No-Bake Cookie Cake with Banana and Custard. Cake in a hurry from cookies and sour cream with a banana layer

How nice to get together with the whole family for a cup of tea with fragrant pie! Everyone without exception loves to taste a tidbit of cake, but preparing it is a troublesome business. Baking cakes takes a lot of time. Modern women are busy people, so more and more often they prefer simple and unpretentious recipes. Delicious and delicate cake can also be cooked quickly. One of these recipes is Banana Cookie Cake. hastily.

Banana No Bake Cookie Cake

What products will the hostess need to prepare this delicacy?

Cookies (the simplest type " Baked milk”) - 3 packs or 0.5 kg.
Bananas - 5 pcs.
A glass of milk.
Fatty sour cream - 500 g.
A glass of sugar.
Fruits for decoration (strawberries, kiwi, berries).
Chocolate bar.

Let's get started. Use a mixer to beat sour cream and sugar - it should completely dissolve. The resulting mass is our impregnation cream. Now peel the bananas and cut them into thin circles.

Prepare a bowl of milk. Dip each cookie for 2-3 seconds in milk, and then lay the first layer on a beautiful flat dish. Do not keep the cookies in milk for longer than the specified time, otherwise they will become soggy and the dessert will not be able to hold their shape. Try to make sure that the cookies fit snugly against each other on the sides, there should be no gaps. Lubricate the cookies with cream, and put banana circles on top.

Now, in a similar way, lay out the second layer of cookies on top. Having smeared it with cream, again make a banana layer. The top layer of our cake is cookies. Having laid it tightly, soak it again with a creamy mass of sour cream and sugar.

You can decorate the cake by sprinkling it chocolate chips. Just rub the tile on a grater. Chopped nuts can also be used as decoration. Bright fruits look great on a white cream background. If you have a few strawberries or kiwis, cut the fruit pulp into thin slices and place on top of the cake. The gaps between fruits and berries can be filled with the same chocolate and nuts. A quick banana cookie cake is ready - send it to the refrigerator for complete soaking (at least 2-3 hours, and preferably overnight).

Cake without baking with condensed milk and banana

This cake can be made in 15 minutes. Let's take products.

Soft cookies - 600 g.
Condensed milk - 1 bank.
Butter - 150 gr.
2 bananas.

Soften the butter, beat it with condensed milk. This will be the cream for the cake. Cookies must be crushed, but not turning into crumbs. You can just break it with your hands. Peel bananas and cut into cubes. Mix bananas, cookies and cream. Now we lay out our cake with a slide on beautiful dish. From above, you can crush the creation with nuts or decorate to your liking. Let the cake stand in the refrigerator for at least an hour to soak.

Banana cookie cake - recipe with baking one cake

This banana cookie cake is just as easy to make as the previous one, although this recipe calls for a single cake. It takes literally 15 minutes to bake, the main thing is to immediately turn on the oven. While you prepare the cream and crush the cookies, the oven will heat up to the desired temperature. The whole process of making the cake will take about an hour (including the time required to cool the finished cake).


1. Simple sugar cookies - 0.5 kg.
2. Butter - 200 g.
3. Cream - 400 ml.
4. Bananas - 4.
5. boiled condensed milk- 1 jar.
6. Powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
7. Coffee - 1 tsp.
8. Fruit or chocolate bar For decoration.

So turn on the oven to preheat. Grind cookies in a blender. If you don't have it, grate it or break it up and then mash with a fork. You should get a loose sandy mass of cookies. Add melted butter, mix well. This is our future cake - the basis of the cake. Send it to bake, putting it in a greased form for 15 minutes. Set the temperature to 180 degrees.

While the cake is in the oven, let's make the cream and bananas. Cleanse the fruits. You don't need to cut them. How to make cream? Just whip the cream room temperature with powdered sugar until airy. Add a spoonful of coffee to it, it will give its taste.

Leave the finished cake to cool, and then carefully remove it from the mold. It comes out crispy and browned. Lubricate the cake generously with boiled condensed milk. Now it's the turn of bananas - cut the fruits lengthwise, lay them directly on the greased cake, trying to fill all the free space. On top of them lay out the air butter cream. Our masterpiece is almost ready.

Now you need to decorate the cake. You can use what you like - chopped nuts, grated chocolate or fruit cutting. On white cream, any of these decorations will look appetizing and elegant. Ready dessert you can serve immediately if the guests took you by surprise. But if possible, let it soak a little - send it to the refrigerator for a while.

This cookie cake takes a little longer to make, but it's worth the time. It is insanely delicious, satisfying and beautiful. This masterpiece deserves to take pride of place on holiday table. Don't be surprised if your guests ask for the recipe!

No matter how busy woman you are, pamper your family delicious dessert simple - only 30-40 minutes, and you can surprise the household with a cake without baking. These wonderful recipes They are also good for their relatively low cost of products.

A recipe with a photo of a banana cookie cake in a hurry is ideal for those who want to quickly cook a delicious and fragrant dessert. Cake made with biscuits and banana filling will delight you with your taste. At the same time, the delicacy can be compared with a full-fledged cake, although for culinary process it takes a minimum of time.

The whole secret lies in the absence of the need to prepare dough for baking cakes, because the best basis will be the usual sugar cookie. The convenience and speed of preparing the cake will be appreciated by those housewives who appreciate the taste of sweet dishes and do not have enough time for culinary masterpieces.

The classic banana cookie cake is one of the easiest to make. Further variations involve the addition of additional ingredients that change the taste and aroma of the sweet dish.


  • 2 packs of shortbread cookies;
  • 500 milliliters of sour cream;
  • 300 milliliters of milk;
  • 4 - 5 bananas;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • chocolate, fresh fruits and berries, dried fruits for decoration.

Cooking method:

500 milliliters of sour cream are beaten with sugar until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Banana is peeled and cut into thin slices. Combine sour cream with banana.

Sugar cookies are soaked in milk. To do this, it is dipped in warm milk for a few seconds. However, the cookies should not become sour, otherwise they will not be suitable for making a cake.

Cookies that have been soaked in milk are used as the first layer. Then the cake is covered with sour cream with bananas. The next layer is cookies, which are also covered with sour cream and bananas.

Do this until all the ingredients run out. Then 2 - 3 cookies are crushed to a crumb state and sprinkled on the sides of the cake. Top with chopped fruit or individual berries, grated chocolate.

Such a cake is insisted in the refrigerator for about half an hour so that it soaks and cools a little. As a result, the sweet dish will become even more tender and tasty.

As you might guess, such a cake based on sour cream and banana filling is ideal for everyday and festive tables.

Even a novice housewife will be able to quickly prepare a cake thanks to simple and affordable ingredients.

At the same time, the taste and aroma of the cake will be appreciated.

Yogurt cake with bananas and kiwi

A recipe with a photo of a banana cookie cake in a hurry provides for the possibility of using kiwi as additional ingredient. Such a delicacy will turn out to be even more useful than others. The taste and aroma will be appreciated.


  • 100 grams of sugar cookies;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • 500 grams of yogurt;
  • 4 kiwis;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 40 grams of sugar;
  • lemon juice;
  • gelatin;
  • half a glass of water.

Cooking method:

  1. The cookies are crushed to a crumb state. Add warm butter. All ingredients are mixed.
  2. The refractory form is covered with parchment paper. Lay out the dough. The workpiece is insisted in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.
  3. Gelatin is poured with water and left to swell for half an hour.
  4. Kiwi is peeled and cut into small cubes, combined with sugar and lemon juice.
  5. The workpiece is heated over medium heat for a couple of minutes. Kiwi should highlight the juice. After that, the workpiece is cooled.
  6. Gelatin and yogurt are added to the prepared mass. All ingredients are mixed.
  7. Sliced ​​bananas are placed on the cake, poured with yogurt mass. The cake is kept in the refrigerator all night.
  8. The cooked cake is carefully pulled out of the mold. parchment paper are removed.
  9. Banana and kiwi are used for decoration.

This biscuit-based cake with healthy fruits is the perfect treat even for those ladies who are trying to keep track of their calorie intake.

Cookie cake with bananas and condensed milk

Cake made with sugar crumbly biscuits, will certainly win a special place on the festive table. At the same time, ginger can give a special taste and aroma. Bananas will give a juicy and fresh taste. If you also add condensed milk, the combination will be incredible.

The main preparation will require only 30 minutes, but at the same time, it is still advisable to leave the cake in the refrigerator so that it can reveal its impeccable characteristics.


  • one and a half glasses of crushed crumbly cookies;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • three teaspoons of ground ginger;
  • 400 milliliters of liquid condensed milk;
  • 2 medium sized bananas;
  • two cups heavy cream and 50 grams of sugar for cream.

Cooking method:

  1. Sugar cookies are broken into small pieces.
  2. Chopped butter is placed in the microwave or on water bath for it to melt.
  3. Crushed biscuits and butter are mixed. Add ground ginger, sugar and mix everything.
  4. The finished mass is laid out in a round form for cakes. The future delicacy is left in the refrigerator until it is completely solidified.
  5. At the next stage, condensed milk is boiled, which should be thick enough. It will take 2-3 hours to prepare it. After it gradually boils away, it is advisable to add water to the pan. Otherwise, the bank condensed milk will explode. Then the boiled condensed milk is cooled.
  6. The frozen cake crust is spread with boiled milk.
  7. Sliced ​​bananas are used for decoration on top. A cream is placed on the delicacy, consisting of cream whipped with powdered sugar. To prepare the cream, mix powdered sugar and cream, then beat with a whisk until smooth.
  8. The cake is infused in the refrigerator for about an hour.

Such a cake will certainly please you with impeccable taste, although its preparation will require a minimum of time and effort.

Possible culinary experiments

After being able to find suitable recipe with a photo of a cookie cake with a banana in a hurry, it is extremely important to decide on interesting experiments. It is on this that it largely depends whether it will be possible to discover the impeccable taste nuances of the dish or not. So what are experiments like?

  1. Before laying out the cookies, you can dip them in milk. This step will speed up the duration of impregnation. At the same time, the cake will please more delicate taste. This method allows the use oatmeal cookies with sour cream.
  2. Ordinary sugar is partially replaced vanilla sugar. At this time, the sweet dish will acquire the taste of fresh pastries and a pleasant vanilla aroma.
  3. A layer of fruit is allowed to sprinkle with fried and chopped walnuts. You can decorate with nuts if you like. finished cake.
  4. Bold culinary experiments also often turn out to be correct. The entire amount of sugar can be replaced by 100 grams powdered sugar. Then the melted chocolate bar is added. As a result, the finished cake will be perfect dessert. Chocolate glaze combined with a sweet layer. If desired, sour cream can be mixed with condensed milk. Impeccable taste guaranteed.
  5. Many admirers of cottage cheese can decide on amazing experiments. For example, half of the sour cream is replaced by mashed curd. This cake becomes more useful. In addition, a cake that uses unsweetened curd mass can even be popular dish for tea on the daily table.
  6. Cookie selection plays truly important role. For example, you can refuse sugar cookies and standard crackers. good option there will be unsweetened fish cookies. Such a cake does not even require special styling, because the figures are added to sour cream. The total mass simply fits into the mold for further impregnation. It is desirable to add gelatin to such a mixture, which will contribute to additional strength. Chocolate is perfect for adding extra sweetness. As a result classic cake sparkle with new culinary colors.

A recipe with a photo of a quick banana cookie cake is the best opportunity for those who really want to show their culinary talent and please their loved ones with a sweet dish for tea or coffee.

A cake made with biscuits and a banana requires a minimum of time to culinary arts and pleases with its impeccable aroma and taste.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

If you want to make dessert quick hand, however, so that at the same time everything turns out tasty and home-style, in this case banana cookie cake recipe in a hurry - just for you! Its advantage is that it will take very little of your time to prepare the cake, but it will look like a full-fledged cake, and its taste will not disappoint either. When preparing a cake in a hurry, you do not have to mess with the dough and bake cakes, it will be enough to put sugar cookies instead of cakes. It is very convenient and practical, and most importantly - very fast! Try to make a cake according to this recipe, and see for yourself that this recipe deserves to be taken into account, because it is insanely delicious.


- Shortbread– 2 packs
- Sour cream - ½ l
- Milk - 300 ml
- Bananas - 4 -5 pcs.
- Sugar - 1 tbsp.
- Chocolate, dried fruits, fruits - optional (for decoration).

Recipe with photo step by step:

Banana cookie cake in a hurry, recipe with photo:

Beat 0.5 liters of sour cream together with sugar until the latter is completely dissolved.

Cut the peeled banana into thin slices. We combine sour cream whipped with sugar with banana slices.

Cookies must be soaked in milk. To do this, dip it in milk for a few seconds. It is not necessary to soak for a long time, because the cookies can become sour and it will be impossible to lay out the layers of our cake from it.

We are preparing a beautiful dish on which we will serve our cake. We spread a layer of cookies soaked in milk on it.

Next, cover the cookie layer with a layer of sour cream with bananas. By the way, we have already prepared one, you can see the recipe.

The next layer is again cookies, then sour cream with bananas - and so on until you run out of ingredients.
After you need to grind 2-3 cookies into crumbs and sprinkle the sides of the cake.
Top with dried pineapple chunks.

For decoration, you can also use diced or sliced ​​fruits, grated chocolate.
It all depends on your imagination and taste preferences.
After the cake is completely ready and decorated, you need to place it in the refrigerator for about half an hour. During this time, he will have time to soak and cool a little, which will make him even more tender and tastier.

After the specified time, a banana cookie cake can be served in a hurry to the table. As you can see, it will not be difficult for almost anyone to prepare such a cake, and in time it cooks very quickly. The ingredients for it are very simple and affordable. And the taste is no worse than those cakes that take a long time to mess with. Light and delicate - you and your guests will like it. Fans of quick cakes may also see

A cookie-free no-bake cake isn't just about saving time to make just about anything, it's just delicious. My family is constantly asking me to make such a simple cake. In addition, it is also useful, because the cream contains a soft sweet cottage cheese. Cookies are better to take dry, not greasy, rectangular or square. I used "My Love". The cake without baking is the more beautiful, the higher it is, i.e., build at least 5-6 layers. The size of the cake is very arbitrary, it all depends on the size of the dish and desires. I highly recommend mastering the preparation of this delicious sweet dish - Cake without baking cookies. And the addition of a banana to such a cake will make it additionally spicy and especially tasty with a characteristic sourness. I used to cook without a banana, but we liked it much more with a banana. Try it, you won't regret it!

Banana No Bake Cake Recipe:

400 g dry biscuits (do not take very fatty ones)

400 g cottage cheese, sweet or unsweetened, then sugar - to taste

500 ml sour cream

For decoration - grated chocolate, cocoa, nuts, waffles, icing, etc.

How to make a No Bake Banana Cookie Cake:

1. We begin to prepare a cake with cream. To do this, beat cottage cheese, sour cream and sugar with a mixer (if your cottage cheese was not sweet). Optionally, add all kinds of additives: raisins, nuts ...

2. Prepare a bowl with a drink in which you need to dip the cookies. It might be strong sweet tea, milk or even coffee is sweet too.

3. We dip the cookies very quickly and immediately spread them tightly in rows. Spread sweet on top curd cream, and then thin circles of banana almost next to each other. And so on, until the cream or cookies run out. Leave one spoonful of cream to grease the sides of the cake later (it is better to do this with a sandwich knife or a spoon). I laid out the bananas as the last layer, and you - at your discretion.

4. We decorate the top as desired: cocoa (through a sieve), grated chocolate, waffles (like mine), coconut flakes, nuts, fruits, etc. Let the no-bake cake soak for at least three hours. We're already eating in three hours.


Try. Very tasty, light and not greasy dessert!

Happy tea!