Living and dead water: a device for preparation and use in everyday life. How to make living water at home

As you know, a person consists of 80% water. The properties of water are necessary for human body lived. People no longer consume tap water, and use filters to purify water more. Such a purified liquid will definitely not harm a person. The most useful is Living Water at home, you can make it yourself. If you are a fan proper nutrition, see how to make a real one.

To make living water, consider 3 ways to make healthy water. We will need the following materials:

Method number 1

Consider the easiest and most affordable way that everyone can do.

Pour required amount water and boil it. Then we cool the water, pour it into a bottle and freeze it, placing it in freezer refrigerator. IN winter period you can put a bottle of water on the balcony. Then we take out the bottle with ice from the refrigerator and let the water melt. Such melted water will have an improved structure.

Method number 2

This method of obtaining living water is the most efficient, and it is based on the use of silicon. Silicon can be bought at a pharmacy. Pour 3 liters of water into a jar and add about 300 silicon stones. Cover the jar with clean gauze and let the water brew for two days. Then pour the water into another clean container, so that the black sediment remains at the bottom in the old jar - these are harmful substances, we will no longer need them. Now the water should be slightly frozen. When a small layer of ice forms, we make a hole in it and pour it into another container. Ice can also be thrown away, hydrogen isotopes formed in it.

Method number 3

In the third last method, we also freeze water. It should freeze to 2/3 of the volume. When the water is frozen, everything is vice versa, we pour out not frozen water, but ice. From the resulting melted ice, real living water will turn out. Such water is very useful for the body.

Different from regular tap or bottled. But it may seem to many that special, complex equipment is needed to prepare living water with miraculous properties. Scientists have developed such equipment, but we can do without it. cook living water not difficult at home. The main thing is that you must first let it stand for at least half an hour in an open container so that the chlorine disappears. If the water clearly smells like bleach, then you need to defend longer. If the water in your area is not chlorinated, but fluoridated, you cannot use it to prepare structured water, you will have to buy bottled drinking water and carry out all further operations with it.

Here are a few ways, which one is the best, decide for yourself.

Preparing living water at home

1. Freeze ordinary raw tap water in the refrigerator. Fill the pan by placing it in the freezer on a piece of cardboard or a sheet of plywood. After the water is completely frozen, let it melt at normal room temperature. Can be taken plastic bottle, but it only needs to be filled to 80%, since when freezing, the ice expands greatly, and the bottle may burst. For the same reason, you can’t freeze water in glassware, it bursts, even if you don’t cover it, it’s checked. Moreover, I even burst plastic containers for storing food. I freeze water in 2 liter plastic Norwegian ice cream containers, covered but not tightly sealed. Very comfortably. After defrosting, such water can already be drunk, but in order to be treated with water, or to lose weight with water, this is not enough.

2. This method completely removes the deuterium. We do everything as in the first case, but when the water begins to freeze, you need to remove the completely appearing crust of ice. It contains deuterium, it freezes earlier. After freezing the bulk of the water, you need to rinse under running water. cold water frozen piece. It must be transparent, because the most harmful impurities are removed from the surface of the ice. Then you can melt all the ice and drink the melted "living" water.

3. We heat up to 94-96 degrees the amount of water we need. Before the first signs of boiling appear, remove the pan and cool the water sharply, then freeze, then thaw. In this way, prepared water goes through the phases of the usual natural cycle: evaporation, cooling, freezing, thawing. And although this method is much more complicated, such water is especially useful - it is rich in extraordinary internal energy. I haven't tried this method, I've only read about it.

4. With this method, water, in addition to acquiring a characteristic structure, becomes cleaner from many impurities and salts. To do this, we keep it in the freezer until more than three-quarters of the volume of water freezes. Unfrozen water will remain in the middle of the container, which must be poured out by carefully piercing the ice with a metal object heated on fire. The remaining ice should melt. The time it takes for your container to freeze can be set experimentally. It can be from 6 to 16 hours. My 2 liter container freezes to this state in about 12 hours. The meaning of these manipulations is as follows: pure water freezes faster, the bulk of unnecessary compounds slower, so all the dirt accumulates in the center and is in solution.

I used this method while we had old rusty plumbing. In the center of the ice block floated black flakes of dirt, which were not visible in unfrozen water.

I also want to talk about the object with which you will pierce the ice. I use a heated spoon, since sharp objects such as a knife or an awl are not recommended, because they carry the energy of aggression and destruction, and we need to restore health, not destroy it.

5. To get the best effect, double cleansing should be applied. Let the water settle, then freeze. We remove the first thin ice layer that forms, in which there are quickly freezing harmful compounds. Then re-freeze, three-quarters of the total volume, and remove the remaining unfrozen fraction of water. We get much cleaner and structured water.

Here five ways to prepare water structuring. Choose the right one.

Melt water should be consumed immediately after the ice melts. You can cook food on it, however, when heated, the medicinal properties are lost. In any case, such water is much cleaner than plain filtered water, and if you have a freezer that can fit water for both drinking and cooking, then I can only congratulate you.

How much living water to drink daily?

For drinking, a person needs at least 30 ml per kg of body weight. That is, if you weigh 60 kg, then you should drink at least 1.8 liters of pure living water daily, without any impurities or additives.

Such living water is ideal for drinking and maintaining good health. What to do next with frozen and thawed water so that it acquires the healing properties necessary for losing weight and getting rid of health problems, I will tell you in the next article.


Living water: how to make it at home

We have already learned about what filters are. However, the water story does not end there. In order for water to become useful and healing, it needs to undergo any of these procedures.

As you probably already understood, the filter for is a very important attribute of the life of a city dweller. But purification is far from the last stage on the path of magical transformations of water from dead to living. According to scientists, the most healthy water has a structured structure.

What is the beauty of structured and its main difference from the usual? First, water with a crystalline structure cleanses every cell of the body, and toxins. Her unique properties due to high penetrating properties. Scientists have proven that a person who uses structured water is less likely to get sick and use medicines. Allergic children feel noticeable relief, and in adults, high blood pressure is reduced.
So, your main task is to return the filtered water to its natural crystalline structure and then it will become a real elixir of health, youth and beauty. And these simple, but very effective ways will help you with this.

Read also:

Melt water
There are several ways to restore water to its natural structure. And one of them is freezing. It is one of the most labor-intensive, however, and every family has a freezer, which means that there is an opportunity to prepare living water too. To begin with, pass water through any filter, then place it in a frost-resistant or enameled bowl. In winter, you can simply take it out into the cold, and in summer - put it in the freezer. After some time, the first ice layer forms on the surface of the water. It needs to be removed. After that, you will have to wait until another 2/3 of the water freezes, punch a small hole and drain the remaining unfrozen liquid through it. Now you can defrost the ice and enjoy the purest water. Just be aware that structured melt water cannot be boiled, re-frozen and stored for a long time.

magnetic water
Scientists have long proven that water has a special permeability through cell membranes, a strong bactericidal effect, cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol plaques and foreign proteins, improves and stimulates. It is easier to magnetize ordinary drinking water, you only need a special magnetic funnel or funnel or a nozzle on the tap. Often, manufacturers add a magnet to the water fraction filter. This information is always indicated on the label. Healing properties magnetic water are stored during the day.

shungite water
In 1719, by order of Peter I, the first Russian resort Marcial Waters, known throughout the world for living water, was built in Karelia. And all thanks to the only deposit of a unique stone on earth - shungite. Its wonderful ability to structure has been known since ancient times. The stone collects up to 95% of various pollutants on its surface, removes heavy metals from water, removes colloidal iron from water pipes, nitrates, nitrites, pesticides, dioxins, phenols, helminth eggs, as well as many viruses and bacteria. The obvious advantages of this type include the fact that water after shungite can be boiled, so you can safely cook food or make tea. Before use, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the shungite stones, then put them on the bottom of the vessel and leave for three days. As a white coating appears on shungite, it needs to be removed, and about once every half a year the stones will be replaced with new ones. Shungite water can also be successfully used for cosmetic purposes: it protects the skin from premature aging and free radicals.

Why buy? Why expensive filters? Make living water at home by yourself!


It is hard to believe that some 100 years ago it was possible to safely drink water from rivers, streams and lakes without worrying about your health.

But the man decided that he was more powerful and smarter than Nature and began to behave like a negligent master. The results of his activities were not long in coming - the air became harmful, and water from most sources became simply dangerous to drink. There is no pure water left on the surface of the Earth.

Virgin and untouched water went deep underground, but it was not all drinkable.

The man found a way out: he came up with technologies that make it possible to purify dirty water and use this artificial “dead” product for food.

But Nature generously did not leave the unreasonable Man, giving him the last chance: deep underground there are springs in the water of which Nature has been putting “memory” with the program of Health and Longevity for thousands of years. True, there are very, very few such sources, and finding them is considered a great success. But most importantly, they are!

However, most people still prefer to drink synthetic "dead" water, because there is a lot of it, and most importantly, it is cheaper, not by much, but cheaper.

It is paradoxical, but true - many people, therefore, evaluate their health in several pieces of silver.

Awareness of the negative and often irreversible consequences of one's unreason comes to everyone sooner or later, but much more often too late.

How to prepare living water at home

Put an enamel pot with filtered (or plain) water in the freezer of the refrigerator (in winter - on the balcony). After 4-5 hours we get it. The surface of the water or the wall is already stuck with the first ice.

The water is poured into another pot. The ice that remained in the empty one concentrated heavy water molecules (deuterium, which freezes at a temperature of +3.8°C, while the water needed for our body is at -1°C). Discard this first ice containing deuterium, and put the pot of water back in the freezer.

As soon as the water freezes by 2/3, we drain the unfrozen water - this is “light” water, it contains all the chemistry of our civilization. The ice that remains in the pan is the water that we need so much. It is 80% free of impurities and contains 16 mg of calcium per 1 liter of liquid. Now melt the ice at room temperature (not on fire) and drink during the day. This is the water that long-livers drink.

During the day, it is advisable to drink 2 to 3 glasses of melt water. Drink the first glass early in the morning an hour before meals, the rest during the day also an hour before the next meal. You need to store water in the refrigerator, accustoming yourself to the cold gradually.

According to many reports, melt water is a vascular agent, helps to reduce heart pain and even dissolve blood clots in the coronary vessels of the heart. It stops severe hemorrhoidal bleeding, relieves pain in hemorrhoids, improves blood circulation after thrombosis of the lower extremities and facilitates the course of the disease with varicose veins. In cardiovascular patients, it significantly lowers blood cholesterol and improves metabolism. Melt water can serve effective tool against pathological fullness. Such water well relieves inflammation and tension in the eyes with computer visual syndrome. I recommend instilling it into the eyes.

Health and longevity, friends!

To the number alternative ways medicine with full confidence can be attributed to living and dead water, which seemed to have descended from the pages of Russian folk tales. In fact, these are liquids obtained in the process of electrolysis, endowed with medicinal properties. The article will talk about how to make living water, as well as how to use it most effectively.

What it is

So, living water is a negatively charged liquid, characterized by an alkaline structure (pH - 9-12). And dead, sour, has a positive electrical potential. Both fluids are widely used in alternative medicine.


Let's find out what beneficial effects these liquids had. Live (ZHV) is a true biostimulant that has a whole range of effects on the body:

  • Improving immunity.
  • Stimulation of metabolism.
  • Acceleration of wound healing.
  • Rejuvenation.

Dead water (MW) is no less useful:

  • Has a bactericidal effect.
  • Treats colds.
  • Disinfects.
  • Helps fight fungus.

Such a wide range useful properties and became the reason for the popularity of liquids in folk medicine. Next, we will learn how to make living water using electrolysis.

Required accessories

On sale there are special devices called water activators, with their help you can easily prepare the desired liquids. However, you can assemble the simplest installation on your own. Consider how to make living water. This will require the following:

  • The water itself. It is better to take a spring, but if there is none, then ordinary tap water, which has previously settled for at least 24 hours, will do.
  • Two glass cups.
  • Two forks (stainless steel).
  • Diode.
  • Lamp (approximately 20-25 W).
  • Cotton wool.
  • Bandage.
  • Wire with plug.

These items are sure to be found in every home. If not, they are easy to buy.


Let's continue to consider how to make water alive at home. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Place the forks in the cups with their tines up.
  2. Attach a diode to one of them, connect its other end to the wire.
  3. Strengthen the structure with electrical tape.
  4. Connect the other end of the wire to the second plug.

The installation is ready, to check its performance, it is enough to connect the plug to the network and lean the diode against the lamp - if it lights up, then everything is normal, you can turn it off from the network for a while. Next, a kind of “bridge” is made for the ions from cotton wool wrapped in gauze.

Now you should pour water into both cups, approximately equally. Dip the cotton "bridge" into the liquid and place it so that it becomes a link between the containers. Device for receiving live and dead water completely ready. Now it is reconnected to the network and wait for 10 minutes, this time is enough to separate the electrodes.


After 10 minutes, the device is turned off from the outlet, the cotton bridge is removed. In the cup in which the diode was attached to the plug, the water has a positive charge, that is, it is dead water. And in the second - alive with a negative charge.

Please note that you can remove the plugs from the vessels only after turning off the device from the outlet, otherwise an electric shock is inevitable. In such a simple way, you can make water alive at home.

Melt water

Let's consider how quickly. As a result, a very useful liquid will turn out, of course, by no means living water (as some unscrupulous authors position), but also necessary. It can be used for drinking, as well as for the preparation of ZhV and MV according to the described method. The first stage in the preparation of such water from ordinary tap water is to clean it with a filter. In the absence of such, the liquid should be allowed to stand for at least 12 hours. Next, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Heat the water, but do not bring it to a boil, this will help get rid of some of the harmful impurities.
  2. Allow liquid to cool to room temperature.
  3. Freezing in a conventional freezer helps purify the water of harmful deuterium. These structures freeze at much higher temperatures than the beneficial constituents of water. That is why the first ice should be thrown away, it contains only deuterium and is harmful.
  4. The purified liquid is re-placed in the freezer, the formed ice of two types will gradually be noticeable - transparent at the edges and white in the center. These are harmful impurities, which are easy to get rid of: just pour boiling water on the central part of the container, they will quickly melt. It remains to pour the resulting water, leaving white clean ice. Water quality indicator - full transparency.
  5. The remaining ice is transferred to room temperature. You need to wait until it thaws and use for drinking or washing.

You should not boil melted water, it loses its qualities.


Let's get acquainted with some recipes for the use of living and dead water. In case of allergies, it is indicated to gargle MB for 3 days after eating. 10 minutes after rinsing, you should drink half a glass of ZhV. ½ cup live will help and solve the problem of constipation. Besides:

  • By rubbing the face with dead liquid, pimples, rashes and acne can be cured. The course is at least 6 days.
  • With sore throat 10 minutes before meals, gargle 5 times a day for 5 days, use MB. After that, drink ¼ glass of ZhV.
  • Diarrhea can also be cured with an unusual liquid. To do this, first drink half a glass of dead, then wait for 60 minutes, if there is no result, drink another half a glass.
  • Inflammatory processes in the liver. Unique liquids will help in this case too. The treatment regimen is as follows: on the first day, use ½ cup of MB four times. Then, for the next 6 days, drink ½ cup of ZhV 4 times a day.
  • MV will help you quickly get rid of migraines, in just 30 minutes (maximum - an hour), the result will be noticeable. It is enough to drink half a glass of this liquid.
  • Gastritis. In this case, a JV is required. It is necessary to drink 30 minutes before meals three times a day as follows: the first day - ¼ cup. The second day (and all the rest, from 3 to 7 days) - ½ cup.

Another recipe for using live and dead water will help solve the problem with pressure. At low levels, ½ cup of ZhV is crushed twice a day, at high - MV, the duration of the course is no more than 7 days. It is better to use freshly prepared liquids.