Chocolate cream for biscuit cake chocolate recipe. Classic chocolate cream cake

They depend not only on properly prepared cakes. Not the last role is played by the cream for chocolate biscuit. It is he who will make your cake unique, tender. In this article, recipes for the most interesting and exquisite creams are selected. Thanks to this collection, prepare delicious cream for a chocolate biscuit will not be difficult. Choose the most suitable recipe for your case and cook for the joy of yourself and your loved ones.

for biscuit

Simple, airy, low-calorie - it's not even quite a cream, but rather a protein soufflé. It is prepared quite easily and quickly. And in comparison with creamy and oily, this simplest homemade cream- the most harmless for the figure.


  • Two glasses of sugar.
  • Ten egg whites.
  • Two tablespoons of condensed milk.
  • 150 ml plain water.
  • 20 grams of gelatin.
  • One teaspoon vanilla extract.


  1. First, rinse the eggs thoroughly, then dry them with a towel.
  2. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. It is important that the protein container is clean and dry. Avoid getting the yolk into the mass.
  3. Put the container with egg whites in the refrigerator for a while. Chilled protein whips much better.
  4. Pour gelatin cold water, stir well, leave aside until swelling.
  5. Heat the swollen gelatin over a fire until it is completely dissolved. Do not bring the mass to a boil.
  6. Strain the heated gelatin, add the condensed milk. Keep the resulting mass warm, while stirring from time to time, otherwise lumps may form.
  7. Beat the chilled proteins until a stable airy foam, then, without ceasing to beat, pour a little sugar into the cream.
  8. As a result, you should get a mass that forms stable protein peaks.
  9. It remains only to gently pour the gelatin to the proteins and beat all the ingredients.

Butter cream

In order to prepare this cream for chocolate biscuit, you will need the following products:

  • 500 ml 30% cream.
  • 150 ml of liquor.
  • Three tablespoons of sugar.
  • 200 grams of prunes.


  1. Prunes will need to be dealt with in the evening: rinse it, pour boiling water over it.
  2. Remove the pits from the prunes, chop them with a knife or scissors.
  3. Pour the chopped pulp with liquor. If you plan to cook a cake for children's holiday, it is better to replace the liquor with sweet syrup.
  4. Leave the prunes overnight in the refrigerator.
  5. The next day, grind the swollen prunes in a blender. It is not necessary to grind the mass to a puree, you should get the consistency of not very dense jam.
  6. Whip the chilled cream in a separate bowl, gradually adding the sugar. Stir until a stable cream is formed.

No need to mix two masses into one. Grease the cakes first with prunes, then with butter cream. chocolate biscuit with prunes it turns out incredibly tasty and juicy.


This is probably the simplest and fast option. In addition, it is simply impossible to spoil it. Anyone can handle it.


  • 150 ml 30% cream.
  • 150 grams of dark chocolate.


  1. Bring the cream to a boil, but do not boil.
  2. Remove the container of hot cream from gas stove, put pieces of dark chocolate into it, stir the mixture until the last ingredient is completely dissolved.
  3. After cooling, the cream will thicken to the consistency necessary for lubricating the cakes.

As you can see, this cream for But, despite this, the cake soaked in such icing turns out to be really tasty.

Condensed milk cream

It is simply impossible to describe the taste of this cream: juicy, amazing, delicious. Try it, you won't regret it.


  • 200 grams of butter.
  • 200 grams of condensed milk.
  • Two tablespoons of vanilla sugar.


  1. Heat up the oil to room temperature then beat with a mixer until smooth.
  2. Without ceasing to beat, pour in the condensed milk, pour in the sugar.
  3. The resulting cream should be thick and keep its shape well.

Nut cream for chocolate biscuit


  • 100 grams of butter.
  • 150 ml of milk.
  • Half a glass of sugar.
  • Two yolks.
  • 50 grams chopped nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts or peanuts).
  • A packet of vanilla sugar.
  • 10 grams of starch.


  1. Whisk all the ingredients in the recipe, except for the oil, in a small bowl until smooth.
  2. Heat the mixture in a water bath. It must be constantly stirred so that it does not burn, otherwise the taste of burning will be felt in the finished cream. Do not bring the mass to a boil so that the milk does not curdle.
  3. As soon as the cream thickens, add chopped nuts, mix, remove from heat, cool.
  4. Warm the oil to room temperature, beat it in a blender. Add cooled cream a little at a time, beat thoroughly until smooth.

Bon Appetit! May your holiday be successful. Cook for yourself and your family with love and pleasure!

Making a cream based on real chocolate or cocoa powder is very simple. There are several simple and available recipes with cream, sour cream, gelatin. You can use not only dark chocolate. interesting taste and color gives White chocolate, as well as adding instant coffee to the cream.

Biscuit confectionery considered one of the most popular in the world: they are easy to prepare, require minimum quantity ingredients, have delicate taste and air porous consistency. In combination with chocolate cream, such a cake becomes a real masterpiece of culinary art.


  1. ice water - 20 milliliters;
  2. yolks - 2 pieces;
  3. raw condensed milk - 240 milliliters;
  4. cocoa powder - 40 grams;
  5. butter softened - 400 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. Separate the yolks, stir a little, pour into them ice water and beat with a mixer until the components of the mixture are completely combined.
  2. Add unboiled condensed milk.
  3. Put the mass in a saucepan with a thick bottom over low heat and boil to a state of jelly.
  4. Add sifted cocoa powder and butter. Mix thoroughly.
  5. Cool the cream and cover it with cakes and top with sides sponge cake.
  6. If desired, instead of cocoa powder, 70 grams of melted dark chocolate can be used in the cream.

Chocolate cream from cocoa

The most inexpensive to prepare is considered chocolate cream based on cocoa powder. To taste, it does not fundamentally differ from that with real high-quality chocolate, but it is several times cheaper. Suitable for layering sour cream, biscuit cakes.


  1. cocoa powder - 60 grams;
  2. fat (3.2%) milk - half a liter;
  3. butter - 40 grams;
  4. corn starch - 3 heaped tablespoons;
  5. sugar - 90 grams;
  6. some salt;
  7. vanilla or essence.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour 300 milliliters of milk into a heavy-bottomed saucepan and place over low heat.
  2. Pour sugar, salt, cocoa into it and put a piece of butter. Stir and heat the mixture without bringing it to a full boil. Stir.
  3. Pour the sifted starch into the remaining milk, stir so that all the lumps “disperse”.
  4. Pour in a stream into the milk hot mass and brew the mixture until thick.
  5. Stirring constantly, boil the mass for a couple of minutes and remove from heat.
  6. When the mixture has cooled completely, to give airiness to the cream, you can beat it with a mixer for several minutes at the highest speed.

Butter chocolate cream

Delicate chocolate-flavored cream with the addition of gelatin is perfect for decorating cakes with cakes of any density: both delicate biscuit and fairly elastic honey. Fresh heavy cream. They saturate the cream creamy fat content and mild milky taste.


  1. milk - 120 milliliters;
  2. cream (minimum 33%) - 150 grams;
  3. chocolate (64%) - 120 grams;
  4. sugar - 45 grams;
  5. cold water - 35 milliliters;
  6. gelatin - 4 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour gelatin with water in advance, stir and let it swell. Follow the instructions on the packaging for cooking: instant can be used immediately after swelling, and the usual must be melted for a couple and only then poured into the cream.
  2. Warm up the milk.
  3. Separate the yolks, add sugar to them and beat.
  4. Pour the egg mass in a trickle into the warmed milk, remembering to stir.
  5. Boil the mass until it becomes thicker and more elastic.
  6. Break the chocolate into pieces, pour into a deep container.
  7. Pour in hot brewed milk.
  8. Stir the mixture until all the chocolate is completely melted. At the end, add gelatin, which has already swelled (or melted and cooled to 40 degrees).
  9. Cool the cream, whip at maximum power. To create a more stable foam, you can place a container of cream in the process of whipping in a large bowl with ice or very cold water.
  10. Stir both mixtures with a spoon, moving from top to bottom in one direction.

Sour cream chocolate cream

Cream with sour cream and dark chocolate is a universal layer and decoration for cakes. In cakes, it keeps its shape perfectly, does not spread, and you can also plant flowers and other figures from a pastry bag from it. It is also used to level the surface of the cake. The taste is soft and milky, with a slight hint of chocolate bitterness, reminiscent of ice cream in glaze.


  1. sour cream about 20-25% - 460 milliliters;
  2. chopped dark chocolate - 400 grams;
  3. corn syrup - 60 milliliters;
  4. salt - 1 tsp;
  5. powdered sugar - 300 grams;
  6. vanilla - package;
  7. soft butter - 170 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. Transfer the chocolate to a bowl with a thick bottom, add the syrup (you can replace it with regular sugar or molasses). Put on water bath and stir until everything is mixed and properly dissolved. Cool to room temperature.
  2. Mix salt, vanilla and sour cream and also place on steam to heat. When the mixture becomes warm, remove it from the heat.
  3. Mix both masses with a whisk.
  4. Beat butter and powder until fluffy. The mixture should turn white, at least double in volume.
  5. Without stopping, add to the oil chocolate mixture and whisk for another 4 minutes.
  6. Cover the cream with foil and place in the cold for at least 30 minutes, and then use to decorate the cake.

Chocolate custard

The custard type of cream is attractive for its consistency: it turns out to be quite thick, homogeneous, tender. By adjusting the amount of flour (or other thickener) in the component composition of the cream, it can be made as a liquid cream for impregnating hard puff or honey cakes, and an elastic mass to create a layer of great thickness.


  1. 120 grams of powdered sugar (regular sugar);
  2. half a liter of milk;
  3. one egg;
  4. cocoa powder - 60 grams;
  5. 90 grams of white flour;
  6. 15 grams of instant coffee;
  7. bitter chocolate bar;
  8. pack of soft butter.

Cooking process:

  1. Beat the egg with a mixer.
  2. Mix the dry ingredients of the cream: flour, coffee, cocoa powder.
  3. Add a spoonful to the egg mixture.
  4. Add chilled milk until the mixture resembles pancake batter in consistency.
  5. Boil the rest of the milk, add sugar to it and, with constant stirring, add chocolate mass with flour.
  6. Brew until the mixture begins to look like a very thick jelly.
  7. Cool and put pieces of soft butter into the mass.
  8. Whisk everything together for 5-6 minutes until fluffy.

What can you say about chocolate? Probably, only that you love him madly or even more - adore him. What could be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner, washed down with a milkshake? Sounds delicious. But what about baking? Do you love chocolate cream? After all, that's what we're going to talk about today.

Just imagine - soft, delicate, lush chocolate cream, smeared between chocolate cakes and sprinkled chocolate chips. Yummy? How do you love more? Very sweet, like white chocolate? Delicate sweetness of milk? Or do you prefer bitter dark chocolate with high content cocoa? You can choose any to your taste and add it to the composition of the recipe that you like.

How to cook chocolate cream? It seems to be easier than frying an omelet. There is nothing complicated in its preparation.

Since all recipes are prepared differently, we advise you to follow the rules of the recipe, the number of ingredients and the sequence of actions. If you do everything according to the plan, you will definitely succeed.

Simple chocolate cream cake

Cooking time

calories per 100 grams

How to cook:

Chocolate cream with coffee

Go to work - half an hour.

The number of calories is 228 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Remove the butter beforehand so that it reaches room temperature and is incredibly soft;
  2. Beat the butter with a mixer or whisk for five minutes;
  3. Add cocoa in three parts, without stopping in beating;
  4. Add powdered sugar as you work. Add also in three steps;
  5. Bring the mass to a homogeneous, thick consistency;
  6. Melt chocolate in a water bath or microwave;
  7. Pour chocolate into the oil mass, pour in instant coffee granules;
  8. Mix everything with a spatula and put in the refrigerator for half an hour;
  9. Then you can use it in different sweets.

It will take twenty minutes to prepare.

The number of calories is 310 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Put the yolks in a container, add starch and sugar;
  2. Grind the mass with a whisk until smooth;
  3. Pour milk into a saucepan and boil;
  4. As soon as the milk begins to boil, slowly, whisking all the time, pour in the yolk mass;
  5. Skip more raw cream through a sieve and bring back to a boil to heat the yolks;
  6. Bring to a boil and cook for another two minutes;
  7. Melt the chocolate and pour it into the cream;
  8. Bring the whole cream to a uniform color and remove it from the stove;
  9. Add butter, cut into pieces;
  10. Mix well and cool the cream;
  11. Everything is ready!

Chocolate cream on yolks

It will take one hour to cook.

Calorie content - 315 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Divide eggs into whites and yolks, we do not need whites;
  2. Add sugar to the yolks and beat the mass until white and increase in volume;
  3. Pour the starch through a sieve and mix the mass with a spatula;
  4. Chopped chocolate sharp knife into small pieces;
  5. Bring milk to a boil;
  6. Add the egg mass to the almost boiled milk, without stopping to stir it;
  7. As soon as it boils - cook for another minute;
  8. Pour in the chocolate pieces and stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved and the cream has a uniform color, it should be smooth in appearance;
  9. Remove the cream from the stove and cool at room temperature;
  10. Beat soft butter;
  11. Add the cooled cream in several stages to the butter, stirring with a spatula each time.

Each dish has its own secrets, tricks, and each has some secrets. This applies not only to cooking, but also to other things. You always need to know how to do it right in order to get a good result. The same goes for chocolate cream. Therefore, we will share with you all the recipes that we ourselves own. Let your cream be better every time!

  1. Chocolate is best taken in the form of drops. But keep in mind, most often on sale you can find chocolate icing not chocolate. You will understand this for the price. To make the cream tastier, of course, it is better to add real chocolate. Such drops melt faster, as they are smaller and thinner;
  2. Cream, which is cooked on the stove, must be stirred continuously. If this is not done, it will burn in the same second;
  3. It is better to give any cream time to brew, it is best to put it in the refrigerator for the night. All components will mix, and the next day the taste will be completely different, but even tastier;
  4. The shelf life of any cream is 36 hours;
  5. If you use a saucepan (a saucepan with a thick bottom), the cream will boil more evenly than in a regular one;
  6. The cream is best mixed with a wooden or silicone spatula. It will ensure uniform connection and mixing of products;
  7. Stirring the cream with the “eight” movement, the cream will be equally warmed up everywhere;
  8. Milk thickens creams, so add a little more if the cream is liquid (rules only apply on the stove);
  9. Whole eggs can be added to the cream instead of proteins. But there is a risk that the protein will curl up, and the lumps will interfere in the already prepared cream;
  10. In the cream, you can add dyes, both artificial and natural - juices of fruits and berries. As well as nuts, zest, dried fruits;
  11. If the cream turned out with lumps, only a sieve will help you;
  12. After preparing a cake or pie with chocolate cream, give it time to brew. It is best to put it in the refrigerator overnight;
  13. If you only need yolks, then take eggs that are larger. They will have large yolks. If the yolks are small, then take 1 yolk more than indicated in the recipe.

How to choose fresh eggs?

  1. The first method is the most relevant even when you are in the store. For him, you just need to shake the egg near the ear. If the sound is muffled, this means that the yolk has come off the walls and also that there is too much oxygen in the egg. Accordingly, the egg is already beginning to deteriorate. If there is no sound, the eggs are fresh;
  2. Shelf life on a cardboard box. If you take eggs in a box, look for a place with an expiration date and be sure to use them on time;
  3. The third way is water and a deep container (about 10cm). You need to lower the egg into the water and observe its reaction. The egg lying at the bottom is incredibly fresh, perhaps even today. Standing for two eggs for about a week. If the egg floats on the surface of the water, it is about three weeks old. When the egg floats up and assumes a "lying" position, discard and do not risk your health;
  4. The most recent method is to check homemade eggs or already bought, but not checked in the store. The egg must be broken and examined. Elastic and dense yolk means the freshness of the egg. But if the protein "flows" and the yolk is already flattened, this egg has deteriorated.

What goes with chocolate cream?

If you use chocolate cream in cakes and don't know how to complement it so that there is something else besides chocolate, then here are some good combinations that you definitely won't lose:

  • chocolate lemon;
  • chocolate-raspberry;
  • chocolate nuts;
  • chocolate chili;
  • chocolate dried apricots;
  • chocolate prunes;
  • chocolate-;
  • chocolate coffee beans;
  • marshmallow chocolate.

How to choose chocolate?

  1. Be sure to check the ingredients. As part of good product you will always find: cocoa butter, lecithin, powdered sugar and grated cocoa;
  2. Chocolate (if bought by weight) should be smooth and shiny (with the exception of chocolate with fillings like nuts and raisins);
  3. Shelf life from three and maximum up to six months;
  4. If there is no cocoa butter in the composition, then there is no chocolate;
  5. Dense, well-sealed packaging;
  6. If chocolate is unpacked, then its color is uniform, without white or gray bloom;
  7. If there are streaks on the tile, this is normal. This is allowed by the standards.

Everyone loves chocolate cream, starting from a young age. It's delicious, filling, nutritious, sweet and truly unforgettable! He wants more and more and he can not eat enough of them. It has long been known that chocolate improves mood, and this is a good explanation for such incomprehensible behavior.

Try to cook all four options that we have offered you. You may like some more and some less. Choose your favorite, let it become your signature cream and be on the table for all holidays. After all, it can be added almost everywhere: cakes, pastries, pies, pies, muffins and its greatest advantage is that you can simply eat it with a spoon, which children will especially appreciate.

Cook with pleasure, delight your loved ones and get gastronomic pleasure!

Chocolate cream is suitable for any cake topping. Curd mass, sour cream, condensed milk, milk, cream cheese for cake, cream, mascarpone, different kinds chocolate, butter of any fat content, carob or cocoa are just a minimal list of products that can be used to create a filler.

The mass of chocolate with cream or butter is more fatty and is suitable for those who do not follow the calorie content. More lean version The filling involves the use of skimmed milk, starch and carob.

Below are the most successful ways to create a cream. Each housewife will be able to choose for herself the perfect recipe for a fragrant and tasty treat that suits her taste.

Chocolate cream with cream

This cream has a soft, smooth texture and is suitable both as a filling and for coating the top of a cake. Using more or less liquid, cake ganache acquires the desired density and density.


  • cream 35% (110 grams);
  • bitter chocolate (100 grams);
  • butter (35 grams);
  • powdered sugar (2 tablespoons).


  1. Pour into saucepan required amount cream and pour powdered sugar. We combine the products and heat the mixture until it boils.
  2. Add chocolate pieces to the hot mass and leave for 2-3 minutes (without mixing the ingredients).
  3. After the sweet tile has melted, we begin to mix the components until the workpiece acquires a uniform color. We introduce butter into the warm mass, once again we combine the products for the cream. This mixture can also be used under mastic. Its surface is very smooth. We use a special spatula to level the surface.

Cream with mascarpone

Such a cream with mascarpone turns out to be incredibly tender, light and refined. It is well suited as a filler for sour cream and biscuit cakes. In order for the pastry to keep its shape well, it is recommended to add gelatin or agar-agar to the filler.


  • mascarpone (200 grams);
  • chocolate (100 grams);
  • powdered sugar (2 tablespoons)
  • agar-agar (8-10 grams);
  • water (50-60 ml);
  • cream 35% (100 ml).


  1. Fill the agar with water. We wait 30-40 minutes.
  2. Pour cream into a saucepan, add powdered sugar. We are waiting for the workpiece to boil. Add prepared agar. We combine the ingredients and begin to stir the mass until it acquires a thick and uniform texture.
  3. Add the mascarpone to the slightly cooled mass. Using a culinary whisk, mix the products. The last step is to add melted chocolate in a water bath.
  4. We use the cream with mascarpone for the cake immediately, as the mass on the agar quickly begins to harden. To create a cake, it is recommended to choose detachable form. This will make it easier for you to extract the treat after it. full cooking. A leaner version of this dessert involves the presence of skimmed milk instead of cream and curd mass instead of mascarpone.

Cocoa based cream

A good version of the recipe, thanks to which you can create chocolate cream for cocoa cake from budget and simple products.


  • milk (500 ml);
  • cocoa (2 tablespoons);
  • butter (30 grams);
  • sugar (3 tablespoons);
  • starch (3 tablespoons);
  • vanillin (a pinch).


  1. Pour 300 ml of fatty fresh milk into a saucepan and heat it up.
  2. We introduce granulated sugar, cocoa and butter into the pan. If we are preparing a lean version of the recipe, then we take skimmed milk, we exclude oil from the composition of the ingredients, and replace cocoa with carob. With the help of a whisk, we make the liquid billet homogeneous and bring it to a boil.
  3. Continuing to work with a whisk, we cook the sweet mass for another 2-3 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the stove, pour the remaining milk into the bowl and add the starch. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and add to the hot mass.
  4. Now heat the cream again until it becomes thick and dense. We use chocolate cream for biscuit cake, and also as a filler for other cakes.

Chocolate cream with liqueur

This recipe is suitable for creating "adult" desserts. A cake based on it will turn out bright and tasty, with a rich chocolate aroma. For him, we can take our favorite recipe for a cake, with any composition of ingredients.


  • chocolate (500 grams);
  • liquor (1 tablespoon).


  1. We break the chocolate bars into random pieces and heat in a water bath until the mass becomes soft.
  2. We introduce into the bowl with the workpiece the oil, chopped into segments. Using a mixer, start beating the ingredients.
  3. The last step in making chocolate buttercream cake is adding quality liquor. Beat the ingredients for a few minutes, use to decorate cakes or desserts.

Chocolate cream on condensed milk

This filler option will appeal to lovers of condensed milk. In addition, such a blank does not require heat treatment, which makes a simple chocolate cream available in summer time. To create a treat, it is recommended to take condensed milk without vegetable additives. This guarantees the creation of a high-quality dessert of the required density and texture. You should also carefully approach the choice of cocoa. It must contain a large number of cocoa beans, have a characteristic color and aroma.


  • condensed milk (1 bank);
  • butter (250 grams);
  • cocoa (3 tablespoons);
  • vanillin (to taste).


  1. Pour the condensed milk into a deep bowl and add the required amount of butter. We begin to mix the ingredients (at high power of a blender or combine).
  2. After the mixture becomes homogeneous and thick, pour cocoa powder into the bowl.
  3. Beat the workpiece for a few more minutes, send it to the refrigerator (for 30-40 minutes).
  4. After the cream for decorating the cake becomes denser, use it for its intended purpose.

sour cream

This cream will appeal to lovers of fast and simple desserts. It will work out well with him chocolate cake with cherries and sour cream. It can even be used to impregnate simple biscuit cakes, which can be purchased at the store. To create a treat, you must use only high-quality sour cream of the highest fat content. Otherwise, you will end up with a liquid mass that cannot be used as a filler.


  • sour cream (500 ml);
  • granulated sugar (200 grams);
  • thickener for sour cream (1 sachet);
  • vanilla (pinch);
  • cocoa (3 tablespoons).


  1. Pour thick into a deep bowl. milk product and pour in granulated sugar.
  2. Using a food processor or blender, beat the workpiece until fluffy.
  3. Pour the recommended amount of cocoa, combine the components again.
  4. Add thickener to the bowl. Determine its rate yourself, depending on the recommendations indicated on the package. Beat the workpiece for several minutes, take a simple sour cream-chocolate cream at your discretion. By the same principle, we can create a cake with white cream, excluding cocoa powder from the composition.

The chocolate cream recipes described above are a real paradise for the sweet tooth. Everyone can choose a recipe, depending on the means and taste preferences. Using every time new cream, you can create desserts that will surprise and delight your guests, make any celebration unforgettable.

Oh, guys ... Hi everyone! I myself do not believe that I am writing this, but I have finally matured for this article ... I've had this idea for many months.: to collect, as they say, to the heap all the recipes of my favorite (and not only my) creams that I use for biscuit cakes.

And now, thanks to your many requests and prayers))) I still decided to flaunt all the ins and outs of their cakes.

Cream for biscuit cake is a rather relative concept. Of course, the recipes that I will present below can be used not only in combination with a biscuit, but also in other cakes, cupcakes, tartlets, eclairs and other desserts.

And before proceeding to the recipes, I will tell you something very important, which you hardly guessed. Since so many of today's recipes feature cream, here's a secret trick from baking queen Martha Stewart:

If you accidentally over-whipped the cream and see that it has already begun to curdle, just add a couple of tablespoons of cold liquid cream and stir gently. This will return the cream to the desired state.

So let's get started. There is a lot of material today. I promise it will be interesting.

1. Ricotta cake cream

I'll start with the freshest, which I tried just today.

This is very gentle cream with a refined, non-provocative taste and aroma of vanilla.

Personally, this cream in finished form reminded me very much of mascarpone cheese.

If desired, this cream is combined with fruit or berry puree. And you can add a handful of chocolate drops.

We will need:

  • fat cream 33-36%, cold - 200 gr.
  • ricotta cheese - 400 gr.
  • sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • vanilla extract - 1.5 tsp ( can be found here )
  • fruit / berry puree - 40 gr. (optional)


  1. Whip the cold cream with a mixer until firm peaks.

    Don't whip the cream too hard, otherwise the ricotta will curdle when mixed.

  2. In a separate bowl, beat the ricotta with sugar and vanilla essence for about 3 minutes to melt the sugar. If desired, add fruit and berry puree and mix.
  3. V last turn Add the whipped cream and mix gently with a spatula in a folding motion from bottom to top.

2. Cream with mascarpone

Perhaps this cream is the most frequent guest in my house. I use it not only for biscuit cakes, but also for. And it's actually space!

I change the fruit component of this cream and every time I get absolutely new taste and color. But even without extraneous additives cream with mascarpone excellent.

For it we need:

  • fat cream 33-36%, cold - 375 gr.
  • mascarpone cheese - 360 gr.
  • sugar - 75 gr.
  • vanilla extract - 1.5 tsp
  • fruit puree (banana, raspberries, strawberries, etc.) - 100 gr. (optional)

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the cream into a mixing bowl and place in freezer for 15 minutes with a whisk.

    The extra cooling will help us whip the cream much faster.

  2. Then add mascarpone, sugar, vanilla essence to the same bowl and beat first at minimum speed, and then at maximum, until stable peaks.
  3. At the end, if desired, add fruit puree and carefully mix it into the cream with a spatula.

Before assembling the cake, remove the cream in the refrigerator.

3. Cheese cream on cream (cream cheese)

Grocery list:

  • cottage cheese / cream cheese - 200 gr. (type Hochland Cremette )
  • powdered sugar - 70 gr.
  • vanilla extract - 1 tsp
  • fat cream 33-36%, cold - 350 gr.

Preparing the cream:

  1. Place cream cheese, icing sugar and vanilla essence in a mixing bowl and beat until smooth.
  2. Separately, beat the cold cream until firm peaks.
  3. We shift the whipped cream into a bowl with cream cheese and gently mix with a spatula, folding movements from the bottom up.

Before assembling the cake, remove the cream in the refrigerator.

4. Chocolate cream with condensed milk

This cream is one of my favorite oil creams. He is also from Soviet Union. Cake Prague everyone remembers? Here, it was with this cream that our iconic Soviet cake was prepared.

For him, take:

  • butter, softened - 250 gr.
  • condensed milk - 150 gr.
  • water - 50 gr.
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.
  • cocoa powder - 12 gr.
  • vanilla extract - 1 tsp


  1. Bring the butter to room temperature (ideally 20°C).
  2. While the oil is heating, mix the condensed milk with water in a small saucepan, then add 2 yolks and mix until smooth.
  3. We put the saucepan on low heat and with continuous stirring with a spoon, bring the mixture to a thick state. The finished syrup should leave a clear mark on the back of the spoon if you run your finger over it.

    Be careful not to bring the mixture to a boil, otherwise the yolks will cook.

  4. Pour the finished syrup into a clean bowl and cool to room temperature.
  5. Beat soft butter very well with a mixer until fluffy (about 10 minutes).
  6. Continuing to beat, add cocoa in three batches until a smooth consistency is obtained.
  7. Next, add the cooled syrup one spoon at a time, whisking thoroughly after each serving. At the end, add vanilla essence.

Do not refrigerate this cream before use.

5. Cream with boiled condensed milk

Another recipe with our favorite condensed milk, but this time with boiled, and with the addition of whipped cream, which makes the cream more airy and light. I really liked this alternative to a heavy oil cream.

Grocery list:

  • fat cream 33-36%, cold - 250 gr. ( to order )
  • butter, softened - 100 gr.
  • boiled condensed milk - 250 gr.

We make the cream as follows:

  1. In the bowl of a mixer, beat cold cream to stable peaks (I also advise you to cool the bowl and whisk of the mixer before whipping).
  2. In a separate bowl, beat soft butter together with boiled condensed milk until fluffy (at least 5 minutes).
  3. We introduce whipped cream into this mass and gently mix them with a spatula with folding movements from the bottom up until a homogeneous consistency.

If you do not plan to work with the cream right away, then put it in the refrigerator until use.

6. Buttercream Charlotte

It goes perfectly with a juicy soaked biscuit. If you prefer oil creams in biscuits, then this recipe is for you.


  • sugar - 180 gr.
  • milk - 120 ml
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • vanilla extract - 1 tsp


  1. We put 100 gr. sugar and milk, mix and put on fire until boiling.
  2. In the meantime, carefully grind the egg with the remaining sugar (80 gr.).
  3. After the milk has boiled, pour 1/3 of the milk into the egg mixture, stirring with a whisk.
  4. Then return this mixture back to the saucepan and put on low heat.
  5. Constantly stirring with a spoon, bring the mixture to a thickening (a clear mark should remain on the back of the spoon if you run your finger).
  6. Remove the finished milk syrup from the heat, pour into a clean bowl and cool. The cooled syrup should have the consistency of condensed milk.
  7. Beat soft butter with a mixer until very fluffy (5-10 minutes) and, continuing to beat, add milk-sugar syrup one spoon at a time, beating the butter thoroughly after each serving of syrup.
  8. At the end, add vanilla essence and beat again a little.

Cream Charlotte does not need to cool before assembling the cake.

7. Cottage cheese cream for biscuit cake

Cream for cottage cheese lovers. Personally, I don't really appreciate curd cakes. I like the more refined taste of ricotta. But knowing about the tender feelings for the cottage cheese of many of you, I publish the following recipe.

If you have wet cottage cheese, weigh it in gauze for several hours.

We will need:

  • cottage cheese, dry and fatty - 500 gr.
  • milk - 100 ml
  • powdered sugar - 120 gr.
  • butter - 10 gr.
  • cornstarch - 1 tsp
  • vanilla extract - 1 tsp

Recipe Description:

  1. We wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve to get rid of lumps.
  2. In a saucepan, mix milk, half of powdered sugar (60 gr.) And starch. Add oil and put on low heat.
  3. With constant stirring with a whisk, bring the milk to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes until the cream thickens well.
  4. Cool the resulting cream to room temperature, stirring occasionally with a whisk.
  5. In the meantime, with an immersion or regular blender, puree the cottage cheese with the remaining powdered sugar (60 g) until a smooth creamy mass is obtained.
  6. We introduce vanilla essence and cooled custard v curd mass and stir with a spatula until smooth.
  7. We put the finished cream in the refrigerator for 20 minutes to infuse it, after which we proceed to assemble the cake.

8. Sour Cream

For a biscuit cake, we need a thick sour cream that will hold its shape well. Otherwise, the cream will soak the biscuit and the cake will turn into porridge.

Therefore, for sour cream we need the fattest sour cream.

Namely, we need:

  • fat sour cream, 30% - 500 gr.
  • sugar - 200 gr.
  • vanilla sugar - 10 gr. (I advise dr. Oetker with natural vanilla )

It is prepared very simply:

  1. Combine all ingredients in a mixer bowl and beat until fluffy.

Before assembling the cake, remove the cream in the refrigerator.

9. Yoghurt chocolate cream

This recipe is my accidental invention. But despite this, the cream turned out to be very tasty and unusual. The consistency is approximately like sour cream.

For the recipe, take:

  • dark chocolate - 50 gr.
  • natural Greek yogurt - 500 gr.
  • condensed milk - 200 gr.

If you want more chocolate taste or more resistant cream, double the amount of chocolate.

Cooking process:

  1. Break dark chocolate into pieces and melt in a water bath, stirring occasionally. Then cool to room temperature.
  2. In a mixer bowl, combine yogurt with condensed milk and beat with a mixer until creamy.
  3. Transfer 2 tablespoons of yogurt cream to a bowl with cooled chocolate and mix.
  4. We shift the resulting mixture back into the yogurt and gently mix with a spatula with folding movements.
  5. We put the finished cream in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours until it hardens.

10. Strawberry cream with white chocolate

I learned this recipe in a pastry class. Although I could be wrong, it was a long time ago. But most importantly, this cream is very tasty and quite unusual.

For the cream we need:

  • butter, softened - 200 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 200 gr.
  • white chocolate - 200 gr.
  • strawberries - 100 gr.


  1. Cut the strawberries into small pieces, put in a saucepan and simmer for 15 minutes or until the liquid evaporates. Then remove from fire and cool.
  2. Break white chocolate into pieces and melt in a water bath, stirring occasionally. Then remove from heat and leave to cool.
  3. Beat butter with powdered sugar with a mixer until fluffy (5-10 minutes).
  4. Add cooled chocolate and stir. Then add strawberries and mix thoroughly again.

The cream is ready to use.

11. Cream Diplomat

Creme Diplomat is a combination of custard and whipped cream. Especially good in chocolate. But vanilla with fruits or berries is also very good.


  • milk - 250 ml
  • sugar - 60 gr.
  • egg yolks - 45 gr. (2 medium)
  • cornstarch - 30 gr.
  • heavy cream, 33-35% - 250 ml
  • vanilla extract - ½ tsp
  • powdered sugar - 1 tbsp
  • dark chocolate - 100 gr. (optional)

Cooking method:

  1. Let's make the custard first. To do this, bring the milk and half of the sugar (30 g) to a boil in a saucepan, stirring occasionally.
  2. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg yolks, the remaining sugar (30 g) and starch with a whisk.
  3. As soon as the milk begins to boil, remove from heat, reduce the fire to a minimum and pour 1/3 of the milk into the yolk mixture with constant stirring.
  4. Pour the resulting mixture back into the saucepan with milk, again stirring with a whisk.
  5. We return the saucepan to the fire and, with constant stirring, bring the cream to a boil. A few seconds after the appearance of bubbles, remove from heat.
  6. If you need chocolate cream, then after removing the saucepan from the heat, add finely chopped chocolate and mix until smooth.
  7. Pour the custard into a clean bowl, cover tightly with a film and leave for several hours or overnight to harden.
  8. Separately, beat very cold cream with vanilla essence to soft peaks. At the end, add 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar and beat a little more until stable peaks.
  9. Lightly beat the completely cooled custard with a whisk and gently fold in the whipped cream with a spatula from the bottom up, achieving a uniform consistency.

V ready cream Diplomat can add any fruits or berries as desired. And the cream is ready to use.

12. Cream of cocoa and milk

Perhaps the simplest and most affordable cream of all presented.

For him we need:

  • flour - 60 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 25 gr.
  • sugar - 200 gr.
  • milk - 600 ml


  1. In a saucepan, mix the sifted flour and cocoa, add sugar and mix.
  2. We introduce about 1/3 of the milk. Mix with a whisk. Then pour the remaining milk and mix everything thoroughly again. This is done so that there are no lumps.
  3. We put the saucepan on moderate heat and, with constant stirring, bring the cream to a boil with a whisk.
  4. When the cream starts to boil and there will be a lot big bubbles, remove the saucepan from the heat and cool, covering closely cling film.

After cooling, the cream is ready to assemble the cake.

13. Protein cream (Italian meringue)

Another economical cream, but in certain combinations it is incomparable. In this recipe, we are brewing egg whites, so you can not be afraid of any bacteria. Protein cream goes well with sour fillings. For example, you can layer your biscuit and cover the cake with this cream.

The only difficulty is for this recipe kitchen thermometer required can be bought here).

We take:

  • egg whites - 55 gr. (about 2 pieces)
  • a few drops of lemon juice
  • water - 30 ml
  • sugar - 170 gr.
  • vanilla extract - 1 tsp


  1. Put egg whites with lemon juice in a mixer bowl.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar, mix gently with a silicone spatula and put on moderate heat.
  3. At the same time, we begin to beat the egg whites at a high mixer speed (5-10 minutes).

    It is important not to overbeat the whites, otherwise the mass will begin to fall off. Once the whites have whipped into a stable fluffy meringue, reduce the mixer speed to medium.

  4. When the syrup reaches 120ºС, remove the saucepan from the heat and slowly pour the syrup into the proteins in a thin structure, continuing to work with the mixer at low speed. After pouring in the syrup, beat for another 5 minutes until a glossy lush mass.

14. Chocolate cream - ganache

For true connoisseurs of chocolate - the richest chocolate cream.

Grocery list:

  • heavy cream, 33-36% - 250 gr
  • liquid honey - 40 gr.
  • instant coffee in granules or powder - 1 tbsp.
  • dark chocolate, 65−70% - 200 gr.
  • butter - 75 gr.


  1. Combine cream, honey and instant coffee in a saucepan and bring to a boil over moderate heat.
  2. Put finely chopped chocolate and butter in a bowl.
  3. Pour the coffee creamer into the bowl with chocolate and mix thoroughly with a whisk until a homogeneous smooth consistency is obtained.
  4. We cover the ganache tightly with cling film and leave to infuse for at least 6-8 hours at room temperature.

After that, the ganache is ready to use. You don't need to stir or beat it.

15. Oreo Cream

One of my last cream recipes with amazing taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • heavy cream - 250 gr.
  • mascarpone cheese - 120 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 50 gr.
  • vanilla extract - 1 tsp (optional)
  • Oreo cookies - 100 gr.


  1. Pour heavy cream into a mixer bowl and put in the freezer for a few minutes.
  2. Then add mascarpone, powdered sugar and vanilla essence here. Whisk everything until fluffy thick cream first at low speed, then at high speed.
  3. Grind the cookies in a blender into small crumbs and gently mix with a spatula into the resulting mass.

Before assembling the cake, the cream is stored in the refrigerator.

I think that's enough to get started. If you have any wishes, write in the comments. We will supplement.

I note that recipes ## 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, as well as 13, 14 and 15 suitable for both filling and leveling biscuit cakes. In other cases, for leveling and finishing it is better to use whipped cream with a spoonful of powdered sugar.

Oh, and I’ll add that almost all of today’s recipes are not very sweet and are designed for biscuits soaked in sweet syrup. Keep this in mind.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

Good luck, love and patience.