Wholemeal bread recipe in the oven. Rye flour bread in the oven: recipe

Rye bread- this is the totality of all black varieties of bread that are baked on the basis of rye flour. This type of baking is very healthy, as it contains a lot of fiber, vitamins and trace elements. It contains one and a half times more iron than wheat flour products.

1. How to make rye bread in a bread machine

In a bread machine, the dough is not only baked, but also kneaded. This device allows you not to get your hands dirty, kneading the dough, so bake delicious pastries it is much easier in it than in the oven. In addition, the time spent on washing dishes is significantly reduced.

To prepare a fragrant rye loaf, you need to add the following products to the bread machine bowl:

  • 1.5 cups of rye flour;
  • a teaspoon of yeast;
  • a spoon olive oil or melted margarine;
  • a glass of whey;
  • a teaspoon of cumin;
  • salt and sugar.

Load all the ingredients into the bread maker, close the lid and set the “Rye bread” mode. Nothing more needs to be done. The technology will do everything for you. The dough preparation and baking time is 3 hours. During this time, you will get a delicious and fragrant loaf.

2. We bake rye bread at home in a slow cooker

Many people now have a multicooker at home. Housewives use this appliance for cooking not only soups and second courses, but also for baking.

To bake rye bread in a slow cooker, prepare the following products:

  • 350 g rye flour;
  • a tablespoon of wheat flour;
  • a teaspoon of dry yeast;
  • a glass of milk;
  • a teaspoon of salt and sugar;
  • 50 g of vegetable oil;
  • garlic;
  • coriander.

This bread turns out dark with rich spicy taste. To prepare it, make a dough. Pour salt and sugar into warm milk, pour in the butter. Let the liquid sit for 30 minutes. Pour the batter into the pre-sifted flour mixture. Chop a clove of garlic and a teaspoon of coriander seeds with a knife.

Pour on the table vegetable oil and knead the dough on a slippery surface. Preheat the multicooker bowl and turn off the appliance. Let the bread rise for 30 minutes. The product needs to be baked in the “Baking” mode for 1 hour.

The dough is tough and difficult to knead. Don't add too much flour as this will make the lump even tougher.

3. How to make rye flour bread in the oven

If you want to bake rye bread for the first time, prepare the dough with the addition of wheat flour. Rye dough is very capricious and does not rise well; wheat flour will help speed up the process. Mix it with rye in a 1:1 ratio.

For dough, take a glass of whey, 20 g of pressed yeast, a tablespoon of sugar. Leave the dough in a warm place for 2 hours. Pour the liquid into 500 g of the flour mixture and add a tablespoon each of margarine and vegetable oil. Add a teaspoon of salt and minced garlic. Leave the dough to "rest" for 2 hours. Knead the mass and roll it into a ball. Flatten the ball, trying to make a thick cake. Put on proofing for 40 minutes. Bake in a hot oven for 40-50 minutes.

Despite the simplicity of the dish, it is not always possible to bake delicious and airy bread at home. To prevent your first roll from coming out lumpy, you need to know a few secrets:

  1. Be sure to prepare the steam.
  2. Knead the dough carefully.
  3. Put the bread in hot oven.
  4. If you want a crispy crust, drizzle with hot bread after baking. cold water and cover with a towel.
  5. Prepare a dish in a good mood.

Rye Bread Recipes

There are many ways to make rye bread. The base is usually a mixture of rye and wheat flour. Wheat flour makes the dough softer and more pliable. Ideally, rye flour bread should be prepared with sourdough, but in order to cook the dish faster, yeast is used.

1. Yeast rye flour bread recipe

To prepare a fragrant loaf of bread, you need to prepare the following products:

  • 300 g rye flour;
  • 300 g wheat flour;
  • 400 ml of warm water;
  • 10 g dry yeast;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • a spoonful of salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Pour the yeast from the bag into warm water, add sugar and salt. Leave the liquid container for 15 minutes. During this time, a high foamy “cap” should appear on the surface of the water. Pour sunflower oil into the liquid and mix.

Sift wheat and rye flour and mix them together. Pour in yeast water into the flour mixture and stir. Knead a stiff dough. Cover it with cling film and put in a warm place for 60 minutes.

After that, knead again and put in a mold for 40 minutes. roll up the shape cling film. This will allow the bread to rise. Put the bread in the oven.
Estimated baking time is 40 minutes. You do not need to grease the form with anything, there is no need to cover the bread with an egg mixture.

2. Recipe for rye bread with flax seeds

Very fragrant and tasty rye bread can be cooked at home without using a bread machine and a slow cooker. To do this, you need to mix rye and wheat flour in a ratio of 2:1. The mixture will need 600 g.

Pour a spoonful of water into an empty jar and add sugar, crumble 40 g of yeast into the resulting syrup. Leave the mixture for 30 minutes. After a while, you will find a viscous air mass in the bank. Pour a glass of water into it and add a spoonful of salt. Add 50 g margarine. Pour 150 g of flax seeds into the flour mixture.

Mix liquid and dry mass. Knead a stiff dough. Leave it for 1.5 hours. Knead the lump again and put it in the form. Let rise 40 minutes and bake in a hot oven for 50 minutes. You can use metal or Silicone forms. They do not need to be greased rye dough does not stick to the surface during baking.

The loaf can be sprinkled with flax seeds or sesame seeds. For a crispy crust, sprinkle the bread with cold water before putting it in the oven.

3. Recipe for yeast-free rye soda bread

There are several options for making rye bread without yeast. As a "lifting mechanism" use sourdough or soda. Bread is cooked on sourdough for a long time, since the nutrient mixture for raising flour requires 3 days of time.

If you urgently need bread, then use the recipe with soda. For a loaf, you will need a glass of kefir or sour milk. Mix rye flour with soda and nuts. Take 500 g of flour, and 100 g of nuts, ½ teaspoon of soda. Pour a little vegetable oil into kefir.

Mix liquid with flour. Knead a stiff dough. Try to do everything quickly, as the dough from long storage may settle. Place the resulting loaf in a hot oven for 30 minutes. Cover the form with foil. After the time has elapsed, remove the foil and brown the bread for another 15 minutes.

4. Recipe for sourdough rye bread

This old recipe, in which malt or a special sourdough is used instead of yeast. To prepare the starter, you need to take 100 g of flour and water. Flour is required rye. You should get a mass that is similar in viscosity to pancake dough.

Pour this mixture into a jar and leave for 2 days in a warm place. During this time, bubbles appear on the surface of the dough, and it makes noise. Add another 100 g of flour and 100 g of water to the mixture. Leave the mass for another day. Now put the starter in the refrigerator.

It can be used all at once. In this case, you will need 500 g of flour or flour mixture (rye and wheat flour in equal amounts). Pour 50 ml of ghee into the starter butter. Pour the viscous mass into the flour and knead a stiff dough. Don't forget sugar and salt.

Shape the dough into a loaf and leave it for 3-4 hours. When the bread is well suited, drizzle it with water and sprinkle with flax seeds or cumin. Bake in the oven for an hour and a half.

The sourdough recipe takes more time, but the bread is very fragrant. In addition, it does not get moldy for a very long time. There is no harm from it, like baking with yeast.

5. Recipe for Lithuanian beer bread

This unique recipe savory bread. The taste is slightly sweet. A mixture of yeast and beer is used as a baking powder. To prepare the dough, a mixture of rye and wheat flour is taken in equal proportions.


  • 500 g flour mixture (rye flour + wheat);
  • a teaspoon of yeast;
  • half a glass of kefir;
  • a glass of dark beer;
  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • egg.

Put all the ingredients in the bowl of the bread machine, and if there is a “Rye bread” mode, turn it on. Some bread makers do not have this feature. Then knead the dough in the "Pizza" or "Bread" mode. Put on proofing for 2 hours. Bake 50 minutes.

6. Recipe for rye bread with cheese and nuts

To bake savory bread with nuts, prepare 500 g of a mixture of rye and wheat flour for the dough. Opara is prepared from 200 ml of milk, 20 g of pressed yeast and a spoon of honey. After the “cap” liquid appears on top, add 50 g of vegetable oil and a spoonful of salt to it.

Grate the cheese, and chop the nuts in a meat grinder. For one loaf you will need 50 g of cheese and nuts. Add these ingredients to the flour mixture.

Mix dry mass and dough. knead soft dough. Leave it alone for 2 hours. Knead the dough and shape it into bread. Put the products in a warm place for an hour. Bake in the oven for 50 minutes.

How to make rye bread at home - see below:

As you can see, there are a lot of recipes. Experiment and choose the option that suits you best.

This rye bread, kneaded with yeast and water, you can even eat in fast days, since only sunflower oil is included from fats in baking, and it can be excluded if necessary ....


  • Water - 0.5 liters __NEWL__
  • Dry Yeast - 10 grams __NEWL__
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon__NEWL__
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons __NEWL__
  • Vegetable oil - 100 milliliters __NEWL__
  • Rye flour - 600 grams __NEWL__
  • Wheat flour - 600 grams __NEWL__


1. In warm water we breed yeast and wait for the appearance of fermentation foam on the surface.

2. Add salt and sugar, mix well.

3. Pour in vegetable oil. Of course, you can do without it, but with butter, the dough turns out to be tastier and pastries do not get stale longer.

4. Sift the flour of both varieties. Why is wheat flour added to rye bread? Yes, because in our time, few people love pastries with a characteristic rye sour taste. In addition, not every stomach will react positively to it.

5. Partially pouring flour into the yeast mixture, knead a thick dough. If you still put the oil, then in the end the dough should lag behind your hands well, without particularly dirtying them. Now we set aside the container in a warm place, covering it with a cloth or towel.

6. Punch down the risen dough and put it on an oiled baking sheet or in a baking dish. Let's get up again. To prevent cracking of the bread during baking, it is better to cut several furrows on the surface of the loaf with a knife. We send it to the oven preheated to 190 degrees for 45-50 minutes.

We let the finished bread cool a little right on the baking sheet. Then we transfer it to a towel and wrap it in a cloth to “rest” until it cools completely.

I found even those times when bread at home was cooked only on sourdough. How delicious it was! High-quality, finely porous, soft, slightly sour, but so fragrant. Now everything is ready for hastily, with yeast, not allowing the dough to ripen properly. This is probably modern, but as for me, the best rye bread can be obtained only by cooking it with sourdough. This is a gourmet pastry. Those who understand and love the taste of real bread. It is possible to distinguish at a glance by the consistency of the crumb, what type of flour it is made from and whether it contains wheat. 100% rye, made from rye flour alone, is heavy in itself, does not rise during baking and slightly resembles plasticine in texture. It is tasty, contains fiber, vitamins, but you won’t eat much of it, especially if you have stomach problems. Even when cumin, raisins, honey, apples, nuts are added to it, it must be eaten with caution. Therefore, it is better to mix two types of flour - wheat (60%) and rye (40%). The loaf turns out to be a little lighter in color, but it will taste like Borodinsky. If you are interested, I will be happy to share the sourdough recipe and in a simple way cooking rye bread at home in the oven, step by step and with a photo.

What is rye sourdough?

It is such a substance, consisting of flour and water. Everything! But properly cooked, it will make such bread for you that you will immediately and forever refuse store baking. True, before starting the dough for bread, you first need to grow a sourdough. Let's see how it's done.

First day

We take 25 gr. Rye (peeled) flour and 25 ml of water room temperature. We mix in a jar of 500 ml, cover with gauze or a lid, do not twist, but simply cover and put in a warm place (home temperature - 25-27 ° C - not higher). The consistency will be dense, do not be afraid, everything is correct, as it should be. We leave for a day.

Second day

Add 50 ml of water and 50 g of flour to the jar. Stir and again keep the day warm.

The third day

The bubbling process begins and it is necessary to “feed” the mass so that it begins to grow actively. Add 100 g flour and 100 ml water. Stir and wait 24 hours.

Fourth day

The sourdough is actively growing and bubbling. We send it to the refrigerator covered with gauze or a lid. Every 3 days we feed by adding 20 ml of water and 20 g of flour.

Fresh sourdough smells nice, there should not be an incomprehensible crust on the surface. For making buns, different recipes indicate different amount. I measure with a tablespoon. If you are a beginner, strictly adhere to the proportions of the recipe. By learning, you can determine the amount yourself.

Homemade rye sourdough bread

Well, our sourdough is ready, you can start kneading bread. This is also not fast process, but it is worth it to enjoy the taste and aroma later. And what a crisp, beyond words.

We will need:

For steam:

  • room temperature water - 200 ml;
  • sourdough - 2 tablespoons;
  • rye flour - 200 gr.

Mix everything in a deep bowl and cover with cling film. Leave to proof in a warm place for 4 hours. The dough should double in size and bubble up.

Cooking dough. Add to the dough 200 gr. rye flour and 200 ml. water, 2 tbsp. sugar and 1 tsp. salt. We mix everything well. Someone does it in a combine, and someone works with their hands. Gradually add 300 gr. white flour. Do not pour out all at once, the quality can be different (humidity, gluten). We knead. We spread the workpiece in a greased form, cover with cling film and let it brew for another 2 hours in a warm place. The dough should double in size.

We turn on the oven at 210-220 ° C and, after lubricating the surface of the loaf with water, set it to bake for 40-50 minutes. We take out the loaf and, covering with a towel, let it cool completely on the wire rack. If willpower is enough to endure until it cools down completely. You can sprinkle on top before baking with caraway seeds, seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds.

Rye bread with malt

I really like bread with malt, dark, fragrant. It is very useful for our body - rich in trace elements, contains protein, amino acids. Checked on myself. Really positive effect on the digestive tract. This means that I cook all “black” bread only with dark malt. You don’t need a lot of it, 3-5 tbsp. I pour boiling water over dry malt so that the color of the baking becomes saturated and the aroma is enticing. The smell of the right mixture is sweetish. If you feel bitterness or harshness, then the product is not of high quality. They also sell malt in liquid form, but I’m already used to loose malt, and I don’t change my habit.

Reference: malt is a product made from grains of barley or wheat, but barley is more popular. Varieties of bread: "Borodinsky", "Amateur", "Custard" are prepared precisely on barley malt.

Rye flour bread in the oven: recipe

For beginner bakers, I dare to give advice - do not immediately try to bake a pure rye loaf at home. This requires experience immediately may not work. It took me months to get the right texture and taste of bread. Therefore, try first making a small bun from a mixture of wheat and rye flour. And then, having gained experience, swing at pure rye.


  • high-speed yeast - 2 tablespoons;
  • wheat flour - 225g;
  • rye flour - 325g;
  • warm water - 300 ml;
  • dark malt - 40g;
  • boiling water - 80 ml;
  • salt - 1.5 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • cumin - to taste;
  • flax seeds - 1 tsp

How to bake rye bread in the oven at home

Then we break off the crust, a piece of sausage on top or butter with jam ... how to resist such a delicacy? Or you can just a glass of milk and a slice fresh bread... or salt and garlic. Decide what you would like to taste first of all with homemade bread. And bon appetit!

Rye bread is certainly one of the most interesting products both in terms of taste and in terms of preparation.

Cooking it is very difficult and many professional chefs consider rye loaves to be a masterpiece among their baked goods.

However, you should definitely try your hand.

If you scrupulously follow the recipes, adhere to all the nuances of the technology, then the result promises to be truly impressive.

Freshly baked bread has magical properties- it is rare that something disappears from the table at such a speed, but if there are hot rye flour loaves, then, as a rule, not a crumb remains.

Rye bread at home in the oven - the basic principles of cooking

Technologies and recipes that allow you to directly own kitchen baking fragrant "black" bread is not enough. Rye flour dough is kneaded with yeast, kefir with and without yeast, with specially prepared sourdough or brewed.

All this variety is united by two basic rules: the quality of flour and the exact observance of all proportions indicated in the recipe.

Quality flour is always dry and soft. When squeezing such flour into a fist, the resulting lump does not crumble immediately, but when you press your finger on the surface, an imprint pattern should remain on it.

Before kneading the dough, the flour is sifted into without fail. Bread made from sifted flour is fluffy with uniform porosity.

At home, rye bread is baked with the addition of wheat flour in strictly indicated proportions according to the recipe, which is not desirable to change.

Also, if specifically stated in the recipe, do not change temperature regime. Baking rye bread at home in the oven should be strictly following the instructions, this is due to different recipes there is no test, there is no universal rule here, be careful!

"Borodinsky" rye bread at home in the oven

420 gr. quality rye flour;

50 ml non-aromatic, sol. oils;

150 ml low-fat milk;

130 gr. white flour;

1.25 liters of purified water;

Table. a spoonful of white sugar;

One table. a spoonful of maltose syrup;

Three table. spoons of rye (red) malt;

10 g of fine, evaporated salt;

Coriander seeds - 3 tsp;

Dried cumin seeds.

1. Crush and grind 2/3 aromatic seeds in a mortar. Then mix them with malt and, pouring half a glass of slightly cooled boiling water, set aside for half an hour, infuse and cool.

2. After that, immediately start preparing the dough. To do this, dilute instant yeast in warm, but not hot milk. Add all the sugar at once, 2 full tablespoons of white flour and, stirring well, leave for a quarter of an hour.

3. In a wide bowl for kneading the dough, sift two types of flour on a fine sieve: rye and white baking flour, mixing them in the process.

4. Add salt and stir it evenly over the flour.

5. Then pour in the dough that has increased in volume, the cooled malt mass, molasses and, pouring in the remaining water heated to 38 degrees, knead the dough.

6. The dough should be soft and very sticky, so in the process, hands are slightly moistened with vegetable oil.

7. Cover the bowl of dough with a cotton or linen towel and leave warm to proof.

8. The readiness of the dough for further processing is determined by doubling the volume, or even a little more. Punch down the dough lightly and divide into portioned pieces, spread out on the forms prepared for baking.

9. Turn on the oven and slightly warm it up (up to 30 degrees), put the molds with the dough into it for half an hour for the second proofing.

10. Then grease the surface of the approached bread with warm, in no case cold water, sprinkle with the remaining seeds.

11. Bake such bread first for a quarter of an hour at 200 degrees, then for twenty-five minutes at 180 and at the end of 19 minutes at 160 degrees.

Choux rye bread at home in the oven

30 grams of ordinary bread yeast;

200 gr. coarse rye flour;

Refined sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;

350 grams of baking flour;

Good rye (dry) malt - 2 tbsp. spoons.

1. White flour (150 gr.) Mix with malt and pour the mixture with three hundred milliliters of boiling water.

2. While pouring boiling water, stir the mass well with a fork so that there are no lumps.

3. In a separate bowl, dissolve the yeast in 270 ml of slightly warmed water. Stir until completely dissolved, add sugar and salt.

4. Combine the flour brewed with malt and dissolved yeast and stir everything until smooth. The result is a liquid flour mass of dark brown color.

5. Pour all the remaining flour into the liquid flour mass and knead the dough that is not sticky to your hands.

6. Cover the container with the dough with a cloth towel and leave for three and a half hours.

7. Turn on the oven, place a metal saucer with water on the bottom shelf, and heat to 220 degrees.

8. Knead the dough that has increased in volume with your hands, sprinkle with flour and transfer it to a baking dish. Cover with a towel and leave again for 20-25 minutes.

9. When the dough comes up, put the roaster in the oven and bake for 45 minutes.

10. Then take out the form and remove the loaf from it, wrap it in a towel and leave it for three hours, during which time the loaf will “ripen”.

Sourdough recipe for baking rye bread at home in the oven

The sourdough prepared according to this recipe can be used not only for baking rye bread, it can be used to make good homemade kvass.

Ten st. spoons of coarse rye flour;

10 grams of sugar;

A two hundred gram glass of water.

1. Dilute a part of the flour (full four tablespoons) with one hundred milliliters cold water, achieving a consistency similar to thick sour cream.

2. Pour granulated sugar, stir several times, with short breaks and, covering with a cloth, leave for a day.

3. After the time has elapsed, stir in 2 more tablespoons of flour and dilute with water to the previous density. Leave for another day under a napkin.

4. Please note that the sourdough should not be thick, so when adding flour, always dilute it to the thickness of sour cream with cold boiled water.

5. On the third day, the sourdough acquires a characteristic smell of sour bread, this is normal, just such a result is needed.

6. Add flour again, if necessary, dilute with water and leave again for a day. Completely sourdough will be ready on the fourth day.

7. Add flour and water again, stir. Take required amount for making bread, and the rest tightly closed, store in the refrigerator.

8. The storage sourdough must be “fed” with flour once a week, otherwise it will “die”.

Rye bread at home in the sourdough oven

Purified water, boiled, chilled - 300 ml;

Frozen sunflower oil;

4 cups rye (peeled) flour;

300 ml of sourdough according to the above recipe;

A small pinch of coriander;

50 grams of white granulated sugar;

Good malt (replaceable dry rye kvass) - 2 tbsp. spoons;

60 gr. sunflower seeds (without husks).

1. Combine half of the rye flour indicated in the recipe with sourdough and chilled boiled water. Stir so that there are no lumps, and leave for 5 hours to approach. In the process, the dough will increase approximately three times.

2. Brew malt or kvass in 90 ml of boiling water, cool and add to the dough that has come up by this time.

3. Pour spices, sugar and salt, pour in oil and knead the dough.

4. Transfer it to oiled molds and leave, covering the top of the molds with cotton or linen cloth (towels), for a distance of 3 hours. It is recommended to fill out the forms with a test by one third.

5. Sprinkle the risen dough with peeled seeds and bake in a warm oven.

6. Bake from 45 minutes to an hour, at 180 degrees. The duration depends on the size of the resulting loaf.

Rye bread at home in the oven, kefir-yeast

150 gr. white and 250 gr. rye, coarse flour;

Purified, non-aromatic oil - 1 tbsp. l.

200 ml curdled milk, or sour kefir, low-calorie;

1 tsp dry yeast;

Garden salt and granulated sugar - 1 tsp each.

1. Dairy products Warm up to room temperature ahead of time.

2. Then mix with 150 ml heated to thirty degrees boiled water and dissolve salt and granulated sugar in the resulting mixture.

3. Pour the rye and baker's wheat flour into a mixing bowl, add the yeast little by little and mix well, stirring the yeast evenly over the flour.

4. Make a small depression and, gradually pouring in the fermented milk mixture, knead the dough. If in the process of kneading, you feel that it turns out to be excessively tight, add a little water.

5. Properly kneaded dough is elastic, smooth and soft.

6. Cover the bowl with the dough with a cloth and set it to “rest” for half an hour.

7. Pour in a little and evenly the oil, knead with your hands until completely absorbed.

8. After that, transfer the dough to a slightly warmed form and leave, covered with a towel for “proofing” for two hours.

9. Sprinkle the table with white flour, put the dough that has come up (noticeably by doubling the volume) on it, and form a round loaf out of it.

10. Transfer it to parchment in a brazier and leave, covered with a towel, for half an hour, for the final "proofing".

11. Bake at 200 degrees for about forty minutes.

12. Before placing the baking sheet with the dough in the oven, sprinkle it with plenty of water on the walls.

Quick, yeast-free, rye bread at home in the oven on kefir

Yogurt from "factory" milk, or kefir of medium fat content - 200 ml;

Wheat white flour - two glasses;

One glass of "coarse" rye flour;

0.5 tsp baking soda;

A little mixture of aromatic "Provencal" herbs;

1 tsp refined sugar.

1. Slightly warmed kefir (curdled milk), mix with soda and leave for a quarter of an hour on the table. Do not do this on the stove or in microwave oven, best of all on a battery or by putting a container with sour milk in warm water.

2. Then mix salt, granulated sugar and mixture provencal herbs in a separate bowl. Pour in the kefir that has increased in volume and knead the dough, adding the sifted flour very gradually.

3. We take the whole portion of rye flour, and first we should take one glass of wheat flour and then, when kneading, regulate the density of the dough with it. It should be fairly soft and non-liquid.

4. Cover the form or brazier with parchment, transfer the kneaded dough into it and put it to “rest” for a quarter of an hour, covered with a towel. It is advisable to do this on a warm battery or on top of the stove, while turning on the oven to warm up.

5. After that, make a longitudinal cut and a few more across the future loaf and place the form with the dough in a preheated oven.

6. Bake the bread from half an hour to forty-five minutes, then turn off the oven heat and leave the bread with the door closed for another fifteen minutes.

7. Remove the baked bread from the oven and wrap it in a towel until it cools completely.

"Karelian" rye bread at home in the oven

100 grams of flour, rye;

A mixture of anise with cumin and coriander, about 8 g;

50 grams of malt;

300 ml of water (in tea leaves);

Baking flour - 650 grams;

10 grams of fresh (bread), or 5 grams of "dry" yeast;

250 ml of water (in a dough);

50 grams of a mixture of raisins and dried apricots;

45 grams of honey;

1.5 tsp boiling (fine) salt;

200 ml of water (in the dough);

80 grams of molasses.

1. First, prepare the tea leaves for the test. Grind seasonings in a mortar. Add all the rye flour, water and mix well, heat on minimal heat, and best of all in a water bath to 70 degrees. Then cover the container with tea leaves with foil and place it for two hours in an oven preheated to 70 degrees. The finished brew will look like melted chocolate.

2. Next, start preparing the dough. Dilute the finished tea leaves with a glass of cold water. Add the yeast, stir to dissolve, and add the whole portion of wheat flour. Having finally mixed everything, let it stand and approach the dough for four hours.

3. Before kneading the dough, soak pitted raisins and dried apricots in boiling water for ten minutes. Drain the water, and dry the dried fruits well, chop with a heavy sharp knife, into about 5 mm pieces and roll in white wheat flour.

4. Dissolve honey, molasses, salt in boiling water and, after cooling slightly, add the mixture to the dough that has come up.

5. Gradually adding wheat flour, knead soft, elastic dough. At the end of kneading, add prepared dried fruits. Let the test run.

6. After two hours, move the dough onto the table and press down a little with your hands to make a pancake. Then roll it into a tight roll, pinching the edges with each turn.

7. Transfer the dough into a mold or just on a baking sheet, on parchment, for proofing for one hour.

8. After the dough has risen and become a little softer, bake the loaves at 180 degrees. Time - 1 hour.

Rye bread at home in the oven - tricks and tips

Do not overexpose the dough during proofing, otherwise it will tear during baking, and tears will appear on the surface of the baked bread.

The softer the kneaded dough, the more porous the structure of the bread itself.

In order for the bread to rise evenly during baking, stick pasta into the dough in several places.

Rye bread will bake better if there is a container of water in the oven. Also, before putting the roaster with the dough, the walls oven sprinkle abundantly with water.

When kneading the dough, you must strictly observe the recommended proportions. The crumb of rye bread baked from too liquid dough turns out sticky and too wet. From thick - too dense and quickly stale.

. "Karelian" bread is very loved by children, you can experiment with the recipe to please your little rascals. So, raisins with dried apricots are well replaced by candied citrus fruits, unless it is worth reducing their number somewhat. Simply delicious rye bread with the addition of small pieces hard marmalade.

If you have a knack for baking, try making bread out of two various kinds dough - rye and wheat. A loaf is formed by rolling two flat blanks of different colors into a roll. Such bread is also very tasty with the addition of raisins, marmalade, roasted nuts, or sunflower seeds.

Rye bread made its place on the table many years ago and is at the peak of popularity even today. It is a healthy alternative wheat pastry, because it is rich in fiber and trace elements, and also contains practically no fat. There are many variations of its preparation, which can be found in the following recipes.

How to bake rye bread?

The recipe for rye bread has not changed for several centuries, it is still made from a dough consisting of rye flour, water, sourdough or yeast. In the absence of the latter, whey or kefir is used. The rye dough has important feature: it has little gluten, and from that it rises poorly, therefore, rye flour is often mixed with wheat flour, in a ratio of 1: 1.

  1. When preparing the dough, adhere to the proportions indicated in the recipes and the temperature regime.
  2. You should choose only the highest quality flour, which must be sifted before kneading. Then rye bread turns out lush and porous.
  3. When using pressed yeast, you need to dilute it with water and let it ferment for 20 minutes. This contributes to the creation of delicious and airy pastries.
  4. Rye bread is baked at 180-200 degrees.

Yeast rye bread

Rye bread in the oven will become a favorite pastry for every day, if you learn how to cook it correctly. This is an affordable and simple process: you need to dilute the dough, add rye flour to it and, after kneading the dough, send the bread to the oven. The main thing is to get a homogeneous, elastic mass and do not forget about proofing before going to the oven.


  • rye flour - 400 g;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • oil - 30 ml;
  • yeast - 10 g;
  • baking powder - 10 g;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm milk. Remove for an hour.
  2. Mix flour, baking powder, oil and buttermilk.
  3. Knead and put in a warm place.
  4. After an hour, punch down the dough and put it into a mold.
  5. Bake rye flour bread for 45 minutes at 180 degrees.

Rye bread without yeast on kefir is one of the simplest and most quick ways get ruddy and fragrant pastries. Warm kefir with the addition of soda will appropriately replace yeast dough and in the process of baking for half an hour, it will take care of the splendor of the product. This affordable cooking technique is perfect for beginner home bakers.


  • kefir - 250 ml;
  • wheat flour - 250 g;
  • rye flour - 150 g;
  • soda - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • salt - 10 g.


  1. Add soda to warmed kefir. Set aside in a warm place.
  2. Mix sugar, salt and flour.
  3. Enter kefir and knead the dough.
  4. Let the dough rest for 20 minutes.
  5. bake rye unleavened bread 45 minutes at 180 degrees.

Rye sourdough bread in the oven

The recipe for sourdough rye bread was used by our ancestors. Classic technology allows you to get healthy, dietary rye bread. The most time-consuming process is the creation of the leaven, which takes from 3 to 5 days. Equally so much time will be required for the growth of lactic acid bacteria responsible for the fermentation process of the dough.


  • sourdough - 100 g;
  • rye flour - 300 g;
  • wheat flour - 300 g;
  • water - 550 ml;
  • salt - 20 g.


  1. Add water and sourdough to flour mixture.
  2. Knead the dough.
  3. Leave "rest" 6 hours.
  4. Bake rye bread for 10 minutes at 240 degrees and another 90 minutes at 200 degrees.

It differs from traditional rye in its splendor and porosity. Since rye dough is low in gluten, it does not rise well, and to help the loaf rise in the oven, be sure to add bleached wheat flour. As a result, the dough will be easy to knead, become more pliable, light and airy.


  • wheat flour - 250 g;
  • rye flour - 250 g;
  • serum - 250 ml;
  • yeast - 20 g;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • a clove of garlic - 6 pcs.;
  • oil - 40 ml.


  1. Add yeast and sugar to whey. Set aside for 2 hours.
  2. Pour into flour mixture, add butter, salt and minced garlic.
  3. Knead and let rest for 2 hours.
  4. Put on proofing for 40 minutes.
  5. Bake for 45 minutes at 200 degrees.

Rye bread with seeds

Homemade rye bread offers endless possibilities for improving textures and flavors. At the same time, you do not need to spend money on expensive spices and spices - a handful of sunflower seeds can turn homebaked bread like the ones on the shelves of bakeries. The crispy crust of toasted seeds looks appetizing and protects from drying out.


  • rye flour - 300 g;
  • wheat flour - 150 g;
  • yeast - 20 g;
  • water - 270 ml;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • seeds - 50 g;
  • oil - 40 ml.


  1. Dissolve yeast, salt, sugar and 40 g of flour in warm water. Remove for an hour.
  2. Add the dough, butter and 25 g of seeds to the flour. Set aside for 40 minutes.
  3. Punch down the dough, form, brush with oil and sprinkle with seeds.
  4. Bake homemade rye bread for 45 minutes at 200 degrees.

Rye bread - custard recipe

The recipe for rye flour bread with malt is very popular. This technology is used to bake the famous "Borodinsky" bread, which is distinguished by a special sour taste and a dense, but porous structure. Dark malt is more commonly used, it adds color and aroma. Choux bread is easy to prepare: it is necessary to pour boiling water over the malt and, after cooling, add it to the dough.


  • rye flour - 400 g;
  • wheat flour - 150 g;
  • water - 350 ml;
  • boiling water - 80 ml;
  • dark malt - 40 g;
  • honey - 40 g;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • yeast - 10 g


  1. Mix flour with water.
  2. Soak the malt in boiling water for 25 minutes.
  3. Add malt, honey, salt and yeast to the dough. Knead and set aside for an hour.
  4. Form and bake rye 10 minutes at 240 degrees and 50 minutes at 200 degrees

Recipe for rye bread can be brought to life different ways: bake a loaf in the oven or use modern technology- baker. It will perfectly cope with cooking and simplify the routine and long process of kneading and baking. You should load the ingredients in a certain sequence, set the baking size, crust color and mode, and then just wait for the signal.


  • kefir - 200 ml;
  • yeast - 10 g;
  • wheat flour - 100 g;
  • rye flour - 150 g;
  • oil - 30 ml;
  • cumin - 10 g;
  • sugar - 20 g.


  1. Pour warm kefir into the bowl.
  2. Add butter, sugar, flour mixture, cumin and yeast.
  3. Place the bowl in the bread machine.
  4. Select bread size (small), crust color (light) and rye bread setting.

Rye bread with malt in a bread machine

The easiest and most affordable way to get choux pastries. This variety does not get stale for a long time and has a special aroma and sweet and sour taste. Malt is almost always present in the baking of rye bread and will give them splendor, volume and dark color, and the bread machine takes care of preserving these qualities.


  • water - 310 ml;
  • oil - 40 ml;
  • rye flour - 150 g;
  • wheat flour - 300 g;
  • rye malt - 40 g;
  • yeast - 10 g;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. Pour the malt with 100 ml of boiling water.
  2. After 25 minutes, pour into the bowl, add the oil and the remaining water.
  3. Add flour, yeast, sugar and salt.
  4. Set the weight to 750 g, medium crust and the “French pastries” mode.

Rye will turn out as lush and tasty as in the oven or bread machine. The peculiarity of the preparation is that the sticky, tight and dense rye dough must be kneaded with your hands, and only after increasing in volume, transfer to a slow cooker. To complete the process, you should use the "Heating" and "Baking" functions.