Walnut jam - delicious and simple treat recipes. The benefits and harms of green walnut jam

The taste cannot be compared with any fruity or berry jam. To achieve the desired result, you will have to make an effort. Depending on the recipe, the preparation of the treat can take from several days to several weeks.

On the beneficial and harmful properties of nuts

The benefits of jam walnuts was noted by the ancient healer Avicenna. He recommended it to people emaciated from serious illnesses for quick recovery. But the product also has a number of contraindications.

Benefits and chemical composition

The beneficial properties of green nuts allow us to consider them a universal remedy for restoring body systems and strengthening protective barriers. The secret lies in the rich composition.

  • Vitamin C. Peel walnut contains 50 times more vitamin than lemon. The substance is useful not only for immunity. It also gives elasticity to blood vessels, normalizes the production of thyroid hormones.
  • Vitamin RR. Accelerates metabolism, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. Vitamin is essential for normal functioning nervous system, heart and vascular health, as well as skin beauty.
  • Vitamin E. A powerful antioxidant that removes free radicals and heavy metals from the body, preventing the development of cancer. For women, the substance is important in terms of preventing breast tumors and normalizing hormonal levels. It is also called the “beauty vitamin” due to beneficial influence on hair and skin.
  • Vitamin B2. It takes part in the process of converting fats and carbohydrates into energy resources of the body. Breaks down pyruvic acid, which negatively affects the functioning of the heart and nervous system.
  • Iodine. According to the content of the element, it is green, and not ripe walnuts, that are not inferior to seafood. Iodine improves physical and mental performance. Strengthens the nervous system, making a person more resistant to stress.
  • Phytoncides. They kill pathogenic microbes, which contributes to the rapid treatment of infections.
  • Fatty acid. They nourish tissues, making them more elastic and resistant to negative influences. Helps strengthen the immune system.
  • Tannins. Remove carcinogens, cleanse the intestines, prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the digestive organs.
  • Glycosides. Stimulate cerebral circulation. As a result, memory and concentration are improved.
  • Magnesium. It dilates blood vessels, which normalizes blood pressure.

People living in industrial regions with poor ecology, engaged in intense mental or physical work, subject to stress, simply need to take walnut jam. A teaspoon of treats a day will provide reliable protection for the body. The dessert will help make up for the lack of iodine in people who, due to allergies, cannot eat seafood.


Given the saturated chemical composition nuts and jam from them, do not get carried away with a treat. He has contraindications.

  • Diabetes. Jam contains a lot of sugar, which is dangerous in case of illness. Talk to your doctor about using a sweetener to prepare it.
  • Excess weight. You can't call it a dietary product. The calorie content of jam is almost 250 kcal.
  • Pregnancy. In the second and third trimesters, dessert can trigger the development of diabetes in pregnant women.
  • Ulcer of the stomach or intestines. By promoting the production of gastric juice, the product can provoke an exacerbation of diseases.
  • Individual intolerance. Both ripe and green nuts are difficult to digest and are allergens.

Preparatory stage

Green walnut jam will delight you with an unforgettable taste if you collect and process the raw materials correctly.

Procurement of raw materials: 4 rules

You can cook walnut jam until the shell has hardened. Follow the four rules for fruit selection.

  1. Color. Nuts should be light green in color. Fruits with stains are not used.
  2. The form. Choose large nuts with a perfectly rounded shape. Deformed fruit should not be used.
  3. degree of maturity. The shell should have a milky-waxy texture, and the nascent kernels should look like jelly. A little hardening is perfectly acceptable.
  4. Period. The second half of June is the time to harvest raw materials.

Going for nuts, grab a few toothpicks. If the point easily pierces the fruit through and through, the raw material is ideal for dessert.

Processing: 7 stages

If you decide to make green walnut jam, the recipe will begin with the preparation of the fruit. It includes seven stages.

  1. Remove skins from nuts. To make it easier, blanch the fruit. Send them first in boiling water, and then in ice water.
  2. Put the raw material in cold water. The fruits need to be soaked for two days. As the water darkens, it needs to be changed.
  3. Prepare a solution of slaked lime (calcium oxide). For five liters of water take half a kilogram of the substance. Stir, leave for four hours and strain.
  4. Soak the nuts in the solution for two days to remove the bitterness.
  5. Rinse the fruits under running water.
  6. Use a wooden skewer to poke a few holes in each nut.
  7. Soak the raw materials again in clean water for two days. Don't forget to change the water.

When preparing raw materials for cooking, you can do without lime. Soak the nuts in the solution baking soda. To avoid waiting two days, try blanching the fruit in water with citric acid. Judging by the reviews of the hostesses, both methods are excellent at fighting bitterness. If you do not want to use foreign impurities, you will have to soak the nuts in cold water for at least ten days.

Walnut jam recipe: 5 options

Cooking dessert requires patience and a certain skill. Guided by a step-by-step recipe, you will quickly learn how to cook healthy treat.

Recipe #1: Simple

You will need:

  • prepared nuts - 100 pcs.;
  • sugar - one kilogram;
  • water - one and a half to two glasses.


  1. Heat water with sugar until the granules dissolve.
  2. Dip the nuts in the syrup, boil for five minutes.
  3. Remove jam from stove and let cool completely.
  4. Boil the jam again, boil for another five minutes, cool.
  5. Repeat this cycle until the syrup is thick enough.
  6. Arrange the fruits in sterile jars, fill with syrup and close the lids.

In a simple recipe, it is acceptable to use nuts with a peel. It turns out dark and thick. The taste of the syrup resembles buckwheat honey.

Recipe number 2: Armenian

You will need:

  • prepared nuts - 100 pieces;
  • water - two glasses;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • cloves - ten pieces;
  • cinnamon - a teaspoon or one stick;
  • lemon - two pieces.


  1. Make syrup from water and sugar.
  2. When the granules are completely dissolved, lower the nuts into the boiling liquid.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the lemons and add to the pot.
  4. Put the cloves and cinnamon on cheesecloth or cotton cloth and tie in a bag. Send to the pan.
  5. Boil the jam and leave to infuse for a day. Repeat the cycle two more times.
  6. For the fourth time, the jam must be heated until the nuts become soft.
  7. Distribute the boiled fruits among the jars, pour over the syrup and roll up the lids.

The Armenian recipe is good because the jam is fragrant and spicy. Due to lemon juice, the concentration of ascorbic acid increases. To make the taste even more piquant, add lemon zest to the syrup.

Recipe number 3: Bulgarian

You will need:

  • prepared nuts - 1 kg;
  • water - one glass;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - 10 g.


  1. Place the nuts in boiling water for five minutes.
  2. Transfer the fruit to a bowl ice water for ten minutes.
  3. Repeat the cycle seven to ten times.
  4. Pour sugar into a glass of water and prepare syrup.
  5. Place raw materials in a sweet liquid and cook until soft.
  6. When the nuts are ready, add citric acid, remove from heat after ten minutes.
  7. Divide dessert among jars.

Recipe number 4: from the kernels

You will need:

  • unpeeled green nuts - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - two glasses;
  • citric acid - 5 g.


  1. Arrange the nuts so that direct sunlight falls on them.
  2. Leave the fruit in the sun for two to three days, turning occasionally.
  3. Wash the nuts and start cleaning. You need to remove not only the peel, but also the pulp until a white shell appears.
  4. Immediately place peeled fruits in water with citric acid so that they do not darken.
  5. When the nuts are peeled, remove them from acidified water, and boil the liquid itself.
  6. Dip the fruits in boiling water, after ten minutes, remove them with a slotted spoon.
  7. Add sugar to acidic water and boil until the granules disperse.
  8. Transfer the nuts to the syrup and leave for eight hours.
  9. At the final stage, the dessert must be boiled for another 40 minutes and rolled into jars.

Recipe number 5: from ripe nuts

You will need:

  • apples of sweet varieties - 1 kg;
  • nut kernels - 100 g;
  • one lemon;
  • water - two glasses;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • peppercorns - five pieces.


  1. Peeled apples cut into small cubes or straws.
  2. Place fruits in a saucepan, add water, lemon juice, sugar, black pepper.
  3. Cook the ingredients for a quarter of an hour, constantly removing the foam.
  4. Take the pepper out of the syrup.
  5. Finely chop the nuts with a knife. You can use a coffee grinder. Add to apple stock.
  6. Boil the dessert for another quarter of an hour and distribute it among the jars.

Ripe nut jam is especially useful for men. Regular use prevents the development of prostatitis, enhances potency, and also contributes to the treatment of infertility.

For high-quality jam, not only the ingredients are important, but also the observance of the subtleties of the technology of preparation and storage. Six tips to help you get the job done.

  1. In what dishes to cook jam. Perfect option- a basin or a pan from stainless steel. It is not recommended to use copper containers, as ascorbic acid is destroyed by contact with this metal. Aluminum is also undesirable, its ions can penetrate the product.
  2. Prepare your container carefully. Both jars and lids must be washed well with soda and sterilized.
  3. Protect your hands. Considering high content iodine in nuts, there is a risk that the skin of the hands will turn dark. Therefore, work with the fruits in gloves.
  4. Let the jam set. To fully reveal the taste of the dessert, do not open the jar for at least 20 days after seaming.
  5. Storage. The ideal place to store jam is a cellar or a dark pantry. The room temperature must not exceed 25 °C.
  6. Best before date. A sealed jar can stand in the pantry for no more than nine months. And open jam becomes unusable after two months.

Some sources contain information that jam from young walnuts was part of the diet of the soldiers of the army of Alexander the Great. It gave them strength before the battle and helped them recover from long campaigns and severe wounds. Given the rhythm of life of a modern person, he also does not interfere with a means to give vital energy. Walnut jam is exactly what you need.


Walnuts are the most popular of their family and are used for cooking huge amount different dishes. For example, there is unusual recipe- green walnut jam.

The cooking technology is complex, which does not stop avid cooks. It has an unusual and interesting taste, a number of useful properties that need to be understood in more detail.

This article presents 5 recipes for young green walnut jam, information about its benefits, health risks, useful properties for weight loss.

How to cook

Jam is a great way to enjoy an amazing aroma throughout the year and preserve all the beneficial properties of the fruit.

After preparing the nuts, you need to lower them into boiling water so that it completely covers them, and cook for ten minutes, then put them on a sieve.

Mix sugar with two glasses of water, bring to a boil, then remove the foam. Dip nuts and cloves into the resulting syrup, add lemon juice. Bring the mass to a boil.

When the jam has cooled, boil it again. Repeat three times, then cook until done. Then pack in sterile jars.

Jam from green nuts - from collection to seaming:

Composition and calories

The peculiarity of the walnut is that its chemical composition changes as it ripens. All useful substances are also preserved during drying.

The calorie content of a walnut is 650 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of jam from it is about 250 kcal / 100 g.

Vitamin C is found only in unripe fruits, disappearing as they ripen.

Useful properties for the body

Walnut jam is very healthy. It helps to fight various diseases and pathological conditions:

This delicious dessert helps fight insomnia, improves mental alertness and immunity. It is also recommended for those who have recently undergone complex surgeries.

Walnut jam valued in both traditional and folk medicine . It helps with rheumatism, diseases of the bladder, heart, kidneys, urological and gynecological areas.

Possessing a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, anti-sclerotic effect, jam helps fight many pathologies.

Of the most useful substances contains linoleic and oleic acid, vitamins and minerals.

What is useful for different groups of people

How does green dessert affect walnuts for certain groups of people:

Adult men and women. Adults in the absence of contraindications and excess weight cooked fruits will benefit if consumed in moderation.

Pregnant and lactating women. It is highly likely that the product will provoke an allergy, so expectant and nursing mothers need to be careful with it.

Children. It is contraindicated for small children, but school-age children can eat it in small quantities- the product will improve brain activity, increase academic performance.

Elderly people. Possessing an anti-sclerotic effect, strengthening the heart and blood vessels, nut jam useful for older people.

But it is hard to digest by the body.

Harm and contraindications

Walnut jam can be harmful only in exceptional cases. This applies to people with overweight, because high-calorie and nutritious product.

Dessert is hard to digest. Nuts are a powerful allergen, and jam can provoke an unwanted reaction.

Having prepared jam, you can use it throughout the year. You can eat it with tea, add it to cereals, pastries.

There are no daily norms for the use of the product, but due to high calorie content, it is important not to abuse it- a few spoonfuls will be enough.

For cooking, experts give the following recommendations:

  • when cutting fruits, put on gloves;
  • To make the cooked dessert tasty and fragrant, cook it in three steps. If you wait until it has cooled completely after the first cooking, then the jam will be thick;
  • you can give the dish an unusual spicy taste by adding zest mixed with vanilla and cinnamon;
  • it is stored in a dark place at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees.

cooking options

There are many variations of green walnut jam recipes. The method of preparing fruits and dishes will be the same as described earlier. We offer a few more of them.

With cardamom

Ingredients: 100 pieces of green nuts, eight glasses of water, two kilograms of sugar, 10 cloves, five pieces, a couple of teaspoons of cinnamon.

Cooking: pour eight glasses of water into the basin, pour sugar, let it boil, dip the prepared nuts there.

During the cooking process, a bag with ground spices is placed in the container: cardamom, cinnamon, cloves.

You need to cook until the nuts get a black sheen. Add vanilla. Let the jam cool and roll into jars.

in Armenian

Ingredients: 100 pieces of green fruits, 400 ml of water, 1 kilogram of sugar, 10 cloves, two lemons, 10 g of cinnamon.

Cooking: prepare syrup from sugar and water, let it cool. Put the nuts there, add the juice of two lemons. Boil, leave for a day. Do the same three times.

Then you need to cook until tender, so that the fruits become completely soft.

Transfer to sterilized jars, fill with the remaining syrup, preserve.

in Bulgarian

A recipe that takes time, but the jam should taste amazing.

Ingredients: for 1.1 kg of fruit - a glass of water, a kilogram of sugar, 10 g citric acid.

Cooking: Peeled nuts are placed in a 0.5% solution of citric acid for an hour. You need to cook by alternating method.

First, dip in boiling water for four minutes, then for 10 minutes in cold water. Repeat this procedure at least seven times.

Boil the syrup from sugar and water, place the nuts there, cook until fully cooked. Ten minutes before the end of cooking, add citric acid. Pack the jam in jars, then roll up.

in Ukrainian

Ingredients: 1 kilogram of nuts, 1.2 kg of sugar, lemon, 10 cloves.

Cooking: wash the nuts thoroughly, pierce with a thick needle, dip in boiling water for 20 minutes, then cool in cold water.

Make syrup from sugar and water, add cloves, lemon juice. Pour the nuts with the resulting solution.

Boil them for five minutes, then leave for an hour and bring to a boil again, boil for five minutes - this should be done three times.

For the fourth time, you need to cook until fully cooked, then cool and roll into jars.

Application for weight loss

Due to the high calorie content of green walnut jam does not count dietary product . But it is more useful than many other sweets, because it can replace them.

A couple of spoons of healthy jam is a great alternative to a chocolate bar or a piece of cake.

Green walnut jam unusual dessert but very interesting and useful.

Sophisticated chefs have been practicing its preparation for a long time, and those who have not done it yet can try and appreciate all the delights of a non-trivial taste.

In contact with

Walnut jam is a fairly popular product in places where the tree itself grows. It is valued among many gourmets and is widely popular due to its characteristic taste and beneficial properties. To enjoy the dessert, it is not necessary to purchase such jam in the store, it can be prepared at home if you have all the necessary ingredients on hand.

Green walnut jam: recipe

First of all, it should be noted that only young nuts are used for making jam, which have more green color and have only reached milk maturity. They are soft shelled. The process of harvesting fruits for direct preparation has some subtleties. This is due to the peculiar bitterness of the feedstock. In order to get rid of bad taste, still unripe nuts are placed in cold water and left soaked for about two days. Before that, they are cleaned of green crust.

Remember to wear gloves while cutting green nuts. Due to the high concentration of iodine in their composition, the skin of the fingers will turn dark very quickly.

Throughout the soaking, the water should be changed regularly - at least three times a day. Then the water must be drained, and the nuts poured with lime mortar. To prepare it, use cold water and slaked lime. Leave the nuts in the resulting solution for at least four hours. Then strain them so that the bitter taste of the feedstock can be eliminated. At the final stage, rinse the nuts thoroughly under running water.

Jam made from walnuts has one more nuance - after all the manipulations done, the nuts need to be pierced with a fork in several places, and then placed again in cold water, but for two days already. Then the syrup itself is prepared, in which the nuts will be cooked. For its preparation, ordinary sugar and water are used, if desired, you can add cinnamon or cloves.

Consider the ratio of proportions in more detail:

  • 40 pcs. unripe nuts;
  • 3 cups of sugar;
  • 1.75 liters of water for soaking and one glass already for making syrup;
  • 1 tsp citric acid - added if desired to water for harvesting nuts;
  • cloves, cinnamon - to taste.

When the syrup is ready, boil the nuts in it for about ten minutes and leave it in this state for about a day. So they can get enough sugar and get pleasant taste. Further, the cooking process must be continued. Half an hour is enough for this, but a more accurate sign that the nuts are already ready will be their black sheen. Do not forget to throw a bag of ground spices into the water during cooking. This will give the jam a more pleasant flavor. Then it should be poured into jars while still hot.

If you want green walnut jam get unusual taste, you can deviate a bit from classic recipe. So, some say that jam gets a pleasant aftertaste if you add vanillin to it along with the usual spices.

As for cooking utensils, it is highly recommended not to use copper or aluminum products for this purpose. These materials, when exposed to heat, begin to break down, which will lead to metal particles getting into the jam. The most optimal option is the use of enameled containers, as well as stainless steel. Before proceeding directly to cooking, all dishes and lids should be washed. To do this, use water with the addition of baking soda. Then scald the containers with boiling water and dry thoroughly.

The benefits and harms of walnut jam

Everyone knows that walnuts have a number of useful properties. But many are wondering if there is any benefit in jam made from walnuts. Even after prolonged cooking, still unripe nuts retain all medicinal qualities. That is why it is recommended to prepare such jam not only for culinary reasons. It contains many valuable substances, but the most important of them is iodine.

In general, the benefits of such jam are relevant and, if necessary, increase immunity. It is often used if there are problems with the thyroid gland. Also, walnuts, even boiled, are useful for the vessels of the brain. The product can be used by women who are carrying a fetus. This is a healthy treat for children, as well as people with unstable blood pressure. With intense mental work, fragrant green walnut jam will also help.

But there is a downside to the benefits - you should not get carried away with these products, especially for people who are overweight, since walnuts are high in calories.

Video recipe for walnut jam

Armenian Nut Jam - video

Cold is a great time to fish out various carefully prepared gifts of summer from the bins. Many years ago, our ancestors learned how to preserve fruits, berries and vegetables for the winter by salting, canning, drying, etc. Now, of course, the prevalence of such preparations has decreased somewhat, since many products of this type can be purchased in stores. However, some homemade jams remain more than popular, because they differ not only in attractive palatability, but they are also a concentration of a huge amount of useful substances. These products include walnut jam, the benefits of which, by the way, are not known to everyone.

Nevertheless, such sweetness is a recognized delicacy product, because it is highly valued in various parts of the world. Nut jam is a very tasty canned product, which is prepared from green nuts that have reached only the stage of milky maturity. Such a delicacy can rightly be called the king of jam, because it is not only amazingly tasty, but also healthy.

Benefits of walnut jam

The use of walnuts in the preparation of such sweetness is explained by the fact that this product is a source of a significant amount of biologically active components that have a positive effect on the activity of the whole organism.

Such nuts are a source of a significant amount of vitamin C, according to researchers, they have more of this element even than citrus fruits. They also contain other vitamins, for example, group B, tocopherol, etc. In addition, the nucleoli of such a product contain a significant amount of alkaloids, glycosides and tar particles. They also contain a lot of iodine, which is important for each of us.

The healthy ingredients of walnut jam make it an excellent winter food. After all, it is in the cold and off-season that our body is faced with a lack of vitamin and mineral elements, and at this time there is a significant decrease in immunity. Sweet jam will help to cope with these problems.

A walnut treat helps patients with hypothyroidism due to its significant iodine content. Its consumption has a positive effect on the activity of the liver, cleansing and strengthening this organ. Also, this jam, with moderate consumption, helps to eliminate insomnia. It is advisable to consume it in the treatment of various colds and viral diseases, including tonsillitis and influenza.

Walnut jam will benefit people with nervous disorders. Eating it will help patients suffering from various kinds of heart ailments. Also, such a delicacy has a positive effect on the state of blood vessels, which will be especially useful for patients with hypertension and atherosclerosis. Its consumption allows you to remove excess "bad" cholesterol from the body and even clean the walls of blood vessels from already formed cholesterol plaques.

Scientists have found out many years ago that walnuts are a wonderful product for improving brain activity. Accordingly, eating jam based on them will useful people doing mental work. Such an additive to the diet will help improve memory processes and have a positive effect on attention. You need to pay attention to it if you are engaged in prolonged mental work or are subjected to intense nervous stress.

As we mentioned above, such jam will be especially useful for immunity. It perfectly activates the body's defenses. At the same time, the consumption of such a food product is not contraindicated for children and women awaiting the birth of a baby, in the absence of allergic reactions.

In the event that you are faced with the need for various kinds of surgical interventions, walnut jam will help you recover as quickly as possible after them. Also, such a delicacy has a positive effect on the activity of the digestive tract, and its unique qualities will help speedy recovery from ulcerative lesions and gastritis.

Some experts argue that the consumption of such jam contributes to effective cleaning body from various worms.

British scientists a few years ago came to the conclusion that the consumption of walnut jam helps prevent the formation of prostate cancer in males, and breast tumors in women.

There is also evidence that such a delicacy has a positive effect on the reproductive functions of both sexes, and in men it helps to cure and prevent problems with potency.

Traditional medicine experts also advise consuming walnut-based jam in the prevention and treatment of gout, rheumatism, oral diseases, bladder, kidney and heart ailments.

Can walnut jam be dangerous? Harm to human health

Walnut jam can be harmful to health if it is not of sufficient quality. Therefore, prepare the product yourself, or buy it only from trusted manufacturers. In addition, keep in mind that this delicacy can cause allergic reactions. Do not abuse jam, as it is quite high in calories and can cause weight gain. Of course, diabetics should not eat it either.

Walnut trees have become widespread throughout the world. Sweet jam made from unripe walnut stands out among others with an increased amount of vitamin C and is one of the most popular delicacies. There are many different variations. A large number of recipes for such sweetness came to us from Greece. In this article, we will look at what useful qualities has jam, how to cook it at home and storage features.

The medicinal properties of walnuts have been known since ancient Babylon. The inhabitants of this great city identified it with food for the rich, and Herodotus considered it a source vitality. Hippocrates prescribed walnut fruits for diseases of the stomach, kidneys, heart and liver.

walnut thanks medicinal properties called "tree of life". After active physical activity it perfectly satisfies hunger and restores energy, helps to overcome fatigue. Amino oxidants contained in the kernel reduce the risk of developing cancer.
The fruits of the "tree of life" are prescribed to people with diseases thyroid gland, disorders of the nervous system, diseases of the heart and blood vessels. They improve liver function, reduce arterial pressure, promote weight loss, strengthen memory and bone tissue.

The fruit of the walnut tree, due to its high quantity, is recommended for people living in regions with an increased radiation background. Unripe nuts combined with strengthen immunity. A large concentration of vitamins P and E helps in the fight against impotence. Green nuts accelerate wound healing, stop bleeding, help with diarrhea.

Composition of walnuts

Unripe fruits contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. In this regard, they are used in cooking for the preparation of jams and marinades, and in medicine for the preparation of alcohol tinctures.

Green fruits are best harvested in the first month of summer. During this period, they contain the largest number of useful elements, and the core and peel remain soft.


Dairy fruits contain vitamins, as well as,. It should be noted a particularly high concentration, in 100 g of green walnut its content is 2500-3000 mcg. For example, in ripe walnut its concentration is 50 times less, and in currants - 8 times. In addition, 100 g of walnut contains beta-carotene - 0.05 mg, - 0.4 mg, - 0.13 mg, - 77 mg, tocopherol - 23 mg, - 1 mg.

Vitamin PP helps regulate redox processes. For building muscle mass athletes consume beta-sitosterol, which is obtained from the pericarp of a walnut.

Did you know? High-quality activated carbon is prepared from burnt walnut shells.


Unripe walnuts are rich in iodine, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc and calcium. 100 g of the product contains:

  • - 2.3 mg;
  • - 665 mg;
  • - 120 mg;
  • - 200 mg;
  • - 2 mg;
  • - 0.5 mg;
  • - 3 mg;
  • - 550 mg;
  • - 0.7 mg;
  • - 2.5 mg.

In terms of iodine content, milk nuts can be compared with. In this regard, they are recommended for use by people with impaired thyroid function. The high amount of iron contained in the fruits of the "tree of life" allows them to be used to prevent anemia.

Benefits of green walnut jam

Micro and macro elements, vitamins in unripe fruits will help maintain health. In folk medicine, they are used to prepare tinctures and medicines for various diseases. One of the most tasty medicines is a jam made from green walnuts.

It is very difficult to buy such a delicacy, since it is not sold in ordinary stores and is considered delicacy. The main advantage of jam is a high iodine content, and long-term heat treatment allows you to remove bitterness. Let's look at the beneficial properties of young walnut jam.

Nut sweetness has a pleasant and unique taste with a slight bitterness. The rich composition of the jam allows you to strengthen cardiovascular system and improve brain activity. After heavy physical exertion, it helps to quickly restore energy and satisfy hunger.

Important!With uterine fibroids, women are advised to use jam from the peel of an unripe walnut.

A healthy treat helps to cope with apathy and depression. It is recommended to use it for people with iodine deficiency in the body and kidney disease. Regular use of jam will help improve potency and increase libido.

Is it possible

The benefits of walnuts are noted by many doctors, but let's see if this useful product eat for pregnant, lactating and children.

Pregnant and lactating

One of the top foods to eat is the walnut. The inclusion of this product in the diet is recommended due to its high concentration. Due to the fact that young nuts contain a large amount of useful substances, they are recommended in small quantities to strengthen the body, and during pregnancy, which is complicated by a lack of iodine, they are prescribed as an indispensable product in the diet.


Such sweetness is recommended for children in the period of active growth and suffering from rickets. For school-age children, it helps to cope with the load and to concentrate. Tannins and glucose contained in green walnut jam will help you quickly adapt to difficult school conditions.

Features of use: are there any rules?

Walnuts are very useful and high-calorie product, and the glucose contained in the jam only increases its satiety and calorie content. In this regard, it is necessary to know the features of the use of delicacies, and then its benefits for the body will be maximum.

Recommended daily rate use of this product is 2-3 tablespoons. It can be used as independent dish, and in combination with other products, for example, as a filling for pies. Green walnut jam is a great addition to.

Did you know? The walnut tree in the Caucasus is sacred, and some of them can be up to four centuries old.

Rules for choosing good nuts

Unripe walnut fruits have a green pericarp, and their shell is soft, so you need to choose the right fruits for future jam.

Nuts are better collect in May or June, as they combine milky ripeness and a storehouse of nutrients. Fruits are chosen the same size.

Important! The pericarp should not have any wormholes or spots.

To check the maturity of the fetus, it is pierced with a toothpick. It should go through with ease, in which case the nut will withstand the cooking process and retain its shape. Before making jam, especially if you are doing it for the first time, you need to study the steps and prepare all the necessary products.

Walnut Jam: A Step-by-Step Cooking Recipe

Such sweetness is one of the most popular types of jam in the world, and some even call it the "king of the sweet world." There are a large number of different recipes, consider one of them.

Grocery list

To make jam you will need 100 pieces. green walnuts and 1 kg sugar. Such a dish is prepared in June, when the nuts contain the largest number useful elements. It is better to collect them in an ecologically clean area, away from the highway and any production.

Step by step recipe

Important! In order to prevent hands from staining when working with young walnut fruits, rubber gloves must be used.

Green walnut jam different countries cook according to various recipes. So, for example, in Poland and Western Ukraine, vanilla is added to jam, and in Armenia - and.

Storage features

Green walnut delicacy retains its properties for 9 months when proper storage. For the safety of all useful substances, it is better to store it in a dark place and at room temperature. The lid must be tightly closed so that air does not enter the jar. Otherwise, your efforts will be in vain.

Contraindications and possible harm

Green walnut jam - very healthy dish but it is contraindicated in people with individual intolerance and excess iodine in the body. Also, people should be careful diabetes .

Eating a treat is necessary in moderate portions, especially for people who are overweight. The combination of high-calorie nuts and glucose contributes to weight gain, although in minimum quantity it can help burn extra pounds.

Important! It is better for pregnant women in the second and third trimester to limit the amount healthy sweets to a minimum, as it can cause the development of a disease such as diabetes in pregnant women.

More about jam with nuts

Hostesses offer a large number a variety of recipes nutty sweetness. To give piquant taste various spices or citrus peels can be added to green walnut jam.
But very often nuts are used for stuffing various fruits. So, for example, if you add to a nut, then you get delicious jam, which is often called "royal".

With almonds

This nut is used for cooking various kinds sweets. Jam with almonds combines a wonderful soft taste of plum, cloves and cinnamon, which are in harmony with the unique notes of almonds.

Into the cold winter evening can warm you apricot jam with the addition of almonds, which combines sourness and a bright aftertaste of almonds.

With peanuts

In jams, peanuts are used as an additive to other fruits, and its use gives the taste unique notes. For example, jam with and peanuts acquires a subtle taste, and plum with peanuts has a unique taste that you will not forget for a very long time.
Green walnut jam combines excellent taste and a large number of useful elements. Can be used to make treats various additives that will make it unforgettable. The main thing is to remember that such sweetness can sometimes harm, and they should not be abused, as this is a high-calorie product.