Herring under a fur coat and the correct sequence of layers. How to cook herring salad under a fur coat

Salad herring under a fur coat - the most New Year's salad. It's like Olivier, without which there is little to eat on New Year's Eve. By the way, about Olivier, leafing through some pages that interest me, I came across one blog http://bitbat.ru/, where there are a lot of salad recipes, there is also an Olivier recipe, if you are interested. I thought, I need to take note, it will suddenly come in handy for the New Year holidays, if not for me, then maybe for my friends and acquaintances.

Herring under a Fur Coat - favourite dish for several generations of people, for some this recipe is no longer festive, but everyday.

Check out the basic salad recipes today!

Do you have your own "classic" cooking option? Is it really a recognized classic?

For any person, the classic is long familiar, their own. We offer today to expand knowledge about "Herring under a fur coat"!

Herring under a fur coat with potatoes, carrots, beets and eggs

What will be required?

  • Fish or fillet - 1 pc.
  • Potato - 3 pcs.
  • Carrot - 2 pcs.
  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise sauce

How to cook?

First, boil the vegetables in their skins until soft. First, carrots

then beets

You also need to cut the herring into small pieces.

We rub the potatoes on a grater.

We grind carrots

and beets.

We chop the onion.

It is required to pour boiling water over it so that the bitter aftertaste is gone.

We begin to collect the ingredients for the salad. First put the potatoes, add mayonnaise on top.

Then put the chopped herring fillet and mayonnaise.

Top with finely chopped onion.

After that, finely chopped egg, on top - sauce.

Then we put carrots and mayonnaise sauce

Put the beets on top of the carrots, draw nice figures from the sauce, decorate with vegetables and nuts.

The classic recipe for herring under a fur coat without eggs

What will be required?

  • Herring fillet or herring - 0.4 kg.
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Potato - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 2 pcs
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise sauce - 200 ml.

How to cook?

The herring must be cut, the bones removed

and cut into small cubes.

Meanwhile, cook the vegetables in their skins until soft and peel.

Put the potatoes, chopped on a grater, on the bottom of the dish, add the sauce on top.

Lay the onion on top.

Upstairs - herring fillet, put mayonnaise sauce.

Grated carrots, put on top of the fish layer, sauce on top.

We complete the salad with beets, draw various figures on it with sauce and decorate

fruits, vegetables and nuts. Amazing Recipe New Year's menu is ready!

Step-by-step classic recipe for herring under a fur coat

Herring under a fur coat is a very popular recipe, especially on new year holidays. Today we present to your attention an unusual option. famous dish with the addition of apples.

What will be required?

  • Herring fillet - 400 g
  • Beets - 100 g
  • Potato - 3 pcs.
  • Carrot - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise sauce - 200 mg.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Balsamic vinegar - 1 tsp

How to cook?

Boil vegetables ahead of time.

We put the potatoes chopped on a grater on a dish, a little sauce on top.

top mayonnaise

Then you need pickled onions. To prepare it, chop the onion and soak in a solution of salt, sugar and vinegar for a few minutes.

Place the onion on top of the potatoes.

Put diced herring on top, a little sauce.

Then put the grated carrots, brush with sauce.

On top of the carrots, place a sweet apple, grated on coarse grater, mayonnaise sauce on top.

Place an egg on the apple, on this layer mayonnaise sauce don't be sorry.

The final layer will be beets, also coat it.

Decorate the salad to your liking!

Herring under a fur coat - a classic recipe with an egg

It is difficult to imagine a New Year's feast without this salad. Each housewife has her own secrets and cooking preferences. Someone cooks with an apple, someone cooks a classic version. I want to offer you a herring under a fur coat with an egg. In my opinion, in this version, the salad turns out to be more tender and airy.

What will be required?

  • Herring fillet - 300 gr.
  • Potatoes - 250-300 gr.
  • Carrots - 300 gr.
  • Beets - 300 gr.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise sauce

How to cook?

We prepare vegetables: cook in a peel until cooked, first beets

then carrots and potatoes.

then cool in water, grind separately on a grater.

Hard boil the eggs, rub the yolks and whites separately.

We cut the fish into small cubes.

We will collect the salad from the layers on the dish:

  • 1 layer: herring + onion + mayonnaise.

  • 2 layer: potatoes + mayonnaise.

  • 3 layer: proteins.
  • 4 layer: carrots + mayonnaise.

  • 5 layer: beets + mayonnaise + yolks.

  • Decorate the salad with your choice of nuts, fruits or vegetables.

Good afternoon, dear readers. is coming New Year more and more worries. Any hostess is already starting to make new year menu, comes up with something new. Today we’ll talk about another traditional salad: herring salad under a fur coat. How could it be without him.

We have already analyzed traditional salads, such as and, and were able to understand that if the classic recipe is already tired, boring, then you can change the composition and you get some kind of classic recipe, but in a new way, with new tastes.

It's hard to say, but I think it's clear. Let's see how you can cook herring under a fur coat in a new way, not like you did before. After all, every housewife has her own secrets of cooking this dish. And so let's get started.

Features of herring salad under a fur coat.

Herring under a fur coat

Before describing the recipes, I want to focus a little on the history of the origin of the salad and its benefits. The basis of this salad is, of course, herring. Once this fish was the lot of only poor people and monks. All because it smelled strongly and was not very tasty. From here and the cheapness of fish.

But everything changed when one fisherman realized that the gills were the cause of the bad taste and smell. If you remove them, then the taste changes. In addition, there are many useful elements in this fish, and what can I say, fish is always very useful for the body. Moreover, there are a lot of such fish in the waters, at least it used to be so.

According to legend, for the first time a salad ball was served in the network of canteens and taverns of the Moscow merchant Anastas Bogomilov. The main visitors to his establishments were not the most luxurious audience - workers and peasants. It was not a quiet time in the yard then - 1918.

In connection with that time, the components of the salad looked like this: herring (the favorite food of the proletarians), carrots, onions and potatoes (represented the peasants), beets (similar in color to the Bolshevik banner), and served as a dressing french sauce provence. The success of the new dish, called "SH.U.B.A" ("Chauvinism and Decadence Fight and Anathema"), was simply deafening.

Thanks to the composition rich in vegetables, herring salad under a fur coat enriches the body with many vitamins and amino acids, improves intestinal motility, promotes the removal of toxins and increases the amount of hemoglobin. And the calorie content of the classic version of "Fur Coat" is 193 kcal per 100 g (in many ways, the calorie content of the salad depends on mayonnaise).

Important features of preparation.

Herring under a Fur Coat

For salad boiled potatoes, beets and carrots. According to tradition, they are boiled "in uniform". And not with a simple, so they better keep their beneficial features. To save time, beets can be prepared in any convenient way. Beets "do not boil", it is a unique vegetable. Well, now many have multicookers, which significantly save time and energy.

Today, vegetables are rubbed and cut into cubes, as it suits you. But the original recipe insists on rubbing vegetables on a coarse grater.

It is better to grate vegetables directly on weight, over a salad bowl. So the fur coat turns out to be more airy.

Herring salad under a fur coat consists of several layers: potatoes, herring, onions, carrots and beets. But the sequence differs among the hostesses in two ways. In the first case, herring is placed on the bottom, and then potatoes and other layers.

In the second version, half the potatoes are placed on the bottom, and then the herring and the rest of the layers. This option is better in my opinion. Through trial and error, it turned out that this way the potato is better saturated with the taste of the herring, and it is already under a fur coat from all sides.

There is another tricky way to achieve salad splendor. To do this, the layers are repeated 2-3 times. It turns out that at first I lay out everything in order, but with a thin layer, then repeat the order 2 more times, approximately. So the salad looks very festive in the context. Write in the comments how you lay out the layers of this salad?

Herring salad under a fur coat is prepared quite simply, although it takes a lot of time. In order for your Shuba salad to be a success, we have prepared some tips from experienced housewives.

Classic salad recipe.

Fur coat herring - classic

Well, according to tradition, the first thing we will describe is the classic version of the herring salad recipe under a fur coat. I'll try to keep as much as possible original recipe. If something is written wrong, write about it in the comments.


  1. Herring - 1 pc;
  2. Beets - 2 pcs;
  3. Potatoes - 4 pcs;
  4. Onion - 1 pc;
  5. Carrots - 1 pc;
  6. Lemon juice or 9% vinegar - 1/2 teaspoon;
  7. Mayonnaise "Provencal" - 150 ml;
  8. Salt to taste;
  9. Chicken egg - 1 pc (optional).

Step 1.

Boil vegetables, preferably in a "uniform". Boil until cooked, cool and clean. If using an egg, then hard boil it.

We cook vegetables in uniform, then clean

Step 2

Herring is better to use barrel, it is tastier than from a can. We wash the fish and clean it from the insides and bones.

Step 3

Now we begin to collect the lettuce in layers. The first layer will be potatoes. We take half the potatoes, peel and grate (I have 2 tubers). Rub right over the salad bowl.

By the way, you need to immediately form the shape of the salad. Someone makes an elongated oval (in the form of a fish), someone makes a square or a circle. It doesn't matter what your heart desires, just do it.

Step 4

Now pour plenty of mayonnaise and a spoon on top, gently smear evenly. But just do not press down so that the salad turns out to be airy.

We rub potatoes, mayonnaise on top, spread evenly without pressing

Step 5

Now we cut the herring into medium-sized cubes. You do not need to cut finely to feel the taste of herring. We spread the herring on top of the potatoes, and pour over the mayonnaise. But we don't smear it. You can pour the mayonnaise with a net, you can just do whatever you like.

Cut the herring into cubes, not very finely
Step 6

Now cut into cubes onion, lay it out in the third layer. Then we spray lemon juice or vinegar. Top with a little mayonnaise and spread with a thin layer.

Onions and some mayonnaise on top

If the onion is bitter, then it can be scalded with boiling water and squeeze out excess moisture.

Step 7

Put the fourth layer of carrots. On a coarse grater, rub it directly on the salad. Top with mayonnaise and spread without pressing.

Carrots and Mayonnaise

Step 8

Put the remaining potatoes in the next layer. Also rubbing on a coarse grater right on top. Salt to taste (about 2 pinches). Pour with mayonnaise and spread without pressing.

Put the rest of the potatoes

Step 9.

Well, we put the beets with the last layer, rubbing on a coarse grater. Top with mayonnaise and spread with a spoon without pressing.

Beets and mayonnaise

Step 10

Now you need to decorate the salad on top. We have a boiled egg. It can be grated on top.

In general, at this stage, you need to turn on the fantasy. Salad herring salad under a fur coat can be decorated as you like: with a mayonnaise net, bell pepper, figurines of vegetables, sprinkle with herbs .... Duck whatever, the main thing is to look festive.

Step 11

So that the layers are properly saturated with sauce. You need to put the salad in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. After that, you can put on a festive (traditionally New Year's) table.

Herring salad under a fur coat with olives and garnished with pomegranate.

Herring under a fur coat with pomegranate

We will need:

  1. Herring - 1 pc;
  2. Potato - 4 pcs;
  3. Eggs - 4 pcs;
  4. Carrots - 3 pcs;
  5. Beets - 1 pc large;
  6. Apple - 1 pc;
  7. Pitted olives - 100 gr;
  8. Peeled pomegranate - 1/2 medium;
  9. Green onions - 1 bunch;
  10. Mayonnaise.

Step 1.

We will not describe in great detail, everything is the same as in classic recipe. We start with vegetables, boil them. Eggs are also boiled immediately. When ready, take out, cool and peel.

Step 2

We prepare the ingredients. We clean the herring, leave only the boneless fillet, cut the middle slices into pieces.

Step 3

Finely chop the onion. Cut the olives into slices. We clean the apple and rub it on a coarse grater. We also rub the vegetables on a coarse grater. From eggs we need only the yolk. It can be grated on a fine grater or mashed with a fork.

Step 4

Laying out the layers. First, half the potatoes - mayonnaise - a little onion - herring - mayonnaise - carrots - the rest of the potatoes - mayonnaise - olives - apple - egg - beets - mayonnaise - richly decorate with pomegranate.

Step 5

Put in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. After you can serve.

Roll herring under a fur coat.

herring under a fur coat

From one more interesting option how to serve herring salad under a fur coat in small portions. This will especially appeal to those who love rolls very much. The recipe itself does not change much, the form and method of serving change significantly.


  1. Herring - 1 pc;
  2. Potatoes - 1-2 pieces (depending on size);
  3. Carrots - 1-2 pieces (depending on size);
  4. Beets - 1-2 pieces (depending on size);
  5. Onion - 1 pc;
  6. Noria algae - 2 sheets;
  7. Hard cheese - 1 tablespoon;
  8. Vinegar, preferably balsamic;
  9. Mayonnaise.

Step 1.

We start as usual: boil vegetables. When ready, cool and clean. We rub the vegetables on a coarse grater.

Step 2

Cleaning herring. We leave the fillet without bones. Cut into lengthwise strips. By the way, you can already buy finished fillet.

cut herring

Step 3.

We cut the onion in half rings. Then pour boiling water over, drain the water and pour it with vinegar.

Step 4

Now it is desirable to use a bamboo mat. We put a noria sheet on it. Rough side up. We put grated beets on it, then carrots and grease with mayonnaise.

spread the beets and grease with mayonnaise

Step 5

Now add cheese and potatoes. We tamp and grease with mayonnaise. Squeeze the onion and lay it on the potatoes.

Step 6

Approximately in the middle of the sheet we put a strip of herring. Now carefully roll up the roll. It should be dense, so it is better to use a bamboo mat. It is possible and cling film.

lay out the herring and twist tightly

Step 7

Now we send the salad in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. The noria sheet will soften, but it will keep its shape perfectly.

Cut into rolls before serving. They are served cold.

For today I have everything. A fairly simple recipe, and most importantly very useful. In addition to all this, with such a salad, you can come up with a lot of options for layers, decorations for serving salad on the table, and so on. The main thing is to leave the base: herring, vegetables. The rest is a complete flight of fancy.

Updated: September 26, 2018 by: Subbotin Pavel

It is difficult to imagine any feast without tasty and bright salads. But even on ordinary weekdays, there will always be a place for such dishes on the table. They perfectly diversify the usual diet, help to make the menu more interesting. Salads are to the taste of both adults and children, and now you can find on the net great amount such dishes. But there are a number classic options that have remained relevant for many years. The dish under consideration today is just one of those. Consider, rather, how a herring is prepared under a fur coat, classic step by step recipe and the sequence of layers for which we present below.

Classic recipe

hearty and delicious salad“herring under a fur coat” is prepared from completely ordinary ingredients, most of which are always in our refrigerator. It requires salted herring fillet, potatoes with beets and carrots, onions, and mayonnaise. Yes, the classic salad is seasoned with mayonnaise, and you will need a lot of it. After all, a significant amount of sauce in the finished dish will ensure optimal impregnation of the layers and, accordingly, a rich and harmonious taste.

The classic "herring under a fur coat" is stacked exclusively in layers. At the same time, their alternation plays important role, so the layers are arranged in a certain sequence, which is clearly described in the recipe.

salad ingredients

To prepare a tasty and rich dish, you need to prepare a couple of salted herrings, three or four potatoes, a couple of red beets and a couple of carrots. Also, readers of "Popular about Health" should stock up on one medium onion, mayonnaise, water, or vegetable oil. In some situations, salt can be used, but usually, the salinity of herring and mayonnaise is enough to get a harmonious taste of the finished dish.

Recipe "sledk under a fur coat" step by step

Cooking features

Many housewives, when preparing “herring under a fur coat”, prefer to boil vegetables (potatoes, beets and carrots). But in order for the taste of the salad to be especially rich and rich, you should try baking them in the oven. At the same time, all root crops must be washed with a stiff brush (to thoroughly clean the vegetables, you can soak them in water for a while in advance - they seem to turn sour) and dry. Next, they must be wrapped in foil (each separately), put on a baking sheet and bake until fully cooked.

While the vegetables are cooking, prepare the herring. For this purpose, you need to cut off the head of the fish with fins and tail. After that, you should carefully pry off the skin near the head and remove it from the whole herring. It may well be that you won’t be able to remove all the skin at a time, in which case you need to act in stages, eliminating it in separate pieces.

In the middle part of the abdomen of the cleaned fish, make a longitudinal incision and remove all the insides and the black film from it. Milk and caviar, if they are present in the fish, put on a separate plate - they can later be used to make sandwiches. Discard the insides.

Next, carefully cut the herring along the ridge into two equal fillet halves. Separate the ridge from the pulp, carefully remove all the bones from it (for this it is convenient to use ordinary tweezers). Grind the resulting fillet into medium-sized cubes or thin straws.

During this time, the vegetables will have time to cook. They need to be cooled and cleaned, all black dots and other inclusions should be carefully cut out. Next, start chopping vegetables. To make the “herring under a fur coat” especially tasty and airy, you need to grate the potatoes on a rather large grater. But, it is worth noting that in the classic salad recipe, this vegetable is offered to be cut into medium-sized cubes.

Carrots and beets must be grated on a medium-sized grater. You do not need to mix them, you should arrange the vegetables in separate containers.
Peel the onion, chop as finely as possible and pour boiling water over. This will help make it not so bitter. In the event that you use salad onions, you can not use boiling water, this vegetable has a milder taste.

How to properly assemble the layers of "herring under a fur coat", their sequence

In order to properly assemble the salad, you need to prepare a suitable flat plate of sufficient size. Its bottom should be greased with water or vegetable oil, in which case the bottom layer will not stick to the dish. Next, start laying out the ingredients:

Spread the herring slices in an even layer;

Cover the fish with prepared onions;

Apply a thin mayonnaise mesh on top (to do this, make a small hole in the mayonnaise bag and squeeze it out, drawing over the salad);

Lay out the potatoes;

Make another thin mayonnaise pattern;

Spread out the carrot;

Spread the beets evenly;

Lubricate the top of the salad with mayonnaise (here you can already squeeze it out more abundantly).

In the event that you do not use much salted herring and a little mayonnaise, you can add salt to each vegetable layer of the salad, otherwise ready meal may be bland and not as tasty.

The cooked “herring under a fur coat” must be covered with a large plate or a voluminous lid (like from a microwave oven) and sent to the refrigerator. After standing for a couple of hours on the shelf of the refrigerator, the salad will be able to soak well, and its taste will be as saturated as possible.

In order to decorate the finished dish before serving, you can sprinkle its top with pounded egg yolks or whites. You can also build various flowers or figures from boiled vegetables. To decorate the finished dish, you can also arm yourself with mayonnaise and draw with it, greenery will be another good find for decoration.

A classic salad from Soviet times, the recipe for which was born in an era of scarcity, but miraculously took root in our culinary culture. For many Russians, this appetizer has become a symbol of the New Year, like Olivier. The recipe for the dish is not difficult, and all products are affordable and inexpensive. However, if you know some tricks, the salad will turn out much more interesting and tastier.

Step by step cooking herring under a fur coat

The sequence of cooking herring under a fur coat is known to all housewives. First, potatoes, carrots and beets are boiled in their uniforms, and while they are cooling, the herring is cleaned of bones, skin and entrails. It is best not to complicate your life, but to buy a ready-made fillet right away and cut it into cubes. The vegetables are chopped on a grater or finely chopped, and the onion is chopped very finely and thinly. Products are placed on big platter layers, spreading each layer with mayonnaise - first a layer of potatoes, then fish, onions, carrots and beets. Lettuce should stand in the cold for a while and soak. Exists different ways cooking herring under a fur coat. The basis of the salad can be varied additional ingredients- apple, eggs, herbs, garlic, nuts, spices and cheese. The sequence of layers can be easily changed, it is not necessary to add potatoes, but instead of mayonnaise, it is permissible to take sour cream or homemade yogurt. There is a variant of a vegetarian herring under a fur coat, in which, instead of herring, sea ​​kale or algae. Sometimes raw onions are replaced with fried ones, and fish - boiled meat, but this is definitely not a herring under a fur coat, although such recipes have the right to exist. Salad is sometimes served even as a roll, which is cut into pieces, or as aspic in miniature molds. Herring under a fur coat can be a filling for a French baguette and pancakes, it is made out in the form of a sandwich mass, delicious balls or beautiful flowers.

Secrets of cooking delicious herring under a fur coat

Secret 1. If you pre-pickle the onion, it will acquire a piquant sweet and sour taste and a pleasant crunch, and the salad will turn out to be more tasty and refined. At the same time, sharp onion taste will soften. For pickling, chopped onion is poured for 15 minutes a small amount water with one tablespoon of vinegar.

Secret 2. If the vegetables are grated on a fine grater, and not cut into cubes, the salad will turn out to be very soft and well soaked. Apples, on the contrary, are better to grind without a grater, otherwise they will give too much juice.

Secret 3. For piquancy, apples can be replaced with pickled cucumbers, letting the juice drain, add canned green pea, corn or avocado. Fragrant sauerkraut will give the salad original taste, like fried mushrooms especially mushrooms. Usual boiled carrots you can replace Korean - it turns out very tasty. In general, culinary experiments are welcome!

Secret 4. Use only quality products, do not skimp on herring and do not skimp on mayonnaise. Some housewives mix fish and onions with vegetable oil for juiciness and only then lay out layers of snacks. In this case, the salad will turn out more tender and rich.

Secret 5. Try instead to take slightly salted salmon and you will be surprised by the new taste of the dish. The technology for preparing herring under a fur coat remains the same. Smoked herring, red caviar and shrimps are very tasty in the salad.

Recipe: herring under a summer tomato coat

In winter, sometimes you want to return to the hot months and dress up the usual one from bright juicy tomatoes. Boil two potatoes, chop them finely and lay them out on a serving platter. Half an onion, chopped into thin half rings and washed cold water put on potatoes. Also chop the fillet of two herrings into cubes and decorate the third layer, and then make a mesh of mayonnaise on the fish. Two fresh tomatoes, diced, lay on the herring, brush with mayonnaise and pepper. Decorate the top layer green onion, grated yolks and fresh herbs. Interestingly, the absence of beets and carrots in this salad is completely unnoticed.

Herring under a fur coat is false and lazy, lean and meat, under a cheese or mushroom cap, with horseradish and mustard. There are many recipes for a dish that you can add your own zest to. If you serve a herring under a fur coat on New Year's table, your family will be happy, because this appetizer is appetizing and good in any form. Happy holidays to you!

There are a huge number of variations of the delicious herring salad under a fur coat at the moment, but how to choose the one that can rightfully be called the most delicious? Easy! Here they are all assembled! The most original, unusually appetizing and refined. A delicious recipe for herring under a fur coat can both surprise and delight guests at the table.

Cook ! Even the simplest dish original submission, as for example, or - will decorate not only the dining, but also the festive table!

Herring under a fur coat is delicious

the most juicy and original version- this is of course delicious herring under a fur coat It is not for nothing that the salad is so loved by everyone and has taken root so much. A rich dish, with a pleasant and delicate taste, which simply amazingly transforms even ordinary root crops.

To make the salad coat very tasty you need:

  • 1 herring;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 beets;
  • 200 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 20 gr. vinegar.

How to cook herring under a fur coat deliciously:

  1. The herring must first be prepared, separated from the head, take out all the insides, cut off the skin and select all the bones. Only cut the fillet already obtained as a result into tiny cubes.
  2. Root crops are washed, boiled, then cooled and cleaned, ground on a grater.
  3. Onions are peeled, chopped very finely and poured with vinegar, in which they are left for at least ten minutes.
  4. Eggs are boiled and then poured with cold water, in which they are forcibly cooled. Then they are peeled and grated, like vegetables.
  5. Each layer of the future salad is smeared with mayonnaise.
  6. Potatoes are laid out first in a salad bowl, and then onions and herring.
  7. Eggs are placed on the herring, followed by carrots.
  8. Complete the composition with beets.
  9. The dish must be insisted for a couple of hours in the refrigerator and only after that it is served on the table.

Tip: the grater does not have to be washed after each of the products. It is enough just to follow the correct order, and the components will not be painted. First - potatoes, then eggs, carrots and beets. The grater will have to be washed only after the last component. It seems to be a trifle, but cooking is a little faster and easier.

Herring under a fur coat the most delicious recipe

The most delicious herring under a fur coat, in which there is an apple, turns out to be truly exquisite. It seems to be the most ordinary, unremarkable fruit, but it is this component that makes the dish especially tender and juicy, with pleasant sourness and soft crunch.

You will need:

  • 1 herring;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 1 beet;
  • 1 apple;
  • 1 onion;
  • 200 gr. mayonnaise.

How to cook herring under a fur coat deliciously:

  1. Potatoes and all other root crops are washed and boiled in plain water. After cooking, they cool and clean, grind with a grater.
  2. Eggs are also boiled by dipping in cold water cool and grind on a grater.
  3. The fish is cut, the head is cut off, the giblets are taken out, the skin is removed and the bones are removed. Only after that the fillet is cut into small pieces.
  4. Peel the apple, remove the seeds, cut into small cubes.
  5. It remains only to collect the salad, processing each layer with mayonnaise.
  6. The first is potatoes, followed by fish and onions.
  7. Next, carrots, apples and eggs.
  8. Beets are added last to the dish.
  9. If desired, the finished dish can be decorated and let it brew in the refrigerator for at least two hours.

Important! Vegetables should be chopped as finely as possible, this will make the "Fur coat" much more tender. But apples are better cut, not grated.

The recipe for a delicious herring under a fur coat

It seems that there is already nothing to surprise skillful hostesses. Well, what else can you think of to make the “Fur Coat” special, sophisticated and original? It turns out that there is still room for those who like to experiment. One of the latest innovations is a salad in the form of a roll.

You will need:

  • 2 beets;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 100 gr. cheese;
  • 150 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 1 herring;
  • 5 gr. gelatin.

The most delicious herring recipe under a fur coat:

  1. Gelatin must be dissolved in 50 grams of water and held in a water bath until it is completely dissolved. At the same time, it is necessary to follow. So that the liquid does not boil.
  2. After steaming, the liquid is mixed with mayonnaise.
  3. Root crops are washed, boiled, then cooled, cleaned and rubbed.
  4. The herring is freed from the skin and bones, finely chopped.
  5. On the cling film, laid out on the table, the future salad begins to spread.
  6. The first spread a mixture of beets and mayonnaise with gelatin.
  7. Next, add a layer of cheese, also mixed with mayonnaise and gelatin.
  8. All subsequent layers in area should be slightly smaller than their predecessor.
  9. Be sure to add a mixture made from gelatin to each layer.
  10. Line for potatoes and carrots.
  11. For carrots add herring.
  12. At the end, the products on the film are twisted in such a way that a roll is obtained and it is moved to the refrigerator for several hours.
  13. When the required period of time has been maintained, the roll is taken out, the film is removed from it, and the dish is cut into portioned pieces.

Delicious herring under a fur coat recipe

Fried mushrooms, if used to prepare "Fur Coats", can surprise with their palatability absolutely everyone. Such a dish turns out to be simply insanely tasty, nutritious and very refined.

You will need:

  • 300 gr. champignons;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 50 gr. onion greens;
  • 2 pickles;
  • 100 gr. cheese;
  • 200 gr. mayonnaise.

The most delicious herring under a fur coat recipe:

  1. The onion is peeled and chopped.
  2. Mushrooms are sorted, washed and finely cut. Then the mass is mixed with onions and fried in a pan.
  3. The fried and cooled mushrooms are laid out in a salad bowl in the first layer.
  4. Potatoes are boiled, cooled and peeled. Then grated and covered with the resulting mass of mushrooms, be sure to soak with mayonnaise.
  5. Cucumbers are rubbed, squeezed with high quality and spread on potatoes.
  6. Eggs are boiled, forced to cool, cleaned and laid out next. The layer needs to be lubricated.
  7. Cheese is rubbed and covered with all products.
  8. It remains only to chop the greens, decorate the dish and let the salad brew.

Tip: you can choose absolutely any cheese for this dish. It can be melted, and hard, and smoked, and even cheese.

Herring under a fur coat delicious recipe

Another delicacy that gives the dish a special, incredibly bright taste is red fish. With her, perhaps, any culinary creation will become special, memorable.

You will need:

  • 100 gr. red fish;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 beet;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 100 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 30 gr. dill.

Delicious herring under a fur coat recipe:

  1. All vegetables must be washed and boiled separately from each other. After cooking, cool and clean. Then grate, using a grater for this purpose.
  2. Free the fish from the bones, finely chop the fillet. Mix the crushed mass with very finely chopped herbs and crushed garlic with a press.
  3. The onion needs to be peeled and chopped.
  4. First, place the fish in a salad bowl and cover with a layer of onion, which, like all subsequent ones, must be soaked in mayonnaise sauce.
  5. Then add carrots and potatoes.
  6. The final layer will be beets, as in any traditional recipe.
  7. If desired, you can decorate the appetizer with herbs and pieces of vegetables.

Tip: to add a special note to the dish, you can use not boiled carrots, but cooked in Korean. It is in this version that the tender “Fur Coat” will be transformed, acquire spicy taste which cannot be compared with the original.

Herring under a fur coat is the most delicious in any version is very refined. There is no limit to the imagination of the hostesses, and they come up with more and more new recipes, thanks to which it becomes possible to satisfy the most sophisticated needs.