Green smoothies and other raw food recipes. Raw green smoothie for hormonal balance

  • 1 bunch of dill
  • 2 Mandarins
  • 200 ml. Water
  • 1 banana

Smoothies (green cocktail) according to the recipe of Victoria Butenko

For cooking you will need:

  • 250 g Spinach
  • 1 Pineapple
  • 1 Mango

Cooking method:

You have probably heard about the huge benefits of green smoothies. Recently there was a program where they just showed the recipe for one of them live. We will tell you how to make one of the most popular green cocktails according to Victoria Butenko's recipes.

For this we need some spinach leaves, water, pineapple pulp and mango. And the recipe is simple and uncomplicated, put all the ingredients in a blender and grind until a homogeneous green mass, serve the drink chilled. If you drink such a cocktail once a day, then soon you will feel additional strength and energy.

The dish is designed for 3 servings.
The total cooking time is approximately 5 minutes.

Cooking method:

You have probably heard or read about healthy green smoothies that perfectly refresh, saturate and fill our body with microelements and useful vitamins. Today we will just learn how to prepare one of these cocktails. For this we need: dill, bananas, tangerines, water.

The recipe is simple and uncomplicated. We take all our ingredients and put them in a blender, grind until smooth as much as your processor allows you to. Pour into glasses, decorate with a cherry and serve this divine raw food drink to the table!

The dish is designed for 1 serving.

Cooking method:

This wonderful nutty cheese is the perfect addition to any dish, moreover, it perfectly satisfies your hunger and replenishes your protein supply. Preparing it is very simple, only first you will need to soak 2 cups of nuts overnight.

Morning has come, the nuts are swollen, the water has evaporated or it has become very small, which means that it is time to start cooking the seeds. Put the nuts in a blender container, add an extra glass of water and grind until you get a thick mass. Next, pour everything into a gauze cloth and let the water drain. Leave it like this for 12 hours. The cheese is ready, now you can use it in salads or eat it on its own. You can try adding to taste soy sauce, garlic, basil, olive oil, dill, etc. Enjoy your meal!

The dish is designed for 2 servings.
The total cooking time is approximately 15 minutes.

green sauce for salads

2 garlic cloves
- 50 g. Basil
- 1 Avocado
- 20 g Ginger
- 2 teaspoon Lemon juice
- Sea salt (to taste)
- Water

Cooking method:

Present to your attention interesting recipe- Salad dressing. The author of the recipe is the famous raw foodist Valya Butenko. This sauce is versatile and goes well with almost any salad, it will add spice and piquancy. It can even be used in non-raw food cuisine.

For cooking, we need a blender. We cut the garlic, basil, peel the avocado and separate it from the bone, a small piece of avocado and put it all in a blender bowl. Add lemon juice and sea ​​salt(optional) and add water. Grind to a state homogeneous mass and put in the refrigerator to cool. Enjoy your meal!

The dish is designed for 2 servings.


For cooking you will need:

dry buckwheat
- Raisin
- Pumpkin seeds
- Ground flax seeds
- Almond milk

Cooking method:

Buckwheat grain- this is not a cereal, this is the seed of a clove plant. Due to this, people with an allergy to wheat can eat it safely. And supposedly it is easier and better absorbed than cereals.

In Japan they make lovely pasta soba, the production of which is considered a special art, since buckwheat does not contain gluten, which makes the usual wheat dough viscous. In America, buckwheat is most often found in the form of pancakes, but it is also sold as cereal, which, by the way, is often called "porridge". They also stuff her pillows.

Buckwheat contains routine, a flavonoid that strengthens capillary walls and enhances the action of vitamin C. Also regular use buckwheat lowers "bad" cholesterol (LDL). It contains a large amount of magnesium, which also contributes to the health of the circulatory system. And unlike many other cereals, it lowers blood glucose. Several studies have been published that support the benefits of buckwheat for the treatment and prevention of diabetes.

I love buckwheat since childhood, but raw foodists also revere buckwheat. Almost all books contain a recipe with sprouted and dried buckwheat. I tried his homemade muesli with a friend, and decided that I needed it too. I bought unfried buckwheat, soaked it for half a day, sprouted it for about a day, washing it very carefully and often - it forms a lot of mucus. When the sprouts began to noticeably break through, no more than a couple of millimeters came out, I once again thoroughly washed, drained and dried in a dryer. 3 years ago I tried to germinate it, and it sprouted too much, it was not tasty.

Dry buckwheat, not fried - light, greenish.

After soaking - kept in a sieve, lowered into a bowl of clean water for washing.

Layed out on a tray and in the dryer overnight at 105 F (~40 C)

Dried - looks almost the same, but no longer hard - fragile and crispy!

I mixed it with raisins, pumpkin seeds, and ground flaxseed - that's my simple muesli. It is well kept.

flooded almond milk Yummy!

The dish is designed for 1 serving.
The total cooking time is approximately 9 hours.

Buckwheat granola

For cooking you will need:

3 cups sprouted buckwheat
- 1 glass sunflower seeds
- 1 glass pumpkin seeds
- 2 cup walnuts
- 3 tablespoon poppy seeds
- 3 tablespoon sesame seeds
- 1/4 tablespoon nutmeg
- 1 cup carrot pulp
- 2 cup dried white mulberries

Cooking method:

Oh, what's not in it ... the recipe is a copy of the granola bought at Crudessense in Montreal. carrot cake and nutmeg is unusually tasty in combination with everything else, and in general it seems to me it will be delicious in combination with any nuts. Mulberry can be replaced with light raisins.

Buckwheat, sunflower and pumpkin seeds are soaked, germinated for a day. Walnuts are soaked for several hours, coarsely ground. Poppy, sesame added just like that. Nutmeg rubbed on a grater. Juice is made from carrots, and cake is added to granola. Everything except mulberry is well mixed in its wet form and dried overnight in a dryer. Then mulberry is added. Eaten with almond milk.

The dish is designed for 3 servings.

Delivery of greens for green cocktails in Moscow and the region. Greens are brought from an environmentally friendly place, which is located in the Vladimir region. Nearby there are no industries, no big roads, no agricultural fields. The green fee includes herbaceous plants, and leaves from trees. All plants are plucked only after your order. The composition of plants depends on the season. It is better to check the price by phone: 8 925 883 46 34 or by mail: [email protected]

Green smoothies.

Green smoothies are an important part of a raw food diet. For green cocktails, the green ground part of the plants is collected, the plants are collected exclusively in a clean place. Various herbs, leaves of trees and shrubs are suitable for such a cocktail.
It is important not to pluck poisonous plants. Plants such as nightshade, euphorbia, potato sprouts, cow parsnip, castor bean, male fern and some others are not suitable for a cocktail.
It is not necessary to know all poisonous herbs, it is enough to know those herbs that are useful and collect only known plants. For example, I add such plants to the collection - linden leaves and flowers, birch leaves, clover, quinoa, young shoots of wild rose, hawthorn leaves, strawberry leaves, strawberries, currants, raspberries, you can add a little horsetail, lingonberry leaves, young shoots of spruce or pine and other food plants.
The collected collection must be washed, cut, placed in a blender and lightly poured with water, if there is not much water, grind the blender well herbal collection. When the collection is sufficiently crushed, you can add lemon for taste and fill it with water completely and turn on the blender again at full power. In the blender, not only the herbal collection is crushed and mixed with water, another very important process takes place in the blender.

With a strong rotation, the water becomes more active, it is literally charged from rotation, such water becomes similar to the water that rages in mountain rivers.
Therefore, it is better to drink such a cocktail right away, but if it has stood for some time, you can put it in a blender again and shake it.
Sometimes a shaken cocktail even has a milky tint, and there is a lot of foam on top, gradually the foam settles, and the drink becomes more transparent.
The finished drink must be filtered through a sieve and you can drink, again honey is added if desired.
Coniferous twigs give this drink a unique tart taste, linden leaves make the drink a little slimy, dandelion leaves give a slight bitterness.
Mint or lemon balm leaves will give the drink a pleasant aroma, currant leaves - a currant flavor.

You can add rosehip petals, zucchini flowers, medicinal chamomile to the drink. coltsfoot, nettle, burdock. From such a drink, the hair will become luxurious and shiny.
Such cocktails heal not only the hair, but the whole body. Everyone can check this for themselves. If you drink such a green cocktail, it literally cleans the intestines and oral cavity, it literally “alkalises” it, makes the body “alkaline”, sometimes the teeth are rough, but if you drink such a drink and run your tongue over your teeth, you will feel what they are became smooth, and literally everything "squeaks" in the mouth from cleanliness.
Herbal cocktail increases hemoglobin in the blood, cleanses the intestines, removes unpleasant bodily odors, improves the elasticity of blood vessels, and restores vision.
Victoria Butenko writes in sufficient detail about green cocktails in her book "Greens for Life"
Green smoothies are literally saturated with nutrients, so the drink is very satisfying, well absorbed, but does not cause heaviness in the stomach, but rather gives lightness and a lot of energy. This drink contains many trace elements, mineral salts, chlorophyll, antioxidants, it removes toxins from the body well.
Such a drink is useful for everyone, both adults and children, pregnant women and the elderly.
Green smoothies can be drunk before meals, or instead of meals, it is better to start little by little, for example, half a glass, it is important to listen to the body. Gradually, the amount of the drink can be increased. The cocktail is drunk both strained and together with fiber, add various fruits, berries, vegetables.

I hope this compilation of 13 different recipes will help you be healthy and successful in the new year!

How to cleanse the body?

From year to year, it is in January, for obvious reasons, that this issue becomes more relevant for many of us. Someone considers it necessary to quickly get rid of the excess accumulated over the holidays ( kilo)grams, slags and other unnecessary internal baggage. For some, it has become a kind of ritual to start the year with a “spring cleaning” of the body. One way or another, but it is during the cold winter season that the topic of detoxification is mentioned in conversations more often than usual.

There are many radical ways to cleanse the body. But for many of us, they may seem too complicated and even dangerous. Not everyone dares to starve or gradually drink olive oil in large quantities. It would be much safer (and perhaps more useful) not to "accumulate garbage" for months, but to "clean feathers" naturally everyday. All the same invaluable green leafy vegetables can help with this. spices and fruit-berries combined together in cleansing drinks - green shakes (or smoothies, if with ice).

They have more than enough advantages in comparison with squeezed juices. In addition to important nutrients (in a digestible form), whole fruit smoothies provide us with valuable fiber with all its health benefits. And if you still find the opportunity to use cleansing drinks 30-40 minutes before the rest of the meal, then it is not excluded that you will soon find weight loss. Indeed, after such a densely packed start with nutritional richness, the body may no longer need the usual amount of calories (often “empty” from sweet or salty snacks). By including a green smoothie in your daily menu, you will bring considerable benefits to your health, not excluding excess weight loss.

Briefly about the advantages of green smoothies

  • They contain much more nutrients (especially vitamins A, C and K, folic acid, calcium and iron) and fewer calories compared to the usual smoothies made from sweet fruits and berries.
  • Green smoothies are a convenient way to include more fruits and vegetables in your diet. And, according to medical scientists, they need to be consumed at least in order to protect themselves from chronic diseases. In one average serving of a cocktail (smoothie) at a price of 150-200 calories, we can easily get at least a quarter or even a third of the recommended amount. We have already talked about the uniqueness of green leafy vegetables more than once. and you can find out more.
  • By drinking green smoothies for breakfast, we thereby not only initiate the process of cleansing the body, but also feed it in the most effective form. As you know, nutrients are absorbed much better from carefully crushed liquid forms (shakes, juices, smoothies), in comparison with others.
  • If you need to improve the work of the digestive tract, then here green smoothies can successfully contribute, thanks to the abundance of fiber in them from fruits and leafy vegetables. And this means that slags and toxins will be removed from the body regularly ( no delays), which, as we well know, has an impact on overall health (including immunity and weight control).

Not everyone is happy to welcome greens in a glass. Using a home example, I can advise you to start with a smaller amount than in the recipe, gradually increasing it to the required amount. You can reliably “hide” the greens with the help of blueberries. Covers everything!

What fruits and vegetables are best for making green smoothies?

Even in winter season, much more stingy on fresh vegetables and fruits, you can contrive to prepare cocktails with herbs. Cabbage varieties, beets and pre-frozen fruits and berries will be used. If there is a large freezer such an alternative to blanks for future use is much more useful than grandmother's compotes and jams!

For a cocktail you can use:

Fresh and frozen fruits and berries: pear, peaches, grapes, papaya, strawberries, blueberries, kiwi, lemon, apple, banana, orange, pineapple.

Greens for smoothies the following is suitable: cabbage (, kale - in particular!), lettuce leaves, spinach, arugula, parsley, cilantro, basil, mint, cucumber, celery greens. (AT winter time you can use frozen green leaves from summer).

What else can be added to a cocktail?

Nut butters (about 1 tablespoon per serving) and/or unsweetened, low-fat yogurt are used to promote satiety. Instead of water, you can take milk (I recommend vegan). If your blender has more power, then you can also throw in 1 teaspoon of flaxseed (add healthy Omega-3s) or chi seeds.

What are the features of making a winter cocktail?

At this time, in my opinion, you can do without ice, and use more spices due to their warming effect. And above all - ginger and cinnamon - to help the immune system to resist flu and colds. In addition, cinnamon, as we know, is involved in the normalization of blood sugar levels, and sharp-tasting ginger promotes better digestion and has a detoxifying effect. ( Recipes can be found below).

What is the calorie content of green shakes/smoothies?

It all depends on what is in the product. Standard portion according to below classic recipe provides just over 100 calories. Nut butter will add about 100 more calories, yogurt or milk 40 to 100 calories.

Are there any contraindications?

As elsewhere, moderation is important here. Each of us has its own and depends on the general state of health, the medications taken, the characteristics of the digestive tract. In particular, if you have contraindications for taking vitamin K (it is also found in very in large numbers in green leaves and cabbage), it is recommended to consult a doctor before including cocktails in your diet.

You can learn more about the benefits of green smoothies and how to prepare them here:


4 variations of the classic green cocktail


(my choice for every day)

(2 servings)

  • 1 apple (cut into chunks with skin on if organic)
  • 1 cup spinach leaves or kale (or cabbage)
  • ½ cup parsley (optional)
  • ½ cup water and/or
  • ice (3 cubes) - optional

Place the ingredients in a blender and blend thoroughly, adding water and ice as needed.

Nutritional properties:

For 1 serving: 125 calories; 0 g fat; 0 mg cholesterol; 32 g of carbohydrates; 25 mg sodium, 5 g fiber, 2 g protein; GN 10.


Tropical taste

  • 1 orange, peeled
  • 1/2 cup pineapple chunks, frozen
  • ½ -1 banana (depending on desired sweetness)
  • 1 glass fresh spinach or Romano salad
  • ice cubes and/or water


  • 1 cup strawberries (can be frozen)
  • ½ -1 banana (depending on desired sweetness)
  • 1 cup spinach leaves
  • handful of parsley leaves

4 varieties of cabbage cocktails

Special mention should be made of them. In the winter season, like a lifesaver, cabbage often replaces many other vegetables and fruits that are inaccessible to us at this time. (O useful composition cabbage varieties can be viewed.) A few tips on cooking technology:

1. It will be better if you first grind cabbage with a small amount liquids. Only then add the frozen ingredients and grind them further to a homogeneous consistency.

2. You can put the cabbage in the freezer in advance by putting it in a bag. This step seems to eliminate the harsh cabbage taste. Works as one of my family's green smoothie camouflage tricks. The same applies to kale.

Classic (tart) cabbage smoothie

(2 servings 120 calories)

  • 2 cups raw chopped broccoli
  • 1/2 cup chopped cabbage
  • 1/4 cup chopped celery stalk
  • 1/2 cup apple juice or 2 green apples
  • ice cubes and/or water (as needed)


1 serving 125 calories

  • 1 cup raw chopped broccoli
  • 1 cup seedless grapes (I use dark)
  • ice cubes and/or water (as needed)

"Ice beetroot"

1 serving 88 calories

This recipe is especially good for athletes who require increased endurance. The secret is in the combination of beets and spinach.

  • 1 medium sized raw beetroot, cut into pieces
  • 1 sweet red pepper, peeled and chopped
  • 1 cup spinach leaves (or kale)
  • 1 tsp chopped ginger root
  • ½ tsp lemon juice
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • water, ice cubes


2 servings 150 calories

  • 4 cups cabbage
  • 1 banana, pre-frozen (1 hour minimum)
  • 1 cup strawberries or blueberries, frozen
  • Stevia (to taste) or Orange juice(about ¼ cup)
  • 4 ice cubes
  • 1-1.5 glasses of water

First, grind the cabbage in a blender with water. Then add other ingredients and bring everything to a homogeneous consistency.

2 Hearty cocktails

Protein green smoothie

1 serving 217 calories 0 g fat 14 g protein

Especially good for weight control . This refreshing, herb-infused smoothie is formulated with Greek-style yogurt (twice the protein) to help balance protein and carbs. Most commercially produced shakes contain predominantly only carbohydrates, which adversely affects the value (GL) of the product and can provoke sharp spikes in insulin release. .


1. Place spinach, cucumber, celery and water in a blender. Thoroughly grind until a homogeneous liquid consistency is obtained.

2. Add banana, pineapple, yogurt and ice cubes. Blend again until you get a smooth smoothie.

Nut milk smoothie

1 serving 270 calories 9 g protein

  • 1 cup vegan milk of your choice (I use unsweetened almond milk)
  • 1 tbsp nut butter (peanut or almond)
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1 cup spinach leaves
  • about 1/2 cup water
  • 3 ice cubes

3 Cocktails with spices

Ginger Green Cleansing (Satisfying too)

1 serving (260 calories with honey, 200 with stevia)

from ChefMD's Big Book of Culinary Medicine

  • 2 sheets of kale
  • 1 cup spinach leaves
  • 1 green apple, cut into pieces, without core, but with skin if organic product)
  • 1 glass of water
  • 1/4 avocado (no skin)
  • Fresh lemon juice(taste)
  • a little fresh ginger (1 cm in size), peeled and chopped
  • honey to taste or 1/8 tsp stevia
  • water and/or 3-4 ice cubes

Smoothie "Autumn assortment"

2 servings 125 calories

  • 1 small apple, cut into pieces, without core, but with skin if organic product)
  • 1 small carrot, cut into pieces
  • 1 cup kale leaves
  • 1-2 cm piece of fresh ginger, peeled and chopped
  • 1 banana, it is better to keep it in the freezer for 1 hour first
  • 1 glass of water or more as needed

"Not-only-pear" in chocolate

(and good for dessert!)

1 portion 210 calories with stevia,230 with honey

1 serving 210 calories with stevia, 230 with honey

  • 1 medium pear, cut in half, with skin but no core
  • 1 cup vegan milk (I use unsweetened almond milk)
  • 1 cup spinach leaves
  • 1 tbsp cocoa good quality(preferably raw)
  • a little stevia or honey or agave
  • a little cinnamon
  • water and/or 3-4 ice cubes

Prepared as usual.

Green smoothie recipes

P-a-payah cocktail

2 cups spinach;

1 fresh papaya without seeds;

1 cup of water.

Yield 1 l.

Resveratrol - the elixir of life

4 cups of highlander;

5 young grape leaves (they contain resveratrol - a substance that activates genes for longevity);

2 cups of water.

Yield 1 l.

Masterful Vitamin C Combination

4 cups pierced leaf clytonia (Cuban spinach)

2 cups of sorrel;

Juice of 1/2 lemon;

2 cups of water.

Yield 1 l.

clean nose

1 cup fresh watercress (watercress)

1 small sheet of horseradish;

1 cucumber;

A slice of chili pepper (1/2 cm);

1 large tomato;

2 celery stalks;

Juice of 1 lemon;

1 cup of water.

Yield 2 l.

Goodbye heavy metals

1 bunch of coriander (cilantro);

2 cups of nettle;

1 bunch of fresh parsley;

3 stalks of celery;

Juice of 1 lemon;

2 cups of orange juice.

Yield 2 l.

The safest liver cleanse ever

4 cups fresh leaves and dandelion flowers;

1/2 head of endive (chicory salad);

2 cups of milk thistle;

2 cups apple juice;

2-3 cm fresh ginger root;

1 cup cranberries

Yield 2 l.

Probiotic Guacamole Paste

1 cup sauerkraut;

2 large avocados;

3 art. spoons of lemon juice;

1 cup spinach;

1 cup fresh dill.

Yield 3 cups.

Blackcurrant cocktail

1/2 l blackcurrant;

1 ripe mango;

1 head of oily lettuce;

2 cups of orange juice.

Yield 2 l.

rocket fuel

2 cups green or red grapes (seedless)

3 golden kiwis;

1 ripe orange (no peel or seeds)

1 small piece (about the size of a thumb) aloe with peel;

5 leaves of red leaf lettuce;

2 cups of water.

Yield 2 l.

Memory Boost Cocktail

2 cups fresh purslane;

1 cucumber (with skin);

Juice of 1 lime;

2 ripe pears;

1/2 apple;

2 cups of water.

Yield 2 l.

winter greenery

1 cup natural frozen berries (any)

2 cups fresh spinach;

1/2 cm fresh ginger root

Decorate with a fruit slice.

Yield 2 liters.

green grasshopper

2 cups fresh wheat germ;

2 bananas;

2 cups of water.

Output 1.5 l.

dark green love

1 bunch of dandelion leaves;

1 medium cucumber;

3 cups of water.

Yield 2 l.

Double green smoothie

1 bunch of dandelion leaves;

1 bunch of fresh parsley;

1 cup fresh blueberries;

3 cups of water.

Yield 2 l.

Anti-cancer cocktail

1/2 liter of broccoli sprouts;

1/2 l blueberries;

1 cup of water.

Yield 1 l.

Prickly Cancer Blend

3 cups of milk thistle;

1 apple;

1/2 l of garden strawberries;

2 cups dark seedless grapes

2 cups of highlander;

2 cups of water.

Yield 1 l.

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Victoria Butenko is the author of the popular and world-famous bestsellers Twelve Steps to a Raw Food Diet and Greens for Life. Today, Green for Life has been translated into 24 languages ​​and has a worldwide circulation of 400,000 copies.

The book "The Twelve Steps to Raw Food Diet" opens up new possibilities for beginner raw foodists. In this book Victoria Butenko for the first time raised a topical issue about the dependence of many people on boiled food.

Victoria Butenko lives with her family in Ashland, Oregon. Victoria teaches classes raw food diet and healthy living at the University of Southern Oregon, and also travels around the world with his lectures. Victoria Butenko conducts Scientific research in the field of natural healing. results research shares in his books.

Victoria Butenko resorted to a raw food diet back in 1994, hoping to cure herself and her family of chronic diseases.

Victoria also suffered from cardiac arrhythmias, her husband from arthritis, and her children from diabetes and asthma. New food system - raw food diet, allowed the family of Victoria Butenko to overcome health problems.

Victoria Butenko considers greens cocktails to be the basis of the raw food diet. Her green smoothie recipes are popular all over the world.

Victoria Butenko highlights a number of benefits of green smoothies for maintaining human health:

  1. Green smoothies are very nutritious. The optimal ratio for a person: 40% fresh greens to 60% ripe.
  2. Greens-based smoothies in the body are quickly digested and absorbed. During the grinding of fruits and herbs, most of the cell membranes are torn, and valuable substances are easily absorbed by our body.
  3. Unlike juices, green smoothies contain fiber, so they are a complete, balanced meal. Fiber is necessary for the proper functioning of our excretory system, the prevention of cancer and heart disease.
  4. Green smoothies are good tasting food for people different ages. Green-colored drinks are very tasty.
  5. Three glasses of a green smoothie during the day will provide your body with the necessary daily rate nutrients. According to the teachings of the famous Dr. Ann Wigmore, the use of chlorophyll is analogous to a healthy blood transfusion.
  6. Green smoothies are quick and easy to make. To prepare two liters of a green smoothie, you will spend less than 10 minutes, including cleaning.
  7. Green smoothies are very popular with children. Cocktails can be introduced to babies from six months, but gradually and carefully so as not to cause food allergies.
  8. If you use greens in the form of green smoothies, the amount of salt and fat in your daily diet will be significantly reduced.
  9. Daily use cocktails based on greens and fruits, forms a habit, include more in the diet raw foods. If you drink green smoothies for two weeks, then you will have a natural need to consume greens.
  10. It is best to drink cocktails fresh, only cooked. At low temperatures beneficial features cocktails can be stored for another three days. This is very convenient if you need to take them to work or on a trip.

Cocktails are better Total cook in a blender. You can also use for cooking greenbeverage mixer. Before chopping, the fruits are peeled and finely chopped, the greens are washed well and also chopped. After cooking drink desirable strain.

Recipes for various cocktails by Victoria Butenko.

Feel free to replace the suggested ingredients with your favorite fruits and herbs.

Sweet cocktails

Family green smoothie: a bunch of spinach, you can use parsley or, two ripe medium apples, juice of one lemon, a glass of water.

Spring green smoothie: two bunches of quinoa or other wild herbs, a peeled banana, a mango and two glasses of water.

Freshness: eight leaves of green salad, a glass of red grapes, a banana, an orange and two glasses of water.

Joy: three stalks of celery, a banana, four peeled kiwis and two glasses of water.

Aromatic cocktail: half a bunch of spinach, half a lime with peel, banana, four apples and two glasses of water.

Children's favorite cocktail: two oranges, any two frozen fruits.

Unsweetened cocktails

Russian green cocktail: lettuce - six leaves, juice of half a lemon, celery - two stalks, half a red onion, half an avocado and two glasses of water.

Italian green smoothie: lettuce - five leaves, half a bunch of basil, lemon juice, two tomatoes, three cloves of garlic and two glasses of water.

Thai green smoothie: half a bunch of cilantro, one clove of garlic, half a sweet red pepper, three tomatoes, the juice of half a lemon, half a bunch of spinach and two glasses of water.

Cocktails for children

Fun gorilla: eight spinach leaves, banana, peeled orange, a teaspoon of honey, vanillin, two glasses of water.

Banango: eight lettuce leaves, banana, mango, three pitted, two glasses of water.

Simple recipes for daily menu

Nut milk: 200 g of seeds or any nuts soaked in water, 400 g of water, 3 dates or a tablespoon of honey, salt as desired. Mix all ingredients and strain.

Raw porridge: 200 g soaked oatmeal, 50 g pitted dates or raisins, a tablespoon of any unpeeled vegetable oil, salt. You can add berries or fresh fruit.

You can experiment with the components of green cocktails. Green cocktail- very valuable, nutritious and delicious drink to your daily menu, which will bring you a lot of benefits and joy.