How to cook condensed. How to cook condensed milk so that the jar does not explode

Condensed milk is a delicacy loved by many since childhood, both kids and adults love to eat it. In addition, condensed milk is an ideal filling for many desserts. Most modern people are accustomed to store-bought ready-made cans. However, knowing how to make condensed milk at home, you will be able to cook much more delicious, and most importantly, useful product. There are a few great recipes which you should definitely get to know.

Features of cooking homemade condensed milk

Here are a few tricks to help you make the perfect dish:

  1. It is best to take homemade fresh milk. If you can’t find one, buy the fattest pasteurized. Milk can be replaced with the same amount of 25 percent cream.
  2. For cooking, take a pan with a thick bottom, preferably aluminum or steel. If you are still afraid that the product will burn, then cook not in the usual way, but in a water bath.
  3. Sugar in the recipe is allowed to replace powdered sugar. Many people prefer to take store-bought because it contains starch, which improves the consistency of the product.
  4. To make homemade condensed milk homogeneous, add a little soda at the beginning of cooking (on the tip of a teaspoon).
  5. If you want to diversify the recipe for condensed milk, you can add cocoa. If you believe the reviews, this does not affect the sweetness, but it gives an unusual coffee flavor to the dish. In addition, home-made tinted condensed milk will look beautiful in finished cake or dessert.
  6. It will be possible to make milk thicker and sweeter by replacing ordinary cane sugar.
  7. Condensed milk is best stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator.
  8. If you cook the mixture longer, pour it into special molds and cool, you will get fragrant toffees.
  9. The more sugar you add, the sweeter the dish will be and the faster it will cook.
  10. Butter is often added to homemade condensed milk. It makes it softer, but it is worth remembering that the presence of this ingredient reduces the shelf life.
  11. To thicken the mixture with any components, ordinary baking soda.
  12. Vanillin will give homemade condensed milk a delicious flavor.

Step by step recipes for making condensed milk

A factory-made product is not as tasty as a homemade product; preservatives are added to it during the production process, which can harm the body. It is much better to learn how to cook condensed milk yourself from natural ingredients. There is a mass different ways manufacturing - in a saucepan, slow cooker, pressure cooker, bread machine, microwave. You must definitely master at least one recipe for homemade condensed milk. Try to cook this amazing delicacy, which brings invaluable benefits to the body.

Easy Milk and Sugar Recipe

  • whole cow's milk- 0.5 l (fresh);
  • sugar - 150-250 g (depending on what degree of sweetness you want to get);
  • baking soda - a pinch.


  1. Take a deep container. Pour in milk, add sugar, soda.
  2. Put the pan on the stove, stir the mass periodically. Wait until the milk is reduced by a third.
  3. When the mixture thickens and becomes creamy, remove it from the stove and pour into a jar. Typically, this takes about an hour and a half.
  4. The calorie content of homemade condensed milk is approximately 340 calories per 100 grams.
  5. Important: do not try to make the fire stronger so that the condensed milk cooks faster, as it will only burn. Cook all the time at the same temperature.

From milk powder

  • dry milk - 150 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • pasteurized milk - 150 ml.

  1. Take no large saucepan, pour milk into it and set it to bask on water bath. Wait for it to warm up. Pour in a little powdered milk without ceasing to beat the mixture with a whisk. If you start the process too early, the powder will not dissolve.
  2. When you are sure there are no lumps, add sugar. Continue stirring the mixture thoroughly.
  3. Boil condensed milk in a bath for about an hour. Mix it up very often. The fire must be weak.
  4. If you want the condensed milk to turn out thick at home and taste like toffee, cook it for another 20 minutes. If the consistency suits you, remove the mixture from the heat and pour into another container.

From goat milk


  • fresh goat milk - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • soda - a pinch.


  1. Take a thick-walled saucepan, pour in milk, immediately pour soda into it, put it on slow fire. When warm, add sugar.
  2. Cook the condensed milk, stirring often, until it turns golden, as in the photo.
  3. Pour it into jars, cool and cover iron lids. Store exclusively in the refrigerator for no more than two to three weeks.

From infant formula

  • milk - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 0.24 kg;
  • baby dry mix - 90-100 grams.


  1. In a separate bowl, mix dry ingredients.
  2. Heat milk in a water bath, gradually pour in sugar with baby food, stir constantly to avoid lumps.
  3. Boil until tender (about an hour).
  4. If you are thinking about how to make delicious condensed milk at home in a slow cooker, set the “Stew” mode and first fill the bowl with dry ingredients, and then gradually pour in the milk. Cooking time will be an hour and a half, it all depends on what consistency you would like to get.

From cream


  • cream - 800 ml;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • butter- 50 g;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • vanillin - a bag.


  1. Warm up the milk in a water bath. Make a very small fire, because there should be no boiling.
  2. Dissolve butter in milk, add cream, vanillin.
  3. Whisking constantly, add the sugar little by little. Before boiling, it should completely dissolve.
  4. Boil the condensed milk until it becomes yellowish in color. The consistency should be a viscous liquid. As practice shows, condensed milk with cream is cooked much faster. Cooking time is reduced by about half.
  5. If you are satisfied with the resulting condensed milk, remove it from the heat, cool, store in the refrigerator.

How to roll condensed milk into jars

You can prepare a delicacy for the future and use it as a filling for cakes, pancakes. You already know how to make condensed milk at home, but you also need to know how to roll it into jars. If you plan to preserve the product, then, no matter what recipe you choose, be sure to add a little soda. It not only makes condensed milk more homogeneous, but also contributes to long-term storage.

For preservation you will need deep dishes: mix three parts fresh milk and one part sugar, add a little soda. Put the container on the stove, wait until it boils, reduce the heat to a minimum. Stir the condensed milk occasionally until it turns yellow-brown. When the density suits you, remove the container from the stove. Let the mixture cool slightly, pour into pre-sterilized jars, roll up. Store in cold conditions.

If you run into a problem and can't find a tasty one, good composition boiled condensed milk, then do not rush to get upset, because there is a way out. I will share with you several recipes for making boiled condensed milk.

It may take a couple of hours of your time, but you will get a very delicious product. And so that your favorite treat it turned out really tasty, I will tell you a few rules that guide me when choosing condensed milk in a jar.

How to cook condensed milk in a jar in a saucepan

Kitchen utensils and appliances: spoon, can opener, saucepan.


How to choose the main ingredient

When choosing condensed milk, follow a few rules:

  • For cooking boiled condensed milk use milk only in cans. Carefully inspect it, it should not have dents and rust.
  • Be sure to check the expiration date.
  • The composition of condensed milk should be as short as possible - milk and sugar. Also, the quality of the product can be checked at home. Drop a drop of iodine on milk, if a blue color appears, then the product is not of very high quality.

Step-by-step instruction

Video recipe: how much and how to cook condensed milk in a jar

Watch this video and find out how long it takes to cook condensed milk in a jar until brown.

How to cook condensed milk in the microwave

Cooking time: 10 minutes.
Exit ready meal: 4-5 servings.
Kitchen utensils and appliances: spoon, can opener, microwave, glass bowl.


Step-by-step instruction

Video recipe: how to cook condensed milk in the microwave

From this short video you will learn how long to cook condensed milk in the microwave.

How to cook condensed milk at home

Cooking time: 2.5 hours.
Output of the finished dish: 1 liter.
Kitchenware: large bowl or saucepan, spoon.


Cooking condensed milk

Video recipe: how to cook condensed milk at home

From this video recipe you will learn how to cook condensed milk at home.

Shops and markets are full of all kinds of goods. But to find really high-quality and safe product very difficult. But in the era of the Internet, you can always find a way out and use proven recipes. Try to cook. They make a great addition to any dessert.

Are your kids refusing to eat cottage cheese? Then get ready. So you will be sure that the composition does not contain vegetable fats and other harmful components.

if you love dairy products then there is a recipe for you. And if you are a real turophile, then you can not help but take advantage.

I hope my recipes help you prepare your favorite treat.. And don't forget to leave your feedback in the comments and be sure to tell us if everything worked out for you.

Every housewife at least once in her life had to cook condensed milk at home, but not everyone has a desire to recooking this sweetness. The reason may be both the explosion of the can, and the failure to obtain the desired consistency of the product. Problems arise due to the purchase of poor quality condensed milk and ignorance of the duration of cooking. In this article, we will tell you how to cook and cook condensed milk properly.

How to cook condensed milk?

How to cook condensed milk and what are the nuances?

1. C glass jar remove the label and rinse the jar under water.

2. Choose a container suitable for brewing. It is best to take a large pot, as the water will boil away, and you are unlikely to want to constantly stand at the stove.

3. Place a towel on the bottom of the pot.

4. Send jars of condensed milk to the bottom of the pan and fill it with water to the maximum.

5. When the water boils, you need to reduce the fire and note the time.

  • You need to cook condensed milk from 1.5 to 4 hours.
  • Cooking time depends on the purpose: you need a cream for the cake or a filling for nuts with condensed milk.

6. Check the water level in the pot every 20-30 minutes. Banks should always be completely immersed in water.

  • You can only add hot water, since with a sharp change in temperature, the jars can burst.
  • If there is not enough water in the pan, the jar may explode, which is dangerous because of the likelihood of burns. Yes, and it is quite difficult to remove the scattered remains of condensed milk.

7. When you finish cooking the product, be sure to cool it, but do not lower it into cold water otherwise the bank will burst. Wait for the pan to cool down naturally.

You can cook condensed milk in any way convenient for you. Now we will consider 3 options for preparing the product: in a jar on the stove, in a slow cooker and in the microwave.

How to cook condensed milk in a jar on the stove?

This method is considered the most common, all housewives know it. How to cook condensed milk on the stove?

1. Place a towel at the bottom of the pot.

2. A can of condensed milk is taken, placed in a saucepan or placed sideways.

3. The pot is filling up cold water so that the banks are closed completely and with a margin.

4. After the water boils, the gas is reduced and from that moment the time is measured until the product is completely ready.

  • As we said above, condensed milk is cooked from 1.5 to 4 hours.
  • It is important to ensure that the jars in the pan are always filled to the brim with water, and you can only add boiling water from a boiled kettle.

5. If you want to get a liquid, viscous consistency light color(caramel), cook condensed milk for 1.5-2 hours at a constant light boil. As a rule, such condensed milk is ideal for making sausages from cookies, "Potato" cakes and for pouring fritters or pancakes.

6. To obtain a density at which condensed milk will look like toffee, it must be boiled for 2.5-3 hours. To achieve maximum density and dark color of condensed milk, you need to boil it for 4 hours.

Boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker

1. With this method of cooking, as with cooking on the stove, the label is removed.

2. Wipe the jar with a damp sponge.

3. To prevent scratches on the non-stick coating of the multicooker, place a cloth on the bottom of the bowl.

4. Condensed milk in a jar is placed on the bottom of the multicooker (you can sideways).

5. Banks are completely covered with clean water up to the level of the maximum mark. This will help prevent the can from exploding.

  • In a multicooker, water practically does not boil away. However, it is better to play it safe, especially if the steam outlet valve in your device does not close.

6. In the "Boiling" or "Frying" mode, the water is brought to a boil, after which the multicooker lid is closed.

7. A mode with a temperature of 100 degrees is selected ("Multi-cook" or "Extinguishing"), and condensed milk is cooked for 2-3 hours. The time is set depending on the result you want to achieve.

In a slow cooker, you can also cook condensed milk yourself. For this you need:

1. Take 200 gr. product the following components: 250 gr. sugar, 250 gr. dry milk and 250 gr. milk.

2. A glass of sugar is poured into a container and mixed with powdered milk.

3. Then the milk is slowly poured in.

4. The resulting mixture must be whipped with a whisk (you can use a blender) until sugar is completely dissolved in milk.

5. The whipped mixture is poured into the multicooker bowl, which is set for 1 hour in the "Extinguishing" mode.

6. The milk will begin to boil after 15 minutes, the lid must be immediately opened and the contents mixed.

  • During the preparation of milk, it is necessary to stir it periodically.
  • To receive a real creamy taste condensed milk, use natural milk powder, a substitute will not work here. If for some reason it is not possible to cook condensed milk with natural milk powder, use milk formula for children or powdered cream. To keep the milk from curdling while cooking, add 1/3 tsp. soda and mix thoroughly. In such an amount, soda will not be felt, and milk will not curdle.

7. When the condensed milk is ready, leave it in the multicooker bowl until it cools completely. Only after that, the contents can be poured into a glass container and tightly closed with a lid.

8. Place the cooled condensed milk in the refrigerator for 60 minutes.

How to cook condensed milk in the microwave?

This method of making condensed milk is the fastest and easiest. For this method, use glass or ceramic containers; plastic dishes will not work here.

1. The container with the contents is sent to the microwave oven chamber for 2 minutes, the power is set to 700 watts.

2. The container must be removed from microwave oven, mix the milk thoroughly and put it in the oven again for 2 minutes at the same power. This is done to prevent the "escape" of condensed milk from the microwave.

3. When cooking, it is important to stir the contents of the container every 2 minutes. Only 4 sets of 2 minutes are done, which is a total of 8 minutes.

Condensed milk can be cooked in the oven and at medium power. How it's done:

1. The first time the container is removed after 40 seconds, the contents are mixed and sent back to the device.

2. Condensed milk should be removed and stirred every 45-60 seconds (only during the first 10 minutes).

  • Stir vigorously so that the milk does not curdle in lumps.

3. When the contents of the container thicken, it is necessary to mix more often - every 20-30 seconds.

In general, the cooking process is 15-25 minutes (boiling time depends on the desired result).

In a microwave oven, as in a slow cooker or on a stove, you can achieve the desired consistency and color of condensed milk. The cooking time at the highest power is 8-15 minutes, while we must not forget about stirring the milk every 2 minutes. Some housewives prefer to boil milk at 400 W for 30 minutes and consider this method of cooking condensed milk to be the best. The advantage of microwave cooking is the speed of the process. The disadvantages include: 1 - the frequency of stopping the device for stirring milk; 2 - not everyone will be able to cook condensed milk in a microwave oven.

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It is hard to imagine a delicacy tastier than boiled homemade condensed milk.
Of course, boiling condensed milk is a rather lengthy process, but the costs are worth it: the finished boiled condensed product does not have such a tender and pleasant taste, which distinguishes condensed milk cooked at home.

Before moving on to the question of how and how much to cook condensed milk in a jar until brown, it is important to talk about the fact that it is always worth buying condensed milk for cooking good quality, and for this you need to know the rules for choosing high-quality condensed milk.

How to choose high-quality condensed milk for cooking?

  • When choosing a can of condensed milk, be sure to look at the product designation on the package: do you need sweetened condensed milk or just condensed milk.
  • A jar on which a dairy product or special milk will be written should be discarded - in such condensed milk there are an abundance of various additives that can spoil the quality of the future "cooking".
  • Ideally, if you choose a jar with a GOST designation, since the TU marking indicates that the product contains high concentrations of vegetable fats and this can also affect the palatability of the home-cooked product.
  • Also check the jar itself for deformations and chips, and also pay attention to expiration dates.

By choosing the right product for cooking, you can be sure that your homemade “boiled” will turn out to be truly delicious.

Rules and methods of cooking condensed milk at home.

The answer to the question - how much to cook condensed milk in a jar until brown depends on which cooking method you choose.

Classic way

The classic method of cooking "varenka" in a pot of water is: a jar of condensed milk without a label is placed in a pot of water and boiled over medium heat for about 3 hours.

Cooking condensed milk in a pressure cooker

The fastest way is to prepare a “varenka” in a pressure cooker - a jar is placed in the device, filled with water and the pressure cooker is turned on.
With this method, boiled condensed milk is obtained in just 10 minutes.

Condensed milk in the microwave

It is convenient to cook condensed milk in the microwave.

  • Transfer the product to the dishes for the microwave oven, and program the device itself for medium power.
  • The dishes with condensed milk are covered with a lid and put in the microwave for 10-20 minutes, while the product is periodically removed and mixed.
  • The method is convenient in that it gives a clear answer to the question - how much to cook condensed milk in a jar until brown: you can boil milk until the color of caramel, or, on the contrary, boil it to maximum density.

With the method of boiling in water, the following information will be useful: the product turns out to be liquid and has a light caramel shade after an hour of cooking, a thicker consistency and rich brown color comes out when boiling condensed milk in water for at least 3-4 hours.

Today, often such a question among housewives is not even worth it. And, really, why buy raw condensed milk, suffer from cooking it, if you can buy ready-made caramelized milk. And different manufacturers have come up with names for their products - toffee, yummy, caramel and others.
But, having tried several of these condensed milk, I came to the conclusion that this is not quite the product that I want to use for making creams or desserts. I remember the taste, and it differs significantly from modern caramels.

And so, I decided to experiment, to cook such a sweetness at home by boiling condensed milk in a jar. And I must say, despite all my doubts, the result was excellent. I got a stunningly delicious sweet mass, with a delicate creamy texture and beautiful color. It was exactly what I wanted to get, for cooking butter cream with condensed milk to miss your favorite cake.

It seemed to me that no one should have any problems with the process of preparing such a sweet. I went to the store, bought a jar of condensed milk from the manufacturer you trust more, and boiled it at home. But I remembered how many years ago, when I was still a schoolgirl, I wanted to surprise my mother. I bought round waffles and a can of condensed milk to make a popular one at the time. waffle cake. I saw my mother cooking boiled condensed milk and theoretically understood the whole process, but I did not take into account that the water in the pan boils away quite quickly and can may burst when heated. Therefore, I put my future cream to cook, and with a clear conscience went for a walk on the street.

When my mother came home from work, a surprise really awaited her - both on the ceiling and on the curtains and on the furniture. But soon we made repairs, which we could not get together in any way and changed the old furniture. So my culinary experiments still brought considerable benefits to the family.

And if you want to cook condensed milk yourself, but do not plan to repair it in the near future, then I will be happy to tell you how to cook condensed milk in a jar so that it does not explode.

- condensed milk - 1 can,
- water - 2-3 liters.

Recipe with photo step by step:

To cook condensed milk, we take a large saucepan, preferably with a thick bottom.

After that, pour cold water in such an amount that it completely covers the jar, you can even pour it to the top of the pan.

Next, cover the pan with a lid and cook over medium heat, constantly monitoring the amount of water and adding it from time to time. We add only hot water so as not to cause thermal shock to the jar.

Cooking time is determined based on the purpose for which we are preparing caramel.
If we need cookie filling or not too thick cream then cook for 1.5 hours.
If we need a thicker consistency, then cook it for 2-3 hours.
If we want to thicken the milk very strongly, for the filling, for example