Which cream is best for biscuit cakes. Butter cream for biscuit with cocoa

The rapid rhythm of life forces housewives to acquire already ready-made sweets. But a self-made cake cannot replace even the most delicious, purchased in a store. After all, it is baked by the hands of a loved one with love.

It is biscuit cakes that are very popular with the sweet tooth. And some believe that the most important step is the preparation of the cake. But without right cream sweetness will not acquire that unforgettable taste that will remain in memory for a long time.

For example, one cream will completely soak the cakes, while the other will make it dry. Therefore, its selection and preparation should be given no less attention than cakes.

delicious cream For biscuit cakes

Undoubtedly, in order for the cakes to be soaked, the cream must be tender and light. According to many housewives, custard is perfect for these purposes. However, its texture is very light, so it is not suitable for decorating a cake. Despite this, for many sweet teeth, this particular taste is associated with biscuit cake.

Use a non-stick pan during the process. Mix milk, flour and sugar in it. And already at this stage add vanilla sugar. Beat everything with a mixer until uniform consistency. There should be no lumps. This will take approximately one minute.

Put the pot on a small fire. It should cook for 5 minutes until it begins to thicken. To avoid lumps during the cooking process, you can periodically beat the mixture with a mixer. Let the mixture cool down after 5 minutes.

Already in a warm cream, put the butter and beat again until homogeneous mass. Start smearing the cakes only when it has completely cooled down.

Butter cream

Cream for sponge cake from oil will emphasize the unforgettable taste of sweetness and serve as an excellent decoration. In Europe, this recipe is the most popular. For its preparation, simple oil without flavorings is used. Products for a popular recipe:

  1. Butter - 350 grams;
  2. Vanilla sugar. One sachet is enough;
  3. Condensed milk - one can (not boiled);

Cooking time - up to 20 minutes. Calorie content - 520.72 kcal per 100 grams.

Beat butter with a mixer until fluffy. Beat better at medium speed. Then add vanilla sugar and mix thoroughly. Now start beating the butter at the same speed, while pouring the condensed milk in a thin stream. After that, beat for a few more minutes until the cream becomes homogeneous.

In addition to this recipe, there is another, popularly called classic recipe oil cream. It is also easy to prepare and does not take much time. It includes:

  1. Powdered sugar - 1/3 cup;
  2. Chicken yolks - 2 pieces;
  3. Butter - 200 grams;
  4. Rum or cognac. A few drops are added as desired.

Cooking time - up to 15 minutes. Calorie content - 559.90 kcal per 100 grams.

In a deep bowl, mix the oil well with powdered sugar. Separately beat the yolks and add to the butter. Now beat everything until smooth. You can use a whisk or mixer. Add rum or cognac at the very end.

Regardless of which butter cream you decide to make, take the butter out of the refrigerator for a while before doing so. It should be soft.

curd cream

It is worth noting that this cream is especially suitable for those who are scrupulous about the figure. It is not only very easy to prepare, it is also low in calories. Therefore, in addition to the fact that it is very tasty, it is also good for health. It contains organic acids, phosphorus, calcium, iodine and B vitamins.

  1. Cream - 250 ml, preferably 30%;
  2. Cottage cheese - 500 grams;
  3. Powdered sugar - 200 grams.

Cooking time - up to 15 minutes. Calorie content - 182.50 per 100 grams.

In a deep bowl or in a blender, mix cottage cheese and powder. After that, beat the cream separately until a fluffy mass forms and add to the curd. Gently mix everything until smooth.
Such curd cream is used both for lubrication and for decorating your favorite biscuit cake.

Cream of boiled condensed milk

The peculiarity of such a cream is that it is impossible to spoil it, just like from sour cream. It is he who wins the hearts of many sweet tooth. It must contain such products.

  1. Condensed milk, should be boiled - one can;
  2. Butter - one pack;
  3. According to personal preference, you can add 100 ml of unboiled condensed milk;
  4. Again, if desired, add cognac and / or vanillin.

Cooking time - 10 minutes. Calorie content - 445.09 kcal per 100 grams.

Before starting the process, you need to make sure that the temperature of the condensed milk and butter is approximately the same. So keep them in the room for a while.

Stir the oil in a deep bowl with a spoon and boiled condensed milk. After that, beat with a mixer until a homogeneous consistency. If you decide to add regular condensed milk, then add and beat the mixture well again with a mixer. When it is completely whipped, add cognac (a couple of drops) and vanillin to taste. Then beat well again.

sour cream

Sour cream, like cottage cheese, is considered the least high-calorie. But other than that, it is very easy to prepare.

  1. Sugar - 200 grams;
  2. Sour cream - 500 ml;
  3. Thickener - one package;
  4. Vanillin to taste.

Cooking time - up to 10 minutes without insisting. Calorie content - 280 kcal per 100 grams.

In a deep bowl, mix sour cream and sugar with a regular whisk or fork.

Vanillin and thickener should be added only when the consistency is homogeneous. Then beat with a mixer until thick. The mass must be dense. Let it brew in the refrigerator. Better to leave it for a few hours. Then you can grease and decorate the cake.

In some cases, a thickener may not need to be added. For example, if you are using already thick sour cream.

chocolate cream recipe

Many hostesses claim that this particular chocolate taste just made for biscuit cakes. But at the same time it is quite high in calories. Prepare the following products for the cream.

  1. Sugar - three tablespoons;
  2. Add cocoa powder - two tablespoons;
  3. Butter. One tablespoon will be enough;
  4. Cow's milk - 500 ml. It is better to take fatty;
  5. Starch - three tablespoons and vanilla sugar.

Cooking time - up to 20 minutes. Calorie content - 189 kcal per 100 grams.

Use a non-stick pan. Mix well in it 250 ml of milk, butter, add cocoa and sugar in the process. Put on a small fire to warm up. When the mixture boils, cook for exactly three minutes. Stir constantly while cooking. Turn off the fire after three minutes.

While the mixture is cooling, mix the starch with the remaining milk so that no lumps remain. Try to do this as quickly as possible so that the mixture does not have time to cool. Pour the milk into the hot cream, immediately pour in the vanilla sugar.

Now again put everything on a small fire, and when the cream boils, cook for two minutes. At this time, the cream will thicken, so constantly stir it well. Remove from heat after two minutes and let cool slightly.

  • when preparing butter cream, pay particular attention to the quality of the cream used. butter. The better and fresher it is, the better the cream will taste;
  • curd cream has a special secret. If you do not forget about it, then such a cake will be a real gift for relatives. Products must be fresh and uniform;
  • you can make the chocolate cream more intense. Grate the chocolate and sprinkle over each cake. Only after that lubricate with cream;
  • do not forget about fruits or berries. They will serve not only as a decoration, but also as a natural and healthy flavor additive. They can be added to each of these creams. Even if you constantly cook the same cream. Always use different berries and fruits. It will seem original, new and unique every time;
  • food coloring can also please you and your loved ones. Add them while cooking and decorate the cake with different colors. For example, if the decorations are in the form of roses, add red food coloring to the cream;

And remember that no matter what cream for biscuit cakes you have prepared, you can always give it interesting taste by adding a few drops of essence to it.


For the biscuit:

  1. eggs - 5 pcs
  2. flour - 1 cup
  3. sugar - 1 cup

For cream:

  1. butter - 250 g
  2. milk - 150 g
  3. powdered sugar - 200 g
  4. vanillin - 1 sachet

This is my second biscuit baking experience and a very successful one. Having read about the incredible difficulties of baking a biscuit, for the first time I took a recipe like “very simple” with the addition of (or soda). He came up, was tall, but I didn’t like it at all. Made from the failed 1st biscuit.

I decided to make a classic biscuit.

And I did it!!! I am sharing this recipe with you.

What we need: 5 eggs, 1 cup sugar and 1 cup flour. A glass for me (and as far as I understand in Slavic cooking) is a classic faceted glass for 250 ml of liquid. I have beautiful glasses with the same volume at home (checked).

We begin to beat the eggs with a mixer, gradually adding sugar. The mass will gradually increase. To beat with a mixer is to beat with whisks. I have a powerful mixer and it took 5-7 minutes to beat eggs with sugar. The mass increases gradually and in the end it will be 3-4 times more than the initial volume.

The egg mass for the biscuit should be viscous and white. Some recipes say that you need to beat for 30 minutes. If with your hands, then no less for sure. But if there were no technology, my impulse “and I’ll cook a biscuit cake” would quickly pass. It's very monotonous and long. But even 20 years ago, all these miracle cakes were prepared by hand)))

Now we take the sifted and measured flour (1 cup) and gently mix it into the biscuit mass. Mix with a spatula to mix gently. Since a real biscuit is prepared without soda, the dough rises precisely due to well-beaten eggs.

As experts say: a lot of bubbles form in them.

Preparing the baking dish. First, we take the one that has a split board.

And the second: from parchment paper cut out a circle the size of the bottom of the mold.

We spread the bottom with paper and sprinkle the bottom with flour.

Pour into a baking dish. The flour should mix very well. Therefore, I once again knead well with a spatula already right in the form.

And in order to prevent the formation of a “slide” on the biscuit after baking (uneven top layer, which is then difficult to put into the cake), we cover the form with foil. Apparently, when the biscuit in the center begins to come up strongly, the foil does not allow it to “crawl out” and “sets it down”. This is important because the biscuit is usually cut into cakes, which should be the same.

The foil can be slightly greased with butter, so that if the biscuit rises to the foil, it then easily leaves.

By the time the biscuit is placed in the oven, it should be well heated. Therefore, I turn it on before I start whipping the biscuit mass.

The temperature is 180 degrees. We bake 30 minutes.

Reduce the temperature to 160-170 and bake for another 30 minutes.


After 1 hour, turn off the oven and let the cake cool down. You can take it out, or you can let it cool right in the oven.

Remove and transfer to a towel or flat plate.

Biscuit is ready!!!

Cut into slices.

I have with a diameter molds 26 cm, turned out to be 4.5 cm high. The cake will turn out to be large in size. If you want a tall cake, then you need to take the form diameter 21 cm. Then the biscuit will be 6 centimeters high and it will be possible to cut it no longer into 2, but into 3 or 4 cakes.

Cooking cream for biscuit. The cream is very soft and delicious.

I took both of these recipes (biscuit and cream) on different pages of the forum on Anastasia Skripkina's website.

We take milk room temperature. Butter softened (which lay for several hours outside the refrigerator).

If I don’t have powder at home, I make it in a coffee grinder from sugar in seconds. Simple, cheap and natural.

Place all ingredients into a mixing bowl. Beat with a whisk at low speed (do not beat this cream with a blender). This procedure will take you about 5 minutes. Look at the photo below. At some point, it may seem to you that the oil has separated and nothing will work. Everything is fine. Keep whisking. Do you like it? Check out a selection of interesting author's recipes!

Some novice cooks often ask this question: “What kind of cream is desirable to use for this?” And so that this question does not arise, I decided to write this article, where, focusing on my past experience, I will say right away: in terms of its consistency, it must be quite stable in order to confidently stay inside.

Take, for example: too liquid cream, in this case, under the weight of the cakes, it will flow, especially if they are heavy and thoroughly soaked. Also, a thick cream for the layer should not be too thick, because it will be dry and not gentle enough.

So, in today's article, we will analyze the recipes for the most delicious creams for biscuit cake, which have been personally tested by me and my friends more than once. Certainly taste qualities all recipes will be different, but for this I will try to explain as clearly as possible what will come out of it and you can choose the one you like more. I also recommend studying.

If you follow all the above recommendations, you will tender mass, which can be supplemented with sour cream or butter. I want to note that such a filling turns out to be very light. And to top it off, it can be used not only for making cakes, but also for cookies, waffles and cakes.


  • Butter 82.5% - 180 gr
  • condensed milk - 120 gr
  • cognac - 1 tsp
  • vanillin optional.

Cooking method:

First of all, we prepare everything necessary products and then we start cooking. We shift the softened butter into a deep bowl and beat it with a mixer for 4-5 minutes.

Then add condensed milk, vanillin if desired and one teaspoon of cognac. After we bring to a homogeneous state.

Cognac gives not only a delicate and pleasant aroma, but also the taste is simply awesome.

Then we send this wonderful cream to the refrigerator for 10-12 minutes, and then we use it for its intended purpose.

How to make cream from sour cream

There are several good ways to make sour cream cake filling at home. One of them will be presented in this article.


  • Sour cream 20% - 680 gr
  • sugar - 150 gr
  • butter - 125 gr.

Cooking method:

In order for all excess liquid to escape, preferably at night or for 5-7 hours, hang sour cream in gauze. We shift it into a small saucepan and pour sugar here (the amount is indicated above).

In the meantime, we need to cut the softened butter and beat it with a mixer, or in a food processor.

Now add the cooled sour cream mixture in small portions to the whipped butter and bring to a homogeneous state.

Here is such a gentle and elastic cream turned out.

Chocolate fondant with cream

Recently, I suddenly wanted to bake a biscuit cake. The fondant for him had to be prepared from the products that were in the refrigerator - this is whipping cream and dark chocolate. It was decided to make the filling from these components.


  • Dark chocolate - 400 gr
  • cream - 400 gr.

Cooking method:

Pour the cream into a saucepan, put it on medium heat. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, and immediately remove from heat.

While the cream is still hot, combine them with prepared chocolate and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

After all the chocolate has dissolved, we put this mass in the refrigerator, but not so that it is set and forgotten, but be sure to take it out and mix it every 10-15 minutes. This process took me about 1 hour. Then we take a mixer and bring our mixture to a density, where we beat at low speed for the first 1-2 minutes, and then bring it to a thicker consistency at full power.

This is such a wonderful chocolate cream.

Recipe with mascarpone

This is the recipe I love to make this dessert. Because it is suitable not only for biscuit cakes and cupcakes, but also for eclairs, which generally turn out to be space with it!


  • Mascarpone cheese - 300 gr
  • sugar - 150 gr
  • vanilla - 10 gr
  • fat cream - 600 ml.

Cooking method:

1. In a deep bowl, put the prepared ingredients that are listed above and start beating at a slow speed for 1.5 minutes.

2. Then gradually increase the speed and bring to a lush, smooth and very tasty cream.

3. This is a real lifesaver when your guests are already on the doorstep. You can cook cakes with it or put it in bowls and serve with your favorite berries or cookies.

Cooking cream from boiled condensed milk


  • Butter - 400 gr
  • boiled condensed milk - 400 gr
  • regular condensed milk - 400 gr
  • orange extract - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

With the help of a mixer, beat the softened butter in small portions so that it turns slightly white.

Now add boiled condensed milk in parts and mix thoroughly.

Then we send the usual condensed milk, one teaspoon of orange extract, or a few teaspoons of grated orange peel on a fine grater and beat again.

The finished filling is quite stable, suitable both for layering cakes and for forming roses.

Video on how to make fruit cream

Banana fudge is incredibly tasty and fragrant. A win-win option, not only for little sweet lovers, but also for adults.

Bon appetit!!!

20 minutes

284 kcal

4/5 (4)

Exists great amount good recipes a variety of incredibly delicious biscuit cakes. But what makes them so diverse? Of course, the cream with which you impregnate the cakes. It is he who gives this or that taste and sets the mood for your cake. In essence, the cream is an elegant lush mass, which is prepared by whipping various products, like cream, sugar, depending on the composition. They are smeared with biscuit cakes and decorate cakes.
Today I will show nine of the most common, easy to prepare biscuit cream recipes, and you will determine which cream is better and more suitable for the layer of your next biscuit cake or pie crusts.
All recipes are different in composition, and each of them exists in several, or even dozens of options. I will offer you the simplest and most versatile. If you are not going to use the prepared cream right away, store it for no more than two to three days in the refrigerator, as this whimsical product deteriorates very quickly.

chocolate cream recipe

Liter saucepan, bowl, whisk or mixer.

Required products:

The recipe for this chocolate cream with condensed milk is as simple as God's day, and at the same time terribly delicious. At this link you can also read another option on how to cook - chocolate cream for cake -. I would like to warn everyone who scrupulously watches their figure, the cream contains a large number of calories.

To properly prepare chocolate cream according to my recipe, choose only high-quality condensed milk. You need a fresh yolk chicken egg, take the butter out of the refrigerator ahead of time, it should be soft.

Banana cream for biscuit cake

It will take time: 10 minutes
You get servings: 6-7 (one small cake)
To prepare the cream you will need: bowl, for mixing ingredients, blender.

  • 2 bananas of medium size;
  • 350 grams of sour cream;
  • 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • h. spoonful of lemon juice.

Another easy-to-make biscuit cream is banana cream with sour cream. Banana cream biscuit cake is one of my child's favorites. I think that it is ideal for children's parties and not only. Read here how to make banana cream cake, another of our original recipes.

We start cooking, remember that sour cream for cream should be chilled, fresh from the refrigerator.

Cottage cheese cream for biscuit cake

It will take time: 20 minutes
You get servings: 12 (1 cake)
To prepare the cream you will need: the desire to prepare a miracle cream, a bowl for mixing ingredients, a blender, a sieve (if you prefer to grind curd lumps by rubbing, if not, then you can do without).

  • 450 grams of fatty cottage cheese;
  • 1 pack of butter;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon.
Curd- light, non-greasy, healthy, ideal for sponge cake cream. You do not need to be a pastry chef seven spans in the forehead to cook it properly. In nature there is many options for curd cream for a biscuit cake, you can cook it with gelatin, in my opinion, curd cream with fruit, curd-yoghurt, as well as curd-sour cream or curd cream with cream are very good. The recipe for making curd cream with butter, which I offer, is one of the simplest and most popular. Pay attention to the fact that the oil is soft. Take it out of the refrigerator ahead of time. Let's start preparing our cream.

To prepare curd-banana cream for a sponge cake, add one medium-sized banana, peeled and mashed with a blender, to our recipe and beat.
Follow this link to read our other easy cooking method - curd cream for cake -.

Sour Cream Recipes

Sour cream custard

It will take time: 30 minutes
You get servings: 10 (medium sized cake)

For sour cream custard, take:
  • 250 grams of sour cream with a high percentage of fat;
  • half a glass of sugar (100 g);
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • a few tablespoons of flour;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • one chicken egg.

Cream sour cream with condensed milk

It will take time: 15-20 minutes
You get servings: 10 (medium size cake)
Kitchenware: ladle for kneading and cooking cream, whisk, bowl for mixing ingredients.

For cream sour cream with condensed milk, take:
  • 400 grams of high or medium fat sour cream;
  • a third of a can of condensed milk;
  • a tablespoon of skate;
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice.

If you decide to cook a delicious sour cream for a biscuit cake, then take fat sour cream. Another condition is that it must be cold. I will tell you how easy it is to cook two kinds sour cream for the cake biscuit dough: sour cream custard and sour cream with condensed milk.
First, sour cream- this is very thick cream, it is used when you need to miss thick cakes. Under their weight, the cream will not fail. Custard sour cream must be used immediately after preparation, otherwise you will not be able to work with it.
Second, cream for sour cream biscuit cake with condensed milk, on the other hand, is liquid. They are impregnated with dry, not very thick biscuit cakes. Here you will read how to cook. Please note that the oil for one and the second cream should be soft.
The most delicious sour cream custard for a biscuit cake is prepared as follows:

Cooking sour cream for sponge cake with condensed milk. The whole process of preparing this cream consists in continuous whipping of sour cream with the rest of the ingredients.

Sour cream for biscuit cake is also prepared with gelatin, here read another of our recipes, how you can simply cook and, in fact, the whole thing yourself.

Cream of condensed milk for biscuit

15 minutes
You get servings: 6-7 (small cake)
Kitchenware: bowl for mixing ingredients for cream, mixer or whisk

Required Ingredients:
  • bank of condensed milk;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • sachet of vanilla sugar.

To properly prepare condensed milk cream for biscuit at home, buy condensed milk of exceptionally excellent quality. The second condition: remove both condensed milk and butter from the refrigerator in advance, because they should be at room temperature, the butter should be soft.

This is probably the easiest cream for a biscuit cake, and anyone can cook it if they wish. You just need to work with the mixer a little. Add some here if you like. lemon peel Or a spoonful of your favorite liquor.

In what way you can still cook and, read by clicking on this link.

Butter cream for biscuit cake

It will take time to cook: 30 minutes
You get servings: 12 (1 cake)
Kitchenware: a ladle for making syrup, a bowl for mixing cream components,

Required Ingredients:
  • 300 grams of butter;
  • one and a half glasses of sugar;
  • half a glass of heavy cream;
  • 2 tablespoons skate;
  • sachet of vanilla sugar.

This version of butter cream is very tasty and is ideal for sponge cake. It keeps its shape very well. It is convenient for them to coat the cakes and make a layer between the cakes, as well as form the top layer of the cake, because our butter cream will not spread. It should be thick and fluffy at the same time. Butter, as usual, prepare in advance, it should be soft. We will prepare an oil cream based on creamy syrup with cognac.

Lemon cream for biscuit cake

It will take time to cook: 30 minutes
You get servings: 12 (1 cake)
Kitchenware: grater, liter saucepan or ladle, bowl, mixer or whisk

Required Ingredients:
  • two medium lemons;
  • two eggs;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 50 grams of fatty plums. oils;
  • sachet of vanilla sugar.

Now I will tell you how you can make awesome lemon cream for the biscuit.
This is a variation on the classic English lemon dessert, but there is not a lot of sugar and little butter, so the cream is relatively low in calories, giving the biscuit a delicate sourness.

Here you can read more recipe how to cook.

Many famous confectioners world say that the taste of the cake depends entirely on its impregnation: the more cream is put on each cake, the richer the dessert turns out. Biscuits are easy to prepare, but it is very important to soak them well so that the result does not turn out dry. For this there are various recipes biscuit cream, with the help of which the dessert acquires the perfect taste. For most housewives, this topic is very relevant. If you are one of these women, then you will be interested in the recipes below.

What cream is suitable for biscuit

Baking at home any pastry, you need to think in advance about the cream base that you will use for impregnation. There are a huge number of methods for preparing this important component of the cake, but only certain ones are suitable for biscuits. These include recipes for biscuit cream based on sour cream, butter, condensed milk, cottage cheese, chocolate, cream, proteins, milk or fruit. All of them complement the taste of this dessert in their own way and have their fans, and how to cook them, see the step-by-step instructions with a photo below.

How to make cream for biscuit cake

To prepare any biscuit cream recipe, you will need universal rules that will help you easily get the perfect baking impregnation consistency. Try a few of the tips below:

  • In order for the cream base to have the correct consistency, strictly follow all the proportions indicated in the instructions.
  • If you also want to decorate the cake, use special recipe preparation of biscuit cream for decoration, for example, mastic or almond.
  • If you love more juicy cakes, before applying the cream, soak all the cakes with any syrup. It can be, for example, a simple jam, diluted a small amount water.

Sour cream with fruit

The taste of biscuit cake is wonderfully complemented by sour cream with fruit. IN this case The dessert will turn out juicy, very appetizing. Moreover, fruits can be used both for dough and for preparing the cream itself - this way the taste will turn out to be more saturated. The list of ingredients can include peaches, strawberries, cherries, berries, kiwi. It all depends on what kind of fruit your family prefers.


  • 0.3 l of sour cream with a fat content of 25%;
  • 0.15 kg cottage cheese, but better cottage cheese(for example, "Almette" or "Mascarpone");
  • 0.1 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 50-gram glass of milk;
  • 1 st. l. gelatin;
  • canned peaches.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Pour gelatin into milk, stir, leave to bloom for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Heat the resulting mass on the stove at low heat to dissolve the grains.
  3. Separately, beat sour cream with sugar, add cottage cheese.
  4. Then add the milk-gelatin mixture, repeat the whipping process.
  5. Throw the diced fruit into the resulting mass.

Delicious with condensed milk

Many people are very fond of condensed milk and use it as an independent ingredient for soaking biscuit cakes or cakes. This option also turns out to be very appetizing. Add a few additional ingredients to the recipe and you will see how much the taste of your biscuit will change. The preparation of the method described below will not take you much time and effort, so you can use it as an on-duty option for every day.


Step by step description:

  1. Melt 60 g butter and chocolate steam bath. When you see the ingredients begin to separate from each other, immediately add milk.
  2. Stir constantly, keep on the stove for up to 3 minutes. Set aside to cool down (5 minutes).
  3. Separately, mix condensed milk with the remaining butter (softened), beat with a blender. Add creamy chocolate mass, vanilla. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Allow the cream to dry completely by placing it in the refrigerator for one hour.

Light curd

For those who prefer lighter biscuit impregnation, ideal option will become curd cream. Its airy consistency will give the cake a special appetizing, and delicate taste With the minimum amount sugar will add an unforgettable zest. Arrange a small holiday by treating your beloved man and your children with this dessert. They will be delighted with the delicious sponge cake with curd cream base.


  • 0.4 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 4 yolks;
  • 0.1 kg of sugar;
  • 0.2 kg low-fat cream;
  • vanillin;
  • one lemon;
  • 60 g nuts.

How to cook:

  1. Beat cottage cheese with a blender or mixer.
  2. Then add sugar with nuts, yolks, vanilla. Squeeze out lemon juice, mix thoroughly.
  3. Separately, whip the cream, add to the curd mass, mix, refrigerate for a couple of hours.

Learn how to cook other recipes.


lovers classic dessert appreciate the biscuit chocolate cream. Its rich taste will be a great addition to any cake. Some even like to eat such a cream as an independent snack, spreading it on sandwiches. Try this recipe to soak biscuit cakes, and you will see that you made the right choice. So how do you make chocolate cream base.


  • 0.6 kg of chocolate;
  • half a glass of brewed tea;
  • orange peel taste.

Step by step cooking method:

  1. Melt the chocolate with a water bath.
  2. Separately, brew tea, let the drink brew for 15 minutes. Strain, carefully pour into chocolate.
  3. Beat the mixture with a mixer or blender, add the zest.
  4. Leave the resulting cream in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.


The use of cream good way cook tender and air cream. Your biscuit cake will literally be buried in a voluminous cloud of sweet mass. Many children are very fond of such creams, so hurry to please your household with this amazing dessert. The preparation time of this cream base is a maximum of half an hour, so it can be used as a lifesaver in situations where you are in a hurry.


  • a glass of cream;
  • half a glass of powdered sugar;
  • 10 g of gelatin;
  • vanillin;
  • 0.1 l of drinking water.

Step by step description:

  1. Beat the cream well with a mixer until it becomes a thick foam.
  2. Gradually add sugar while continuing to beat the mass.
  3. At the end, add vanilla.
  4. Soak gelatin in water for 15 minutes. After boiling, so that it dissolves completely, cool slightly.
  5. Turn on the mixer, beat the creamy mass, slowly adding gelatin.


Another option to appetizingly nourish the biscuit is to make custard. This delicious recipe has a delicate melting taste and a characteristic vanilla aroma. Spread generously with this creamy base on each cake layer and serve immediately. You will not notice how quickly they eat the prepared dessert with custard, it turns out so tasty and just melts in your mouth.


  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 0.2 kg of sugar;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 50 g flour;
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Put the milk on a boil.
  2. Rub the yolks with sugar, add vanilla, flour, beat with a mixer.
  3. Pour in hot milk, mix everything well.
  4. Put the resulting mass on a slow fire. Boil until thick.
  5. Refrigerate the cream.

The easiest on milk

Having decided to quickly bake a biscuit cake, it is important to immediately decide which cream to choose for it. I would like the preparation of this important component in the dessert to not take too much time either. In this case, use the simplest and quick recipe milk cream. You will be very a delicious cake with appetizing flavor. Step by step recipe, described below, will be a great help for any hostess.

What is necessary:

  • a couple of eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 10 g vanillin;
  • 50 g butter.

How to cook:

  1. Grind the eggs with sugar, beating well with a blender or mixer.
  2. Add flour and three tablespoons of chilled milk, repeat the beating process.
  3. Boil the remaining milk, pour into the previously obtained mass.
  4. Put it all together water bath and, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, bring the mixture to a boil.
  5. Add butter, vanilla, remove from heat, cool completely, refrigerate for a couple of hours.


To complement a cake or roll with a delicate taste and aroma, use great recipe biscuit banana cream. This fruit will give the dessert an extraordinary appetite, perfectly nourish, add a special zest. You will see how extraordinary and delicious an ordinary biscuit can be, thanks to banana cream. Use it to impregnate a dessert for any holiday, treat your dear guests. Components:

  • 0.2 l sour cream;
  • two bananas;
  • 2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar;
  • a pack of vanilla sugar.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Beat sour cream together with powdered sugar until thick.
  2. Puree bananas with a blender.
  3. Mix sour cream with mashed potatoes with a mixer.
  4. Smear ready cream on the cake.

Fruit and berry

The cream base for biscuit, prepared using berries or fruits, has a special aroma, beautiful colors and original yoghurt taste. You can combine several types of fruits in one texture, and you will get unique recipe appetizing cream. Do not be afraid to improvise, try new fruit or berry flavors to come up with an author's version.


  • 0.2 kg strawberries;
  • 0.2 kg of bananas;
  • 300 g cream;
  • 3 art. l. Sahara;
  • 2.5 st. l. crushed pistachios.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind strawberries with sugar using a blender, throw bananas.
  2. Puree the banana-strawberry mixture.
  3. Add chilled cream, beat the resulting mass with a mixer.
  4. Throw in the nuts at the end.


There are many more ways to cook delicious biscuit cream. To do this, watch the video recipes that you will find below. Thanks to them, you will learn additional ways to make sour cream and cottage cheese cream, as well as get acquainted with recipes for protein, oil and simple cream bases. Select suitable recipe according to your tastes and preferences.

simple recipe

To make a simple creamy biscuit base, watch the video recipe below. Here you will find several useful tips, which will significantly reduce the time for creating the cream, and also learn a couple of important secrets to make the cake soaked, tender and rich. Use this recipe if you don't have much time to prepare complex options.

sour cream

If you need Alternative option sour cream for soaking sponge cake, use another recipe in the video attached below. This additional way will acquaint you with some of the intricacies of preparing this cream base. Thanks to which the cake will become juicy, very appetizing and airy, its delicate taste will not leave anyone indifferent.

Oily Charlotte

If you prefer oil creams, learn how to prepare an impregnation called "Charlotte". The video below will guide you through classical method making this creamy base. You can use it not only to grease the cake layers, but also to decorate the top by adding different dyes. Thanks to this recipe, you will get not only a delicious biscuit, but also very beautiful.


Another option to soak a sponge cake deliciously is to use a protein cream base. Its preparation does not require any special secrets, the main condition is to use egg whites. How the process of preparing this cream takes place, see the video tutorial, which you will find below. Shown here step by step cooking with explanations of why it is better to use certain products.


Biscuits soaked in curd mass. Creams prepared on the basis of this product are especially tender, airy and tasty. This is one of the ideal biscuit cake toppings to ensure your dessert never gets dry. Cake made with curd cream can serve as an ideal option for the sweet table of any banquet.