Sweet sushi. The best recipes with photos

About sushi and rolls.

by the most popular dish Japanese cuisine there is no doubt that our country has sushi. Sushi - traditional Japanese dish rice and seafood. Their diversity and abundance is shocking. In an ordinary sushi bar, we can find dozens or even hundreds of types of sushi and rolls - classic, with chicken, vegetarian, spicy, mild, cold, hot and even sweet. Yes, yes, you were not mistaken - it is sweet. Fruit sushi and rolls for dessert is a delicacy that you will never be able to exclude from your diet.

Kinds fruit rolls and sushi.

There are a lot of options for sweet sushi and rolls, it is worth noting a few of the most original and delicious.

Prepare for cooking rice paper, sweet cream cheese, half a banana, a handful of strawberries. by the most best supplement- chocolate sauce, and a sprig of mint is used for decoration.
Dip the rice paper in warm water for a few minutes or hold it over a stream warm water to make it soft and workable. Put a little on her cream cheese and alternately lay out slices of banana and strawberries. Wrap and cut into pieces already on a plate, for more better taste water chocolate sauce and top with a mint leaf.
2. Sweet sushi with cheese mascarpone and canned pineapple.
For cooking you will need: several sheets of rice paper, canned pineapple, sweet cheese mascarpone, rice.
Mix cheese with powdered sugar, boil the rice a little longer than usual and sweet water. Take a sheet of paper that has already been wetted and spread the cheese in a thin layer so that it slightly covers the area. Then lay out the rice and spread the cheese again, but now with a coarser layer.
Grind the pineapples into a pulp and spread on top. Wrap and cut, pour abundantly with condensed milk.
3. Chocolate pancakes rolls .
Ingredients: one teaspoon cocoa, two teaspoons starch, two teaspoons sugar, two eggs, chocolate, butter, milk, peanuts.
Mix eggs, starch, sugar and cocoa from the resulting mass fry thin pancakes.
In a separate pot, melt the butter, chocolate and add a few tablespoons of milk. Spread pancakes with mass and sprinkle with finely chopped peanuts, pour again chocolate mass and that several times. Wrap and refrigerate for several hours.
4. Rolls With coconut flakes and chocolate.
You will need the same rice paper, coconut flakes, a chocolate bar, cottage cheese, cream, sugar, a scoop of ice cream.
We mix cottage cheese, sugar, cream, coconut flakes and carefully, at low speeds, knock down in a mixer or blender. The resulting mass is applied to rice sheets and sprinkled with grated chocolate. Wrap and send for two minutes in the microwave. Serve hot with a scoop of ice cream next to it.

Take nectarine, kiwi, carrot, honey, plums, nori (algae sheets), sugar. Melt honey in a frying pan over low heat and fry the peeled carrots cut into well-aimed pieces. Nectarine and kiwi also chop and mix with carrots. We put the resulting mixture on the nori and wrap it up.
To prepare the sauce, take three plums, water and two tablespoons of sugar, cook over low heat, stirring constantly. The sauce should thicken and thicken a lot. After cooking, we sit through a sieve and pour over the sushi.

Useful properties of fruit sushi and dessert rolls.

Fruit sushi and rolls are a wonderful dessert. They are low-calorie, contain a lot of healthy ingredients: fruits, citrus fruits, honey, nuts and everything that your soul wishes to supplement them with. They are also great for those who are on a diet and cannot afford cake or sweets.

Every girl knows that feeling when you want sweets, and from products containing sugar, you can only have fruits that get bored on the third day. In such cases, sushi is a great way out and you will pamper yourself and add variety to your diet. Small children are another fans of this dessert, and this is only in the hands of mothers, because you can easily not only pamper your child at home, but also cook as a healthy snack at school. Agree that fruits are much better than unhealthy sandwiches.
Summing up all the information we know about fruit sushi and rolls for dessert, we can conclude that this dish deserves to be in our festive and everyday diet. Pamper yourself and your family!

To prepare pancakes for rolls, you can use any recipe familiar to you or use the one I suggested. I have long found a recipe for pancakes that I liked the most. According to this recipe, pancakes are airy, thin and delicate. Attention! For the rolls, I only needed 5 pieces! Therefore, if you make them only for rolls, take all the ingredients at least half as much.
You can also use any fruit of your choice. I took kiwi and canned peaches.

Let's make pancakes.
To do this, break eggs into a container, add sugar and salt. Adjust the amount of sugar to your taste. If you like sweet pancakes, add 4-5 tbsp. l. Sahara.
Mix everything until smooth, no need to beat.

Pour in about 200 ml of milk. Mix.
Add flour, mix again. From this step, I beat everything with a mixer. So it turns out faster and without lumps. The dough should be the consistency of thick sour cream.

Pour in the remaining milk and beat a little more. Now the dough should become liquid, pouring easily. If it seems thick, add a little more milk, and for delicacy, you can add a little water.
Pour in vegetable oil. Mix.

Make a few chocolate pancakes. To do this, I took 4 ladles of dough from the total mass and added 2 tbsp. l. cocoa. Mix everything well (beat with a mixer). Leave the dough to rest for 15-20 minutes.

Fry pancakes in a hot frying pan, each time greasing it with oil. Ready pancakes cool completely.

Let's make rolls.
Mix cream cheese with powdered sugar.

Peel the kiwi. Cut into thin strips. Peaches also cut into strips, get wet on a napkin to get rid of excess moisture.

Trim the edges of the pancakes to give them a square shape.

Spread some cheese on the pancake. Lay fruit on top.

Spread some more cheese on top of the fruit. Roll into a roll.

These are the rolls I got. As I wrote, five pieces came out. Cut them into three or four pieces, as you prefer. I got 16 rolls.

This is such a delicious treat. Peaches and cheese attached to the rolls delicate taste, and kiwi brings a slight sourness. When serving, you can sprinkle with chocolate or honey.
Enjoy your meal!

With fish, cucumbers and cheese, but also sweet rolls. Most often they are served in rice paper, inside cheese, fruits, and on top they are poured with chocolate topping and sprinkled with coconut flakes. Such sweet rolls can be prepared at home, and there are a lot of cooking options.

Sweet Roll Recipes

For a sweet dessert, you can use rice paper, nori leaves, plain or chocolate. For the filling: cottage cheese, mascarpone, cream cheese, cream, absolutely any fruits and berries, even jam. Below are some delicious and easy recipes.

Rolls in pancakes

What is necessary:

  • a couple of chicken eggs;
  • a spoonful of granulated sugar;
  • half a spoon of salt;
  • 400 ml of milk;
  • 240 g flour;
  • 130 g cream cheese or mascarpone;
  • a couple of spoons of powdered sugar;
  • any berries or fruits;
  • coconut chips, chocolate chips, ground nuts for decoration.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare the dough for pancakes by mixing sugar, salt, milk, eggs and flour.
  2. Fry pancakes.
  3. For the filling, you need to combine the cheese with powdered sugar.
  4. Clean the fruits and cut into slices. For example, you can take bananas, and strawberries
  5. You can use round pancakes, or cut off the edges and make squares.
  6. Grease half of the pancake with cheese, put slices of fruits and berries on top.
  7. Roll up and cut into pieces. On top of the fruit, you can put another layer of cheese.
  8. Decorate rolls with coconut or chocolate chips or nuts.

rice rolls


  • a couple of sheets of nori;
  • 6 raspberries or;
  • 100 g feta cheese;
  • 110 g cooked sweet rice.

How to cook:

  1. Cut cheese into small strips.
  2. Wash and dry the berries.
  3. Spread rice over most of the nori, preferably with wet hands.
  4. Put the cheese and berries in the middle. Roll up and cut into several pieces. Serve with ice cream.

Curd rolls

What will be needed:

  • 3-4 sheets of rice paper;
  • a couple of packs of cottage cheese;
  • some strawberries;
  • a pack of vanilla sugar;
  • condensed milk and coconut flakes.

How to cook:

  1. Mix cottage cheese with vanilla sugar.
  2. Cut fruit into strips.
  3. Soak each leaf in turn in water.
  4. Gently grease the paper, lay out the fruit and wrap.
  5. Cut, garnish with condensed milk and coconut flakes. Instead of condensed milk, you can decorate with whipped cream.

Sweet sauce for rolls

To make the rolls even more enjoyable for you, your family and your kids, you can add sauce to them. Of course, today all this can be found in any store, and a wide variety of tastes and aromas. But it's better to cook sweet sauce independently, although it is a little more complicated.

Strawberry Sauce

What will be required:

  • a pack of frozen strawberries;
  • 4 spoons of granulated sugar;
  • a pack of vanillin;
  • a spoonful of starch;
  • shot glass;
  • 50 g.

How to cook:

  1. Put berries, granulated sugar and 3-4 tablespoons of water in a pan. Simmer for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Dissolve the starch in half a glass and add to the berries. Bring to a boil.
  3. Reduce heat and pour brandy and butter, cook for 7 minutes. Turn off and add vanilla.
  4. Cool down. You can grind everything in a blender until smooth.

Chocolate banana


  • a couple of bananas;
  • a bank of condensed milk;
  • half a bar of white chocolate;
  • 55 g butter;
  • vanillin;
  • a glass of Baileys.

How to cook:

  1. Melt the tiles in a water bath, adding oil.
  2. Put condensed milk small pieces banana, vanillin. Leave in the bath for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat, pour over liqueur and cool.

Curd sauce

  • a pack of cottage cheese;
  • 3 spoons of sour cream;
  • shot glass of Baileys;
  • pack;
  • 3 spoons of powdered sugar.

How to cook:

  1. Mix all the ingredients and beat thoroughly with a blender. Cool slightly.

Sweet rolls: photo

How to make, serve and decorate sweet rolls, you can see the pictures below.