Is it possible to raw cocoa beans. Useful properties and uses of cocoa beans, butter

Cocoa beans are grains that fill the fruits of the chocolate (cocoa) tree. They possess bright aroma and the natural taste of bitterness, and they are used both raw and processed in a variety of industries (culinary, cosmetology, pharmacology, perfumery).

Cocoa beans: description, composition and calorie content

The cocoa tree belongs to an evergreen species of the Theombroma genus from the Malvaceae family, whose life expectancy is more than a hundred years.

  • It is quite powerful and can reach a height of up to 15 m.
  • The crown of the tree is very spreading, with large quantity large foliage.
  • Cocoa flowers are located on the bark of strong branches and trunk. They are small in size with an unpleasant odor that attracts dung flies and butterflies. After pollination by these insects, cocoa fruits are formed.
  • The fruits are red, yellow or orange in shape and appearance reminiscent of a lemon, but much larger in size and with deep grooves on the surface. The inside of the fruit consists of pulp, in the branches of which there are seeds - cocoa beans, up to 12 pcs. in everyone.

Cocoa beans began to be used due to the taste and aroma. They gained wider popularity after studying their chemical composition. The amount of vitamins, micro and macro elements in beans in total reaches 300 items, which gives them a large list of useful properties.

The composition of chocolate tree seeds includes:

  • vitamins - PP, B1, B2, provitamin A;
  • alkaloids - theobromine and caffeine;
  • micro and macro elements - magnesium, potassium, chlorine, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, sulfur, and also iron, zinc, cobalt, copper, molybdenum and manganese;
  • antioxidants, organic acids, carbohydrates and proteins, tannic, aromatic and colorants, oils.

High calorie content (565 kcal) is due to the presence of fat in the composition of cocoa beans, which is 50%.

Despite this, nutritionists include cocoa beans in the diet of people suffering from obesity. This is due to the presence in the composition of the grains of certain substances that contribute to the breakdown of fats, improve metabolism and digestion.

Where do cocoa beans grow?

For cultivation chocolate tree a climate with a temperature of at least 20 degrees and high humidity is required. Therefore, the tropical humid conditions of South America, Africa and Indonesia are most suitable. The main producers and suppliers of cocoa beans are Nigeria, Colombia, Indonesia, Brazil, Ghana. There are also cocoa plantations in the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Bali and wherever climatic conditions allow.

Beneficial features

The unique composition of cocoa beans gives them a lot of useful properties for the human body.

  • Brown grains are very strong natural antidepressants. They have a calming effect on nervous system improve mood and reduce pain. Serotonin in beans has a beneficial effect on performance and improves mental activity.
  • Eating raw cocoa beans strengthens and restores cardiovascular system, helps to normalize the pressure of hypertensive patients, eliminates vasospasm, improves blood circulation. All these positive effects in general help to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  • Cocoa beans are able to normalize hormonal balance, cleanse the body of toxins and free radicals, improve vision and rejuvenate the body. They are also advised to be used by people during the rehabilitation period after operations and serious illnesses for a speedy recovery.
  • The substances contained in grains strengthen and stimulate the immune system, which helps the body fight viruses and infections, and also speeds up the healing process of wounds and burns.
  • The constant use of cocoa beans leads to weight loss by improving metabolic processes in the body, stimulating the endocrine system and normalizing fat balance.


Cocoa beans and their products are very popular in Food Industry. They are used in the production of chocolate, beverages and confectionery.

Cocoa butter, due to its beneficial properties, began to be used in the manufacture of cosmetic products and in pharmacology. In the alcohol industry, the pulp of the fruits of the chocolate tree has been used.

The popularity of this useful and delicious product everything is gaining momentum and expanding the scope of its application.

Cocoa bean oil: benefits and harms

The fat that is obtained during the processing of cocoa beans is called cocoa butter. It retains many of the beneficial properties of the beans themselves, but in limited quantities.

Cocoa beans are the raw material from which chocolate is made. They grow on evergreen trees in the tropics. Cacao trees love warmth and moisture, so they grow only in the equatorial regions of the planet. Trees with cocoa beans are found mainly in the shade, they do not grow in direct sunlight. These plants have a height of 6-8 meters, but it happens that they grow up to 15 meters. The cocoa tree lives 100 years. It is harvested twice a year.

Cocoa tree beans grow on trunks. The size of the fruit has a length of 20-30 cm, and a weight of about 500 grams. They are shaped like lemons. Inside - gelatinous pulp and seeds about 30 cm long. Their number is 30-50 seeds in each fruit. Seeds can be bluish, reddish, grayish and brown in color, and are round, convex or flat in shape. This is the raw material for making chocolate. Cocoa beans can be African, American and Asian, depending on where they are grown. For the manufacture of chocolate, all their types are used, only in different proportions.

Preparation and storage of cocoa beans

The seeds are dried, processed, and their taste changes, and the raw material receives a specific pleasant aroma. Cocoa powder is already obtained from defatted and crushed beans. It is stored in sealed packaging, in a dry and cool place. Humidity should not be higher than 70%. The shelf life can be proper conditions quite long, without loss of quality.

Application in everyday life

Cocoa beans are consumed mainly as a food product. They are used both fried and raw. The fruits can be consumed with honey and fruits. From the powder, delicious confectionery, sweets and such a popular drink as cocoa are prepared. Also, the product is used for the manufacture of ice cream, cocktails. It can be used in combination with nuts, dried fruits, herbal tea, raisins.

The composition and medicinal properties of cocoa beans

  1. In their raw form, they contain the most a large number of antioxidants (over 320 types). They are good protection against bacteria, germs and viruses, aging, cardiovascular disease, cancer. The main antioxidant of cocoa beans - polyphenol is much stronger than vitamins C and E, which are common antioxidants.
  2. This is a good antidepressant. The product induces natural sleep, eliminates anxiety, improves mood, reduces anxiety.
  3. Cocoa beans contain a lot useful substances, which take part in the metabolic processes of the body, regulate water-salt, acid-base reactions, blood clotting. They are involved in the work of muscles, in strengthening the skeletal system (thanks to phosphorus and calcium).
  4. Cocoa beans contain potassium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, chlorine, phosphorus, sodium, copper, cobalt, molybdenum, zinc, iron, manganese, etc. They contain many vitamins. Beta-carotene, provitamin D, is actively involved in the absorption of proteins by the body, is a reliable barrier in the protection against cancerous tumors. Vitamin PP is involved in the regulation of nervous processes, in the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases, atherosclerosis, and various internal inflammations.
  5. In addition, cocoa beans contain vitamins B1, B2, theobromine, caffeine and other beneficial substances that strengthen the body and increase mental activity.
  6. This is one of the most useful and healing products. They help heal wounds, heal ulcers, strengthen blood vessels, so they are used in pharmacology and perfumery, to prevent allergies and skin diseases.
  7. American, Italian and German scientists believe that cocoa beans improve vision, increase efficiency, help prevent osteoporosis, strengthen blood vessels, prevent stroke, heart failure, increase motor activity and blood circulation.
  8. The use of cocoa beans in folk medicine

    Cocoa beans for weight loss

    To fight overweight the following recipe is recommended: 1 teaspoon of crushed cocoa or drink from it on an empty stomach. There will be a feeling of fullness, and it will be possible to refuse food altogether or consume only ½ of the serving. If this is done daily, then excess fat will begin to be excreted from the body, and it will be possible to lose weight by about 2-3 kg in a month.

    Cocoa beans to reduce appetite

  • just chew raw beans: such a remedy will not only reduce appetite, but also give pleasure;
  • ground cocoa beans are poured warm water where honey or sugar is added;
  • perfectly satisfy the appetite and taste of a peeled banana dipped in ground cocoa powder;

Cocoa beans for detoxification

For those who work in hazardous industries, cocoa beans are especially useful - you need to drink a glass of warm cocoa with milk daily on an empty stomach.

Cocoa beans against alcoholism and smoking

Cocoa beans are useful for smokers, as they facilitate the process of fighting smoking, cocoa beans are used in the treatment of alcoholism - you need to chew 10-15 grains of cocoa beans 2-3 times daily.

A decoction of cocoa beans to improve cerebral circulation

Cocoa beans are also useful for improving memory, attention, thought processes, especially when consumed in the form of drinks. Brew 10 pieces of cocoa beans in a glass of water, leave for 10-15 minutes. You can add sugar or honey.


Cocoa beans are contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus, allergies to this product, children under 3 years of age. Excessive use of this product may cause nausea and allergies.

Useful properties of cocoa beans

Cocoa beans are the seeds of the fruit of the cocoa tree. They make chocolate. Due to the content of tannins, the seeds have an astringent, tart and bitter taste. They contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats, aromatic and coloring substances, organic acids. Minerals, alkaloids (caffeine and theobromine) are useful for consumption. The chemical composition of cocoa beans is very extensive, it contains anandamide, arginine, dopamine, epicatecin, histamine, magnesium, serotonin.

Tryptophan, phenylethylamine, polyphenol and tyramine have a very important effect on the human body.

The use of cocoa beans

In its raw form, unique fruits are incredibly useful for human body. They restore energy and hormonal balance, improve vision, increase efficiency, raise tone, and have an antidepressant effect. Useful substances of cocoa seeds increase the protective properties of the body, cocoa is introduced into the diet of physically weakened people who have had acute respiratory infections and respiratory diseases. The shelled cocoa beans can be chewed, they are crispy, tender, and have a great taste.

The use of cocoa eliminates apathy, normalizes the menstrual cycle, rejuvenates. With prolonged but moderate use as remedy noticeable changes will occur with the skin, papillomas will disappear, the skin will be cleansed and become young and tender. Raw cocoa fruits are a reliable protection against the development of cancer. Difficult chemical composition fruits excites the nervous system, activates the functions of the heart and prevents the formation of blood clots.

Antioxidants are able to reduce the activity of free radicals in the cells of the human body, which is effective in protecting against viruses and infections. Polyphenols (antioxidants) break down fats and are a reliable prevention of development and cardiovascular diseases. It is polyphenols that give the beans astringent and specific bitter taste.

cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is a fat obtained from the seeds of the fruit of the chocolate tree, which has a pleasant cocoa smell and whitish-yellow color. At 16-18 degrees, the oil has a hard texture, pieces break off easily. When heated, the oil is transparent, its chemical composition includes oleic, stearic, lauric, palmitic, linoleic and arachidic acids, as well as triacid triglycerides. Oleic acid reduces blood levels.

Substances methylxanthine and tannin have a healing and tonic effect, help with various skin diseases, stimulate immune system. Cocoa butter rejuvenates the skin, giving it freshness and beauty. It is successfully used in the treatment of eczema, bronchi, eliminates.

Cough Remedy Recipe: in a glass of hot milk, melt 0.5 teaspoon of cocoa butter. The drink should be slightly cooled and given to the patient to drink.

Cocoa butter for hemorrhoids: during the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to introduce a piece of cocoa butter (approximately 1 teaspoon) into the rectum before each bowel movement.

Cocoa butter for thrush: 2% tea tree oil should be added to the heated cocoa butter, rolled into balls, allowed to harden. It is recommended to enter into the vagina 1 time per day.

Cocoa butter for cervical erosion: you should mix cocoa butter with sea buckthorn oil (3: 1), use a tampon soaked in the mixture at night for 14 days.

Cocoa butter for atherosclerosis: it is recommended to take 0.5 teaspoon melted cocoa butter in a water bath twice a day, morning and evening, 15 minutes before meals. The remedy eliminates cholesterol, reduces the amount of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, helps with skin itching, anesthetizes burns, and is effective for fungal infections. It is also recommended for the healing of nipples in nursing mothers.

cocoa bean extract

Cocoa bean extract is a brown fine powder, it is used to reduce blood pressure, nervous tension. It is mainly used to treat nephropathy, as a diuretic, relieves edema. , fever, cough, non-healing - indications for the use of cocoa extract.

Cocoa bean extract is produced in pharmaceutical factories.

Cocoa beans for weight loss

Cocoa beans are very useful in the fight against excess weight. They are able to accelerate metabolic processes, and this occurs at the intercellular and intracellular level. By improving the functions of the endocrine system, normalizing fat balance, they reduce appetite, which leads to weight loss. A few cocoa beans eaten on an empty stomach give a feeling of fullness, such a breakfast can be called complete, since the body receives the substances necessary for health. 4-5 pieces of beans give strength, replenish energy reserves.

Magnesium affects the production of ATP, caffeine speeds up metabolism, serotonin and endorphins are produced - substances that are so necessary to maintain good physical shape.

calories in cocoa beans

The energy value cocoa beans is 565.3 kcal. On average, this is 16–28% of daily allowance beneficial to the human body.

cocoa bean tree

There are three types of cocoa beans: Trinitario, Criollo and Forastero. The seeds of Criollo trees are slightly colored and have a nutty smell. In the fruit of the Forastero tree, the seeds are dark brown, pungent, bitter and contain more fat. Plants of the Forastero species are resistant to harsh climate conditions. Each species has its own individual chemical characteristics. Varieties are named after the countries where they are grown.

Cocoa beans are also distinguished by quality characteristics. Consumer varieties have a tart, sour taste with bitterness. Noble varieties have a pleasant, pronounced taste.

How to grow cocoa beans

Cocoa beans grow in the subequatorial regions of South America and are successfully cultivated in many countries. Cocoa trees prefer slightly shaded places, so plantations next to them are planted coconut trees, banana, rubber and mango trees, as well as avocados, which quite reliably protect cocoa from the wind. The height of the cocoa tree can reach 15 meters in height, but for the convenience of harvesting, they are grown up to 6 meters.

Evergreen tree blooms and bears fruit all year round. Yellow-green or red (depending on the variety) fruits reach 30 cm in length, their weight is about 500 grams. The fruit pulp contains approximately 50 cocoa beans. The tree begins to produce a high yield at the age of 12 years. The crop is cultivated in Central America and Africa, Indonesia, Colombia, Malaysia and other regions.

Contraindications to the use of cocoa beans

Cocoa beans should be used with caution in case of individual intolerance. They can cause allergic reactions. Do not give cocoa products to children under three years of age. Cocoa is contraindicated in kidney disease, causes irritation of the gastric mucosa and stimulates the production of gastric juice, so it should not be used by people with serious gastrointestinal diseases, especially in the acute stage.

Expert editor: Kuzmina Vera Valerievna| Dietitian, endocrinologist

Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University N. I. Pirogov, specialty "Medicine" (2004). Residency at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).

The content of the article:

Cocoa beans are the seeds of the chocolate tree (Theobroma cacao). Similar to the kernels of small almonds, they are found in the fruit. Each pod contains 30-55 large light purple pinkish seeds. Most chocolate tree plantations are located in Africa. Cocoa powder and cocoa butter are made from cocoa beans, products that are widely used in the food industry for the production of chocolate, drinks - chocolate and cocoa, and various desserts. Cocoa butter is also used in the perfume industry and in pharmacology.

The composition and calorie content of cocoa beans

The composition of the fruits of the chocolate tree is rich - they contain 295 nutrients, vitamins and macronutrients.

Calorie content of natural cocoa beans - 530 kcal per 100 g of product, of which:

  • Proteins - 12.9 g;
  • Fats - 53.2 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 9.4 g;
  • Water - 6.5 g;
  • Ash - 2.7 g;
  • Organic acids - 2.2 g.
Macronutrients per 100 g:
  • Potassium - 750 mg;
  • Calcium - 25 mg;
  • Magnesium - 80 mg;
  • Sodium - 5 mg;
  • Sulfur - 83 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 500 mg;
  • Chlorine - 50 mg.
Trace elements per 100 g:
  • Iron - 4 mg;
  • Cobalt - 27 mcg;
  • Manganese - 2.85 mg;
  • Copper - 2270 mcg;
  • Molybdenum - 40 mcg;
  • Zinc - 4.5 mg.
The composition of cocoa beans contains vitamins PP, NE (4.0248 mg).

Digestible carbohydrates per 100 g:

  • Starch and dextrins - 8 g;
  • Mono- and disaccharides (sugar) - 1.4 g.
Essential amino acids per 100 g:
  • Arginine - 1.28 g;
  • Valine - 0.75 g;
  • Histidine - 0.19 g;
  • Isoleucine - 0.53 g;
  • Leucine - 0.8 g;
  • Lysine - 0.53 g;
  • Methionine - 0.15 g;
  • Threonine - 0.45 g;
  • Tryptophan - 0.16 g;
  • Phenylalanine - 0.73 g.
Molecular compounds are responsible for the specific aroma of products made from the fruits of the chocolate tree:
  • Anandamide is a neurotransmitter produced by living organisms that transmits nerve impulses.
  • Arginine is an amino acid that eliminates vascular spasms.
  • Dopamine is a hormone, a neurotransmitter responsible for the psycho-emotional state, that is, mood.
  • Epicatecin and polyphenol are chemical compounds that are antioxidants.
  • Histamine is a biogenic amine, a regulator of physiological processes, an inflammatory mediator responsible for allergic reactions.
  • Tryptophan is an aromatic alpha-amino acid.
  • Phenylethylamine is a natural stimulant.
  • Tyramine is a biogenic amine with a strong odor.
  • Salsolinol is one of the natural analogues of morphine, the non-peptide opioid that makes chocolate so hard to quit.
As you can see, there is a lot of fat in this product, but dark chocolate made from them is used in many diets. This is due to the fact that the action of the complex composition of cocoa beans accelerates organic metabolic processes. AT diet menu it is worth observing moderation in the use of combinations of cocoa with high-calorie foods (fat milk, cocoa butter, sugar, etc.).

Useful properties of cocoa beans

For male athletes, cocoa bean powder is a reducing agent. If a tablespoon of the substance is added to protein cocktail within a month, you can track how much faster it is possible to defeat the feeling of fatigue and muscle aches after strength training.

The benefits of cocoa beans and products made from them are explained by their rich composition of nutrients:

  • Acceleration of peripheral blood supply. This helps lower blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on short-term memory.
  • Stopped development diabetes. Due to the acceleration of organic metabolic processes, the level of sugar in the blood decreases.
  • The tone of the walls of blood vessels increases. They become more elastic, which reduces the possibility of cardiovascular diseases - heart attacks and strokes.
  • Increases the secretion of collagen. This stimulates the synthesis of elastane, increases the repair of the epithelium, which helps to keep the skin young for a long time.
  • Accelerates metabolism. This action favorably affects the membranes of cellular structures, reducing the possibility of malignant degeneration of cells.
  • The mood improves. Even a small amount of dark chocolate renders positive influence on the neurons of the central nervous system.
  • Long-term remission of bronchial asthma is possible. With this disease warm drinks from ground cocoa beans - chocolate or cocoa - it is advised to use even at the time of exacerbation, as they stimulate the expansion of bronchial branches.
There is another very interesting natural property of dark chocolate - it is an aphrodisiac that increases potency in men and libido in women. Dark chocolate has a special effect on the fair sex - a tile of this delicacy can cause a slight euphoria according to the mood.

Harm and contraindications to the use of cocoa beans

Each drug has absolute and relative contraindications. Similarly, you can consider food, including cocoa beans.

A relative contraindication is the abuse of this delicious and useful product. In whatever form cocoa beans are used - like chocolate, chocolate drink or cocoa, if you do not limit its content in daily diet may lead to undesirable consequences.

Consequences of abuse of cocoa beans:

  1. Increased arousal - it is not advisable for hypertensive patients to drink cocoa and eat chocolate at the time of an exacerbation of the disease.
  2. Tachycardia and angina pectoris - for heart problems, it is necessary to limit the use of products made on the basis of cocoa beans to 10 g per day.
  3. Frequent urination - the complex composition of cocoa beans, when products are abused, has an irritating effect on smooth muscles, increases the tone of the bladder.
  4. Insomnia - Difficulty falling asleep with a rapid heart rate and a constant urge to urinate.
  5. Unjustified nervousness - increased tone of cerebral vessels causes general excitement.
  6. Allergic Reactions - Dark chocolate is one of the foods that is in the top ten list of allergens.
High doses of chocolate and products made from cocoa beans provoke calcium leaching, so pregnant women should not get carried away with them and enter children under 3 years old on the menu.

Cocoa beans and foods containing them can be enjoyed in moderation during pregnancy and lactation. However, it is better to consult a doctor leading the pregnancy. There is one more possible harm cocoa beans - an increase in the tone of smooth muscles, which means that the introduction of the uterus into tone. Keep in mind: 1 square of a standard dark chocolate bar contains up to 2 mg of caffeine.

Absolute contraindications to cocoa beans:

  • Diabetes - high blood sugar levels.
  • Preparation for a surgical operation - due to a similar action, plus an increase in vascular tone, which means an acceleration of blood supply, which can provoke bleeding during the operation.
  • Intestinal disorders - increases the rate of metabolic processes, which has a laxative effect.
  • If a person has frequent migraine attacks, vasospasm is possible.
  • Gout and similar diseases associated with impaired metabolism of uric acid.
It is not recommended to introduce products made using cocoa butter into the diet for those who are obese. These same people need to choose other recipes for treating cough - even a short-term use of products that include cocoa butter can cause weight gain by 1-2 unnecessary kilograms.

Recipes with cocoa beans

In cooking, products made from cocoa beans are more often used - chocolate and cocoa powder, but you can also make these derivatives of chocolate tree seeds at home, or use cocoa bean nibs to give the dish original taste.

In addition, there are such recipes for cocoa beans, according to which you can cook healthy and tasty dishes:

  1. Seasoning from cocoa beans. Raw grains of the chocolate tree should be roasted in the oven at a temperature of 170 ° C for about 10-15 minutes, then cool and dry thoroughly. It is desirable to grind on a coffee grinder, but if it is not there, then you can get by with a meat grinder. How to eat cocoa beans in a crushed state? Grits can be added to any culinary creams, sprinkled with mousses and jelly. This will give culinary masterpiece slightly bitter spicy aftertaste.
  2. Cream sauce with cocoa beans. A tablespoon of flour of 1-2 grades is fried in a pan; as soon as it becomes golden, a glass of 20% cream is added to it. Then the sauce is put on fire for 2 minutes to boil, adding half a tablespoon of ground cocoa beans and a little pepper and salt. You can wrap unground cocoa beans in gauze and lower them during boiling, and then take them out.
  3. Easy homemade chocolate recipe. Ground chocolate tree seeds are fried in a pan or left in the microwave for 2 minutes at 600 W - this helps to reveal the cocoa flavor. Then mix the fried flour with cocoa butter, add powdered milk and put on water bath. Cook until the mixture becomes homogeneous. You need to stir constantly so that no lumps appear. The proportions of the composition are 2/2/1. Then the future homemade chocolate is poured into molds. First, let it cool down room temperature, then put in the refrigerator so that everything completely freezes. Before hardening, you can add for taste additional ingredients: rum, nuts, powdered sugar.
  4. Complicated homemade chocolate recipe. Made from following products: cocoa butter - 70 g, ground cocoa beans - 4 tablespoons, milk - 1 tablespoon, cane sugar- 1 teaspoon, vanilla - 1 pod. Cocoa butter is melted in a water bath, all ingredients are added to it, stirring constantly, then baking paper is put into molds and poured hot chocolate. Cool down in the refrigerator.
  5. Recipe chocolate chip cookies . You need to immediately calculate that the preparation of cookies is fast, but drying takes 10-12 hours. If you want to enjoy a delicacy in the morning, you should cook it in the evening. Required Ingredients: chopped cocoa beans - 3-4 tablespoons, ripe bananas - 1.5-2 pieces, chopped flaxseed - 1 tablespoon, coconut or sesame seeds for powder. Bananas are mashed or crushed in a blender, cocoa beans and flax seeds are added to them, kneaded like dough. Form small cakes with a wet tablespoon, roll in sesame or coconut flakes leave to dry in a warm place. Preferably every 3 hours ready product turn over. It can be dried in the oven, over low heat, at a temperature of about 70-90 ° C. The fact that the cookies are ready, you can find out only by trying. Pastry should have a pleasant crunch when used.
  6. Tonic sports cocktail . The number of products is designed for 4 servings. In advance, you should prepare chopped cocoa beans - 100 g, chopped pine nuts - 30 g, liquid oil cocoa - 30 g (approximately 2 tablespoons), honey - 2 tablespoons, banana, 3 cups of cold and 2 cups of warm water, almost hot, 75 ° C. Mix in a blender cold water, honey, cocoa powder, banana. Then add warm water. Beat until tender, at least 3 minutes.
If cocoa beans are not available, cocoa powder can be used to prepare all dishes. Just before using it, you should check how good the product is. When rubbing the powder in your fingers, a greasy feeling should remain on the skin. No greasy coating - cocoa powder is not of high quality and is not suitable for cooking.

The seeds of the chocolate tree were used by the Mayans as a trading currency. All goods were valued in terms of cocoa: a slave cost 100 beans, the services of a priestess of love - 10, and Domestic bird- chicken or turkey - 15-20 beans. As a bargaining chip, Indian tribes used cocoa beans until the end of the 18th century.

But the Europeans could not understand the value of the product for a long time. Columbus was not interested in cocoa beans, he mistook them for low-quality almonds. The following conquistador invaders even once burned a Spanish ship with cocoa beans, mistaking them for sheep droppings.

By the beginning of the 17th century, Europeans had already appreciated the chocolate drink, but the Catholic Church sharply opposed its use, putting it on the same level as heretical behavior.

Already in the 18th century, the chocolate tree began to be cultivated artificially - plantations appeared in Brazil, Ghana, Indonesia, Nigeria, Cameroon, Ecuador, Malaysia and the Dominican Republic. Despite the fact that America is still the birthplace of Theobroma cacao, 69% of all cocoa beans are grown in Africa, where the most fertile climate for this crop turned out to be.

The life span of a chocolate tree is about 200 years, but only relatively young shoots bear fruit - from 3 to 28 years of age. To grow 4 million tons of cocoa beans per year (that's how much is currently sold on the world market), plantations need to be constantly replanted. For the manufacture of 1 kg of cocoa powder, you need to use 40 fruits of the chocolate tree.

In order to reduce ESR and increase hemoglobin, it is enough to consume 50 g of dark chocolate per day with a cocoa content above 72%. To achieve the same results with orange juice, a day would have to drink more than 15 glasses.

In most cases, peeled cocoa beans are used in cooking, but their shell - cocoa-ovella (kakavella) - is also widely used in countries that grow chocolate tree plantations. Shredded cacao shell - meal - is added to the soil as a fertilizer and feed for farm animals. Schroth is also used in pharmacology, in it high content stimulant theobromine. Cardiac stimulants are made from the shell of cocoa beans.

At home, crushed chocolate tree seeds and cocoa powder can be used not only for food - the products are used for rubbing and wrapping in the fight against stretch marks, added to the mask to accelerate hair growth.

The widespread popularity of cocoa is due not only to pleasant taste, but also regenerating, antioxidant, anticarcinogenic and immunomodulatory effects.

How to make chocolate from cocoa beans - see the video:

If you follow the measure when using products containing cocoa, purchase it only from trusted manufacturers, enjoy the taste and use therapeutic effect You can, regardless of your own diagnosis.

In South America, cocoa beans have long been famous for their benefits and harms. Latin Americans have long fallen in love with him, for some properties, who better than them to ask about this miracle. Indeed, for making shop products, cocoa goes through several stages of processing, therefore it is simply useless to count on the same effect as that of “homemade” beans.

Now "chocolate trees" are grown mainly in African countries (Ghana, Niger, Nigeria ...), as well as in some countries of Asia and South America. All these countries have pleasant climatic conditions for plants, but we can also try to grow a cocoa tree with a good microclimate. real plants reach a height of about 9-12 meters, but for us they created a miniature up to 170 centimeters high - they can be grown in an apartment.
Cocoa beans - the fruit of the cocoa tree, which is widely used in the food industry, on the tree have a bright orange color. For industry, they are used completely, without waste.

Usefulness of fruits

We have already figured out what cocoa beans are, the benefits of them are no less interesting point than their history. In order to understand what benefits our product brings, you need to consider the nutritional value table.

  • 55% fat
  • 15% proteins
  • 7% starch
  • about 5% fiber

In addition, cocoa beans contain many different vitamins and minerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins B and PP. Do cocoa beans have useful properties? For those who are not in the subject, we will explain in more detail. B contains a certain proportion of D vitamins, which is extremely rare in plants. Thanks to this, and melanin, cocoa powder is used in the cosmetic industry.

The benefits of cocoa beans are displayed in reducing the risk of contracting diseases such as:

  • stroke
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels
  • diabetes

In the fight against stroke

Scientific studies from Harvard University show that the inhabitants of the coast of Panama are much less likely to suffer from hypertension ( high blood pressure– a direct path to a stroke). According to scientists - all because of the benefits of cocoa beans, useful in the prevention of heart disease. The average Panamanian drinks close to five cups of cocoa a day, and suffers from heart disease several times less often than a resident of any other place on the planet. Panamanians use the properties of grains in the right way, don't they.

But it is worth paying attention to the fact that cocoa beans, the health benefits and harms of which have been studied quite extensively, are dangerous for those already suffering from heart disease, because they contain caffeine. If you already have some heart problems, you should not take the fruits of the chocolate tree as a prophylactic or medicinal product.

For diabetes

Until recently, it was generally accepted that the consumption of such products in case of diabetes is strictly prohibited. Now, experts are more gentle about this particular product. Doctors helped us compile a list of how cocoa beans are useful for diabetes:

  • Contain many vitamins
  • Promote metabolism (metabolism)
  • Helps the body cleanse itself

In order for “chocolate” beans to not harm you, you need to follow the rules for its use. We will not specify whether cocoa beans can be eaten or drunk, its properties are valid in any form - cocoa can be consumed in the morning or throughout the day, but never do it in the evening. The drink should exclude sugar or its substitutes, and it should also be warm.

Cancer Prevention

The composition of the grains of beans contains a lot of antioxidants (antioxidants). Preservatives have the ability to protect cells from damage and can reduce the risk of cancer. In the early 2000s, French researchers proved that cocoa substances inhibit the growth of most cells affected by this disease. The properties of the plant in the field of oncology have not yet been sufficiently studied, many things remain a mystery today, but already well-known studies give hope.

Harm and danger

Mostly the benefits of raw, ground, melted or other types of cocoa beans will be for
most people. But there is also an opposite side in cocoa beans, to save time, we have prepared another list:

  • May increase blood pressure.
  • High calorie.
  • Possible nervousness.
  • Insomnia (insomnia).

There are a number of other possible negative consequences eating beans cacao(eng), but all these points relate to people sensitive to various stimuli. If your health allows you to enjoy all the delights of this excellent plant, it will only benefit you.