Millet porridge for babies recipe. Rice flour porridge. A recipe for making simple buckwheat porridge for babies.

In the first months of life, the child eats mother's milk or an artificial mixture. At a certain age, you need to introduce complementary foods, because the child needs to grow and develop, for this breast milk and artificial mixture is not enough. The expansion of the diet is carried out with the help of cereals and vegetable purees. Somewhat later, cottage cheese, meat and fruit puree are introduced.

We present part of Magdalena Pashova's holistic diet recipe from her book More Healthy Kids. All about nutrition from birth to two years. For cooking applesauce you need 1 apple, peeled, peeled and diced. Place the apple in the steamer and turn it on for 5 minutes. Pass it as if it were served with milk or milk. Alternatively, place the apple in a small saucepan and cover it with water. Once the water boils, reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes.

Pasta prepared in this way can be frozen in ice molds or special freezer containers for baby food, and then used in different combinations. To improve the taste of the puree, you can add a cinnamon stick to the pot and remove it before cooking. The perfect addition to fruit puree is Coconut oil. This highly digestible fat is direct food for your baby's brain, but it also supports peristalsis and helps break down fruit fructose and gradually enter the bloodstream without causing sudden changes in blood sugar.

How to cook porridge for babies?

All over the world, pediatricians believe that it is necessary to start feeding porridge from the age of five months. Naturally, you do not need to impose a full plate and stuff the baby with porridge until he becomes ill. A new dish should be tested in the amount of two teaspoons. The task of complementary foods is to introduce the little man to new food. You can not introduce complementary foods if the child does not feel well after vaccination or is ill.

Similarly, you can prepare. Other monopusts: pear, peach, apricot, nectarine and blueberry. Two-component purees: apple and pear, apple and blueberry, banana and peach, pear and apricot, etc. After the first 6-8 weeks, when the baby has started to get used to solid flour, the same purees can be prepared by directing the fruit without heat treatment.

When the grain is introduced, you can start mixing fruit with boiled buckwheat, cinnamo, amaranth, or millet before inserting or adding fruit puree to various pulps. This is the simplest and fast way make the puree suitable for a few days when you do not reach the time, or you are with a child outside. All you have to do is peel and crush the fruit. Avocado and banana are the first raw fruit that you can offer your child because they are easy to digest.

Porridge is a source of carbohydrates, protein and minerals. From five months to three, children must eat porridge. The most delicious is semolina, but doctors consider it harmful for children, especially for those who have not yet turned one year old. If the baby is constantly fed with it, he will develop colitis or chronic gastritis. Semolina interferes with the absorption of calcium and vitamin D.

Later, you can do the same with pear, soft peach, melon, etc. Here are some interesting combinations you can try. When the little guy gets 9-10 months old, offer him a direct bite of soft fruit instead of mashing.

Green vegetables are very rich useful substances but contain oxylates that block the absorption of iron and calcium and are difficult to digest for a tender baby's stomach. Therefore, it is advisable to subject them heat treatment for almost 2 years. It is best to put them in the steamer for 3-5 minutes or lightly fry them in a small amount.

One of the most useful is buckwheat porridge. It is easily absorbed by the baby's stomach and is the most nutritious. Buckwheat contains potassium, protein, magnesium, iron and phosphorus.

How to cook porridge for babies? This question is easy to answer. It is necessary to pour milk into a ladle, boil it, then make slow fire and gradually introduce the grits. In order for the porridge not to burn, you need to stir it all the time. Recently, many mothers use multicookers, in which you can cook porridge for the whole family without any extra effort and waste of time.

More recently, a canal has been discovered in Bulgaria. This unique green foliage plant is extremely rich in juices, and in addition, 1 cup of potassium contains only 2 milligrams of oxylates. In comparison, a cup of spinach has 656 mg of oxylates, according to the Harvard Medical School School of Medicine. So, if you get caught, just plug it into your child's menu.

Kale with yolk and avocado

Peel the cabbage leaves from the handles and lychee and tear them off small pieces. Place in steamer for 5 minutes or in boiling water for 3 minutes. Pour along with the yolk and avocado.

Kale banana and cottage cheese

Add cottage cheese and stir. Spinach with egg yolk and goat cheese. small piece goat cheese.

When to give porridge to the baby?

The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding children up to two years of age. This does not mean that apart from milk, the baby should not receive anything else, complementary foods are introduced at five months. Gradually, the menu becomes more varied, and the portions become larger. The age at which complementary foods are introduced depends on individual features a child, some even at seven months do not want to eat anything but milk and at the same time feel good and gain weight.

Scrambled eggs with leafy greens

Wash the spinach and clean the stems. Place in steam or boiling water for 3-4 minutes. Rinse out with water and puree with other products. 1-2 tbsp soft goat cheese or whole milk cottage cheese. Mix well for 1-2 minutes. Add fried egg and stir for a few more minutes until done.

Serve with cheese or cottage cheese. After the first 5-6 months of feeding, a lot of food has already been introduced into the baby's menu, which allows you to take more and more complex combinations. In addition, with the advent of teeth and the use of solid foods, there is no longer any need to mix and suppress, and baby foods are increasingly starting to look like standard dishes in which foods are cut very well. It is time to look for variety and offer interesting new flavors. Delicious bulbs are much more receptive at this age, and children accustomed to a variety of foods from very young ones eat more willingly and rarely develop rancor.

When to give porridge to the baby? If a child looks with curiosity at an adult who is eating something, then the time has come for the introduction of complementary foods. The reflex of pushing food out with the tongue should change to a swallowing reflex. The appearance of the first tooth is a signal that the baby is already ready to grind and grind food. Some mothers introduce complementary foods at this time.

It is important, however, not to forget that children on the road still have special nutritional needs, and also monitor the gradual introduction of new products. Try at least one meal a day to contain complete protein and don't save fat for kids.

Here are some examples of baby food recipes with meat. If you are preparing recipes for younger children, you can skip those ingredients that are not included in the child's menu and mash the stew. Simmer the onion for 1-2 minutes in a small piece of gui. Add the rest of the vegetables, meat and thyme. Wait for the boil, turn off the pot and simmer over low heat until the meat is done.

Porridge for babies recipes

The easiest way is to dilute a special porridge for babies in boiling water. After all, what is sold in children's stores is designed specifically for kids. These cereals are expensive, but they last a long time. At first, the baby will not eat much.

If it is not possible to buy special children's porridge, you can cook it from ordinary cereals. Simply preparing porridge for babies, recipes can be found on the Internet or in a special cookbook.

Wild salmon with carrots and zucchini

Peel and cut vegetables and fish finely. Pour the broth into a saucepan and place on a hot plate. Add pumpkin and carrots and simmer for 5 minutes. Add zucchini and salmon and cook for another 10 minutes. Pour little kids and cook some Himalayan salt for children over 12 months old.

Veal with root vegetables

When you offer red meat to a child, pair it well with root vegetables such as carrots, parsnips, and celery. Pumpkin, sweet potato and peas are also combined with beef. Cut all vegetables into small cubes. Add meat and stir until dark. Pour in the broth and tomato paste together with bay leaf in a saucepan.

How to cook oatmeal? Need not a large number of bring water to a boil, then sort and wash the cereal, which then needs to be poured into boiling water. When the porridge is cooked, it should be discarded on a sieve and rubbed. Then added boiled milk, and all this mass boils again. Before serving, you can add a teaspoon of butter or fruit puree. V oatmeal a lot of potassium, phosphorus, protein, iron, magnesium and B vitamins.

Baby chicken curry

Wait for the boil and simmer until the meat is done. Children food should not be harmful to health. The addition of spices opens up a child's world to new tastes and helps them be more experimental with food. Cut all vegetables and meat into small cubes.

Colorful rabbit stew

Melt a small piece of ghee in the bottom of a deep saucepan. Add onion and garlic and smoke for 1-2 minutes. Add meat and other vegetables and mix well for another 2 minutes. Rabbit meat is easily digested by babies, and it is not difficult to find a domestic rabbit in Bulgaria. For your convenience, you can buy a whole rabbit, boil it in salt water and divide the meat and broth into 4-5 pieces to freeze and use in various soups and stews like this.

Porridge for babies should be prepared in the following proportions: per 100 ml vegetable broth or water you need to take a teaspoon of cereal. Rice and buckwheat are poured into cold water, and oat flakes and semolina in boiling water.

Buckwheat porridge for babies

Buckwheat porridge is considered hypoallergenic and nutritious, so it can be introduced first. Buckwheat is rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, iodine, PP and B vitamins. It contains protein and 18 amino acids.

8-10 lycopene-free green beans. Clean and finely chop all vegetables. Place the broth along with the spices in a suitable burner. Wait until boiling and add vegetables. Reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Remove the pot from the hot plate, add the meat and stir.

Before serving, remove the thyme and Bay leaf. The stew is suitable for the whole family. If you decide to use it for baby only, you can put it in multiple jars and store it using the vacuum method. 3-4 peeled and chopped tomatoes.

Boil the pasta as directed on the package. Heat a small piece of gee to the bottom of a deep saucepan and simmer the vegetables for 2 minutes. Add meat and mix well until it darkens. Mix pasta with sauce and grated parmesan cheese. Simmer onion and garlic in a deep saucepan with a small piece of ghee for 3-4 minutes. Add peppers and carrots, cut into thin slices and cook for 1-2 minutes. Add minced meat and mix well until it darkens. Pour the puree and broth into the saucepan and cook for another 10 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and distribute in fireproof bowls.

Buckwheat porridge for babies is easy to prepare. First, the cereals need to be sorted out, then washed and dried. After it is completely dry, the cereal must be turned into flour with a coffee grinder or blender. Next, 100 ml of water is poured into the pan and a teaspoon of ground cereal is poured, brought to a boil and boiled over low heat for about fifteen minutes. Then you should pour a little milk and cool. Such porridge can be drunk from a bottle, because it turns out to be liquid. When the baby begins to eat with a spoon, for 100 ml of liquid you need to take two teaspoons of cereal.

Remove the bones from the fish and cut into small pieces. Boil potatoes with egg, salt and pepper. Add fish and parsley and make small meatballs with wet hands. Of course, a varied diet suggests that in children's menu there is also fresh food, which can also be perfectly balanced in terms of proteins, fats and easily degradable carbohydrates. Here are some sample recipes.

Rizoto with cinema and vegetables

Cinema is one of the first grains you can offer your child. It is the only plant with complete protein and is especially suitable for children on vegetarian diets. You can make the same recipe with basmati rice and millet.

Since the year, cereals can no longer be ground. Half a glass of buckwheat should be sorted out and washed, pour buckwheat into a saucepan and pour a glass of boiling water. After the buckwheat boils, it is necessary to drain the water and pour new water. Boil for thirty minutes, towards the end of cooking, add a little milk and sugar.

Corn porridge for babies

Corn porridge can be given from eight months. Corn is not as healthy as buckwheat, but it has a lot of fiber that works in the stomach like a vacuum cleaner. If the baby's tummy swells and it is assumed that he is undergoing a fermentation process, you need to introduce corn porridge into the diet.

fried zucchini

3-4 ripe tomatoes, peeled and diced. Boil the kinnama for 15 minutes in water or broth, add 4 minutes before adding the peas. Add tomatoes, wait for the sauce to simmer and simmer for 10 minutes. Add the boiled kino to the sauce along with the corn and basil and stir well before serving. Slice the zucchini and finely chop the pepper. Beat eggs with a fork and mix with vegetables, parsley and shredded cheese. Fritt is suitable for the whole family.

Red lentils with dried tomatoes

Soak lentils and dried tomatoes first. Massage the finely chopped leek in a small amount for 1-2 minutes. Add water-dried lentils and dried tomatoes along with cumin and mix well. Add sesame tahan and puree.

Corn porridge for babies is prepared as follows. First of all, you need to rinse the cereal and fill it with water. After boiling, cook over low heat for thirty minutes. If it turns out that the corn is hard, you need to cook more. At the end, you can add milk, sugar, butter and run it all through a blender.

Rice porridge for babies

In order to cook rice porridge, you need to take twenty grams rice flour, fifty milliliters of water, a glass of milk and a teaspoon of sugar. It is not necessary to run around the shops in search of rice flour, you can simply grind rice groats in a coffee grinder. Rice flour is bred in cold water, then gradually poured into boiling milk. In order to avoid lumps, porridge must be stirred all the time. Cooking time is five minutes.

Constipation of broccoli and cauliflower

3-4 tbsp grated cheese Parmesan. Mix vegetables and cream. Before spreading, you can gently grind with a fork. Constipation is suitable for the whole family.

Pasta with vegetables

A cup of tomato paste. Add tomatoes or tomato paste and simmer for 8-10 minutes to thicken. Mix pasta with sauce, fresh basil and cheese. Cut the onion, pepper and parsley finely. Add pepper and cook for 1-2 minutes. Pour the grated tomato into the pan, wait for it to boil and simmer for 7-8 minutes to thicken.

Mini omelettes with goat cheese

Beat the egg and add it to the puree with finely chopped parsley. In a large bowl, whisk the eggs along with the coriander and salt. Grate the cheese and add it to the egg mixture along with green onions. Divide into 2 bowls and add 2 peas. Place the omelet in the oven for 20 minutes.

Rice porridge for babies can be fraught with constipation, so you can give it rarely and in small portions.

Semolina porridge for babies

Semolina porridge is considered the least useful of all cereals. It contains nothing but starch. Many children love semolina because it is delicious, especially if you boil it in milk and add jam.

Semolina porridge for babies at first becomes liquid, gradually its consistency becomes thicker. It is better not to give it to children under one year old, since semolina contains substances that are poorly digested in the stomach and can lead to various diseases digestive system.

Milk porridge for babies

Parents should remember that proper nutrition is the health of their children. Soups, cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables should be in the child's diet every day.

Milk porridge for babies is not prepared immediately. First you need to give dairy-free cereals, or add low-fat baby milk, expressed breast milk or formula.

Gluten is a vegetable protein found in oats, wheat, rye and barley. It is difficult to digest and assimilate, often causes allergies, especially in babies in the first six months of life. Too early introduction of gluten into the baby's diet will lead to indigestion and stool disorders.

For children for the first feeding, as well as for babies prone to food allergies, it is recommended to eat gluten-free cereals. In addition, they are suitable for people with problems in the work of the intestines, with intolerance to gluten and other foods, with some neurological diseases.

Porridge is introduced into complementary foods for babies for the sixth or seventh month. First, choose gluten-free cereals on the water. Milk product with gluten is not recommended to be introduced earlier than ten months, and some pediatricians advise postponing the intake of such food for at least a year. Especially such recommendations apply to semolina, as it is considered the most dangerous for the well-being of a small child. For more information on the introduction of complementary foods for babies, see.

Gluten free cereals

  • Buckwheat porridge rarely causes allergies, so it is recommended to choose buckwheat to start feeding with cereals. She has a high nutritional value, contains phosphorus and potassium, iron and magnesium, B vitamins and other important useful elements. This is the most healthy porridge with a low starch content, so it is well absorbed. Buckwheat has a positive effect on digestion, the condition of hair and nails. But children and adults are not recommended to eat buckwheat porridge with milk, since such a dish is very difficult to digest;
  • Corn porridge contains a large amount of starch, but after long cooking it is easily and well digested. It eliminates problems with the intestines, improves digestion and eliminates constipation, strengthens muscles and blood vessels, helps with skin diseases and hair loss. Corn grits are characterized by a reduced risk of allergies and low calorie. It is permissible to eat up to two times a week;
  • Rice porridge is also rich in starch, although it is still easily digestible. It removes toxins and salts, cleanses and renews the body. Stimulates brain activity and strengthens nervous system improves the condition of hair and skin. Dairy-free rice porridge rarely causes allergies. However, cereals are not recommended for severe constipation, diabetes and with increased weight. Rice is given to children from seven to eight months.

How to introduce gluten-free porridge into complementary foods

Dairy-free gluten-free porridge is allowed for babies at the age of six months, for an artificial man at 4-5 months and is introduced after vegetable puree. First they give buckwheat and rice, then corn grits. The consistency of the porridge should be liquid and without lumps. Therefore, after cooking, the finished dish should be crushed as much as possible.

If there is no negative reaction, porridge can be given further. For babies with constipation, it is better to give buckwheat, with an unstable stool - rice. The daily norm for a baby at eight months is 160-170 grams, by 10 months it increases to 180 grams, and up to 200 per year.

It is advisable to make porridge for feeding yourself and cook it again before each feeding. Ready meal and any other food for a small child should not be heated in microwave oven and keep in the refrigerator for more than a day! If necessary, food is heated in a water bath.

After eight months, cereals are mixed with chopped vegetables, fruits and dried fruits, meat and minced fish. Closer to the year include dairy, gluten and multi-grain cereals, if the child does not have food allergies and problems with the stool.

How to cook porridge for babies

At first, porridge for infants is boiled only in water. At the same time, it is important to use minimal amount salt, do not put spices. For taste, add a little breast milk or two or three drops. vegetable oil. When preparing, keep in mind that daily rate sugar for children up to a year is 20-25 grams, for children under three years old - up to 50 grams, up to seven years old - up to 55 grams.

To prepare porridge, thoroughly rinse the cereal and use a metal dish with a thick bottom. Before cooking, you can grind the cereal in a coffee grinder, then it will cook faster. The ground product is slowly added to the boiling water, constantly stirring in one direction only to avoid lumps. The finished dish is left for 5-10 minutes under the lid.

It is not necessary to cook the dish yourself, you can buy ready-made. Manufacturers offer dozens different formulations and tastes of cereals for children of all ages. Before buying, be sure to check the composition and expiration date. Do not take food containing fructose and sucrose, milk powder and preservatives, vanillin and other dangerous substances. During the period when the baby eats only gluten-free cereals, choose foods with added calcium and vitamin D. Choose foods that are designed for a specific age of the child. These data are indicated on the packaging.

The best gluten-free cereals for babies

Brand Characteristic Price
Heinz Wide range of gluten-free dairy and dairy-free porridge, meals with various additives, easy to dissolve and does not leave lumps, pleasant taste and flavor From 18 rubles (30 gr)
Grandma's basket Safe and optimal composition for babies, pleasant taste, contains minerals and beneficial probiotics 150 rubles (200 gr)
hipp Introduced gluten-free and dairy-free nutrition, contains useful minerals and vitamins, soothing herbs that promote sleep from 160 rubles (250 gr)
FrutoNanny A wide range of gluten-free dry, liquid and prepared foods, convenient packaging and safe ingredients, good value for money From 75 rubles (250 gr)
Baby A wide range of products that includes medicinal cereals to improve bowel function, suitable for children with lactase deficiency, the minimum amount of sucrose From 94 rubles (200 gr)
Nestle Large selection of products and balanced composition, easy to digest and assimilate from 96 rubles (200 gr)
Agusha Dry and cooked porridges, easy to dilute, but have a short shelf life, contain salt and sugar 32 rubles (200 ml)
Winnie Natural composition, no smell and convenient packaging, but parents complain about the rough texture and the difficulty of breeding 95 rubles (220 gr)
Friso Delicate texture, pleasant aroma and taste, economical consumption and well stirred, but contains sucrose from 90 rubles (250 gr)
diaper Various flavors, odorless, dissolve easily and without lumps, but contain sugar, therefore not recommended for children prone to allergies, and for the first feeding from 100 rubles (250 gr)
baby Pleasant taste and affordable price, but contain a small percentage of milk, and each product may contain traces of gluten, which is contraindicated for children with severe allergies, does not dilute well and leave lumps from 85 rubles (200 gr)
Humana Gluten-free diet, but includes glucose and fructose, so it is undesirable to give in the first complementary foods from 110 rubles (250 gr)

Each manufacturer presented in the rating has passed research and is approved for use by babies in European countries and Russia. But remember that children are different and may react differently to the same product. Before choosing, consult with a pediatrician. He will select the type of food depending on the individual development of the child.