How to make croissants from puff pastry. Cooking croissants: start with the dough

French croissants... Who hasn't heard of them. You don't have to go to France to try puff croissants, you can cook them yourself. You want traditional croissants, you want them with chocolate, cream or cheese. It is enough to have a good recipe and airy croissants will always delight you with the unique taste of delicate puff pastry.


(18 croissants)

  • 500 grams of flour
  • 100 gr. Sahara
  • 230 ml. water
  • 20 gr. powdered milk
  • 25 gr. fresh yeast
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 80 gr. butter for dough
  • 200 gr. butter for layering
  • 1 egg for dyeing croissants
  • The main ingredients of puff pastry are flour and butter, so we choose the best flour - the highest quality with high gluten. We buy real oil, without vegetable additives. Replacing butter with margarine, although cheaper, is not advisable, since margarine contains mainly vegetable oils and thickeners, and it is difficult to layer the dough with it.
  • Preparation of puff pastry for croissants. I stage

  • Pour flour, sugar, salt, milk powder into a bowl. We knead fresh yeast in our hands, which we also add to the listed ingredients.
  • I immediately draw your attention to the fact that to knead the dough for croissants, you will need 500 gr. flour, this is not two glasses, as some people think !!!. Thin-walled glass with a volume of 250 ml. holds 160 gr. wheat flour, faceted glass without rim, 200 ml. holds 130 gr. So count, depending on the volume of your glass, put from 3.1 to 3.8 glasses of flour.
  • A piece of butter 80 gr. heat up in the microwave. We heat less than a minute at medium power. The oil should become liquid, but not hot. We add oil.
  • We mix everything. When the contents of the bowl are more or less mixed, gradually pour in the water. We take water at room temperature. We continue to mix everything until we get a homogeneous dough.
  • Turn the dough out onto a floured board and start kneading. Knead for at least 15 minutes.
  • At first, the dough is quite sticky, but as you knead the dough for croissants, it becomes more and more docile and plastic.
  • The dough may need a little more flour. Add little by little so as not to get too tight dough.
  • As a result, we should get a soft and plastic dough that does not stick, easily separated from the table and hands. It is easy to work with him even without flour.
  • Although this dough contains yeast, it does not look like the yeast dough we are used to, because the yeast is still in a dormant state.
  • Roll out the dough with a rolling pin to make a rectangle. You don't need to roll thin. Wrap the dough in cling film and hide in the refrigerator.
  • The first cooling of the dough - 2 hours more, but not less. This is necessary so that the croissant dough is very well cooled, otherwise it will be difficult to work with.
  • A large piece of butter, previously laid out from the refrigerator and already heated to air temperature, is placed on a piece of cling film.
  • We cover the butter with a second piece of film and roll it out so that we get a thin rectangle. The oil is between two layers of film, so the table and rolling pin remain clean.
  • We hide the oil in plastic in the refrigerator.
  • Take the croissant dough out of the fridge. Roll out so that you get a long rectangle. The width of the rectangle should be slightly larger than the piece of butter that we rolled out earlier.
  • We put oil on top (without a film), as shown in the photo.
  • Wrap the dough so that the oil is inside. Lightly press the edges on all sides.
  • Rotate the piece of dough 90 degrees so that the joined edges are on the right.
  • Roll out the dough again into a long rectangle. Roll out the dough carefully, slowly, so that the oil is evenly distributed between the layers and does not break through the dough.
  • We wrap the far and then the near edge, as shown in the photo.
  • Then fold the dough in half to make a rectangle of four layers.
  • We wrap a piece of dough in cling film and hide it in the refrigerator again. Second chilling of croissant dough - 1 hour.
  • We take out the dough for our croissants from the refrigerator. Carefully, so that the oil does not come out, roll out the dough into a long rectangle. The thickness of the dough is approximately 7 mm.
  • First, fold over the far end.
  • Then we bend the near edge. We should get a rectangular piece of dough with three layers.
  • Wrap the dough in cling film and put it back in the fridge. Refrigerate the dough for 1 hour.
  • Making croissants from puff pastry

  • Roll out the puff pastry into a large square 6-7 millimeters thick. With a sharp knife, cut the dough in half first, and then into long triangles.
  • We turn all the triangles from the base to the top. If you like, you can put some chocolate or cream at the base of the triangle, then you will get stuffed croissants.
  • Place puff pastry rolls on a baking sheet. You can leave them straight, or you can give them a semicircular shape. In this case, the "top" of the former triangle should be at the bottom and well pressed by the weight of the croissant. If the top is left loose, the croissant may open during baking.
  • Since the croissants increase quite a lot in volume, we place them on a baking sheet far from each other. I have nine croissants on a baking sheet.
  • Lightly moisten the croissants and put them in a warm, but not hot place. It is at this moment that the product heats up to 35-40 ° C, which causes the rapid growth of yeast. This is a very important step and you cannot skip it, otherwise you will get ordinary shortcakes. Layered croissants should rise at least twice. Depending on the quality and freshness of the yeast, this may take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.
  • We cover the croissants with a beaten egg, and then put in a well-heated oven. We bake croissants for 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  • Once our beautiful layered croissants have cooled down, they are ready to be served. You want coffee, you want hot chocolate or tea, or you can just have milk. And children are delighted with airy puff pastry croissants.

These dishes are worth a try.

Reviews and comments:

Ksyusha 30.08.11
Mommy, how delicious! Why can't you just watch...

Ksyusha, who's stopping you from baking delicious and tender croissants? Even if you are on a diet, then one small croissant for breakfast, I think, is possible))) In addition, homemade pastries are always less high-calorie than factory ones.

March 2.09.11
I have long fallen in love and cook croissants, but on the contrary, I freeze the butter for puff pastry, and then rub it on a coarse grater.

Yes, this is also a good, proven method. But since I am a very practical person, I prefer a practical approach in the kitchen. After all, just laying out a piece of butter and waiting until it heats up and becomes plastic is much easier than grating. Yes, and then you don’t need to wash the grater))).

Faith 11.10.11
First time making croissants. Of course, I had to tinker, but the croissants turned out to be nothing, no comparison with those sold in stores.

Elena 05.11.11
Great recipe! I will try to bake. But very little attention is paid to the filling, which ones are better to do? But how exactly to put the same chocolate in the base? Just a tile?

Elena, thanks for the feedback and for the question. Yes, the easiest way is to place a piece of chocolate at the base of the triangle and then roll up the dough. You can use regular dark or milk chocolate, or you can use a special culinary one that goes for cakes and desserts.
They also bake croissants with custard, such as for the Napoleon cake. We put a spoonful of pre-prepared (cooled) custard at the base, and then wrap each croissant. The main thing here is not to lose a sense of proportion, as too much filling can plant puff pastry.
In general, croissants are made not only with a sweet filling. Croissants with cheese and sausage or srom and smoked meat are very popular.
Perhaps you will come up with your own branded filling and then share the recipe with us)))

sweetheart :) 11/10/12
But I've never cooked these croissants :) but you need as much as 4 kg, it's good that there are sites that can help at any moment. Thank you so much for the recipe :*

Angelica 12.03.12
The first time I cooked croissants, I was worried how the dough would turn out. Everything is fine, very satisfied with the result

Alma 29.04.12
I want to try your recipe! How long do you need to keep shaped croissants for them to rise? In addition, my house is cool, they will not settle from this?

Alma, yeast dough loves heat. Place the formed croissants close to the oven so that the warm (but not scalding) air warms the dough. Usually twenty minutes, half an hour is enough for the dough to rise. The time depends on the freshness and quality of the yeast. In this case, the volume of the product should approximately double.

Alma 29.04.12
I started to do it and again the question)) (I rarely mess with dough, especially yeast) when breeding yeast, do I need to add sugar, or just dilute with water and immediately mix with flour?

Alma 29.04.12
In general, the croissants turned out just super, only 220 degrees turned out to be a bit too much. And I got something wrong with the sizes, it turned out not 15 large pieces, but 30 small pieces)) But everyone really liked it! Thank you for the recipe!!!

Alma, unfortunately, could not immediately answer your question, I had a working day today ... But I see that you did a great job and everything turned out great for you :)))
But just in case, if you still have questions, I will comment. For this recipe, dough is made from yeast, flour, and water, and sugar is added later along with the rest of the flour and other ingredients. Although, if you immediately add sugar to the dough, it will also work out))) For example, when they make dough for Easter, then sugar is put in the dough.
As for the temperature, then of course you need to adapt a little to a specific oven. Whoever has tried the oven in different ovens (gas, simple electric, electric with blowing ...), he knows well that each oven has its own character. In the recipe, I’ll specifically correct and indicate the interval, as they say, it’s better under than over)))

Ludmila 24.08.12
Alena, good afternoon. I read your recipe and I have a question. You describe the process of making puff pastry without repeated cooling, after each layer. I understand correctly? Or do you still need to put it in the refrigerator after each rolling? Photos of your croissants are exactly French croissants, I live in France, so I know for sure :) I wanted to try to cook according to your recipe, there are many different options on the Internet, but alas, not all of them look like airy and puff croissants, with a specific crust. Thanks for the recipe!

Ludmila 24.08.12
Alena, please tell me, if the cakes are dry, then what should be the quantity?

Usually 1 g of dry yeast is equivalent to 3 g of fresh pressed yeast. Based on this, instead of 25 g of fresh, it is enough to put 7-8 g. dry (2 tsp). But I want to draw your attention to the fact that the proportion may differ slightly for different manufacturers, so carefully read the instructions on the package. At the same time, pay attention to how much flour one bag is calculated.

Ludmila 26.08.12
Good afternoon, Alena!
I want to thank you for the recipe. The croissants turned out great! The French husband said that it was better than in a bakery! And with those that are sold in the supermarket, it is generally impossible to compare! And most importantly, I got puff pastry! Before that, no matter how much I tried, puff but not so puff was! And of all types, I really love this particular dough! Now I will bake, all the time using your technique! Although, once, after all, I had to put it in the refrigerator, because how well it floated under the rolling pin, and then, I began to sprinkle each layer with a small amount of flour, and everything worked out! My delight knew no bounds! :)

Ludmila 26.08.12
Elena, this site is amazing! Went bookmarked! Welcome new visitor! :)
I just liked the descriptions of your recipes, everything is clear and understandable, without unnecessary digressions. And most importantly, really, cooking takes a small amount of time! I wish you success!

Lyudmila, I am very pleased that everything worked out for you and that you liked the croissants. I will always be glad to see you on the site. I also wish you great success and the highest culinary aerobatics!

Anna 28.08.12
Please tell me why, when rolling out the dough with butter, it crawled from everywhere and eventually, as it were, dissolved with the dough and became too viscous, I had to put it back in the freezer, I don’t even know what will happen now. What did I do wrong, maybe the butter melted quickly when rolling, as it was quite hard

Good afternoon, Anna. Apparently, the dough floated from the high temperature (environment + warm hands). It is desirable to work with puff pastry quickly, especially in summer. You did the right thing by hiding the dough in the cold. When it freezes a little, bring the process to the end, and then roll out and cut into triangles, as shown in the photographs. Perhaps not all is lost, and you panic early)))

Oksana 11.09.12
I have made croissants twice according to your recipe and they are delicious. But when I put the butter on the dough and rolled it out, the dough broke and the butter came out from everywhere)) the croissants turned out a little different. Maybe I'm making the dough too tight, because during the kneading process the dough sticks and I add flour?

Yes, sometimes this is observed in the case of too tight dough. Just add a little more liquid or another egg yolk the next time you knead the dough to make the dough more elastic.

Kenya 11/12/12
Please tell me, my dough did not practically rise, but I still added flour, as the dough turned out to be too sticky initially. How thick should the dough be rolled out before shaping the croissants?

Ksenia, most likely, the problem is in the yeast. Either not very fresh, or not enough if you used dry yeast. To be honest, I prefer fresh. Although the cold air temperature could also affect, the dough loves heat. As for the thickness, you don’t need to roll it too thin, half a centimeter, it can even be thicker.

Yuliana 24.11.12
Hello! Please tell me, do croissants according to your recipe turn out like croissants in 7days? I looked all over the Internet, but the pictures don’t match the 7days croissants in any way... But I really want to cook them myself...

Yuliana, I would really like to answer you that YES, they are exactly like that ... But I will not dissemble and tell the truth: homemade pastries never turn out the same as industrial ones, and industrial ones are the same as homemade ones. Firstly, different ingredients (in industrial baking, there are much more flavors, baking powder and other additives that improve taste and appearance). Secondly, different technology. At home, everything is by eye, and in industrial conditions, everything is measured by a robot, including the temperature of the dough. Therefore, if you definitely want such as in 7days, then it is much easier to go and buy. And if you want homemade croissants, then yes, you need to take a recipe, try, learn. The word learn is key here, as croissant dough takes skill and practice. And it doesn't always work out the first time.

Lera 12/25/12
This is my second time making croissants using your recipe. The first time they turned out soft and fluffy, but yesterday they were tiny. Also delicious, but these are bagels. You probably need to be more careful with the recipe.

Lara, you are absolutely right. When it comes to dough, especially one as fussy as puff pastry, it's best to stick to a recipe rather than experiment. If the dough takes a little more or less flour, this is normal, but an overdose of fat (oil) can greatly affect the result.

Katya 28.01.13
tell me pliz about the dough for croissants (fold three more times it's like)

After we put the dough with butter in an envelope and rolled it out with a rolling pin, we will get a rectangle. Then we fold this piece of dough several times and roll it out again. The easiest way is to mentally divide a piece of dough into three parts, first wrap the right part inside, and then the left part (like a three-part postcard). How exactly to fold the dough does not play a special role. It is important that the dough for croissants is made in layers: fold, roll, fold, roll...
Katya, I hope I was able to answer your question)))

alla 08.02.13
and where to put 80 grams of butter? in the dough or is it for greasing the baking sheet?

These 80 grams of butter should be put into the croissant dough

Anna P 05.03.13
Hello! Tell me, does the yeast dough need to stand or do we immediately begin to layer it? And yet, if the butter is replaced with margarine, will it be tasteless?

If the yeast is fresh, then after kneading the dough, you can immediately start layering. When you form croissants, be sure to put them in a warm place so that they come up, then put them in a preheated oven. I would advise butter, because margarine is very different from butter in taste, quality, and composition.

Alice 01.09.13
Thank you so much for your recipe, the croissants turned out to be very tasty, I cooked it for the first time, I made half of the portion, and I already regretted it, I had to do more !!!

Faith 10/22/13
I cooled the dough twice, as you wrote, the third time I left the dough in the refrigerator for the whole night, I baked it in the morning. The croissants turned out amazing! Thanks!

Nika 24.10.13
Alena, please tell me, can you replace milk powder with anything?

Powdered milk improves the dough, any pastry with the addition of powdered milk turns out to be more tasty and airy. If there is no milk powder, then instead of 230 gr. water, which are indicated in the recipe, take 230 gr. regular milk. You get an almost identical replacement.

Nata 05.11.13
I love cooking and baking. I also bake croissants. Only I have a different dough recipe, it is not as airy as yours, because it does not contain yeast. But I liked your recipe better. Yours are so beautiful and airy. I make the filling for croissants from a mixture of honey, sugar and walnuts. This is such a delicious treat.

Zuhra 10.01.14
I feel that I can’t resist and try to bake puff croissants according to your recipe, although I’m not entirely sure of a successful result). Puff pastry, in my understanding, is the most difficult, but in the recipe everything is so well and detailed that I’ll take a chance, I want pleasant memories. I ate real French croissants this fall in Paris, an extraordinary yummy).

Zuhra, thanks for your comment. Of course, puff pastry requires practice, but if everything is done as written, then croissants will definitely turn out))). The only thing, once again I want to draw attention to two important points.
1. Although this puff pastry contains yeast, it does not initially look like yeast dough, because stays cold all the time. But when we have already formed croissants and put them in a warm place, then the yeast fermentation process begins. Then the croissants begin to increase, rise by leaps and bounds.
2. You can not skip this stage, you need to wait until the croissants rise, and only after that we send them to the oven to bake.

natalia 21.01.14
Tell me, if there is no milk powder, can water be replaced with milk?

Natalia, of course, water can be replaced with milk)))

natalia 25.01.14
Alena, it turned out delicious, very tender and airy, but the yeast dough is yeast, it doesn’t look like a puff, but it’s still very tasty, I did everything according to the recipe to the gram, the dough turned out tough, I didn’t take risks, threw it into the bread machine, added milk, and she kneaded the dough properly. Thanks for the recipe!

Natalia, I'm glad that you were satisfied with the pastries))). But, judging by the way you did it, the puff pastry preparation technology was violated. You've got better bagels.
Natalia, I understand that you were embarrassed that the dough is dense, but it should be so. This is a puff pastry with yeast, not butter, so it shouldn't look like it. Puff pastry is specially cooled. In a chilled state, the yeast does not multiply, so at first the dough looks like a regular yeast-free one (like dumplings). This dough is much easier to layer. But when the lamination process was completed, when the croissants were rolled up and put in a warm place, that's when the yeast starts to work, that's when the dough starts to come up, it becomes soft and airy. Next time, try to endure the technology)))

Lena 14.02.14
Puff pastry for me has always been aerobatics and I was afraid to take it. I carefully studied the recipe, a little long, but nothing complicated. Everything was clearly explained. I'll be experimenting this weekend. I trust your site and have no doubt that I will succeed.

Irina 05.05.14
Great recipe. Made croissants for the first time. everything worked out just fine. Thanks a lot!

Irina, thank you for your feedback.

Tatiana 07.05.14
I really want to try your recipe, but I just wanted to ask, can I replace powdered milk with infant formula? and I also really like croissants with brewed chocolate or vanilla cream. maybe you can make it yourself too? maybe you have some kind of recipe))) and I’m thinking how to make it so that it doesn’t leak out, I don’t want to eat a drop in the store-bought ones and that’s it, as they say “here and rejoice”) for the family I want to make it good!) ))

Tatyana, yes, you can replace it with infant formula, in fact it is the same powdered milk, only the quality is better. As for the filling, any liquid filling shrinks croissants, and it also flows out, as was noted. If for yourself, and not for sale, then the best solution is to bake ordinary croissants. The cream can be pumped inside with a culinary syringe. For my son, I make it even easier - I cut it and spread it with cream, jam, condensed milk ...
Creams can be viewed on my website, chocolate cream and custard are suitable for croissants, just make it a little thicker than according to the recipe.

Tatyana 08.05.14
Thanks a lot, I'll do it in the next few days. Be sure to write how it turned out!)

hope 28.07.14
Hello! tell me, please, why turn the dough 90 degrees and roll it in only one direction? why not sideways? Thanks!

hopefully when the dough is rolled in one direction the oil is more evenly distributed and the rectangular shape of the dough is easier to keep. If you roll it in different directions, then sooner or later you will get a round pancake. When you try to fold it, areas with oil and without oil will appear, i.e. the puffiness of the dough will be lower.

Elena 10.01.15
Can this dough be made ahead of time? To freeze?

good day, Elena! This dough can be stored in the refrigerator for several days, wrapping it well with a film so that it does not wind. But I do not recommend freezing, because it yeast puff pastry, and when frozen, the yeast dies, which, of course, will affect the final result.

Vera 11.01.15
Hello Alena! The recipe is very interesting, now I am in the process of making dough. but I have a question: my mother told me that carbon dioxide must be released from yeast dough, and 4 times. If this is not done, then a lot of harmful substances remain in the dough. what do you think about this?

Indeed, when yeast dough is prepared (more often this refers to rich yeast dough), the dough is punched several times. This is done in order to release the accumulated carbon dioxide. The fact is that an excess of carbon dioxide slows down the growth of yeast and the dough ceases to fit. I haven’t seen such information about the harm, on the contrary, carbon dioxide is widely used in cooking (baking soda, when extinguished with vinegar, releases carbon dioxide and the dough becomes porous, it is also used in the production of beer, etc.).
As for croissants, you don’t need to specially knead the dough, you roll it out periodically, moreover, the forced cooling of the dough in the refrigerator inhibits the growth of yeast for a while, the yeast starts working only at the last stage, when the croissants are put in heat for detuning.

Svetlana 21.03.15
Tell me, is it for sure that there are no eggs in the recipe, is it a typo?

Svetlana, there are no eggs in this recipe.

Svetlana 03/22/15
Alena, thank you very much for your reply. I cooked it, it turned out delicious, but it didn’t rise much, and the consistency inside turned out like ordinary buns, I will try again

Svetlana, when we layer the dough, pay attention to its temperature. If the dough is heated by hand, then we send it to cool in the refrigerator, we must not allow the oil to begin to mix with the dough.

Irina 12.02.16
Hello. I made kraussans. Everything worked out. But because of the flu, the children did not come to their grandson for the holiday. What to do so that they are preserved for next Friday. If this is not possible, then advise that you can cook something similar, but with the option of freezing. Thank you.

Irina, croissants perfectly withstand freezing. When they have cooled to room temperature, carefully fold them into a clean bag or box so as not to wrinkle. Hide in the freezer (you can put it in a second bag so that you don’t take the smell of fish or meat). So they can be stored for several weeks. To defrost croissants, we take them out of the freezer in advance, defrost them at room temperature, in no case do we use a microwave. Croissants will be as soft and delicious as after baking.

Olga 04/29/16
Can you tell me if the dough can be frozen?

Olga, the dough for croissants is usually frozen, but from experience I can say that after defrosting the dough is still worse than without freezing.

Olga 04.05.16
Croissants are just a TALE, they left with a bang. Thanks a lot for the recipe!

Olga, I'm glad that the recipe did not disappoint))))

Lydia 31.07.16
Good evening! please tell me it is written in paragraph 32 that we slightly moisturize ...... what do you mean?

Lydia, so that the surface of the croissants does not dry out, go over the top with a wet brush (slightly, without fanaticism).

Making delicious flaky yeast dough croissants like those served in coffee shops is now possible at home with this unique recipe. Croissants are very tender, soft, airy and multi-layered, with a crispy, incredibly appetizing crust. They can be prepared with different fillings: chocolate, jam or cheese. Our recipe will help you make the best croissants: like from French bakeries.


  • flour - 500 grams;
  • salt - 12 grams;
  • dry yeast - 15 grams;
  • water - 150 milliliters;
  • granulated sugar - 60 grams;
  • milk - 100 milliliters;
  • butter - 100 grams (for the dough) + 250 grams (for the layer);
  • an egg is one piece.

Gorgeous croissants made from puff pastry. Step by step recipe

  1. Add granulated sugar to warm water, mix well, and pour dry yeast. Leave for ten minutes to activate the yeast. They should form a foamy “cap” on the surface.
  2. Advice. The water in which we breed the yeast should be warm, but in no case hot: otherwise the yeast will boil and they will not be activated.
  3. The flour must be well sifted through a sieve in order to enrich it with oxygen. This will make the cake more airy. Add some salt and sugar.
  4. When the yeast "played", pour it to the bulk components. Pour warm milk here and start kneading the dough. It is better to knead it with your hands.
  5. Softened butter, cut into small cubes, is also introduced into the dough, and everything is thoroughly mixed: first in a bowl, and then on a flat surface of the table or kitchen board. The dough for croissants should be smooth, soft, but not sticky to your hands.
  6. We form an even rectangle from the dough, wrap it in plastic wrap and leave it in a cold place for four or more hours.
  7. We prepare butter for making croissants from puff pastry. To do this, you need to knead it a little and wrap it in a cut piece of parchment. You should get a square measuring 20 by 20 centimeters.
  8. Advice. In order for the oil to be evenly distributed in the paper envelope, you can roll it out several times with a rolling pin.
  9. We also send the oil to the refrigerator.
  10. When the dough and butter have cooled sufficiently, sprinkle the countertop generously with flour and lay out a piece of dough. We roll it out until a rectangle is formed: twice the size of the envelope with butter.
  11. We spread the butter on the dough (remove the paper) and seal it with dough. Roll out evenly.
  12. Advice. You need to roll out the dough in one direction, starting from the middle to the edges. We should again get a rectangle of the same size as before we sealed the butter in the dough.
  13. On both sides, fold the dough to the middle, and then fold it in half again. We should get a book in which there are four layers of butter and eight layers of dough.
  14. We pack our dough for homemade croissants in a film and send it to the cold: for about an hour.
  15. The same procedure of rolling, and then folding the dough, must be repeated one more time and again sent to rest in a cold place.
  16. We take out the yeast dough and roll it out to a thickness of five millimeters, adhering to the shape of a rectangle with even sides.
  17. Cut the dough into equal and even triangles.
  18. We prepare a baking sheet, namely: we cover it with parchment paper.
  19. We make small notches at the base of the triangle, turning them outward.
  20. We turn the segments of dough in the form of croissants, slightly stretching the edges and rounding them, giving the shape of a horn.
  21. Immediately spread the croissants on a baking sheet, leaving room for the baking to rise.
  22. We cover a baking sheet with croissants from homemade yeast dough and leave at room temperature so that they grow.
  23. When they double in size, they can be smeared with a slightly beaten egg and sent to an oven preheated to 200 degrees Celsius: first for ten minutes, then reduce the temperature to 185 degrees and bake for another ten minutes, until cooked.

Fragrant, very airy home-baked croissants can be served with marmalade, honey or melted chocolate. In such croissants, you can put cheese or ham as a filling. Cook a variety of dishes from around the world in your kitchen: our site - "Very tasty" will help you with this.

simple bun croissant, which has become a cult dish, is no longer just food: croissants are both a lifestyle and an entire industry. These are deliciously delicious stories of bakers who specialize in layered bagels. And housewives' culinary battles for the most tender croissant dough, the most delicious croissant filling and the most perfect croissant shape. How inspiring to get involved in the process!

Despite the French “registration”, croissants are actually “Austrian”: invented in Austria, and first baked there too. It is believed that initially croissants were, although tasty, but rather rough products, which were simply a piece of yeast dough twisted into a crescent moon. Modern croissant, with their airy lightness, literally permeated with the taste and aroma of butter, is unconditional France in that special, culinary sense that gourmets understand, while Austria is associated today with.

Croissant dough

A prerequisite for self-preparation of croissants is homemade puff pastry. And this is the most difficult moment - some are afraid that the dough will not work out, others do not like to mess around, because it takes a lot of time. Yes, there are certain subtleties in working with puff pastry, owning which you can only get a stunningly delicious croissant, and not owning it ... Well, there are options here too: from a lifelong desire to cook French bagels beaten off to sports anger: “I’m all I will make you!!"

So, a croissant is a product made from puff yeast dough. Puff pastry for croissants is prepared in several stages, the key point is cooling at each stage of kneading. This technology allows you to get solid, rather than tearing layers of dough with butter coming out.

We need only and exceptionally good butter with a fat content of 82%. Margarine won't work. The taste of a croissant directly depends on the taste of butter, which is very abundant in the dough, and if you put margarine, then the taste will be “margarine”.

It can also be added that fewer layers are usually made in puff yeast dough than in unleavened dough. So, if in unleavened dough before baking, about one and a half thousand layers are obtained, then in yeast dough - 24-72, depending on the desired thickness of the layers in the finished croissant.

The basic recipe for croissants is without filling. You can add sweet or savory toppings at your discretion. A croissant can be crescent-shaped or straight.

Cooking time: about 15 hours, taking into account the time for cooling the dough at each stage of preparation.
Exit: 16 small croissants or 8 large ones.

Ingredients for croissant recipe

  • butter 200 grams
  • flour 2 cups + 2 tbsp. spoons
  • milk 1 glass
  • sugar 40 grams
  • salt 1 teaspoon with a slide
  • dry small yeast 7 grams
  • egg for greasing products 1 pc

How to make puff pastry croissants

Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it softens slightly.
Start preparing the yeast dough: mix 2 cups of flour and milk.

Mix the dough into a lumpy mass, cover with cling film and leave to autolyse for 20 minutes. With this trick, you will be able to knead a smooth dough faster, and it will be more elastic.

While the dough is undergoing autolysis, rub the butter with 2 tbsp. spoons of flour.

From the resulting mass, form a layer 12 by 8 in size and about 1 cm thick. It is convenient to do this on cling film, in which you will then need to wrap the butter and send it to the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Now go back to the first dough and add salt, sugar and yeast to it.

Using a mixer with hook attachments, knead the dough.

It is necessary to knead until smooth and very good elasticity.

Wrap the kneaded dough in a bag and send it to the refrigerator for 2 hours.
Then roll out the dough into a layer 8-10 mm thick and place a layer of chilled butter in the center.

Fold the top third first, and then the bottom third, as if folding a sheet of paper in three.

With gentle but strong beating motions of the rolling pin, flatten the layer of dough with butter until it reaches a thickness of about 1 cm.

Now, quickly and carefully, lightly roll the dough with a rolling pin to even out the layer, and fold it into thirds.

Send the dough for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator, covering with a film.
Repeat the previous rolling again, then chill the dough again for 2 hours.
Then roll out the dough into a slightly thinner layer and fold it in quarters this time.

At this stage, the dough is ready to be molded. If you cut it, you can see beautiful even layers.

So, cut the dough into 2 parts. Put one part in the fridge while you work on the other.
Roll out the dough into a long layer 12-14 cm high and 3-5 mm thick. Cut it first into 4 squares, and then cut each square diagonally.

Gently pulling with your hands, give the triangles a slightly elongated isosceles shape.

Roll up the dough into a bagel shape. By the way, in this form, you can freeze ready-made blanks for croissants, and leave them for 7-8 hours before baking: during this time they will slowly defrost and grow.

Place future croissants on a parchment-lined baking sheet and brush with beaten egg for the first time.

Send the croissants for proofing in the switched off oven for 3-3.5 hours. They will grow well there.

Now grease the croissants with the egg again and send them to bake in an oven preheated to 210 degrees for 15 minutes.

Serve croissants hot or warm. Ready-made croissants can be cooled, wrapped in a bag and frozen, reheating before serving in the microwave. And don't forget to make yourself a cup of coffee!

Croissants made from ready-made puff pastry can be safely attributed to dishes that have one characteristic in common - they are cooked in haste. Agree that it can be easier than armed with a step-by-step recipe to prepare delicious homemade cakes for tea for your family and friends. I definitely recommend offering such a recipe as a “first step” to novice cooks, since during cooking you won’t even get confused.

In addition to the taste of homemade croissants, this dessert has another undeniable plus. Not only do you get tasty and fragrant pastries as a result, but on top of that, such a culinary experiment will in no way hit your wallet. To prepare croissants, you will need such affordable products: puff pastry, egg, jam, powdered sugar and a little flour. Agree, every housewife almost always has all the ingredients necessary for cooking at hand. Yes, yes - that's all, and even the dough, since it can be easily stored at home in the freezer.

For today's croissant recipe, I suggest using store-bought puff pastry. Of course, you can cook the dough yourself, but as I said in one of the previous puff pastry recipes, it’s simply not profitable to cook this product on your own, because in finished form it turns out cheaper than buying separately all the ingredients that are needed for his cooking.

When you cook such a French dessert at home, you can choose the filling that suits you best. According to my recipe, I suggest making croissants with apple jam. Instead of apple jam, you can use any other, as well as boiled condensed milk, melted chocolate or jam.

After you take the puff pastry croissants out of the oven, before serving, I would recommend sprinkling them with powdered sugar or pouring chocolate icing over them. From this, the taste of the dessert will only grow.


  • 450 g yeast-free puff pastry
  • 1 egg
  • 250 g apple jam
  • Powdered sugar
  • Flour for dusting countertops

Cooking step by step with photos:

Bon Appetit!

Croissants made from ready-made puff pastry are best suited as a treat with a morning cup of tea, coffee or warm cocoa. This French dessert is equally loved by both adults and children, so when preparing such pastries, you can be one hundred percent sure in advance that all your household members will be delighted. Finally, I want to give a few tips so that your ready-made puff pastry croissants turn out tasty and fragrant the first time:
  • For the recipe, you can use not only ready-made puff pastry bought at the store, but also homemade dough;
  • If you use frozen dough, then put it out of the freezer half an hour before cooking, so that by the time you start cooking you have all the ingredients ready;
  • As a filling, you can use both jam and jam, condensed milk, custard, etc.;
  • Puff pastry baked very quickly in the oven, so keep an eye on it so that your yummy does not burn.

One of the symbols of France, along with the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Versailles and wine, is a croissant with a sweet filling. Filmmakers, artists and writers mention the puff pastry croissant in their works as an indispensable element of the French breakfast. Croissants are not only sweet, but also with cheese, ham, meat and mushrooms.

The dessert is popular in France, but the birthplace of the recipe is Austria. There, for the first time, a crescent-shaped bun was baked. The French brought the recipe to perfection, came up with the idea of ​​stuffing a croissant with a sweet filling and added butter to the recipe.

Croissants can be made from ready-made dough or you can make your own puff pastry. In order for the dough for croissants to get the correct structure, you must follow 4 simple rules:

  1. Knead the dough slowly, it should be saturated with oxygen. But do not knead the dough for too long.
  2. Use a little yeast in the dough, it should come up slowly.
  3. Observe the temperature regime - knead the dough at 24 degrees, roll out at 16, and you need 25 for proofing.
  4. Roll out the dough into a layer, no more than 3 mm thick.

Croissant with chocolate

Morning coffee with a crispy croissant will not leave indifferent any lover of gourmet pastries. Croissant with chocolate is a French classic.

It is convenient to take pastries with you to nature, to work and give children to school for lunch. On any holiday table, a croissant with chocolate will be the highlight of the table.

Cooking time for croissants is 45 minutes.


  • puff pastry - 400 gr;
  • chocolate - 120 gr;
  • egg - 1 pc.


  1. Defrost the dough at room temperature.
  2. Roll out into a thin layer, no thicker than 3 cm.
  3. Cut the dough into long triangles.
  4. Put the chocolate in the freezer. Crumble the chocolate with your hands.
  5. Arrange the chocolate chips along the shortest side of the triangle.
  6. Wrap the croissant with the bagel, starting on the chocolate side. Shape the croissant into a semi-circle.
  7. Whisk the egg.
  8. Brush the croissant with egg on all sides.
  9. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  10. Put the croissants in the oven for 5 minutes. Then lower the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for 20 minutes.


  • puff pastry - 1 kg;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 gr;
  • powdered sugar - 200 gr;
  • almonds - 250 gr;
  • orange juice - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 11 tbsp. l.;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • milk - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Separate the egg white from the yolk and beat until foamy.
  2. Combine the whipped egg white with chopped almonds, half of the powdered sugar and orange juice. Add 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Mix the ingredients.
  3. Roll out the dough into a layer, cut into 12 long triangles.
  4. On the narrow side of the triangle, lay out the filling and roll the bagel towards the sharp corner.
  5. Line a baking sheet with baking paper.
  6. Lay the croissants on a baking sheet, fold the edges inward in a semicircle.
  7. Heat the oven to 200 degrees.
  8. Brush each croissant with milk.
  9. Place the tray in the oven for 25 minutes.
  10. Mix 100 ml of lemon juice with powdered sugar.
  11. Spread hot croissants with lemon glaze.

Croissant with boiled condensed milk

One of the most popular croissant recipes is with condensed milk. So that the filling does not leak out, you need to use boiled condensed milk. A quick and easy recipe allows you to cook croissants at least every day. Croissants with condensed milk can be treated to guests, cooked for a family tea party and put on a festive table. Often a royal croissant is prepared with condensed milk, that is, large-sized pastries.

It takes 50 minutes to prepare the dish.