-900 g.

Cooking process.

  1. We sort the berries and carefully wash them under running water.
  2. Combine sugar and water and bring the mixture to a boil.
  3. We lower the fruits into the boiling syrup and cook everything for 2 minutes.
  4. After the specified time, we take out the berries and transfer them to jars.
  5. We return the syrup to the fire, bring it to a boil again and fill the jars with it.
  6. After that, immediately roll up the jars with lids and let them cool.

Mix of raspberries and apples

We suggest you prepare a compote of apples and raspberries for the winter. It will perfectly quench your thirst, especially if you drop a couple of ice cubes into it. Being warm, this drink will warm winter evening and will become the perfect complement to fresh homemade pie.
Prepare ingredients:

  • raspberries - 1.5 cups;
  • apples - 4 pieces;
  • water - 2-2.1 l;
  • sugar - 1 cup.

On a note! From this amount of ingredients, 3 liters of drink are obtained!

Cooking process.

  1. Put fresh fruits in a colander, rinse and shake lightly to remove excess liquid.
  2. My apples, free from the core and cut into large cubes or thin slices.
  3. We put the prepared berries and fruits in a jar.
  4. Combine water with sugar and bring to a boil.
  5. Fill the fruit jar with syrup and cover with a lid.
  6. We install it in a pot of boiling water and sterilize for 7-8 minutes with a low gas supply.
  7. We roll up the jar and put it away for storage.

Raspberry and apple compote, cooked according to this recipe, has a low calorie content, which is only 45 kcal per 100 g of product. If you completely exclude sugar from the list of ingredients, then the calorie content will be about 17 kcal per 100 g.

Raspberries go well with other berries and fruits. Instead of apples, you can easily add pears, strawberries, currants, peaches, apricots and even pumpkins. Experiment with ingredients and create new original recipes. Be healthy!

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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Compotes for the winter always seemed to me something prohibitively complicated. But last August, I rolled up a few jars and realized that I missed the berry season in vain, because this is one of the simplest and most delicious homemade preparations. This year I decided to make a big batch canned compote. While I was gathering my thoughts, the strawberries had already departed, but the currants, raspberries and cherries ripened. Yesterday I closed the first four banks. This is my first raspberry compote for the winter, a simple recipe without sterilization. He prepares simply. Raspberries are washed, poured with boiling water, which after a while is drained, mixed with sugar, brought to a boil and re-bottled into jars. That's all. It turns out extremely delicious compote with a fantastic aroma and rich color. Moderately sweet. After a couple of days it is ready for use. We, of course, could not resist and used one can. And I already know for sure that I need to close more, because I have never tried anything tastier.

Ingredients for 6 liters of compote:

  • 600 grams of raspberries,
  • 500 grams of sugar.

As you can see, the calculation of ingredients for raspberry compote is very simple - for 1 liter of water, 100 grams of berries and 80 grams of sugar (this is half a glass). Sugar can, of course, be put a little more or a little less, but in this proportion the taste is perfect. Not cloying and not sour.

The easiest way to make raspberry compote for the winter without sterilization

So, let's go through the main points of the recipe. Raspberries I'm in without fail mine - because it does not grow in a vacuum and from the sky it rains on it unknown to anyone chemical composition. I remove all suspicious berries - with barrels, dark spots. If the berries are slightly crushed, I leave them. In compote, anyway, a certain amount will not be able to maintain the ideal shape.

I wash the jars very carefully, using soda. Then I sterilize using steam - I put the jar neck down on a stand, which I put on a pot of boiling water, and hold it for five minutes. For compotes, jars can not be dried.

I lay out raspberries in jars. On one and a half liters (those with faceted tops), I put 150 grams each, in a two-liter - 200 and in a liter 100 grams of raspberries.

Then I pour filtered water into the kettle and wait for it to boil. This boiling water will need to fill the jars. It is important that the jar does not burst, put a metal spoon in it and pour water on the spoon. Some put the cans on a metal stand. Perhaps this helps. I did not try.

We cover the jars with lids. We leave for five minutes.

Then pour the water into a saucepan. So that the berries do not wrinkle and turn into porridge, leave a little boiling water in the jar. Little bit.

Pour sugar into the pan, put on the stove, bring to a boil. As soon as the sugar dissolves (it is better to stir it, otherwise it can drag on for a long time), immediately pour the hot syrup back into the jars.

After that, immediately screw or roll up with sterile lids (it is enough to boil them for five minutes). If you screw, keep in mind - only brand new caps are suitable for preservation.

We put the jars on the lids to check if they are well sealed.

Ready raspberry compote can be stored all winter at room temperature.

Enjoy your meal!

Note. You may have come across recipes in one fill. It seems to be quite simple, but there is one caveat - citric acid must be added to such compotes, otherwise they will not stand. Our compote will be perfectly preserved without preservatives.