How to make chocolate chips? Beautiful and large chocolate chips: how to make them.

Chocolate desserts are heaven for the sweet tooth. Decoration from this sweet is almost a win-win option and is liked by all children and most adults. The decor made of chocolate looks spectacular and delicious, and it is easy to create it: just melt the tile and pour the top cake and edges of the cake with icing. To create a more complex decoration, you will need different types of chocolate, a pastry bag, molds and other tools, but the main thing is accuracy and imagination.

Cooking icing

A cake covered with smooth chocolate icing is worthy of the highest praise. This decor serves as the basis for drawings, fruit and cream compositions. You can even get by with minimal decor in the form of a few large nuts, pieces of chocolate and cinnamon sticks.

Filling with glaze

By the way
Cream and chocolate mixture for coating confectionery called ganache.


  • dark chocolate - 100 g;
  • cream - 100 ml.

Recipe and ways of registration:

  1. Break the chocolate bar into small pieces.
  2. Bring cream to a boil. It is better to take a fatty product.
  3. Add chocolate to cream, stir until completely dissolved.
  4. If you need a thicker glaze, then add a little chocolate, and vice versa, to make a liquid coating, pour cream into the mass.
  5. Chill the cake before frosting it. The chocolate itself should be warm.
  6. The cake can be covered with icing completely. To do this, the mass is poured into the center and leveled with a spoon or spatula.
  7. Another way is to fill the center, and let it go around the edges chocolate smudges. To do this, you need to run a pastry bag along the edge of the cake, periodically stopping and pressing on the bag.
  8. Place confectionery beads, sprinkles, coconut flakes, elements from protein cream, fresh or canned berries, fruits, nuts.

If the ganache is cooled in the refrigerator and then reheated to room temperature and beat it, it will turn out magnificent chocolate cream for layering and creating relief patterns using a pastry bag.

it original way make your own cake.

You will need:

  • white chocolate icing;
  • melted dark chocolate;
  • pastry bag;
  • skewer.

How to draw a web:

  1. Cover the top cake with white icing.
  2. With the help of a pastry bag, draw several circles from the center with the same interval.
  3. With a skewer, draw several strips from the center of the cake to the edges. The web is ready!

It is not necessary to cover the entire cake with icing. Chocolate can be beautifully poured in a thin stream on the airy mass of whipped cream, protein or custard. The easiest way is to draw parallel lines as you snake from one side of the cake to the other.

Ordinary gelatin will help to achieve the perfect smoothness of the chocolate coating.


  • powdered gelatin - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 210 g;
  • water - 110 ml;
  • cocoa powder - 65 g;
  • dark chocolate - 50 g;
  • heavy cream- 65

How to cook:

  1. Pour gelatin with cold water (50 ml) and let it swell for 10 minutes.
  2. Mix cream, remaining water, sugar and cocoa powder. Chop chocolate.
  3. Bring to a boil, add chocolate chips. Mix everything until smooth.
  4. Stir in gelatin.
  5. Pass the mass through a sieve and beat lightly with a whisk.
  6. Pour into an airtight container and leave overnight in the refrigerator.
  7. To cover the cake, heat the icing to 35-45 degrees. If bubbles appear, then strain the mass through a sieve again.
  8. The icing is distributed in a stream from the center in a spiral, it is better to place the cake on a stand with a drip tray for the icing to flow freely.

The secret of an openwork pattern made of chocolate

Masterpieces confectionery art covered with a thin layer of melted chocolate. It is easy to repeat this trick with your own hands, for this a simple parchment paper.

What you need:

  • chocolate;
  • parchment paper;
  • pastry bag with a thin nozzle.

How to make a drawing:

  1. Break the chocolate into pieces and place on water bath. Heat, stirring, and be careful not to let steam or water get into the pan, otherwise the chocolate will curdle.
  2. Cool the chocolate and pour into a pastry bag.
  3. You can draw directly on the cake - for this you need a smooth and uniform surface.
  4. To make an accurate and accurate drawing, you should make a sketch on parchment paper.
  5. Circle the pattern with melted chocolate in a thin stream.
  6. Place the parchment paper in the refrigerator to allow the chocolate to harden completely.
  7. Separate the finished drawing with a thin knife and carefully transfer it to the cake. The composition is placed both in the center and on the sides, but in the second case, a sticky coating is required.

chocolate chips

To beautifully decorate the cake in a few minutes, use chocolate and a grater. Chips cover both the central part and the sides. On a fine grater, it turns out fine chocolate chips, dust, on a large one - beautiful curls.

You will need:

  • dark chocolate - 1 bar;
  • chocolates or small pieces of chocolate (can be white) - 2-3 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - optional.

How to decorate a cake:

  1. Chocolate for grating should not be too warm, as it melts quickly in your hands. But it is not recommended to freeze it, as its fragility increases.
  2. Grate half of the tile on a fine grater.
  3. On a large one, chop the other half.
  4. Sprinkle the cake with large chips around the edge of the cake.
  5. Fill the center with fine crumbs.
  6. Complete the decoration with chocolates and strawberries. A spectacular trick is to dip the berry in melted white chocolate and sprinkle with grated cinnamon before placing it on the cake.
  7. Complement the composition whole stick cinnamon.

An unusual way to decorate a cake is to make chocolate leaves. They turn out just like real ones, only edible.

You will need:

  • small green leaves;
  • tassel;
  • melted chocolate.

How to create decor:

  1. Rose leaves are suitable for decoration. They must be washed and dried.
  2. Melt the chocolate bar in a water bath.
  3. Using a brush, apply the mass to the leaves.
  4. Move them to the refrigerator and wait an hour.
  5. Carefully remove green leaves. Chocolate decor is used to frame the cake and as an element of the composition in the center.

cocoa powder

The famous dessert tiramisu is decorated with cocoa powder. This product transforms the taste of cheese cream. Decorating a cake with cocoa powder is easy and at home.

What you need:

  • cocoa powder;
  • strainer;
  • stencils.

How to decorate a cake:

  1. Take a ready-made stencil or make it yourself from paper. Place on cake. If a top part the product is covered with cream, then the stencil should be held a little higher so that it does not stick and spoil the surface.
  2. Using a sieve, sift the cocoa powder over the stencil.
  3. Carefully remove the stencil. The drawing is ready.

What else goes well with chocolate: design ideas

Simple and successful ways to decorate the cake with chocolate and store-bought sweets:

  1. On the new year cake in the center it is logical to place a figure of Santa Claus from confectionery chocolate. These are sold in grocery stores on the eve of the holiday.
  2. Marshmallows will look good on a dark chocolate background. An interesting and modern ensemble of marshmallows and macarons will delight girls with a sweet tooth.
  3. The composition in the center of the cake can be made from ordinary marshmallows, broken into pieces and sprinkled with melted chocolate.
  4. Idea: cover the cake on all sides with a thick and sticky cream and place various sweets in a dense layer. It can be simple treats from a set of sweets or small chocolates "Twix", "Bounty" and "Kit-Kat".
  5. Long biscuits such as children's "Bondi", long wafer rolls or chocolates "Kit-Kat" are used as sides. To keep the fences, they are tied with a decorative bow.
  6. If the sides of the cake are high enough, you can fill the center with colored Mmdems or Skittles dragees - such a filling will delight children.
  7. Chocolate dragees with a center of puffed rice or nuts are just made to complement chocolate cream.
  8. Children will also like marmalade figurines on chocolate dessert: bears, snakes or candied colored pieces with a fruity taste and color.
  9. Cakes are often decorated with cookies. In the course is a small crumb, cute "ears" from puff pastry or Oreo cookies. Whole "Oreos" are laid out in a circle, and the bottom edge of the cake is formed in halves.
  10. How to assemble a chocolate hedgehog: cut the cake layers in the form of an oval with a point (there will be a spout). Cover the cake with icing. Place soft round chocolates on the back. Nose and eyes form from the very dark chocolate.
  11. A delicious tandem is chocolate and coconut flakes. Raffaello sweets will look especially beautiful on the chocolate layer.
  12. Colored inscriptions are clearly visible on chocolate icing. They are drawn from icing or cream.
  13. Do not forget about fresh berries and fruits, which are a welcome addition to any dessert. Almost everything goes well with chocolate. Fresh berries are laid out next to the chocolate cream figures: raspberries, blueberries, strawberries. From fruits, apples, peaches, pears, bananas, pineapples are used.
  14. Nuts, especially whole hazelnuts, almonds, and cashews, will complement chocolate flavor. They are also added to the cream in the form of shavings and used to layer cakes. Confectioners add to creams almond flour. To do this, nuts are simply ground in a coffee grinder.
  15. Complement the pattern and ordinary powdered sugar.
  16. A spicy touch to the dessert will be given by the zest of citrus fruits: lime, lemon and orange.

Decorating a cake with chocolate is fun, but a little mistake can easily spoil all the work. What you need to know about working with chocolate:

  1. Storage temperature of chocolate - from +12 to +20 degrees.
  2. So that chocolate is not saturated with foreign odors, it is stored in sealed packaging.
  3. Don't forget about the expiration date. Do not use white coated chocolate.
  4. If glaze or openwork patterns are created, then chocolate is taken without fruits and nuts in the composition. And for decorating with chocolate pieces, a product with jelly filling, raisins and other additives is suitable.
  5. A very convenient device is a pastry bag with a variety of nozzles. But if there is no such item on the farm, they make it with their own hands. To do this, you need thick paper. A cornet is rolled out of it and its edge is cut off.
  6. White chocolate, when melted, forms sugar grains, so it is heated only in a water bath and up to half. The mass is brought to a homogeneous state by stirring.
  7. For melting, professional confectioners use a special chocolate dragee.
  8. Cognac or rum is added to chocolate cream as a flavoring agent.
  9. Cheap chocolate may not melt, so don't skimp when choosing a product.
  10. Any cream can be turned into chocolate by adding cocoa powder. It is preferable to take cocoa for cooking. Instant drinks do not have such a rich taste, and cheap substitutes are not always healthy. If you still use Nesquik, then you need to reduce the sugar content, since there is so much of it in the powder.

Chocolate is the most popular sweet, which means that everyone will like a cake decorated with sweets and chocolates. It takes a little practice to create unusual jewelry, and on festive table there will always be desserts that are in no way inferior in beauty to products from a confectionery. Perhaps in the process of creating a decor you will be visited original ideas, and in cookbook a new recipe will appear.

Those with a sweet tooth love chocolate for its melting taste and delicate texture, doctors value it for its high content of trace elements, vitamins and antioxidants, and decorators love it for its great amount a technique that can be used to decorate any cake. Professionals use special tools to create their masterpieces. But you can do it at home too chocolate decorations for a cake that will be not only tasty, but also spectacular.

What kind of chocolate can decorate a cake at home

Only a product that contains cocoa butter has the right to be called chocolate.. The main components of chocolate also include grated cocoa and sugar. They also produce unsweetened chocolate, which contains 99% cocoa.

Real milk, white and dark chocolate must contain cocoa butter

When decorating cakes, the following types of chocolate are used:

  • bitter (dark) - contains at least 40-55% cocoa;
  • dairy - contains at least 25% cocoa and dairy products;
  • white - contains at least 20% cocoa butter, but does not contain grated cocoa and powder.

Professional confectioners use chocolate, which is available in blocks and dragees (drops). Chocolate bars can also be used to decorate at home.

Cocoa powder can also be used for decor, but it should be of high quality, bad powder can squeak on your teeth.

Photo gallery: chocolate release forms suitable for decoration

Chocolate in the form of dragees is convenient for melting Chocolate blocks are often used by professional confectioners. Bar chocolate can be used to decorate at home

In addition to real chocolate, confectionery chocolate (glaze) is found in stores, in which cocoa butter is replaced vegetable fats. It is produced in tiles or in the form of chocolate figurines.

Confectionery chocolate is much inferior to the real one in taste, but, on the other hand, it is less capricious and can be used for applications, patterns, glazes.

What you need to know about chocolate

How to store and melt properly

Chocolate has a long shelf life, but it should be kept tightly closed, away from foods with a strong smell, protected from light and moisture. Storage temperature - 12° C to 20° C.

Before you start decorating the cake, in most cases, the chocolate is crushed and heated. For heating, you can use a microwave oven, water or steam bath or an oven preheated to 50-100°C. In all cases, stir the chocolate frequently.

Attention! When heated, chocolate must be protected from steam and drops of water, otherwise it will curdle.


Cocoa butter is very capricious. It contains fats, the crystals of which melt at different temperatures. If the chocolate is not properly melted, it can become coated, melt quickly in your hands, or thicken too much. In tempering (targeted recrystallization), the chocolate is heated, cooled and stirred in succession, resulting in chocolate that melts in the mouth but remains firm and crunchy at room temperature. For tempering, you should take high-quality chocolate.

Confectionery chocolate (glaze) does not need tempering, as it does not contain cocoa butter.

Professional confectioners use a marble board and special thermometers for tempering. The easiest way to temper chocolate at home is to use the microwave:

  1. Chop the chocolate, put in the microwave.
  2. Turn on the oven at maximum power.
  3. Take out and stir the chocolate every 15 seconds until almost completely melted, small lumps should remain.
  4. Remove chocolate and stir until completely combined.

Properly tempered chocolate, applied in a thin layer on parchment, hardens within 3 minutes at 20°C indoors.

If the chocolate thickens too quickly, over-crystallization has occurred. A little melted untempered chocolate is added to such chocolate and mixed.

A simple do-it-yourself cornet

Pastry bags are used to deposit chocolate patterns, disposable polyethylene options are especially convenient. If they are not there, you can roll the paper cornets yourself. To do this, a square is cut out of parchment, divided into 2 triangles diagonally. The resulting right triangle is folded into a cone, combining sharp corners with a right one. The corner is folded outward to secure the cornet. A corner is cut off at the bottom only when the cornet is already filled with chocolate.

Folding a parchment cornet is easy

The bag or cornet is filled with melted chocolate. It is convenient to fill the cornet if you put it in a tall glass.

You can also replace pastry bags with a transparent paper file or a dense one. plastic bag from milk.

Express design options

m&m's and KitKat

This is a very simple and effective way to decorate a cake. Bright chocolate dragees in sugar glaze will perfectly fit into a children's holiday.

Ready-made chocolate products can become a simple and spectacular decoration.

You will need:

  • m&m's;
  • kitkat.

The cake will look good if the height of the chocolate bars exceeds the height of the cake itself by 1.5–2 cm.


  1. Attach chocolate sticks to the sides of the cake. If the sticks are interconnected, it is better to separate them.
  2. Fill the top of the cake with m&m's.
  3. Additionally, the cake can be tied with a ribbon.

You can also decorate the cake with others: Kinder chocolate, chocolate balls.

Photo gallery: how to decorate a cake with finished chocolate products

The square cake is lined with bricks of slab chocolate and decorated with towers of cookies glued together with chocolate From white and milk dragees you can lay out flowers In such a candy platter, any sweet tooth will choose a piece to your taste. Chocolate candies laid out in a circle, and the composition is complemented by two-color chocolate tubes, which can be replaced with wafer tubes

chocolate chips

You can sprinkle chocolate chips on the top and sides of the cake. Making it at home is very simple: bar chocolate grated or cut with a vegetable peeler. In the latter case, curly curls of chocolate are obtained.

Chocolate chips can decorate the top and sides of the cake

Depending on the chosen grater, you can get different chocolate chips - small or larger. The heat from your hands softens the chocolate quickly, so it's best to rub small pieces of chocolate. It is impossible to cool chocolate in the refrigerator beforehand or during operation, too cold chocolate will crumble and break.

Drawing with cocoa and stencil

The famous tiramisu is simply sprinkled with cocoa on top. You can decorate other cakes in the same way. The top of the cake should be even, then it will look neat. And with the help of cocoa and a stencil, you can create a pattern on the cake.

With the help of cocoa and a stencil, you can decorate the cake with a pattern

You will need:

  • cocoa;
  • sieve;
  • stencil.


  1. Put the stencil on the cake.
  2. Sprinkle cocoa on top through a sieve.
  3. Carefully remove the stencil.

You can use a ready-made stencil or make it yourself by cutting out a pattern from paper. As a stencil, you can also use an openwork cake napkin, a fork, and more.

If the surface of the cake is covered with soft or gentle cream(whipped cream, custard, sour cream), then it is better to keep the stencil at a small distance from the cake so that it does not stick to the surface and spoil it.

Covering the cake with icing

Chocolate icing is very appetizing, especially when combined with fruit or fresh berries. You can also add colored sugar sprinkles or beads to the icing. Cool the cake well before icing it. But the glaze should be warm.

Read more about chocolate icing in our article:.

The cake can be glazed entirely or just the top, leaving mouth-watering smudges on the sides. Icing is poured into the center of the cake in a circular motion, then helping it to spread with a knife or spatula. If you need to make more uniform smudges, then first apply liquid glaze in a circular motion on the edges of the cake using a cornet or a bag, and only then pour the top.

Chocolate and heavy cream ganache


  • 100 ml heavy cream (30-35%);
  • 100 g dark, 150 g milk, or 250 g white chocolate.


  1. Chop chocolate.
  2. Heat cream until boiling.
  3. Add the chopped chocolate to the cream, mix thoroughly with a whisk.

You can adjust the thickness of the glaze by increasing or decreasing the amount of cream or chocolate.

If the ganache is chilled for several hours in the refrigerator, then allowed to warm to room temperature and whipped, you will get a chocolate cream that can be used to cream jewelry and layers of cakes.

Made from chocolate and milk



  1. Chop chocolate, add milk.
  2. Warm up in microwave oven or in a water bath, stirring constantly.

Made from chocolate and vegetable oil


  • 100 g of chocolate;
  • 2–4 tbsp. l. odorless vegetable oil.


  1. Chop chocolate, melt.
  2. Add vegetable oil, stirring constantly.

You can make glaze from different types of chocolate. AT white oil add less, in bitter - more.

From cocoa powder


  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder;
  • 1/4 cup milk;
  • 50 g butter.


  1. Put all ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Put in a boiling water bath. Stirring constantly, heat for about a minute.
  3. Remove from the bath, beat with a mixer until smooth.

Mirror glaze with gelatin

Cake for coating with such icing should be even (mousse cakes filled in silicone molds are ideal). Before coating with a mirror glaze, it is necessary to keep it in the freezer for several hours.



  1. Soak sheet gelatin in cold boiled water. Let the gelatin swell for 10 minutes. When using powdered gelatin, pour 50 g of it cold water, stir thoroughly and also allow to swell.
  2. Mix sugar, water, cocoa powder and heavy cream, bring to a boil while stirring constantly. After boiling, add chopped chocolate and stir until completely dissolved.

    Chopped chocolate is added to the boiled syrup of sugar, water, cocoa powder and cream and stirred.

  3. Squeeze out excess water from leaf gelatin.

    Sheet gelatin is separated from excess water

  4. Pour the swollen gelatin into the glaze and stir until completely dissolved.

    Gelatin is introduced into the icing and stirred until completely dissolved.

  5. To get rid of bubbles and for smoothness, the mixture is passed through a fine sieve or whipped with an immersion blender, and then poured into a jar and cover the surface with cling film. Frosting should be left in the refrigerator overnight before use..

    The icing is filtered through a fine sieve.

  6. Before coating the cake, you need to heat the chocolate icing to a temperature of 35–45 ° C. To get smudges, you can reduce the temperature to 30 ° C, then it will harden faster. If there are a lot of bubbles in the glaze, it should be filtered again through a sieve with small holes. To cover the whole cake, place it on a wire rack and a baking sheet or other suitable surface lined with cling film. Pour warm glaze from the center in a spiral to the edges. The excess glaze on the baking sheet is collected to be used further.

    The cake is placed on a wire rack to allow excess frosting to drain.

Photo gallery: cake design options with flowing and mirror glaze

Dripping icing looks great on a cake with a contrasting color Using fruits and mirror glaze, you can create a bright composition on the cake. Glaze can be made white

Video: how to make beautiful smudges on the cake

Drawing on glaze with liquid white chocolate

Glaze drawings with a toothpick or a bamboo stick have already become classics. On a dark chocolate icing, a pattern is applied with melted white chocolate, on a light icing - with bitter or milk chocolate. You need to apply chocolate while the icing is still liquid..

An easy way to design a cake is to cover it with chocolate icing and then decorate the top with white chocolate.

You can also apply a drawing on a cake covered with cream, if the cream has a soft consistency.


  1. Gossamer. Chocolate is applied to the icing in a spiral from the center. Draw lines from the center to the edges.
  2. Chevrons. Chocolate is applied to the icing in parallel strips. Draw lines perpendicular to the stripes in both directions.
  3. Hearts. Chocolate is applied to the icing in small circles in a straight line or in a spiral. Draw a line through all the circles in the same direction.
  4. Marble. Chocolate of different colors is applied to the icing with chaotic movements. Mix the glaze in a circular motion, creating a marble effect.

Photo gallery: options for applying patterns to glaze

To draw a cobweb, the wand moves from the center to the edges Drawing a pattern in the form of chevrons involves moving the stick in turn from left to right and from left to right. Hearts are obtained by passing the wand over the center of round drops of melted chocolate. Marble effect is formed by the free, chaotic movement of the wand

Cake side decoration

The sides of the cake can be wrapped with chocolate ribbon, lined with chocolate teeth, tiles or tubes.. The most difficult way to decorate is tubes. They will need not only a lot of chocolate, but also a lot of patience.

Lace (chocolate)

Delicate chocolate swirls or a simple geometric pattern are not difficult to make from chocolate, but they look very impressive. A dark or milk chocolate bar looks great on a white background, and a white pattern will accentuate a dark background.

You can also use confectionery chocolate. It is less capricious, but significantly inferior in taste to natural.

You will need:

  • chocolate;
  • pencil, scissors.


  1. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or over a water bath.
  2. From baking paper, cut a rectangular strip with a length equal to the circumference of the cake plus 2–3 cm, and a width equal to the height of the cake plus 2–3 cm. Draw a pattern with a pencil and turn the drawn side over to the table. You can print the pattern on the printer and just put it under the baking paper.

    For a wide cake, it is more convenient to make a chocolate ribbon from 2 halves.

  3. Place the chocolate in a cornet or bag, cut a corner.

    If the chocolate flows out too quickly, it should be allowed to cool slightly.

  4. Gently squeeze the chocolate onto the paper strip in a pattern.
  5. Attach the paper ribbon with the chocolate to the sides of the cake.
  6. Place the cake in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.
  7. Take out the cake, carefully remove the paper.

After that, you can decorate the cake with a cream border, berries, fruits or fresh flowers.

Video: how to make chocolate

Panels or teeth

For this spectacular decoration, you will need at least 400–500 g of chocolate, depending on the size of the cake.. You can use bitter, milk, white chocolate, and also combine them, creating marble patterns.

You will need:

  • chocolate;
  • knife or spatula;
  • parchment or baking paper.


  1. Melt chocolate.
  2. Spread the chocolate on parchment or baking paper, spread evenly with a knife or pastry spatula.
  3. Let the chocolate harden.
  4. Cut with a knife or break with your hands into pieces of arbitrary shape. The height of the panels must be higher than the cake.
  5. Attach to the sides of the cake so that the panels slightly overlap each other.

For an embossed texture, you can crumple the parchment before applying chocolate to it. To create a pattern, a pattern is first applied to the parchment in white or dark chocolate, and on top they are filled with a contrasting color.

Photo gallery: options for decorating a cake with chocolate panels

Cake with chocolate panels can be supplemented with fresh flowers Chocolate panels can be made unusual shape The combination of white and dark chocolate gives an interesting marble pattern. The embossed texture and irregular shape of the teeth give the cake a special charm.

Video: how to make chocolate teeth with nuts and dried fruits


Ready-made chocolate tubes are sold in specialized confectionery stores. However, you can make them yourself, including white chocolate, or mix white and dark chocolate.

You will need:

  • chocolate;
  • acetate film;
  • thin tape;
  • knife, scissors.

Instead of acetate film, you can use transparent folders-corners for papers.



You will need:

  • chocolate;
  • marble board or metal sheet for baking;
  • scapula;
  • metal scraper or spatula.

If you don't have a special metal pastry scraper, a new stainless steel construction spatula will do.


  1. Temper chocolate.
  2. Cool the marble board or metal sheet, put it on the table.
  3. Spread the chocolate in a thin layer on the sheet using a spatula.
  4. With a knife, mark rectangles on the chocolate layer.
  5. Let the chocolate thicken a little, but do not harden..
  6. With a metal scraper or spatula at an angle of 45 degrees, remove the layer of chocolate along the marked lines, it will roll into a tube.

Video: how to make chocolate "cigars"

Decorative elements made of chocolate

Curls, numbers, inscriptions and patterns

Various decorative elements, figures, figures are drawn with melted chocolate. Butterflies and various curlicues are very popular. These elements can decorate both the top and sides of the cake..

You will need:

  • chocolate;
  • pastry bag or paper bag;
  • parchment or baking paper;
  • patterned stencil.


If parchment is put on a rolling pin during chocolate hardening, wrapped around a glass, or other suitable items are used, the blanks will turn out to be voluminous. In this way, you can create chocolate spirals, flowers, butterflies.

Photo gallery: options for decorating a cake with decorative chocolate elements and examples of stencils

Openwork triangles are laid in a circle based on cream rosettes or berries The cake can be decorated with a chocolate inscription or numbers. Graceful decorative elements are usually fixed in cream rosettes. You can put one large or several small butterflies on the cake. Openwork butterflies can be flat or consist of two halves located at an angle to each other. Openwork decorative elements will decorate the top or sides of the cake From small decorative elements, a border is usually made along the edge of the cake.

Video: creating a chocolate flower

Outline Appliques

Unlike lace, such decorative elements have a background and a contrasting stroke along the contour.

You will need:

  • white and dark chocolate (bitter or milk);
  • pastry bag or paper bag;
  • parchment or baking paper;
  • patterned paper.


By mixing white and dark chocolate, or by adding dyes to white chocolate, you can achieve different shades and make the application colorful. Color applications require special dyes for chocolate. Do not use fruit juices for this, as the chocolate may curdle.

Simple cutouts

Even a child can handle the manufacture of these parts, so feel free to call your son or daughter to help you.

You will need:

  • chocolate;
  • parchment or baking paper;
  • spatula or knife;
  • punches, cookie cutters.


  1. Melt chocolate.
  2. Using a knife or spatula, spread the chocolate in an even layer of 2-3 mm on the parchment.
  3. When the chocolate begins to harden, cut out the elements using molds or cuttings.

If the chocolate sticks to the mold, it hasn't cooled down enough. If the chocolate breaks, it has already hardened too much and needs to be reheated.

Hardening chocolate is cut out with punches or cookie cutters

chocolate leaves

This is a very simple idea with excellent results. You can fantasize and use a variety of leaves as a basis.

You will need:

  • chocolate;
  • tassel;
  • leaves, such as roses.


Photo gallery: chocolate leaf cake design options

The cake can be decorated with chocolate leaves with a smooth transition from light to dark. Leaves complemented with red berries create an autumn composition Leaves can be laid out and in the shape of a flower

Making figurines with molds

Moldova is silicone molds specially designed for molding chocolate. With their help, you can easily and quickly get a lot of decorative elements to decorate one or even several cakes.

Molds allow you to get perfectly shaped chocolate figures

You will need:

  • chocolate;
  • silicone or plastic molds for chocolate.

Molds must be clean and completely dry before pouring chocolate.


  1. Melt chocolate.
  2. Pour the chocolate into the molds, remove the excess chocolate from the top, let it harden.
  3. Get chocolate figurines. silicone mold you can turn it out for this, and turn the plastic one over and lightly knock on the table.

They produce silicone and plastic molds for chocolate.

Chocolate molds are sold in specialized confectionery stores, craft stores, and housekeeping departments with utensils. Molds for making soap or ice are also suitable.

chocolate bow

This cake would make the perfect gift. In addition, he will practically not need any other decorations: a huge bow will make an amazing impression on its own, rest assured.

Continue attaching loops with melted chocolate

  • After hardening, transfer the bow to the cake.

    Allow the finished bow to dry completely and transfer to the cake

  • Chocolate molding

    Chocolate mastic allows you to create quite complex figures, flowers, it can also completely cover cakes, create draperies, bows, ruffles. Fresh mastic is plastic, reminiscent of soft plasticine, but when it dries, it becomes hard. Plastic chocolate is similar to mastic, but it is more used for modeling.

    Store the mastic in the refrigerator, wrapping it tightly in several layers with cling film.

    Cakes are often completely covered with fondant

    plastic chocolate

    Modeling chocolate is prepared from bitter, milk and white chocolate and glucose syrup. At home glucose syrup can be replaced with light liquid honey or invert syrup.


    • 200 g of white, milk or dark chocolate;
    • respectively 50 g, 80 g or 100 g of invert syrup.
    • For syrup:
      • 350 g of sugar;
      • 150 ml of water;
      • 2 g citric acid;
      • 1.5 g of soda.

    First you need to cook the invert syrup:

    1. Boil water with sugar, stir until sugar dissolves.
    2. Add citric acid, cover with a lid and keep on low heat for about 20 minutes. Cool down to 50–60°C.
    3. Add soda, stir. The syrup will start to foam.
    4. Cool down. The foam will go away as it cools.
    5. Pour into a closed container and leave at room temperature.

    We proceed to the preparation of mastic:

    1. Chop chocolate and melt.
    2. Heat the syrup until warm.
    3. Thoroughly mix the syrup with chocolate so that no lumps remain.

      The resulting mass may seem rather liquid at first, but after cooling it becomes thicker and harder.

    4. Carefully wrap the mastic with cling film so that there is no contact with air.
    5. After a few hours, you can sculpt figures. Before sculpting, take chocolate in small pieces, knead thoroughly with your hands. big chunks mastics are heated for a few seconds in the microwave.

    The proportions given are approximate, as they depend on the thickness of the syrup and the percentage of cocoa in the chocolate.

    Video: making chocolate for modeling and decorating a cake with ruffles and roses

    Chocolate marshmallow mastic

    Marshmallow - air marshmallow, which is produced in the form of pads or braids. By combining chocolate with marshmallows, you get a mastic that can be used both for modeling and for covering the cake.


    • 180 g marshmallows;
    • 200 g of dark chocolate;
    • 150 g of powdered sugar;
    • 1–3 tbsp. l. water;
    • 1 st. l. butter.


    1. Sift the powdered sugar.

      Powdered sugar is better to put a little less than more.

    2. Melt the chocolate.
    3. Add water to the marshmallows, melt in the microwave at maximum power, stirring every 20 seconds.
    4. Mix marshmallows with chocolate and butter.
    5. Add the chocolate-marshmallow mass to the sifted powder, knead until smooth.
    6. Wrap tightly in cling film to avoid contact with air.
    7. After a few hours, you can use it for sculpting figures and for covering the cake. At first, the mastic seems very soft, but after it has matured, it hardens.

    If kneading the mastic is difficult, you can heat it for a few seconds in the microwave.

    Chocolate gives a huge scope for creativity. He can be the only soloist on the cake, or he can make a duet with berries or nuts. The home confectioner has access not only to the most simple ways decorate the cake - grate chocolate, sprinkle with cocoa, decorate with ready-made sweets. Without any complex special tools at home, you can create chocolate lace, tubes, and figurines. All you need is patience, accuracy and a sufficient amount of chocolate.

    From chocolate you can make very beautiful decorations for sweet dishes, pastries, desserts. One of these decorations can be chocolate chips. I will tell you about two ways to make chocolate decorations.

    Option 1

    We'll need

    • Steam bath (two pots) or microwave.
    • Wax paper.
    • Regular knife with a long blade.
    • Baking tray or cutting board.


    Chocolate must be melted in a water bath. Be sure to stir the chocolate so that it does not burn.

    Lay a sheet of waxed paper on a baking sheet or cutting board. Once the chocolate has melted, pour it onto the spread sheet, spreading the chocolate evenly in a thin layer.

    Air bubbles must be removed from the chocolate, for this, take a baking sheet or board in your hands and lightly tap it on the table.

    Give the chocolate time to cool and harden. You can even put it in the refrigerator for faster freezing.

    When the chocolate hardens, you can start making chocolate chips. To do this, take a knife with a long blade. Tray to facilitate work, place on a non-slip surface. Set the knife on the far edge of the chocolate. And with a sliding motion remove the chocolate chips.

    Width and appearance chips will depend on the force of pressure on the knife, its inclination. You can experiment. If you need a narrower chip that you use in your work in another suitable tool.

    The finished chocolate chips must be carefully transferred to the product ready for decoration. This can be done with a fork, toothpick or wooden skewer.

    Option 2

    We'll need

    • Peeler
    • Chocolate bar
    • Toothpick or skewer.


    This method is very simple and requires almost no additional tools other than chocolate and a vegetable peeler. To make the chips neat and not break, buy chocolate at least 50-70 percent and pre-cool it in the refrigerator.

    The process of cutting chocolate chips is not complicated. It is necessary to hold a bar of chocolate in one hand in the other - a vegetable peeler. And just like in the first version, scrape the chocolate. To prevent the chocolate bar from melting in your hands, hold it with a small towel or napkin.

    Cake decoration with chocolate: patterns, balls, fences

    Liquid chocolate inscriptions and drawings are an ideal method that allows you to decorate a cake yourself at home. With this technique, you can apply words of congratulations to any dessert, which will be addressed to the hero of the holiday. You can use several methods at once. For example, how to draw an openwork or a beautiful ornament using chocolate, or decorate a cake with curls, leaves ... In general, choose, think, use our tips.

    How to draw, make inscriptions with liquid chocolate on a cake: instructions, examples of inscriptions and drawings, photos

    A festive cake from the outside looks much more interesting if it has a beautiful inscription, which is also made with all love. And it is not necessary that the handwriting be excellent, plus you do not need to have the skills of a professional artist. The most important thing here is the technique with which the words will be applied.

    To begin with, you should practice a little so that during the application of the inscription your hand does not accidentally flinch. If you have never applied chocolate inscriptions, but would like to learn this activity, you need to study the following recommendations given by experienced confectioners. In order to make an inscription, you need to melt the chocolate. You can learn more about melting chocolate here.

    • The most ideal method for applying chocolate inscriptions is to use special felt-tip pens that are designed to decorate cakes. Tube that contains chocolate mixture, equipped with a small hole. Extruded through this hole liquid chocolate, as a result of which the inscription on the cake is neat and even.
    • Before applying the chocolate inscription, apply a barely noticeable outline to the surface of the cake icing using a toothpick. So the words will always look smooth and beautiful.
    • Try not to write a large number of words on the birthday cake. Remember - congratulatory words should be concise and clear.
    • If you make a mistake while applying chocolate, do not remove the letter. Apply the inscription completely, put the cake in the refrigerator. Only after the decoration has hardened, remove the damaged element, and instead write a new letter that is missing.
    • The most ideal surface on which chocolate elements are applied is mastic or glaze, which has a contrasting color.
    • Do not use for application hot chocolate. Because of it, the glaze and other similar surface will simply melt and flow.
    • Do not use the preposition "from" in the inscriptions. It is considered a sign of mourning wording.
    • Do not allow repeating words to be present in the inscription. For example, "To the best teacher on his teacher's day."
    • Space each word evenly so that they are only on the same line. Do not separate words, do not transfer letters to another line.

    You should also follow these rules while decorating the cake:

    • Refrigerate the cake before you start writing.
    • Practice on glass first. After that, if your words turn out beautiful, you can put them on the cake
    • Replace chocolate for your workout with a mixture made from cocoa powder and butter. Connect them in equal proportions

    How to make patterns from white and dark chocolate and decorate a cake: ideas, examples of decoration, photos

    To easily squeeze out a particular chocolate pattern, use chocolate or chocolate hazelnut fondant to work with, as it has the perfect consistency. Take a cornet that has a small star-shaped nozzle. Place in it chocolate fudge. Make it a border for a cake in the form of a star, shells, curls.

    Liquid chocolate is difficult to squeeze out of a metal nozzle, because the cold of the metal hardens the chocolate faster than necessary. You can add some glycerin to chocolate fudge. It will make the chocolate thicker, without waiting for the fondant to harden, squeeze it out very quickly.

    In order to extrude threads and strips from chocolate, use a cornet that does not have a nozzle. Remove the tip from it so that you have a hole of the required diameter. Squeeze fondant into thin, wavy, straight, angular, or zigzag lines.

    You can also make white chocolate decoration by coloring it with dyes. Use only those dyes based on vegetable oil or dye powder. Liquid paints, when they get into chocolate, make it very viscous, deprive it of useful qualities.

    • Melt chocolate (25 g). On the paper, apply the ornament with which you want to decorate the cake. Cover with a piece of wax paper, secure each corner with masking tape
    • Pour chocolate into the cornet, wrap the edges of the cornet inward, then remove the tip
    • Gently squeeze a thin thread of chocolate along the contour of the pattern. As soon as the figurine hardens, remove it with a spatula knife
    • Make more of these drawings.
    • Decorate your cake or cookies

    How to make a mesh, chocolate lace and decorate a cake: ideas, photos

    Openwork chocolate drawings allow you to make birthday cake more colorful and more beautiful. You can also make them if you stock up in advance:

    • chocolate
    • Paper or cellophane culinary bags (you can take a syringe with a thin nozzle)
    • stencils
    • Light paper, which is intended for baking, or cling film

    For openwork, preferably use confectionery chocolate. However, you can replace it with regular store-bought chocolate. Just buy one that is free of additives and fillers. Most best chocolate for decoration - black, even bitter. It is harder than milk, therefore, it tends to keep its shape better.

    The process of preparing openwork:

    • Take chocolate.
    • Melt it.
    • Close the stencil that you prepared for decoration. To do this, you need to take cling film or paper.
    • The chocolate that you melt will be placed in an envelope, circle the pattern on the stencil with it.
    • Put the openwork decoration in the refrigerator so that it completely freezes.
    • After hardening, carefully remove the decoration, use to decorate the cake.

    How to make curls, chocolate feathers and decorate a cake: ideas, photos

    The next option for decorating cakes is a variety of curls, feathers, spirals.

    Chocolate curls:

    • Take chocolate (125 g). Melt it. Apply chocolate to something hard, such as a wooden board. Smooth with a spatula until the surface is perfectly even.
    • When your chocolate has hardened a little, but not completely, use a knife to scrape thin curls from the layer. Try to hold the knife so that there is an angle of 45 degrees between it and the chocolate layer.
    • To get large curls or straws, run the knife over the entire layer.
    • If you want to get small curls, then use a knife with which you peel potatoes.

    Chocolate spirals:

    For work you will need to take: chocolate bar and cooking film.

    Manufacturing process:

    • Melt a bar of chocolate. Cut the film along the entire length. Pour chocolate over cling film, set aside to cool. Pass over the chocolate with a fork, divide it into several parts.
    • Roll the film into a spiral, lay it on the mat. Send to refrigerator.
    • Carefully remove the cling film. As a result, you will get thin spirals with which you can steal any dessert.

    You can do the same with feathers. Only apply the appropriate pattern to the film.

    How to make chocolate leaves and decorate a cake: ideas, photos

    This method is considered to be very simple to implement. You can dream up a little by using leaves of the most diverse shapes for the base.

    For manufacturing, stock up:

    • chocolate
    • tassel
    • real green leaves

    Manufacturing process:

    • Wash the leaves thoroughly, dry well. melt the chocolate
    • Take a sheet, turn it over, apply chocolate on the back. Then spread with a brush. Place in refrigerator to harden chocolate.
    • Carefully remove the base leaf from the chocolate. Make as many leaves as you need to decorate the cake

    Chocolate roses:

    In order to prepare chocolate roses, stock up:

    • Chocolate mastic - 200 g

    You can take any: from white, black, milk chocolate.

    Cooking process:

    • Knead the mastic in your palms. It should be soft. Coat the white chocolate mastic powdered sugar, dark - cocoa powder. Roll out with a rolling pin chocolate mastic to make your layer thin.
    • Cut out circles from it. For a rose, 9 pieces will be enough for you.
    • From the first circle, blind the cylinder. Wind the rest of the circles so that you have a bud.
    • Edges 2 of the petal should be under 1, edges 3 under 2, and so on.
    • Attach all the petals in this way, turn the edges of each outward. When you have a rose, cut it off.
    • Leave the flower to dry completely.

    Make several roses using this method.

    How to make chocolate figurines and decorate a cake: ideas, photos?

    Figures with contours:

    Unlike the figurines, which are made in the form of openwork, these decorative ornaments have a chocolate background, plus they have a stroke along the contour.

    For manufacturing, stock up:

    • Chocolate (white, dark, milk)
    • parchment paper
    • Paper for drawing figures

    Also, for work, you will need a paper cornet or a regular pastry bag.

    Manufacturing process:

    • Lay the parchment on the sheet with the figure on it.
    • Melt dark chocolate or milk chocolate. Squeeze it onto parchment paper along the contours of the figure, wait until the chocolate hardens.
    • Melt white chocolate. Fill in the empty spaces of the figurine with it. Give her time to cool down completely. Flip.

    Regular cutouts:

    Such figures can be made by anyone, even those who have no experience. Therefore, you can involve your child in the work, he will definitely like to help you.

    For this figure stock up:

    • chocolate
    • parchment paper

    Manufacturing process:

    • melt the chocolate
    • Using a knife or spatula, spread the chocolate evenly (approximately 2 mm thick) on the surface of the parchment paper
    • As soon as you notice that the chocolate has begun to harden, use a cookie cutter to cut out the desired figure.

    If the chocolate sticks to the mold while cutting, it is not completely cooled down. If the chocolate breaks, then it has hardened a lot, so heat it again.

    How to make chocolate chips and decorate the cake with chocolate chips: photo

    Decorating birthday cakes and pies with chocolate chips is one of the proven and successful methods. After all, you can simultaneously combine chips of various shades, shapes, sizes. Plus, there are several methods for obtaining chocolate chips.

    Method 1:

    Take an ordinary chocolate bar, which does not contain filler. Place it for a short period of time in heat. When the chocolate bar has softened a little, use a sharp large knife to cut a thin layer at an angle so that it takes the shape of a tube. Place the chocolate decor in the refrigerator before decorating the cake. It will harden and hold its shape wonderfully.

    Method 2:

    This method is considered more complex. First, turn the chocolate into a glaze, apply it in a thin layer on cling film, cool, and then cut with sharp knife thin layers. When the decorations harden, you will get large chips.

    Method 3:

    Take a chocolate bar, grate it. Choose the size of the grater itself at your discretion.

    Method 4:

    Melt a bar of white chocolate, put the dye into it. Choose the color yourself. Use, for example, method 3. Make shavings of different colors, decorate the cake with it, laying out some kind of drawing. You can completely cover the cake with one chip color or mixed with different shades.

    Decorating a cake with openwork flowers: ideas, photos

    Have you made your own birthday cake for your sister or beloved mother? Decorate it with beautiful decor. For example, openwork flowers. You will not need dye and mastic. Because you can make wonderful decorations from chocolate. Therefore, be inspired, fantasize, but at the same time remember about attentiveness and caution.

    So, take for the cake:

    • Pastry bag or syringe
    • White chocolate bar (melt it in advance)
    • Cling wrap or some parchment paper
    • simple pencil
    • Wooden stick with a thin tip

    Manufacturing process:

    • Draw a sketch of future flowers on paper. flip the paper
    • Fill the syringe or bag with chocolate. Outline the drawing with chocolate. To make your flowers delicate, draw thin lines to the central part with a thin stick

    The first flower is ready. Make a few of these decorations, cool them. When the flowers are completely dry, separate them from the paper. Decorate the cake.

    Cake decoration with chocolate balls: ideas, photos

    Chocolate decoration - the perfect complement for every dessert. In order for such a decor to turn out the first time, you need the chocolate to be sweet, thick and decadent. Listen to our helpful and simple advice, then you can turn the cake into an unforgettable work of art.

    1 method

    To make these chocolate balls, take:

    • chocolate bar
    • Iron tube
    • Pastry bag

    Manufacturing process:

    • Place the iron tube in the freezer for a while.
    • Melt chocolate, pour into a pastry bag.
    • Take out the tube, cover it with a bag of chocolate.
    • On a cold iron tube, the chocolate will instantly cool down, then carefully remove it.
    • Immediately roll the chocolate into a ball.

    You can make these balls in several colors and sizes. Spread the resulting balls on top of the cake, complement with other decorations.

    2 method

    For the second method you will have to take:

    • Round ice molds
    • Chocolate tablets (white, black)

    Manufacturing process:

    • Melt dark chocolate tablets. Apply the paste to the inside of the molds. Do it a little casually.
    • Top the dark chocolate with white chocolate.
    • Place the molds in the freezer.
    • When the chocolate has completely hardened, remove the molds.
    • Place in warm water for a couple of seconds. After that, you can easily take out the hemispheres.
    • Connect the two hemispheres together to make a ball.

    You can place any filling in the middle of such a ball. For example, pieces of fruit or berries.

    How to make chocolate drops on the cake and decorate the cake: ideas, photos

    Highly a good option cake decor - chocolate drops. You can use them to decorate the cake, homemade pie, cookies. But those drops that are sold in the store do not always come across high-quality ones. Therefore, make such droplets yourself. You will definitely not doubt their quality and taste.

    For cooking, stock up on the following products:

    • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp
    • Coconut oil - 1/2 tbsp
    • Honey - 4 tbsp.
    • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp

    Cooking process:

    • For work, take a pastry bag.
    • Melt the coconut oil. When it begins to gradually melt, remove from the stove, pour into a separate bowl, cool. You should have a clear oil.
    • Pour cocoa and other ingredients to it.
    • Stir the paste so that it becomes homogeneous. Cool in the refrigerator for half an hour.
    • When cool, fill a pastry bag with the paste.
    • Squeeze drops of different sizes, place them close to each other to save space on the surface.
    • Place the surface with drops in the freezer for about 25 minutes.

    How to make a chocolate cake fence: chocolate patterns, photo

    Chocolate openwork is the most the best decoration with which you can decorate the sides of the cake and make a fence out of it. Such decorations are made from any chocolate, there is not much difference here.

    The thinner the layer of chocolate is, the more fragile the figures will turn out of it.

    Option 1

    For this fence, take:

    • aluminum foil
    • cooking pouch
    • shoulder blade
    • Chocolate (any)

    Cooking process:

    • Melt a bar of chocolate. Put it in a cooking bag
    • Draw on foil chocolate paste openwork fence
    • Place the chocolate foil in the refrigerator for about 60 minutes
    • Separate the chocolate with a spatula, decorate the sides of the cake

    Option 2

    • Cut a piece of parchment paper long enough to wrap around the cake.
    • Draw on paper with white chocolate. For example, peas, flowers, butterflies, rings and so on
    • Put it in the fridge for a while so that the chocolate hardens a little.
    • Spoon the melted black chocolate over the pattern, carefully using a knife or spatula to spread the chocolate all over the ribbon. Try not to touch the drawing
    • Wrap the cake with ribbon, refrigerate
    • After a while, remove the paper. You will get an unusual and interesting fence

    As you can see, the variety of chocolate cake decorations is varied. Do not stop at one option, experiment. It's so nice to please loved ones with their own hand-made masterpieces.

    Video: How to assemble and decorate a birthday cake?

    It is not at all necessary to buy it in a store, because manufacturers often add various preservatives and dyes that do not bring any benefit to the body. Making chocolate chips is not difficult, but finished product will be without any additives, which makes it even more attractive.

    To prepare chocolate chips, you need a cup of cocoa butter, and if it is not available, then you can replace it with Coconut oil. Also a cup of cocoa powder, a third of a cup of honey or wedge syrup and three teaspoons of vanilla. Combine all ingredients in a suitable size saucepan and heat over very low heat. The mixture must be constantly stirred. Wait for education homogeneous mass which will be similar in consistency to a sauce.

    The second stage is the preparation of the pan. To do this, you need to line it with parchment. Cover the entire surface of the pan. Please note that the surface of the baking sheet must be dry, so wipe it first to remove any moisture.

    After preparing the baking sheet, pour the mixture of ingredients onto the parchment. Pour evenly, trying to spread the mixture evenly throughout the pan.

    Make sure that the future chocolate spreads evenly over the baking sheet. To do this, you can shake a sheet of parchment a little. You should not make much effort, just grab the edges of the parchment with two fingers and a little.

    It is best to place the chocolate in the freezer, however some freezers are very powerful which will cause the pan to freeze to the base on its own. Then it will be very difficult to pull it out of the freezer. Place a baking sheet on the top shelf of your refrigerator and wait for the chocolate to harden.

    Once the chocolate has hardened slightly, place it in the freezer for 2-3 hours. This period of time is considered optimal, since the chocolate will have time to solidify completely, and the baking sheet will not have time to freeze to the bottom of the freezer.

    After the time has elapsed, remove the baking sheet from the freezer, free the chocolate from the parchment, and then break it into pieces. They should be medium in size, so don't grind or break into too large pieces.

    Grind the selected amount of chocolate with a knife or grate on a coarse grater. So the chocolate chips of our own production are ready.

    Separate required amount chocolate that you need at the moment, and transfer the rest to a suitable container or freezer bag and put it in the freezer. Otherwise, the chocolate that remains will simply melt and be unsuitable for further use.