Braga put from not tasty wine. How to make high-quality moonshine from wine? Technology and features of the distillation of a wine product

In the case of making strong drinks, or if you have spoiled wine, it can be distilled into moonshine. This is how cognac, armagnac, chacha and others are made. This is not a complicated process that improves the quality of the drink. The main thing is to follow the technology in order to get an acceptable result.

Please note that sour wines are not recommended for distillation, as acetic acid will give moonshine an unpleasant sour taste. The same applies to cheap purchased wines that contain preservatives. Moonshine from such wines is not advisable to drive. From your time and effort spent, you will get a low quality result, which, most likely, no one will drink.

The article provides instructions on how to properly make moonshine from wine. Read them carefully so as not to make mistakes, not to spoil the raw materials and to get the result you expect.

If a decision is made to make strong alcohol out of wine, then some difficulties may appear in the way of accomplishing this task.

As a raw material for moonshine, it is better to take homemade wine without concentrates and additives.
Distilling wine into moonshine using a ready-made store-bought drink can be a waste of time, as such wine uses preservatives and dyes. For example, with a high concentration of a preservative such as sodium sulfate, the finished moonshine has an unpleasant odor, and various dyes worsen the taste. Therefore, it is better not to distill cheap wine drinks.

If homemade wine (apple or grape) is used for processing, then distillation allows you to get a sufficiently high-quality moonshine, unless sour alcohol is consumed.

Although this drawback can be eliminated if you use filtration with coal and add soda to an alcoholic solution. Partially, this technique allows you to correct the situation, but still a specific aftertaste remains. We must also take into account the fact that obtaining 1 liter of high-quality moonshine from homemade wine requires processing 18 - 20 liters of this drink.

Technology for the production of alcohol from wine materials

Moonshine from wine at home can be obtained if you apply the following method of its manufacture:

  • preliminary preparation of wine materials;
  • fermentation of the resulting mixture;
  • distillation into alcohol and purification.

To get a wine drink at home, the recipe suggests using juice.
Fruit juice is best squeezed with a juicer
To make it, you need apples or grapes. You need to purchase the following ingredients:

  • sugar sand - 2.5 - 3 kg;
  • pure water - 9 - 10 l;
  • yeast - 90 - 100 g;
  • apples (clusters of grapes) -14 - 15 kg.

Fruits do not need to be washed. The core is removed from the apples, and the grape berries are separated from the branches.

Eliminate rot, dirt, damaged elements.

Liquid from fruits can be obtained using a juicer. Those moonshiners who know a little about winemaking prefer to crush the berries with a press or with their feet. Apples can also be chopped on a grater. Some recipes suggest simply dicing the fruit, but in this case a lot of pulp is formed.

After receiving the juice, it must be placed in an enamel bowl. There he will begin to wander. Get the pulp and liquid fraction. This process takes 3 days. After that, the pulp is removed, and granulated sugar is added to the juice. For 1 liter of liquid, 0.2 kg of the substance is needed. Stir the solution thoroughly so that it dissolves completely. For more information on making moonshine from wine, see this video:

The resulting wine blank is seasoned with water and yeast, after which it is poured into a glass container. A water seal is installed on top. The vessel must be taken out to a room where the temperature is maintained at +18 ... +24 ° С. If apples were used, then the fermentation process lasts 40-45 days.

The process of making the best moonshine on wine

The best moonshine wine recipes involve the use of wine made from apples or grapes. It is from these varieties of wine that the original drink turns out to be delicious, refined and extraordinarily tasty. The preparation of such a royal drink consists of several stages:

  1. First you need to prepare all the material
  2. Then the fermentation process takes place.
  3. Braga is being distilled
  4. The resulting product is cleaned and filtered, bottled
  5. Ready to eat

Let's analyze each stage in detail so that your product is truly the best. Let's make moonshine using recipes from apple wine. All cooking recipes are the same, both with apple wine and grape wine, the only difference is that it is a little more difficult to get juice from grapes.

To reproduce the recipe, we need:

Preparation of materials for the drink

We peel the best, ripe fruits of apples, while washing them first is not worth it! We remove the insides, damaged or rotted areas. Further, using a juicer, we get pure natural apple juice, or we chop apples in a convenient way for you. If there is no juicer available, simply squeeze the resulting mixture through cheesecloth to get juice.

To start the initial fermentation, all the resulting juice should be poured into a saucepan (enamelled), it will quickly activate the process and divide the juice into 2 parts: pulp and liquid.

We leave for 3 days, after which we remove the pulp using a colander. In order for all proportions to be observed, it is necessary to make an accurate measurement of the amount of juice obtained. Next, add sugar, per 1 liter of juice - 200 g of sugar. Mix well so that the sugar dissolves and you can pour water and add yeast.

fermentation stage

We leave the liquid to ferment, corking the glass vessel well and installing a water seal. This container should stand in a dark room, with an air temperature of 19-25 ºС. Apple moonshine ferments for about a month and a half. An important point is the exact understanding that the fermentation process is completed, this item determines the quality of the final product.

If the liquid ferments, the output will be a completely weak and tasteless moonshine, and if, on the contrary, the mash is not fermented, a small amount of drink will be obtained after the distillation. This will help you recipes, of which there are a large number on the network.

Next step: distillation

Distillation is the most crucial moment of the entire production process of this drink. Pour the finished mash into a container for cooking moonshine and begin to heat to the desired temperature over low heat. When the liquid warms up well, you can turn on the fire a little. Distillation obliges to have a well-sealed moonshine still so that a minimum of product is lost during the production process.

We monitor the temperature and help to cool. When the temperature of the drink reaches 89 ºС, moonshine starts to drip - this is how our pervak ​​is obtained. It consists of approximately 200-300 ml of an unpleasant-looking and smelling liquid. It cannot be consumed and should be discarded. After pervak, good moonshine will begin to come out, which is suitable for reception. The recipes say that you should get about 3 liters with a strength of 60%. Repeated distillation also gives 2-3 liters of moonshine, but already with a strength of 40%.

We check the quality of moonshine with a cotton swab dipped in liquid. We set it on fire, if it burns well, then the product is excellent. But this is not the final stage.

Purification of the resulting alcohol

To do this, we need a sieve or watering can, covered with several layers of cotton wool and gauze. On top we pour crushed activated carbon. Coal perfectly removes sharp and bad odors, as well as harmful impurities. If, after cleaning, you put the moonshine in the freezer, then it will be much more pleasant and will benefit both in taste and smell.

This is because during freezing, all harmful impurities are removed from the drink. To add piquancy to the taste of moonshine on wine, you can add dried apples to the finished drink and insist for another couple of weeks.

grape chacha recipe

The simplest production of chacha is the distillation of grape wine on a home-made moonshine still.

On average, 15 liters of grape wine yields three liters of chacha 55 degrees (double distillation). The middle part is taken with a strong cutting of the "tails" of moonshine. From the residues, you can get raw alcohol, about another 2 liters, which can be additionally distilled in a distillation column to 90 degrees alcohol and subsequently made from it into ordinary vodka.

Chacha distillation

After the end of active fermentation of grape wine, it is filtered through gauze, this is a mandatory procedure, since the pulp that has got into the moonshine can burn and thereby greatly spoil the taste of home-made chacha.

After the first distillation, it is necessary to clean the moonshine.

The second distillation is carried out with a large cut-off of "heads" and "tails", this allows you to get a quality product, after which you will not get a headache. Do not be greedy with this distillation! It is better to overtake the last part with the beginning of "tails" into a separate container and later use it to obtain high-grade alcohol in a rectifier.

After the second distillation, homemade chacha is filtered.

At the end of the filtration, the chacha prepared by one's own hands is bottled and allowed to stand for a month. After that, grape chacha is ready for tasting.

One way to improve the taste of chacha is to leave it in an open bottle for 5-7 days. During this time, the strength of homemade chacha drops by 2-3 degrees, but the drink becomes much softer in taste and the smell of alcohol disappears.

Preparation of grape wine for the production of chacha

For the preparation of home-made wine, only well-ripened grapes are taken. Raw materials must be of the highest quality, that is, no mold and rot! The berries are separated from the brushes. Grape juice contains fruit acids, which are good for the skin in small amounts, but wine will require a lot of grapes to sort through, so it is worth protecting your hands with light medical gloves.

  1. The berries separated from the brushes are crushed with a press or a crush from improvised means.
  2. It is impossible to crush grapes with a juicer or a meat grinder, as these devices crush the bones, and this is unacceptable for making good wine.
  3. The pulp is placed in any suitable container, for example, in a bucket or pan.
  4. If the berries are not sweet enough, a little fruit sugar is added and kept at a temperature of about + 25 °.
  5. It is necessary to fill the container in such a way that the raised “cap” has somewhere to “puff”.
  6. In order for the pulp to evenly give off tannins and dyes, it must be stirred periodically.

After 3-4 days, the pulp is filtered first through a colander, and then through a sieve or gauze. The wort is poured into glass (ten or twenty-liter) cylinders, a water seal is installed or a rubber glove is put on the neck. In the glove, it is necessary to make punctures with a thin needle. The taste does not depend on how to make homemade wine from grapes - with the help of a shutter or a glove.

Sugar falls asleep in several steps. To prepare grape wine suitable for making chacha, you need from 1 kg of sugar per ten liters of wine. Sugar is added on the fourth, seventh and tenth day. This allows the grapes to actively ferment.

At the end of active fermentation, the wine is drained using a flexible hose, the sediment can be flavored with sugar, topped up with water and left to ferment to obtain raw alcohol. Only wine of the first fermentation is used for chacha.

How moonshine from wine is used

Distillate from grape wine is also obtained for industrial purposes. It is then used to make such elite drinks as cognac and calvados. You can make good cognac at home, and you will be able to get a product of excellent quality within 6-8 months after the end of the distillation process. For these purposes, only high-quality grape wine is suitable.

Homemade cognac from wine moonshine, it will turn out not already vintage!

You will also need to place the resulting moonshine from wine in oak barrels for the specified number of months; in the absence of oak barrels, glass containers can be used. In order for the final product to acquire the desired shade and flavor, oak chips are placed in the container. The resulting final product will not yield to expensive brands of cognac in terms of taste.

However, even without such tincture on oak chips, moonshine made from fruit or grape wines has a pleasant mild taste and aromatic fruity notes.

What kind of wine can be taken for distillation

Failed wines are suitable, young and those that have expired. Almost all types of homemade drink are suitable for processing. You can use any fruit wines, grape, sweet and semi-dry, fortified.

You can use purchased wines (grape, fruit and berry), but here you should remember that inexpensive brands contain a large amount of preservatives, which will make the final product unsuitable for consumption. The drink will have an unpleasant smell of sulfur, will be hard to drink. Good moonshine comes out of high-quality purchased wine, but its cost is high in the end.

The most acceptable will be moonshine from homemade wine. Its production cost is low and the end product is excellent.

When choosing raw materials for moonshine, you can not stop at sour wine. Moonshine from sour wine has the smell and taste of vinegar. This off-flavour cannot be removed by re-distillation, nor is it removed by multi-stage purification. Sour grape wines suffer from a particularly strong unpleasant aftertaste.

When using sour wine, the taste of the drink will be hopelessly spoiled.


The preparation of this product is not difficult for those who have already done it and will not be difficult for beginners. Those who undertook to distill homemade wine for distillate should use our advice:

  • Homemade wine is better to distill 2 times. So the final product will receive higher cleaning and good quality.
  • After processing, the resulting product should not be cleaned, this eliminates the taste and aroma of fruits.
  • After the end of the distillation, homemade moonshine should be kept in glass containers for several days, and preferably a month. The final aroma will be unique and the taste mild.

First distillation

For her, you just need to pour the wine into a moonshine cube and start the process.

From 10 liters of wine with a strength of 13–14%, the product yield is about 3 liters, but the final result depends not only on the wine, but also on the speed of the process and is usually much lower.

Important! When pouring wine into a cube, be sure to drain it from the sediment and strain through several layers of gauze. Fruit particles or other ingredients should not get into the cube, they can block the movement of the distillate and provoke an explosion.

To obtain a quality product, it should be distilled slowly, at a rate of 3 liters per hour. The whole product obtained is divided into fractions:

  • The head is the first 12% of the distillation (if 10 liters of wine are poured, then this is about 200 g). This fraction contains many harmful substances, has an unpleasant odor, is harmful to the human body, it is usually used for technical purposes (added to grape mash), but not drunk.
  • The body is the main part, this part is determined by the strength (presence of alcohol), it must be at least 40%.
  • The tail or tails are the last part of the haul, often cloudy. It is also undrinkable.

The resulting product must be diluted with water up to 40%, poured into glass bottles. It can be drunk after 2-3 days.

If a second distillation is planned, it is still better to separate the resulting product into fractions and use only the body diluted to 25% ABV for distillation.

The product obtained should not be purified before the second distillation.

Second distillation

In principle, you can drink moonshine from homemade wine even after the first distillation, but the second processing will allow you to get a very high-quality, soft product that is pleasant to drink.

It should be remembered that after the second distillation from 10 liters of the original product, the yield will be slightly more than 2 liters.

First you need to dilute the resulting product to 20-25%. So, if you take 10 liters of 45-degree moonshine, then you will need to add another 5 liters of water to it. After that, you can pour the prepared product into the cube.

The resulting distillate should also be separated into fractions, while the heads and tails should be taken in the same proportions as in the first distillation.

Advice. To give an unusual flavor to the distillate, it can be infused for 2 weeks on dried apples, cinnamon or cloves.


You should not clean home-made moonshine from grape or fruit wines; after cleaning, the aroma of grapes or fruits will disappear, which is very undesirable.

  • Cleaning moonshine from wine that has turned sour is not at all worth it; you still won’t be able to remove the taste of vinegar.
  • If, nevertheless, there is a desire or need to carry out cleaning, then the easiest way to do this is with activated carbon.
  • Cleaning will require several tablets of activated carbon, gauze and cotton wool: the coal is crushed, placed on gauze between layers of cotton wool, cotton wool is also wrapped with gauze, then the resulting distillate is filtered through an impromptu filter.

How to get moonshine from fruit juice

You can get an excellent quality drink from fresh fruit juice, apple juice is best. For this you need:

  • Apples, plums, other fruits - 15 kg;
  • Pressed yeast, (wine yeast is also suitable for moonshine) - 110 g;
  • Sugar at the rate of 0.2 kg for each 1 liter of juice;
  • Water - 10 liters.

Before you make moonshine, you will need to squeeze the juice, make wine out of it, and only then drive the distillate. Work should be carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Squeeze juice from apples or other fruits, berries.
  2. Place the resulting juice for 3 days in a warm place.
  3. Then squeeze the pulp to measure the amount of juice.
  4. Dilute the juice with sugar, then add water and the required rate of yeast to it. Mix everything.
  5. Pour the resulting mixture into a bottle, put on a water seal for 1.5 months.
  6. Then drain from the sediment and pour into a still for distillation.
  7. During distillation, moonshine is divided into fractions.

Dilute the final product to the desired strength.

How to make moonshine from purchased or homemade wine

Alcoholic strong drinks are a symbol of all holidays. Since ancient times, there has been a tradition to put vodka, mead, wine, moonshine on the table. Many prepare homemade strong alcohol. For a change, you can distill moonshine from wine. It is possible to prepare it both from homemade and from purchased wine.

In industry, it is distilled for further infusion and obtaining Calvados or cognac. Usually at home they distill wine that failed in taste, as well as expired. Moonshine from wine turns out high-quality and soft. One question remains, how to make it at home.

Raw materials for homemade alcohol

Store-bought inexpensive wine that is sold in boxes is not very suitable for distillation. They are often of low quality and contain a large amount of preservatives and dyes. If you overtake wine for moonshine, then it will turn out to be of not very high quality with a heavy smell.

wine distillation process

It's time to learn how to distill wine:

  1. If sediment is present, it is best to separate it from the wine. Pour the prepared wine into a still for distillation.
  2. Distill slowly so that the output is no more than 3 liters per hour. From each liter, it is necessary to separate and pour the first 20 ml. For example, when distilling 3 liters of wine, you need to drain the first 60 ml.
  3. Continue distillation until the strength of the finished drink drops below 40 degrees.
  4. Clean the finished drink through a charcoal filter. However, the fruity flavor may be lost. Then there is another way out. It is necessary to overtake it a second time.
  5. If you carry out a second distillation, then the distillate must be diluted with water until it reaches a strength of 20-30 degrees.
  6. The resulting drink can be diluted with water to a suitable strength, bottled and sealed.

Making moonshine from scratch from apple wine

There are all sorts of recipes for making strong alcohol from wine from scratch. Technology can be disassembled based on apple. For its manufacture you will need:

  • peeled apples - 15 kg;
  • clean water - 10 l;
  • pressed yeast - 110 g

Apples must be passed through a juicer or meat grinder. To make moonshine, you need juice.

  1. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan, preferably enameled, and leave for three days. After the lapse of time, remove the pulp. Measure the amount of liquid and add 200 grams of sugar for each liter. Mix, add water and yeast.
  2. Pour the liquid into the bottle and install a water seal. Leave for about 6 weeks.
  3. The most important stage is distillation. You need to drive on a slow fire. In this case, the head and tail fractions should be separated. The head ones include the first 200-300 ml of finished moonshine. Tail fractions begin when the fortress drops to 40 degrees. It needs to be run twice. The output should be about 3 liters of quality drink.
  4. The last step is cleaning. It works with regular activated charcoal. It must be placed between gauze folded in several layers or cotton wool. Strain the resulting liquid through this structure.
  5. The drink is ready. But in order for the taste to be more saturated, you can insist on dried apples. It will be enough to insist 2 weeks.

Using the same technology, you can prepare strong homemade alcohol from any fruits and berries.

How to distill wine

  1. Remove the wine from the sediment (if any), then pour into an alembic. The aging of the drink does not matter. You can make moonshine from young and aged wines, this does not affect the quality of the finished product.
  2. Distill the wine for the first time without fractionation. Finish the selection of distillate when the output strength (in the jet) falls below 25-30 degrees. If at first an unpleasant smell of sulfur appeared (typical for shop wines), collect the first 15-20 ml from each liter of wine separately and pour it out.
  3. Measure the strength of the resulting moonshine (may be cloudy, this is normal). Determine the amount of absolute alcohol (multiply the volume by the percentage of the fortress and divide by 100). For example, if there are 3 liters of distillate with a strength of 43%, then the pure alcohol content is 1.29 liters (3 * 43/100).
  4. Dilute moonshine with water up to 20%. To leave a fruity smell, do not clean with charcoal and other methods, but immediately after dilution, make a second distillation.
  5. Collect the first 12-15% of the yield from the amount of absolute alcohol (1.29*0.15=0.194) separately. This harmful fraction is called "head" and can only be used for technical purposes.
  6. Select the main product (called the “body”) until the strength in the jet drops below 40%, and then finish the distillation, or collect this distillate separately (“tail”).
  7. Dilute the resulting moonshine from wine with water to the desired strength (usually 40-45 degrees), pour into glass containers and close tightly. Before use, let stand for 2-3 days to complete the chemical mixing reactions.

Theoretically, with a strength of 14% from 1 liter of wine, you can get about 260 ml of forty-degree distillate, in practice the yield will be lower due to fractional distillation.

moonshine apple wine recipe

Apples of any variety are suitable, as long as they are juicy and ripe. When mixing varieties, the drink is even more interesting.


  • 30 kilograms of apples (get 10 liters of juice);
  • 2 kilos of sugar.


Peel unwashed apples from spoiled areas and cores. Squeeze the juice on a juicer and pour into an enameled or glass container. Put it in a warm place for three days, be sure to cover it with gauze. Break up the pulp that has surfaced several times a day.

Strain the juice and squeeze out the pulp. Pour into a fermentation container. Add sugar to the fermented juice at the rate of 1:5, mix. The initial sugar content of the wine should not exceed 20%, otherwise the fermentation will be sluggish. If the apples were unsweetened, the amount of sugar needs to be increased.

After establishing the water seal, transfer to a dark, warm room. Ripening will last approximately 4 weeks. After the end of fermentation, strain and overtake.

Recipe for grape wine for moonshine

Grapes can be used both white and blue. If you take sour varieties, you need to add more sugar, and in order not to overdo it, it is better to do it in small portions.

Composition and correct proportions:

  • 2 large buckets of grapes (you get 10 liters of juice);
  • 2 kilograms of granulated sugar.

Step by step sequence of actions.

Unwashed grapes are cleaned of debris and crushed with hands, feet or a press. Branches can be left, they will give the wine a special flavor. Fill the container (glass, enamelled, wooden, food plastic) with the pressure mass to 2/3 of the volume.

Leave in a warm room for 4-5 days (if more, it may turn sour), not forgetting to break the surfaced pulp daily with a wooden spatula.

On the last day, do not break the pulp (so it is easier to remove it), collect and squeeze. Strain the fermented juice through cheesecloth. Add sugar to it and stir until it is completely dissolved. You can warm the liquid a little, then fermentation will be more active.

Pour into bottles, close them with lids with a water seal. For convenience, write the date on the containers. Leave to ferment for at least 21 days.

When the young wine is ready, drain from the sediment through a tube and overtake.

Plum wine recipe for moonshine

Plum wine is endowed with a wonderful aroma, which is largely retained after distillation. Therefore, it is often used to make moonshine. However, only dark varieties are suitable for us.


  • 15 kilograms of plums;
  • 2 kilograms of sugar;
  • 14 liters of water.


Ripe unwashed plums free from pits. Grind the fruits in a meat grinder or in another way to a puree state. Add water (1:1) and leave the mixture to ferment for several days (do not cover with a lid, only with gauze).

Strain and add sugar. Pour into a bottle with a water seal. After 4-6 weeks, fermentation will be completed.


Drain the wine mash from the sediment (if any) into a distillation cube. First, heat over low heat, then raise the temperature to 85-90 ° C and keep at this level. Raw alcohol will begin to drip. Collect it before the fortress falls below 30 degrees. Dilute with water up to 20 degrees.

Redistill the distillate. Collect and discard the first 100-150 mm - this unpleasantly smelling liquid is not suitable for drinking. Then collect until the fortress falls below 40-45 degrees. Collect the rest of the output separately, it can be used to raise the strength of the new mash before driving.

Moonshine turned out good if the cotton wool soaked in it burns.


This procedure significantly improves the quality of alcohol - eliminates unpleasant odors and harmful impurities. It is not necessary to do it, but it is desirable, especially if the wine was store-bought.

Lay in a watering can in layers, alternating cotton wool (gauze) and crushed activated carbon. Drain the distillate through a watering can and dilute with water to 40-45 degrees.

Making moonshine from wine is not so difficult, however, the yield is small - out of 10 liters of just a little more than 1 liter of 45-degree distillate. But it will take its rightful place among the best of your hand-made spirits. You will get it on special occasions.

Cleaner tears!

Home-made moonshine from wine obtained from grape and apple raw materials is considered one of the most delicious types of moonshine. The process of its manufacture consists of several stages:

  • – preparation of wine material,
  • - its fermentation
  • - distillation
  • - purification of the finished product.

Let's consider each stage in detail on the example of apple raw materials for winemaking. The process is identical for grape wine, only getting juice from grapes is much easier than from apples. We will need:

  • - apples - 15 kg;
  • - water - 10 l;
  • - granulated sugar - 3 kg;
  • - yeast - 100 g.

1. Preparation of wine material

The harvested crop of ripe apples is not washed, but subjected to dry cleaning, removing the core, dirt, damaged areas and rot. We extract the juice of their fruits with a juicer, and if it is not there, then the apples should be chopped in any other way, for example, using a grater.

Squeeze the crushed mixture using gauze and a press. The finished juice is placed in an enamel pan for initial fermentation, which will cause a violent process that separates the juice into pulp and liquid. On the third day of fermentation, the pulp accumulated on top should be removed using a colander.

The resulting juice is measured to comply with the required proportion of the addition of granulated sugar. This sweet ingredient is added to the wine material at the rate of 200 grams per liter of liquid. Mix the wine preparation thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add water and yeast to the solution.

2. Fermentation

Now the resulting liquid is poured into a glass vessel and closed with a water seal. We place a bottle with wine material in a room where the temperature fluctuates between 18 -24 degrees.

Fermentation of apple raw materials takes a month and a half, but even after the process of carbon dioxide separation is completely attenuated, you should wait at least five days until the fermentation processes in apple mash are completed. It is very important to guess the moment of complete maturation of the mash, since the quality of the future moonshine depends on it. If the mash has stood still, the moonshine will turn out to be tasteless and weak, and if, on the contrary, it is not ripe, the yield of moonshine will be significantly reduced.

3. Distillation

So, we proceed to the most important stage in the production of moonshine. The mash obtained as a result of fermentation is placed in a moonshine still and heated over low heat. As soon as the liquid warms up, we add fire. It is very important that the moonshine still be completely sealed - this is necessary in order to minimize the loss of product through evaporation. We provide cooling and monitor the temperature.

As soon as the temperature approaches 90 degrees, moonshine begins to drip - the so-called "pervak" - 250-300 ml of liquid with an unpleasant pungent odor. Pervak ​​is a poisonous liquid that should never be consumed. After pervak, moonshine comes out, suitable for consumption. Its volume is about three liters, and the fortress reaches 60%. Then the fortress decreases and a drink with a strength of about 40 degrees is expelled, the volume of which is also about 2-3 liters.

You can check the quality of the finished product with a cotton swab dipped in fresh moonshine. If it burns, the product will turn out well. However, the process is not over yet.

4. Finished product cleaning

Purification of moonshine consists in filtering the product through a sieve with crushed activated carbon. This will help remove odors and accidental impurities. The use of low temperatures also has a good effect on the quality of home-made alcohol. Moonshine placed in the freezer significantly benefits in taste and smell, since all harmful impurities will be frozen and removed from the product.

To improve the taste and aroma of the drink, you can add some dried apples to moonshine from wine and insist for two weeks

How to make chacha from grape wine

Grapes for making chacha from wine should be well ripe, without signs of spoilage and rot.
For better fermentation, the berries do not need to be washed, although you still have to work hard. The grapes are well kneaded and with the help of a strainer or colander, all the bones are selected.

When sorting through a large number of grapes, use gloves - fruit acids strongly corrode the skin. It is undesirable to knead through a juicer or a meat grinder, since in this case the bones will fall into the wine.

Before making chacha, prepare a container into which you will need to transfer the pulp. It can be a small wooden barrel or a milk can in which the drink will ferment. Depending on the grape variety, you can make wine with or without sugar. If you are using not very sweet berries, then you can add a little granulated sugar. You need to stir the mash daily while it ferments in a warm place. Use a plastic or wooden spoon with a long handle, metal utensils will oxidize and give the drink an unpleasant aftertaste.


Braga for wine from the pulp should ferment for 3-4 days, after which it will need to be filtered through a sieve or colander. You can use gauze or fine mesh. Strained wort is poured into glass jars or a milk can with a water seal.

  1. If you take glass jars, then you can use ordinary medical gloves instead of a water seal. In one of the fingers, make a small puncture through which carbon dioxide will escape.
  2. According to this recipe, chacha from wine is prepared with the addition of sugar - 100 grams of sugar will need to be added to 1 liter of liquid. Do not add sugar immediately. Divide the sugar into equal portions and add it in several doses - on days 4, 7 and 10. Thanks to this technology, the wine will ferment actively and will not turn sour.
  3. The finished wine should be carefully poured with a funnel so as not to raise the sediment. If desired, the sediment can also be diluted with water, add sugar and set for fermentation - from this mixture it will be possible to obtain good raw alcohol. For the recipe for chacha from grape wine, a second-fermentation drink is not suitable.

When the wine is ready and well filtered from the pulp and sediment, it will be possible to start distilling the drink.

Double distilled wine chacha

You can decide for yourself how to make chacha from wine - it can be single or double distillation. To get a better drink, it is best to overtake the wine twice. After the first distillation, the drink should be purified - for this you can use ordinary activated carbon.

The second distillation should be carried out with cutting off the head and tail fractions. Approximately 10% of the total amount of liquid at the beginning and at the end of distillation should be discarded. This will allow you to prepare chacha of really past quality, a drink that never gives you a headache, and there are no unpleasant symptoms of a hangover. The finished double-distilled grape chacha is once again well filtered and poured into a vessel for maturation. You need to insist on chacha for at least one month - after that you can try the fragrant drink.

As a snack for this drink, you can use a variety of dishes - it all depends on your personal preference. Pickles and marinades, hot meat dishes and sweet snacks are equally suitable for chacha.

It is customary to drink it in its pure form from small glasses. Before use, it is advisable to cool slightly or add some ice.

One of the best strong alcoholic drinks that can be prepared at home is wine moonshine. As a basis, you can take any young or matured wine. More often they use apple, plum and grape. They give the finished drink a distinct aroma of fruits and berries, as well as an equally expressive aftertaste.

Usually they distill not too successful homemade wine or stitched store wine. Moonshine still turns out good. The only thing you need to know is that sour alcohol should never be used. The distillate will have a sour smell, even sugar and soda will not save the day.

Moonshine from homemade wine is the highest quality and natural. Of course, you will have to tinker with it, but the result will be simply excellent! The cheapest store-bought wine contains dyes and preservatives, and a large amount of sodium sulfate spoils the smell of moonshine, so you should not mess with it.

First of all, we need mash from wine, which is subsequently distilled into distillate. Therefore, first of all, we should arm ourselves with a few proven recipes and start preparing the basis for future moonshine.

moonshine apple wine recipe

Apples of any variety are suitable, as long as they are juicy and ripe. When mixing varieties, the drink is even more interesting.


  • 30 kilograms of apples (get 10 liters of juice);
  • 2 kilos of sugar.


Peel unwashed apples from spoiled areas and cores. Squeeze the juice on a juicer and pour into an enameled or glass container. Put it in a warm place for three days, be sure to cover it with gauze. Break up the pulp that has surfaced several times a day.

Strain the juice and squeeze out the pulp. Pour into a fermentation container. Add sugar to the fermented juice at the rate of 1:5, mix. The initial sugar content of the wine should not exceed 20%, otherwise the fermentation will be sluggish. If the apples were unsweetened, the amount of sugar needs to be increased.

After establishing the water seal, transfer to a dark, warm room. Ripening will last approximately 4 weeks. After the end of fermentation, strain and overtake.

Recipe for grape wine for moonshine

Grapes can be used both white and blue. If you take sour varieties, you need to add more sugar, and in order not to overdo it, it is better to do it in small portions.

Composition and correct proportions:

  • 2 large buckets of grapes (you get 10 liters of juice);
  • 2 kilograms of granulated sugar.

Step by step sequence of actions.

Unwashed grapes are cleaned of debris and crushed with hands, feet or a press. Branches can be left, they will give the wine a special flavor. Fill the container (glass, enamelled, wooden, food plastic) with the pressure mass to 2/3 of the volume.

Leave in a warm room for 4-5 days (if more, it may turn sour), not forgetting to break the surfaced pulp daily with a wooden spatula.

On the last day, do not break the pulp (so it is easier to remove it), collect and squeeze. Strain the fermented juice through cheesecloth. Add sugar to it and stir until it is completely dissolved. You can warm the liquid a little, then fermentation will be more active.

Pour into bottles, close them with lids with a water seal. For convenience, write the date on the containers. Leave to ferment for at least 21 days.

When the young wine is ready, drain from the sediment through a tube and overtake.

Plum wine recipe for moonshine

Plum wine is endowed with a wonderful aroma, which is largely retained after distillation. Therefore, it is often used to make moonshine. However, only dark varieties are suitable for us.


  • 15 kilograms of plums;
  • 2 kilograms of sugar;
  • 14 liters of water.


Ripe unwashed plums free from pits. Grind the fruits in a meat grinder or in another way to a puree state. Add water (1:1) and leave the mixture to ferment for several days (do not cover with a lid, only with gauze).

Strain and add sugar. Pour into a bottle with a water seal. After 4-6 weeks, fermentation will be completed.


Drain the wine mash from the sediment (if any) into a distillation cube. First, heat over low heat, then raise the temperature to 85-90 ° C and keep at this level. Raw alcohol will begin to drip. Collect it before the fortress falls below 30 degrees. Dilute with water up to 20 degrees.

Redistill the distillate. Collect and discard the first 100-150 mm - this unpleasantly smelling liquid is not suitable for drinking. Then collect until the fortress falls below 40-45 degrees. Collect the rest of the output separately, it can be used to raise the strength of the new mash before driving.

Moonshine turned out good if the cotton wool soaked in it burns.


This procedure significantly improves the quality of alcohol - eliminates unpleasant odors and harmful impurities. It is not necessary to do it, but it is desirable, especially if the wine was store-bought.

Lay in a watering can in layers, alternating cotton wool (gauze) and crushed activated carbon. Drain the distillate through a watering can and dilute with water to 40-45 degrees.

Making moonshine from wine is not so difficult, however, the yield is small - out of 10 liters of just a little more than 1 liter of 45-degree distillate. But it will take its rightful place among the best of your hand-made spirits. You will get it on special occasions.

As mentioned above, mash is the result of alcoholic fermentation of berries or fruits. Braga is used not only as an independent drink, you can make good tasty wine from it, moonshine is made on the basis of mash by distillation, but we have a separate chapter about moonshine, so let's dwell on wines in more detail.

Wine can be made from fermented grape, other berry or fruit juice, or it can be based on mash.

How to prepare dishes for processing raw materials

When preparing any wine, it is important to choose and prepare the right dishes in which we will ferment berries or fruits.

Dishes should be glass, enameled or wooden. It is not recommended to use zinc, aluminum, copper utensils. The size of the dishes depends on how much wine you want to make.

Dishes must be absolutely clean. Before use, the container must be thoroughly washed with soda; it is not recommended to use flavored chemical detergents. After that, the container must be disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (0.25%) or caustic soda (0.25–0.5%), then doused with boiling water and rinsed with purified raw cold water.

Wine making

grape wine

Prepare grape brew. For this, it is better to use wine grapes, as they contain a sufficient amount of sugar. You can use other varieties. For the wine to be sweeter, the grapes must be overripe. If you are using sour grapes, more sugar will need to be added. Berries must be clean and dry. Separate the berries from the twigs and mash well with a wooden rolling pin. When the berries ferment properly, mix them again, sprinkle with sugar (400 g of sugar per 1 kg of berries) and squeeze with a press.

After 2-3 weeks, carefully filter the mash. On average, from 1 kg of grapes you should get 0.5-0.6 liters of juice. Pour the liquid into a glass bottle, close the cork with a tube, lower the free end of which into a container with purified water, and place in a dark room at room temperature. After 30-40 days the wine will be ready. During fermentation, any berries and fruits release alcohol, but if you want a stronger wine, you can add a small amount of pure medical alcohol or vodka there. After adding alcohol, the wine is aged for another 5-7 days.

apple wine

If your apples are rotten, do not be upset and do not throw them away, you can make excellent wine from them. Place the apples in a pre-cooked bowl and let them rot to the point where the juice comes out of them. Then mix them well and leave to ferment for another 10-14 days. After that, strain the mash several times through clean gauze and add sugar and water there (for 1 liter of juice 250-300 g of sugar and 125-150 ml of water), let the sugar dissolve, pour the resulting glass bottle and leave to ferment for another 2-3 weeks . The readiness of wine can be determined by color. The wine should be light and transparent. Wine can also be alcoholized by adding vodka or pure medical alcohol to it and keeping it for another 5-7 days.

cherry wine

When making cherry wine, use ripe or overripe cherries; unripe berries are not suitable for making wine. Rinse the cherries thoroughly in advance and dry. Then knock out the seeds and place the berry in the prepared dish. Leave to ferment for 10–14 days, then mix the mash with a small amount of sugar (100 g of sugar per 1 kg of pitted berries) and leave for another 7–10 days. After that, strain the mash, mix with water (250 ml of water per 1 liter of juice) and sugar (sugar is added to taste), pour into a vessel and set to ferment for 10–14 days. After that, the wine can be further alcoholized.

Currant wine

Rinse and dry blackcurrants thoroughly. Then separate the branches. This must be done, as the twigs give the wine an unpleasant taste. Mash the berry with a wooden rolling pin and leave for 10-14 days. After the currants ferment, you need to add water (150 ml of water per 1 kg of currants) and sugar to taste and leave to ferment for another 10–14 days. After that, strain several times, pour into a bottle and let it ferment for another 10-14 days. Wine can also be fortified with alcohol.

Cranberry wine

Slightly remember cranberries and put on fermentation for 15-20 days. Since cranberries are too acidic, we recommend adding more sugar for the second fermentation and diluting the water with apple juice (100 ml of water, 100 ml of apple juice and at least 450 g of sugar per 1 kg of cranberries). The second fermentation should last 30-40 days. After that, the mash must be carefully filtered, poured into a transparent vessel and left for another 30–40 days, after which the wine should become transparent and lighten.

How to store wine

Wine is best stored in transparent glass bottles so that it is convenient to observe the change in color and precipitation. Wine can be bottled only when it becomes transparent (without turbidity). Wine is poured under the cork. The bottle is tightly sealed with a cork so that no air can enter there. If air enters the bottle, the wine may spoil. The corked bottle is placed horizontally, then the cork swells from the inside and closes the neck of the bottle more tightly.

Wine is best stored in the cellar, if this is not possible, then it can be stored in the refrigerator. Bottles can be placed one on top of the other, then they are laid with cardboard. If you age the wine for several years, then 3 times a year you need to take the bottle in your hands and, without changing its horizontal position, carefully rotate it around the axis several times. If you have opened a bottle, then it is better to use all the wine, since in an uncorked bottle the wine comes into contact with air and loses its best qualities. If the wine still remains, it can be poured into a smaller vessel, again under the cork and tightly closed.

Confectionery products, which include mash

Cake "Cherry"

Prepare biscuit dough, to do this, first beat the egg whites with a mixer until foam forms, then, continuing to beat, gradually add the yolks, sugar, flour, vanillin, beat until sour cream thickens. Put the finished dough immediately into a hot oven and bake for 15-20 minutes. Check the readiness of the cake as follows: carefully pierce the cake with a match, if the dough sticks to the match, keep the cake in the oven for a few more minutes, and if it does not stick, then the biscuit is ready. Remove the finished cake immediately from the oven and set to cool. Prepare 1 more such cake. While the cakes are cooling, make cream and impregnation.

Beat softened butter with a mixer and, continuing to beat, add condensed milk and vanilla. To prepare the impregnation, mix cherry syrup with water 1: 1 and add a few drops of purified mash there, instead of cherry syrup, you can use fresh cherry juice, slightly sweetened with sugar. When you have the cream ready, the impregnation and cakes have cooled, cut each cake horizontally so that you get 4 cakes in total. Soak each cake with the prepared impregnation. ? mix parts of the cream with fresh cherries, from which you first knock out the seeds. Lubricate each soaked cake with cherry cream. Lay the cakes on top of each other, spread the whole cake on top with cream and decorate with cherry berries. Put the cake in the refrigerator for 40-50 minutes, after which the cake can be served.

For the test you will need (for each cake):

eggs - 4-5 pcs.

sugar - 1 tbsp.

flour - 1 tbsp.

vanillin - on the tip of a knife

For cream (for the whole cake):

butter - 400 g

condensed milk - 1 can

vanillin - on the tip of a knife.

For impregnation (for the whole cake):

water - 50–75 ml

cherry syrup - 50–75 ml

purified mash - 2-3 ml

Cake "Almond Delight"

Beat the eggs with a mixer until foamy, then, continuing to beat, add sugar there, beat with sugar. Turn the washed and dried almonds through a meat grinder, and then grind in a coffee grinder, mix with beaten eggs and sugar, add vanillin and a few drops of peeled mash to the dough, mix everything for 15 minutes. Divide the resulting dough into 2 equal parts and bake 2 cakes, bake for 10-15 minutes. Then prepare the cream.

Pour the cream with sugar and add a little cocoa powder, mix everything and put on a small fire, cook the mass, stirring, until it thickens to the consistency of sour cream. Cool the mass and beat with a mixer, adding a little vanillin there and grease the cakes with cream, laying them on top of each other.

For the test you will need:

eggs - 8-10 pcs.

sugar - 2 tbsp.

almonds - 400 g

vanillin - on the tip of a knife

purified mash - 3-4 ml.

For cream:

cream - 2 tbsp.

sugar - 1 tbsp.

cocoa - 1 tsp

vanillin - on the tip of a knife

Brandenburg Night Cake

Mix flour, cocoa, sugar and vanilla. Add softened margarine to it and rub it thoroughly. Then add eggs, salt, vanillin, soda slaked with citric acid, and a few drops of purified mash, mix everything thoroughly. Divide the dough into 4 equal parts and roll out the cakes with a thickness of 1.5 cm with a wooden rolling pin, put them in the oven and bake for 15 minutes. Cool the finished cakes. While the cakes are cooling, you can prepare the cream.

First, grind the eggs with sugar, then add flour, cocoa, vanillin, softened butter and milk and mix everything thoroughly so that no lumps remain. Put the mass on a small fire and, stirring, bring to a boil. Lubricate the cakes with the cooled cream, sprinkle the top cake with chopped nuts or confectionery sprinkles.

For the test you will need:

flour - 2 tbsp.

cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.

sugar - 1 tbsp.

vanillin - on the tip of a knife

margarine - 200 g

eggs - 3-4 pcs.

soda - ? tsp

lemon acid - ? tsp

purified mash - 2-3 ml.

For cream:

eggs - 4-5 pcs.

sugar - 1 tbsp.

flour - 2 tbsp. l.

cocoa - 1 tsp

softened butter - 1 tbsp. l.

milk - 2 tbsp.

Cookies "Nut"

Peel the peanuts and lightly fry, then crush it or turn it through a meat grinder, mix the nuts with sugar, vanilla and flour properly, then add butter or margarine, yolks and peeled mash, diluted 1: 1 with water, mix everything thoroughly. Put the dough on a table sprinkled with flour and roll it out with a wooden rolling pin into a layer 1 cm thick. Cut the figures with special notches. If you don't have grooves, you can use a glass with thin walls. Cookies are baked on a baking sheet greased with margarine and sprinkled with flour. After 20-25 minutes, the cookies should be ready. While the cookies are baking, prepare the frosting.

To do this, mix cocoa powder with sugar, add butter and milk, bring the mass to a boil, if the icing is too liquid, add cocoa until the desired consistency is obtained. Coat cookies with icing and sprinkle with grated nuts or confectionery sprinkles.

For the test you will need:

peanuts - 2 tbsp.

sugar - ? Art.

vanillin - on the tip of a knife

flour - 1 tbsp.

egg yolks - 3 pcs.

purified mash - 1 tsp.

water - 1 tsp.

For glaze:

cocoa - 4 tbsp. l.

sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

oil - 1 tbsp. l.

milk - ? Art.

Cookies "Oatmeal"

Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder, then mix with sugar, vanilla and flour, add butter or margarine, egg yolks and purified mash diluted with water 1:1. Stir until a homogeneous mass is formed. Roll out the dough in a thin layer and cut the figures into notches. Bake for 20-25 minutes. The finished cookies can be anointed with chocolate icing (see "nut" cookies) and sprinkled with confectionery sprinkles.

You will need:

oatmeal - 2 tbsp.

sugar - 1 tbsp.

vanillin - on the tip of a knife

flour - 1 tbsp.

butter or margarine - 200-250 g

egg yolks - 4 pcs.

purified mash - 1 tsp.

water - 1 tsp.

Buns "Homemade"

Sift flour and mix with sugar. Then add poppy seeds, vanillin, butter or margarine, yolks, salt and purified mash, half diluted with water. Mix everything properly, roll the dough into a tourniquet and cut it into several pieces, roll up small balls and put on a baking sheet. Brush each bun with beaten egg. Bake for 20 minutes.

You will need:

flour - 1.5 tbsp.

sugar - ? Art.

poppy - ? Art.

vanillin - on the tip of a knife

butter or margarine - 75 g

eggs - 5 yolks and 1 egg for brushing

purified mash - 1 tsp.

water - 1 tsp.


Beat the yolks with sugar until foamy, then add butter or margarine, a few drops of purified mash, sifted flour and soda slaked with citric acid; rub until a crumbly mass is obtained. Now prepare the filling.

Cut the lemons into 4 parts each, remove the seeds, mince the lemons with sugar. Spread half of the crumbly mass evenly into the mold, then put the filling on this layer and cover it with the remaining mass. Bake for 20-25 minutes.

You will need:

egg yolks - 5 pcs.

sugar - 1 tbsp.

butter or margarine - 250 g

purified mash - 2-3 ml

flour - 2 tbsp.

soda - ? tsp

lemon acid - ? tsp

For filling:

lemon - 2 pcs.

sugar - 1 tbsp.

salty biscuits

Sift the flour and add softened butter or margarine to it. Add salt, citric acid and a few drops of purified mash to the water, mix everything and pour into the flour mixed with butter. Then add the egg there and knead the dough. After you have kneaded the dough, put it in the refrigerator, and after 30-40 minutes take it out, roll it into a thin layer and cut the figures into notches. Spread the egg on top of the cookies and bake for 10-15 minutes.

You will need:

flour - 400 g

butter or margarine - 200-250 g

water - ? Art.

salt - ? tsp

lemon acid - ? tsp

purified mash - 2-3 ml

egg - 1 pc.

"Apple Surprise"

Sift the flour, mix it with powdered sugar and butter or margarine. Add salt, citric acid and purified mash to the water and pour into the flour mixed with powdered sugar and butter, then add the egg there and knead the dough. Keep the dough in a cool place for 30-40 minutes. While the dough is in the refrigerator, prepare the apple filling.

To do this, cut the apples into thin slices, put in an enamel bowl and sprinkle with sugar, after a few minutes the apples will give juice. Roll out the dough into a thin layer and cut into squares with notches or a knife. Brush the squares with the egg, put the apple filling and fold the corner to the corner to make envelopes. Brush each egg on top and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Bake for 15-20 minutes.

For the test you will need:

flour - 400 g

powdered sugar - Art.

butter or margarine - 200-250 g

water - ? Art.

salt - ? tsp

lemon acid - ? tsp

purified mash - 2-3 ml

egg - 1 pc.

For filling:

apples - 1 kg

sugar - 1.5 tbsp.

For sprinkling and dressing:

powdered sugar - Art.

egg - 1 pc.

Cake with nut cream

Sift the flour and mix it with powdered sugar and butter or margarine. Add salt, citric acid and a few drops of purified mash to the water. Mix everything, add the egg and knead the dough. Put the dough in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. After that, divide the dough into several parts, roll each part into a thin layer and bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Prepare cream.

Beat eggs with sugar, add milk or cream there and mix. Put the mass on a small fire and, stirring, bring to a boil; then refrigerate the mass. Grind crushed peanuts or walnuts in a coffee grinder, pour into the chilled mass and mix everything properly, add vanillin there. Then beat the butter separately and, continuing to beat, gradually pour in the resulting mass. Lubricate each layer of baked dough with cream and lay the layers on top of each other. Then carefully cut the cakes with a knife.

For the test you will need:

flour - 400 g

powdered sugar - Art.

butter or margarine - 200-250 g

water - ? Art.

salt - ? tsp

lemon acid - ? tsp

purified mash - 2-3 ml

egg - 1 pc.

For cream:

egg - 1 pc.

sugar - 1 tbsp.

milk or cream? Art.

nuts - 1 tbsp.

vanillin - on the tip of a knife

butter - 200-250 g

Pies with cabbage

Dilute the yeast in a glass of warm water and add a few drops of purified mash. Sift the flour and divide it into 2 parts. Mix 1 part with yeast. Then add sugar, salt, butter, eggs, remaining water, vanillin and knead the dough. Knead the dough and add the remaining flour to it until it becomes elastic and stops sticking to your hands. Put the dough in a large bowl, cover with a clean cloth and leave in a warm place for 2-3 hours. During this time, the dough will need to be kneaded 2-3 times. You need to knead as the dough rises. This must be done in order to release carbon dioxide from the dough. Prepare the filling.

Finely chop the cabbage and onion and stew a little. Hard boil eggs, finely chop, mix with cabbage. Salt and pepper the filling a little. Cut the dough into 2 parts, leave 1 part and cover with a napkin, and cut the part into small pieces, which are rolled into thin cakes 1 cm thick. Put the filling and connect the edges of the cake so that you get an oval-shaped pie. Place the pies on a baking sheet greased with margarine and sprinkled with flour. Brush each pie with an egg. Wait for the pies to rise slightly, then bake for 15-20 minutes. While the first portion of pies is baking, make more pies from the remaining dough. If the dough has risen by then, knead it again first.

For the test you will need:

yeast - 30–35 g

water - 2 tbsp.

purified mash - 2-3 ml

flour - 1 kg

sugar - 2 tsp

salt - 1 tsp

vanillin - on the tip of a knife

eggs - 3 pcs.

butter - 100-150 g.

For filling:

cabbage - 1 kg

onion (medium size) - 1 pc.

eggs - 2-3 pcs.

salt, pepper - to taste

Buns with raisins

Sift the flour and divide it into 2 parts. Dilute the yeast in warm water and add a few drops of purified mash there. From one part of the flour and yeast, prepare a dough. To do this, pour the flour into the yeast, knead the dough, cover it with a napkin and put it in a warm place for 1 hour. During this time, the volume of the dough should increase by 1.5–2 times. Now add sugar, salt, butter, egg yolks, vanillin, the remaining flour, raisins to the dough (raisins must be prepared in advance - thoroughly washed and soaked in warm water for 1.5–2 hours) and knead the dough. Put the dough in a warm place for 2 hours, during this time knead the dough 2 times, when the dough rises for the last time, knead it again and cut into small pieces from which to form buns. Spread the buns with egg, place on a baking sheet greased with margarine and sprinkled with flour, and let them rise a little. Then put the buns in the oven and bake for 10-15 minutes.

You will need:

flour - 1 kg

yeast - 25–30 g

water - 2 tbsp.

purified mash - 2-3 ml

sugar - 1 tbsp.

salt - ? tsp

egg yolks - 4-5 pcs.

butter - 200-250 g

vanillin - on the tip of a knife

raisins - 1–1.5 tbsp.

Cheesecakes with strawberries

Dilute the yeast in warm water and add a few drops of purified mash there. From yeast and part of the sifted flour, prepare the dough and put in a warm place for 1 hour. Then knead the dough as usual. Add sugar, salt, butter, eggs or egg yolks, vanilla, remaining flour to the dough. Let the dough rise for 2 hours. Knead the dough periodically as it increases in volume. Cut the finished dough into small pieces, from which roll the balls. Place the balls on a baking sheet greased with margarine and sprinkled with flour, and wait until they rise slightly. After that, make small holes in the balls. Lightly sprinkle the wells with sugar and put a few strawberries in them, sprinkle the strawberries on top with powdered sugar. Lubricate the cheesecakes with an egg, bake for 10-15 minutes.

For the test you will need:

yeast - 25–30 g

water - 2 tbsp.

purified mash - 2-3 ml

flour - 1 kg

sugar - 1 tbsp.

salt - ? tsp

vanillin - on the tip of a knife

eggs - 3 pcs. (or 5 yolks)

butter - 200-250 g.

For filling:

sugar - ? Art.

strawberries - 1 kg

powdered sugar - Art.

strawberry pie

Dilute yeast in a glass of warm water and add a few drops of purified mash. Mix yeast with parts of the sifted flour, add sugar, salt, butter, eggs, vanillin, the remaining water and the remaining flour. Knead the dough and put it in a warm place for 2-3 hours. During this time, knead the dough 2-3 times. Cut the finished dough into 2 parts. Roll out each part in a layer. Put one layer on a baking sheet, greased with margarine and sprinkled with flour. Lightly sprinkle the layer with flour mixed with powdered sugar, put strawberries on it, sprinkle the berries with sugar, put the second layer on top, connect the edges of the layers together. Poke a small hole in the top and brush the pie with beaten egg. Place the cake in a warm place for a while and let it rise a little. Then bake for 20-25 minutes.

For the test you will need:

yeast - 15–20 g

water - 1 tbsp.

purified mash - 1-2 ml

flour - 500 g

sugar - ? Art.

salt - ? tsp

eggs - 2 pcs. or 3 yolks

butter - 100–150 g

vanillin - on the tip of a knife.

For the filling you will need:

flour - ? Art.

powdered sugar - Art.

strawberry - ? kg

sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l.

Roll with poppy seeds

Sift the flour and divide it into 2 parts. Dilute the yeast in warm water and add a little purified mash there. From yeast and 1 part of flour, knead the dough and put it in a warm place for 1 hour. After that, add sugar, salt, butter, eggs, vanillin, the remaining flour to the dough and knead the dough. Put the dough in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours. As the dough rises, knead it. Roll the finished dough into a tourniquet and roll it into a long oval layer. Sprinkle the layer with poppy seeds and roll up. Top the roll with egg and sprinkle with poppy seeds. Place the roll on a baking sheet greased with margarine and sprinkled with flour, let it rise slightly, then bake for 10-15 minutes.

You will need:

flour - ? kg

yeast - 10–15 g

water - 1 tbsp.

purified mash - 1-2 ml

sugar - ? Art.

salt - ? tsp

butter - 150–200 g

eggs - 2-3 pcs.

vanillin - on the tip of a knife

poppy - 1 tbsp.


Dissolve the yeast in a glass of warm water and add a little purified mash there, then pour a glass of flour into the yeast, stir and put in a warm place. After 40–45 minutes, add sugar, salt, eggs, vegetable oil, the remaining water and the remaining flour to the dough. Knead the dough and leave for 20-25 minutes in a warm place. When the dough rises, it means that it is ready, and you can bake pancakes.

You will need:

yeast - 10 g

water - 3 tbsp.

purified mash - 1 ml

flour - 1.5–2 tbsp.

sugar - 1-2 tbsp. l.

salt - ? tsp

eggs - 2-3 pcs.

Dilute the yeast in a glass of warm water and add a few drops of purified mash there, mix the yeast with a glass of flour and put in a warm place for 40–45 minutes. After that, add sugar, salt, eggs, vegetable oil, the remaining water and the remaining flour, mix everything thoroughly and put in a warm place for another 20-25 minutes. After the dough has risen, you can bake pancakes.

You will need:

yeast - 10–15 g

water - 2 tbsp.

purified mash - 1 ml

flour - 2 tbsp.

sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

salt - ? tsp

eggs - 2-3 pcs.

vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Dilute the yeast in a glass of warm water and add a little purified mash, mix the yeast with 1 glass of flour and put in a warm place for 40-45 minutes. When the dough rises, add sugar, salt, eggs, vegetable oil, the remaining water and the remaining flour; knead the dough and put it in a warm place for 20-25 minutes. When the dough is suitable, you can bake pancakes.

You will need:

yeast - 15–20 g

water - 1.5 tbsp.

mash - 1-2 ml

flour - 2.5–3 tbsp.

sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

salt - ? tsp

eggs - 2-3 pcs.

vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.

Alcoholic drinks are present on almost all tables during the holidays. But the quality of store-bought alcohol cannot be compared with the level and taste of a home-made drink. There are products of different strengths, and some people prefer something lighter like wine with a strength of 13-15 degrees, and some are fans of moonshine. But you can "kill two birds with one stone" and make moonshine from wine - the drink will turn out tasty and of high quality.

Moonshine from wine

Moonshine from wine is rarely prepared, but all because it is an intermediate step between the preparation of calvados or cognac. Often, wine is distilled in the apparatus precisely in order to obtain elite aged alcohol from moonshine. After distillation, such drinks are not drunk, but poured into oak barrels for further infusion. In this way, not only they prepare a delicious drink, but also get rid of expired wine.

The recipe for making moonshine at home from the very beginning may differ for different distillers. Recipes have been improved over the years, and not everyone wants to share the intricacies of the process.

Before distillation, you need to find out that only house wines will fit for the process. Store-bought or packaged options contain a large amount of dyes, preservatives. Most cheap wines are obtained by diluting grape powders, which affects the taste and quality of the distillate not for the better. And in store products, sodium sulfate or sulfur is used as a preservative. It also gives an unpleasant odor to the finished product, which cannot be removed.

Expired wines from the store cannot be distilled. The situation is different with homemade wines - they can be prepared on any fruit raw material. Accordingly, the taste of the distillate will give off the aroma of the fruit from which the wine is made. The most popular options are grapes, plums, apples, cherries. After insisting on oak chips or in a barrel, home-made cognac is obtained, not of the worst quality.

But in this case there are exceptions in the form of sour wines. Acetic acid can make moonshine sour. This development can be corrected by cleaning the drink with charcoal or soda, although the sour taste will still remain. And it should also be remembered that out of 20 liters of wine, no more than 2 liters of moonshine will be obtained, while the strength of the drink will increase to 40%. But the taste and the result as a whole will justify the effort and money spent.

Step-by-step preparation of wine for moonshine

You can easily get moonshine from apple wine or cider. It is not necessary to use grapes. In principle, the recipes are the same for both apples and grapes, but a couple of kilograms less sugar should be added to raw grapes, since apples are more acidic. But getting juice from apples is easier.

To make wine, you will need the following ingredients:

  • peeled and chopped apples - 15 kilograms;
  • 10 liters of pure water;
  • 3 kilograms of sugar;
  • dry yeast - 110 grams.

The main thing is to get juice from raw materials. Making wine from fruits is done without the use of pressing, since during the fermentation process it gives a lot of unnecessary substances like fusel oils. It is better to use ripe fruits, and get the juice with a juicer or make it manually.

In an enamel bowl, add sugar to the juice. To do this, we use the proportion: for 1 liter of juice we take 200 grams of sugar. The contents are mixed, then yeast and water are added. The fermentation tank is filled no more than 70% of the volume, since foam is actively formed. A water seal is installed on it. Such a drink ferments for a month at a temperature of 19-26 degrees Celsius.

It is important not only to know how to distill wine, but also when to do it. If you skip this moment, the product will turn sour, the distillate will turn out tasteless. And if you use a sweetish mischief, then the number of liters made will be small, and the distillate strength will be below 40%.

Distillation of wine into moonshine

The distillation stage is the same for any mash, including finished wine. Before this, the mash or wine is removed from the sediment and poured into the cube of the apparatus. The aging of the drink does not matter, it does not affect the quality of the distillate, it only affects the taste. The main thing is that the winemaker likes the taste of wine, because getting rid of it and making tasteless moonshine from wine will not work. In order to lose a minimum amount of product during the distillation, it is necessary to check the tightness of the device.

To begin with, the product is heated over low heat. Then the fire can be added and further monitor the temperature. When the indicators approach 89 degrees Celsius, the moonshine begins to drip into the container. This is the pervak. The smell and color of such a liquid will be unpleasant, so it is better to drain it.

The use of pervak ​​is dangerous for the body, it quickly causes addiction and intoxication. Pervak, or "heads", can be used for technical needs.

Some winemakers advise distilling moonshine from homemade wine for the first time without fractionation. At the same time, finish the selection of the drink when the output strength in the jet falls below 25-30 degrees. The drop in the amount of alcohol indicates that the “tails” fraction has gone, which has a large amount of fusel oils. It also shouldn't be drunk.

And if at first an unpleasant smell of sulfur appeared, which is typical for shop wines, the first 15-20 milliliters from each liter of wine must be collected separately and poured. You can check the quality of the product with the help of cotton wool, which is moistened in moonshine: if it burns well after arson, then the product is excellent.

Of course, when using homemade or store wine, the result and aroma is not always the desired one. And there is also such an indicator as the purity and transparency of the drink. To further clean moonshine, you can use several methods. Purification can take place between two distillations or after a second distillation.

The easiest and cheapest way is to use gauze and activated charcoal. To do this, a watering can or a sieve is covered with gauze folded in three layers, coal is placed on top. The liquid is passed through this filter and a pure product is obtained.

The distillation of wine for moonshine according to technology is not much different from the preparation of a regular drink. The technique is one, but the main thing is to follow all the instructions and perform the actions in stages. If the first distillation fails, you still need to keep trying to make a distillation and achieve the desired result.

Vodka made at home from natural products costs about 30 rubles per 0.5 liter. Good old taste, you will forget what a hangover is. Based on homemade grain, sugar or potato moonshine, you can prepare a wide variety of alcoholic beverages. Here you will find recipes for making homemade drinking alcohol, juniper gin, many varieties of vodka, strong absinthe, sambuca, grape chacha, malt whiskey, bread wine, and other homemade alcohol.

Moonshine from wine at home can be obtained if you apply the following method of its manufacture:

  • preliminary preparation of wine materials;
  • fermentation of the resulting mixture;
  • distillation into alcohol and purification.

To get a wine drink at home, the recipe suggests using juice. Fruit juice is best squeezed with a juicer. To make it, you need apples or grapes. You need to purchase the following ingredients:

  • sugar sand - 2.5 - 3 kg;
  • pure water - 9 - 10 l;
  • yeast - 90 - 100 g;
  • apples (clusters of grapes) -14 - 15 kg.
  1. Fruits do not need to be washed. The core is removed from the apples, and the grape berries are separated from the branches.
  2. Eliminate rot, dirt, damaged elements.
  3. Liquid from fruits can be obtained using a juicer. Those moonshiners who know a little about winemaking prefer to crush the berries with a press or with their feet. Apples can also be chopped on a grater. Some recipes suggest simply dicing the fruit, but in this case a lot of pulp is formed.
  4. After receiving the juice, it must be placed in an enamel bowl. There he will begin to wander. Get the pulp and liquid fraction. This process takes 3 days. After that, the pulp is removed, and granulated sugar is added to the juice. For 1 liter of liquid, 0.2 kg of the substance is needed. Stir the solution thoroughly so that it dissolves completely. For more information on making moonshine from wine, see this video:
  5. The resulting wine blank is seasoned with water and yeast, after which it is poured into a glass container. A water seal is installed on top. The vessel must be taken out to a room where the temperature is maintained at +18 ... +24 ° С. If apples were used, then the fermentation process lasts 40-45 days.