Kefir from sour milk at home. homemade kefir

Until recently, I didn't even think about make kefir at home. Why, if you can always buy it in the store? But my child flatly refuses to even try. cow's milk, but he drinks kefir simply in frightening quantities - every day at least a liter or two. And that made me wonder if it would hurt a large number of yogurt to his health?

It is known that kefir contains ethyl alcohol in its composition. There is not so much of it in fresh kefir to harm the health of even a small child - 0.04 - 0.05 percent. But with each day of storage of kefir, its concentration increases. Already three-day kefir should not be given to children. Alas, the kefir sold in the store, in best case hits the shelves just on the second or third day from the moment of its manufacture. That's why I started cooking kefir at home: so I can be sure of its freshness and quality. Moreover, it is very easy to prepare.

How to make kefir at home


Milk — 900 ml. Can be whole or pasteurized.
Kefir — 100 ml. For the first time, you can use store-bought kefir as a starter, then use homemade. If store-bought is used, then only two ingredients should be included in the composition of kefir: milk and sourdough on kefir fungi. If the drink contains milk + bacterial concentrate, or milk + sourdough on cultures of lactic acid bacteria, then this is not kefir, but a kefir product.
Sugar- 1 tbsp.

From this amount of ingredients you get 1 liter of kefir.


Milk is heated to a temperature of 36 -40 degrees. It should become warm, but not scalding hot. Add sourdough, sugar to milk and mix everything.

Cover the container with the future kefir (saucepan, jar, mug, etc.) with a thick cotton cloth in such a way as to protect it from light.

Put the container in a warm place. In the summer I put it on the balcony, and in the winter - near the battery (in the heat, fermentation processes go much faster than when low temperatures). A day later, kefir is ready. Before use, stir the contents with a wooden spoon.

100 ml. such yogurt can be left as a starter for the next portion, and everything else can be consumed.

Note: the amount of sourdough can be reduced to 1-2 tbsp. spoons, but then the time for making kefir will increase to 1.5-2 days.

Bon Appetit!

How to cook homemade yogurt

At home, yogurt is more difficult to prepare than, for example, cottage cheese or cheese. Its production requires compliance with two basic conditions: the sourdough must contain LIVE cultures of the bulgarian stick and thermophilic streptococcus, and during the preparation of yogurt a constant temperature must be maintained slightly above 40 degrees.

The difficulty with sourdough is that it is not so easy to find. Our pharmacies do not sell it, so for the first time you have to use store-bought yogurt. I tried 6 different yogurts from different manufacturers until finally one of them was alive and agreed to breed. Store-bought yogurt used for sourdough, must meet the following requirements:

It should be called "yogurt". Not a yogurt product, namely yogurt;
- its expiration date should not be more than 1 month;
- it should not be marked "thermally processed";
- it should not be sweet, contain fillers, dyes, stabilizers, preservatives, etc. Ingredients - only milk and sourdough.
- in the store, it should be stored in the refrigerator.

The second condition for making homemade yogurt is constant temperature around 40 degrees. It can be supported in several ways:
- use a yogurt maker;
- cook in a thermos;
- use an oven capable of maintaining a temperature of about 40 degrees;
- wrap a saucepan with future yogurt in a warm blanket (towel) and put it near the battery;
- cook in a water bath, constantly monitoring the temperature of the water in it.
I do it the old-fashioned way with a fluffy bath towel.


Milk - 1 liter
Sourdough - 4 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 2 tablespoons
Spices - to taste

The technology is very simple.

1. Boil milk. What for? Various lactic acid bacteria live in unboiled milk, which, in the process of making homemade yogurt, will inhibit the vital activity of yogurt bacteria. Therefore, we clean milk from them by boiling.

2. Dissolve sugar in milk.

3. Cool the milk to a temperature of about 40 degrees. If you dip your finger into milk, it will be hot, but not scalding.
If the milk temperature is above 45 degrees, then the bacteria will die. If below 40 - will not breed. Therefore, it is very important to maintain the temperature within these limits throughout the entire period of making homemade yogurt.

4. Add 4-5 tablespoons of milk to the starter and mix thoroughly until uniform consistency. Pour the sourdough diluted in milk into the remaining milk, mix.

5. Quickly wrap the pot with future yogurt in a BIG bath towel and put in a warm place.

In winter, I find this warm place near the battery, and in summer - in an oven preheated to 40 degrees.

6. Forget about this design for 6 hours. At this time, yogurt should not be opened, shaken, stirred, etc. After 6 hours, open and see what happened. If all is well, we rejoice. If the yogurt is still liquid, then wrap it again and take it to a warm place for 1-3 hours. The longer the yogurt ferments, the more acidic it will be.

Attention! If homemade yogurt is overexposed, then bacteria will begin to actively multiply in it, which turn milk into yogurt. As a result, you can get a completely different dairy product than expected. If the contents of the saucepan are lumpy and contain whey, then this is curdled milk, not yogurt.

7. Put the yogurt in the refrigerator to complete the fermentation process for 3-4 hours.

Ready yogurt is a dense, homogeneous mass, which, when the pan is tilted, does not pour out, but falls out in pieces. The taste is neutral, delicate, with a very slight sourness. Honey, fruits, nuts, dried fruits and other additives to taste can be added to homemade yogurt before consumption.

2-3 tablespoons of ready-made yogurt can be put aside in a glass jar and used next time as a starter.

Ready homemade yogurt can be stored in the refrigerator for 7-8 days.

Bon Appetit!

How to make cottage cheese from milk at home

For several months I have been fond of cooking homemade cheeses, cottage cheese, cream and sour cream. I had such an opportunity after moving to the village and a pleasant acquaintance with a neighbor's cow. As it turned out, cottage cheese or cheese is not only much tastier than store-bought, but also more than three times cheaper. In addition, it is very interesting and really addictive.

Homemade cottage cheese

Until recently, I believed that most dairy products could only be prepared from fresh whole milk“from under the cow”, and store (pasteurized) is “dead” and is not suitable for these purposes. But why not try? - I decided once and put a simple experiment. I took the same amount of village and shop milk and, under the same conditions, tried to make cottage cheese from it.

Milk homemade and store

I tell and show how to cook cottage cheese at home and what comes out of it.

One Saturday morning I went to visit a familiar cow and bought three liters of fresh fresh milk from her owner. On the way home, I went to the store and bought three liter packs of pasteurized milk with the highest fat content that was in the store - 3.6%. Store-bought milk was also fresh, as the saleswoman said, “it was just delivered this morning.” Village milk cost me 7 thousand (white rubles), and store milk - 15 thousand (this is about 25 and 53 Russian rubles, respectively)

The milk was poured into identical three-liter jars. In order not to get confused, I wrote “house” and “shop” on them with a marker.

In appearance, the milk differed in color: home-made was more yellow and dense than store-bought. Even by eye it was obvious that the fat content of homemade milk above. Well, a little bit of milk is in the bags, but they don’t add it. A trifle, but three-liter jar already noticeable.

Both cans were covered with a clean, dense cloth (so that direct light did not fall) and placed near the battery (milk fermented faster in heat). At this time, you can forget about banks - all processes will go naturally. Stir, shake, heat or add vinegar is not necessary. Three days later, the milk underwent such metamorphoses.

Store-bought milk fermented faster, and the whey separated better from the curdled milk. Please note that in a can of village milk, sour cream takes up about ¼ (it is more yellow in color).

If I had removed it after the first day of settling, I would have received first-class cream. But for the purity of the experiment, I leave everything as it is. at the bank with shop milk there was so little cream that my camera could not even capture them.

Another detail: vertical “moves” formed in the milk from the fact that air bubbles rose up. The more such "moves", the better. Actually, the jars are no longer milk, but yogurt (very tasty and healthy, but more on that another time). Now you need to shake the curdled milk out of the cans into a large five-liter saucepan.

It is to shake it out, since the finished yogurt will not pour, but rather fall out in large lumps.

I put the pan on a small fire for exactly 10 minutes. Then, with careful movements from the bottom up, I mix the contents of the pan and dip my finger into the mass. It should be a little warm. If the mass is still cold, then turn on the fire for another 5 minutes. It is very important not to overheat the curdled milk, otherwise the curd will become hard, fine-grained and similar in taste to the store. Immediately after heating, the curdled milk should look something like this.

Then the mass should cool and exfoliate into a dense layer of cottage cheese on top and whey on the bottom. Therefore, we do not touch it for several hours and do not disturb it. Thereafter large saucepan or cover a bowl with clean cotton cloth and pour the contents of the pan into it.

A hair sieve or gauze for making cottage cheese is not suitable, as they will let too much of the cottage cheese through itself. Tie the fabric in a knot and hang it, placing a container under it for flowing whey.

When the whey stops dripping, the curd is ready.

I did all these operations with cottage cheese from both homemade and store-bought milk.

In the end, this is what I got.

Summing up:Appearance. As you can see even with the naked eye (and even despite the quality of the photos), there was more cottage cheese from home-made milk than from store-bought. In addition, it differs in color. It is not white, but slightly yellowish, which is caused by a high percentage of fat content.

Weight:"Rural" cottage cheese weighs 765 g. "Shop" - 590 g.

Price: 100 g of village milk cottage cheese cost 915 bel. rub (3 Russian rubles), 100 grams of cottage cheese from store milk - 2,500 Belarusian rubles (9 Russian rubles). There is no doubt that the cost of cottage cheese from whole milk is almost four times (taking into account the larger mass) more profitable than cottage cheese from a store (2011 prices).

Taste."Homemade" cottage cheese turned out to be fat and tender. It felt like it was mixed with butter. I really love classic dish: “cottage cheese + sour cream + sugar”. So, you don’t need to add sour cream to cottage cheese from homemade milk - they are already so tasty. True, I don’t use it in pastries and desserts, because I don’t know the exact percentage of fat content, but for many recipes this matters.
Cottage cheese from shop milk turned out to be tender and lighter. In my opinion, it is far superior to cottage cheese sold in stores, according to palatability. In addition, when preparing various desserts and casseroles, it does not require prior grinding through a sieve or blender. It is so tender that it is good enough to knead it with a spoon and you can start cooking. Of course, its price is comparable to the price of store-bought cottage cheese, but the taste is much better.

Output: As it turned out, cottage cheese can be prepared at home both from whole village milk, and from store-bought pasteurized. If possible, then country milk is preferable for these purposes. But if this is not possible, then you can also make it from the store - it will still turn out tastier than the one sold in stores.

Well, the pleasure of the whole process of transformation with your own hands regular milk into cottage cheese is generally immeasurable by any scales or numbers.

Bon Appetit!

P.S. After cooking the cottage cheese, we have whey. No need to throw it away - it makes excellent pancakes or pizza dough (a replacement for kefir). In addition, hair masks can be made from this serum. In salons, such masks cost amazingly impudent money. But the effect of them is really magical.

How to cook homemade cheese

Not so long ago I showed how to cook homemade cottage cheese. Now I have moved on to the next step and make cheese at home.

homemade cheese

This cheese belongs to the category of processed cheese, for the manufacture of which special ingredients are not required, such as rennet. It differs from the store, first of all, by the absence of various kinds of additives harmful to health. Here is the composition of the store processed cheese"Friendship": rennet cheeses, butter, drinking water, sour cream, skimmed milk powder, emulsifying salts - sodium diphosphate, sodium polyphosphate; low-fat cheese, preservatives - sorbic acid, nisin; antioxidant - butylhydrooxytoluene.
And here is the composition of my homemade: cottage cheese, butter, egg, salt, baking soda (+ additional seasonings, for example, garlic, parsley, paprika, dill, cumin, onion, mushrooms, etc.). Feel the difference?

Secondly, homemade cheese is tastier, more tender and softer than store-bought. And using additional seasonings, the taste can be changed from neutral to spicy-spicy.

Thirdly, the price. One kilogram of the cheapest store-bought cheese costs 32,000 rubles. (116 rubles grew), and one kilogram homemade cottage cheese from village milk costs me 13,500 rubles (49 rubles). The difference is more than 2, 3 times cannot but rejoice.

Fifth, it's just interesting

Homemade cheese is very easy to make.


Curd - 1 kg. I use homemade cottage cheese. He must be be sure to be as dehydrated as possible. To do this, for a day I put it under a press to drain excess whey (3 liter jar filled with water). Store-bought cottage cheese can not be dehydrated.
Butter - 100 d. Must be at room temperature before cooking. The softness of the cheese depends on the amount of butter. The more it is, the softer the cheese.
Eggs - 1 PCS. It should also be at room temperature before cooking.
Salt - 1 tsp
Soda - 1 tsp Soda is needed in order to neutralize excessive sour taste cottage cheese.
Garlic - 2 cloves
Greens (or any other spice to taste)- taste


If used shop cottage cheese, then it is better to pass it through a meat grinder before starting cooking. If homemade, then you can immediately start making cheese.
The first step is to lightly beat the egg with a fork.
The second step is the preparation of spices and additives. The photo shows cheese with garlic and herbs. Before adding them to the cheese, I finely chopped the garlic and herbs.

Step three - put the cottage cheese in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add the butter, soda and salt cut into pieces.

Cook everything over low heat, constantly stirring the contents of the saucepan, until a homogeneous melted mass is obtained. You need to stir constantly, otherwise the cheese will start to burn. Do not bring to a boil!

You need to cook for about 10 minutes.

Remove cheese from heat, add egg, garlic, herbs.

Mix everything and pour the viscous cheese mass into a refractory form, pre-lubricated with oil.

To harden the cheese for 6-8 hours, put in the refrigerator.
That's all! Very fast and easy.

Now the cheese can be taken out of the mold and tasted.

Ideal - spread cheese with a thick layer on fresh Rye bread and serve, for example, for breakfast.
Bon Appetit!

Kefir is a fermented milk product. Its composition is unique and includes fungi and bacteria. With the help of kefir, you can have a beneficial effect on bowel function and metabolic activity. It contributes to the proper absorption of calcium and the weakening of allergic reactions.

Sour-milk products are an obligatory component of medical, dietary diets. They are especially good for those who wish to lose excess weight, as well as get rid of the symptoms of a hangover, as they draw out most of the toxins from the body.

The starter for the drink and this drink itself can be made independently. As a basis for sourdough use:

  • kefir;
  • sour cream;
  • pharmaceutical sourdough (for example, Narine and bifidobacteria).

What is milk fungus

Dairy (kefir) mushroom outwardly resembles white balls, reaching up to 6 cm in size. In fact, it is a symbiotic group that includes bacteria and microorganisms of the genus Zooglea.

Dairy fungus helps to strengthen the body's defenses, supports its work. It can have a positive effect in the presence of injuries, and also helps to reduce inflammation. With its use, memory and concentration improve, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are cured, and the level of libido increases.

Receive milk mushroom nothing comes out of nothing. Initially, you will have to borrow or purchase some live bacteria that could grow in favorable conditions. If you already have such bacteria, then to get kefir you need to proceed as follows:

  1. Prepare a glass container in advance, a frequent plastic sieve with small holes (in contact with metal objects, the fungus gets sick);
  2. When everything is ready, it is necessary to pour the mushroom (2 tablespoons) with milk (0.5 l) and put it in a place without access to sunlight, covering it with a dense layer of gauze on top, which protects against litter, but allows oxygen to pass through (a full fermentation cycle requires about 24 hours);
  3. Strain the resulting kefir with a sieve and a wooden spoon (if possible, do not cling the mushrooms);
  4. Rinse the mushroom without removing it from the sieve with running water, getting rid of mucus and other excesses with your hands (density, whiteness and elongation of the bodies indicate the health of the product);
  5. Place the mushroom in a new clean container, pour milk again (if some bodies come up, they can be thrown away, they can no longer perform their function) and cover with gauze.

The fungus grows well in all types of milk, be it from a cow, goat or sheep. The speed of its development is directly related to the fat content of the environment in which it will be located.

In the absence of new milk for pouring, it can be stored in the kefir formed by it in the refrigerator for another two days (then it will “die”). In other cases, rinse the mushroom and change the milk daily. If the product turns brown, then it is spoiled.

Also, do not forget that detergents cannot be used to wash the container that will contain the mushroom.

Recipe for a simple starter for kefir at home

The recipe is really simple, and housewives and young mothers who have not yet gained experience use it with pleasure. Ready-made kefir is used as the basis for fermentation.

Cooking progress:

When buying kefir for this recipe, make sure that it is made from kefir mushroom sourdough (this should be indicated on the package), otherwise the reaction will not work.

How to make a starter for baby kefir

It is desirable (which is quite logical) to make a starter for children's kefir from purchased children's kefir. Pick the one your child likes and use it as a base.


  • children's kefir - 2 tablespoons;
  • milk - 200 ml.

Cooking time: 1 day.

Calorie content: 62 kcal.

Cooking progress:

  1. Boil milk, strain, mix with kefir and leave for 24 hours;
  2. After the specified time, you can make a drink yourself using the resulting sourdough: combine boiled and chilled milk (200 ml) and a blank (100 l);
  3. After 10 hours everything is ready for use.

Live sourdough for homemade curdled milk

IN this case bifidobacteria are used to make starter. This option is especially recommended by pediatricians.


  • milk - 200 ml;
  • bifidobacteria - 1 vial (5 doses);
  • sour cream - 30 g.

Cooking time: 2-3 hours.

Calories: 83 kcal.

Cooking progress:

  1. Milk, boil and cool to 40˚С;
  2. Add bifidobacteria and sour cream, mix everything very carefully;
  3. Infuse for about two to three hours in a warm place;

How to make kefir

To make a drink from the resulting workpiece, you need:

  1. Mix a glass of boiled milk (cooled) and a tablespoon of sourdough;
  2. Keep the mixture at room temperature for half a day;
  3. Remove the finished kefir in the refrigerator;
  4. Store no more than 3 days.

How to store fermented milk?

  • sourdough jar must not be washed using detergents, but it is necessary to sterilize with boiling water;
  • when using a fungus, it is necessary to feed it daily so that it does not die (200 ml of milk per 2 teaspoons of bacteria);
  • sourdough should not be mixed with sugar, this is only suitable for ready-made kefir.

The best option to ensure the safety of kefir starter is to place it in the freezer. Alternatively, you can use the refrigerator, but then the shelf life of the product is reduced by about 1.5 times.

FROM wholesome food the human body receives the energy necessary for life. A dairy product such as kefir contributes to the right process metabolism and improves the condition of the entire digestive system.

When buying it in a store, you cannot be sure of its quality and expiration dates, but having prepared kefir at home, you can safely talk about all the beneficial properties of this milk product.

Many people know the famous kefir diet, they have heard about high content calcium in dairy products. But that's not all beneficial features this drink. Let's look at others in detail:

How to make kefir from milk at home

The main reason for making this drink at home is the content in it ethyl alcohol, harming the human body.

In fresh one day fermented milk product there is not so much alcohol - its concentration is growing every next day, and when buying, it is almost impossible to guarantee the actual production time indicated on the package.

Kefir with sourdough do it yourself

To prepare this drink for the first time, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Cow or goat milk- one litre;
  • Kefir - half a glass;
  • Sugar - one tablespoon.

In a day you will get a delicious homemade drink. Its calorie content will be only 55 kcal.

Starting the cooking process, you need to prepare milk to create house drink. It needs to be boiled and cooled room temperature up to 40º. Carefully remove the resulting foam, add kefir and sugar. The resulting mass must be mixed and poured into a jar.

To start the fermentation process, it is better to put the container in a warm place - near the stove, battery - and cover with a cotton cloth. The drink should stand for a day, and then it will be ready for use.

First preparation healthy drink at home, it starts with the addition of purchased kefir, but for the next time you can leave half a glass of the drink already made by yourself.

Kefir in a slow cooker for children

Many kitchens are bursting with various modern equipment. The multicooker is designed for heating, cooking variety of dishes. Young children love to taste unfamiliar foods - salty, sweet, sour. homemade kefir will appeal not only to adults, but also to a young growing organism.

For cooking you will need:

  • Homemade milk - 2 liters;
  • Boiled water - 1 liter;
  • Children's kefir - ¼ liter.

On average, the cooking process takes about eight hours. The calorie content of the dish is 65 kcal per 100 g.

Taking fresh milk, boil, cool at room temperature.

Baby kefir is best prepared from diluted milk, so add boiled water, stir and boil this mixture again.

After cooling to 40º, pour everything into a special dish for a multicooker, add kefir, mix, cover with a lid. Let it warm up for 10 minutes.

After this time, we leave the future kefir for an hour under the lid, and then turn on the heating again for 10 minutes. Leave the container to cool, pour into bottles and put in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

It is not recommended to give a cold homemade drink to a child, so warm the bottle in warm water, but not in the microwave - a children's sour-milk dish loses all its beneficial properties.

Children love to drink a sweet drink, so you can add sugar, jam, honey, fruits and berries. For breakfast he will great addition to any porridge, bread. It is necessary to use children's kefir within the first 2-3 days.

To create a low-calorie and healthy drink, you can add such types of starter cultures to milk as:

  • Kefir shop;
  • Dry sourdough lactobacilli;
  • Liquid leaven of bifidobacteria;
  • Kefir fungus;
  • sour cream;
  • Previously prepared homemade kefir.

To make kefir from milk at home not only healthy, but also tasty, you need:

The norm of drunk kefir per day is 1-2 glasses. Only by observing it, the body acquires health and benefits. Recipes for making a homemade milk drink are simple and accessible to everyone.

The following video clearly shows how you can easily and simply make kefir from milk at home.

Step 1: prepare the milk.

As for the choice of milk! You can take the ingredient, as with low content fat content, and with high. It only depends on the purpose for which you want to make kefir! If you want to go on a diet, then you can take low-fat milk. And for children, you can take the product and fatter. The cooking process will also depend on what kind of milk will be - fresh or pasteurized. In the first case, the ingredient must be poured into a large saucepan and put on medium heat. Bring the product to a boil, and then turn off the burner and leave it to cool down. up to a temperature of 36-40°C. If we use pasteurized milk, then it must be heated to a temperature of 36-40 ° C, and immediately after that proceed to the next stage of preparation!

Step 2: prepare Homemade kefir.

The temperature of our milk should be warm, but not scalding hot. Pour the ingredient into glass jar and now, in order to start the fermentation process, we choose a kefir product. There are several options! First: pour store-bought kefir with a tablespoon or yogurt or sour cream will also serve as an excellent substitute. Attention: if the packaging indicates ingredients such as bacterial concentrate or starter cultures of lactic acid bacteria, then this kefir is not suitable. The composition should include sourdough on kefir fungi. Only then Homemade kefir will turn out tasty and natural. Second option: you can buy, for example, in a pharmacy, starter cultures of lacto- or bifidobacteria. They usually come in sachets as a powder or liquid. And add required amount into a bowl of warm milk. Mix everything well with a wooden spatula and close tightly with a lid. We leave our future kefir in a warm place. Be sure to cover our jar with a thick cotton cloth so that direct sunlight does not affect the fermentation process. In a day you will be able to enjoy a delicate, fragrant and slightly sour kefir.

Step 3: serve Homemade kefir.

Ready Homemade kefir can be sweetened before serving with a few tablespoons of sugar. Attention: be sure to leave the required amount of kefir, then to fill a new portion fresh food. Drinking 200 milliliters of such a miracle drink a day, your intestinal microflora will improve, not to mention a good mood, as you will feel cheerful. In people who suffer from allergies, symptoms will decrease in a couple of weeks. And besides this, Homemade kefir, with constant use, will improve the condition of the skin and hair. Good appetite!

- - It is very important when preparing Homemade kefir to use wooden spatulas and spoons, as when interacting with metal objects of kefir fungi, the fermentation process slows down.

- - If you use special starter cultures in smaller quantities - up to 2 tablespoons, then the fermentation process can increase up to 1.5-2 days.

- - If you use fresh milk instead of pasteurized, then one more hallmark in the preparation of kefir there will be its smell. Thanks to fresh fresh milk, the smell of the product will be more pronounced sour-milk.

- - In addition to sugar, Homemade kefir can be served with a pinch of vanillin or cinnamon, if you like these spices.

Based on the numerous reviews of nutritionists, sour-milk drinks should be included in the daily diet. They are useful, so today we will tell you how to make delicious and completely natural kefir from milk. Everything is quite simple to implement at home, let's get started.

Kefir from milk: "classic"

  • kefir - 60 ml.
  • high-fat milk - 500-550 ml.

If you wish, you can replace kefir with sourdough, it is used according to the recommendations on the pack.

1. It doesn't matter what kind of milk you use, homemade or purchased, it still needs to be boiled. Pour the product into a saucepan, put on the stove, when the first bubbles appear, remove and cool slightly.

2. Enter kefir (or sourdough, if you use it) into the warm composition. Stir until smooth. Keep in glass, covering the mouth with several layers of gauze.

3. Leave the container in a warm and dark place. Get 8-10 hours. After the allotted time, gently mix the contents, wait another 10 hours.

Kefir from milk and sour cream

  • high-fat sour cream - 140-150 gr.
  • milk - 1 l.

1. Pour the dairy product into a fireproof dish, send it to the stove and wait for the bubbling to begin. Turn off the fire, cool the composition slightly.

2. Enter sour cream, stir, leave the ingredients for souring in a glass container. Be sure to cover the jar with layers of gauze.

3. After 10 hours fermented milk drink he'll be ready. Try! It is suitable for babies who are already 8 months old.

Now you know how to make natural kefir from milk on sour cream sourdough. Everything is simple and clear at home!

The easiest milk kefir recipe

  • kefir - 330 ml.
  • milk - 1 l.

We tell you how to make kefir from milk quickly.

1. Pour the dairy product into a fireproof stew pot. Send to the fire and wait for the start of seething.

2. Remove from the burner, leave for some time for partial cooling. Milk should not be cold or room temperature, rather warm.

3. Pour kefir into it, stir and transfer the contents to glass container for insistence. Tie 3 layers of gauze on the neck, detect 12 hours and taste.

Kefir from milk on sourdough "Narine"

  • "Narine" - 1 bottle
  • milk - 1.5 l.

The whole process is conditionally divided into 2 steps: the preparation of the starter and the kefir itself.

1. First we make a starter. Measure half a liter of milk, send it to the stove and boil for 15 minutes. Turn off, cool to 38-40 degrees.

2. Sterilize the jar, pour this milk into it and enter the starter according to the recipe. Leave for 16 hours until creamy and viscous. Cool, send to the refrigerator and keep there.

4. Record 10-12 hours, infuse a fermented milk drink in warmth and darkness. After the specified time, move the contents to the cold for 2 hours and try.

Leftover sourdough can be used as needed. Kefir is allowed to be kept in the refrigerator for no longer than 3 days.

Kefir from milk with bifidobacteria

  • Bifidobacteria - 5 Servings (1 Bottle)
  • milk - 0.4 l.
  • high-fat sour cream - 30 gr.

1. Measure out 0.15 liters. milk, boil it for a quarter of an hour. Cool slightly, stir in sour cream with bifidocteria. Leave for 3.5 hours.

2. After the specified time, connect the remains dairy product with ready-made infused sourdough in the amount of 30 ml. Stir and wait 12 hours. After this time, kefir will be ready.

Homemade kefir is a tasty, healthy and completely natural fermented milk drink. It is easy to make it on your own, using milk, sour cream or bifidobacteria. Try and experiment!