Recipes for pickling spicy cucumbers at home for the winter, food selection and shelf life. Spicy cucumbers for the winter


That's where overgrown cucumbers go! Features of cooking cucumbers in Korean. Tons of recipes - take your pick...

Many people love Korean salads, but not everyone knows that they can be prepared on their own for the whole winter.

Korean salads are made from various vegetables, combined with spices and seasonings. For example, Korean-style cucumbers for the winter are very tasty.

Korean-style cucumbers for the winter - general principles cooking

Often in the beds, cucumbers outgrow and are no longer suitable for pickling or pickling. These overgrown cucumbers make the most delicious winter preparation in the form of cucumbers in Korean.

For salad, cucumbers are cut into cubes, rings, quarters or rubbed on a grater (for Korean carrot or regular). Additionally, following the recipe, other vegetables are added. It could be Bell pepper, tomatoes, onions, garlic, carrots, etc.

A mixture of vegetables is seasoned with spices, a little sunflower oil, white sugar, salt and apple or table vinegar are added. Everything is mixed, covered and left for several hours in a warm place so that the cucumbers release the juice. Some recipes require additional heat treatment, i.e. vegetables are stewed before sterilization.

Then the cucumbers are laid out in sterile jars and sterilized for 15 to 30 minutes. Time depends on volume glass containers. Half-liter jars are usually sterilized for no more than 15 minutes, and a liter container for half an hour.

To preserve Korean-style cucumbers for the winter, as well as for other preparations, you need to prepare jars in advance. To do this, they are well washed with soda solution, rinsed and sterilized. It can be done different ways. Steam over hot steam, ignite in the microwave or put on a baking sheet, fill each with a third of water and put in the oven for 15 minutes (200-220 degrees). Covers for seaming also need to be thoroughly wiped from the remnants of the factory oil and boiled, lowered into a saucepan with water.

After seaming, the jars must be placed on the lids, wrapped warmly and soaked until completely cooled. Such preservation should be kept in a cool room, cellar or basement.

There are a lot of recipes for cooking cucumbers in Korean, and each housewife can choose the recipe she likes.

Korean-style cucumbers for the winter with vegetables

Korean-style cucumbers for the winter - a spicy twist that will not leave anyone indifferent. Crunchy Korean-style cucumbers go well with fried potatoes or crumbly rice.


1. 2 kg of cucumbers;
2. 3 pieces of sweet paprika;
3. 3 large tomatoes;
4. 2 large onion heads;
5. 1 whole garlic head;
6. 0.25 st. sunflower oil;
7. Spices - to taste.

For the recipe, you should choose cucumbers with a thin skin and without bitterness. Wash and dry all vegetables well. Cut the buttocks from the cucumbers and, cutting into medium-sized strips, put in a bowl. Infuse for a couple of hours so that enough cucumber juice stands out. To speed up this process, you can salt the vegetables a little and mix.

In the meantime prepare the rest of the ingredients. Release the pods of bell pepper from seeds and chop into strips (it is better to choose fleshy sweet peppers). Cut the peeled onion into thin half rings. Cut tomatoes into medium slices. For this preservation, it is better to choose fleshy tomatoes so that they are felt in the salad, and the consistency is not too liquid.

Pour vegetable oil into the pan and, when it is hot, put the onion rings. After a while, put the tomatoes and sweet peppers. Vegetables bring to softness, set aside and cool.

Carefully mix the cooled vegetable mass with cucumbers and arrange in sterile jars. After sterilization, twist the jars of salad iron lids and wrap, as described in the previous section of the article.

Korean-style cucumbers for the winter with carrots

This recipe is easy to prepare and will not take you too much time.


1. 4 kg of cucumbers;
2. 1 st. grated carrots;
3. 1 tbsp. white sugar;
4. 1 st. plain vinegar (9%);
5. 1 st. sunflower oil;
6. 100 gr. table salt;
7. 4 garlic cloves.
Cooking method:

Wash and clean carrots well. Using a special grater, grate it with straws, as for Korean carrots. Measure out one glass, filling it tightly.

For this salad, it is better to choose cucumbers that are not very long, neat, even in shape. Wash well, dry and dissolve in length into 4-6 parts. Mix cucumbers with carrots in a bowl. Season the vegetables with crushed garlic, salt and red pepper. Mix all the ingredients and leave for half a day so that the vegetables are saturated with spices, soften and let the juice flow.

Arrange cucumbers in Korean for the winter in liter jars, cover with clean lids, sterilize and roll up.

Korean-style spicy cucumbers with soy sauce for the winter

This appetizer will delight lovers. spicy cuisine, a soy sauce saturate the appetizer with real Asian notes.


1. 4 kg of crispy cucumbers;
2. 1 kg of carrots;
3. 2 tablespoons of quality soy sauce;
4. 100 gr. table salt;
5. 1 st. refined sunflower oil;
6. 1 tbsp. white sugar;
7. 4-5 garlic cloves;
8. 1 st. 9% food vinegar;
9. 15 gr. seasonings for Korean carrots.
Cooking method:

Peel the washed vegetables (cut off only butts from cucumbers) and process into thin “noodles” using a special knife or Korean grater. Press the garlic cloves with the flat side of a kitchen knife, remove the separated husk and finely chop with a sharp knife.

Put cucumbers with carrots in a saucepan, season them with garlic and spices. Mix soy sauce separately rock salt with sugar and table vinegar. Pour Korean-style cucumbers for the winter with the resulting marinade, mix and leave to marinate for two to three hours. Then put the salad in sterile jars and, after sterilizing it for 10 minutes, roll it up.

Korean cucumber and garlic salad

This winter twist will appeal to true lovers of spicy snacks.


1. 4 large garlic heads;
2. 1 st. white refined sugar;
3. 1 glass ordinary vinegar (6%);
4. 4 kg of cucumbers;
5. 2 tablespoons ground black pepper;
6. 1 glass of sunflower oil;
7. 3 tablespoons of table salt.
Cooking method:

As for any other preservation, rinse the cucumbers, cut off the “buttocks” and divide lengthwise into several parts (4-6). Peel and chop the garlic with a knife. Put the cucumbers in a saucepan, sprinkle with garlic, add oil, table salt with sugar, table vinegar and ground peppercorns.

Mix vegetables and let rest, covered with a lid, for 5-6 hours. The contents of the pan must be stirred periodically. After the time has elapsed, spread the salad in sterile jars, sterilize for a quarter of an hour. Once cool, move the spins to storage in the cellar or basement.

Korean-style closed pickles with mustard powder

Pickles that grow in household plots can also be harvested for the winter. Spices and mustard powder will give the vegetables a unique taste and aroma.


1. 4 kg of young pickle cucumbers;
2. 200 gr. salt;
3. 2 tablespoons of ground mustard seed;
4. 3-4 large garlic cloves;
5. 200 gr. vegetable (sunflower) oil;
6. 200 gr. vinegar (6%).
Cooking method:

Dissolve the washed cucumbers lengthwise into two halves and put them in a container (pot, basin, etc.). Fill the workpiece with vegetable oil, mustard powder, chopped garlic, sugar, salt and black pepper. Mix the salad thoroughly with your hands and leave under the lid for several hours. The workpiece will let the juice in which it will be sterilized.

Then distribute the cucumbers in Korean for the winter in clean and dry jars, pour the resulting cucumber juice and cover with a lid. Immerse up to the shoulders in warm water, sterilize for a quarter of an hour at a calm boil. Then twist and turn upside down, covering with a warm cloth.

Cucumbers in Korean hot pepper and tomatoes

The combination of Korean-style cucumbers for the winter and tomatoes is always successful, so many lovers of exotic cuisine will like this recipe.


1. 3 kg of non-bitter cucumbers;
2. 1 pod of hot paprika;
3. 1.5 kg of ripe tomatoes;
4. 4 pcs. pepper (sweet);
5. 0.5 st. 6% table vinegar;
6. 100 gr. garlic;
7. 1 st. sunflower oils;
8. 0.5 st. white sugar;
9. 2 tablespoons table salt.
Cooking method:

Before you start cooking Korean cucumbers for the winter, all vegetables used must be rinsed well. If the cucumbers are pimply-skinned, then you need to go over them with a brush to get the smallest particles of dirt.

Remove the seeds from the pepper, remove the husk from the garlic, cut the tomatoes into slices. Cut vegetables into random pieces and drive through a meat grinder. Cucumbers cut into long transverse slices.

Mix all prepared ingredients in a saucepan, adding all spices and seasonings except vinegar.

Send the salad to the burner. Boil for 20-25 minutes (it is not advisable to digest cucumbers), stirring occasionally. After a quarter of an hour, pour vinegar into Korean-style cucumbers for the winter, mix and, spreading out in a bedside container, close with lids. This recipe does not require sterilization.

Korean-style cucumbers with sesame seeds and apple cider vinegar

The appetizer is unusually crispy, spicy and very tasty. Any side dish goes great with this salad.


1. 1 kg of small cucumbers;
2. 2 tablespoons vinegar (apple);
3. 100 gr. sesame seed;
4. 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
5. 4 garlic cloves;
6. 2 tablespoons good quality soy sauce
7. 1 tsp table salt.
Cooking method:

If the cucumbers are not quite fresh, they need to be immersed in cold water. Cut each cucumber into 4 long strips, add salt and leave to let the juice in for 10 minutes.

Then decant excess juice, put vinegar, cayenne pepper (optional), soy sauce.

In oil in a heated frying pan, fry the sesame seeds until golden brown. Pour the contents of the pan over the cucumbers, mix and send the salad to the refrigerator for half an hour.

You can already eat these Korean-style cucumbers for the winter, but you can also prepare them for the winter. It is only necessary to arrange the cucumbers in jars, sterilize and roll up the lids.

Korean Cucumbers with French Mustard

Delicious Korean-style cucumbers for the winter with grains french mustard, which crunch so appetizingly. What could be better in winter for fried potatoes?


1. 7 kg of young cucumbers;
2. 6 large carrots;
3. 2 garlic heads;
4. 12 tablespoons sweet sand;
5. 6 tablespoons table salt;
6. 2 tsp coriander powder;
7. 1 st. refined sunflower oil;
8. 300 ml of 9% ordinary vinegar;
9. 2 tsp red ground paprika;
10. 6 tablespoons mustard with grains;
11. 2 tsp black pepper;
Cooking method:

Rinse the cucumbers, remove the tails and cut into long slices. Peel and chop the carrots, as for Korean. Mix carrots with cucumbers, add vegetable oil and all the spices from the list of ingredients. Mix everything and let it brew for a couple of hours.

After 2 hours, Korean-style cucumbers for the winter are mixed again and distributed in sterile jars. cover up tin lids and sterilize for a quarter of an hour. Roll up and store in the cellar.

Korean-style cucumbers for the winter with zucchini


1. 4 kg of young zucchini;
2. 4 kg of cucumbers with a pimply surface;
3. 1 liter of vegetable oil;
4. 2 tbsp. 9% simple vinegar;
5. 4 tablespoons pepper;
6. 4 tablespoons table mustard;
7. 8 cloves of garlic;
8. 4 tablespoons table salt;
9. 2 bunches of fresh herbs.
Cooking method:

Wash vegetables thoroughly. Cut the zucchini into half rings, if you need to remove the peel. Cucumbers cut into the same half rings or rings. Finely chop the clean dry herbs and add to the vegetables. Remove the husk from the garlic cloves and finely chop them. Mix all the ingredients, add spices and leave for an hour under the lid.

Arrange cucumbers in Korean for the winter in jars, sterilize and roll up with lids.

Korean salad with cucumbers and cabbage for the winter


1. 1 head of ordinary cabbage;
2. 3-4 large cucumbers;
3. 1 pod of colored bell pepper;
4. 2 garlic cloves;
5. 1 spoon of sweet sand;
6. 1 tsp sesame;
7. 2 carrots;
8. 50 gr. table vinegar;
9. 100 gr. sunflower oils;
10. 2 tsp fine salt"Extra";
11. 3 tablespoons good quality soy sauce
12. 1 tsp ready seasoning hops-suneli;
13. 0.5 tsp hot pepper.
Cooking method:

Remove the top sluggish leaves from the head and cut into large squares. Grate the carrots with straws. Cucumbers cut into thin slices. Pepper clean and cut into strips. Combine all vegetables and mix. Sprinkle minced garlic on top.

Fry sesame seeds with seasonings and spices in oil until all salt and sugar are dissolved. Pour the prepared vegetables over the hot dressing.

Tightly fill the jars with salad, cover and leave for a couple of hours in the cold. Then put to sterilize and roll up the lids.

Korean-style cucumbers for the winter - tricks and tips

To preserve cucumbers in Korean for the winter, you need to choose fresh cucumbers, just plucked from the bush. If this is not possible, then vegetables can be reanimated, bay cold water for a few hours. In the process, the water needs to be changed, because. it draws the bitterness out of the cucumber.

As for the shape and size of cucumbers, absolutely any fruit is suitable for this salad. They can be grated, cut into strips, circles, cubes or half rings.

The amount of sugar, pepper, garlic in the recipe can be reduced or increased to your liking. Experimenting with spices, you can create a taste from burning to gently sweet.

In order for the cucumbers to let the juice out faster, they need to be slightly salted and mixed, kneading with your hands.

It is better to store Korean-style cucumbers for the winter in a cool basement, pantry or cellar. Do not store jars in the apartment, otherwise they may swell.

Do not sterilize cucumbers for too long. In this case, they will quickly be digested and turn into an unappetizing porridge.

Side dish for this winter salad can serve boiled rice, mashed potatoes, baked potato or pasta.

Almost all Korean-style salads can be eaten immediately in fresh. So to speak, take a sample, and then roll it up.

Unlike ordinary pickled cucumbers, these will have a slightly spicy, piquant, special taste and aroma, which will be given to them by additional spices.

All ingredients are based on one three-liter jar.

First you need to thoroughly wash the cucumbers. Then the tip of each is cut off on both sides. If the cucumbers are fresh, straight from the garden, then you can not pre-soak them, because they are still juicy. It is advisable to soak purchased or slightly lain down for a couple of hours in cold, clean water.

Then you need to prepare all the spices. Everything that can be washed - wash and leave to dry a little. For spiciness, this recipe uses hot pepper. I took it from home, the peppercorn is very small, but very spicy, and therefore it is better not to cut it, but to put it whole. Big hot pepper it is necessary to remove the seeds, then the cucumbers will be moderately sharp.

After a couple of hours, drain the water from the soaked cucumbers. I then lay them on a towel to dry a little.

Preparing banks. It is convenient for me to close pickled cucumbers in three-liter ones, but you can take any, the main thing is to correctly calculate the amount of water, vinegar, salt and sugar based on the data in the list of ingredients. So, wash the jars thoroughly, dry and sterilize.

In the jars that have cooled down after sterilization, put peppercorns, parsley, currant leaves, parsley, garlic, and hot peppers at the bottom. I put dill and horseradish umbrellas at the very end, after the cucumbers, because if you put them at the bottom or in the middle, they interfere with putting the cucumbers in the jar.

Then I lay the first layer of cucumbers in a column. They must be placed tightly, so more will enter and there will be no useless air space. On them I put cut in half and peeled of seeds bell pepper, it does not give sharpness, but makes the marinade more saturated, tasty, fragrant.

The remaining space is again densely filled with cucumbers. At the very end, we push a clean horseradish stalk (with leaves) and dill umbrellas inside the jar.

For each 3-liter brine, approximately 1.5 liters of water will be required. Its quantity can be more or less, it all depends on the degree of filling of the jar.

Bring water to a boil and carefully fill each jar to the brim. Cover with a lid and leave like this for 20 minutes.

After that, we drain the water back, boil it again and repeat the procedure, that is, pour it into jars again and leave it.

When the water from the cans is drained into the pan for the second time, it will be necessary to add salt to it (we collect spoons without a slide)

We boil this water for the third time. Fill jars halfway and add vinegar there.

We add brine to the very brim and roll up the jars with sterilized metal lids.

Then carefully turn each jar (they are hot) on the floor upside down.

And after the banks have completely cooled, we turn them over to their normal position and send them for storage in a cool, dark place.

They can stand there for a couple of years, but usually the cucumbers are so tasty that they are eaten very quickly and do not stay that long.

Spicy pickled cucumbers for the winter are crispy and very tasty, they are eaten with pleasure by adults and children for something to eat or just like that.

I also suggest to all lovers of crispy cucumbers to try the recipe for delicious pickled cucumbers that has been proven over the years, which can already be called a classic in the field of pickling.

Time for preparing: PT01H00M 1 hour

Approximate cost per serving: 30 rub.

In summer, many women are engaged in preparing for the winter, and both husbands and children help them in difficult work. Those who do not have a garden go to the market for tomatoes, peppers, and zucchini. For the winter, all housewives try to close spicy cucumbers, but not everyone turns out delicious, they don’t always crunch, but such an appetizer will decorate any table, can be used in salads, serve as the basis for pickle, complement main dishes, goes well with mashed potatoes or fried potatoes .

Pickled greens differ from salted ones not only in cooking technology, but also in sharpness, smell, and taste. For seaming, fresh cucumbers of a dense consistency about 10 cm long are selected, oak and horseradish leaves are used, bitter ground pepper is added.

Various spices, spices and vinegar contribute to the fact that the cucumbers are crispy, acquire a rich taste and sharpness. Such greens are called piquant. For the preparation of pickled vegetables, garlic is used, various seasonings, but in small quantities, otherwise you can kill the natural aroma of greens.

How to choose and prepare cucumbers for conservation

If you don’t have your own dacha and garden, it’s better to go to the market for vegetables for winter seasoning, and not to the supermarket. Early in the morning, such goods are traded by those who grow them. Cucumbers that lie until evening will lose their freshness.

Sluggish greens need to be bypassed, they have been sold for more than a day, and such fruits will definitely not crunch in canned form.

Not all varieties of vegetables are suitable for seaming. salad cucumbers for a long time they seem as if they had just been plucked from the garden, but through the thick peel that they possess, neither brine nor marinade gets into the pulp.

Universal varieties of greens can be closed in jars and consumed fresh in salads. By selection, special pickled cucumbers with almost black thorns and thin skin, which is easy to pierce with a fingernail, have been bred. You need to pickle fruits that have:

  • oblong shape;
  • bright green color;
  • lighter sides.

From a vegetable, on the surface of which there are cracks and dents, spicy cucumbers will not work. For conservation, it is recommended to take fruits up to 12 cm long, larger specimens should be cut into rings. Before preservation, greens must be soaked for 5 hours.

Pickled Pickled Cucumber Recipes

oak, cherry, currant leaves put in a jar so that the workpiece is stored longer, the fruits do not soften, but have a firm texture.

Cucumbers can be seasoned with various spices, but use them in small quantities, otherwise the fruits will start to taste bitter and lose their flavor. Knowledgeable hostesses greens do not close without hot pepper and garlic. These 2 products add spiciness and piquancy, improve taste. To save green color, mustard seeds are poured into jars.

Easy way for beginners

Choosing strong and juicy vegetables with small seeds, they must be washed with running water and cut off the stalks. To make the cucumbers crispy and spicy, for 4 kg of greens you need to take:

  • hot pepper - 10 grams;
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • sunflower oil - 250 ml;
  • vinegar - 1 cup.

Garlic must be cut into small pieces. It will take several heads so that after grinding you get 3 tbsp. product spoons. The peppers are ground in a mill just before the savory pickles are cooked, giving the vegetables a rich, spicy flavor.

Zelentsy should be put in a bowl, pour spices, salt and sugar, pour in sunflower oil and vinegar. After mixing all the ingredients, leave for 2 hours so that they are saturated with spices.

In jars heated over steam, vegetables are placed along with the liquid. The workpiece is sterilized for 15–25 minutes, depending on the volume of dishes, 0.5 l or liter.

With horseradish

All family members and guests will like spicy pickled cucumbers if you use not only spices for cooking, but also herbs, cherry and walnut leaves, currants and horseradish, each is taken in 4-5 pieces. You will need other ingredients:

  • dill - a bunch;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • allspice - 5 peas, 1 bitter;
  • vinegar - a spoon;
  • garlic - 6 or 7 teeth;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • coriander.

To leave bitterness, cucumbers are soaked in cool water for at least 6 hours. Washed leaves, dill, hot peppers, cut into pieces, must be placed on the bottom of sterile jars, greens are placed above them in columns.

Pour boiling water into the dishes for 20 minutes, after which the jars are freed from water. Garlic, onion and other components are added to it and put back on the fire. Jars are filled with hot brine and vinegar. Vegetables are rolled up with lids.

With a slice of lemon

savory cucumbers easy to prepare for the winter, without many ingredients. Some housewives close young greens without using either vinegar or essence, but take:

  • bulb;
  • lemon and a bag of acid;
  • pepper and cloves;
  • garlic;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt and sugar.

Spices are placed at the bottom of the jar, the onion is cut into rings. Cucumbers without tails are placed on top, a circle of lemon on the side. Containers with ingredients are filled with boiling water and covered. After 15 minutes, the liquid is drained and boiled together with salt and sugar, after which a bag is poured into it. citric acid. The hot solution is poured into jars, the bottom is covered with gauze. After a day, the workpiece must be taken out to the cellar or basement. Crispy and spicy greens with potatoes will appeal to all households.

with mustard

Cucumbers often change color during heat treatment. Housewives know how to pickle vegetables so that they are tasty, spicy and retain their natural color. If cucumbers are not collected from the garden, but bought at the market, they must be kept in cool water for at least 3 hours, fresh fruits enough to soak for 60 minutes. Taking advantage simple recipe, take:

  • horseradish leaves, cherries, currants;
  • salt and granulated sugar;
  • bitter and allspice;
  • mustard seeds;
  • vinegar and garlic.

The tails are cut off from the greens, and the tops are also removed. The leaves are placed in boiling water for a couple of minutes, and then sent to the bottom of the jars along with garlic cloves, peas of bitter and allspice. Cucumbers should be tightly laid in rows. Containers with greens are covered with boiling water. After 20 minutes, it is poured into a saucepan. For a liter of water, you need to take 2 tablespoons of sugar and one salt. Mustard seeds are poured into the jar, vegetables are seasoned with marinade, 20 grams of vinegar are added.