How to puree lingonberries with sugar proportions. Lingonberries pureed with sugar for the winter

Something not only tasty, but also extremely healthy, pureed lingonberries with sugar is exactly what you need. The slightly sour stock is not only perfect for making fruit drinks or jelly in winter, but will also an excellent remedy to maintain immunity - berries contain quite a lot of vitamin C and microelements necessary for the body. How to cook delicious preparation, read our article.

Grated lingonberries with sugar

Per 1 kg fresh berries you will need 1 kilogram of granulated sugar. Wash the lingonberries, remove any debris and leaves, and then put them in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Drain the contents of the pan in a colander or remove with a slotted spoon. Now fairly soft berries can be pureed through a sieve, twisted in a meat grinder or crushed in a blender - as you prefer. Add sugar to the berry mass, mix thoroughly until the sand is completely dissolved and immediately pour into jars. Afterwards they need to be sterilized, cooled, rolled up with lids and sent to a dark place to wait for the winter cold.

Aromatic supply: pureed lingonberries with sugar and spices

You will need:

  • 1 kilogram of fresh ripe lingonberries;
  • a little less than a liter of plain water;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon.

Wash and sort the lingonberries, place in boiling water and cook until all the berries burst. Place the mixture in a colander and let the water drain. Then add sugar, cinnamon, stir and bring to a light boil over medium heat. Cool and pour into jars.

Purated lingonberries with sugar and orange

For fragrant jam you will need:

  • a kilogram of oranges and lingonberries;
  • kilogram of granulated sugar.

Wash and sort the berries, cut the oranges into slices, remove the seeds - no need to remove the peel. Then put the ingredients in a blender and beat thoroughly; you can also grind the berries and oranges through a meat grinder. Then add sugar to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly. The pureed lingonberries and orange are ready - put them in jars, close the lids and store until winter.

Useful properties of lingonberries

IN folk medicine This berry has been used since ancient times; it is credited with tonic, antipyretic, wound-healing and other properties. It helps with salt deposits, stomach problems, and reduces internal bleeding. It is also used for rheumatism, diabetes, tuberculosis and a number of other diseases. The berries themselves fresh(note that preparing lingonberries according to the above recipes does not require excessive heat treatment of the berries, so they retain everything beneficial features) contain a lot of vitamin A, C, E, acetic, malic acid, as well as essential oils and minerals. Therefore, in winter, simply as a preventative measure, it is recommended to drink lingonberry juice or juice - for this, dilute a tablespoon of any supply in a glass of water, add a little honey and drink with pleasure. But it will be delicious if you eat lingonberry preparation and just a snack with tea.

Lingonberry is a tasty and unique berry in its composition. It is a leader in vitamin content and is famous for its healing properties. Since ancient times it has been called the “berry of immortality.” Lingonberries, grated with sugar without cooking, are especially useful for our body - this method of harvesting will preserve the freshness of the berries throughout the winter, and they will not lose their benefits. About it delicious recipe and will be discussed in our article.

About the benefits of treats

Fresh lingonberries, ground with sugar, has a pleasant characteristic taste and is very healthy due to its chemical composition, which includes vitamins A, B, E, PP, C. The berry is distinguished by a high amount of carbohydrates, pectin, and organic acids. It contains minerals: potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and manganese.

Such a rich composition allows it to have the following positive effects on the body:

  • is the basis for the prevention of heart disease;
  • used for the prevention of vitamin deficiencies;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • relieves swelling;
  • effectively affects the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • regulates protein metabolism;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, tones and increases its elasticity, eliminates skin inflammation;
  • activates the immune system;
  • prevents premature aging;
  • helps strengthen hair and eliminates dandruff;
  • improves vision.

The fruits and leaves of this plant have diuretic, antimicrobial, and antiseptic properties. They are used as anti-sclerotic and cholagogue. The berries have a general strengthening effect, have a powerful tonic and wound-healing property, and their anthelmintic and anti-scurvy effect has been noted.
It is useful to consume this product in small portions after childbirth - it prevents the occurrence of mastitis and the development of inflammatory processes. For men, lingonberry is a natural remedy for the treatment of prostatitis, and when ground with sugar, it is known as a fast-acting antipyretic at high temperatures and helps improve the condition of colds.

Important! Lingonberries are contraindicated for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis with high acidity.

First you need to prepare the berries. This process consists of the following steps:

  1. Ripe berries must be carefully sorted, rotten and damaged ones must be selected.
  2. Rinse selected fruits with running water several times.
  3. Place in a colander to drain excess water.
  4. Place the contents of the colander on a paper towel to dry.

Preparing jars and lids

Since lingonberries with sugar are prepared without cooking, then for it long-term storage must be carefully prepared glass jars and lids. To do this, the jars need to be washed thoroughly. baking soda, rinse under running water and sterilize either in the oven or over boiling water. Tin and aluminum lids intended for canning are sterilized in boiling water for 10 minutes. Plastic lids are doused with boiling water. The main advantage of sterilization is that at a temperature of 100 degrees, pathogenic microflora is completely destroyed.

Important! To prepare cold jam, do not use aluminum utensils - this metal, in contact with natural acid, releases toxins. Perfect fit enamel cookware or stainless steel containers.


To prepare the treat you may need:

  • meat grinder;
  • combine with attachment;
  • immersion blender.

Composition of ingredients


  • lingonberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

Cooking method

The body always requires vitamins, especially in winter. Everything you need to maintain strong immunity during the season of colds and viral diseases is found in one berry - lingonberry. It contains a lot useful substances, which help you to be cheerful and active. The best option The preparation of this berry is lingonberries, mashed with sugar for the winter. This delicacy is not only a storehouse of vitamins, but also very delicious dessert, which will appeal to both children and adults. Lingonberries are endowed with benzoic acid, which allows them to retain their beneficial properties and visually attractive appearance for a long time.

Product preparation

For winter preparations, it is necessary to select ripe, beautiful berries. Avoid spoiled ones.

Twigs and leaves need to be torn off. It is important to rinse each lingonberry well. To do this, you can place the fruits in a large container and fill with water. Repeat the procedure several times. Or wash under the tap with gentle pressure so as not to damage the berries.

Drain in a colander and let the liquid drain. Afterwards, the lingonberries are dried well, spread out on a towel or cotton cloth. Before further preparation, the fruits must be completely dry.

Methods for preparing lingonberries

Puréed berries can be obtained using various techniques and types of equipment.

  • Most often they try to use a blender. It's comfortable, less juice splashes, the consistency is homogeneous.
  • The meat grinder is also popular. You just need to use the smallest strainer. And put the bag on the meat grinder itself so that the walls and table remain clean.
  • Rubbing berries through a sieve is painstaking work. It is better to do this with gloves, as the juice may be difficult to wash off your hands.
  • Using a masher also produces excellent results. But you still need to put in a little physical effort.
  • The food processor is simple and convenient to use. Suitable for preparing large volumes of product.

A preparation of pureed berries can be obtained using a technique without heat treatment or by boiling the product. The method of preparing pureed lingonberries without cooking is good because this way the product retains more vitamins. The cooking time is significantly reduced; there is no need to stand at the stove for hours and constantly stir the delicacy.

No cooking

This method of preparing berries with sugar involves distributing them in jars in layers.

  1. Selected berries are washed and dried. Grind using any technique.
  2. Next, add 2 tbsp to the bottom of the jar. granulated sugar. Place lingonberries on top, about 2 cm in height. Then sugar again and so on until the jar is filled to the neck. The last layer should be sugar.
  3. The container is closed with a lid and stored in a cellar or refrigerator.

Great option for filling flour products. This preparation also goes well with pancakes and pancakes.

There is another recipe for preparing the product without heat treatment.

  1. The prepared berries are placed in a convenient container. Cover with sugar. For 1 kg of lingonberries, it is better to take 2 kg of granulated sugar. A smaller amount of the sweet component is also allowed, but then the product may have some bitterness.
  2. The resulting mixture is ground in a blender. Then the workpiece is left for a couple of hours. During this time, it is necessary to periodically stir the mass with a wooden spatula. When all the sugar has dissolved, you can distribute the treat into jars. They are pre-sterilized. Next, close tightly with lids and place in the refrigerator.

Cooking mashed lingonberries

  1. First you need to boil the water. For 1 kg of berries you will need approximately 1 liter of water.
  2. Pour selected lingonberry fruits into boiling liquid.
  3. You need to cook the mixture until all the berries burst.
  4. Then the lingonberries are placed in a colander and the liquid is drained.
  5. Next, place it back into the pan, add sugar (200 g) and a little cinnamon for taste.
  6. Stir and cook over low heat until the first signs of boiling.
  7. When cooled, place in sterilized glass jars.

Such a product can last in the cellar for several years. And if you sterilize the jars well, then subject the workpiece to the same process, then you can keep such a delicacy even in a warm place. Sugar allows the product not to freeze in the cold. Cans can also be kept on the balcony.

With orange

Lingonberries and citrus fruits make an excellent duet. The workpiece is different original taste and a nice color.

  1. Take lingonberries, sugar and oranges in a ratio of 1:1:1.
  2. Sort the berries, wash and dry.
  3. Wash the oranges too and cut into slices. Remove seeds. There is no need to peel the skin. With zest, the preparation turns out tastier.
  4. Lingonberries and oranges are placed in a bowl and ground with a blender.
  5. Then add sugar and grind gently. The resulting mixture is distributed into jars and closed with lids. Leave in the refrigerator until winter.

Grated lingonberries for meat

Lingonberry is a unique berry. It even goes with meat dishes. An excellent sauce with a piquant taste is made from the pureed fruits. Here is the prescription.

  1. It is necessary to prepare a saucepan in which the berries will be cooked. They are sorted, washed and boiled in water until they boil. For 500 grams of lingonberries you will need a glass of water.
  2. Then the fruits are boiled for another 5 minutes, and then crushed using a blender.
  3. Wine (100 ml) is added to the mixture. Place on fire and boil again.
  4. Afterwards you need to add 150 grams of sugar and a little cinnamon.
  5. For a thicker state, starch (1 tbsp) is added to the preparation.
  6. As soon as the mixture boils, remove it from the heat.

The workpiece is placed in sterilized jars. Roll up the lids. This sauce is ideal for any type of meat. The best option for pork shish kebab. You can also add the resulting mixture warm salad from vegetables.

Storage conditions

If lingonberries with sugar have not been subjected to heat treatment, then you only need to store the jar with it in the refrigerator. When the container has been sterilized, and the product itself has gone through the cooking process, such a delicacy will stand and will not deteriorate even with room temperature.

The shelf life of pureed lingonberries is 1 year.

Secrets of harvesting lingonberries

Pureed lingonberries with sugar are an independent product that does not require cooking. A jar of treats is simply taken out in winter and consumed as is. But in order for the workpiece to turn out to be of high quality, it is necessary to follow some rules.

  • No spoiled berries are allowed. It can ruin the whole dessert. Such a product cannot be preserved for a long time.
  • If the delicacy is prepared without cooking, then the container must be sterilized. It's easy to do. First, the jars are washed with baking soda, then they are put in the microwave for a few minutes. This is how they are sterilized and dry.
  • It is better to take small containers.
  • You need to take out the treat with a clean spoon and close the lid again, leaving the jar in the refrigerator.
  • In addition to lingonberries, the jar may contain other berries, as well as apples and pears. They use various spices and additives for a more piquant, pronounced taste: cinnamon, honey, vanilla sugar, cloves, wine, lemon juice.

Using pureed lingonberries

Berries pureed with sugar can be consumed as they are. Eat straight from the spoon, washed down with tea.

Or can be used as a filling for baked goods and desserts. Garnish ice cream or jelly with lingonberries. Add to compote or jelly. Many people love such sweet additions to meat or fish dishes.

If in the summer we at least saturate the body with vitamins, then in the winter this problem arises in full force.

70% of Russians do not receive enough vitamin C, which leads to a drop in immunity and numerous winter viral epidemics.

60 percent lack vitamin E, metabolic processes slow down and people gain weight.

And almost all expectant mothers experience an acute deficiency of B vitamins, which leads to chronic fatigue, lack of hemoglobin, frayed nerves, as well as underdeveloped organs of the new baby.

And here our red berry serves as a lifesaver. Thanks to its chemical composition it will give our body essential vitamins, acids and trace elements.

All these vitamins are preserved if lingonberries are prepared without cooking. It can be prepared with or without sugar. We have already reviewed the sugar-free preparation in the article. Recipes for soaking lingonberries and storing them in their natural form

The option of preparing it for the winter without sugar is very good, but often you want to drink tea with something tasty. And there is little that can compare with pureed lingonberries and sugar.

In addition, sugar serves as an additional preservative to the benzoic acid contained in the berries and neutralizes the bitter taste of lingonberries.


Step by step steps:

In the video, Natalya uses a blender and describes the entire process from start to finish.

Recipe for pureed lingonberries with sugar and orange

  • 1 kg lingonberries
  • 1 kg oranges
  • 1 kg sugar

Recipe for lingonberries with sugar and vanilla

If you want to surprise your taste buds, use the following instructions:

  • 1 kg lingonberries
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla sugar