Simple and tasty batter for fish. Beer batter for fish

Fish in batter- this is a very tasty, original and at the same time - not at all difficult to prepare dish, feasible even for novice cooks. Fish is one of the most useful products, because it contains proteins, vitamins, trace elements and other components necessary for our body, among which the most valuable are omega-3 fatty acid.

In addition, fish is absorbed by the body much faster and easier than meat and even chicken. Of the fish, the most useful is the sea, which contains a large amount of fluorine and iodine. Therefore, the use sea ​​fish It is considered mandatory for people who suffer from atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension and various metabolic disorders.

To diversify your fish menu, try to cook fish in batter - a thin dough in which it is customary to dip pieces of fish, meat, vegetables, etc. before frying. various recipes, but the dish itself is always prepared according to the same principle. After cutting the prepared fish fillet into pieces of arbitrary shape, they are fried in batter in a large amount of sunflower oil. The batter, enveloping the product, allows it to be heat treatment without violating its nutritional and palatability. Also, a delicious crispy crust is obtained from the batter. But if you don't eat fried food, for example, you can take it off and eat only fish.

Thus, this cooking method allows you to get very tender and delicious fish that will brighten up any table.

Fish in batter - preparing dishes

To cook fish in batter, we need a medium-sized deep thick-walled frying pan, a fork (we will chop fillet pieces on it and immerse them in batter), slotted spoon or tongs (to get the finished fillet pieces out of the pan). You should also prepare ahead of time. big dish covered with paper towels.

Fish in batter - food preparation

As a rule, any kind of fish can be cooked in batter. It is best if you use ready-made fish fillets. In case of its absence, you need to take a whole fish, clean it from scales, gut it, cut off the head, tail, remove the bones and wash it cold water. The resulting fillet must be thoroughly blotted with a paper towel before using for frying in batter.

Fish in batter - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Fish in milk batter

You can use any fish fillet to prepare this dish. The fish cut into pieces is salted and peppered, then, dipped in batter, fried in a large amount of oil until a beautiful golden brown.


500 gr. any fish fillet;
rast. frying oil;
salt, pepper to taste;

for batter:

3 eggs;
200 gr. flour;
1 glass of milk;
spices to taste

Cooking method:

2. Cooking batter. To do this, beat the eggs, mix them with flour, add spices and then gradually pour milk into the mixture (with constant stirring to prevent the formation of lumps). In terms of density, the resulting ready-made batter should resemble kefir.

3. Pour a large amount of vegetable oil into the pan and heat it well.

4. Dipping the pieces of fish in batter, put them in a pan and fry for about 5 minutes each side over a fire slightly above average.

5. We transfer the finished fish to a paper towel, then it will absorb excess fat, and a crispy crust will form. Then we shift everything to a dish and decorate with thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200btomato slices and herbs.

Recipe 2: Fish in sour cream batter

As for the preparation of the dish according to the previous recipe, any fish can be used here. The fillet is cut into pieces, salted, peppered and fried in batter in a large amount of oil until they are browned. Fish marinated with lemon juice and spices, it turns out very tender and tasty.


500 gr. any fish fillet;
1 st. l. lemon juice;
rast. frying oil;
salt, pepper to taste;

for batter:

2 eggs;
5 st. l. flour;
100 gr. sour cream;
spices to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the prepared fish fillet into medium-sized pieces, salt, pepper and sprinkle with lemon.

2. Prepare the batter: beat the eggs into the flour, add sour cream, salt and spices, then mix thoroughly and let stand for about 10 minutes.

3. Having poured a large amount of vegetable oil into the pan, heat it up and fry the pieces of fish on it, dipping them in batter. Fry should be on a fire slightly above average, periodically turning the fish over.

5. To remove excess fat and form a crisp, transfer the fried fish pieces to a paper towel, and only then to a dish.

Recipe 3: Hake fillet in cheese batter

The dish is prepared in almost the same way as in other recipes for cooking in batter: the prepared hake fillet is cut into pieces and, dipped in cooked batter, fried in a large amount of oil until a golden crisp is obtained. The highlight of the dish is the cheese present in the batter and giving it original taste and delicate texture.


500 gr. hake fillet;
rast. oil for frying;
salt and pepper to taste;

for batter:

150 gr. any hard cheese;
3 eggs;
2 tbsp. l. flour.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the prepared fish fillet into medium-sized pieces, salt and pepper.

2. Cooking batter: beat the eggs, mix them with cheese, grated on coarse grater, spices, and add flour.

3. Pour a large amount of vegetable oil into the pan, heat it well and, dipping the fillet pieces in batter, fry them, periodically turning the fish over.

5. To let it drain excess fat and keep the crust crispy, put the finished fish first on a paper towel, then transfer to a dish.

Recipe 4: Pike perch in beer batter

Pike perch itself is very tasty, and after fried in batter, it becomes unusually juicy. The preparation of this dish consists in the fact that the prepared pike perch fillet is cut into small pieces, salted, rolled in flour, dipped in batter and fried in a large amount of vegetable oil until golden brown.


1 kg pike perch fillet;
50 gr. flour;
rast. oil for frying;
salt to taste.

for batter:

200 gr. flour;
3 eggs;
200 gr. beer;
50 gr. rast. oils;
salt to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the prepared pike perch fillet into medium-sized pieces, salt and pepper.

2. Next, prepare the batter. After separating the squirrels and yolks, beat the first into a strong foam. Then, mixing the yolks with beer, salt and flour, knead the dough, add whipped proteins into it in a stream and gently mix from top to bottom.

3. Pour a large amount of vegetable oil into the pan, heat it well.

4. Having rolled each piece of pike perch in flour, dip them in batter and send them to the pan, fry until golden brown with occasional turning.

5. Put the finished fish pieces on a paper towel, then transfer to a dish and decorate with herbs.

Before frying fish in batter, it is important to heat the pan well, because otherwise the batter will spread over the pan and beautiful products will not work. Also, the dough can spread if the dough is kneaded too liquid, in which case you need to add a little flour.

If you cover the pan with a lid while frying fish in batter, then the dough crust will be soft and juicy, if you do not cover it, it will turn out crispy.

You should not put many pieces of fillet in batter in the pan at once (“how much will fit”). Firstly, then they can stick to each other and then have no best view, secondly, the temperature of the oil from this can drop sharply, and the dough will get wet.

You can serve fish in batter with sour cream sauce or with garnish. As a garnish, you can use beautifully chopped vegetables, lemon, herbs.

Battered fish is the perfect solution when you want something delicious for dinner, but you are tired of standing at the stove for a long time. Any housewife is already tired at work, and then cook the main dish, and even mess with the side dish. Batter is a lifesaver, with it the fish is more nutritious, fatter and does not require additional carbohydrate products. This, of course, is up to individual preference.

More useful than fish, it is difficult to find a product that is suitable for the composition of trace elements. In addition to protein, vitamins, it contains the most valuable omega-3 fatty acids. If you choose which fish is more useful, definitely the one that is found in the sea.

Fish is also called the product of the "women's menu". In addition to being useful, it is also low-calorie product. Digested faster than meat and chicken.

Among the incredible number of cooking recipes fish fillet, one of the most uncomplicated and original is to fry it in an airy crispy batter. Or bake.

The most common type of batter is a watery dough based on eggs, flour and water. If you want to change the dish according to taste, appearance, filling, just change the batter. Craftsmen make it on the basis of kefir, mineral water and even beer. To select a breading, of course, it is worth individually to different varieties fish. Then you will achieve a dish worthy of even a wedding banquet.

How to cook fish in batter

When mixing the ingredients, bring the flour mixture to a smooth consistency. If the dough remains liquid, or lumps form, the mass will simply drain from the prepared plastics. The opposite option - excessive density will also spoil: the fish in batter will turn out not to be airy, but too dense, as when cooking dumplings.

Before dipping a piece of fillet into the dough, sprinkle it with flour, or roll in breadcrumbs. Then the batter will evenly envelop the pulp.

Heat the oil in a frying pan ahead of time. So the dough does not spread, but immediately reddens and swells.

We remove excess fat with ordinary paper napkins. The fish turns out to be fried, but not oily at all.

Preparing the fish for pan frying

The easiest way to work with already cut fish carcass. Buy frozen - please just dry it properly, pat it dry with a towel and let the water drain.

Cut the whole carcass traditional way. We do not need a head, tail, fins, skin and spine. And we put the pulp into action.

Cut into serving pieces. Share as you see fit.

The batter is suitable for any fish recipes.

Pangasius fillet

Your time spent on this dish is no more than 15 minutes. Defrost the fillet, divide into strips, salt. This fish does not require much: the simplest batter from 1 egg, flour and spices will do. Directly in a bowl, mix the products and into the oil, fry until crispy bubbles on the dough. Don't forget to add a few drops of lemon juice.

Pike perch fillet

There are more than enough fans of this type of fish. Pike perch meat is dense, moderately fatty, and tender at the same time. And competently cook - mmm, you will lick your fingers. Soup is boiled from pike perch, cutlets are fried, baked, grilled and, of course, cooked in a flour mixture.

Believe me gourmet recipes batter is not needed. Pieces of pike perch are perfectly baked in breadcrumbs. Dip each in flour, then in the egg mixture, roll in crumbs and onto a baking sheet. Juicy crispy sticks will pleasantly surprise you.


Who hasn't tried it? One of the most dietary and inexpensive types of fish. For dryish pulp, not everyone loves pollock. However, it makes excellent meatballs, meatballs, casseroles, pies. It is also suitable for frying in batter, thanks to its dense fillet.

Pollock is thawed by pouring cold water. So its pulp retains its density.

It is often stewed with vegetables, then it turns out full meal, which does not require a side dish.

Batter and oil make pollock pulp juicy. Therefore, housewives love to fry it in dough so much.

How to make batter for fish

The batter was invented by the French, culinary aesthetes. A simple version of it is a mixture of eggs and flour. We beat the eggs, handfuls of flour follow, break up the lumps. The rest is up to you. Salt, pepper, dried herbs, milk, kefir, water, you can add as much as you want.

Various products are dipped in the dough before frying - onion rings, meat, vegetables. For fish, modern chefs are trying to diversify the recipe. Since the fillet is tender, the taste is different, you need to process it very delicately, then the dough is selected with various additives.

There is only one rule - the batter will eventually be viscous. Thicker - for deep-frying, a little thinner - fry the fish in batter in a pan. Sometimes yeast is added to give sourness and splendor.

The batter visually increases the size of the dish, so even a small amount of fish will make a full plate of fried pieces.

Classic batter recipe

  • 4 eggs
  • 125 grams of flour
  • Art. l. vegetable oil
  • Half glass of water

It is important to separate the white and yellow parts of the egg. First, grind the yolk with salt, water and oil.

Next comes the flour, stir it in small portions into the egg mixture.

Separately, beat egg whites until soft foam. They give splendor to the batter. It remains to combine everything and start frying the main product in the dough.

How to cook batter for fish with mayonnaise

According to experienced housewives- is one of the most good recipes batter. It can also be cooked without eggs. And the taste is ideally combined with meat and fish.

  • 130 grams of mayonnaise
  • A glass of flour
  • 2 eggs
  • Half glass of water
  • Spices and salt

We turn the eggs into a single mass with a whisk. We supplement with a portion of mayonnaise, pour spices. Here it is necessary to mix intensively, simultaneously pouring flour and pouring water. Batter with mayonnaise will look like 20 percent sour cream. It roasts very quickly. Therefore, keep each piece of fish in oil for no more than a couple of minutes.

potato batter

  • 4 potatoes
  • 2 eggs

it simplest way cooking. Potatoes are prepared as for potato pancakes. Grind, salt, rub with eggs. Flour should not be overdone. Quite a bit, to fasten the dough, pour into the general mixture. The batter is thicker than usual, so we roll the fish fillet, holding it on the sides, and put it in a frying pan full of heat.

Fish in milk batter

  • Half a kilo of any fish
  • Thyme, basil, sage - at your discretion
  • 3 eggs
  • Flour (glass)
  • Milk (glass)

Squeeze a little lemon on the fish pieces. Marinate in spices.

Without wasting time, mix the batter from those products that we have at hand. We combine two types of liquid with egg yolks, gradually add flour.

Proteins, brought to a gentle foam with a mixer, mix in small portions. Knead the dough until smooth.

We dip each piece, fry the fish in batter and serve to the table with herbs, bell pepper, mushrooms and fresh tomatoes.

Fish in cheese batter

  • Fish pulp - 400 grams
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Cheese - 100 grams
  • 1 egg
  • Vegetable oil

The batter is kneaded by combining all the ingredients, including cheese crumbs. We coat the prepared portions of the main product in dough and cook. But here it is important that the cheese does not burn. Therefore, the pieces are slightly fried and removed from the stove.

Lush batter with mineral water

Mineral water works wonders with batter, making it unusually airy.

  • Bulb
  • bunch of parsley
  • Glass of mineral water
  • Flour - 5 tbsp.
  • Salt pepper

Proteins are brought to a white foam separately. Mix the rest of the ingredients in one bowl. Yolk with mineral water and grind with flour. We complement the taste with herbs and seasonings. Lastly, protein is added to the test. The batter is ready.

Onion batter for frying fish

The batter is prepared in the same way as in all other recipes. The only novelty is that we add grated onions to the dough whipped on the basis of mayonnaise. For this, a medium bulb is suitable. Onions saturate seafood with a deep taste, gourmets appreciate it.

Beer batter for fish

  • Flour - 150 grams
  • Egg white - 2 pieces
  • glass of beer
  • Salt, pepper

How to cook? We use main secret lush batter - we deal with proteins separately from yolks. Combine the yolks with flour, add protein foam in portions. We cook carefully so that the base of our beer batter remains whipped.

Batter for frying fish with herbs

  • 5 eggs
  • Flour - 2 tbsp
  • Greens - 100 grams

With this batter, many people like to bake fish, so you can do without flour at all.

Preparation description:

As usual: proteins - separately, yolks - separately. Pour flour into the yolk mass, finely chopped sprigs of spices, salt. And put the rest of the white foam in the total mass at the end.

We dip the fish, put it on a baking sheet and at a temperature of at least 180 degrees, bake. Do not forget that the fish cooks very quickly. Don't overdry.

So, we found out that the fish in batter is quite independent dish. However, if desired, it can be diluted with the color of vegetables, the taste of spices and herbs, add zest with lemon juice. In addition to being tasty, the dish also looks very appetizing.

Batter is a light, watery dough in which food is dipped before being sent to the pan. As a result, the dish turns out beautiful and appetizing, covered with a crispy crust. The fish in batter is especially tasty, which can be made in various ways.

Batter for fish can be prepared from various products, there are many ways.

But in the classic version, it is made from such components:

  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 80-100 g of wheat flour;
  • salt;
  • black pepper;
  • seasonings for fish.

  1. Crack the eggs into a deep bowl and beat with a whisk.
  2. Add salt and seasonings, stir again.
  3. Add flour in small portions, continuing to beat the batter. As a result, it should resemble dough for pancakes.

Dip the fish in the prepared mixture and fry until a golden brown crust appears.

Attention! To prevent the batter from separating from the fish, you need to lay the product only on hot pan when the oil is warm enough.

Batter with milk and cereal in a hurry

Not every housewife will agree to spend a lot of time at the stove, but when you want to treat your family to a delicious dinner, you should make a fish fillet in batter from milk and cereal. This dish is prepared quickly. The last component can be anything: oatmeal, corn, buckwheat or rice - whichever you like better.

In the process of preparing the batter, you will need:

  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 70 g of flakes that do not require cooking;
  • one egg;
  • salt and black pepper;
  • paprika;
  • dried herbs;
  • fish seasonings.

Operating procedure:

  1. Soak the cereal in hot milk and let it brew.
  2. Beat the egg in a bowl, adding salt, seasonings and dried herbs.
  3. Add the resulting mixture to the cooled flakes, stir thoroughly. If the batter is too thick, dilute it with milk to the desired consistency.

Advice. To make the batter acquire a rich golden hue, you can add a pinch of curry, turmeric or ground saffron to the composition, which will serve as a natural dye.

Batter with egg, flour and potatoes

In order not to think about what kind of side dish to cook for fish, you can make it in potato batter.

  • small potato tubers;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Wheat flour;
  • seasoning for potatoes;
  • paprika;
  • salt and black pepper.

Cooking order:

  1. Peel potato tubers and grate on a fine grater, salt and sprinkle with spices.
  2. Beat in eggs, mix thoroughly, adding flour.
  3. Dip the fish pieces in the prepared batter and fry in a pan.

You can make the process easier: arrange the portions on a baking sheet and bake, the fish cooked in this way in the oven will be much tastier.

Lush batter with mayonnaise

To Fried fish in batter turned out to be especially tender, you can dip it into the “dough” based on mayonnaise.

For such a dish you need:

  • 120 g low-fat mayonnaise sauce;
  • 2 eggs;
  • some flour;
  • paprika and black pepper;
  • curry or saffron.

Work sequence:

  1. Put the mayonnaise in a deep bowl, beat in the eggs and mix until smooth.
  2. Add a little flour to give the composition the desired consistency.
  3. Season the mixture with your chosen spices.

It is permissible to add dried or fresh herbs to the lush batter with mayonnaise.

The most crispy batter for fish

You can make the batter soft or crispy - it all depends on personal preference.

To prepare the second option, you will need the following products:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 70-90 g of starch;
  • 20 ml soy sauce;
  • black or red pepper;
  • fish seasonings.


  1. Beat the eggs in a bowl with a whisk, adding seasonings.
  2. Introduce into the mix soy sauce. It is not necessary to pour salt into the batter, since it is contained in sufficient quantities in this component.
  3. Pour starch into the composition and stir until the lumps disappear.

On a note. You can make a crispy batter for fish by mixing eggs with spices and Japanese Tempura Tori breading. It will take quite a bit of time, and the result will be just as good.

Diet batter from kefir with bran

For those who care about the figure and count calories, a recipe for cooking fish in kefir batter with bran is suitable.

For the dish you will need:

  • 150 ml of kefir;
  • a few tablespoons of wheat or oat bran;
  • greens;
  • black or red pepper;
  • salt;
  • paprika;
  • saffron.

Operating procedure:

  1. Pour kefir into a bowl, salt, season with spices and mix.
  2. Wash and chop the greens, add to the composition.
  3. Pour bran into the mass in such an amount that the batter acquires the desired consistency.

So that the dish does not seem too bland, it is allowed to pour plenty of lemon juice over it before placing the fish in a batter.

Air batter on mineral water

To prepare the batter, you can use mineral water, then it will turn out tender and airy.

The composition is prepared from the following components:

  • 100 ml mineral water;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 120 g flour;
  • salt and favorite spices;
  • 30 ml vegetable oil.

Work sequence:

  1. Break the eggs and separate the yolks from the whites, put the latter in the refrigerator.
  2. Beat the yolks with spices and salt, add mineral water and pour in a little oil.
  3. Turn the proteins into foam with a whisk and add to the mass.
  4. Gradually adding flour, give the batter the desired density.

If desired, it is permissible to add a little chopped fresh dill to the composition.

Cheese batter for fish in a pan

When cooking hake, pollock or other low-fat varieties, it will help to make the dish juicy. cheese batter for fish.

In the process of work you will need:

  • 2-3 chicken eggs;
  • 180-220 g of dense cheese;
  • a little sour cream;
  • 50-70 g flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • pepper and fish seasonings.

Cooking order:

  1. Break the eggs into a bowl, season with salt and turn into a strong foam with a whisk.
  2. Make shavings from a piece of cheese and put in the egg mixture.
  3. Add sour cream, salt and spices, mix thoroughly.

Spicy lovers can add a small amount of mustard sauce to the cheese batter for fish cooked in a pan.

Batter for fish with vodka

Despite the unexpected combination, the vodka-based batter is crispy, ruddy and tender.

For cooking you will need:

  • egg;
  • 20 ml of vodka;
  • 80-100 ml of water;
  • Wheat flour;
  • salt;
  • black pepper;
  • paprika and saffron.

Operating procedure:

  1. Beat eggs with salt and spices, add vodka and mix.
  2. Pour in small portions wheat flour and beat until lumps disappear.
  3. Dilute the batter with water until the desired density is obtained.

Special, spicy taste The mixture will add a small amount of dried or fresh basil.

Batter on beer and mustard

Continuing the theme alcoholic beverages, one cannot help but recall the batter on beer for fish. This hoppy liquid makes the dish unusually soft, and give it spicy taste mustard will help.

During the cooking process you will need:

  • 200 ml light beer;
  • 30 g dry mustard;
  • egg;
  • 110-120 g flour;
  • 30 ml vegetable fat;
  • salt;
  • dried or crushed garlic;
  • suitable seasonings.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Beat the egg with salt and seasonings, then add the dry mustard and mix until smooth.
  2. Add to mix vegetable fat, crushed or dried garlic and then start adding flour little by little.
  3. When all the lumps are broken, dilute the batter with beer so that it acquires the desired viscosity.

On a note. To prepare a batter in accordance with any of listed recipes you can use not only wheat, but also buckwheat, corn or rice flour.

Breading for fish without eggs

You can fry breaded fish own cooking, having previously held it in wine. It is better if fillets are used for this dish, and not pieces of carcass.

During the cooking process you will need:

  • 250 ml dry white wine;
  • lemon juice;
  • a mixture of various greens (parsley, dill, cilantro, basil and others);
  • 100 g peeled walnuts;
  • 100 g crushed crackers;
  • salt and pepper;
  • fish seasonings;
  • paprika and saffron.

Cooking order:

  1. Pour the fish pieces with a mixture of lemon juice and wine and leave to marinate.
  2. Wash the sprigs of greenery, dry and chop finely.
  3. Enter in green mass crackers, chopped walnut kernels, add saffron and mix.
  4. In another bowl, mix salt, black pepper, paprika and fish seasonings, rub the fillet marinated in wine with the composition.
  5. Roll the pieces of fish in breadcrumbs and fry until cooked.

You can make this dish in another way: dilute the prepared breading mixture with wine, sprinkle with lemon juice, add a little flour, mix and use as a batter for fish.

February 26, 2017

Good afternoon dear friends. I suggest you talk about batter today. What is a batter? This word came to us from French and means liquid in translation. Anyone will say that batter is a batter in which you can fry almost everything.

There is great amount cooking recipes liquid dough. Starting from simple egg, flour, water, before complex recipes with the addition of beer, vodka, mineral water and even wine.

The main purpose of the batter is to seal all the juiciness of the product and give it a beautiful, tasty, fragrant and crispy crust.

Any dish cooked in batter becomes more satisfying, the portions seem larger, the taste is more intense. So if you need to feed a company of soldiers with one fish, cook it in batter and I assure you, battered fish is what you need. The pieces will become more voluminous, and the dish will become more netted.

Ingredients. For one medium fish.

3 eggs.

4 tablespoons of wheat flour.



Cooking process.

Proteins are separated from the yolks.

In a bowl, add flour and about half a glass of water to the yolks. Mix everything until homogeneous masses s.

Add a pinch of salt to the whites. And beat the whites with a mixer until a firm, stable foam appears.

Transfer the whipped protein foam to the yolks and mix until smooth. It is IMPORTANT to mix only with a spoon in order to leave the resulting airiness in the proteins. Since this is the basis of a good batter.

Now, in the resulting dough, you can dip the pieces of fish and fry in oil. This recipe is considered a classic.

Starch batter recipe


Flour 3-4 tablespoons.

Potato starch 1 tablespoon.

Baking powder dough tablespoon.



Cooking process.

Mix flour and starch in place add water. Mix until smooth.

The batter is almost ready, there is one nuance that must be mentioned. Baking powder should be added immediately before frying the products, as it will give a reaction from which the dough will rise foam. And this process will not live long, so before you add the baking powder, you should already have everything ready for heat treatment.

Fish in batter with milk video

Batter on light beer

To cook fish in batter, you can use light beer as the main ingredient. The basic rule of this recipe is to chill the beer and all other ingredients. In order for there to be a sharp temperature drop from cold batter to hot oil.


Light beer 150-200 grams.

Flour 2-3 tablespoons.

2 eggs.

Salt pepper, vegetable oil.

Cooking process.

In one bowl I send the yolks to the other whites.

In a main bowl, mix flour with light beer, salt and pepper. Add yolks and mix everything until smooth.

Beat the whites until a thick foam appears. In order for the whites to beat better, add a little salt to them.

Mix the resulting protein foam with the main dough. Gently mix everything until smooth.

Pour the oil into a deep frying pan. And heat up. Before lowering the fish into the oil, check the heating of the oil. You need to drop a little dough into the oil, if a good bubbling begins, then the oil has warmed up and you can start frying the fish.

Cut the fish fillet into small pieces, pre-salt and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Take a piece, dip it in the batter and gently lower it into the hot oil.

Fry until it appears golden brown. Lay out on a paper towel. To remove oil residue.

Serve with light beer, herbs, or mashed potatoes.

Mineral water batter recipe

The recipe for breading dough based on mineral water, or rather soda, is very popular due to its airy structure. Thanks to which a delicious crispy crust appears.


2 eggs.



Carbonated mineral water.

Salt pepper to taste.

Cooking process.

In a bowl, mix the yolks with flour, add soda.

Throw a little salt into the proteins and beat until a thick foam.

Transfer the foam to the yolks with mineral water and mix.

You can add some sesame seeds to the dough for a change.

Cut the fish into strips. Dip in batter and send to hot oil. Fry and put the strips of fish on a napkin.

Batter in Belgian

Lenten batter without eggs

During Lent, there are days on which you can eat fish. And of course everyone wants to cook fish as tasty as possible. Prepare it in lean batter it will be much tastier than just frying it in oil.



Potato starch.

Baking powder or baking soda.

Salt pepper.


Cooking process.

Mix flour with cornstarch and salt. Pour a small amount water. Mix and add baking powder for dough. The batter is very fluffy. When baking powder is added, a violent reaction of carbon dioxide emission begins, which makes the dough fluffy.

Remember that the baking powder does not last long, so the fish and oil should already be ready. Otherwise, while the oil is warming up, the reaction will pass and the batter will not be so lush.

Zucchini batter for frying fish

This batter is rich in vitamins. Plus I add zucchini green onion and parsley. In this batter, I often cook pike perch. Its tender meat goes very well with vegetable batter.


Small size zucchini.


Salt pepper.


Cooking process.

Wash and peel the zucchini. Cut into cubes and pass through a meat grinder. All juice and squash mass are mixed with flour. First you need to salt a little so that the zucchini gives its juice better.

Greens are also finely chopped and sent to the zucchini. Add eggs and mix.

In the resulting batter, fry the fish.

Wine batter recipe

Wine in batter will give an unusual subtle note and add a special flavor to the fish. It is important to use only dry white wine.


100 grams of wine.

2 eggs.

1 tablespoon vegetable oil.

Lemon juice.


Salt pepper.


Cooking process.

Mix eggs and flour.

Add some water.

Stir until smooth, add lemon juice, vegetable oil and wine. Mix thoroughly.

Heat up the oil, dip the fish into the batter and fry the fish in the oil until golden brown.

Recipe for an excellent cheese batter

Cheese batter turns yellowish in color with large air bubbles in the body. Great for frying fish fillets.


Hard cheese.

2 eggs.

3-4 tablespoons of flour.


Mayonnaise tablespoon.

Cooking process.

The eggs are beaten until bubbles appear.

We bring mayonnaise. Mix with eggs.

Cheese grate on a fine grater. Add to eggs.

Add flour, spices and mix until smooth.

Dip fish in batter and fry in hot oil.

How to cook batter based on mayonnaise



3 eggs.

Mayonnaise 100 grams.

Cooking process.

Mix beaten eggs with mayonnaise. Beat until smooth and light foam appears.

We add the flour and mix so that there are no lumps left from the flour.

The consistency should be a dough that slightly resembles sour cream. The dough should drip a little.

If the batter is too thick just add water.

I fry the fish according to the classic scheme.

homemade batter recipe

The word batter comes from the French "clair" (liquid). This is a liquid dough in which products are dipped before frying. The most basic batter is: flour + egg + a little liquid (if needed). As a child, such a fish was sold in the school cafeteria, but they did not call it a fish in a batter dough.

An indicator of a well (or correctly) cooked batter is its viscosity. The speed at which the batter drains from the spoon determines its viscosity. There is batter: salty, fresh and sweet. Classic salty batter is best for fish. Since after dipping in batter, the fish can either be fried in a pan or deep-fried - the batter for these 2 types of frying is different. For deep-frying, you need a thicker, less flowing batter! This must be taken into account when cooking, because. most recipes are for frying in a pan.

The main task of the batter is to protect the product in which it is dipped from direct contact with hot oil and, at the same time, a fried crust forms on the product. Inside the batter, the product (in our case, fish) is, as it were, steamed, soaking in the components of the batter.

The batter will increase the volume of the dish. And if you have only one fish, and you need to feed a lot of guests, then this is exactly what you need. The dough in which you dip the fish will increase the volume of the pieces and add satiety. How to cook fish in batter ....

How to make batter for fish:

  1. beat eggs
  2. add flour until lumps disappear
  3. add the rest of the ingredients.

Prepare the fish for frying in batter:

  1. clean and wash the fish
  2. cut into bite-sized pieces
  3. sprinkle with salt and mix the pieces of fish well so that the salt is evenly distributed. It is necessary to salt the fish despite the fact that various spices are often added to the batter and, of course, it is salted. You can add peppers and spices to the salt at this stage.

When frying fish in batter:

  1. Put the fish in a VERY hot skillet. Otherwise, the batter will disperse and spread
  2. If you cover the pan with a lid, the crust will turn out softer.

Here are the most common and most delicious recipes batter for fish.

ATTENTION: quantity of products needed different amount fish. I did not change, so as not to change the ideal ratio. How do you determine how much to take? Since the main ingredient of batter is eggs, calculate for yourself as follows: APPROXIMATELY for frying one fish weighing 1 kg you need:

  • 2 eggs in batter if cut into 4 pieces (for example pike perch)
  • 3 eggs in batter if cut into 10-12 pieces (eg hake).

Of course, this is conditional, because. different fish, and eggs of different sizes. But this is so that you orient yourself with the amount of batter (and make it either more or less) based on your fish, which is waving its tail on your table))))

The recipe for fish in batter depends largely on the choice of “batter” (after all, you already got a specific fish)

Batter for fish recipe is simple:

  1. eggs - 2 pcs
  2. flour - 3 tbsp
  3. salt - a pinch

Batter for frying fish with herbs:

  • eggs - 5 pcs
  • flour - 2 tbsp
  • greens - 100 g
  • salt - a pinch

This batter is very soft. If you cook, then you do not need to add flour. The fish is very juicy.

Batter on beer for fish:

  1. eggs - 3 pcs
  2. flour - 200 g
  3. beer - 200 ml
  4. salt - 1/3 teaspoon

Cooking steps:

  • separating the proteins from the yolks;
  • mix spooky, beer and flour;
  • Whisk the egg whites to a firm peak and slowly fold them into the flour and egg yolk mixture. Mix gently and gently. The batter is very soft. Beer when frying will give the fish softness and a pleasant aroma. I cooked beef in beer - it turns out very tasty and tender.

Wine batter for fish:

  1. egg - 1 pc
  2. flour - 2 tbsp
  3. white wine - 50 ml
  4. red Bell pepper ground - on the tip of a knife

Highly delicious batter if you take good (not sour) wine. Sweet paprika will add beauty and taste to the fish.

Cheese batter for fish:

  • eggs - 3 pcs
  • flour - 2 tbsp
  • cheese - 150 g (grated on a fine grater)

Incredibly delicious. When frying, the cheese melts and envelops the fish.

Colored batter (bright orange):

  1. eggs - 3 pcs
  2. flour - 200 g
  3. milk - 150 ml
  4. saffron - on the tip of a knife

According to this amount of batter ingredients, a lot is obtained. And paints it in a bright color - saffron (a spice that is added to Central Asia in pilaf).

Batter for frying onion fish:

  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • flour - 3 tbsp
  • mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons
  • onion - 1 pc (medium)
  • dill - 1 tbsp chopped
  • salt and pepper

In a blender, grind and mix all the ingredients. Onion pre-cut into 2-4 parts. The onion adds flavor to the fish. If there is no blender in the kitchen: grate the onion on a fine grater and mix with the rest of the ingredients, mixing well with a whisk.

Potato batter for fish:

  1. eggs - 2 pcs
  2. flour - 3 tbsp
  3. mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons
  4. potatoes - 2-3 pieces

It can rather be called: fish in batter and potatoes.

  • mix all ingredients (except potatoes);
  • potatoes (raw) grate on a coarse grater;
  • dip a piece of fish in batter;
  • roll in grated potatoes;
  • fry.

Now some recipes LUFFY batter, i.e. with the addition of soda.

Batter for fish simple recipe with mayonnaise:

  1. eggs - 2 pcs
  2. flour - 4 tablespoons
  3. mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons
  4. soda - on the tip of a knife
  5. lemon juice - a few drops

Delicious batter for fish with mineral water:

  1. eggs - 2 pcs
  2. flour - 1.5 cups
  3. highly carbonated mineral water - 150 ml
  4. soda - ¼ teaspoon
  • pre-cool the mineral water in the refrigerator (to the ice). This can be done by opening the bottle and draining some of the water. And only after that put it in the freezer to cool. If this is not done, the bottle will burst.
  • beat eggs with ½ part of mineral water;
  • add flour, salt and soda;
  • add the second half of the mineral water into the thick dough;
  • dip all the fish pieces into the batter;
  • Take the pieces of fish out of the batter with a spoon and lay them out for frying.

ATTENTION! The temperature difference in this recipe is quite large (ice water and hot oil) - splashes fly very strongly. Therefore, this recipe is for deep frying in a deep pot.