How to cook sausages so that they do not burst. Can you eat sausage raw? How to cook sausages

The world-famous sausages were once invented by the German butcher Johar Georg Laner in the early 19th century. He opened his butcher shop in Vienna and already in 1805 the world got acquainted with hearty and nutritious sausages. They were given the name - "Viennese", they were also called "Frankfurt". But the most interesting thing is that you can’t find such sausages either in Austria or in Vienna today, since they are called “Frankfurters”.

This hearty dish quickly spread, today a variety of sausages are prepared in the world. So, in the north of Bavaria, blue sausages are popular. Their color, of course, is not blue, but pale, but it is notable for the fact that it is boiled with big amount vinegar. The dish will have a characteristic sour spicy taste. But how to cook sausages familiar to compatriots?

How long to cook?

This is a finished product that is not recommended to be consumed raw, not only for safety reasons (because you can get food poisoning). Sausages are best boiled because of the taste of the boiled product. To prepare a simple, but satisfying and delicious dish will take 2 to 10 minutes.

How to cook sausages

in a saucepan

To prepare, you need to do the following:

In the microwave

The recipe is as follows:

  1. in a special container for microwave oven water is poured.
  2. Sausages are cleaned from the film, immersed in water.
  3. You need to set the device to the heating mode (1-3 minutes).
  4. Dishes with sausages are sent to the microwave.
  5. The finished product is laid out on a plate to garnish.

In a double boiler or for a couple

The steamed product has an excellent taste, it becomes soft and juicy. And cooking sausages in a double boiler is easy. If you don't have a steamer, you can use water bath using a colander.

  1. Water is poured into a saucepan (or a special container).
  2. A colander is placed over a pot in which water is boiling.
  3. Peeled sausages are laid out in a colander, which is tightly covered with a lid.
  4. The dish is prepared in 5-10 minutes.

There are several subtleties that can be used when preparing a simple dish.

  • If the sausage is cooked in a film, it must be pierced with a needle in several places so that the film does not burst during cooking.
  • Cooking time for small sausages - 2-5 minutes - no more.
  • It is better to put the product in cold water, and then put the pan on the fire.

Recipes with boiled sausages

Appetizer with vegetables and boiled sausages

To prepare an appetizer, you need to prepare:

  • Sausages - 4 pcs.;
  • Water - 2 glasses;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Fresh frozen vegetables - half the package;
  • Mustard, salt, and other spices - to taste.

Sausages, thin boiled sausages from meat and cream, have been known since time immemorial.

They made them from both pork and goat meat, smoked, dried, added cheese crumbs and even paprika.

And they also made it from soy, no, not from the notorious soy meat, and from boiled beans with smoked pork fat.

Sausages are a favorite treat for children, and a convenient product for the hostess that can be prepared in a matter of minutes, or, conversely, turned into a colorful dish.

How and how much to cook sausages - general principles of cooking

Sausages are boiled in a large amount of water without the addition of salt and spices, since this semi-finished product is salty in itself, with a sufficient content of spices.

The artificial casing is removed from the sausages before boiling, and the natural casing is left and removed after cooking.

How to cook sausages in a saucepan, on the stove. Put the sausages prepared for boiling into a saucepan with water and put on fire to boil. When the water begins to boil rapidly, reduce the heat and continue to cook. There should be enough water, it should cover the sausages by at least five centimeters. If you boiled sausages covered with a natural casing, dip them for a minute in cold water, then the casing will be easier to remove. Cooking sausages in this way should take no more than five minutes.

How to cook sausages in the microwave. In a special glass container, lay the sausages peeled from the outer shell in one row (you need to remove both the artificial and natural shells). Fill with water so that it covers them completely and put in the microwave. It takes five minutes to cook sausages in this way; with longer cooking, they may burst.

How to cook sausages in a slow cooker, steam. Place the sausages without casings on the special steaming basket. Pour the amount of water indicated in the instructions into the multicooker bowl, put sausages on top and close the lid tightly. Steam sausages in a slow cooker in the “Steam cooking” mode for twenty minutes.

How to cook sausages in a slow cooker. Put sausages in the capacity of the multicooker, you can not remove the natural casing with this method of cooking, pour in enough water, as for cooking in a saucepan and cover the multicooker with a lid, set the mode on the control panel: “Steam cooking”. The timer for boiling sausages in this mode is set for fifteen minutes.

How and how much to cook frozen sausages. Frozen semi-finished products do not need to be thawed before boiling. They, like chilled ones, are placed in cold water, but the shell is not removed, whatever it may be. The only difference in cooking is the cooking time. So how long to cook sausages if they are frozen? Such semi-finished products are cooked longer than chilled ones, and the degree of readiness is determined by a puncture with any sharp object. If the object easily enters the sausage and it is elastic, but soft, then everything is ready.

From boiled sausages you can cook a lot variety of dishes, which can be eaten on its own and with the appropriate side dish.

How to cook sausages with spaghetti - "Funny Jellyfish"


Chicken sausages, non-frozen - 1 kg;

Half a kilo of spaghetti;

A small leaf of lavrushka;

70 grams of 72% butter.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the casing from the sausages, cut them in half across and on each half from the side of the cut, make two longitudinal cuts a third of the length.

2. Spaghetti break into pieces, ten centimeters long.

3. Pierce each cut half of the sausages along, but not through, with four such pieces.

4. Dip the parsley into boiling water, salt, you can add spices to your taste, and lower the sausages “stuffed” with vermicelli. After boiling, reduce the heat a little and cook until the spaghetti is cooked.

5. Drain the water, put the "jellyfish" on a plate with the garnish and pour over them with melted butter. Draw eyes, nose and mouth with ketchup.

How to cook sausages in an original way for children for a side dish - "Octopussy"


Half a kilo of creamy chilled sausages;

low fat mayonnaise;

Unsharp ketchup.

Cooking method:

1. For sausages, remove the shell and cut each half lengthwise into several pieces.

2. Dip the prepared semi-finished products into boiling water and boil for five minutes after boiling the water again. In ready-made sausages, the cut part will unfold, and will resemble the tentacles of an octopus.

3. "Put" slightly cooled octopus "tentacles" on a plate to garnish, and draw funny faces with mayonnaise and ketchup.

Boiled sausages in apple-wine sauce


300 grams of fresh pork sausages;

300 ml of red, dry wine;

A small head of sweet onion;

Two small sweet apples;

80 grams of butter, natural;

250 ml vegetable broth or chicken broth;

50 grams of sugar;

A third teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

Cooking method:

1. Bring wine to a boil in a deep frying pan, put sausages in it and cook over low heat for ten minutes.

2. Finely grate the onion with a grater, remove the core with seeds and peel from apples, cut them into thin strips or medium-sized slices.

3. Wine, in which sausages were boiled, dilute with broth or broth, add sugar, ground cinnamon, butter, chopped apples and onions. Bring to a boil and simmer the sauce until the apples are completely softened and the sauce thickens.

4. Put the sausages boiled in wine on a dish and pour over applesauce. After cooking, sausages can be fried in butter to make them brown.

How to cook sausages in a creamy mushroom sauce


900 grams of creamy sausages;

100 grams fresh mushrooms, preferably champignons;

White onion- 1 medium size head;

270 ml dry wine, white;

40 grams of butter 72% fat;

One and a half tablespoons wheat flour;

30 ml of sherry brand wine;

150 ml, 10-15% cream.

Cooking method:

1. Place the mushrooms cut into small slices or plates in a saucepan.

2. Remove the outer casing from the sausages, cut each into three parts and put in a saucepan with mushrooms.

3. Add the whole onion, pour in the wine and, covered with a lid, boil for ten minutes on minimum heat, without letting the wine boil. Strain the broth and reserve for later use.

4. Melt the butter in a deep thick-walled frying pan, add the flour, mix thoroughly until smooth and immediately pour in the broth with the sherry diluted in it. Cook, stirring constantly until thickened. unnecessarily thick sauce you can dilute boiled milk.

5. Add ground black pepper to the sauce, add salt, taking a sample, put the mushrooms with sausages previously boiled in wine. Whisking constantly, carefully fold in the cream. Heat through for two minutes without letting the sauce boil.

Boiled sausages baked with cheese


Boiled sausages, beef - 6 pcs.;

150 grams hard cheese"Russian";

Mild ketchup;

Brewed homemade or purchased mustard.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the boiled chilled sausages not completely along, and put a small, thin piece of cheese into the cut.

2. Transfer the sausages stuffed with cheese to a frying pan sprinkled with fat and bake in the oven for ten minutes.

3. Cool slightly, spread on lined salad leaves dish, and top with mustard and ketchup.

How and how much to cook sausages - tricks and tips

If there are a lot of eaters and everyone is not averse to eating sausages, you should not take a huge pan. It is enough that the sausages do not lie too tightly in boiling water, and the less it is, the tastier the result will be.

If you started sausages with a side dish from mashed potatoes, do not throw away the water in which the potatoes were boiled. Drain it, tightly “wrap” the pan with potatoes, and in the water in which it was boiled, boil the sausages for 3–4 minutes, then put them on top of the potatoes and soak for another couple of minutes.

Separate interesting way cooking is found in old recipes of Eastern and Southern European cuisines. For it, it is necessary to boil, periodically changing, a certain amount of cabbage leaves. The broth is salted, and sausages are boiled in it. They are then wrapped cabbage leaves and dry on the grill. It turns out a kind of cabbage rolls, if of course they can be called that.

Sausages are versatile sausages. With their help, you can quickly and easily cook delicious, satisfying meals.

Budget meals from mouth-watering sausages will help on weekdays. All that is needed for this is to purchase sausages and use the recipes below. You can cook sausages different ways: boil, bake or fry. This semi-finished product allows you to cook more complex dishes- casserole or stew. Consider simple ways to cook sausages that will delight your household and guests.

How to cook sausages

Due to the lack of time, housewives sometimes need to quickly and satisfyingly feed the family. A simple, universal scheme for boiling sausages will help you out:
- We clean the sausages from the existing cellophane film. If sausages are packed in a natural casing, they can not be peeled.

Pour so much clean into the container cold water, how much is needed to cover sausages with water by about 1-2 cm.

We put the container on fire.

After boiling water, immerse the peeled sausages in a saucepan and reduce the gas.

Cook for 3-5 minutes after boiling water.

The cooking time is indicated on the package of sausages. You can check their readiness yourself by piercing the sausage with a fork. Ready and properly cooked sausages should be soft. There is no need to salt the sausages; flavoring additives and salt are included in this sausage semi-finished product. To prevent sausages from bursting during cooking, it is recommended to pierce them several times with a fork.

Sausage recipes in the oven

There are many recipes for oven baked sausages. How easy and quick to cook them, with what to combine and under what sauce can you serve? Consider a few simple recipes.

A simple recipe for cooking sausages in the dough in the oven is popular. We take ready yeast dough. Roll out and cut into small strips. We form "sausages in a yeast dough", grease the top with yolk, sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake in the oven until golden brown.

Sausages in dough. Cook at home!

Sausages with potatoes in the oven - hearty and appetizing dish which even a beginner can cook. If there is no time to stand at the stove for a long time, you can cook potatoes with sausages in the oven at home:

1. Wash and peel potatoes. Cut into pieces and place in a deep bowl. Salt and sprinkle vegetable oil. If desired, you can add a little mayonnaise or sour cream. Grease a baking sheet with oil, put the potatoes. 2. Peel the sausages and cut around the edges. You can make cuts on the surface of the sausage.

3. Put the baking sheet on the bottom shelf in the oven, set the grate on top, on which you need to put the sausages. Spray them with vegetable oil.

4. After 15 minutes, remove the sausages, as they will be ready earlier. Mix potatoes and bring to readiness.

Fried sausage recipes

Any sausages can be simply fried in a pan, after pouring a few drops of vegetable oil into it. When frying, they must be periodically turned over.

A fairly common dish among novice cooks is scrambled eggs with sausages. To prepare it, you need to put sausages in a heated frying pan, greased with sunflower oil. Turn over after a few minutes and beat in the eggs. Next, cover the pan with a lid and fry the dish for about 10 minutes.

Eat unique recipe fried sausages"Daisies" with which you will surprise your family, despite the ease of preparation. 1. Sausages cut into two halves lengthwise and make deep transverse cuts.

2. Roll the sausage into a ring, connecting the edges and secure with a toothpick.

3. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil (you can add a little butter), heat up and fry the sausages a little.

4. Drive one egg into the center of each "flower", salt to taste.

5. When the egg is fried, carefully remove the "flower" with a spatula and put it on a plate, you can on a piece of bread.

To decorate a dill dish, make cuttings and grass for appetizing "daisies", and the leaves can be cut from a cucumber. Children will especially like the dish, who will happily try it.

Sausages in a slow cooker

Unlike boiling sausages in a saucepan, cooking them in a slow cooker does not need to control the cooking process. If sausages have a cellophane film, it must be removed. The natural shell does not require removal. We spread the sausages in a basket-steamer or in a slow cooker. Pour water into the container and close the lid. In the program menu, select the “Steam cooking” mode, and set the cooking time for 10-15 minutes. Countdown from the moment of boiling water. We take out the finished sausages from the multicooker, serve with vegetables or a side dish.

Gorgeous sausages in the REDMOND pressure cooker

Choose any of the cooking methods and delight your family members. Most importantly, do not eat sausages raw. Even though they are considered finished product, it is better to cook sausages correctly and tasty.

The editors of the site hope that our article will help you quickly cook unusual dish from ordinary sausages.
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Sausages are the most favorite semi-finished sausage product for housewives. They can be prepared for breakfast, lunch or dinner, especially when cooking time is at a minimum. Children really like them, and on their basis you can cook interesting dishes in the form of funny animals. Sausages are a very affordable product, you can buy them in every store, the main thing from the variety of offers is to make right choice. Not many products are so versatile, so everyone should know how to cook sausages correctly and how much.

How to choose

It is believed that in this matter one should focus on the price category of the goods - good sausages cannot be cheap. This is partly true natural product having good composition will have a decent price. Nevertheless, the market offers an abundance of semi-finished sausage products at different prices and not always of poor quality.

Pay attention to the color of the product, too dark or bright sausages contain a lot of additives, including preservatives. The composition of all sausages includes sodium nitrite, it gives stability to their color, if the product has a rich pink tint, then the additive was overdone.

In appearance, good sausages should be smooth, uniform in color without blackouts. Wrinkledness indicates that the sausages have been lying on the window for a long time without packaging. Ideally, semi-finished products removed from the packaging should be stored for no longer than five days. Packed up to 20 days.


Before you cook sausages, you need to prepare them. Preparation differs depending on the shell:

    • the natural casing is left on the product, it is only necessary to wash the sausages and you can start cooking;
  • artificial should be removed from sausages, although not everyone adheres to this, believing that sausages in it are more juicy.

Advice! In order to cook a sausage in an artificial casing and not tear it, several small cuts should be made on its surface.

Some lovers eat raw without subjecting them to heat treatment, this is acceptable, but it is fraught with unpleasant consequences in the form of indigestion. You can cook prepared sausages in a saucepan, slow cooker, double boiler and even in the microwave.

in a saucepan

This method is the most affordable and therefore the most common. To cook sausages, you need to choose a dish of a suitable size so that they can fit on the bottom in a horizontal position, this will eliminate the deformation of the shape.

Pour water and boil it. There is no need to add salt, as the semi-finished product already contains it. Sausages are dipped in boiling water, so the question of cooking time comes down to how much to cook sausages in boiling water. After boiling, they should be cooked for 3-5 minutes, depending on the size. After that, the boiled product should be removed from the water and immediately served to the table without waiting for cooling.

in the microwave

Sausages can be cooked in the microwave in two ways:

    1. The first involves the use of water. To do this, you need a capacious dish with a lid where sausages are placed and filled with water. It is important that the sausages are completely hidden under water. After that, the dishes are placed in the microwave at full power and the product is cooked after boiling for 3-5 minutes.
  • The second method is dry. He only needs a suitable plate on which sausages are placed, and she goes to the microwave. This is very fast way, sausages will be ready within 1-2 minutes. At the same time, they turn out to be very juicy and especially tasty.

In addition, semi-finished sausage can be cooked in a slow cooker, several modes are suitable for this: steaming, baking or stewing. The rest of the process is completely similar to cooking in a saucepan.

Good for steam cooking. It is believed that semi-finished sausage cooked in it will keep the largest number taste and benefits. For a couple, the product will be cooked in 10 minutes.

In addition to the usual sausages, you can find sausages filled with cheese and other ingredients on store shelves. As a rule, they have already undergone complete heat treatment and are ready for use. But still they should be warmed up to improve the taste.

When the hostess needs to cook something quickly, sausages often become a lifesaver. This is an extremely popular product presented in any grocery store. There are many varieties and manufacturers of sausages. Sausages can become a decoration for any holiday table, especially if you serve them in a company with a complex side dish and original sauce. Moreover, it is one of the best hearty foods for a snack.

How long to cook sausages?

Many people equate sausages with boiled sausage and believe that they can be eaten raw. However, it is not recommended to do this categorically - sausages must be subjected to mandatory heat treatment. This will help destroy pathogenic microorganisms that may have entered the product during storage, transportation, or in case of violation of the rules during production.

There are two ways to cook sausages:

  1. In cool water, bringing to a boil;
  2. Immersed in boiling water.

Before figuring out how much to cook sausages in boiling water, you need to remember that heat treatment these sausage products should not be long. Sausages are a semi-finished product, as a result of long cooking they lose their taste qualities and aroma. Optimal time, during which the sausages should be in the pan after boiling water - no more than 5-7 minutes.

The nuances of cooking sausages

Cooking sausages has its own characteristics. You can cook them in a shell, but before immersion in water, you need to pierce it in several places or make cuts. If the shell is natural, cooked sausages can be eaten with it. If the coating is artificial, the best solution is to remove it from the sausages before cooking, so that harmful substances from it do not get into the sausages themselves.

A cooking pot should be taken such that the sausages are located in it in their full length - so after cooking they will not bend and retain a “presentable” appearance.

Apart from traditional cooking in a saucepan, sausages can also be cooked with the help of modern housewife assistants in the kitchen - in a microwave oven, a slow cooker and a double boiler. In the microwave, at full power, they reach readiness in just 3 minutes in water and 1 minute without water (in the second case, sausages are more likely to be baked). Cooking sausages in a slow cooker will take 5 minutes, in a double boiler - 10 minutes.