Strawberry cheesecake is the most delicious recipe. Strawberry cheesecake: an easy way to surprise your loved ones

Strawberry cheesecake- a dessert that is known all over the world. If previously it was delicious and incredible beautiful dish It was cooked only in restaurants, but now more and more housewives are making it at home. In order to pleasantly surprise your household with such a cake, you will need a little effort and, most importantly, a minimum of products. If everything is done correctly, then not a single guest will refuse this dish. Most delicious recipe strawberry cheesecake with photo is described below.

An easy way to make strawberry cheesecake without baking

This dessert is incredibly simple and easy to make. What makes this recipe unique is that the cake does not need to be baked. This not only saves time on its preparation, but also money on gas used.

When crushing cookies, special attention should be paid to ensure that no large pieces remain in the crumbs.

Selection of ingredients

To make strawberry cheesecake according to this recipe you will need:

  • about 300 grams shortbread cookies;
  • tablespoon butter(with a slide);
  • half a kilo cream cheese A;
  • 2 packs of gelatin (for filling);
  • a glass of cream (fat content from 33 to 35%);
  • about 150 grams of sugar;
  • 380 grams fresh;
  • a glass of freshly squeezed strawberry juice;
  • a packet of gelatin (for jelly).
Cheesecake preparation steps

The process of making this No Bake Strawberry Cheesecake recipe starts with the filling. Pour gelatin into a deep bowl and pour in half a glass cold water. Leave in this state for an hour. Carry out a similar procedure with gelatin for jelly. In this case, pour the ingredient with freshly squeezed strawberry juice. You can take cherry or another red fresh juice.

Place the cookies in a blender and grind until fine crumbs.

Place the butter in a bowl and microwave. Add the resulting liquid to the crumbs and mix well with your hands.

IN springform post the prepared mixture. Spread the crumbs evenly over the surface and compact. To ensure the base hardens well, place the container in the refrigerator.

The next step in creating a no-bake strawberry cheesecake is processing the strawberries. Wash the berries along with the stalks, then remove the stems. Cut the fruits into small cubes of the same size.

Place the soaked gelatin for the filling on low heat until it dissolves well. As soon as possible homogeneous consistency, remove the bowl from the heat and let the liquid cool.

Pour the cream into a container and beat with sugar until a thick consistency is formed. To obtain the desired structure, cool the milk product well. You can use cottage cheese to make this strawberry cheesecake recipe. It should be homemade with a high percentage of fat content. Add cream cheese, gelatin, strawberry pieces to the mixture and mix well. Do this only with a whisk so as not to damage the berries.

Remove the container with the base from the refrigerator. Place the creamy mixture on the cookies and spread evenly over the surface. To ensure the filling hardens well, place the container in the freezer for 20-30 minutes. Once the surface has set, you can decorate. To do this, place strawberry slices on top of the cream and cheese.
Pour a mixture of juice and gelatin on top of everything. It is important to ensure that the berries do not float to the top. Place the finished cake in the refrigerator for a day.

To ensure that the edges of the cheesecake are perfectly even, before removing it from the mold, you need to warm up the container with a hairdryer.

Before serving, garnish each piece with a fresh mint leaf.

Delicious cheesecake recipe in the oven

No less popular is strawberry cheesecake with pastries. A dish prepared according to this principle is just as tasty, but it will take more time to make. Distinctive feature This dessert is to use cottage cheese instead of cream cheese, which is often blended in a blender to form an oily consistency.

Ingredient Selection

Products for cooking:

  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • a glass of sugar (brown can be used);
  • 0.5 cups wheat flour;
  • a tablespoon of soft butter;
  • half a kilogram of cottage cheese (high fat content);
  • 0.5 liters of fresh strawberries;
  • dessert spoon of potato starch;
  • 2 cups sour cream (homemade);
  • a packet of vanillin.

IN classic recipe Strawberry cheesecake uses Philadelphia cheese.

Making strawberry cheesecake

Place two eggs in a bowl and beat together with sugar until fluffy. Then combine the sifted flour with melted butter and add it to the mixture. Mix with a spoon, using top-to-bottom movements.

Line the springform pan parchment paper and grease a little with oil. Place the dough in a container and smooth it well with a spatula. Keep in the oven for 20 minutes.

To prepare the filling, grind the eggs with sugar. Then add cottage cheese, starch and vanillin to them.

Place strawberry pieces on top of the prepared sponge cake and pour over them curd mass. Place the container in the oven for 40 minutes.

The final step is preparing the cream. To do this, beat sugar and sour cream in a deep bowl. The mixture should acquire a dense consistency. Spread the finished cake generously with cream and refrigerate for 24 hours. You can put pieces of berries on top.

The dessert is ready and you can start tasting!

If you want to surprise all your guests and family members with your dish, then strawberry cheesecake will be the best option. Such a dessert is not only beautiful and tasty, but also incredibly healthy. This is due to the use of natural ingredients that cannot be heat treatment, thus preserving all its vitamins and microelements.

Delicious cheesecake - video recipe

How I love summer!.. And there are simply countless reasons for this! But one of the first I can safely call “abundance fresh berries and fruits! culinary fantasies accumulated over the gloomy winter days...

I’ll tell you right away that this is pure pleasure... And in absolutely everything – in the preparation, in the food, and in the tasting! This cheesecake is very easy to prepare, you need the bare minimum of ingredients, and the end result is an incredibly beautiful and bright, very delicate and light curd and berry dessert!

I think that you are already convinced that such a delicacy cannot remain without your attention, so I will be happy to move on to listing the ingredients necessary for it.


For the base of our No Bake Strawberry Cheesecake you will need:

  • 250 g of any dry biscuits (I sometimes even use regular sweet crackers for this)
  • 100 g good butter

For the curd layer of the dessert you should prepare:

  • 500 g cottage cheese (I use homemade, freshly prepared)
  • 1 can of quality condensed milk
  • 10 g gelatin
  • 2/3 glass of milk (you can even use regular drinking water)
  • 150 g strawberries

For the no-bake strawberry cheesecake layer you need to take:

  • 1 pack of strawberry jelly
  • 300 ml hot boiled water
  • 100 g strawberries

For decoration we need a sprig of fresh mint

How to cook curd cheesecake no bake with strawberries
  • At the very beginning of the process, I would advise preparing gelatin for use. To do this, we pour it cooled boiled milk or water at room temperature.
  • And we immediately start preparing the base for our no-bake strawberry cheesecake. For this purpose, slightly crush the cookies you have chosen (I have baked milk flavor) and put them in a blender - the cookies need to be crushed into crumbs.
  • At the same time, cool the melted butter.
  • And then we combine these ingredients with our hands.
  • The resulting mass should be evenly distributed over the bottom of a springform pan, covered in advance with parchment paper. Form with already ready-made base While preparing the curd layer, you can put it in the refrigerator.
  • Meanwhile, in a large blender bowl, combine the cottage cheese and condensed milk - they need to be converted into a homogeneous creamy mass.
  • By this time, the gelatin has long been swollen - we dissolve it in the microwave, cool it, add it to the cottage cheese whipped with condensed milk and beat it again.
  • Add here the strawberries cut into slices a little earlier, mix and pour this curd and berry mass into a springform pan with a well-cooled base.
  • Return the pan to the refrigerator for at least half an hour.
  • Now we need to think about how to decorate strawberry cheesecake. To do this, from packaged jelly and the quantity indicated above hot water prepare the jelly and cool it completely.
  • We peel the strawberries, wash them, dry them and cut them into slices - we will put them on the already slightly frozen future dessert. It is better to do this in a circle in the direction from the edge to the center - the result is a rather beautiful strawberry pattern. Decorating a cheesecake with strawberries is quite an interesting and even meditative activity.
  • Carefully pour the cooled liquid on top strawberry jelly and put it in the refrigerator again - now for 3-4 hours at least or until completely frozen.
  • The finished dessert must be carefully removed from the mold, helping yourself with a knife, and served.

  • So take a moment and make this No Bake Strawberry Cheesecake for your family - it's truly a wonderful dessert in every way!

    Cook with pleasure!

    Cheesecake is truly a favorite delicacy all over the world. Already become classic dessert, it is served in all restaurants and cafes. The history of this dish is not precisely defined. Culinary researchers have not come to a clear conclusion about where this delicacy comes from.

    Many believe that it was invented in Ancient Greece, where the athletes ate this hearty Cheesecake, which was considered good source energy.

    And this was back in 775 BC. Then it was brought to America, where it became very popular among culinary experts, thanks to which it subsequently became popular throughout the world.

    Currently, there are a great many types of cheesecakes. Each country prepares it differently, based on its way of life. For example, the French use cheese from goat milk, in Israel it is prepared from fat cottage cheese, and the Greeks - based on feta cheese, in general, each nation has its own unique way.

    The classic cheesecake recipe uses Philadelphia cheese or regular cottage cheese. However, why not diversify this dish? various additives? Strawberry cheesecake is a delicious treat that both children and adults will love.

    Making delicious homemade strawberry cheesecake

    Total cooking time: 2 hours (+ 4-12 hours for “setting” in the refrigerator). Calorie content: 297 kcal per 100 g. Number of servings: 8. So, for its preparation you will need.

    For the base:

    • 70 g sugar
    • 40 g butter
    • 50-60 g flour
    • egg (2 pcs.)

    For the cheese layer:

    • 500 g cottage cheese (preferably 10% fat or higher)
    • 1 tsp vanillin
    • 100 g sugar
    • egg (3 pcs.)
    • 10 g starch
    • 300-400 g strawberries

    For the top (decorative) layer:

    • 300-400 ml sour cream (fat content from 15%)
    • 1 tsp vanillin
    • 1 tbsp. Sahara
    • 100-200 g strawberries
    • grated chocolate (optional)

    It is most convenient to bake cheesecake in a special silicone form. Now let's look at the basic steps of preparing a dish:

    A simple delicious recipe curd cheesecake with strawberry

    No-bake cheesecake - what do you need to cook?

    Luckily, there are many more strawberry cheesecake recipes out there. For example, it can be prepared much faster without baking, and it will be no less tasty. True, cottage cheese will not work in this case - you need to use cottage cheese.

    Total cooking time: 1 hour (+ 4 hours to cool in the refrigerator). Calorie content: 244 kcal per 100 g. Number of servings: 8. To prepare this cheesecake you will need:

    For the base:

    • 300 g cookies (shortbread is better)
    • approximately 80-90 g butter

    For filling :

    • 400-500 g of curd or cream cheese (for example, Almette, Philadelphia, etc.)
    • 150 ml cream (30-35% fat)
    • 20 g gelatin
    • 150 g sugar
    • 400 g fresh strawberries

    For the top layer (jelly):

    • 10 g gelatin
    • 150-200 ml strawberry juice

    After all the products have been prepared, we begin cooking:

    It is better to remove the resulting cake from the mold by preheating it with a hairdryer: then its edges will be smooth, not “torn off”. Strawberry cheesecake is completely ready.

    No-bake cheesecake also requires some time to prepare, but it is somewhat easier to prepare - you don’t have to wait for the cake to bake in the oven.

    Classic video recipe for juicy strawberry cheesecake

    How to make dessert with strawberries in a slow cooker?

    Strawberry cheesecake in a slow cooker is easy and quick to prepare and turns out just as good as regular baked goods from the oven. In addition, you don’t have to worry that it will burn, as often happens in the oven.

    Total cooking time: 2 hours (+ 3-4 hours for cooling in the refrigerator). Calorie content: about 300 kcal per 100 g. Number of servings: 8. For cooking you will need:

    • 100 g shortbread cookies
    • 400-500 g curd cheese or fat cottage cheese (from 10% fat content)
    • 500 g strawberries (both frozen and fresh are suitable)
    • egg (2 pcs)
    • about 100 g butter
    • 50 g sugar
    • 15 g gelatin
    • 1 tsp vanilla sugar
    • 50 g blueberries or blueberries

    In order for your dessert to turn out excellent, you should follow a few tips on how to properly prepare strawberry cheesecake:

    How to serve ready dish to the table?

    Strawberry cheesecake ready to serve different ways. For example, it can be decorated powdered sugar, cocoa, grated chocolate or a scoop of ice cream placed next to it on a plate. The dessert can also be served with berry, chocolate or caramel sauce, and decorate the plate with sliced ​​bananas.

    Cheesecake is a cake or pastry that is a soufflé of cottage cheese or curd cheese on a thin sand base. This delicate dessert has gained great popularity all over the world and can be tasted in almost every cafe. In most cases, cheesecake is made from high-fat cream cheese, such as Philadelphia and mascarpone, and the base for it is shortbread, crushed into crumbs and mixed with butter. In this case, the cake turns out to be undoubtedly tasty, but very fatty and high in calories, so you should not abuse it.

    For those who like to pamper themselves with this popular dessert, but at the same time want to stay in shape, I suggest making a delicious and healthy curd cheesecake with strawberries. Baking this pie at home is not at all difficult, so you can cook it on weekdays as a light dessert for tea or coffee, and on special occasions, when it can become a real decoration festive table. If you choose the highest quality and not too fatty products for its preparation, you can get not just tasty treat, but also a fairly healthy dish. Since the main part of the pie is natural cottage cheese, cheesecake with strawberries is perfect for children's party and his youngest guests.

    The curd cheesecake prepared according to this recipe has a very delicate creamy consistency, so light and airy that it literally melts in your mouth. An elastic curd soufflé combined with a crumbly sand base creates a simply indescribable combination of consistency and taste in this masterpiece of culinary art. Although cheesecake can be decorated on top with absolutely any fruits and berries, as well as chocolate, nuts or anything else to your taste, it is fresh sweet and sour strawberries that make a classic combination with baked curd mass. Try making cottage cheesecake with strawberries using this simple recipe, and it will surely become your family’s favorite dessert!

    Useful information How to make cottage cheese cheesecake with strawberries - a recipe for cottage cheese cheesecake with fresh strawberries with step-by-step photos


    • 150 g flour
    • 100 g softened butter
    • 50 g sugar
    • 1 small egg
    • 300 g cottage cheese 9 - 18%
    • 2 eggs
    • 120 g sugar
    • 100 g sour cream
    • 100 ml cream 33%
    • 1 tsp. vanilla extract or 1 pack. vanilla sugar


    • 100 g strawberries
    • 1 pack jelly for cake
    • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
    • 250 ml water


    1. In order to bake curd cheesecake with strawberries, first prepare the dough for the shortbread base. To do this, place softened butter and sugar in a bowl.

    2. Add the sifted flour and rub all the ingredients with your hands until it becomes a moist crumb.

    3. Add egg and knead soft dough by hand or using a regular spoon.

    4. Spread the dough into a thin layer using a spoon, making high sides. This amount of ingredients makes a medium-sized cheesecake, so use a small baking dish. I had a round springform pan with a diameter of 18 cm. There is no need to grease the pan with anything, since shortbread dough contains a large number of oils

    5. Line the mold with dough cling film and fill to the top with a load (beans, peas or special baking balls).

    6. Bake the dough in an oven preheated to 200°C for 10 minutes. Remove the film along with the load, pour the load into a bag or container and store until next use. It is not recommended to eat beans and peas after this procedure. The shortbread basket for curd cheesecake with strawberries is ready!

    7. To prepare the curd filling for the cheesecake, rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or grind with a blender.

    8. Add sour cream, eggs, cream, sugar and vanilla to the cottage cheese.

    9. Beat all ingredients with a mixer until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained.

    10. Sand basket Fill with curd filling and smooth the surface.

    11. Bake the curd cheesecake at 180°C for 45 minutes. The pan with the cheesecake should be placed on the lower level of the oven, otherwise it will quickly start to burn. In this case, you need to cover the top of the pie with a sheet of foil. The foil should be placed on the cheesecake “house”, not close to the surface, since curd filling will rise during baking and may stick tightly to the foil.

    12. Cool the finished cheesecake in the pan for 10 - 15 minutes, then carefully remove and place on a plate.

    13. Wash the strawberries, dry them and place them on the cheesecake whole or cut into thin slices. Dilute the cake jelly with sugar and water according to the instructions on the package and boil for 1 minute.

    14. Spread hot jelly over the cheesecake and spread over the strawberries using a spoon. Try to completely cover the berries with a layer of jelly, otherwise they will quickly dry out.

    15. Strawberry cheesecake should be kept in the refrigerator for several hours so that it has the correct structure.

    Delicious and tender homemade curd cheesecake with strawberries is ready!

    American cheese cake- a regular on the restaurant menu. But you can cook it at home yourself. Cheesecake with strawberries always turns out especially delicious. Fresh berries add tenderness and lightness to it.

    Classic cheesecake with strawberries

    The berries should be fresh and as sweet as possible. You will need 400 g of them. Other ingredients: 3 pcs. chicken eggs, 2 large spoons of potato starch, 970 g of quality cream cheese, small. a spoonful of vanillin and 2 large spoons of granulated sugar, 15 g gelatin, 16-18 pcs. strawberry meringues.

  • Strawberries without stems are whipped in a blender. Sand (sugar) is sent to them.
  • Gelatin is poured in a small amount ice water and left to infuse. Next, 140 ml of boiling water is poured into it. The mass is mixed again.
  • The strawberries are lightly beaten and combined with the gelatin mixture. The ingredients are blended again with a blender. The filling is left in the cold for half an hour.
  • The remaining ingredients according to the recipe are combined and beaten until smooth.
  • The meringues crumble to the bottom of the pan - they will become the bottom layer of the treat.
  • Creamy dough is poured on top.
  • The dessert is baked in a hot oven for 8-9 minutes (200 degrees). Next, the temperature is reduced to 150 degrees, and the dish is baked for another 35 minutes.
  • When the base has cooled, pour the berry mousse onto it.
  • Under the foil, the dessert will infuse overnight in the cold.

    With cottage cheese and strawberries

    Another variety classic version This dessert involves the use of cottage cheese. Ingredients: 245 g shortbread butter cookies, half a stick of butter, 580 g of full-fat cottage cheese, 3 pcs. chicken eggs, 35 g starch, 280 ml medium fat sour cream, 130 g granulated sugar, juice of half a lemon, a pinch of vanillin, 270 g fresh strawberries, 60 g strawberry jelly.

  • The cookies turn into crumbs and combine with liquid oil. The resulting mass is poured into a springform pan. It is important to compact the base very well. Next, it will be baked for 12 minutes at medium temperature in the oven.
  • A layer of curd is placed on the cooled base. It is mixed from cottage cheese, eggs and lemon juice. Next, sour cream, sand (sugar), vanillin and starch are added to the mass. You can’t beat it, but you should knead it until there are no lumps.
  • The form with the future dessert is placed in the middle of a baking sheet with high sides filled with hot water. The liquid should reach its middle.
  • The dessert will bake for 80-85 minutes. A temperature of 160 degrees is sufficient.
  • When the base has cooled, thin slices of strawberries are laid out on it. The jelly prepared according to the instructions is poured on top. Next, the treat goes into the refrigerator overnight.
  • To beautifully cut a cheesecake with cottage cheese and strawberries, you need to heat the knife.

    With mascarpone

    There is no need to bake this cheese cake. Ingredients: 260 g dry cracker, half a stick of butter, 40 g mascarpone cheese, tile white chocolate, 220 g Philadelphia cheese, 60 ml heavy cream, 320 g fresh strawberries.

  • Crackers with melted butter are crushed in a food processor. The bottom of the mold is lined with it.
  • White chocolate is melted until liquid and mixed with cold cream.
  • Two types of cheese are combined. Chocolate is gradually added to them.
  • Half the berries are cut small cubes and combines with the cream.
  • The filling is laid out on the base and left under the film to harden in the cold.
  • Already ready dessert covered with pieces of fresh berries.

    On a meringue pillow

    A sweet “pillow” will add airiness and tenderness to the dessert. Ingredients: 960 g of any cream cheese, 3 pcs. chicken eggs, 2 large spoons of starch, 380 g of berries, 22 vanilla meringues, small. a spoonful of vanilla sugar and 2 large granulated sugar, 15 g of instant gelatin.

  • The berries are pureed in a blender.
  • Gelatin is diluted in small quantity warm water. After a few minutes, it, along with a glass of boiling water, is poured into a capacious container.
  • Berry puree combined with sand is also sent there.
  • The mass is whipped with a blender and put in the cold for half an hour.
  • You need to work with the eggs until a light foam appears. The already whipped product is mixed with cream cheese and the remaining dry ingredients according to the recipe. At minimum speed they are mixed with a blender.
  • The meringues are kneaded by hand and placed on the bottom of the mold. The creamy mass is poured on top.
  • First, the base is baked at high temperature for 10-12 minutes. Then it cooks for another 45 minutes at 150 degrees.
  • From oven cheesecake removed when slightly cooled.
  • All that remains is to pour strawberry puree over the base, cover with foil and put in the refrigerator.

    Chocolate and strawberry cheesecake

    Even with cocoa and milk, such a dessert can be made low-calorie. Ingredients: 380 g cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. milk, 15 g gelatin, 35 g cocoa, 3 cups fresh strawberries, 2 large spoons of sweetener.

  • Gelatin is diluted with hot water and left to swell. It should sit for about 20 minutes.
  • Cottage cheese with half the milk, cocoa and sweetener are well beaten in a blender.
  • The swollen gelatin is melted with the remaining milk in a water bath.
  • The resulting mass is poured into the cottage cheese. Very finely chopped berries (half) are also sent there.
  • The remaining strawberries are laid out entirely in a springform pan and filled with a mixture of the remaining ingredients.
  • The treat will infuse in the refrigerator for at least 6-7 hours.

    No bake recipe

    Most often, no-bake recipes combine gelatin and cream cheese. Ingredients: 290 g shortbread cookies, half a kilo of cheese, half a stick of butter, 1 tbsp. very heavy cream, 130 g granulated sugar, 28 g gelatin, 1 tbsp. natural strawberry juice, 380 g of fresh berries.

  • Gelatin (10 g) is poured strawberry juice and left for an hour.
  • Cookie crumbs combine with melted butter. The resulting homogeneous mass compacted into a split form. A container of 22-24 cm is sufficient. The base is sent to the cold.
  • The berries are finely chopped. A few pieces are left to decorate the dessert.
  • Gelatin (18 g) with a small amount of water is heated until completely dissolved.
  • The cream is whipped with sand to stable peaks and combined with the cheese. Gelatin is poured into the resulting cream. All ingredients are mixed well. Berry pieces are also poured in there.
  • The creamy-strawberry mixture is placed on a cookie base. It should stand for 10-12 minutes in the freezer.
  • Gelatin with juice is heated until completely dissolved.
  • The base of the cake is covered with slices of berries, left for decoration. A thin layer of jelly is poured on top. The form is put back into the freezer for a couple of minutes. This will prevent the berries from floating in the next step.
  • The remaining jelly is poured over the dessert.
  • No-bake strawberry cheesecake will sit in the refrigerator overnight before serving.

    No bake cheesecake with mint and shortcrust pastry at the base

    Fresh mint enhances the aroma of the treat. Ingredients: 190 g cream cheese, a pinch of vanillin, small. a spoonful of gelatin, 4 large spoons of granulated sugar, 220 g of fresh strawberries, a few mint leaves, a white chocolate bar, 30 ml of cream, half a stick of butter, 275 g of shortbread cookies.

  • Strawberries are whipped with sugar into puree. Melted in a small amount of liquid is poured over the berries ( ordinary water) gelatin.
  • The chocolate is finely broken and mixed with cream. Next, the ingredients are whipped. Vanillin and cheese are also added there during the process. The cream should stand on the middle shelf of the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  • The cookies crumble and combine with the liquid butter. The prepared base is placed into molds. Cream with chocolate is poured on top and the last layer is berry mass.
  • The dessert is decorated with mint and placed on the top shelf of the refrigerator until it hardens.

    Cooking in a slow cooker

    With a “smart pan” it will be even easier to prepare a delicacy. Ingredients: 160 g of cookies, half a stick of butter, 430 g of mascarpone and the same amount of strawberries, 2 pcs. selected eggs, 60 g of sand (sugar), a large spoon of gelatin, half a glass of filtered, not cold water.

  • Cookies crushed with a blender are poured with liquid oil. The mass is kneaded by hand and placed in a device container covered with paper (special parchment for baking).
  • Cream cheese is whipped with sand and eggs. Half of the finely chopped strawberries are poured in there.
  • The creamy mixture is poured onto the base. The treat is baked in a suitable mode for 50 minutes.
  • The remaining strawberries are crushed with a blender and combined with gelatin diluted in water. The resulting mass is poured over the finished, slightly cooled baked goods.
  • The dessert will sit in the refrigerator for another couple of hours.
  • Decorate the resulting baked goods beautifully with blueberries.