What is the difference between vegetable oil and sunflower oil? Sunflower oil, its composition and useful properties. Unrefined sunflower oil

More recently, visiting a store, you could buy any product and be sure of its quality, or at least that you bought exactly what you wanted. But today, literally each of us can easily miss - you buy one thing, and read the composition, and you begin to understand that they slipped something completely different. A vivid example of this, which every hostess must have encountered, is oil. “So what is it, vegetable?” - a thought flashes by when you read the composition in small letters on the back of a square pack of “creamy”. Well, it turns out that our favorite creamy (seemingly) butter today may well be vegetable.

Let's understand all the wisdom that resourceful manufacturers generously endow us with. Finally, let's find out if vegetable oil is butter or sunflower, how they differ and which one is more useful. And of course, it will not do without little tricks: is it possible to replace it with vegetable if it was not at home, and you have already started preparing the dough with might and main?

Vegetable oil

All oils that are vegetable oils are made from the seeds of plants and nothing else. Our most popular vegetable oil is sunflower oil, followed by olive, corn, linseed, pumpkin, and so the list can be continued almost indefinitely.

How is oil obtained from plants?

  • Cold pressed - crushed seeds are pressed with a press. The resulting liquid is the same oil that we use.
  • Hot pressing - the seeds are crushed, heated to a temperature of 100 degrees, and only after that they are sent under the press. Under the influence of temperature, the seeds more actively secrete fat, which means that more oil will be obtained.
  • Extraction is perhaps the most unhealthy way. Any, including, can be easily dissolved with gasoline. It is they who are poured seeds, and after they give up all their juices, they begin to evaporate gasoline. As a result, it burns out and only oil remains.

Refined or not, what's the difference?

After the oil is obtained, it goes through several purification modes:

  • Unrefined oil is a product that has been filtered from all kinds of impurities. It has a thicker, richer texture and color. If such oil is stored for a long time, then a slight sediment will appear at the bottom. Such oil is not particularly suitable for frying, but cold dishes and salads are best seasoned with it.
  • Refined vegetable oil is a product that has passed not only a filter, but also a number of other additional purifications. Such oil does not foam when frying, does not have a pronounced taste or smell, and it is stored much better. Margarine, mayonnaise are made from it, used in conservation and cooking. Refined oils are devoid of taste and smell, and their smoke point is almost twice as high. It's much more convenient to use them.

The benefits of vegetable oils for us

To talk about the benefits of each particular species, one must also take into account which plant it was obtained from. After all, each of them endows the oil only with its inherent vitamins and nutrients. Let's think, our vegetable oil is what: sunflower, peanut or soy? So, olive, for example, is able to lower cholesterol, pumpkin and linseed are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and corn contains twice as much vitamin E as sunflower. But all these oils, regardless of their origin, are united by their high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is they who take an active part in the creation of new cells, which means that they are very useful for our youth and health in general.

Butter and spread

Obtained from cream collected from the surface of milk and knocked down. That is, they are derived from animal products. Today, manufacturers often add vegetable oil to the composition of such a product. Is it cream or sunflower, you ask? It all depends on composition. But remember, real butter can never be cheap. If you notice such an oddity in the cost, then carefully read the composition. Surely it will indicate the addition of vegetable fats. According to GOST, since 2004, all manufacturers have been obliged to call such products not “butter”, but “butter product” or “spread”. Such butter is vegetable-creamy, but the percentage of both components should be indicated on the packaging and may differ significantly.

How is the spread different?

The advantages of this oil include its soft and pliable structure. It does not harden in the cold and is easily spread on bread due to the fact that it contains vegetable oil. Is it butter or sunflower? Rather, it is a mixture of two types: vegetable and animal fats. It will be very good if the manufacturer adds sunflower oil to such a product, then you can not worry about your health once again. But there are those who are trying in every possible way to save on production and at the same time increase the amount of sales. That's when the well-known vegetable fat in cosmetology comes into play, this is palm oil. Such a product is cheap and has similar qualities to butter made from pure cream - it hardens when cooled. It is convenient to use it as a substitute for animal fat, you just need to add a little taste and aroma. There will be no particular harm from such a replacement, but there will be no benefit either. Therefore, standing in front of a store counter, think about who benefits from such “accessibility”, the manufacturer or you? It’s better not to save on health once again, therefore, even when buying margarine or a baking spread, try not to take the cheapest one.

Can vegetable oil be substituted for butter?

This question must have been raised by every hostess. At the most crucial moment, you open the refrigerator, and the butter is over! Do you really have to give up baking, because you planned it? In fact, vegetable oil may well help you out. This creamy sins with a high content of cholesterol, but in vegetable it is not, therefore such a fusion will be very good. This will not affect the taste at all, because ordinary refined has neither taste nor smell, but at the same time it is fat, albeit vegetable. You just need to remember that you need to add a little less vegetable oil than indicated in your favorite recipe. For example, a pack of butter, weighing 220 g, needs to be replaced with ¾ cup of vegetable oil.

About the correct use, or How not to harm

Now you know a little more about what vegetable oil is - butter or sunflower, how it is useful and how it is produced. But there is another factor due to which such an oil can do evil service, and we should not forget about it. This is the correct temperature for cooking. Each type of fat has its own specific heating point. If you overheat the oil, then it can form carcinogens that will get into food. Determining this point is quite simple - if the oil in the pan starts to smoke or burn, then you obviously overheated it, and it is better not to use it for food. For frying food at high temperatures (for a wok pan, for example), it is better to choose special oils with a high level of smoke.

By the way, butter starts to smoke already at a temperature of 170 degrees, but refined corn, sunflower and palm oil only at 232. It is always better to use it for salads or sauces, they are not suitable for frying. And also do not forget that the longer your dish is cooked, the more it loses vitamins and benefits for your body.

We hope that this information will be helpful. Let culinary creativity bring you pleasure and give you new unexpected discoveries. Cook tasty and healthy!


Sunflower oil is one of the best vegetable fats and an indispensable food product for every person. No housewife can do without it. Sunflower oil is used for frying and stewing, dressing salads and soups, it is added to dough and sauces, used for homemade preparations. It is not so easy to navigate in today's abundance of various varieties of sunflower oil.

A bit of history

Today, Russian cuisine cannot be imagined without sunflower oil, but it first appeared in Russia not so long ago. Peter I brought the first handful of sunflower seeds to St. Petersburg from Holland and ordered them to be sown in his pharmacy garden. In 1829, the Russian peasant Daniil Bokarev invented a method for obtaining oil from sunflower seeds, and in 1833 the first plant for the production of sunflower oil was built in Russia. Very soon, the Russian Orthodox Church recognized sunflower oil as a vegetable oil, and since then its widespread distribution has begun. In the middle of the XIX century. half of the agricultural areas in the south of Russia were sown with sunflowers, and by the beginning of the 20th century. sunflower oil has already become a national Russian product.

The healthiest oil

How to store sunflower oil. To preserve its beneficial properties, sunflower oil should be stored in a dark place at a temperature of +5 to +20deg; C and protected from contact with water and metal.

Sunflower oil is a product with unique properties. In terms of digestibility and nutrient content, sunflower oil surpasses many vegetable oils; in terms of usefulness, neither soy, nor rapeseed, nor corn can compete with sunflower. The composition of sunflower oil includes unsaturated fatty acids that are indispensable for the human body and other equally useful fatty acids.

Sunflower oil is the richest source of fat-soluble vitamins, the main of which are vitamins A, D, E and F. Linoleic and linolenic unsaturated fatty acids contained in sunflower oil are not synthesized in the human body, but are vital substances. The complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids is called vitamin F, and the human need for these substances is even higher than for other vitamins. Vitamin F is involved in the formation of cell membranes and the formation of nerve fibers, is responsible for the synthesis of hormones, cell regeneration and skin elasticity, supports immunity, increases vascular elasticity and improves blood flow. Vitamin F fights atherosclerosis, participates in fat metabolism and removes cholesterol from the body.

Vitamin E prevents oxidative processes in the body, improves memory, participates in metabolic processes, fights aging at the cellular level and improves the function of the endocrine and sex glands. Vitamin E promotes better absorption of fats and vitamins A and D, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, prevents the appearance of senile pigmentation on the skin, the development of diabetes and Alzheimer's disease.

Vitamin A, which is also rich in sunflower oil, is necessary for growth and vision. It slows down the aging process and takes part in metabolism, cell renewal, hair, nails, bones and teeth formation. Vitamin A is also a powerful antioxidant and is used to prevent and treat cancer.

Vitamin D provides growth and development of bones, so it is indispensable for children and adolescents. It prevents the development of rickets and osteoporosis and has a beneficial effect on the overall metabolism. Vitamin D contributes to the normal functioning of muscles, intestines and kidneys, prevents the development of skin diseases, improves immunity, regulates blood clotting and has a positive effect on the thyroid gland.

Sunflower oil - only pluses! Sunflower oil is such a useful product that its only drawback can be considered a high calorie content: 100 g of sunflower oil contains 900 kcal, and one tbsp. a spoonful of butter 160 kcal. The optimal dose for a person is 20 g of oil per day.

According to GOST means quality

If you want to buy high-quality oil, choose one that indicates that it is produced in accordance with GOST R 52465 2005. Those grades of oil that are not produced according to GOST, but according to TU, undergo less strict control during production, and rely on them quality need with great care. GOST R 52465 2005 divides sunflower oil depending on its quality, processing method and purpose into the following grades:

Refined deodorized "Premium" is used for direct consumption and for the production of baby and diet food.

Refined deodorized "Top Grade" and "First Grade" is used for direct consumption and for food production.

Refined non-deodorized is used for food production and industrial processing.

Unrefined "Top Grade" and "First Grade", which is produced only by pressing, is used for direct consumption, food production and industrial processing.

In accordance with GOST, the label of the correct oil must contain information about the manufacturer, production date, expiration date and storage conditions, as well as the designation of this GOST and information on conformity assessment.

What else does the label say?

Several types of sunflower oil are produced, which differ in the way they are produced and the degree of purification of the product.

Raw sunflower oil, or ndash virgin oil; the most useful, because all biologically valuable substances are completely preserved in it. It has a pleasant smell and taste characteristic of sunflower oil. It is good to use it in dishes without heat treatment: salads, vinaigrettes, cold appetizers. Such oil cannot be used for cooking, because. when heated above 100deg; C, substances harmful to the body are formed in it.
Unrefined sunflower oil also has a specific taste and smell, but during production it is partially purified: it is settled, filtered, hydrated and neutralized. Therefore, it has a slightly lower value than virgin oil. Unrefined oil is not fully refined and may contain residual herbicides, so it should not be used to feed children under 3 years of age.

Refined oil goes through a full cleaning cycle. This ensures its transparency and complete lack of taste. But the biological value of such oil is somewhat lower, because. during cleansing, some of the vitamins are destroyed. Refined oil is ideal for frying, deep-frying and baking, and does not form sediment during storage.

Deodorized oil obtained from refined by exposure to water vapor under vacuum. As a result of this process, all aromatic substances are removed from the oil. This increases the shelf life of the oil. Products cooked in this oil retain their own taste during the cooking process. The high degree of purification of refined deodorized oil makes this product hypoallergenic, which makes it possible to use this oil for baby food.

frozen butter It is obtained when microparticles of natural wax are removed from sunflower oil using a special freezing process, which can give the oil some turbidity.

hydrated it is an oil that has been treated with water to remove perishable components containing phosphorus. After this operation, the oil becomes transparent.

Cholesterol Free. The inscription on the label does not contain cholesterol does not say anything about the quality of sunflower oil - by definition, there can be no cholesterol in vegetable oil, it is found only in products of animal origin.

homemade butter

Recently, in the city markets, they often sell the so-called. homemade sunflower oil. As a rule, such oil is produced in small farms in the southern regions of the country. Homemade oil can be both cheap and useful, but you need to choose it especially carefully. Before you buy such an oil, you must definitely taste it. It should taste like fresh, unroasted seeds. If the oil smells like fried or burnt seeds, this means that it was produced at a very high temperature, and it may contain carcinogens (heating the raw material to a temperature of 200-300 C is used to increase the yield of oil from the seeds).
The most delicious homemade butter is sold in November-December, at which time it is produced from the freshest raw materials. In the later months, it is produced from raw materials that have already been stored for some time, and if the seeds were stored in not very suitable conditions, the quality of the oil will be worse. But the presence of a small suspension or husk in homemade oil indicates that the oil was indeed produced in an artisanal way, which means without any chemicals.

M many vegetable oils have remarkable beneficial properties and are an indispensable element of a balanced diet. Moreover, each of them has its own distinctive useful features that other oils do not have. Therefore, it is recommended to eat several types of healthy oils.

There are different types of oils according to the feedstock, production processes and consistency.

  1. unrefined - passed only mechanical cleaning. With this method, the beneficial properties of vegetable oils are preserved to the maximum, they acquire the taste and smell characteristic of the product from which they are obtained, and may have a sediment. This is the most useful vegetable oil;
  2. hydrated - Cleaned with hot water spray. It is with a less pronounced odor, without sediment and not cloudy;
  3. refined - neutralized with alkali after mechanical cleaning. Such a product is transparent, with a weak taste and smell;
  4. Deodorized - cleaned with hot steam under vacuum. This product is almost odorless, tasteless and colorless.

Oil extraction methods:

  • cold pressing - such oils have the greatest benefit for the body;
  • hot pressing - the raw material is heated before pressing, so that the oil contained in it is more liquid and subject to extraction in a larger volume;
  • extractionI- the raw material is treated with a solvent that extracts the oil. The solvent is further removed, but some small part of it may remain in the final product, which may be harmful to the body.

Vegetable oils usually consist of a combination of fatty acids from all three categories. Depending on which fatty acids predominate in a given type of oil, we classify it into one category or another.

  1. Solid, consisting of saturated fatty acids: coconut, cocoa butter, palm.
  2. Liquid, consisting of unsaturated fatty acids:
  • with monounsaturated acids in the composition (olive, peanut, avocado oil);
  • with polyunsaturated fatty acids (sunflower, sesame, soybean, rapeseed, corn, cottonseed, etc.).

If you choose it in the store, it is worth remembering that the most useful will be unrefined. Which unrefined vegetable oil is best? Cold pressed. It is in such a product that has not undergone thermal and chemical processing that vitamins and biologically active substances are better preserved.

Any vegetable oil is subject to oxidation in the light, so it must be stored in a dark place. The optimum storage temperature is from 5 to 20 degrees Celsius without sudden temperature changes. Unrefined oils should be stored in the refrigerator. It is better to use a glass storage container with a narrow neck, but not a metal one.

The shelf life of vegetable oil can be long - up to 2 years, provided that the temperature is observed and there is no light. An open bottle should be used within a month.

Consider the types of vegetable oils according to the feedstock, their use and benefits for the body.

Everyone knows about the benefits of vegetable oils. But not everyone knows about the unique properties of each of them.


Sesame oil is obtained from raw or roasted sesame seeds by cold pressing. Unrefined oil made from toasted sesame seeds is dark brown in color with a rich sweet nutty taste and strong smell. No less useful is the oil obtained from raw sesame seeds - it is light yellow in color and has a less pronounced taste and smell.

Light in texture and sweet in taste, sesame oil is rich in vitamins, zinc and especially calcium. Therefore, it is successfully used for the prevention of osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases. Sesame oil, also known as "Sesame", was very popular in ancient times and has always been valued for its healing, gastronomic and cosmetic properties. In the canons of medical science "Abu-Ali-Ibn Sino (Avicenna) gives about a hundred recipes based on sesame oil. It was also widely used and is still used in Ayurvedic recipes. Finally, everyone knows about the widespread use of this oil in folk medicine.

Sesame oil is a valuable food and excellent medicinal product:

  • effective for various pulmonary diseases, shortness of breath, asthma, dry cough;
  • recommended for patients with diabetes;
  • increases the number of platelets and improves blood clotting;
  • with obesity promotes weight loss and strengthens the body;
  • in the treatment of increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots, opens blockages;
  • helps with gastrointestinal colic, nephritis and pyelonephritis, kidney stones;
  • used for anemia, internal bleeding, hyperthyroidism;
  • used as an anthelmintic.

It should be noted that unrefined sesame oil is not suitable for frying, and it is recommended to add it to hot dishes only before serving, preferably in a cooled dish. When heated, most of the beneficial substances that make up this oil are destroyed.


This vegetable oil is considered feminine, as it helps the production of its own estrogen. It is also a strong antioxidant.

Flaxseed oil was known for its beneficial properties in ancient Russia. It was consumed internally and was also used externally for skin and hair care.

It must be present in the diet of pregnant women: flaxseed oil contains the largest amount of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids (than in all known fish oils), which are necessary for the proper development of the child's brain. It is also reliably known that the use of flaxseed oil in food reduces the risk of stroke by 40%.

Flaxseed oil also contains a large amount of vitamin E, which is a vitamin of youth and longevity, as well as vitamin F, which prevents deposits of "bad" cholesterol in the arteries, is responsible for the good condition of hair and skin. Vitamin F promotes weight loss by burning saturated fat. Vitamin F in flaxseed oil interacts easily with vitamin E.

Flaxseed oil also contains vitamins necessary for our body, such as vitamin A, which rejuvenates our skin cells, making it more even, smooth and velvety, and promotes hair growth, as well as B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on nail growth, skin health and balance of the nervous system.

If you take a tablespoon of flaxseed oil in the morning on an empty stomach, your hair will become more lush and shiny, and your skin color will be more even.

You can also make hair masks from linseed oil. To do this, the oil warmed in a water bath should be applied to dry hair, covered with a film and a heated towel, left for three hours, then washed off in the usual way. This mask makes dry hair less brittle, promotes hair growth and shine.

When eating flaxseed oil, it should be borne in mind that this product should be consumed without heat treatment, since it deteriorates when exposed to high temperatures: an unpleasant odor and dark color appear. Therefore, it is best to fill salads with linseed oil or use it in its pure form.

When buying linseed oil, do not forget that you need to store it in the refrigerator, in a dark bottle, and its shelf life is limited.


Mustard oil several centuries ago could only be tasted at the royal court, in those days it was called the "imperial delicacy". Mustard oil contains absolutely all fat-soluble vitamins, it has a specific aroma and spicy taste, it is perfect for dressing salads, it emphasizes the taste of vegetables. In addition, salads with such a dressing retain freshness longer. Any pastry, which contains this product, turns out to be lush and does not get stale for a long time.

In terms of its dietary and gastronomic properties, it is significantly superior to our popular sunflower: only one vitamin D "imperial delicacy" contains one and a half times more. It contains a lot of vitamin A, which promotes the growth of the body and enhances immunity, vitamins K and P, which improve the strength and elasticity of capillaries, the general strengthening substance carotene. In addition, mustard oil contains vitamin B6, which plays an important role in nitrogen metabolism and the processes of synthesis and breakdown of amino acids in the body.

Many naturopathic nutritionists consider the "imperial delicacy" a ready-made remedy. Due to its antiseptic and bactericidal properties, this vegetable oil is perfect for the treatment of gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and colds. Some doctors recommend that their patients drink a tablespoon of mustard oil every morning on an empty stomach as a prophylactic.


Corn oil is the most useful of the oils available and familiar to us. Especially good corn oil is suitable for frying and stewing, because it does not form carcinogens, does not foam and does not burn. Due to its beneficial properties, corn oil is widely used in the production of dietary products and baby food.

The main factors that determine the dietary properties of corn oil are its high content of unsaturated fatty acids (vitamin F) and vitamin E.

A large amount of vitamin E in corn oil helps to strengthen the human immune system. This vitamin is also called the "vitamin of youth", since it is an antioxidant and slows down the aging process in the body, affects metabolic processes, cholesterol levels in the blood, improves the functioning of the liver, intestines, and gallbladder. Vitamin E in corn oil is indispensable in the treatment of "female" and nervous diseases.

Unsaturated fatty acids contained in corn oil increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases and favor the removal of excess cholesterol from the body. Unrefined corn oil has long been used in folk medicine to treat migraines, the common cold, and asthma.


The great Homer called olive oil "liquid gold". Olive oil has been used since ancient Egypt. The olive has been a symbol of peace and purity, and has always been valued for its many health benefits.

Olive oil is considered the healthiest of all vegetable oils. It normalizes blood pressure, improves the functioning of the heart and digestive organs. There is evidence that with regular use of olive oil, the risk of breast cancer is several times reduced. When applied externally, it has disinfecting and rejuvenating properties.

Extra virgin olive oil is the best. It is best to add it to salads as a dressing. In such olive oil, the acidity usually does not exceed 1%, and it is believed that the lower the acidity of the oil, the higher its quality. Even more valuable is olive oil "cold pressed" (first cold press), although this concept is rather arbitrary - the oil is heated to some extent during "cold pressing".

Olive oil is one of the best oils for frying. it retains its structure at high temperatures and does not burn

(due to the low content of unsaturated fatty acids). Therefore, lovers of a healthy diet can safely use it to prepare all kinds of dishes - warm up, sauté, fry - and at the same time enjoy a pleasant natural aroma.

But remember that dishes cooked with a crispy crust are no longer healthy. In addition to frying, there are other methods of heat treatment, such as stewing, baking or steaming. They are more suitable for a healthy lifestyle.

The taste of olive oil deteriorates over time, so it is recommended to consume the entire supply of the product during the year.


This oil contains a large number of biologically active substances: phospholipids, vitamins B1, B2, C, P, flavonoids, unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids - linolenic, oleic, linoleic, palmetic, stearic. Pumpkin seed oil has an amazing smell.

For its healing properties, pumpkin seed oil is popularly called "Pharmacy in miniature".

Pumpkin seed oil is most often used as a salad dressing. It is not recommended to heat it: in this case, it loses a significant part of its useful properties. Store pumpkin seed oil in a tightly stoppered bottle in a dark, cool place.


Siberian cedar oil is a natural product, which is a natural concentrate of vitamin E, and contains a large amount of polyunsaturated acids that are not synthesized in the body, but can only come from food.

From traditional medicine it is known that cedar oil:

  • has a general strengthening effect
  • contributes to the elimination of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • increases the mental and physical capabilities of the human body
  • restores the strength of the body

Siberian cedar oil in the old days was called a remedy for 100 diseases. Its healing properties are recognized not only by folk, but also by official medicine. The results of the tests carried out indicate the high efficiency of cedar oil in complex therapy in the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. pancreatitis, cholestitis;
  2. varicose veins, trophic ulcers;
  3. peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  4. superficial gastritis;
  5. prevents baldness, brittle hair, nails;
  6. improves blood composition, increases hemoglobin;
  7. regulates lipid metabolism, i.e. lowers blood cholesterol levels
  8. effective for various skin diseases, burns and frostbite.

Cedar oil has always been considered a delicacy. It is easily absorbed by the body, has high nutritional and healing properties, and is unusually rich in vitamins and microelements. Pine nut oil contains a wide range of substances useful for the human body: polyunsaturated fatty acids, proteins, vitamins A, B, E, D, F, 14 amino acids, 19 trace elements.

The use of Siberian cedar oil for massage in a bath or sauna gives the effect of skin rejuvenation, makes it firm and elastic, and also ensures the prevention of skin diseases.


This oil of tropical origin has a unique chemical composition. Coconut oil is extracted from the edible flesh of the coconut.

  • strengthens the immune system and protects the body from viruses and bacteria. It also reduces the ability of viruses to adapt to antibiotics!
  • helps to get rid of excess weight, because it speeds up metabolism without turning into fat reserves. It is not deposited in the human body as fat, unlike many other oils.
  • normalizes metabolism and thyroid function.
  • reduces cholesterol levels, cleanses blood vessels and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease (unlike saturated fats of animal origin). Scientific studies have shown that the lauric acid in coconut oil helps keep cholesterol levels in the normal range.
  • improves digestion and promotes bowel cleansing.
  • reduces the risk of cancer.
  • contains 10 types of fatty acids with an average length of a carbon chain. Each of them is a nutrient in itself, and also improves the absorption of vitamins and minerals from other foods.
  • contains many antioxidants and is the best oil for maintaining and restoring health and youth.

Coconut oil has a completely unique beneficial property: during heat treatment, it does not emit any carcinogens harmful to the human body, which distinguishes it from other oils and makes it indispensable for cooking various dishes.

All of the above benefits of coconut oil apply to its ingestion: coconut oil is great for sweet dishes and pastries, it can be added to cereals, vegetable dishes, salads and drinks.

In addition, the beneficial properties of coconut oil can be used for cosmetic purposes:

  • applied along the length of the hair, restores their structure, eliminates brittleness and split ends, moisturizes excessively dry hair, gives them volume and strength. Only unrefined (most useful) coconut oil should not be rubbed into the scalp - it can cause irritation.
  • can be used as part of masks and face creams, or you can simply lubricate the skin with it. It helps to get rid of acne, pimples and various skin rashes. It perfectly moisturizes dry skin, eliminates flaky spots, makes the skin soft and tender to the touch.
  • considered one of the best massage tools, it perfectly warms the skin and improves blood circulation.


Due to the high content of easily digestible vegetable proteins and fats, peanut butter is a valuable dietary product and has long been successfully used as a component of vegetarian nutrition.

Peanut butter is obtained from the fruit of the peanut, also called peanuts. The most useful is unrefined peanut butter, obtained by cold pressing, and not subjected to any chemical processing. It has a red-brown hue and has a rich peanut flavor. Unrefined peanut oil is not recommended for frying, as toxic compounds are formed in it when heated.

In contrast, refined and deodorized peanut butter has a milder taste, aroma, and light yellow tint. Losing some useful properties due to processing, it becomes more resistant to high temperatures, so it is more suitable for frying. At the same time, peanut oil is required 2-3 times less than refined sunflower oil. Still, peanut butter is not the healthiest for frying. Ideally tolerates high temperatures and retains the beneficial properties of only coconut oil.

Peanut butter is also often referred to as a paste made by grinding peanuts. Pasta differs in consistency and composition from butter, but it is also a healthy and nutritious product, especially if you cook it yourself.

Peanut oil is widely used in medicine:

  • in the treatment of purulent and poorly healing wounds, he has no equal;
  • improves memory, attention and hearing;
  • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • has a healing effect in diseases of the cardiovascular system and disorders of hematopoietic functions;
  • normalizes the work of the kidneys and gallbladder, one of the best choleretic agents;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • has a calming effect on the nervous system;
  • recommended for people suffering from overweight, gastrointestinal problems, liver and kidney diseases.


Walnut oil is a highly nutritious product with valuable taste qualities:

  • it is an excellent nutritional product during the recovery period after illnesses and operations;
  • promotes the healing of wounds, cracks, long-term non-healing ulcers;
  • effective in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, furunculosis, varicose veins;
  • an excellent tool for weight loss and rejuvenation of the body;
  • lowers the production of cholesterol, strengthens the vascular wall;
  • reduces the risk of cardiac diseases;
  • promotes the removal of radionuclides from the body;
  • record vitamin E content
  • strongly tones and increases the body's defenses;
  • great tool for weight loss.


It is a unique healing oil, known in ancient times.

Sea buckthorn oil has gained its fame due to its extraordinary healing properties. The unique properties of this oil are widely used both in folk and traditional medicine for the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases.

This oil has a natural taste and aroma. For prevention, it is recommended to add it to salads in combination with any other vegetable oils. Also, sea buckthorn oil can be used to prepare any dishes, giving them an unusual taste and increasing their nutritional value.

Little sea buckthorn is a product with a high content of carotenoids, vitamins: E, F, A, K, D and biologically active substances. Used as a source of beta-carotene.

Sea buckthorn oil has proven to be excellent in the treatment of:

  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract (used in the complex therapy of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum);
  • gynecological diseases: cervical erosion, colpitis, vaginitis, endocervicitis;
  • burns, radiation and ulcerative skin lesions, bedsores, stomach ulcers, radiation cancer of the esophagus;
  • chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract: pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis;
  • ulcers of the cornea of ​​the eye;
  • pathological processes of the rectum;
  • inflammatory diseases of the gums and periodontal disease;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • scaly and pityriasis versicolor and neurodermatitis;
  • for rapid healing of wounds, abrasions and other skin lesions. At the same time, a characteristic feature of sea buckthorn oil is the high quality of healing: the absence of any scars and scars at the site of the lesion;
  • to restore the skin after sun and radiation burns, accelerate the formation of tissues;
  • against wrinkles, with freckles and age spots, with acne, dermatitis and skin cracks;
  • improves eyesight;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots.


Since ancient times, hemp seed has been used as a nutritious and healthy food (in the Slavic tradition - hemp cakes). Also, the ancient Slavic peoples made and ate delicious and very popular hemp oil in those days, which has many, almost forgotten today, very useful properties. This oil is an excellent alternative to olive, nut and butter oils.

By chemical composition, hemp oil is closer to linseed oil than others, but unlike it, this delicious oil has a subtle nutty spicy flavor. Hemp oil, along with linseed oil and green leafy vegetables, is one of the few food products that contain an inactive form of polyunsaturated fatty acid, OMEGA-3, that our body needs.

It is used as a high-quality oil for dressing salads and other cold and hot vegetable dishes, in marinades and sauces. It is also used in the preparation of soups. Hemp oil is completely absorbed by the body in its raw form.


Avocado oil has gained popularity relatively recently. 80% of its fatty acids are oleic acid (Omega-9). It is thick in texture, has a mild nutty aroma and a pleasant taste with a nutty tinge.

Avocado oil is not suitable for frying, it should only be added to ready-made dishes.

  • contains a whole set of useful fatty acids (in descending order): oleic, palmitic, linoleic, palmitoleic, linolenic acids, stearic. These healthy fats regulate cholesterol and fat metabolism, participate in cell reproduction, remove toxins, heavy metals, radionuclides from the body and help normalize blood circulation.
  • extremely rich in vitamins and minerals, which are perfectly absorbed by the body;
  • has restorative and regenerating properties, to which it owes a high content of useful fatty acids;
  • also has antioxidant properties, thanks to vitamins A and B;
  • helps to normalize blood pressure, improves vascular elasticity and reduces blood viscosity;
  • effectively lowers blood cholesterol levels, thereby helping to prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases;
  • good for joints. Its regular use is a good prevention of articular rheumatism and gout.
  • For skin and hair, avocado oil is simply irreplaceable: it has a high biological activity due to the content of unsaponifiable fats. Effectively moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin and hair. It is especially useful for problematic skin (dryness and flaking, neurodermatitis, dermatosis, eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea);
  • has bactericidal and wound healing properties. It is used for burns, frostbite and ulcers.


This is a very rare case when humanity knows exactly the name of the person who created the product, without which it is difficult to imagine the existence of billions of people today. It happened in Russia, in 1829, in the village of Alekseevka, on the territory of the present Belgorod region. The serf peasant Daniil Bokarev discovered in sunflower seeds a high content of an oily liquid useful for nutrition. He was the first to extract from this amber-colored seed the product that we today call sunflower oil.

Of vegetable oils, sunflower is the most popular in our country. And in terms of consumption, perhaps, it is ahead of cream. This is not surprising. It is sunflower - the raw material for production - that is easily grown in many climatic zones in almost all regions of our country, and the production of oil from it is a well-established and well-established process.

But at the same time, sunflower oil is a unique product that has a specific composition and has a certain effect on the body.

Unrefined oil is considered the most useful, because it retains all the beneficial substances of sunflower seeds. Unrefined sunflower oil is produced by cold and hot methods. In the first method, the crushed raw materials are mechanically pressed, the oil is filtered and no further processing is performed. Such a product is considered the most useful, however, its shelf life is very short. The oil has a dark saturated color, a characteristic aroma, sediment is allowed.

The second way to produce unrefined sunflower oil is hot pressing. Before pressing, sunflower seeds are heated, after pressing, physical methods of oil purification (settling, filtration, centrifugation) can be used, but no chemicals are used. The oil becomes more transparent, but this practically does not affect its taste and useful properties. Unrefined sunflower oil cannot be used for frying; during heat treatment, it loses all its beneficial properties and becomes harmful to the body.

The amount of useful substances contained in sunflower oil may vary depending on the place and conditions of sunflower growth and the method of processing. But in any case, this product is rich in vitamins E (it is the most in this oil), A, D, F, group B, trace elements, inulin, tannins, as well as fatty acids, most of which are unsaturated fatty acids. This vegetable oil cannot be singled out in any way; in terms of the number of useful substances, it is inferior to many others, although it also contains many of these substances. But the low price makes it one of the most affordable lean products that undoubtedly have a positive effect on human health. Sunflower oil has a complex beneficial effect on the entire body (recall that we are talking about unrefined oil). A complex of unsaturated fatty acids, united by one term - vitamin F (it is not synthesized in the human body), is necessary for the body for normal fat metabolism. With the intake of a sufficient amount of this vitamin, lipid metabolism is established, the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood decreases, fat metabolism improves, thanks to which sunflower oil helps in the fight against excess weight. Sunflower oil has a slight laxative effect, improves digestion, stimulates the liver and biliary system, i.e. helps to establish the process of natural cleansing of the body. The good work of the digestive system has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole organism and is reflected in the appearance.

Sunflower oil will not do harm if it is not abused. It is enough to add 2-3 tablespoons of unrefined oil to cold dishes to benefit the body.

Refined oil obtained by extraction: take the seeds and fill them with hexane. Hexane is an organic solvent similar to gasoline. After oil is released from the seeds, hexane is removed with water vapor, and what remains is with alkali. Then obtained, it is processed with water vapor under vacuum to bleach and deodorize the product. And then THIS is bottled and proudly called oil.

Why is this vegetable oil harmful? Yes, because no matter how you process it, the remnants of gasoline and other chemicals are still contained in the oil. Naturally, there are no vitamins and other benefits in this oil.

It is worth recalling how harmful repeated heating of the same portion of oil is. Be sure to wash the pan after each frying! It is also important that after some oil processing processes, foreign chemicals remain in it. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for making salads.

The tissues of almost all plants contain an oily substance that is insoluble in water and is called fat. Most of it is found in seeds. The fat pressed or extracted from plants is called vegetable oil. You can get oil from almost any plant, but oils of not all plants are of great economic value. Therefore, they are extracted from individual plants.

List of vegetable oils: apricot kernel, peanut oil, grape seed, cherry seed, walnut, mustard oil, wheat germ oil, cocoa butter, cedar oil, coconut oil, hemp oil, corn oil, sesame oil, linseed oil, almond oil oil, sea buckthorn oil, olive oil, palm oil, sunflower oil, rice bran oil, soybean oil, pumpkin seed oil.

Vegetable oils are predominantly liquid , but there are also solid (coconut, palm). Distinguish oils drying out (linen, hemp) semi-drying (sunflower, cotton) and non-drying (castor, coconut).

So which vegetable oil is better and healthier? There is probably no single answer to this question. After all, much depends on national preferences. So, rarely sold in our stores, cottonseed oil is very popular in the cuisine of the Central Asian peoples. Rapeseed oil is also a rarity for us, and linseed and hemp oils are almost never sold. So it turns out that the most popular vegetable oils we have are sunflower, corn, soybean and mustard.

The main property that determines the nutritional value of vegetable oils is their content of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids. There are other distinguishing features of vegetable oils.

Brief description of the most used vegetable oils

Sunflower (lean) oil- one of the most common in the world, light yellow in color, with a characteristic smell and taste. In its natural form, it is used for food, and after hydrogenation - for the production of margarine, soap and various drying oils. The composition of fatty acids contains 25-35% oleic, up to 65 - linoleic unsaturated acids and 8-12% saturated, iodine number - 119-144.

Corn oil in composition it is close to sunflower oil and can replace it in the production of margarine, as well as in soap making and drying oil. This oil is obtained from germs, most often it has a light yellow color, a characteristic smell and taste. In the composition of fatty acids, about 10% are unsaturated and the rest is saturated. Among them, oleic - 42-45%, linoleic - 40-50%. Iodine number - 111-131. It is poorly refined, but is a valuable food product.

Soybean oil, depending on the method and conditions of production, has a color from light yellow to dark brown, a pleasant smell, sometimes a bitter taste. Contains a lot of unsaturated acids, in the composition of fatty acids, especially linoleic (52-57%) and a small amount of saturated (from 1 to 7%). Most of all stearic (4.5-7.3%). Iodine number - 114-140. After refining, soybean oil is used for food purposes. In combination with foods, soybean oil is more suitable for cooking vegetables than for meat.

The components of soybean oil miraculously affect the health of the whole organism. For example, vitamin E1, which is part of soybean oil, is both necessary for men's health and recommended for pregnant women, because it contributes to the development of the fetus. The content of this vitamin is two times less in sunflower oil and nine times less in olive oil.

Soybean oil contains vegetable protein (lecithin), which is similar to animal, so it is widely used in vegetarian cuisine. Lecithin also promotes the metabolism of fatty acids (cholesterol) and therefore prevents cardiovascular disease. In addition, it is used for the treatment.

Soybean oil, like other soy products, is useful for the prevention of kidney disease and stress, it is good for the skin and strengthens the immune system. Absorbed by the body almost 100%.

Rapeseed oil It has a characteristic odor, a bitter taste and a greenish color, which is difficult to remove with conventional refining methods. It is similar to the oil of colza and other cruciferous crops. Rapeseed oil contains 40 to 65% erucic acid, 20-30% oleic, about 15% linoleic and 2-3% linolenic, slightly saturated acids. Iodine number - 95-103. With careful refining - with sulfuric acid - alkaline rapeseed oil is used as food.

Mustard oil has a brownish-yellow or slightly greenish-yellow color, pleasant taste and characteristic smell. In the composition of fatty acids, unsaturated acids make up about 4%, the rest is saturated. Among them, oleic - about 28%, erucic about - 50, linoleic - about 15, linolenic - up to 1%. Iodine number - 96-107. Mustard oil is mainly used for food.

Linseed oil differs from other oils in that its fatty acids contain from 5 to 60% unsaturated and only 5-10% saturated. Of the unsaturated acids, linoleic (22-59%) and linolenic (21-45%) predominate. The iodine number ranges from 170 to 200, which is almost twice as high as that of sunflower, corn and other plant oils. Since this oil is rich in unsaturated acids and has a high iodine value, it dries out very quickly. Therefore, it is eaten only fresh. Even in a corked form, it oxidizes and tastes bitter after two or three months.

Linseed oil serves as the basis for the preparation of oil paints, varnishes and varnishes, and is also used in soap making. In the pharmaceutical industry, linetol is obtained from linseed oil, which is a mixture of ethyl esters of unsaturated fatty acids and is a good tool for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis.

In folk medicine, flaxseed oil is used internally as a gentle, externally prescribed as an ointment for burns, as well as in the diet of patients with impaired fat metabolism and atherosclerosis.

Experts believe that the benefits of fats are higher, the more unsaturated fatty acids they contain. This is due to the fact that unsaturated acids very easily enter into chemical reactions of oxidation and addition at the location of double bonds in their molecules. Simply put, unsaturated acids “cleanse” all unnecessary and dangerous substances from the body and thereby contribute to maintaining health and longevity.

Physiologists concluded that the habit of using vegetable oil not only for preparing salads and in home canning, but also for frying meat, fish, mushrooms on it, will add health to everyone without exception.

The only disadvantage of fats with unsaturated fatty acids is their ability to oxidize in air, which is especially noticeable in heat and light. In this case, vegetable oil most often becomes cloudy.

All oils oil
Olive oil, depending on the method of obtaining, has a light yellow color, sometimes with a greenish tinge, a pleasant taste and smell. The fatty acid composition of olive oil can vary widely depending on its origin.

On average, olive oil contains 9-18% palmitic and stearic acid glycerides, 64-85% oleic acid glycerides, 4-12% linoleic acid glycerides. Iodine number - 80-85.

Pressed olive oil is eaten mainly as a seasoning in salads, partly for the preparation of first and second meat courses. For technical purposes, only oil obtained by extraction of residues after pressing is used.

Olive oil is also mentioned in ancient Greek mythology. There are many legends about him. This oil is obtained from the fruits of the olive tree - cultivated olives. The composition of the oil contains glycerides of many unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins.

Olive oil is also used as a substitute for animal fats for the nutrition of the elderly, as well as for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

In folk medicine, olive oil is used as a laxative, as well as external for bruises, stings of wasps, bumblebees and bees. Olive oil is a strong choleretic agent that improves the biliary and secretory functions of the liver. It promotes the excretion of cholesterol crystals and other metabolic products from the body. But before starting treatment with olive oil at home, you should consult with your doctor.

Olive oil is not recommended for jaundice, exhaustion, infectious diseases, pregnancy, and severe diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Useful tips for using and storing vegetable oil:

1. Vegetable oil with strong and prolonged heating loses its valuable properties.

3. To lighten cloudy vegetable oil, you need to:
a) add a little table salt to it (at the rate of 1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of oil) and leave for several days. The settled oil will separate into two layers. At the bottom there will be a solution of table salt in water with impurities that caused it to become cloudy.
b) then carefully drain the upper lighter layer of clarified and dehydrated oil into another container.

4. Vegetable oil for frying should be taken so much that there is no left for reuse.

Various types of vegetable oils are used in cooking. Among them - sunflower, one of the most popular, especially in Russia. What is its specificity?

What is vegetable oil?

Under vegetable oil refers to a product obtained from the seeds of crops that belong to oilseeds. For example, sunflower, olives, rapeseed, corn, sesame, peanuts. Vegetable oil is one of the key ingredients for salads, dough for various types of pastries. It is indispensable for frying foods.

There are vegetable oils used not only in the household, but also in industry. The presence of a large number of options for their use is due to the fact that each type of vegetable oil is characterized by unique properties.

So, rapeseed oil is most often used just the same for industrial purposes - in the manufacture of soap, paints. After refining, the product can also be used in the food industry - for example, for the production of margarine. Adding rapeseed oil to dishes is also possible, but its taste is very specific, and therefore culinary specialists, as a rule, prefer to use other oils instead.

For example - peanut. It can be used for frying, salad dressing, dough preparation with excellent taste. Other popular oils that are indispensable in cooking are corn, olive, and soybean.

In Russia, sunflower oil is probably one of the most sought after for culinary purposes. Let's study its features.

What are the features of sunflower oil?

This type of vegetable oil is obtained from special varieties of sunflower seeds. The Russian Federation is among the world leaders in the production of this product. Actually, the technology for obtaining oil from sunflower was invented in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century. This plant is perfectly adapted to the peculiarities of the Russian climate and is successfully cultivated in our country.

Sunflower oil- a high-calorie product with almost 100% fat content. Its value lies in its good taste, versatility (the oil can be used both for frying or boiling, and for dressing salads), vitamin E content.


The main difference between vegetable oil and sunflower oil is that the former can also include oils obtained not only from sunflower, but also from many other plants. The corresponding oils are more popular outside the Russian Federation. Actually, sunflower oil is a Russian invention.

The product obtained from sunflower is almost always used only for cooking. In industry, its use is not widespread. While there are vegetable oils actively used for such purposes - in particular, a product obtained from rapeseed.

Having determined the difference between vegetable and sunflower oil, we will reflect the conclusions in the table.


Vegetable oil Sunflower oil
What do they have in common?
Sunflower oil is a type of vegetable
Sunflower oil, along with many other vegetable oils (for example, olive, peanut) is actively used for cooking.
What is the difference between them?
Can be made from different types of plant materialsMade only from sunflower
Many types of vegetable oils are used in industryAlmost never used in industry
Non-sunflower oils are more common outside the Russian FederationThe technology for obtaining sunflower oil was invented in the Russian Federation, and therefore this product is more popular in Russia than other vegetable oils.