Homemade pumpkin juice. Pumpkin juice thick without additives

Recipe for pumpkin juice with pulp for the winter. Pumpkin is very useful fruit for the whole organism as a whole, starting from the gastrointestinal tract and up to the very hair and nails. This vitamin juice known for its antioxidant properties, doctors advise drinking it on an empty stomach for cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis. Pectin compounds found in pumpkin juice help the body get rid of edema, excess fluid and toxins. Pumpkin contains the rarest vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting. And if you have problems with overweight, nutritionists advise to "sit" on a pumpkin diet.

In any case, if you have a pumpkin stale and you don’t know at all what to cook from it, boil the juice with pulp and roll up a jar for the winter.

Required Ingredients:

1.3 kg. pumpkins;

1 cup sugar (to taste);

1 teaspoon of citric acid;

1 liter of water.

How to make juice with pumpkin pulp:

Rinse the pumpkin, peel and cut into small cubes or pieces.

Put the cubes in large saucepan and pour water so that the cubes remain slightly sticking out of the water.

Put the pan on the stove and boil the pumpkin over medium heat until cooked through. This will take you about 25-30 minutes. Puree the finished pumpkin with a blender as thoroughly as possible, for several minutes. You already got pumpkin juice with pulp.

Add a heaping teaspoon of citric acid to the juice. Now it's the turn for sugar, be guided by your taste - put one glass of sugar and mix with a large spoon. Taste the juice and add more if you like.

At this stage, the juice can be diluted with water to make it more liquid. But you can leave it thick, and then, already in winter, when pouring into glasses, dilute it with water to the desired consistency. Rinse and sterilize bottles or jars for pumpkin juice. Do not forget about metal lids, they need to be boiled for about 10 minutes.

Put the prepared juice back on the stove and boil. Pour hot juice into bottles and close tightly with lids. Turn the bottles upside down and leave in this position until completely cooled.

Then remove the juice from the pumpkin with pulp in the cellar for storage.

Pumpkin juice can be diluted by half with apple juice and also closed for the winter. You succeed, filled large quantity vitamins, minerals and beneficial properties for the body. This juice is especially useful for children and the elderly.

How to make juice from pumpkin? Autumn is the time to think about this issue. Fine days are running out, it's time to harvest, and a mischievous Halloween will not let you forget about the beautiful red-haired pumpkin.

Set aside for a while herbal teas and thick cocoa with cinnamon - pumpkin fresh is also ideal for cozy autumn evenings. And how many juicy orange recipes invented - with apples and carrots, oranges and wild roses, dried fruits and spices ... Everything in the kitchen!

What is useful pumpkin juice?

Remember such an enterprising Spaniard - Christopher Columbus? It is to him that we owe the appearance of pumpkins on our table. She grew up in the hottest corners of America, and in the 16th century she came to the Russian expanses and instantly became a universal favorite.

The red fruit is a collection of vitamins and minerals: ascorbic acid, and B vitamins for beauty and vigor, and carotene. And also iron, zinc, potassium, a lot of magnesium and phosphorus. A very unusual component in a pumpkin is a rare vitamin T, which activates the metabolism of fats, protects slim figure, nourishes the muscles, calms the nerves and helps to remain calm and collected in any situation.

A fresh drink from the "American" preserves everything beneficial features fresh product:

  • Normalizes digestion and relieves constipation;
  • and stimulates the removal of harmful substances from our body;
  • It has a diuretic effect, cleanses and heals the kidneys;
  • Increases immunity (especially if added);
  • Prevents prostate diseases in men and improves sperm quality;
  • Supports eye health (indispensable for office workers!);
  • Increases blood clotting and heals bleeding (especially gums).

How to drink?

How to make pumpkin juice at home? Knowing the nuances of preparing a solar drink is very important, but you also need to remember how to drink it correctly.

  1. If you are just starting autumn juice therapy, get down to business gradually. At first, drink 50 ml per day and gradually increase the dose. The optimal volume is 300 ml per day.
  2. All vegetable drinks need to be diluted in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:1 (apple nectar, rosehip broth, boiled water). The exception is cabbage, the benefits of cabbage juice appear only in undiluted form.
  3. Be sure to drink red-yellow-orange smoothies (carrots, pumpkin, pepper) with a spoonful of butter or cream - fat-soluble carotene will not be absorbed otherwise.
  4. Preparing vegetable nectars in advance is strictly prohibited - all of them must be drunk fresh. The exception is, which must be kept in the refrigerator for several hours in order to ripen.
  5. If possible, do not strain - thick smoothies with pulp are much healthier. But if you really want an orange transparent juice, put the pulp into action (you can make masks for problem skin).

Cooking with a juicer

The benefits of freshly squeezed juices are known to everyone, but to fully appreciate them, you need special equipment. If you're one of the lucky ones who has a juicer at home, making a runny pumpkin snack is a piece of cake.

  • To make regular orange nectar, you only need a young pumpkin. Remove the peel, clean the seeds and chop into small pieces. Pass the pulp through the juicer - and you're done! You can add honey, sugar or dilute to taste in a glass.
  • The perfect autumn cocktail is obtained by mixing pumpkin pulp and cranberries. We take food in equal proportion, squeeze in a combine and mix. All additions are up to you.
  • You can also stock jars of nectar for the winter with a juicer. This is how the preparation is made from the main autumn products - pumpkins and sea buckthorn. We pass the red pulp and berries separately through the combine, mix the resulting liquid in a ratio of 5: 1. Bring to a boil, keep on fire for 5 minutes, then remove and immediately roll up. Sugar can be added during the cooking process if desired.

Cooking without a juicer

No juicer? It doesn't matter - you still can't hide from delicious orange nectars and blanks. Many recipes are designed to make smoothies without a juicer.

  • The simplest and very popular option - thick drink with lemon. It will take 500 grams of young peeled pumpkin, 100 grams of sugar (half a glass) and one lemon.

First we do sugar syrup- boil sweet sand in a liter of water. Add the red pulp, grated on a fine grater, wait until it boils. When cool, add lemon nectar. finished product beat with a whisk or blender - and put in the refrigerator. Store - no more than a day!

  • And how to make a vitamin smoothie with an orange for the winter? The answer is simple - also cook. We clean the middle pumpkin from the peel and seeds, squeeze the nectar of 3 oranges (a manual plastic squeezer is suitable), measure out a glass of sugar and 10 g of citric acid.
  • We cut orange fruit small pieces and fill with water to cover. When it boils, cook for 5-7 minutes, remove and wipe through a sieve (when it cools down!). Then we fall asleep sugar with acid, Orange fresh, bring to a boil again and pour into jars.

    Cooking with vegetables

    Bright tomatoes, a spoonful of beets in a full glass - what else is needed to set off the taste and enhance the benefits of pumpkin dessert?

  • Most helpful and very flavored drink for the winter, carrots, tomatoes and pumpkins will turn out if you add ... a little dill.

For three liters of vegetable fresh (all components in equal proportions), you need 2-3 dill umbrellas. Boil the liquid for 5 minutes with dill, then pour into jars and roll up.

  • And how to cook juice from a pumpkin, well, quite unusual? Let's add fragrant greens: for 1.3 liters of pumpkin base - 2 kg of tomatoes, 20 g of parsley, 5 cherry and 10 currant leaves. For spice, you can put a little salt.

Pour the washed tomatoes with pumpkin juice and bring to a boil. We wipe through a sieve, salt, add finely chopped parsley-cherries-currants. Again on the fire, boil for 5 minutes - and immediately on the banks.

Cooking with apples

Apple and pumpkin are the perfect combination for an autumn-winter cocktail: you can cook it fresh or store it for future use in the cellar.

  • For a fresh drink, you will need red pulp and apples in equal proportions, a little bit of sweet sand and lemon peel optional. Squeeze out the liquid, mix, put lemon-sugar to taste - and enjoy.
  • Juice from pumpkin and apples for the winter is a little more difficult to prepare. 700 kg of peeled pumpkin cut into pieces and steamed a little. Then we rub through a sieve, add 300 ml of fresh apple juice (it is better to take sour green apples of a fresh harvest) and half a glass of sugar. We heat for 5 minutes on the stove and roll into jars.
  • Another vitamin cocktail for a beriberi winter, you can cook from apples, pumpkins and fresh rose hips. Pour 500 g of berries with apple nectar, boil over low heat for half an hour. Strain through a thick gauze, mix with an orange drink, heat again and keep on the stove for 5 minutes. And immediately - in jars.

Cooking with spices and dried fruits

According to the most different recipes you can cook pumpkin juice - its benefits and harms are valuable in themselves. But even more useful - in the company with dried fruits and spices.

  • Ginger and nutmeg go well with noble pumpkin flavor. Preparing a spicy winter cocktail with them is very simple.

We cut a kilogram of pulp into small pieces, fill it with water and cook until it becomes soft. Then grind with a blender, add lemon nectar (2-3 tablespoons), sugar to taste and half a spoon nutmeg(can be mixed with ginger) and wait for it to boil. Drink cold (do not forget a spoonful of cream in a glass!).

  • A cocktail with carrots and dried apricots for the winter is a classic pumpkin recipes. You will need a medium orange fruit, 4 carrots, 500 grams of dried apricots, 1-2 cups of granulated sugar, 3 liters of water, 15 grams of citric acid.

Cut vegetables and fruits into small pieces, cook for 1.5-2 hours. Then pour the broth into a separate container - let it lie down - and beat with a blender. Add a glass of broth, sugar, acid and cook until the sweet sand dissolves.

How to make pumpkin juice - thanks to the variety of recipes, there will be no shortage of ideas. Freshly squeezed for an afternoon snack or canned for winter table, pure or with additives ... Little advice- drink fragrant fresh juice either at lunch for good digestion and healthy kidneys, or 20 minutes before going to bed. And if you suffer from insomnia or suffer from stress, add a spoonful of honey to your evening glass - a good and pleasant sleep is guaranteed.

The article for the site was prepared by Nadezhda Zhukova.

Juice Recipes

pumpkin juice

3 l

35 minutes

38 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Wonderful, healing juice pumpkin without any harmful additives and flavorings can be prepared for the winter ahead of time, and then have fun, remembering the orange summer. Next, I will tell you how to cook pumpkin juice, I will reveal the secrets of simple recipes for delicious juice.

Pumpkin juice: useful properties and contraindications

Pumpkin juice contains great amount minerals, trace elements and rare vitamins, including T, D and K. This juice contains potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. Pectin, which is contained in excess in it, normalizes metabolism and works as an antioxidant. Polysaccharide helps cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances, improves blood circulation. This orange miracle contains a record amount of carotene - 5 times more than a carrot.

We can confidently say that pumpkin juice has a beneficial effect on the work of all our organs and systems. He possesses sedative effect and promotes wound healing. In addition, this low-calorie product- a good helper for those who want to get rid of extra pounds.

How to drink pumpkin juice? Fresh Juice pumpkin is made with a juicer or grated and squeezed through gauze. Drink freshly squeezed pumpkin juice preferably on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast, 100-150 ml at a time. So you get a powerful vitamin charge cheerfulness and well-being. For a full health effect, as well as weight loss, you need to take the juice three times a day before meals for 20-30 minutes. If you have insomnia, take a glass of juice with a teaspoon of honey. It acts like a pleasant and mild sleeping pill.

  • with ulcers and gastritis;
  • at diabetes in severe forms;
  • with low acidity and disorders of the duodenum.

How to make pumpkin juice at home - recipe

Kitchen appliances and utensils:

  • 3-liter saucepan;
  • submersible blender (juicer or sieve);
  • ladle;
  • jars for finished juice;
  • iron covers;
  • jar wrench.

Main products:

Choice of Ingredients

The best varieties of pumpkin for juice - "Butternut" or "Muscat". Such a pumpkin is very fragrant, juicy, the flesh is bright orange, thanks to high content beta carotene. It looks like a large yellow-orange pear and is often found in the market. Also juicy and sweet pulp of pumpkin variety "Kherson". These are flat fruits with a peel. gray color with light gray stripes and spots. Good for juice will be the pumpkin variety "Altair". It is also juicy and sweet, with yellow flesh. The fruit of such a pumpkin is flat, the peel is gray.

The brighter the flesh, the better - such a pumpkin has more vitamin A. Choose a pumpkin that is not too large (up to 3 kg). A mature pumpkin weighs more than it looks at first glance. Her tail should fall off by itself when the fruit ripens completely. If it is cut, it means that the vegetable was picked while still unripe. There should be no damage to the skin of the pumpkin. It is better to buy a whole pumpkin, because the cut one can be rotten, and the rotten part was simply cut out.

Step by step recipe for pumpkin juice without additives

  1. Peel the pumpkin from the peel and seeds and cut into large cubes.

  2. Pour 2 liters into the pot cold water and send the prepared pumpkin there. Put the pot on the fire and cook for 15 minutes after boiling. Pierce the pumpkin with a knife. If it gently enters the pulp, then the pumpkin is ready.

  3. Pass the finished pumpkin through a juicer or turn it into a puree with a blender or grind through a sieve.

  4. Pour the resulting mass back into the pan, add sugar and citric acid. Stir. If you find the juice too thick, add a little more water.

  5. Put the pot back on the heat and bring to a boil. Remove foam. As soon as the foam stops appearing, then the juice is ready.

  6. Pour hot juice into sterilized jars and roll up with a metal lid. Turn the jar over and place on the lid. Wrap up for the night kitchen towel. The cooled juice is ready to drink. Store juice jars in a cool place. Drink to your health.

Pumpkin juice video recipe without additives

This video is a good and simple pumpkin juice recipe.

Pumpkin juice without additives. The best recipe.

It's simple awesome recipe, the juice is very, very tasty.
ON MY CHANNEL THERE ARE MUCH MORE DELICIOUS RECIPES. SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh3yCLRgNaVrgSB6rCdQV_g?sub_confirmation=1
Please your loved ones and loved ones.
Enjoy your meal!
Pumpkin - 3 kg (weight of peeled pumpkin)
Sugar - 0.5 kg
Water - 2 liters
Citric acid - 10 gr (2 teaspoons)

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Recipe for pumpkin juice with orange for the winter

This juice is prepared very quickly and simply. Lemon and oranges will give it a piquant sourness and a pleasant citrus flavor.

  • Time for preparing: 50 minutes.
  • Servings: 6 liters of juice.

Main products:

  • 3 kg pumpkin;
  • 3 oranges;
  • 450 grams of sugar;
  • 3/4 lemon.

Step by step recipe

  1. Just like in the first recipe, the pumpkin must be cut into pieces, poured with water and put on fire. The water should completely cover the pumpkin. Bring to a boil and cook until pumpkin is soft.

  2. Squeeze out the juice of lemon and oranges. Make sure there are no seeds in the juice.

  3. Grind the boiled pumpkin directly in the pan with an immersion blender. You should get smooth juice.

  4. Add orange and lemon juice and sugar. Stir to dissolve the sugar and taste the juice. If it's not sweet enough, adjust the taste.

  5. Put on fire, bring to a boil and cook after boiling for another 10 minutes, stirring the juice occasionally.

  6. While the juice is boiling, sterilize the jars. This can also be done with a microwave. Pour some water into the bottom of the jar and turn it on at full power for a couple of minutes. Boil the lids in boiling water.

  7. When the juice boils for 10 minutes, remove the foam, if any. Now the juice can be poured into jars. Pour hot juice into a jar, close the lid and roll up with a special key. From this amount of products, you should get 6 liter jars of juice. Turn jars upside down and wrap well.

  8. Leave them to cool completely. When the jars are completely cool, transfer them to the place where you usually store the preservation. And in winter you will have delicious and healthy juice for your family.

Orange Pumpkin Juice Video Recipe

Here you can watch an interesting video recipe of our juice.

Pumpkin juice with oranges for the winter (no juicer) | Pumpkin Recipes

Canning pumpkin juice for the winter with an orange at home. No juicer!!! Pumpkin preparation.
Pumpkin juice is very tasty and healthy. Canning homemade juice You provide your family with extra vitamins in winter.
Especially if you have a lot of pumpkins and you do not know what to cook from pumpkin? Be sure to watch my video recipe and you will learn how to make pumpkin juice!
The recipe is very simple, especially since everything is step by step in my recipe. So even a beginner can handle it 🙂 Any questions? Ask in the comments!
SUBSCRIBE FOR NEW VIDEOS on my channel and you will understand that cooking is easy:
We will need:
Based on 1 kg of pumpkin:
Pumpkin - 1kg
Orange - 1pc
Sugar - 150g
Lemon - 1/4pc
Weigh your pumpkin (already peeled) and increase the amount of food as many times as you have a kilogram of pumpkin.
We clean the pumpkin, cut it into pieces and fill it with water to completely cover it. When our pumpkin is cooked and soft, we grind it with an immersion blender. Next, add orange juice, lemon juice and sugar. Cook for 10 minutes and roll up.
Cook with pleasure!!!
Enjoy your meal!!!

#pumpkin #juice #blanksfor winter #preservation
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Pumpkin juice recipe with dried apricots

Video recipe for pumpkin juice with dried apricots

Juice is taken before meals as a tasty and healing remedy for prevention. various diseases. Those who want to lose weight can drink orange juice in fasting days 1-2 times a week. But if you are absolutely healthy and just love pumpkin juice, then you can drink it as a snack, for example, with pastries.

cooking options

It is very useful to drink pumpkin juice fresh in season, and in winter to open jars with canned elixir. Of course, the longer you boil the juice, the less useful nutrients will remain in it. You can make the juice thicker or, by diluting it with water, bring it to the consistency that you like. It's a matter of taste.

There are more good recipes juice for the winter, for example, with apples and lemon zest. For 1 kg of pumpkin, 1 kg of apples is taken. Juices need to be squeezed out with a juicer, mix them, add lemon zest and sugar to taste, bring to a temperature of 90 ° C. Keep on the stove for 5 minutes. Pour hot into sterilized jars and roll up. Pumpkin juice with carrots is prepared in the same way.. The amount of pumpkin and carrots is 1:1. Lemon juice or citric acid will be appropriate here. They also make juice for the winter from pumpkin, gooseberry (1:1) and honey. For 1 kg of pumpkin and 1 kg of gooseberries, you need 400 grams of honey. The principle of preparation is similar: squeeze the juices, mix them, add honey and sterilize in jars for 20 minutes.

Write if you liked the juices according to our recipes. Perhaps you have your own homemade pumpkin juice recipe for the winter. We are waiting for your letters with remarks, comments and new recipes.

Good and sunny day to you, dear hostesses!

Today we will roll pumpkin juice for the winter. As always, we have only the most delicious and simple recipes!

Everyone knows that pumpkin juice is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Of course maximum benefit remains in it if used in fresh combining with other vegetables.

But, when the harvest is large and we want to make preparations for the winter, we have to use heat treatment.

We have selected recipes for you with the least heat treatment and low temperatures in order to preserve the beneficial properties of this vegetable as much as possible during preservation.

Pumpkin juice for the winter you will lick your fingers

Easy and simple to do at home! A very quick and easy recipe.


  • Pumpkin - 2 kg
  • Water - 2 l
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l


We take ripe pumpkin, peel, remove the seeds from the core.

We cut into small sticks, which are convenient to put in a juicer.

We squeeze the juice. We will get about a liter of concentrate, which must be poured into a saucepan, adding water and sugar to it.

The consistency should be light and liquid.

Bring the contents of the pot to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes.

The finished juice is poured into sterilized jars and corked.

We turn the jars upside down, wrap them with a blanket or a terry towel.

Let cool and store in pantry.

Pumpkin-carrot juice for the winter

Let's enhance the benefits of pumpkin with carrots! Great recipe, double benefit. Watch the video lesson:

Pumpkin juice with pulp at home

Rich flavor and easy to prepare!

The drink turns out to be thicker than without pulp, with a pronounced pumpkin aroma and taste.


  • Pumpkin - 1.5 kg
  • Water - 1700 ml
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l


Put the peeled and cut into pieces pumpkin in a saucepan and fill it with water.

Bring to a boil and cook over low heat until soft.

We check with a knife if the vegetable is cooked. If the pieces pierce easily, the pumpkin is cooked.

We interrupt the contents of the pan with an immersion blender.

If there is no blender, you can grind the pieces through a sieve.

At this stage, we evaluate the consistency, do you like it or would you like it to be thinner?

If it's too thick for you, then you can add a little more boiled water.

We introduce lemon juice. Pour pumpkin drink into sterile jars and roll up.

Turn on the lid, wrap and leave to cool.

After the contents have cooled, store in a dark, cool place.

Delicious and thick juice!

Pumpkin juice thick without additives

A good recipe for thick pumpkin juice.

Pumpkin and apple juice with orange and lemon is very tasty

Refreshing vitamin cocktail for winter, which will remind you of summer.


  • Pumpkin - 900g
  • Apples - 2100g
  • Orange - 2 pcs
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 200g
  • Water - 250 ml

At the exit you will get 2 - 2.5 liters of juice


Remove the skin from the pumpkin and cut it into medium cubes. Fill with water and set to boil slow fire, cook until soft.

While our vegetable is being cooked, grate the zest of two oranges and a lemon on a fine grater.

In order to remove the zest better, you need to pour boiling water over the fruit and dry it with a paper towel, and only then rub it.

Put the zest aside and squeeze the juice from the same citrus fruits completely.

Let's prepare the apples. To do this, wash them, cut them into 4 parts and remove the seed box.

Squeeze juice from apples through a juicer. Strain through two layers of cheesecloth to remove most of the pulp.

We remove it because we already have pumpkin pulp in our juice.

When our pumpkin is cooked and softened, pour the juice of oranges and lemon into the pan.

Add citrus zest. And we interrupt the entire contents of the saucepan with an immersion blender.

Add apple juice to pumpkin juice, add sugar.

If you're sweet on your own butternut squash, then you can not take sugar at all in this recipe and close it without it.

And only then adjust the taste of the drink by adding honey or sugar just before drinking.

Stir, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.

The finished drink is poured into sterile jars, corked. Let cool and store in a cool dark place.

It turns out so rich, beautiful summer color and very tasty!

Pumpkin juice for the winter five minutes

A method that will allow you to make juice very quickly, without unnecessary fuss, while retaining most of the vitamins.


  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. l for each liter of juice


Take a ripe pumpkin, wash it well, cut off the skin.

Cut into small pieces and pass through a juicer.

You will get N-th amount of juice. Measure it and add sugar at the rate of 5 tbsp. l for each resulting liter of squeezed juice.

We put the juice on the fire, bring it to a temperature of 90 degrees and cook for 5 minutes.

Pour the finished drink into sterile jars and roll up.

Let cool by turning on the lid and wrapping. Juice is ready! We put it away for storage to drink on cold autumn days, when vitamins are so needed.

Oranges give plain pumpkin juice a rich citrus flavor!


  • Pumpkin - 2 kg
  • Oranges - 2 pcs
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Water - 2.5 l


We cut the prepared and peeled pumpkin into cubes and fill it with water.

We will kill the finished pumpkin with a submersible blender in the same pan, without draining the water.

We'll get something like this pumpkin water. Add sugar to it and stir to dissolve.

Squeeze the juice from the oranges and pour it into the pan. Also take a few pieces. orange peel and also throw out into the pan.

Bring to a boil and cook for five minutes. Then immediately pour into clean, sterile bottles and roll up.

We turn the bottles on the lid, cover them with a towel, leave to cool.

Pumpkin juice with orange flavor and bright citrus note ready!

Pumpkin juice without sugar pasteurized for the winter

An easy recipe without unnecessary ingredients and gestures. Try it!

This recipe is sugar-free, allowing you to use a pumpkin drink, adjusting its sweetness to your liking with honey or sweeteners or just sugar to taste. Immediately before use.


  • Pumpkin - random amount


We clean the pumpkin from the skin, pass it through a juicer.

The resulting juice is brought to a boil and immediately distributed into a sterile container.

Pasteurize in a water bath at a temperature of 90 degrees for 10 minutes.

Making pumpkin juice for the winter is a great idea to preserve vitamins and other beneficial substances. After all, in house drink we can always be sure because we know that it consists only of natural ingredients.

In addition, such a blank will cost much cheaper than the store version. That is why it is useful to learn how to make pumpkin juice at home and learn how to reproduce the simple recipes below.

Pumpkin juice can be with or without pulp. In the first case, it is extracted using a juicer, and the pulp is sifted. In the second - with a grater or simply from boiled pieces of pumpkin.

At the same time, such a drink should only be poured into sterilized jars. This means that they must be processed at a temperature (together with lids). There are several ways to do this:

  • The simplest is to hold the washed jars in the microwave for 3 minutes (power 800 W). At the same time, a little water is first poured into them (the level is 3-4 cm from the bottom).

  • Hold the jars in the oven, heated to +140 ° C, up to 15 minutes. It is important to understand that gas oven- not the best option because the temperature is unevenly distributed in it.

  • The classic option is to hold the cans over the steam. A pot of water is placed on the stove, a grate is placed on it (for example, from the oven). As soon as the water boils, put the jars upside down and soak for 10-15 minutes.

  • A similar method is to boil jars and lids for the same amount of time in water.

Sterilization of jars - boiling
  • Finally, there is original way- hold in the dishwasher at +70 ° C. The dishes will be ready when they go through a full washing cycle.

How to Prepare Pumpkin for Juice

As for the pumpkin, its preparation is quite simple and intuitive:

  1. My peel.
  2. We clean it to the ground.
  3. Remove all seeds from the pumpkin.
  4. Cut the vegetable into equal, small pieces.

Preparing Pumpkin for Juice

To work with this melon culture, you definitely need to stock up on a large and very sharp knife. Therefore, be especially careful - you only need to cut the pumpkin, and it is better to keep your fingers.

How to make pumpkin juice at home: simple recipes

So, now about the recipes themselves. To make pumpkin juice you will need:

  • pumpkin;
  • sugar (about 4-5 tablespoons per liter of juice).

Pumpkin juice for the winter without pasteurization

To prepare pumpkin juice for the winter at home, use this simple recipe, we act like this:

Step 1. We pass pumpkin pieces through a juicer and get a natural drink.

Step 2. For each liter we put 4-5 large spoons of sugar.

Step 3. Cook the juice so that it boils, but does not boil (5 minutes after a light boil, about +90 ° C).

Step 4. Pour the drink into jars and roll up.

Pumpkin juice with pulp - no juicer

But what about pumpkin juice with pulp? He contains the largest number useful substances and besides, it saturates perfectly, which is especially useful in the evening hours, when it is no longer possible to eat, and hunger can break out in earnest.

In such cases, juice with pulp will help out, which can be prepared according to this recipe:

Step 1. This time no juicer is needed. You just need to cut the pumpkin into small pieces of the same size.

Step 2. Now put them in a saucepan.

Step 3. Fill with water so that it only covers the pieces.

Step 4. Bring to a boil, add sugar, turn off the heat.

Step 5. Cool and rub the pumpkin mass through a sieve. We roll pumpkin juice with pulp into jars.

Pumpkin juice for the winter with lemon

And this is more interesting option, which has a pleasant citrus aroma and slight sourness.

For 1 liter finished drink will need:

  • 5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 5 g citric acid or juice of 1 lemon;
  • instead of lemon, you can take 2-3 oranges (to taste).

We act like this:

Step 1. Initially, the pumpkin is not boiled, but cut large pieces and rub on a grater with large holes.

Step 2. Then put the pulp together with the juice in a saucepan, pour water (the amount is 2 times more than the pulp) and bring to a boil, then cook for 15 minutes over low heat. At the same time, sugar is added.

Step 3. Cool, add citric acid or freshly squeezed lemon juice (you can take freshly squeezed orange juice instead).

Step 4. Pour the juice into jars and roll up. We get tasty and healthy juice from pumpkin with lemon - just lick your fingers!

Pumpkin juice for the winter with carrots

Carrots and pumpkin are a sweet couple. They enrich each other's taste and, of course, make the final product healthier. This time you will need the following products:

  • pumpkin pulp - 0.5 kg;
  • carrots - 0.5 kg (3-4 large root crops);
  • water - 2 liters;
  • lemon - 1 large or 2 medium fruits;
  • sugar - 200 g (10 tablespoons).

Here's how you can make pumpkin juice for the winter at home according to this recipe:

Step 1. First, rub the carrots and pumpkin on a medium grater, carefully squeeze the juice with your hand, filter it through a sieve (you can also leave it with the pulp).

Step 2. Put the mixture in a saucepan, add 2 liters of water, bring to a boil.

Step 4. As soon as the mixture cools down a bit, add lemon (or orange) juice, roll it into jars.

Pumpkin juice without additives at home

Stocking up on such a drink for the winter is an interesting and, no doubt, useful thing. The benefits of pumpkin have long been proven by scientific and medical research. It contains a lot of microelements - potassium, zinc, iron, calcium and magnesium, there are vitamins of groups B, C, E, K. This means that it will be good for health - for the heart, stomach and bone tissue.

Taking even one glass of pumpkin juice a day will improve digestion and rejuvenate the body by activating metabolic processes. And another nice bonus - the components of the juice help burn fat and give a feeling of fullness with a minimum of calories (38 kcal per 100 g).

Juice for the winter pumpkin-apple

We will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg pumpkin;
  • 1 kg of apples (preferably sweet and sour);
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 10 g of citric acid.

How to make juice:

Step 1. Wash the apples, peel and peel the seeds, wash and peel the pumpkin as well.

Step 2. Cut the pumpkin and apples into cubes.

Step 3. Put all the cubes in a saucepan and cook until the fruits are ready, then remove from heat and cool.

Step 4. Grind the pumpkin-apple mixture with a blender, add sugar and citric acid there.

Step 5. Put the mixture back on the fire, cook for another 10-15 minutes.

Step 6 Remove the finished pumpkin and apple juice from the stove, pour into sterilized jars and close for the winter. After rolling iron lids jars need to be turned upside down and covered - until completely cooled.

Pumpkin juice is healthy and delicious drink for the winter

Enjoy your meal!