Mexican Green cocktail - traditional and creative compositions.

There were times when people didn’t even hear about Pisan, but here, in Ukraine, it was generally extremely unpopular, the most unsold drink in bars. But times are changing and, which is very nice, better times Pisan came thanks to the Ukrainian bartender, who came up with the most ingenious cocktail of our time - Green Mexican. But first things first.

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Pizan is a banana liqueur based on a green banana emulsion. Ambon is the name of the island where, according to legend, these same bananas are taken. The first version of the drink was created by Bols International and was called Original Pisang Ambon. It is based on an ancient Indonesian recipe. Now different companies make it, but, as with, the most popular manufacturer is the Dutch company De Kuyper (De Kuyper), only they call the liquor simply Pisang. In general, you will not find much information about Pisan on the Web - somehow it did not take root in the vastness of the World Wide Web, but on the shelves of Ukrainian and not only bars, even very much.

He himself is gently green in color, with a very pleasant smell and taste. I would say that it taste qualities bring me back to my childhood - it reminds me of Duchess sweets and even Tutti-frutti chewing gum, which is a little beloved by everyone. Fortress 21%. pure Drinks well, but very sweet, so it is better to add it to cocktails. One of them breathed a second life into Pisan Ambon.

Cocktail Green Mexican - glory to Pisan

The bartenders did not know what to do with the newly-made liquor, which for some reason the managers of the establishments began to order. Today, by the number of Pisan sales, Ukraine is in first place in Europe. It all started back in 1996 in the bar "Eric's bar" (Kyiv). The bartender could not appease the two girls who demanded original cocktails from him. He had a bottle of unpopular Pisan in his hands and he asked, probably to himself: “what to do with this liquor?” He was answered by another guest of the institution - bartender Sergey Kadatsky, the future founder of the International Bartenders Center "Planet Z" and the current president of the All-Ukrainian Association of Bartenders. He came up with a recipe for a cocktail with Pisan, which determined the future of the "unfortunate liqueur".


  • 25 ml Pisan Ambon liqueur;
  • 10 ml lemon fresh;
  • 25 ml silver tequila.


  • pour Pisan into the pile;
  • use a bar spoon to layer the lemon juice;
  • repeat the previous procedure with tequila.

This is a classic shot drink, that is, a Puss Cafe cocktail. The ingredients are layered quite simply and do not require much skill (for the uninformed, I have an article about that). If you don’t have a bar spoon with a spiral and a nickel on hand, use the tip of a knife or an ordinary teaspoon (coffee spoon is even better). Fresh take exactly 10 ml, no more - these are the most balanced proportions. Unscrupulous bartenders pour more of it just to save on expensive tequila and Pisan.

Green Mexican is not set on fire!!! You can drink a cocktail either in one gulp or through a straw, only from the bottom up, which corresponds to Sergei's idea: first, strong tequila, then sour juice, which will bring down the bitterness of silver, and then sweet, fragrant Pisan, leaving just the most pleasant aftertaste in your mouth.

Despite the name, this banana-flavoured sweet and sour cocktail has nothing to do with the land of the Aztecs. For the first time, his recipe appeared in Kyiv, but this did not prevent the drink from becoming popular all over the world in two decades. I will show you how to make a Mexican Green smoothie at home. You will need no more than 5 minutes.

History reference. The Green Mexican cocktail was invented in 1996 by Ukrainian bartender Sergey Kadatsky. One day, many bottles of Pizang Ambon banana liqueur, which was not popular with visitors, were brought to the Kyiv bar where he worked.

Sergey was given the task to sell this liquor. He started experimenting with ingredients in an attempt to create a delicious new cocktail. A few weeks later, the "Green Mexican" appeared. At first, the drink was known only in the bars of Ukraine and Russia, but thanks to emigrants, the recipe spread throughout Europe, and then came to the USA.

Why the cocktail is named that way is unknown. Most likely, because it contains tequila, and the cocktail itself is green.

Composition and proportions:

  • green banana liqueur "Pizang Ambon" - 25 ml;
  • fresh lemon juice - 10 ml;
  • silver (clear) tequila - 25 ml.

Many bartenders replace banana liqueur with the more common melon counterpart Midori, claiming that the taste hardly changes. But in the classic version, it is Pizang Ambon that is used.

Mexican Green Recipe

All ingredients must be laid in layers, this is the main difficulty in cooking.

1. Pour banana (melon) liquor into a glass (shot).

2. Gently add lemon juice over the liquor with a bar spoon or at the tip of a knife (second layer).

3. In the same way, pour tequila over the juice (third layer).

4. Drink a glass in one gulp immediately after preparation, as the cocktail quickly exfoliates, losing its taste.

5. Have a slice, orange, lemon or lime (optional).

Green Mexican with melon liqueur

A detailed technology for making a Green Mexican cocktail is shown in the video. Separately, the bartender talks about the history of the drink and how to quickly squeeze lemon juice at home.

Each of us, at least once, was in a nightclub and noticed more than once that the first thing to do in a nightclub is to dance and drink. Therefore, our hands reach for the menu and look for the most delicious cocktails. Nightclub cocktails are not that expensive, so you should not deny yourself pleasures. We advise you to try a light shot - green mexican. Mexican Green Cocktail - the recipe is simple, you just need lemon juice, tequila and Pisang Ambon liqueur.

Origins of the Green Mexican Cocktail:

The cocktail was invented by a Kyiv bartender - in 1996. It was invented by Sergei Kadatsky, by experimenting with Pisang Ambon, a completely new liqueur for Ukraine. For example, replacing Blue liqueur Curaçao, you get a cocktail blue mexican , replacing Gold Strike with liquor - you get a cocktail golden mexican .

How to drink a green Mexican cocktail? Drink this cocktail: in one gulp. And now let's smoothly move on to what ingredients are included in the green Mexican cocktail.

green mexican ingredients:

  • 25 ml - Liquor green banana"Pisang Ambon" ;
  • 10 ml - Fresh squeezed lemon juice (not fresh) ;
  • 25 ml - Tequila Silver;

Green Mexican cocktail recipe:

To prepare a cocktail, you need a bar (regular spoon), a shot for cocktails and a whole lemon, from which we will squeeze the juice.

First pour the green banana liquor, then the lemon juice and finally the Olmeca silver tequila.

1) Pour the first layer 25 ml Pisang Ambon liqueur ;

2) Then, using a bar spoon, pour the second layer - 10 ml lemon juice ;

3) And the last layer 25 ml Silver tequila ,also pour with a bar spoon. The cocktail is ready to drink - drink in one gulp.

In general, how much does this cocktail cost in Ukrainian cafes, establishments and nightclubs. The price of this cocktail in Ukraine ranges from2,5 $ for cafe bars and3-6 $ for nightclubs. Now you know how to make a green Mexican at home and you can surprise your guests with a delicious and unusual cocktail!

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The cocktail recipe was invented by Ukrainian bartender Sergey Kadatsky in 1996. It was then that gourmets tasted this sweet and sour drink for the first time in one of the capital's bars in Kyiv. Since then, his popularity has continued to skyrocket.

1 The mystery of the name of the cocktail

In the mid-90s, Pizang Ambon green banana liquor was not in demand among visitors. The quick-witted bartender decided to find a use for the liquor. And to be more precise, Sergey was given a clear task - to sell unclaimed liquor at any cost. Then the bartender came up with the idea to create a cocktail recipe with the original name.

Today, the Green Mexican cocktail enjoys enormous popularity not only in Ukraine and Russia, but also in European countries, and even in the USA. Conjectures about the true reason for the name of the cocktail are still of interest to fans of this drink. The only connection of a cocktail with Mexico is the presence in the recipe.

If replace main ingredient cocktail - banana liqueur, you can get cocktails: "Blue Mexican" with the addition of Blue Curaçao, "Brown Mexican" - with Kalua coffee liqueur and "Golden Mexican" - with Gold Strike liqueur.

2 More about the recipe

3 Heroic cocktail for real thrill-seekers

A cocktail with the intriguing and disturbing name "Death of a Mexican". It differs from the "Green Mexican" in its extraordinary strength, composition and manner of presentation. Many say that after such a mix it is simply impossible to stand on your feet. Interested in what's in it? It would seem that the ingredients are quite familiar and individually absolutely familiar, but together it's just a "thermonuclear bomb".

To prepare it, take a glass of light beer, always without foam. A quarter of the glass is left empty, because in a moment it will be filled with tequila. And before tequila, literally a couple of drops of hot Tabasco sauce and a pinch of salt should be added to the beer. Then the tequila, poured into a glass, is lowered into a glass with beer, and here the fun begins. The mixture begins to foam actively due to the abundant release of carbon dioxide. The cocktail should be drunk as quickly as possible, ideally in a few sips and it is advisable not to spill a single drop. If you succeed, you are a true professional.

Summing up, I would like to say that "Death of a Mexican" is the perfect drink for those who want to quickly get drunk.

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The green Mexican cocktail is known all over the world today, although it appeared not so long ago. The drink has a bright and rich taste, belongs to strong alcoholic cocktails, has a presentable appearance. Very popular in bars.

History reference

The birthplace of the Green Mexican cocktail is Ukraine. In 1196, a virtuoso bartender from Kyiv Sergey Kadatsky, widely known among professional and experienced bartenders, came up with a recipe for a drink based on banana liqueur. For Ukraine, green banana liqueur was a novelty that did not immediately take root, so the enterprising bartender had to come up with his own composition based on it, which would be appreciated by the Ukrainian public. Soon, the green Mexican cocktail was already being tasted by bar patrons all over the world.

Composition and proportions

AT classic recipe This cocktail contains the following ingredients:

  • Pisang Ambone liqueur - 25 ml;
  • lemon juice (without sugar and pulp) - 10 ml;
  • tequila (clear, chilled) - 10 ml.

Served in a tall thin glass (called a shot), it has a layered texture, which makes it look impressive. Drinks in one gulp. Some bartenders substitute Pisang Ambone for the more common Midori in the recipe. Experimenting with the main ingredient (liquor), bartenders today offer not only classic version green Mexican, but also, for example, cocktails based on "Blue Curacao" (blue Mexican) or with "Gold Strike" (golden Mexican).

Cocktail recipe green mexican

To cook on your own this drink, you need to prepare a shot (a special glass narrow glass designed for strong alcoholic compositions), a bar spoon (can be replaced with a regular one).