Five-minute frozen cranberry jam. Cranberries, grated with sugar, for the winter

The berry is extremely healthy, and also low in calories. Numerous beneficial properties characteristic of berries are highly concentrated in cranberries, and this circumstance gave rise to the title “king berry”.

Why aren't cranberries used for anything? And against allergies, to lower cholesterol, and in the treatment of genitourinary infections, and colds, and for the treatment of gums and wound healing, and to increase brain activity and stimulate the action of the pancreas. And in oncology, cranberries play a large role in the prevention and prevention of diseases. Cranberries also have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and help reduce high blood pressure.

When you have a fever or high temperature, it is good to drink cranberry juice or at least tea with it: it quenches thirst, reduces headaches and has antipyretic and bactericidal properties. If we add here the diuretic properties of cranberries, then it is obvious that its use for influenza or ARVI helps to quickly free the body from infection.

In short, cranberries have so much useful properties that it is necessary to have it in the house, at least a couple of jars, in case of winter colds. It ripens in September and can be harvested until frost. And if in your climate zone there are no conditions for cranberries to grow, then there are certainly markets. Imported cranberries are more expensive, but what can you do? This is a question of health costs, the problem of strengthening the immune system. After all, not getting sick is much cheaper than being treated, so it’s worth preparing cranberries for the winter.

You can simply freeze the berries: scatter them on a flat plate in one layer and place them in freezer. When the berries are frozen, we collect them in a bag and store them there. For this purpose, you need to choose larger berries, and prepare juice, or compote, or puree, or jam from the small ones.

Recipes for making the right cranberry jam

The cranberries are sorted and sorted according to the size of the berries. Rinse. In order to give some softness to the berries and muffle the bitterness, the cranberries are blanched, that is, dipped in boiling water for several minutes (from 2-3 to 5, according to different recommendations). Or you can simply pour boiling water over the cranberries so that the berries are completely covered, and let it sit for a couple of minutes. Then the water is drained.

Jam and other cranberry preparations are good for the winter. If no heat treatment has been used, they should be kept in the refrigerator.

Simple cranberry jam. Quick recipe


Cranberry, 1 kg

Sugar, 1½ kg or a little more

Water, 2 - 2½ tbsp

2. Cook the syrup, put cranberries in it. Continue cooking, stirring and boiling until it reaches the point of a non-spreading drop.

3. Pack hot. We seal it.

Cranberry jam with honey


Cranberry, 1 kg

Honey, 1.6 kg

Water, 2 - 2½ tbsp

1. Blanch the cranberries and strain them.

2. Cook the jam in one go, as before, but now when cooking the syrup we use honey, not sugar. The rest is all the same.

Cranberry jam with nuts and apples made with honey


Cranberry, 1 kg

Antonov apples, 1 kg

Walnuts, shelled, 1 tbsp

1. Blanch the cranberries and strain them.

2. After this, rub through a sieve and mix with honey, previously boiled in a saucepan.

3. Remove core and skin from apples and cut into slices. Add to cranberries.

4. Divide the nut kernels into pieces and also place them in the pan.

5. Let's start making jam. It should simmer gently for about 1 hour.

6. Pour into jars and seal.

It is not at all necessary to cook this jam with honey; after all, not everyone likes the taste of honey - it is too active and interferes with all aromas and tastes. You can use it instead of honey sugar syrup, cooked in one glass of water, and then everything is the same as with honey. The presence of apples and nuts significantly enriches cranberry jam.

Cranberries, grated with sugar, for the winter


Cranberry, 1 kg

Sugar, 1 kg

1. You can prepare cranberries in this way in any quantity, it is only important to maintain a 1:1 ratio with sugar. And another important thing is that the berries must be dry, water is inappropriate here.

2. Place both cranberries and sugar in a blender and turn it on.

3. When the mass in the container becomes homogeneous, stop grinding. Let the mixture sit for at least 15 minutes to allow the sugar to dissolve. And let it cool down in this state.

4. Transfer pureed cranberries into a sterilized jar and simply close the lid.

5. Store in the refrigerator. We use it for colds and as a vitamin and tonic.

Cranberries prepared in this way can simply be put into tea, made into mousse, jelly, and used in baking.

Video recipe for making delicious cranberry jam with pumpkin for the winter

Hello everyone, dear readers!
Even if you consider yourself lucky and never get sick, I believe that everyone should have this jam on their shelf in the winter! Especially during the season of colds and coughs, raw cranberry jam for the winter will come in handy, the recipe is quite simple, I offer you my step-by-step photo instructions for cooking at home and don’t get sick!

Raw cranberry jam for the winter: recipe with photos

Despite the fact that creating such a preparation takes just a few minutes, the jam turns out to be very appetizing, colorful and aromatic. Except bright appearance, it contains a lot of useful substances. It can be eaten as a dessert, with a slice of white or whole grain bread, as well as thin buckwheat pancakes. Based on it, you can create any drinks, desserts and jellies.

Due to the fact that the fruits are in this case do not lend themselves to heat treatment, they preserve everything as much as possible useful material. It is recommended to store this winter delicacy in a cold place (cellar or refrigerator). Also, you should not reduce the amount of sweetener in the recipe, since in this case it is responsible for the long-term preservation of the jam and acts as a preservative.

Another important factor for successful and long-term storage sweets is the preliminary and thorough preparation of the jars. They must be washed under water (with baking soda) and put it in the oven (100-120 degrees) to warm up. After 10-15 minutes, you can put the resulting mass into a container and seal it.

Using the same principle, you can make “raw” jam from other autumn fruits (lingonberries, elderberries, cranberries, bird cherry, sea buckthorn).


  • lemons (2 pcs.);
  • cranberries (1 tbsp.);
  • granulated sugar (2 tbsp.).

How to make raw cranberry jam for the winter

Step by step recipe raw jam from cranberries for the winter:

We peel the sunny fruits. This is necessary to ready-made jam“It didn’t taste bitter.”

Place the lemon slices in a food processor or blender. We can also use an electric meat grinder to grind the mass.

Pour in pre-prepared cranberries.

Grind the prepared fruits for 3-5 minutes. During this period, the workpiece will become homogeneous.

Pour the recommended amount of sweetener into a bowl with chopped fruits.

We combine the products using a spoon or silicone spatula. Leave the mixture for 30-40 minutes. During this period, the granulated sugar will dissolve and the puree will become homogeneous.

Cranberry is a berry valued for taste qualities, and for healing properties. “Northern lemon” is considered a true storehouse of vitamins, rare minerals and amino acids. Sour swamp berries are used to prepare various fruit drinks, jelly, kvass, liqueurs and tinctures, Fresh Juice used in the treatment of colds. But especially delicious product considered cranberry jam.

Cranberry jam – great option for those who cannot eat berries in fresh because of sour taste. Homemade preparation fully retains the healing properties of the “northern lemon” and can be used for more successful treatment of various colds, rheumatism, and sore throat.

Varenitsa can be served with tea with pancakes or pancakes, added to creams, used as a filling or impregnation in cooking various types baking. Let's learn to cook delicious jam from swamp berries and find out best recipes homemade preparations.

  • Recommendations for proper preparation to the cooking process
  • Apple-cranberry jam
  • Citrus boom
  • Fragrant five minutes
  • Reviews and comments

There are tricks to preparing the berry delicacy, which will be useful for housewives who have never made homemade cranberry preparations before:

  • Recipes for swamp cranberry jam may vary, but no matter what recipe you choose, you will first need to properly prepare the berries for processing. You will need to sort through the fragrant cranberries and remove twigs, leaves and other debris from them. Then the berries are washed in a colander under a gentle stream of cold water. Do not wash with your hands under any circumstances, you can crush the tender cranberries and the juice will flow out of it - the most valuable thing when making jam;
  • Homemade recipes allow you to use both fresh and frozen cranberries in the process of making jam. The vitamins in the “northern lemon” do not disappear from freezing;
  • Sugar is added to the berry treat according to taste, however experienced housewives It is not recommended to add less than a kilogram of sugar, the berry is very sour and if you add just a little sugar, the jam will turn out tasteless.

For sweets home preparation You can also add other fruits from cranberries: lemons, nectarines, tangerines. Fruits will give the finished product an unusual and pleasant taste.

Classic recipe for sweet and sour delicacy

Preparing cranberry jam according to this recipe is incredibly simple, and the taste will be simply amazing! Finished product can be used in pure form, and can be used as a filling for pies or as an impregnation for sweet cakes.

To make jam according to this recipe you will need a set of the following products:

  • Cranberries – two kilograms;
  • Granulated sugar – two kilograms.

After processing the natural raw materials for the preparation, place the cranberries in a blender or pass them through a meat grinder. After this treatment, the berry should turn into a thick and aromatic puree.

Place the resulting mass in a cooking basin or pan and pour sugar into it. No need to mix products! Let the berry-sugar mixture stand until the juice releases abundantly and saturates the granulated sugar. This usually takes two to three hours.

Then you will need to put the basin on high heat and bring the mass in it to a boil. After boiling, reduce the heat and simmer the berry-sugar mixture for 10-12 minutes. Turn off the heat and pour the finished product into jars.

Apple-cranberry jam

Cranberry jam with apples is not even a sweet, but a real elixir of health and vigor. The product is prepared not only with apples, but also with honey and walnuts and therefore it contains all the vitamins and macroelements the body needs. Besides, ready-made sweets has a gentle and pleasant taste, which makes cranberry jam with walnuts and apples a real delicacy.

To prepare homemade delicacies, stock up on the following ingredients in advance:

  • Fresh cranberries (frozen) - one kilogram;

  • Antonovka apples – one kilogram;
  • Fresh flower or linden honey – three kilograms;
  • Nucleoli walnuts- 200 grams.

First, wash the berry and place it in a cooking basin. Pour a glass of clean cold water into the berry, place the basin on the fire and let the mixture boil. After boiling, cook for another 5-10 minutes. Then you need to drain the water from the basin, and grind the cranberries that have become soft through a fine sieve.

Prepare the apples - wash the fruits, cut out the core, peel them. You can cut the Antonovka into thin slices or small cubes.

Place linden (flower honey) in a cooking basin, heat until liquid and add berry puree and chopped Antonovka. Add the nut kernels and cook over low heat for about 60 minutes, remembering to stir the mixture thoroughly from time to time. Transfer the finished product to glass containers, seal with lids and, wrapping them in a warm blanket, let cool. Afterwards, put the jars of treats in a dark and cool storage place.

Citrus boom

An original product can be obtained by cooking cranberry jam with orange, lemon and lime. The finished delicacy has the most delicate taste and a pleasant aroma of citrus fruits, perfect for serving with pancakes or pancakes, and some housewives serve sweet and sour jam as a sauce for poultry or game! Another advantage of the recipe is that this cranberry and citrus jam is made without cooking!

Here is a list of ingredients you will need to prepare unusual recipe:

  • Fresh cranberries - two kilograms;

  • Large and sweet oranges - about half a kilogram;
  • Two large lemons;
  • Two medium limes;
  • Flower honey – two kilograms.

Wash the berries carefully so that the juice does not leak out of them. Peel the oranges, carefully remove the seeds and membranes so as to retain maximum juice in the fruit.

Grind the prepared products through a meat grinder.

It is better to use a device with a sieve; the sieve will not allow any remaining orange films to get into the mixture, which can make the jam bitter.

You need to remove all the seeds from the lime and lemon, but do not remove the peel. Cut the citruses into thin slices and place them in a container with honey. Wait 20-25 minutes for the fruits to release all their juice to the honey. When this happens, put the cranberry-orange mixture into the container, mix the mixture well and place it in jars.

Fragrant five minutes

Five-minute cranberry jam is valued for the fact that the product contains minimal heat treatment maximum beneficial properties are preserved. The delicacy really takes just five minutes to prepare!

You will need to prepare the following products for five-minute cooking:

  • Fresh cranberries – one kilogram;
  • Sugar – two kilograms;
  • Pure water is a full faceted glass.

Clean the berries from debris and leaves, rinse thoroughly, being careful not to crush the delicate product. Pour boiling water over the sorted berries directly in a colander and leave for a while until the water drains completely. While the cranberries are flowing around, cook the syrup.

Pour a glass of water into the pan and gradually add sugar there. You should end up with a thick syrupy mass that needs to be allowed to boil. As soon as the syrup boils, add the berries to it and bring the mixture to a boil.

The five-minute mixture is ready - it can be poured into jars.

Have some delicious sweets and bon appetit!

At such times, cranberries prepared for the winter in the form of “five-minute” jam will be very helpful. You will learn how to prepare this dish and its various variations from our article.

Cranberry jam with apples

Products: cranberries - 1 kg, water - 2.5-3 glasses, sugar - 1.5 kg, apples (sweet varieties) - 300-350 grams. Vanillin, cinnamon to taste.

How to make cranberry jam:

1. Sort the cranberries, rinse, and then keep in boiling water (blanching) for several minutes. Using a colander, remove, shake to drain, and place in parallel boiling syrup (water and sugar brought to a boil in a separate pan). Cook.
2. Wash the apples, remove the skin and core, then cut into slices. Boil for a few minutes in boiling water, but control the process so that the apples do not become too soft (overcooked).
3. Add apples to cranberry jam and cook for another 15 minutes. Before the end of cooking, add vanillin and cinnamon.
4. Place in jars, roll up and wrap.

Cranberry jam. Another recipe

What’s useful about five-minute jam is that it will make the cranberries look fresh, and what’s most important is that the maximum amount of vitamins and beneficial elements will be retained. You don't need to use cooking water to make this recipe. The jam is made as follows:

1. Wash the cranberries and sprinkle them with sugar. Wait until the berries begin to release juice. You will use this juice for further cooking instead of water.
2. Now separate the juice from the berries and transfer it to a saucepan, place on the stove and bring to a boil.
3. Transfer the berries to the pan and bring to a boil again, boil for 10-12 minutes.
4. Distribute hot jam into jars (sterilized), roll up with tin lids.
5. Turn the jars over, wrap them up, and leave until completely cool.

Five-minute cranberry jam

Ingredients: cranberries - 1 kilogram of berries, water and 2 kilograms of granulated sugar.

How to cook:

1. Sort the cranberries well, removing any spoiled ones. Clear away any debris, pieces of leaves, etc. Afterwards, rinse with cold water, and then use a sieve or colander to drain all the water.
2. Next step: pour boiling water into a colander over the berries and shake it until all the water is gone.
3. Prepare sugar syrup: pour water into a saucepan and add sugar. Bring to a boil.
4. Place the berries in boiling water with sugar and cook them over low heat.
5. As soon as the five-minute jam is ready, put it in jars, which should be sterilized in advance. Seal with clean, sterile lids. It is recommended to store “five-minute” cranberries in the cellar or refrigerator.

Cranberry jam. Recipe No. 4

To make this jam you will need cranberries and sugar. Usually the ingredients are taken in a ratio of 1x1.5, where 1 is cranberries and 1.5 is granulated sugar. It is also recommended to first boil the syrup from water and sugar, and then add cranberries to it and cook the berries.

But there is another way to make cranberry jam:

1. Squeeze the cranberries until the juice fills about half the glass, and pour the juice into the pan. Place over low heat and, while the juice is heating, add sugar from time to time until it is completely dissolved.
2. The last finishing step: add the berries to the syrup and boil for a little while (12-15 minutes). The jam is ready!
3. All that remains is to place it in the jars and close the lids.

Tip: you can use so-called gelling sugar in the same ratio as regular sugar, but then you will only need to cook for 5-7 minutes. Also, the ideal berry for cooking would be unripe cranberries, since they are more juicy and fleshy.