Dough on raw yeast. Recipe for sourdough yeast dough.

Opara is, in fact, a “preparatory” dough, the first stage in the preparation of muffins or bread products. This dough contains only flour, yeast and milk/water, or other liquid ingredients (according to the recipe).

Why is steam needed?

The composition of the sweet, "heavy" dough, which we, for example, do for, includes a large number of sugar, eggs and butter. And sugar and fat create conditions that are uncomfortable for the yeast, in which the yeast cannot work at full strength, and the dough will not rise. Therefore, you must first "start" the yeast in a simple, unsweetened dough, and then add the remaining ingredients.

For bread and savory products, dough is needed in order to give ready-made pastries the very captivating bread taste and aroma that just appear in the process of yeast “working” in the dough. It is the yeast that creates these qualities, and therefore no other baking powder can replace yeast. You can find out why it is better to use fresh yeast.

What is steam?

Opara can be liquid and thick.

A thick dough ripens faster, but in summer it is better to put a liquid dough, and in winter to knead thicker, i.e. add more flour. Usually half of the flour is taken into the dough (from the indicated amount in the recipe), for liquid dough you can take the third part.

You can add eggs, sour cream, milk and even cream to the dough - because. the fats in these foods are already bound, they won't stop the yeast from working. This is especially true Easter cakes, because Recipes may contain little or no water or milk. However, it is important to remember that with these products, the dough will ripen a little longer.

Some recipes indicate that you need to put a little sugar in the dough so that the yeast is active. Kharkiv yeast will be active without sugar, so this is not necessary. It is best to divide the yeast into three parts, and put 2/3 into the dough, and 1/3 into the dough.

How to cook brew?

Standard method

Take all the liquid ingredients (whatever your recipe has: water, milk, eggs, except melted butter or sunflower oil), add half the flour and half (or 2/3) of the yeast, mix everything thoroughly. Opara is ready! Place the container with the dough in a warm place (no drafts, optimum temperature about 30 degrees), cover with a clean cloth. After 1-2 hours, the dough should double in volume, and it can (and should) be used. The maximum maturation time for the dough is up to 3 hours (the lower the temperature, the longer the maturation will last).

Then the rest of the flour, yeast, as well as sugar, fat, other components (raisins, vanillin, etc.) are added to the dough, and the finished dough is thoroughly kneaded. Before laying out in forms, the dough should stand for about 30-40 minutes.

The optimum temperature for dough and dough (for the best rise in the finished product) is about 30 degrees.

It is interesting that the products on the sponge retain their softness longer and bake better, have a great taste and aroma, but require more time to cook.

Until recently, only sponge technology was traditionally used in our country, since the yeast was not so active and of high quality, but today the quality of Kharkiv yeast allows it to be used, which we will discuss in the following articles.

You will find more information about the correct work with yeast dough on our website!

Have a delicious week!

In the preparation of most types of bakery products, it is customary to use the sponge method. It is thanks to him that flat cakes of dough turn into airy buns or lush porous bread. The result of baking depends directly on how well the dough is prepared. What does she represent?

What is steam?

Opara presents batter, which consists of flour, yeast and liquid. In some cases, sugar is also added to it. The purpose of the dough is to start the yeast fermentation process. Without this, the dough will not rise. As a result - ready product won't get big.

Steam is used for cooking yeast dough, but is done separately and directly before kneading. This process has its own characteristics, without taking into account which it will be difficult to achieve a good result in baking.

Opara for there are two types: thick and liquid. They differ in the way they are prepared. Thick dough includes up to 70% of the total flour. This cooking option involves the accumulation in the dough and in the dough of a larger amount of fermentation products, increasing the acidity of the latter. This improves the taste and aroma of products, they retain freshness longer and do not get stale.

Liquid dough includes half the flour. Due to the high humidity, fermentation processes in it occur more intensively. Under such conditions, yeast cells become more active, the dough does not peroxide. but bakery products cooked on it are not of high quality. They have a less pronounced taste and aroma and stale faster.

Opara is where the preparation of any yeast dough begins. That is why it is important that all the ingredients for it are of the right quality.

Yeast for dough

The essential ingredient of the sourdough is yeast. Without them, the fermentation process will not be able to start. For the preparation of sourdough, either pressed, that is, live, can be used. If the expiration date is correct, then the dough will be equally well suited in both cases.

Specific recipes indicate which yeast is used to make dough for yeast dough. But the composition of the ingredients can easily be changed to suit the products available. So, for example, if necessary, they are replaced with dry ones. The ratio between them is 3:1. This means that 3 grams of live yeast corresponds to 1 gram of dry active. Most manufacturers indicate this ratio on their packaging.

Dough preparation method

At bakeries, brew is prepared according to classic recipe. To do this, take about half the total amount of flour, two-thirds of the water and all the yeast. In terms of consistency, dough for yeast dough is rarer than dough. Its temperature is 28-32 degrees. The duration of the fermentation of the dough is from three to four and a half hours. After that, start kneading the dough.

The remaining ingredients are added to the finished dough, namely part of the water and flour, as well as fat and sugar, provided for in the recipe. The initial temperature of the dough is 28-30 degrees. The duration of its fermentation ranges from one to two hours.

Preparation of dough by the sponge method requires a significant investment of time. But it is the two-stage fermentation process that improves the quality of the dough, as a result of which the bread comes out especially tasty and aromatic.

Preparation of dough for yeast dough: ingredients

Depending on what kind of dough is being prepared, ingredients such as water, milk, and even kefir can be used as a liquid component. Each recipe indicates which of the components is needed in a particular case.

Dough for yeast dough for bread (and dough) is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • water - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 1 ½ teaspoons;
  • salt - ½ teaspoon;
  • pressed yeast (live) - 10 g;
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • flour - 5 cups (240 ml each).

All components of the recipe must be laid out on the table in advance and only after that proceed directly to the cooking process.

Step-by-step recipe for making dough and dough for bread

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the brew. To do this, you need a comfortable voluminous bowl with high walls. Pour salt, sugar into it, crumble the yeast. Mix the ingredients well with a spoon until smooth.
  2. Add warm water to the yeast mass, the temperature of which should not exceed 35 degrees. Mix and add half of the total amount of flour.
  3. Dough for yeast dough should turn out to be quite thick, heterogeneous in consistency. cover the bowl cling film and set aside in a warm place.
  4. After 1.5 hours, the dough should ripen. The fact that it is ready is evidenced by small bubbles and holes on the surface of this mass. Stir the mixture with a spoon. Now the remaining flour and vegetable oil are added. Knead dense, soft and elastic dough. Let it rise again, after which you can bake delicious homemade bread.

According to this recipe, the dough is lean. It is suitable not only for baking bread, but also for lean pies.

Dough for yeast dough

For sweet air buns the dough is prepared a little differently. For her, you will need 1 cup of water (250 ml), 70 grams of pressed yeast, a tablespoon of sugar and half of the total amount of sifted flour (5 cups). Combine all the ingredients together, cover the bowl with cling film and set aside in a warm place to ferment. It is important that the liquid is not hot.

While the dough is coming up, other ingredients for the dough are being prepared. In half a liter of milk, you need to melt 180 grams of margarine. Do not overheat and especially do not bring to a boil. Pour 1.5 cups of sugar (or more, to taste), a teaspoon of salt and vanillin. To stir thoroughly. Try to dissolve all the sugar in the milk-margarine mixture. Beat three eggs separately. Combine all the ingredients together with the dough. Add about 5 more cups of flour and knead soft dough. Form a ball out of it and send it to a warm place for about an hour and a half, until the mass triples.

Similarly, dough for yeast is prepared. If the filling is unsweetened, then the amount of sugar in the recipe must be reduced.

Pizza dough

Dough for pizza is prepared in water or milk. In the first case, the dough turns out to be thinner, in the second it will be softer.

First, the dough for the yeast dough is prepared. The recipe suggests that you first need to mix a teaspoon of dry yeast with 50 ml of milk (water), add 2 tablespoons of flour and ½ teaspoon of sugar. Cover and send to a warm place for half an hour.

When the dough is ready, it must be added to 200 grams of flour. Top up with 120 ml of milk, 30 ml vegetable oil and you can start kneading the dough. This will take about 15 minutes. During this time, the dough will no longer stick to your hands and will become elastic. The indicated amount of ingredients is enough for 2 pizzas with a diameter of 30 centimeters.

Today, there are so many recipes for yeast dough - in books and on the Internet - that a novice cook's head can go round.

We tried to read through the eyes of beginners - and came to the conclusion that we would not dare to take on this dough, with all the rules of preparation, warnings and other things, although we know how to bake. By the way, this imaginary complexity scares off most young housewives.

We acted simply: we visited many culinary forums and chose those recipes that, being published, tested by many - including beginners - users and received best reviews for their simplicity and excellent baking quality.

For beginners, we explain: yeast dough It is done in two ways - with dough and without. Sponge For its preparation, first a sponge is made - batter from warm liquid, yeast and half the norm of flour - which must ferment for quite a long time, and only then all the other ingredients are added to it. Products prepared by the sponge method have a larger volume, i.e. the air bubbles are larger. The dough is more elastic and not crumbly. Bezoparnoe It is kneaded immediately, you only need to wait for it to fit well, i.e. rose. The main difference here is the following. If we want the dough to be rich - i.e. it had more eggs, sugar, butter, milk - we make sponge dough. We bake kulebyaki, braids, buns from it.

Bezopare dough is more suitable for baking pies, buns, yeast. We also use this dough if we are going to deep-fry - for example, donuts.

In fact, this boundary is rather arbitrary. Experienced housewives most often they can bake anything from a doughless dough.

Unleavened yeast dough

  • 500-600 g flour
  • 20-30 g fresh yeast or half a standard bag of dry (weighing 11 g)
  • 1 glass of milk or water
  • 1 egg
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable, or butter, or margarine
  • 1-2 teaspoons of sugar (for sweet dough - about half a glass)
  • about half a teaspoon of salt
  1. If we use fresh yeast, first stir it in warm, 37-38 °, milk or water until it dissolves. Dry, as recommended on the bag, mix immediately with flour or water.
  2. It is better to grind the eggs first with sugar and salt, then mix with milk or water.
  3. Flour - sift through a sieve. Margarine or butter melt and let cool.
  4. Now pour a mixture of water (or milk) with sugar, salt, egg (and yeast, if we use fresh ones) into a bowl of flour, knead the dough. When the mass becomes homogeneous, pour the oil and knead again. Directly in a bowl - if it is convenient for us - or on a table sprinkled with flour, we knead the dough with our hands for at least 5 minutes, and even better - for 10-15 minutes. Properly kneaded dough should not stick to your hands by the end of this process. Sticky - add a little flour.
  5. After that, again put the dough in a bowl or pan, remembering that it will increase in volume at least twice. Cover with a damp towel or napkin, you can use a lid, and put in a warm place. Those. either in a slightly heated and turned off oven, or on a bowl-pan with hot water, which must be changed periodically, or next to the heating battery, then the bowl must be leaned from time to time with the other side.
  6. The rise time of the dough depends on the quality of the ingredients and other details, but usually takes 1-2 hours. When the dough has risen, we again briefly knead it with our hands and leave it to rise a second time. After that, you can put it on the table and cut it.
  7. When we have already formed our pastry and put it on a baking sheet, let it stand for another 15-20 minutes, the dough will rise again and will definitely be lush and light.

Yeast dough

  • 500-600 g flour
  • 50 g fresh yeast or dry yeast 11 g
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 4-6 eggs
  • 2.5 st. tablespoons vegetable, or 100 butter, or 100 g margarine
  • 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar (or from 0.5 to a whole glass if we want a sweet dough)
  • half a teaspoon of salt
  1. First we make a brew. We dissolve yeast in warm milk - any, a tablespoon of sugar and so much flour to make a dough, like on pancakes (like sour cream in consistency). Usually it is 1 glass of flour. We introduce gradually, best of all - sifting through a sieve so that there are no lumps.
  2. And put for an hour and a half in a warm place to rise. The dough is ready when it has risen to its maximum, and then falls, and something like wrinkles appear on the surface.
  3. We prepare the muffin: rub the eggs with sugar and knead properly. Melt butter or margarine and let cool.
  4. Pour the muffin into the risen dough, stirring, add the remaining flour, mix until smooth, pour in the oil at the very end. Like jarless dough, also knead with your hands, adding flour if necessary, until the dough stops sticking to your hands.
  5. We put the dough back into the bowl and put it in a warm place to rise for 1.5-2 hours.
  6. And the same recommendation: the products on the baking sheet should be spaced, approximately doubled in volume, and then put in the oven.
  • Products from both doughs are baked at a temperature of 200-220 °, in gas oven it is better to put 180 °. Time - from 10-15 minutes for small items to 50 minutes for large ones. It all depends on the oven.
  • So that it does not burn and does not dry out, The best way- put a frying pan or something else with boiling water on the bottom of the oven.
  • If you grease the products with a beaten egg before baking, they will be shiny and ruddy.
  • And after baking, be sure to grease with oil or at least tea, warm water, fold immediately on a dish and cover with a napkin or towel. Otherwise, they, from the heat of the heat, will steam and dry out, instead of becoming soft.
  • By the way, if you have problems with the oven - pies, for example, you can just fry in a pan.

Simple yeast dough

Is on one of the forums and more simple yeast dough which is highly praised by all. It is done like this.
  • 500-600 g flour
  • 1 sachet of Saf-moment yeast (11 g)
  • 1 cup (250 ml) warm water
  • 1 egg
  • 7 teaspoons sunflower oil
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar
  • half a teaspoon of salt
  1. From half the liquid (it can be milk or kefir), 1 teaspoon of sugar, part of flour and yeast, make a dough, put in a warm place, it rises in 10 minutes.
  2. Stir the rest of the water, sugar, salt, egg, flour in a bowl.
  3. Pour the risen dough into a bowl, knead the uncooked dough, put in a warm place.
  4. After 20-30 minutes the dough is ready - you can bake.

Lean yeast dough

And, finally, a recipe for lean yeast dough, pastries from which do not get stale for a long time, because there is almost no muffin in it.
  • 3-3.5 cups flour
  • half (5.5 g) package of dry yeast "Saf"
  • glass of water
  • 3-5 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1-1.5 teaspoons of salt
  • from 0.5 st. spoons up to 3-5 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  1. In a large bowl, pour warm water (all), add sugar and yeast and stir until everything dissolves. We leave in a warm place. When lush foam appears - add sunflower oil and salt, add a glass of flour, stir.
  2. Add another glass, stir again. If the dough is already thick and difficult to stir - pour the third glass on the table, put the dough on it and knead with your hands until it becomes smooth and not sticky.
  3. Leave the covered dough to rise. When it increases by 1.5 times, we crush again and wait for the second rise. Now you can mold products.
Important! If we took the yeast not just “Saf”, but “Saf-moment”, then it is necessary to mold the products immediately after the first rise of the dough.

Easy peasy

The last recipe we would call "easier than simple". good for pretty fast food savory pies, pies and donuts.
  • 0.5 l of curdled milk or
  • sachet of dry yeast 11 g
  • sachet of baking powder
  • less than 1 kg of flour
  • 1 egg
  • incomplete art. a spoonful of salt
Mix everything well, the dough should be soft. Leave to rise for 1.5-2 hours - and you can bake.

Method one

For 1 kg of dough:
Flour - 4 cups
Water and milk - 1/2 cup each
Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
Egg - 2 pcs.
Salt - 1 teaspoon
Yeast - 25 g

Yeast dough used in baking products large quantity muffins.

A non-dough yeast dough does not have enough strength to loosen it and the pies turn out to be harsh (little porous).

The dough is prepared in two steps.

First, a liquid mash (dough) is kneaded from half the norm of flour and the entire norm of liquid and yeast.

To do this, water and milk are heated to 30 ° C and yeast is added.

The liquid is stirred, the sifted flour (half of the norm) is poured out, a teaspoon of granulated sugar (to feed the yeast) is added and everything is mixed again until smooth.

Then put the dough for fermentation in a warm place (28-30 ° C) for 2-3 hours.

During fermentation, the dough dough increases in volume by 2-3 times, then it gradually begins to fall off, which is a sign of the readiness of the dough.

Eggs, salt, granulated sugar are added to the finished dough (for pies with sweet stuffing), mix and pour the remaining flour.

During kneading, add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of boiling water.

The dough is kneaded until it is smooth, elastic, easy to fall behind hands and dishes.

Then softened butter or vegetable oil is introduced into the dough and kneaded again until the butter is combined with the dough, until it again separates from the hands and from the dishes.

Ready dough lightly sprinkle with flour on top, cover with a towel and put in a warm place for 1-2 hours.

During the rise, the dough is punched several times.

Kneading sourdough yeast dough is a longer process than sourdough and is not always convenient in time.

But the duration of fermentation of dough and dough can be adjusted by changing temperature conditions, putting the dishes with the dough in a warmer place ( water bath) or colder (refrigerator).

Try to experiment and adjust the rise of the test to your timing.

In order to improve the taste and aroma of sweet dough (for a sweet filling), aromatic substances are added: grated orange or lemon peel, vanilla sugar, vanillin, finely ground cardamom fruits.

All other actions are the same as with yeast-free dough.

Yeast dough

Method two

Flour - 5 cups
Water - 2/3 cup
Milk (kefir, curdled milk) - 2/3 cup
Butter or vegetable oil - 4-5 tbsp. spoons
Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
Egg - 2 pcs.
Salt - 1 teaspoon
Yeast - 30 g

Pour 2.5 cups of flour onto the board, make a depression in the center and pour into it diluted in 2/3 cups warm water yeast.

Knead the dough first gently with a knife, and then with your hands.

In a saucepan, heat 2 liters of water to 30 ° C and dip the dough into it. This will be steam.

While it is rising, knead the dough from the rest of the flour.

To do this, salt, sand (for pies with sweet filling) are poured into the flour, the eggs mixed in warm milk (yogurt or kefir) are poured and kneaded until smooth.

When the dough floats (a sign of readiness), it is taken out with a slotted spoon and allowed to drain.

Then the dough and dough are mixed, oil is added and kneaded again until smooth (until it lags behind the hands).

The finished dough is placed in a bowl and set to rise in a warm place for 2 hours.

Yeast sponge dough is used to make pies, pies and cheesecakes.

Step 1

Prepare steam. To do this, mix in a bowl 0.5 cups of milk, 0.5 tbsp. l. sugar, 0.5 cups of sifted flour and yeast. Grind everything so that there are no lumps, and leave in a warm place for 1 hour. The volume of the dough should double.

Step 2

Heat the remaining milk over medium heat, without bringing to a boil. Add salt and oil, beat with a whisk and pour into the dough.

Step 3

Separate the yolks from the whites. Grind the yolks with the remaining sugar and add to the dough. Beat the whites until a fluffy foam forms, put in the dough.

Step 4

Sift the remaining flour into the dough, mix.

Step 5

Turn the dough out onto a floured work surface and knead for 10-15 minutes, dusting the dough occasionally. a small amount flour.
The dough is ready when it stops sticking to your hands.

Step 6

Cover the dough with a film, put in a warm place and leave for 1.5–2 hours. During this time, it should double in volume.
Before you start working with the dough, it must be kneaded.