African rooibos tea - beneficial properties and contraindications, how to brew it correctly. Are there any harms and contraindications? Who should try rooibos?

Belongs to South African tribes ancient drink rooibos tea We will consider the beneficial properties and contraindications in this article. The literal translation of the word “rooibos” means red bush; there is also the name rooibos. Residents of Africa consider the drink given by God himself, since this species grows only on this continent and is used not only as a tasty, but also a very healthy drink. This plant is a product with an invigorating effect, improves health human body and prolongs his life.

Rooibos tea - what is this product?

Rooibos tea is a shrub that is classified as a leguminous plant. Every year this product is gaining popularity. Healthy and very pleasant-tasting tea is consumed all over the globe. Rooibos is in greatest demand in countries such as South Africa and Japan. The Japanese count true connoisseurs healthy and natural herbs, so they cannot help but note this type of tea.

Rooibos comes in 2 shades: red and green. The color of the product will depend on how it is processed. If the cut young plants are finely chopped and then steamed, then ultimately the tea will have a greenish color. If, after collecting the plant, it is sent for fermentation, the drink will have a scarlet tint. Depending on the processing method taste qualities will be different. A green drink will have a delicate herbaceous taste, while a red drink will have a sweet and woody taste.


Rooibos is considered very healthy drink, and it has excellent taste. Rooibos contains a variety of components.

The most important of them are:

  • fluorine;
  • potassium;
  • selenium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • sodium;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • calcium;
  • carboxylic acids;
  • glucose;
  • oils

Important! Tetracycline is considered to be a component of rooibos. This product is considered a high-quality and very strong antibiotic.

Nutritional value, calorie content

The product presented is diet tea, because it has a small amount calories. 100 grams of product contains only 16 kilocalories. Such low rates can allow a person to take the product without restrictions. It is not recommended to add granulated sugar or other additives. Due to high content In the glucose plant, rooibos has a sweetish taste. This quality of rooibos is invaluable in the field of nutrition.

Nutritional value of the product:

  • proteins – 0.8 grams;
  • carbohydrates -1.2 grams;
  • fats -0.8 grams.

Rooibos: beneficial properties and contraindications

Rooibos achieved special attention only in last years. The most important of them are the following:

  • the presence of a large number of antioxidants;
  • reducing the amount of glucose in the blood;
  • beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system;
  • improved insulin production after food enters the body;
  • normalizes liver function;
  • improves skin regeneration;
  • reduces high blood pressure;
  • high-quality tonic and thirst-quenching drink;
  • has a beneficial effect on immune system.

In most cases, the presented drink acts as a product that has exclusively positive features. However, rooibos tea has some exceptions; the benefits and harms of such a product are not equivalent.

Rooibos also has some downsides:

  1. Rooibos prevents the absorption of iron from vegetables and fruits. This does not mean that it completely blocks suction, it just greatly slows down the process. The drink should be consumed only after meals. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor.
  2. Unlimited consumption of tea is fraught with the occurrence of an allergic reaction, which can manifest itself in the form of itching, rashes and swelling. In addition, problems associated with the respiratory system may appear.
  3. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, rooibos affects a woman quite favorably, while there is no information about its benefits for the child. Before drinking the drink, a woman should consult a gynecologist and pediatrician.
  4. People prone to developing cancer should avoid consuming rooibos. The disease can manifest itself especially strongly in the presence of breast cancer.

For women

This type of tea has a beneficial effect on the female body. The most important beneficial qualities that rooibos has are:

  • The aging process of the body slows down. This effect is due to the presence of antioxidants in tea, which destroy harmful radicals. Free radicals entering the human body trigger the aging process.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the menstrual cycle. This herb should be consumed as a drink by pregnant women and athletes.
  • Has a positive effect on the skin. Effective in curing diseases such as eczema, allergic diseases and acne. It is used as a cleanser and a preparation to give the skin freshness.
  • It has a positive effect on the central nervous system, eliminates constant stress, copes with insomnia, and relieves severe headaches.

For men

In addition to its positive effects on the female body, rooibos is healthy tea and for the male part of the population. The presented drink has the following beneficial qualities:

  • helps get rid of hangover pain;
  • have a beneficial effect on the male reproductive system;
  • saturates the body with energy, which will be enough for the whole day, even during heavy physical activity.

The positive properties of tea are very difficult to overestimate.


According to reviews from admirers of the drink, rooibos is a real healing decoction, has pleasant taste and smell. It can be safely recommended for use in medicinal purposes, also used as a means to strengthen the immune system.

Most people note the extremely beneficial effects of the drink on the body. Only a few express negative reviews about this product. These include individual intolerance to the components, as well as the high cost of the herb. Some tea consumers note the rich smell of rooibos, others consider the aroma positive quality raw materials.

Calorie content

Rooibos is low-calorie product, contains only 16 kilocalories per 100 grams of product, which is a relatively small indicator. He points out that even those people who are on a diet can drink sweet-tasting tea. This calorie content will not contribute to rapid weight gain. On the contrary, tea will help cleanse the body of all kinds of toxins.

Use in folk medicine

IN folk medicine the plant is used quite often, this is due to its medicinal properties. They are used both in cosmetology and for the treatment of various kinds of unpleasant ailments. This tea is used to rinse hair, as a facial cleanser, and make lotions from it.

Cooking process medicinal tea no different from regular brewing. A certain amount of tea leaves is poured into a dry container, and then it is poured with boiling water for 15-20 minutes. After the decoction has cooled, it can be consumed internally or used as an external medicinal product.

Rooibos for weight loss :

    actively quenches thirst and the resulting feeling of hunger when drinking the drink at least 3 times a day;

    is a quality addition to the diet, used in cooking various dishes dietary nature.

In cosmetology:

    Washing the face with a decoction, brewed traditional way. Before use, the drink can be frozen into cubes, and then it is most convenient to use in this form.

    Lotions for the eye area help eliminate chronic fatigue and noticeable bags under the eyes.

    Additive to anti-aging masks.

Use of tea in folk medicine:

  • Used as healing and soothing baths, they are especially effective in the presence of stress.
  • Tea for use and prevention various diseases, is used to strengthen the immune system, as well as fight viral diseases and various bacteria.

    A decoction used for inflammation of the skin.

How to brew rooibos correctly

The effectiveness and quality of such a drink will be influenced by the conditions and rules for brewing it. These instructions are the same for all teas.

Tea composition:

  • 1 teaspoon of plant;
  • 1 cup boiling water.

Instructions for preparing the drink:

  1. Boil water, pour boiling water over the prepared raw materials.
  2. Infuse the resulting decoction for 10 minutes;
  3. Use as regular tea.

Important! The key point in brewing such a medicinal decoction is the duration of its brewing.

When preparing the drink, you should not use clay dishes; it can change its taste.

Where to buy, price of rooibos

Such a pleasant and aromatic additive as rooibos can be purchased in any online store. You can also buy rooibos in the tea and herb aisles of grocery stores.

This drink is characterized by a pleasant soft taste, with floral and woody notes. Also, connoisseurs of tasty and healthy teas note the presence of such flavors as vanilla and cocoa.

There are many companies involved in sorting such tea. The quality of the product will primarily depend on its manufacturer. The main sorters and producers of grass are South African companies.

The cost of medicinal tea ranges from 400-500 rubles, which is quite a significant amount for many people with an average salary. Due to the impressive price of the product, some people are forced to refuse it.


Rooibos is a healthy and tasty plant that is brewed as a tea and used for a variety of purposes. A similar product is used in various spheres of human life: cooking, cosmetology, medicine. The widespread use of the drink is due to its unique characteristics, which contribute to the use of the product for medicinal purposes.

As you can see, it has tea rooibos beneficial features, and contraindications some also exist. Before starting treatment with such a drink, it is recommended to consult with a doctor, who will draw up an individual recipe for its use for each person.

Discover the benefits and harms of Rooibos tea for the body. This herbal infusion is known to originate from South Africa. The benefits of this drink for the digestive and of cardio-vascular system. It is believed that this tea cannot cause harm.

Rooibos tea can be used as a regular drink, instead of black tea or coffee. Or maybe it was prescribed by a doctor as an option for treating a particular disease using herbal medicine.

The benefits and harms of Rooibos tea

Benefits for the female body

Women always want to remain young and beautiful. Beauty and youth are always inextricably linked with women's health.

In strengthening women's health Rooibos tea can help:

  • Prevents the aging process of the body.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the female cycle.
  • Taking baths with rooibos infusion has a good effect on the condition of the skin.
  • Relieves stress.
  • Has a beneficial effect in the fight against depression and irritability.

Remember that when choosing a particular medicine in medicine there is such a concept that it should bring more benefit than harm to a person.

Therefore, follow this rule in life and then the choice of this or that product will always be correct.

This drink can help fight many diseases as it has beneficial properties. Contraindications to Rooibos tea are associated with the presence of allergic reactions to its components.

Side effects and harm of tea

Having analyzed an innumerable number of different sources, I can tell the reader with full responsibility that this product is absolutely harmless. The only existing concern is allergies. If you are allergic to one of the additives in Rooibos tea - strawberries, chocolate or something else, or you have an intolerance to the African rooibos bush, which is the basis of the tea's composition, unfortunately, you are an unfortunate person, drinking this divine drink is for you fundamentally contraindicated.

The rest of us have a free hand! Even if you are not a gourmet, not an admirer of overseas traditions, or simply do not like to discover new taste horizons, doubts aside, Rooibos tea has never let anyone down. Let's talk about the benefits of this drink.

For a long time in southern Africa, there has been a belief among the locals - the Bushmen tribes - about the healing properties of Rooibos tea. It was believed that the gods revealed to the human consciousness this drink with a specific purpose - to endow this two-legged creature with unshakable health, prudent wisdom and, most importantly, a life that will last forever. But indeed, few products contain as many benefits as Rooibos tea.

Let's take a closer look at why it is so useful.

  • this miracle tea is actually a great barrier not only to aging, but also to the development of cancer, since it contains manganese and magnesium;
  • the combination of zinc and vitamin C will relieve problems with the immune system (by the way, Rooibos tea has surpassed lemon in the amount of vitamin C);
  • in just a few cups of this drink the body will find the daily requirement of iron;
  • Potassium and sodium, which are abundant in Rooibos tea, will relieve fatigue;
  • weak nerves will be saved by the copper contained in this drink;
  • teeth and bones will be grateful to Rooibos tea for the calcium and fluoride they receive;
  • the absence of caffeine, oxalic acid and a tiny amount of tannin is another advantage of the miracle tea;
  • this drink helps you achieve slimness faster;
  • Rooibos tea is an excellent antibacterial and sedative; it copes well with hangovers, heartburn, nausea, headaches and other unpleasant conditions.

Rooibos tea brings enormous immeasurable benefits in cosmetology, helping not only the skin of the face, hair, but the whole body!

  1. If you want to restore freshness to your skin, smooth out your facial contours, or get rid of pigmentation, turn to this healing tea. You just need to regularly wipe your face with ice cubes based on this drink or simply wash your face with it. Your eyes will be refreshed by compresses made from Rooibos tea, and your face will thank you very much for its beautiful appearance for adding it to masks.
  2. If you dream of royal hair, wash it with a decoction of the miracle Rooibos tea. This procedure will become an indispensable assistant in the fight against dandruff and, of course, stimulate hair growth.
  3. Take baths with a strong infusion of Rooibos tea. Your body, satiated with benefits, will thank you with beautiful elastic skin.

Opinions of people who have tried this healing drink

Judging by the excellent reviews of those people who decided to try this wonderful drink, no one regretted their purchase!

The miracle tea immediately won the hearts of residents of various countries, leaving no one indifferent.

People who discovered the wonderful bouquet and healing capabilities of Rooibos tea not only became its fans, but also significantly improved their health.

Ideal brewing technique

Each tea has its own brewing method; they may differ in the amount of tea, waiting time, and the order of adding components.

Therefore, it is very important to discover a different method for each tea. There are two ways to prepare rooibos tea.

Method one

Dry tea is poured with water, brought to a boil and boiled for 1–2 minutes. Then remove from heat and pour into cups.

The drink is rich in color and taste. But the disadvantage is the small amount of antioxidants (it is their presence that prevents the aging process of the body); they tend to be destroyed during heat treatment.

Method two

The method is very similar to brewing regular tea. Rooibos tea needles are poured with boiling water at the rate of 1 teaspoon of tea per 200 milliliters of boiling water.

You shouldn’t keep it longer, otherwise the antioxidants will also be destroyed.

Whatever method of preparing rooibos tea is chosen, you must remember that in order to get all the beneficial properties from it, you need to drink it freshly prepared.

Rooibos tea can be drunk either hot or chilled to quench your thirst.

Unique collection varieties

Tea is something unique; each type has its own specific taste qualities.

They differ in the method of drying tea leaves, additives, impurities and much more. There are only two main types of rooibos tea that come to us from Africa - red and green.

Sweet and sour - red

The needles, twigs and bark of the bush are collected after the fermentation process, they are crushed and dried in the sun. As a result, tea even in a dry mixture has an orange-red hue.

The taste of this drink is sweet and sour, and the aroma of this drink is specific, similar to brewed hay.

Tart and bitter - green

The tea mixture consists only of needles, which are collected before the fermentation process begins.

The collected needles are immediately steamed. As a result, the prepared drink acquires light green color, and the taste is characterized by rich astringency.

In terms of price, green rooibos is more expensive than red.

Now well-known tea companies such as Greenfield and Ahmad have diversified their range with the introduction of rooibos with orange and rooibos with cinnamon.

Popular manufacturer Greenfield

It contains only part African rooibos, plus, it may contain various aromatic additives, for the naturalness of which the manufacturer is responsible.

This tea is well suited for those people who have decided to try it for the first time and do not know whether they are allergic to this drink. In addition, it can be recommended to people who do not like the strong herbal taste of tea.

Ahmad with cinnamon

Unlike the present herbal drink Rooibos with cinnamon tastes like tea, not an herbal infusion.

Famous teas brands have one advantage: they are packaged in bags, which saves the consumer from the filtration procedure before use. It is very convenient to drink during working hours and while traveling.

Negative qualities include the fact that the consumer does not know to what extent natural products are used in the production of tea, but everyone knows that only natural products can benefit a living organism.

If taken as a flavoring natural product strawberries, then to all the positive properties of the rooibos drink, regardless of whether it is green or red, you can safely add positive properties strawberries

It is used for:

  • hypertension;
  • constipation;
  • has a diuretic effect.

Also, when choosing rooibos tea, you need to exclude allergic reactions to additives if a person is allergic to:

  • citrus;
  • strawberries;

The question of which tea is better, green or red, can be answered as follows. The choice depends on the person’s taste preferences.

If a person prefers sweet and sour tastes, then red rooibos corresponds to his choice, and if rich and tart, then green.

Indications for use of the decoction

  • Prevents gas formation in young children (use is possible after consultation with the pediatrician).
  • In adults, it reduces the risk of heartburn and belching.
  • The activity of bioflavonoids is much greater than in regular green tea.
  • Contains no caffeine at all, meaning it does not promote arousal nervous system human, which means it can be used even by people suffering from insomnia.
  • Enriching the body with iron (the daily requirement of iron for an adult is contained in three servings of the drink).
  • Enrichment of the body with the following microelements: Na, Ca, Mg, F, Cu, Zn.
  • Contained vitamins A, C, P, E help strengthen the immune system.
  • Helps slow down fat deposits in the liver.
  • The low content of tannins, which cause headaches and provoke pain in the gastrointestinal tract, contributes to the reverse process.
  • Helps maintain normal blood pressure.
  • Renders positive influence on bone tissue.
  • It is a natural source of tetracycline, therefore it has bactericidal properties. It can be used as a lotion for dermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases.
  • Relieves hangover syndrome.

Contraindications for use

Like any natural product, it can cause allergic reactions in some people; if they are detected, the use of rooibos tea is contraindicated.

Also, with caution, namely under the supervision of a doctor, rooibos tea can be taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers, people with kidney disease and oncology.

When drinking rooibos tea in quantities of more than two liters per day, tissue swelling may occur, so you should always remember that everything is good in moderation.

Divine Rooibos tea and its strawberry talent

Each of the readers, probably, at least once in their life, heard about the legendary Chinese tea ceremonies, and, perhaps, even took part in this magical action during a trip to the Ancient Eastern state, or recreated the tradition in their homeland.

The reader may be surprised, but in distant South Africa, tea is no less revered, and, to clarify, it is generally considered a drink generously sent down from heaven by the gods! We are talking about red tea, which got its name from the rooibos bush, because it is this bizarre plant with red branches and needles instead of leaves that makes up the lion's share of this wonderful drink.

Since Rooibos tea is endowed with incredible beneficial properties, many in a variety of ways and there were a huge number of attempts to plant the rooibos bush on “foreign” land, but none of them were successful. Rooibos has remained true to its South African roots.

This truly magical story undoubtedly intrigued the reader. Perhaps it's time to talk about the taste benefits of this divine drink! To be honest, it’s difficult to describe this unique taste, since you only need to try it, but still, it’s worth a try.

So, Rooibos tea is endowed with a rather interesting, subtle, delicate sweetness. In no case is it cloying! This sweetness is pleasant, unobtrusive and, in addition, makes an incredibly surprising combination with a nutty note and a unique woody zest.

What can we say about various impurities in a tea bouquet! Adding to this already perfect flavor combination natural oil strawberries, the whole world received not just strawberry Rooibos tea, but a whole strawberry talent! This summer berry spice is filling traditional composition Rooibos tea has a unique refreshing aftertaste and seems to fill a small taste gap, bringing this unique drink to the level of complete perfection.

Let's return to Ancient China. This beautiful country, in addition to its fascinating traditions, gave the world the unsurpassed writer and sage Lu Yu, who said the following words in one of his creations: “If you drink tea for a long time, wings can grow.”

Despite the nationality of this person, without any doubt, boldly and proudly this quote is not only possible, but even necessary to describe the flavor bouquet of African Rooibos tea with strawberry flavor. And the most important thing is that you don’t need to drink this tea for a long time in order to feel immersed in pleasure. Having tasted the first sip of the unsurpassed, unique flavor combination, indeed, wings grow by themselves, carrying the soul into the wonderful world of African fantasies.

An invaluable drink that's affordable

All of us, living in a world controlled by money, are accustomed to the fact that quality requires emptying our pockets. The producer of Rooibos tea is ready to argue with this general opinion, wanting literally every inhabitant of planet Earth to be able to afford to enjoy this flavor bouquet, not allowing the South African traditions of the Bushmen tribes to be forgotten and giving prosperity to this amazing continent.

The rooibos bush grows only in one single place - on the Cape of Good Hope near the Caesars Mountains of South Africa. Its soft, needle-like leaves are used to produce tea of ​​the same name, which, due to its healing properties, is also called the Bushmen elixir. Local residents use it not only as an invigorating drink, but also as a natural remedy for many diseases. In this article we will talk about rooibos tea and its benefits and harms.

Rooibos tea, depending on the processing method, can be green or red. In the first case, the leaves are quickly steamed, avoiding the fermentation process. After this, it acquires a delicate herbal taste. Red Rooibos, on the contrary, goes through all the stages of natural enzymatic oxidation, after which the leaves are dried in the open sun. These varieties are sweetish and have a rich nutty-woody aroma.

Benefits of rooibos tea

The medicinal properties of the drink are explained high content in him useful substances. Rooibos can be called a natural mineral complex, rich in vitamins A, E, P. The amount of ascorbic acid it can easily “compete” with lemons.

Rooibos (especially the green varieties) is very rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals. Thanks to this property, the aging process of the body significantly slows down, the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves, and the risk of various tumors decreases.

Not long ago, Japanese scientists discovered that this type of tea contains a unique antioxidant, superoxide dismutase. It is known for being more active in neutralizing the harmful effects of free radicals. Rooibos can be used as an adjuvant in the treatment of osteoporosis, cancer and various types of radiation sickness. Scientific research is currently underway to develop drugs based on it to combat diabetes and hepatitis.

The drink is perfectly invigorating, which can compare with black varieties of tea and strong coffee. But at the same time, it does not contain harmful caffeine, having a milder effect on blood vessels. That is why you can drink it virtually around the clock without worrying about sleep or dehydration. Rooibos, unlike other tonic drinks, has very little tannin, which interferes with the absorption of iron. And also in minimal doses it contains oxalic acid, which contributes to the development of urolithiasis.

Who should try rooibos?

South African tea can be called a salvation for people suffering from iron deficiency anemia. It is enough to drink 2-3 cups a day, and after a while you can forget about the problem of deficiency of a mineral that takes an active part in blood formation.

The potassium and sodium contained in rooibos help the body recover from illness.

Zinc in combination with ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system, relieves acne, stomatitis and sunburn.

Copper has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and activates metabolism.

Manganese in combination with magnesium rejuvenates cells, strengthens hair, nails, tooth enamel and bone tissue, and eliminates headaches. In short, a cup of the drink in its healing, preventive and restorative properties is quite comparable to an “adult” dose of well-known food additives. This natural selection of minerals is especially useful for children, the elderly, athletes and, in general, anyone who is accustomed to an active lifestyle or engages in heavy physical labor.

Natural medicine

In South Africa, rooibos has been widely used in the treatment of intestinal disorders since ancient times. It calms the stomach and severe heartburn well, removes nausea and the causes of vomiting. As a result, regular use of tea significantly improves digestion, helping to overcome chronic constipation. The drink has become a life-saving remedy for allergy sufferers and asthmatics suffering from skin rashes and itching.

Rooibos is known to be a good auxiliary in the treatment of heart disease. It also helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, so it is recommended to be used regularly by hypertensive patients.

The South African drink is considered a strong anthelmintic. It is recommended for children and adults to drink during the treatment of helminthiasis.

In the cold winter season, hot rooibos becomes indispensable in the treatment of ARVI, influenza and sore throat, because it is recognized as an effective natural anti-inflammatory “drug”. It is useful for bronchitis, tracheitis and pneumonia, as it enhances the effect of expectorant pharmaceutical drugs. Also known for his soothing properties for nervous disorders, depression, worries, anxiety, nervousness, headaches.

In the morning, rooibos invigorates and improves performance, and in the evening it helps to cope with insomnia.

The leaves of the South African plant are known to be a natural tetracycline, so the tea can be used as a bactericide if necessary. In such cases, it is taken both internally and externally.

Europeans, whom fate brought to South Africa, discovered in it the properties of a natural drug that saves from hangover syndrome.

Traditional healers often recommend rooibos to pregnant women and nursing mothers. Herbal pharmacies sell a collection to enhance lactation, which includes leaves of the South African bush and the familiar strawberry.

Harm of rooibos tea

Rooibos is contraindicated only for people with individual intolerance to the plant. Experts do not recommend drinking it on an empty stomach in order to suppress your appetite: excess liquid can cause swelling. Daily dose – 2-3 cups, no more.

Tea connoisseurs do not advise buying a packaged drink stuffed with various flavors. They have little left of real rooibos, so you shouldn’t expect a product in such packaging to have a beneficial effect on the body.

Rooibos is very easy to prepare

The South African drink is prepared exactly like a regular one: put leaves in a teapot at the rate of a teaspoon per glass of water and pour boiling water over it. True, you need to insist longer. For example, the Japanese pour rooibos 10 minutes after brewing, but in the homeland of the drink they can simmer for half an hour. There was an opinion that a well-infused drink contains more vitamins and minerals.

Rooibos is usually drunk hot, but in the summer heat they often quench their thirst with chilled tea. Gourmets prepare aromatic dishes based on it. non-alcoholic punches and various cocktails. They also add fragrant cinnamon, cornflower flowers, caramel, almonds and other spices to it.

On sale today you can also find rooibes with the flavors of apple, banana, strawberry, pineapple, strawberry, and chocolate. Aromatic additives help you get used to this drink faster, because not everyone immediately likes its rich, sweet, nutty, woody taste, which smells like fresh hay. For the same purpose, you can put a slice of lemon or orange in the cup.

Those who like to save money can safely brew the same portion of tea twice, because it will still not lose its healing properties.

This tea, which has a slightly sweet taste, is made from the leaves of a South African plant, namely the bush of the same name, Rooibos. It turns out to be a very pleasant drink with a wonderful aroma. Due to its tonic and invigorating properties, it will successfully replace traditional black tea or coffee. Moreover, rooibos has a much gentler effect on blood vessels, since it does not contain caffeine.

It went on sale not so long ago, but already has a large army of fans. Some people love this tea for its unique taste and pleasant aroma. Others drink it as a medicine, knowing about its powerful healing effects on the body. What properties does rooibos tea have, what are its benefits and harms? Let's find out right now:

Who should drink rooibos? Benefits of the drink

The most important thing is that it contains a lot of substances - antioxidants, the main property of which is to slow down aging. In addition, they can reduce the risk of developing cancer.

It should be noted that rooibos is very rich in vitamin C. There is more of it than lemons contain! There is also such an important element as iron. Therefore, the drink is very useful for iron deficiency anemia. Just 2-3 cups fresh tea, provide the body daily norm this mineral.

In addition to iron, rooibos is no less rich in fluoride, copper, as well as potassium, manganese, zinc and sodium. Therefore, it is recommended for children, elderly people and athletes to drink it. In general, these elements are necessary for all people leading an active lifestyle, as well as those who are engaged in physical labor.

Potassium and sodium included in its composition help restore physical health. Zinc combined with vitamin C will strengthen the immune system. Copper will improve the functioning of the nervous system and activate metabolism. Manganese and magnesium contained in tea have a positive effect on the body's cells, and calcium, together with fluorine, strengthens bone tissue and tooth enamel.

Medicinal properties

Using tea will calm the stomach, eliminate heartburn, nausea, and stop vomiting. In its homeland - South Africa, tea has been used since time immemorial in the treatment of intestinal disorders, and is used for stomach colic in children and adults. Therefore, regular use of tea will improve digestion and eliminate constipation.

Tea is used for allergies. With its help, they reduce itching and alleviate the symptoms of dermatitis and eczema. The drink is considered an effective antibacterial agent.

Tea has anthelmintic properties, so it is recommended to drink it during the treatment of helminth infections. Moreover, both adults and children can drink it.

Rooibos will be beneficial in the treatment of ARVI and sore throat, as it is an effective anti-inflammatory and expectorant.

It is recommended to drink it for nervous experiences, stress, depression and neuroses. It will eliminate problems with falling asleep. Moreover, drinking a cup before bed will calm you down, help you fall asleep well and sleep peacefully. If you drink a cup of tea during the day, on the contrary, it will give you vigor and increase your performance.

It should be noted that rooibos tea, the benefits of which are now known to you and me, does not contain oxalic acid. Therefore, it can be drunk without any fear by people suffering from urolithiasis. In addition, due to its low calorie content, it can be drunk by anyone who is on a diet.

How to make rooibos tea?

Everything is very simple and you don’t need to invent anything additional. Rooibos is brewed in the same way as regular tea. Pour it into the teapot, then pour boiling water over it. Stick to the proportion: 1 tsp. for 200 ml of boiling water.

Infuse it longer - more than five minutes. For example, in Japan it is cooked for 10 minutes. And in its homeland, South Africa, they can generally withstand the infusion for half an hour or more. There is an opinion that the longer the infusion is prepared, the higher useful qualities tea.

You can drink it hot. And when it's hot, cold rooibos is very good. Connoisseurs prepare delicious non-alcoholic punches and fruit cocktails using the infusion.

Many drink lovers prefer to drink it with all kinds of fillings. For example, add a little cinnamon to the tea leaves. It is very good with bergamot and lemon. Lovers of fruit flavors buy rooibos with pieces of apple, pineapple, strawberry, and banana. You can buy tea with cornflower flowers or with the addition of almonds, caramel, etc.

Who shouldn't drink rooibos tea? Drink harm

It must be said that rooibos is not harmful. It is unnecessary to drink it only for people with individual intolerance. However, it is not recommended to drink it on an empty stomach in order to suppress the feeling of hunger. Simply, excess fluid will certainly accumulate in the tissues of the body, which will cause swelling. Therefore, 2-3 small cups of tea are quite enough.

And yet, you should not buy tea bags of the same name. They are usually “stuffed” with flavorings and all kinds of flavor enhancers. There is very little of natural rooibos left there. Therefore, there will be very, very little benefit from the packaged drink. Therefore, it is better to purchase natural rooibos in specialized tea stores. Be healthy!

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Rooibos tea, or rooibos, got its name from the shrub of the same name that grows in South Africa - African rooibos, from the leaves and young stems of which tea raw materials are made.

Tea appeared in Russia relatively recently, but in its homeland it is a classic, most common type of drink that everyone drinks, everywhere and without any restrictions. The second country in the world in terms of the prevalence of rooibos is, oddly enough, Japan, which is still considered the country of classic tea.

The first place on the map where rooibos infusion has long been used by local aborigines - the Khoi-Khoi tribe - is the Cape of Good Hope, which is the most extreme southwestern point of the African continent. The Indians used the plant for a variety of purposes - to treat many diseases, quench thirst, and as a dye.

Europe learned the taste of an infusion from an African plant only at the beginning of the 20th century, when the famous merchant of overseas goods, B. Ginsberg, decided to make a bold attempt to sell rooibos in England. Surprisingly, the attempt was quite successful - sales of rooibos skyrocketed literally in a matter of months, as did its prices - demand many times exceeded supply throughout the European part of the continent.

Rooibos is a heat-loving plant, and is unable to grow anywhere else except in its homeland, so South Africa became a monopolist in the supply of rooibos raw materials, which continues to this day. Since the early 30s, entire rooibos plantations have been cultivated, and in 1954, a special government department was created to control the production and export of raw materials. The scale of exports is impressive - about 6,000 tons go to different countries Germany is the leader in rooibos imports.

What is rooibos?

As mentioned above, rooibos is a shrub plant that grows in the southern latitudes of the African continent; in appearance, like all plants in hot latitudes, it looks rather modest. The central trunk of the bush is smooth, starting to branch almost from the surface of the ground. The leaves are thin, more like soft needles, about 10 mm in length, and can grow singly or in bunches. The total height of the bush reaches no more than 1.5 m.

Leaves and tender shoots of the upper branches are often used as tea raw materials; coarser trunks are processed for technical needs.

Rooibos cultivation in South Africa occurs in industrial scale, about a third of the total working population of South Africa, including children, work on rooibos plantations. Few farms can boast of an abundance of technical equipment, so all work is done almost manually.

Collecting red bush seeds is particularly difficult. As befits all legumes, rooibos seeds are contained in their own pod, which contains only one seed, which flies out at the speed of a bullet when ripe. When trying to collect immature pods and then ripen them, it is possible to achieve too low a percentage of “survival” of the seeds, so there is nothing left to do but look for seeds scattered throughout the field. For this purpose, the top layer of dry African soil is very often sifted and nearby termite mounds are examined.

Sowing of rooibos begins in February in nurseries, and by the beginning of June, seedlings are planted in open ground. The harvest is collected only from two-year-old bushes, cutting off the tops of the upper branches, tied into bunches and delivered to the factory, where they are sorted and cut into identical parts, no more than 5 cm in length.

The next stage is the production of red (fermented) tea raw materials and green (non-fermented). To stop the fermentation process in green rooibos, it is treated with hot steam under high pressure. The drink made from such raw materials is light, transparent, and has a more delicate taste. Fermented raw materials give the tea a richer red color, thoroughly saturated with the hot African sun.

Sorting of raw materials occurs in only two directions - high-grade raw materials intended for export, and low-grade raw materials for use within the country. For high-grade tea, clean, long leaves, undamaged by insects, and intact are selected. The remains with scrap leaves and parts of branches are used for packaging low-grade raw materials.

Composition and benefits of rooibos tea

The scrupulous Japanese could not ignore one of their favorite drinks - a number of studies were conducted on the beneficial properties of rooibos tea raw materials. The results of Japanese research have brought some resonance to the prevailing opinion about the composition of the drink. It turned out that neither the raw materials nor the finished drink contain a single gram of vitamin C, and the amount of microelements is so small that it does not even cover a quarter of a person’s daily need for them. Potassium, sodium, calcium and traces of iron, zinc fluorine and copper were found in the raw materials.

Interesting to know!
The absence of caffeine in rooibos has been proven, so rooibos tea is of interest to people for whom caffeine consumption is contraindicated.

The amount of easily digestible monosaccharides, such as glucose, fructose, is sufficient to avoid adding sugar to the finished drink - the tea tastes quite sweet. However, it all depends on the individual preferences of the person.

In terms of antioxidant content, the finished rooibos drink surpasses even the classic one green tea about half. Antioxidants are chemical substances of different chemical structures that are capable of binding and removing in an inactive state the toxic decay products of pathological foci in the body, which often have an acidic environment. In other words, antioxidants prevent the oxidation of toxins, thereby reducing their harmful effects. You shouldn't hope that regular use Rooibos will be a panacea for all diseases, but, of course, as an additional means of cleansing the body, it will have its effect.

Rooibos contains compounds that have an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the intestines, alleviating flatulence and constipation, thus it can be used in children aged 6 months and older, after prior consultation with a pediatrician.

The relaxing effect also extends to the smooth muscles lining the lumens of large blood vessels, thereby achieving the effect of lowering blood pressure.

Significant amount essential oils give ready-made drink a unique aroma and taste, providing a calming and tonic effect, but here it is also necessary to take into account the individual preferences of a person.

Rooibos tea contraindications

  • Given the high glucose content, rooibos tea is not recommended for diabetes mellitus without prior consultation with your doctor;
  • People with low blood pressure need to drink tea in strictly limited quantities - a further decrease in pressure will lead to disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and, as a result, a decrease in the urinary and urinary functions of the kidneys. Against the background of an increased volume of fluid in the body, the formation of edema, drowsiness, lethargy, and chronic fatigue are possible;
  • The finished drink has a rather specific smell and taste, which is not accepted by every body, so before the first use, it is better to keep the volume of tea to a minimum, also for the reason that many chemical compounds can cause allergic reactions in an unprepared body.

Making rooibos tea

Infusing rooibos tea is not original or complicated - brew rooibos should be similar to brewing regular tea at the rate of 1-2 teaspoons of dry tea per glass of the finished drink.

Due to its nature, rooibos leaves contain a large number of strong fibers, which greatly complicates the extraction of substances from the leaf into the liquid, so it is recommended to infuse rooibos for at least 15 minutes. For the same reason, repeated infusion or even preparation of a decoction is allowed. In this case, boiling should be carried out for no more than 5 minutes.

There is a way to make espresso from rooibos raw materials in a coffee maker. Why is a separate high-quality rooibos variety used? The method was patented by its author, Karl Pretorius, who, without stopping there, developed other types of rooibos “coffee” - red cappuccino, red latte and others.