Steam preparation. Yeast dough on dough for homemade muffin. Pizza dough.

The sparse method of preparing dough is used for products with large quantity muffin and consists of two stages: preparation of sourdough and dough kneading after the end of sourdough fermentation.

To prepare the dough, take 35-60% flour, 60-70% water and 100% yeast. The requirements for the temperature of water in the manufacture of dough by the sponge method, as well as for the volume of dishes or bowls, are the same as for jarless test. The mixed dough should have a temperature of 27-29 ° C.

Keep stirring, drawing in more flour, and when it all starts to come together, work the rest of the flour with your clean, floury dusty hands. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and place in a warm room for an hour until the dough has doubled in size. Now, remove the dough onto a flouring surface and rinse it a little to push out the air with your hands. This is called throwing the dough. You can either use it immediately or keep it wrapped in clinfilm in the refrigerator until you need it. If using straight away, divide the dough into as many small balls as you like to make a pizza - this amount of dough is enough to make about six to eight medium pizzas. Think it's a good idea to toss pizzas about 15-20 minutes before you want to cook them. Don't rock them or leave them out for several hours, although if you're working this way ahead of time, it's best to leave the klinfilm-covered dough in the fridge. However, if you want to have them rolled out, so there's one more thing to do when your guests are spinning around, just roll the dough into rough circles about 5 cm thick and lay them on a few more large pieces olive oil, Flour-grinding tin foil. You can then stack the pizzas, cover them with Klinfilm, and stick them in the fridge.

  • Knead until you have a smooth, elastic dough.
  • Place the ball of dough in a large, flour-dusted bowl and rub it over the top.
Look for it in Italian grocery stores and good supermarkets.

First, heated water is poured into the bowl and yeast is diluted in it, flour is added and everything is mixed. To activate the yeast, you can add up to 4% sugar to the dough in relation to the mass of flour. The dough should have the consistency of thick sour cream. Sprinkle the surface of the dough with a thin layer of flour, cover the bowl with a lid or cover with a cloth and put it in a warm place for 2-3 hours.

If using white bread flour instead, make sure it's a strong one that's high in gluten as it will turn into a lovely elastic dough you want. If you like, mix in some semolina flour and some color and flavor. Subsequently, flour should not be added, as the dough will otherwise become dry. Do not heat or the yeast will become inactive. Particularly practical: cook yeast dough and leave it in the refrigerator overnight. This morning you have a wonderful yeast bakery. Don't go too long! Otherwise, the dough will fall again. As a rule, if the volume of the test has doubled, it is finished. Wooden or plastic surfaces are ideal for processing. Ingredients should be at room temperature, no cold yeast! A bag of Rapunzel's dry yeast corresponds to half a cube of fresh Rapunzel's yeast. Sweet yeast dough can be filled with many ingredients: nuts, nutmeg, fruits, dried fruits, spices such as cinnamon or vanilla. Salted yeast dough can be filled with pesto and is the perfect floor for tarte flambé, pizza or onion pie.

  • Strong kneading by hand makes the yeast dough especially elastic.
  • Yeast dough requires oxygen.
  • Therefore, use only a clean, damp cloth.
  • Milk or just warm.
  • Add liquid gradually and mix thoroughly.
The preparation with dry yeast is less labor intensive as no pre-dough is required.

The fermentation process begins after 30-40 minutes, when uniform cracks appear on the surface of the dough, the surface of the dough becomes convex, it begins to move away from the walls of the dish. After 2-3 hours, the dough increases in volume by 2-2.5 times and bursting bubbles appear on the entire surface. The readiness of the dough is determined by external signs: the fermentation subsides, there are less and less bubbles on the surface, the dough falls a little.

Storage is also easier as dry yeast is much longer lasting and does not need to be refrigerated. However, the use of organic yeast makes a big difference: Compared to conventional yeast, organic yeast is surprisingly rich and flavorful - in both sweet and spicy baked goods.

Getting into gluten-free yeast-free cookies often fails. Gone are the days when yeast dough just stays in the bowl and doesn't rise. With these tips, nothing should go wrong. Not all yeast yeast gluten free! When buying, always pay attention and read the list of ingredients on the product. Cluten-containing ingredients such as wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelled or green kernel must be identified when they are contained.

For dough with a large amount of muffin and when making it from flour with weak gluten, a thicker dough is prepared. In a thick dough, the fermentation process proceeds more slowly and more evenly, the dough is stronger.

The remaining water with salt and sugar dissolved in it, eggs, fat and aromatic substances are added to the fermented dough. Mix everything well and add the remaining flour. The duration of kneading with flour is 15 minutes. The temperature of the kneaded dough should be 29–32 °C.

Two different types yeast suitable for baking: on the one hand, baker's yeast, which are also called fresh yeast or pressed yeast. They are commonly found in the trade as yeast cubes. On the other hand, longer lasting dry yeast tends to be offered in small sachets.

Simple yeast dough

Dry yeast is available everywhere, easy to process, easy to store, and usually gluten-free. It has its own characteristics and needs special treatment. Therefore, buy rather "stinky" dry yeast in the supermarket, whether it be a well-known manufacturer or a trademark. Yeasts are already small sensory.

The dough rises evenly, without tearing, for 2–2.5 hours. It is elastic and does not stick to hands. During this time, 1-2 stretches are made. The acidity of the dough is up to 3 °. Dough with "spill" is prepared when it contains a lot of fat and sugar, which retard the development of yeast, or when you need to make a dough from one main dough with different amount muffins. This method lies in the fact that baking is introduced into the dough prepared by the sponge method, not immediately, but in two steps. The second portion of the baking is called "drinking", a little more flour is added to it. When kneading, it is taken into account that the more oil, sugar and eggs are included in the dough, the more flour is required to be left for “drinking”. If the recipe calls for a lot of eggs, then they can be partially added to the dough and even to the dough. Approximately an hour after kneading the dough, prepared without “drinking”, when the dough has doubled in volume, make the first punch and add the remaining normal products, salt and sugar dissolved in water, softened butter. For products baked in molds, the dough is prepared more liquid than for products baked on sheets. The kneading of the dough with the “drinking” lasts 4–5 minutes, while small islands of unmixed dough with butter remain, which ensures the normal development of yeast. After 30–40 minutes, a second stretch is made for 3–5 minutes and the products are molded.

In order for yeast to spread well, it needs an accelerator or igniter. Already 1 teaspoon for 1 packet of dry yeast is enough to get the yeast on fire. If the household is not used industrial sugar, this process also succeeds with crystal re-releases, corn corn sugar, etc.

There are three types of dough control in yeast doughs: "direct dough control", where all ingredients are processed at the same time. Yeast dough has a shorter walking time. In "indirect dough management" where longer or double walking time is needed, producing dough for dough and cold leading yeast dough. Especially cold-baked yeast dough is interesting, it needs only half the volume of yeast and goes to the refrigerator or other cold place for about 12 hours.

Dough with a slow fermentation process is prepared on a sponge kneaded with water or milk at a temperature of 10-15 ° C. The dough mixed in the evening is placed in a room with a temperature of 18–20 ° C, and the remaining flour is placed in a warm place. In the morning, eggs and sugar are heated on a food warmer to 40-60 ° C and mixed with dough, and then with flour. At the end of the kneading, warmed fats are added to the dough. An hour later, it is ready for cutting.

What is so important when baking gluten-free yeast dough?

Always be mindful of the room temperature for baking ingredients. Therefore, always use all ingredients such as eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt and milk from the refrigerator. It is equally important that the ingredients are not too hot, because then the yeast cultures can be destroyed, as described above.

Gluten for gluten free flour

Gluten free flour needs a gluten substitute! This is almost the most important thing. If you buy pre-made flour mixes, this is included. For your own gluten-free flour mixes, always consider adding the right glue. The most common adhesives are guar gum, carbonate flour, xanthan gum, and arrow starch.

dough with accelerated process fermentation is prepared with an increased amount of yeast (2-3 times more than normal) or by placing it on water with a temperature of 35 ° C and making it more liquid consistency, than usual. Dough kneading is performed more intensively and for a long time.

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When the dough is ready, you can add necessary ingredients on prescription. Then you should knead the dough. To do this, you need to put it on a board or table, then knead it with your hands until it stops sticking to your fingers.

What is gluten free flour for yeast dough?

In addition, suitable gluten-free flour is very important. It is best to buy one of the gluten-free flour mixes that are already on the package that they are suitable for yeast dough or light bread. They are suitable for every light yeast baking.

I have more helpers in my luggage

We have probably already experienced the fact that gluten-free yeast doughs can pull apart a lot, the texture of tea is very porous, and anything but smooth, gluten-free, baked goods become very firm, not so crumbly and very dry.

The more you knead the dough, the more magnificent, softer, tastier it will be.

When the dough is sufficiently kneaded, you can move it back into the container, cover with something and let it stand again in a warm place for about two hours. For two hours, it should be kneaded a couple more times.

  1. Before kneading the dough, it is better to lubricate the hands and the surface vegetable oil. After that, the dough will not stick.
  2. For greater splendor, carefully sift the flour.
  3. All components of pies or buns should be at room temperature.
  4. Sugar is better to put in not in large numbers, then the pastry will be moderately ruddy and baked evenly.
  5. If during cooking you use only egg yolks without proteins, then the buns and pies will have a ruddy top, and the dough will turn out crumbly.
  6. Pies in the oven require a richer dough texture than pies fried in a pan.

Common mistakes

  1. If the dough does not knead well or floats away, this indicates a large amount of added liquid or a small amount of salt.
  2. If the fermentation process does not raise the dough enough, and the cooked pies are tough, then little liquid is added.
  3. The pale appearance of baking indicates a small amount of sugar or egg yolks.
  4. With a large amount of yeast used, the dish will be sour and smell unpleasant.

Recipes for making different types of dough

Each species has its own recipe. And it is prepared under different temperature conditions. For example, yeast sour dough should be cooked warm, unleavened room temperature, butter or puff in a cool place.

Even if you buy gluten-free corn flour mix for yeast dough, 5g per 500g of flour works wonders and the dough can also be handled much better. Alternatively, 10 g of guar gum can also be added but does not give the same result. The very finely ground husk husks help the gluten-free dough get an even better texture and retain moisture. If you don't get finely ground husks from the trade, you can also grind them at home with a spice or coffee grinder or blender. Attention, the vacuum cleaner process is extremely. If the recipe does not mention the addition of poppy seeds, the dough always needs to be more liquid, about 10-15%. apple cider or another acid gives greater friability. Don't worry, you won't be able to try it later. For extra yeast fluffiness, add a packet of baking powder or tartar baking powder to 500 g of flour, and watch out for gluten-free here too. Many recipes use twice as much yeast for more fluffiness. It's a matter of taste, as baked goods can also be felt very quickly after yeast. Xanthan helps maintain a smoother and smoother texture. . We all know how fast gluten-free baked goods bake.

But all ingredients for any yeast dough should be taken only at room temperature. This means that butter, milk, eggs and other products should be put out of the refrigerator in advance.

Yeast sour dough on dough: recipe for ovens


  • flour - 1 kg;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • milk - 0.2 l;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • oil - 200 g;
  • yeast - 25 g;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • sugar - 10 g.

Cooking method:

Therefore, recipes with eggs, yogurt, buttermilk or cottage cheese are very suitable as ingredients. In the case of heart bakery products it is also possible to mix thin carrots, potatoes or courgettes under the dough. Those who haven't made gluten-free yeast dough that often make a very good start. This way you will find that the yeast is activated and can save you from adding costly ingredients to a non-functioning baking project.

You simply take 50 ml of the liquid in the recipe, heat it warm and put it in a small container, sprinkle dry yeast on top of it, then sweetness, set aside and wait about 10-15 minutes. Then move on to the recipe. When dough is gluten-free, it's usually important to treat it gently. Therefore, it is better to knead slower and a little longer than knead too hard and fast, which makes the gluten-free dough just tough. In principle, gluten-free dough should be kneaded as short as possible. When the desired consistency is reached, stop using the kneading machine.

  1. We begin to prepare the dough: you should dilute the yeast in warm water and mix them with half the flour. Mix thoroughly and cover the bowl with a napkin, leaving for a couple of hours. During this time, the dough will double in size.
  2. Add eggs to the dough, add 5 grams of salt and 10 grams of sugar, pour everything with milk heated to 30 degrees. Mix thoroughly and add another 500 grams of flour, mix again.
  3. Nearly ready dough should be laid out on a surface sprinkled with flour and carefully, with pressure, knead (beat off). Before such work, you need to add 100 grams of butter to the dough (for pies). For buns, you need 200 grams of butter, then the base will be more rich. Beat should be until the moment when the dough itself begins to lag behind the table and hands.
  4. Put the beaten dough in a saucepan and cover with a towel, leaving it for a couple of hours.
  5. After a few hours, the dough should rise. Everything will be ready when it begins to lower little by little. If the lowering process is very slow, you can throw in a pinch of soda, but soaked in warm water.

It should be baked in the oven at medium temperature.

There are very few types of dough, Strudel dough, that require this particular hard consistency. Then it must also be kneaded for too long. Many recipes say let the dough rest in a "quiet, warm place". What this actually means is that it's warmer and no train is exposed.

Metal and glass bowls are not optimal for walking gluten-free yeast dough at room temperature unless they can be heated or placed in a walking oven. It's best to use a plastic bowl with a lid and place it loosely so the dough can still breathe.

French sour dough for pies and buns

The ingredients are the same as the first recipe.

The advantage of this method is the absence of a sour taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour 500 grams of flour on the table, make a hole in the middle of the hill and pour in the diluted yeast. Next, stir them with a knife, and then with your hands. After that, the batch is placed in a saucepan with slightly heated water. This will be steam.
  2. While the dough is growing, you can prepare the dough itself from the remaining flour. To do this, flour is poured onto the table, a hole is made in it, where you need to pour sugar and salt and pour in milk with mixed eggs. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. After the dough starts to float, you should take it out and let the water drain. Next, the dough is mixed with the dough, first you need to put the oil. All this is beaten off, put in a saucepan and left in a warm place for a couple of hours.

Dough recipe for fried pies


Let the dough pass once or twice

It's often written that gluten-free yeast dough can only go once. There are enough recipes where the dough is successful twice. But to date, these are my most important moments. The dough should go very short and the bowl doesn't matter 🙂. Author: Stephanie Grauer-Stojanovic.

About the Author Stephanie Grauer-Stojanovic

Stephanie Grauer-Stojanovic's experience and competencies are diverse. For 20 years she has been working in the international communication environment with a focus on health and digital media. And yet many people do not trust it, rely on premixes or even to help yeast tests, in which there is almost no long walking, and also contains baking powder in addition to dry yeast. Leave fingers of chemicals! Yeast dough isn't that bad.

  • flour - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 0.3 l;
  • oil - 1 tsp;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • yeast - 25 g;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • salt - 5 g.


  1. The yeast is dissolved in water, then half of the flour is poured, everything is mixed. Leave for an hour, covered with a napkin.
  2. After the mass began to rise, you need to add salt and sugar, add all the other ingredients. Mix everything well and leave to rise again.
  3. Now the dough can be taken out and cut into portioned pieces. After that, create cakes with your hands, put the filling (minced meat, etc.) in the middle of which, close all the edges and leave for a few minutes so that they rise a little.

Butter sour dough: a simple recipe


  • flour - 1 kg;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • yeast - 25 g;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • salt - 5 g.


  1. A dough should be made using yeast, 0.5 kg of flour and slightly warmed water.
  2. When the dough rises, add salt and sugar, pour in the oil and add the rest of the flour. Mix everything and beat off.
  3. Leave the dough for two hours and let it rise.

Sour-puff pastry on dough for pies and buns


  • flour - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • oil - 100 g;
  • yeast - 15 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • salt - 5 g.


  1. For the test, you should use the technique described in detail in the first recipe.
  2. In the process of beating, only 25 grams of oil should be added. Let the dough rest and rise.
  3. Roll it out. The thickness of the sheet should be about 2 cm. After that, the entire surface is smeared with oil and wrapped in half. Then it is smeared again and wrapped four times. Grease the top of the dough with oil and put in a cold place for 10 minutes.
  4. After the dough has cooled, you need to roll it out again, and, by analogy, grease it with oil.
  5. Now puff pastry can be used for cooking.

Yeast dough on dough (video)

Perhaps these are all popular methods for preparing dough on dough. It is worth adhering to all the points and tips in this material and carefully kneading. Then the pastries will be tasty and lush.