Is it possible to eat unboiled sausages. How to cook sausages

How to cook sausages

Cooking sausages is a task that everyone can do. Before cooking, remove the film from the sausages, transfer to a small saucepan and pour water into it so as to completely cover them. We send the pan to the fire and cook until cooked.

How much to cook?
Cook sausages for 5-10 minutes.
Cook this meat product in a frying pan for 5 minutes.
Boil sausages in a double boiler for 10 minutes.

Cook sausages in the microwave as follows: take the meat product out of the refrigerator, transfer it to a cutting board and remove the film from them. On each side with a knife we ​​make cruciform cuts, but not deep. We put it on a dish, send it to the microwave and close the door. We set the average power and cook for 2-3 minutes. When the sausages begin to swell, their tips will open and take on the shape of a bone - you can pull them out and serve with a side dish.
Another way: put the meat product in a deep plate, pour water so that they are completely covered with it, then put in the microwave. If the sausages are in a natural casing, then they do not need to be cleaned. Cook at full power for 3-4 minutes.

The energy value of such a product per 100 grams is 226 kcal. The calorie content of milk sausages is 260 kcal.

Cooking sausages

If the sausages are in a natural casing, then they do not need to be peeled, and after cooking they can be eaten directly with the casing. But if they are covered plastic wrap, which means it is recommended to remove it before cooking and only then place it in water. So that they do not burst during the cooking process, make several punctures with a knife. To the table should be served still hot. Mashed potatoes, stewed cabbage, boiled pasta and so on.

To easily remove the film from cooked sausages, immediately after cooking, while still hot, quickly dip them into cold water and take it out after a few seconds so that they do not have time to cool. After that, the film will easily move away from the meat product.

How to fry sausages

Cut raw sausages into two parts. Put a frying pan on the fire, add oil. Prick sausages with a fork and transfer to a hot skillet. Fry, constantly turning over, should be about 10 minutes. Not necessary, but you can put sausages in the oven in a pan with a closed lid. Simmer for 35 minutes.

How to cook sausages in dough

Typically, such a meat product is prepared in puff or other dough. Let's try to cook sausages in dough from potatoes and semolina. For this recipe we need the following ingredients:

1. Sausages - 400 grams

2. Potato - kilogram

3. Semolina - 100 grams

4. Margarine - 70 grams

5. Flour - 350 grams

6. Eggs - 4 pieces

7. Salt - to taste

Peel the potatoes, rinse in cold water and transfer to a pot of water. Put on fire and boil until full cooking. hot potato pass through a meat grinder. In the resulting mixture, beat one egg and add semolina with salt. We mix everything thoroughly. You should get a dough, which we then roll out on the table. To prevent the dough from sticking to the table, sprinkle it with flour. Cut the rolled layer into squares, the size of which is suitable for sausages.

We take out the sausages from the refrigerator, remove the film from them and wrap them in the previously prepared dough. Seal the edges with your fingers, then transfer to a baking sheet.

Crack the remaining eggs into a small bowl and whisk with a whisk. Lubricate the top of our blanks with the resulting mixture and bake in the oven until cooked.

How to cook sausages with pasta

Easy Sausage Recipe To with pasta garnish.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

1. Any pasta - 200 grams

2. Sausages - 4-5 pieces

3. Butter - a piece

4. Hard cheese - 50 grams

5. Ketchup or Georgian sauce- taste

6. Salt - to taste

Pour water into a small saucepan and put on fire. When the water boils, put pasta, salt and cook until fully cooked. In a pot with ready-made pasta Pour the grated cheese on a fine grater and close the lid so that it melts. Stir after some time.

We cut sausages on a cutting board in circles, or cut into two halves. Put in a hot oil pan and fry for 5 minutes.

Put pasta and sausages on a plate and serve. Eat with ketchup or sauce. Bon appetit!

Modern life is so dynamic that a person, imprisoned in the grip of burning deadlines and multitasking, often does not have time to stand at the stove. This is where modern miracle helpers come to his aid: microwaves, multicookers, double boilers, mixers and blenders. And in addition to them, semi-finished products, promising tasty and healthy dinner. Sausages are among them.

Sausages are thin boiled sausages in a natural or artificial casing, which include finely chopped meat and cream. This product owes its origin to Johann Laner. At one time, he moved from Frankfurt to Vienna, which is probably why these two cities still dispute the right to the homeland of sausages. So, sausages appeared in the 19th century and immediately became the property of the German national cuisine. And those sausages that we are used to are the result of the work of Anastas Mikoyan in 1936.

What are sausages

On the counter of a modern store there are now a lot of sausages of the different kind. Russian production knows sausages of the classic and Russian varieties. The classic ones include: Frankfurt, Vienna, Munich. Among the Russian ones the most popular are: doctoral, creamy, dairy, amateur, veal, Bavarian, with cheese, children's. This product is available in different sizes and colors. But if the color is an indicator of the composition and quality of the product, then the time and method of preparing the sausage depends on the size of the product.

Sausage casings

Also data sausages differ in the type of shell in which they are packaged. In the common people, it is also called "skin". "Skin" can be natural and artificial, and the storage time of the product and the technology of its preparation depend on its type.

natural casings

The natural type of packaging includes intestinal casings, they are used extremely rarely, because. the shelf life of products in such packaging is only five days. Intestines are not convenient for production - they can tear, they need to be prepared in a special way, they themselves are not stored for a long time and, moreover, their diameter is uneven. Most often in such a shell you can find white Munich or Alpine sausages. Sometimes individual poultry farms also produce poultry sausages in a natural casing.

Artificial casings made from natural materials

It is also common to call natural packaging products in a protein casing, but in fact it is an artificially made casing from a high-grade raw material obtained from the middle layer of cattle hides, i.e. natural. It can be both edible and unsuitable for food, depending on the thickness and production technology. Products are stored in such a shell for five days. Nevertheless, for production it is more convenient than the natural casing. In such packages you can find Viennese, Bavarian, veal sausages.
Also, sausages are produced in cellulose packaging. This casing is made on the basis of natural cellulose material. Its use reduces the price of the product, moreover, it has a good level of permeability and can be used in the production of smoked sausages. But the shelf life in these "skins" is only 2-3 days. In this package you can find any Russian sausages.

Artificial casings

And the last type of packaging is a polyamide, completely artificial shell. It protects products very well from external influences and extends the shelf life. Products in such packaging can be stored for 15-60 days. The material is completely safe in contact with the product. In this package you can find any Russian sausages.

Products without casings
Recently, sausages are being sold in stores, made using a technology that makes it possible to produce products without a casing. They are sold in vacuum plastic packaging. Stored in a closed pack from 8 to 12 days. In this form, milk, doctor's, children's and cream sausages can be produced.

How to choose sausages

In order not to miscalculate when choosing sausages, you should know a few rules for choosing sausage products of this type:

Sausages must be pale pink in color (this does not apply to veal, hunting, amateur, Munich and Alpine). Pale pink color - an indicator of freshness (drying, the product darkens) and the absence of dye.

Smooth skin. If the product is wrinkled, it means that it is not fresh and dried up. There may be protrusions on products in intestinal and protein packaging due to the properties of the packaging material.

The product should be resilient and easy to restore shape after pressing with a finger.

On a fresh product there should be no smudges and stains. If they are, then the products are either of poor quality or stale.

Pay attention to the packaging - it should not contain liquid.

Sausages are now produced in accordance with GOST and TU. It is better to give preference to products manufactured in accordance with GOST, because. institutes and experts worked on its creation, fulfilling the state order. TU is approved at the production site and may include products that affect the quality and taste of the product. So, for example, not beef and pork, but minced chicken can be used.

Pay attention to the composition: in the first place there will be the product, which in percentage terms is the most.

How to prepare sausages for cooking

Often, before immersing sausages in boiling water, the question arises: is it necessary to remove the casing from the sausage? Now that we understand which packaging is truly natural and which is artificial, we can answer this question. Natural intestinal packaging, of course, can not be removed. A protein shell artificially recreated from natural product, also do not remove. On other issues, opinions may differ.
Some people believe that it is necessary to remove the "skin" from sausages in artificial packaging, if only because the product is saturated with harmful substances from the casing during cooking. In fact, the material designed for Food Industry, does not impregnate products with harmful substances, as we said above. Consumers can somehow safely cook meat in a film, vegetables in a culinary sleeve, or even cook poached eggs in a culinary film, but as soon as it comes to sausages, this kind of casing immediately becomes harmful.
Cellulose packaging can not be removed. It is easy to pierce and remove the finished sausage product after boiling. In addition, some sausages when cooked without a casing are bent and lose their appearance. But before cooking, it is better to pierce the “skin” so that there is no excess pressure inside the package and the sausage does not burst.
But the polyamide packaging is best removed - piercing it and separating it from the sausage after heat treatment will be a difficult task.

How to cook sausages on the stove

On the stove, sausages are boiled in a large amount of water, laying them in already boiling water. You can fill the product and cold water, but then more will boil out of them useful substances. It is not necessary to add salt to the water, it is enough in the product itself, especially in the summer. After the water boils again, the time is set (5-10 minutes), after which the sausages can be served on the table.

How to cook sausages in the microwave

Sausages in the microwave are prepared in two ways: in water and without water.
For cooking in water, we first prepare the product - we clean it from the shell and pierce it with a needle in several places. Can be cut around the edges. In a transparent bowl microwave oven lay out the product and fill it hot water. Cover the container with a lid. Set the power to high and cook for three minutes.
In order to cook a sausage without water, it must be peeled and pierced or cut at the ends. This is done so that the product does not crack. Sausages should be cooked for two minutes at a power of 400 kW. It would be nice to add a little water to make the products juicy.
Keep in mind that not every dish is suitable for the microwave.

How to boil sausages in a slow cooker

Products are peeled, if necessary, and filled with hot water so that it covers it completely. Close the lid of the device and select the "steam" mode. Cook 5 min. With the same parameters, you can use the "stew / soup" mode.

How to steam sausages

Of course, it is most useful to steam sausages, especially if they are in a natural “skin”.

We prepare the product - we clean it from the shell, if necessary, pierce it in several places and put it on a bowl greased with oil. Pour water into the steamer and install the bowl. Turn on the steamer and cook for 10 minutes.

How to cook frozen sausages

Sometimes, in order to extend the shelf life, housewives freeze this product. To cook such a product, it is not necessary to defrost it first. Sausages are poured with cold water and brought to a boil. Then the time is set to 10 minutes. After cooking, the packaging is removed, because. it can be difficult to remove from a frozen product.

Interesting ways to cook sausages

Finnish sauce with sausages

  • Sausages 300 grams
  • Bulb 1 pc.
  • Garlic 1 clove
  • Cream 15% 150 ml.
  • Thick tomato sauce 3 tbsp
  • Flour 1 tbsp
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Salt, pepper to taste

Clean sausages from packaging and cut into slices. Chop onion and garlic as finely as possible. In a heated frying pan, with the addition vegetable oil Saute onion and garlic until caramelized.

Then put the sausages in the pan and lightly fry them. The next step is to add flour and mix. Add tomato sauce, stir again and heat through. Pour in the cream and, stirring constantly, so that all the ingredients of the sauce, except for the sausages, dissolve, bring to a thickening. Season to taste.

You can serve this dish with any kind of pasta, rice, potatoes or buckwheat.

Sausages in bechamel sauce with mushrooms

  • Sausages 300 grams
  • Champignons 150 grams
  • Onion bulb 1 pc.
  • Flour 1 tbsp
  • Butter 50 grams
  • Milk 1 tbsp.
  • Salt, pepper to taste

Cut mushrooms into slices, onion - small cube, sausages - circles. Boil champignons and sausages in a saucepan with a small amount water.

Melt half the butter in a frying pan and fry the onion until caramelized.
Cook bechamel in a deep frying pan. To do this, melt the remaining butter and fry the flour in it. Add milk, starting with 1 tbsp, doubling the amount each time. Warm up until thick.
When the bechamel thickens, combine all the other ingredients with it and bring it back to a density, stirring constantly.
You can serve the sauce with rice, potatoes, buckwheat or any kind of pasta.

Pasta boiled with sausages

If you want to save time, you can boil sausages and pasta together right in one pan (their cooking time is the same - 5-10 minutes). And if you have Small child, then you can serve spaghetti with a sausage product in an original way: in the form of hedgehogs, hairy sausages or octopuses.

To cook hairy sausages (don't let the name confuse you: they look very nice :)), you need to pierce the sausage with spaghetti sticks across or along, but so that the spaghetti protrudes beyond the product on only one side.

For octopuses: cut half of the sausage into eight pieces lengthwise and pierce with spaghetti sticks, the remaining whole part, also lengthwise.

Sausages, thin boiled sausages from meat and cream, have been known since time immemorial.

They made them from both pork and goat meat, smoked, dried, added cheese crumbs and even paprika.

And they also made it from soy, no, not from the notorious soy meat, and from boiled beans with smoked pork fat.

Sausages are a favorite treat for children, and a convenient product for the hostess that can be prepared in a matter of minutes, or, conversely, turned into a colorful dish.

How and how much to cook sausages - general principles of cooking

Sausages are boiled in a large amount of water without the addition of salt and spices, since this semi-finished product is salty in itself, with a sufficient content of spices.

The artificial casing is removed from the sausages before boiling, and the natural casing is left and removed after cooking.

How to cook sausages in a saucepan, on the stove. Put the sausages prepared for boiling into a saucepan with water and put on fire to boil. When the water begins to boil rapidly, reduce the heat and continue to cook. There should be enough water, it should cover the sausages by at least five centimeters. If you boiled sausages covered with a natural casing, dip them for a minute in cold water, then the casing will be easier to remove. Cooking sausages in this way should take no more than five minutes.

How to cook sausages in the microwave. In a special glass container, lay the sausages peeled from the outer shell in one row (you need to remove both the artificial and natural shells). Fill with water so that it covers them completely and put in the microwave. It takes five minutes to cook sausages in this way; with longer cooking, they may burst.

How to cook sausages in a slow cooker, steam. Place the sausages without casings on the special steaming basket. Pour the amount of water indicated in the instructions into the multicooker bowl, put sausages on top and close the lid tightly. Steam sausages in a slow cooker in the “Steam cooking” mode for twenty minutes.

How to cook sausages in a slow cooker. Put sausages in the capacity of the multicooker, you can not remove the natural casing with this method of cooking, pour in enough water, as for cooking in a saucepan and cover the multicooker with a lid, set the mode on the control panel: “Steam cooking”. The timer for boiling sausages in this mode is set for fifteen minutes.

How and how much to cook frozen sausages. Frozen semi-finished products do not need to be thawed before boiling. They, like chilled ones, are placed in cold water, but the shell is not removed, whatever it may be. The only difference in cooking is the cooking time. So how long to cook sausages if they are frozen? Such semi-finished products are cooked longer than chilled ones, and the degree of readiness is determined by a puncture with any sharp object. If the object easily enters the sausage and it is elastic, but soft, then everything is ready.

From boiled sausages you can cook a lot variety of dishes, which can be eaten on its own and with the appropriate side dish.

How to cook sausages with spaghetti - "Funny Jellyfish"


Chicken sausages, non-frozen - 1 kg;

Half a kilo of spaghetti;

A small leaf of lavrushka;

70 grams of 72% butter.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the casing from the sausages, cut them in half across and on each half from the side of the cut, make two longitudinal cuts a third of the length.

2. Spaghetti break into pieces, ten centimeters long.

3. Pierce each cut half of the sausages along, but not through, with four such pieces.

4. Dip the parsley into boiling water, salt, you can add spices to your taste, and lower the sausages “stuffed” with vermicelli. After boiling, reduce the heat a little and cook until the spaghetti is cooked.

5. Drain the water, put the "jellyfish" on a plate with the garnish and pour over them with melted butter. Draw eyes, nose and mouth with ketchup.

How to cook sausages in an original way for children for a side dish - "Octopussy"


Half a kilo of creamy chilled sausages;

low fat mayonnaise;

Unsharp ketchup.

Cooking method:

1. For sausages, remove the shell and cut each half lengthwise into several pieces.

2. Dip the prepared semi-finished products into boiling water and boil for five minutes after boiling the water again. In ready-made sausages, the cut part will unfold, and will resemble the tentacles of an octopus.

3. "Put" slightly cooled octopus "tentacles" on a plate to garnish, and draw funny faces with mayonnaise and ketchup.

Boiled sausages in apple-wine sauce


300 grams of fresh pork sausages;

300 ml of red, dry wine;

A small head of sweet onion;

Two small sweet apples;

80 grams of butter, natural;

250 ml vegetable broth or chicken broth;

50 grams of sugar;

A third teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

Cooking method:

1. Bring wine to a boil in a deep frying pan, put sausages in it and cook over low heat for ten minutes.

2. Finely grate the onion with a grater, remove the core with seeds and peel from apples, cut them into thin strips or medium-sized slices.

3. Wine, in which sausages were boiled, dilute with broth or broth, add sugar, ground cinnamon, butter, chopped apples and onions. Bring to a boil and simmer the sauce until the apples are completely softened and the sauce thickens.

4. Put the sausages boiled in wine on a dish and pour over applesauce. After cooking, sausages can be fried in butter to make them brown.

How to cook sausages in a creamy mushroom sauce


900 grams of creamy sausages;

100 grams fresh mushrooms, preferably champignons;

White onion- 1 medium size head;

270 ml dry wine, white;

40 grams of butter 72% fat;

One and a half tablespoons wheat flour;

30 ml of sherry brand wine;

150 ml, 10-15% cream.

Cooking method:

1. Place the mushrooms cut into small slices or plates in a saucepan.

2. Remove the outer casing from the sausages, cut each into three parts and put in a saucepan with mushrooms.

3. Add the whole onion, pour in the wine and, covered with a lid, boil for ten minutes on minimum heat, without letting the wine boil. Strain the broth and reserve for later use.

4. Melt the butter in a deep thick-walled frying pan, add the flour, mix thoroughly until smooth and immediately pour in the broth with the sherry diluted in it. Cook, stirring constantly until thickened. unnecessarily thick sauce you can dilute boiled milk.

5. Add ground black pepper to the sauce, add salt, taking a sample, put the mushrooms with sausages previously boiled in wine. Whisking constantly, carefully fold in the cream. Heat through for two minutes without letting the sauce boil.

Boiled sausages baked with cheese


Boiled sausages, beef - 6 pcs.;

150 grams hard cheese"Russian";

Mild ketchup;

Brewed homemade or purchased mustard.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the boiled chilled sausages not completely along, and put a small, thin piece of cheese into the cut.

2. Transfer the sausages stuffed with cheese to a frying pan sprinkled with fat and bake in the oven for ten minutes.

3. Cool slightly, spread on lined salad leaves dish, and top with mustard and ketchup.

How and how much to cook sausages - tricks and tips

If there are a lot of eaters and everyone is not averse to eating sausages, you should not take a huge pan. It is enough that the sausages do not lie too tightly in boiling water, and the less it is, the tastier the result will be.

If you're making sausages with mashed potatoes, don't throw away the water in which the potatoes were boiled. Drain it, tightly “wrap” the pan with potatoes, and in the water in which it was boiled, boil the sausages for 3–4 minutes, then put them on top of the potatoes and soak for another couple of minutes.

Separate interesting way cooking is found in old recipes of Eastern and Southern European cuisines. For it, it is necessary to boil, periodically changing, a certain amount of cabbage leaves. The broth is salted, and sausages are boiled in it. They are then wrapped cabbage leaves and dry on the grill. It turns out a kind of cabbage rolls, if of course they can be called that.

So much has been said about the dangers of sausages and sausages, but we still continue to buy them. It's tasty and quick, you can cook dinner within five minutes if you put a sausage in a pan and throw ready-made noodles into a plate, which is prepared according to the principle of "boiling with boiling water". Can you eat raw sausage? The question is certainly interesting. But the answer depends on the product in question. If this is a natural sausage that contains 60% pure meat with the addition of milk, butter and spices, then of course you can. This is a product that is completely ready to eat and is no different from boiled sausage. Although for baby food nutritionists advise using only products that have been subjected to heat treatment.

Modern sausages

But we're not talking about perfect option but about what we encounter regularly, every day. Can you eat raw sausage from the supermarket? To answer this question, let's get acquainted with the composition. Instead of minced meat, it usually includes ground veins and skin, soy and wheat protein, fiber and semolina, milk protein and starch, as well as a large number of water, flavor enhancers and thickeners, flavors and other “joys of life”. Meat makes up no more than 10%, and if we consider cheap sausages from cardboard packages, then this is not here either. Agree, the question of whether it is possible to eat raw sausage can be asked in a different way. Is it worth eating at all?

Boiling = soaking

This is approximately what happens if we consider inexpensive products. In the process of boiling, part of the dyes and salt passes into the water. The same is true with fat. Pay attention to how the water looks after the sausages are cooked. It is very oily, salty and pink. That is, we can assume that the product has become somewhat "useful". Is it possible to eat a raw sausage stuffed with so many additives - decide for yourself.


This is the date of manufacture and the maximum storage time, which can be found on the packaging. The shorter the specified period, the better. This means that the manufacturer did not put a huge amount of preservatives into the product. The same information allows you to understand whether it is possible to eat raw sausages. If the sausages were made literally yesterday, then there will be no harm. Provided that the composition suggests the presence of at least something useful. If you see that they were made a long time ago, then you definitely need to cook, and longer.

There is another point related to this. It's no secret that deadlines in modern stores and supermarkets are interrupted. Therefore, speaking about whether it is possible to eat raw sausages, we would recommend being careful. You never know in advance what a modern seller is capable of in pursuit of profit.

Product color

And again, we offer to evaluate the products in the store, so that it would not be a shame for wasted money. Is it possible to eat raw sausages that are bright red or very dark in color, smell strongly of smoked meats? The unequivocal answer is no, during cooking they will get rid of at least part of the dyes. But it is desirable to completely abandon such a product. Good sausages should be light pink, uniform, without too intrusive aroma of spices and especially smoked meats, which is a consequence of the addition of liquid smoke.

The structure of sausage meat

You can evaluate the sausage even before you throw it into the water, or after removing it from the pan. A good product keeps its shape perfectly, is dense and uniform, since it consists of meat at least half. Remember sausages and wieners from Soviet times? The peel on them did not burst, and they did not fall apart in the pan. What's going on today? When cooking, the product swells, the skin bursts, and the sausage itself turns into a kind of jelly, which falls apart when you try to get it on a plate. That is, in the composition great amount starch, fat and all sorts of decoctions from hides. Is it possible for children to eat raw sausages, given modern realities, is a question for parents.

Shell: natural or artificial

It depends on how sausages will withstand heat treatment. The natural casing withstands cooking and roasting, as well as grilling. Today, most manufacturers indicate on the packaging that sausages are packed in a natural casing. But if it bursts in a saucepan, then there is nothing natural in it. By the way, if you are interested in whether it is possible to eat raw sausages in a natural casing, then remember that the shelf life of such a product is 72 hours. Are you sure that the seller will have time to sell all the goods during this time? Artificial packaging does not give the product a great advantage, but during the cooking process it bursts under the influence of temperatures.

How much to cook

In principle, everything is already ready. They only need to be warmed up and lightly sterilized. Nutritionists say that you need to boil water and put sausages in it. After three minutes, you can get it and eat it. However, if we turn to the experience of Soviet chefs, we will find out that completely different numbers were indicated in the manuals. There was nothing said about whether it is possible to eat raw sausages and sausages. And it was recommended to boil thin products for 5-10 minutes. Plump sausages were subjected to heat treatment even longer, 10-15 minutes. Boiled or fried, it was recommended to serve with mashed potatoes And green peas. But nutritionists say that it is better to offer a lower-calorie side dish, cabbage or other vegetables.

Cooking the healthiest sausages

If you are disappointed in the products that the modern industry offers you, then take care of self-cooking delicious sausages. To do this, you will need to buy good meat and grind it thoroughly in a blender. After that, the mass needs to be diluted with milk, add spices and butter. The consistency should be quite tender, so it will be tastier.

Now you need a special meat grinder with a nozzle for sausages and a shell into which the mass will need to be pumped. Carefully tie the edges and put in the refrigerator so that the minced meat rests a little. Now it remains to prepare the product. To do this, pour water into the pan and put sausages in it. We wait for boiling and cook for 15-20 minutes. Now we take out our amazing sausages and serve with any side dish. You should not even ask if it is possible to eat a sausage raw, not to cook. IN this case no heat treatment is required at all. By the way, these sausages can be fried and baked. Every time the aroma and taste will be fantastic.

Nutritionists about sausages

The quality of products in the modern market leaves much to be desired. Therefore, for baby food, pregnant and lactating women, it is better to completely exclude such products from the diet. Studies show that sausages contain a huge amount of fat and harmful additives, which, even if raw, even boiled, nothing good for the body won't give.

If you decide to give a sausage to a baby for a change, then remember that it can be included in the child’s diet no earlier than from the age of three. Choose your brand carefully. Do not pay attention to the cheapest sausages, they have too many harmful additives. But there is no need to take the most expensive ones either. Usually their composition is the same as in the middle price segment, but the cost is an order of magnitude higher. Why overpay for a trademark? Sometimes frankly low-quality goods are sold at top prices. In this case, the manufacturer relies on what the consumer considers the most expensive to be of the highest quality.

Instead of a conclusion

Today, two conclusions can be drawn. First, eating raw sausages is not recommended. Despite the fact that this boiled sausage, it is much safer to subject it to heat treatment. The second is that modern store-bought sausages are not recommended to be eaten at all. It is much better to start making homemade sausages. Grilled, they will be much tastier than what you can buy in the market. At the same time, you can adjust the amount of salt and spices, and you will also know exactly what kind of meat is inside.

Boiled sausages with pasta

For 2 servings: boil a lot of water (2 liters), add salt, add 100 grams of pasta, after 5 minutes add sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcircles or just whole sausages, cook together for 3 minutes after boiling. Drain through a colander, drizzle with oil and sauce, and serve.

How to cook hairy sausages

Pierce sausages with long thin pasta so that you get a "hedgehog". Dip the "hedgehogs" from sausages and pasta into the pan one at a time - so that the pasta has time to soak. Boil each of the hairy sausages for 10 minutes. The technology is simple: the first part of hairy sausages is cooked, and when the pasta is completely immersed in water, you can add a couple more hairy sausages.

About baby sausages

Cook sausages "Krokha" and other "mini sausages" for 2 minutes.

Sheathed or not

You can cook sausages both in the shell and without it - the main thing is not to eat an unnatural shell in the end. To save time, the unnatural casing can be removed while the sausage water boils. But if the shell is natural - it does not need to be cleaned at all.

sausage math

- Price sausages - 350-450 rubles / kilogram (on average in Moscow as of November 2018).

- calories boiled sausages - 250-300 kcal / 100 grams.

How to choose good sausages

The price per kilogram of natural meat sausages cannot be less than per kilogram of meat. To reduce the cost, fiber is often added to sausages and alimentary fiber, this is usually indicated in the composition. The GOST mark on the package indicates the standard composition, the TU mark indicates unusual ingredients: spices, cheeses, etc.
The composition of high-quality sausages does not include flavors, thickeners, dyes, modified starch. If the sausages are dark in color, they contain too many preservatives and may have been processed more than once. Sodium nitrite is added to almost all sausages to give them a pink color. If the sausages are bright pink, most likely they went too far with dyes.
Shelf life of sausages by weight - 3-5 days, vacuum-packed - 15-20 days. Store sausages after cooking in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours.

What to serve with sausages

- The most popular side dishes for boiled sausages are pasta and potatoes. Lettuce, cheese, tomatoes are suitable for a snack.
- The most popular sauces for boiled sausages are ketchup, mayonnaise, cheese sauce, sour cream, adjika, soy sauce, mustard.