Fruit sushi and rolls for dessert.

In Japanese cuisine, everything is strict and rational. If the rolls were invented as a second course, then they definitely won’t become a dessert, so the country of the Rising Sun has given the world not so many recipes for sweet mini rolls. But in other countries that borrowed this recipe, culinary specialists turned around to the fullest extent of their imagination and talent.

V different cuisines there are sweet rolls with rice and fruits, tender cheese and meringue, nuts, whipped cream, bright jelly and candied fruits, mashed cottage cheese, dried fruits. Pancakes, pita bread, biscuit, sticky sweetened rice, a rich mixture of crushed biscuits and butter are used as the outer shell, which serves as the basis of the roll. Often, tiny rolls are decorated with dark and milk chocolate, crushed nuts, grated coconut or almond flakes.

In Russian culinary school recipes based on pancakes and ready-made pita bread are more common. Less often, rolls are made from a purchased biscuit or create truly complex products based on a cake of cheese, cottage cheese, rice, biscuit or other confectionery mass.

Sweet lavash rolls

A minute recipe for busy moms, which will help a lot if there are small sweet teeth in the family.


  • Lavash - 2 sheets.
  • Mascarpone or Ricotta cheese - 300 g.
  • Milk chocolate bar.
  • Walnuts - 100 g.
  • Raisins - 50 g.
  • Sugar or honey - 1-2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Lightly moisten the pita sheets with water using a culinary brush and send them to warm up in the microwave for a couple of minutes at a low power level.
  2. Roast the walnuts in a dry frying pan. Soak raisins in warm water and sort out. Finely chop.
  3. chocolate bar and walnuts grate on a fine grater and mix with cheese. There also add raisins and honey dissolved in a water bath.
  4. Place a sheet of soft pita bread on cling film or a sushi mat. Spread a thin layer of sweet mass over the surface and then roll into a tight roll.
  5. Place in the refrigerator for 10 minutes, then randomly cut and serve.

Sweet pancake rolls

A purely Russian invention, born relatively recently. You can vary the composition of the filling and dough for pancakes endlessly, so there are a lot of pancake rolls now. Here is a recipe for pancakes with cocoa and a filling of whipped vegetable cream and chopped strawberries. Optionally, add strawberries a small amount lemon peel, but this ingredient is not for everybody. The first summer strawberry with its indescribable smell will give odds to any other flavoring.

Advice! It is advisable not to save on butter and eggs in this recipe, since the pancakes should turn out to be very thin and plastic. This is the only way to make presentable miniature rolls out of them.


  • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml. (50 ml per dough and for frying).
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 70 g.
  • Milk - 1-2 tbsp.
  • Cocoa - 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - a pinch.
  • Confectionery cream - 200 ml.
  • Strawberries - 200 g.
  • Chocolate, coconut flakes - optional.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift flour. Put the cream in advance freezer and cool down a lot. Beat them in a blender until thick.
  2. Eggs are combined with vegetable oil, salt, sugar, cocoa powder and milk.
  3. Gradually add the sifted flour, carefully monitoring the consistency of the dough. It is best to mix in about two-thirds and then let the dough rest for 5 minutes. Flour usually absorbs moisture and the mixture becomes thicker than it initially appears.
  4. The finished dough should pour and not contain lumps.
  5. Drip a little oil into a pancake pan, heat well and pour a ladle of dough into the center. Immediately spread the batter all over the pan.
  6. Roast until golden brown pancakes are not needed. As soon as the dough is completely baked, turn the rich “circle” over with the other side.
  7. Some housewives coat each pancake with a piece of butter so that it becomes softer and does not stick together with subsequent ones. Recommendation at will, here you can do without.
  8. Fresh strawberries for the filling should be cut just before rolling the rolls so that they do not have time to let the juice out and remain strong.
  9. Cut strawberries into medium pieces and carefully mix with whipped vegetable cream.
  10. Allow the pancakes to cool completely (otherwise the cream will “flow”) and, placing one by one on a rug or cling film, start from the edge appetizing mixture and roll into a mini roll. The edges are well kept with whipped cream.
  11. Place all rolls on a cutting board or plate and place in the refrigerator.
  12. After final cooling, cut into tiny rolls with a thin knife.
  13. Sprinkle with grated chocolate or coconut to taste.
  14. Sweet biscuit rolls

    An interesting interpretation of the well-known cakes and sausages without baking based on dry or butter cookies.


  • Dry biscuit - 300 g.
  • Butter cookies - 300 g.
  • Butter - 200 g.
  • Cocoa or chocolate bar - 1 tbsp. l. or 100 g respectively.
  • Dessert curd mass with poppy seeds and raisins (dried apricots) - 300 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Citric acid or juice - a third of tsp. without a slide or 1 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vanilla sugar - a bag.

Cooking methods:

  1. In the bowl of a food processor, mix the crumbled biscuit, cookies, grated chocolate or cocoa, and melted butter (but not liquid!) until a homogeneous shiny lump forms.
  2. Lay several layers of cooking oil on the table. polyethylene film and with the help of a rolling pin roll out on it biscuit dough into a rectangular layer.
  3. In a bowl, beat the soft curd mass with vanilla powder (sugar if necessary) until fluffy.
  4. distribute curd filling on a biscuit layer and roll into a tight roll.
  5. Rub the powder with water and juice until a thick glossy glaze is obtained.
  6. Grease the top of the roll.
  7. When the icing starts to harden (but not completely hardened), cut into rolls and serve.

Sweet fruit jelly rolls

The recipe will seem very complicated at first. Its main difficulty lies in proper preparation bases for roll - thin sheet fruit jelly. Dishes with gelatin in the composition are generally often classified as capricious and difficult to give in, since even in experienced chefs It is not always possible to achieve the desired consistency of food.

Jelly can turn out either too soft (so-called trembling), or vice versa, “glassy” and very hard. The approximate dosage on the sachets helps, but not much, because other products also play a role in the dish. Therefore, in this particular case, the composition of the jelly will have to be determined empirically. Ready mixes It is better not to use the Claro type, since there the dosage of products is usually designed to produce soft jelly.

The jelly layer should be both plastic and dense, but at the same time thin, so that it can then easily roll into a roll. Juices for jelly take any, but without a pronounced sour taste. For the filling, any nuts and dried fruits are also suitable. There were recipes on the net where multi-colored jelly cubes were used as a filler for Mascarpone cheese, but this is already from the aerobatics section.


  • Fresh berries or nuts - 100 g.
  • Gelatin (see package recommendations).
  • Mascarpone cheese - 300 g.
  • Orange juice natural - 200 ml.
  • Sugar - 100 g.
  • Water - 50 ml.
  • Honey, decorative sprinkles optional.

Cooking method:

  1. On low heat, without bringing to a boil (80-90 C), heat Orange juice. Pouring in small portions, dissolve all the sugar in it.
  2. Separately, soak and dilute gelatin in a water bath. Strain the solution and pour into the juice. Boil for a couple of moments and remove from heat.
  3. Pour the resulting mass into a thin layer (no more than 5 mm) into a low dish with a rectangular bottom. from ceramic or enamelware the layer will be easier to remove.
  4. Place in the refrigerator and wait for complete solidification.
  5. Prepare the filling. To do this, mix Mascarpone cheese with fresh fruit or berries, nuts and loose honey.
  6. Completely cover the dishes with frozen jelly on top with several layers of cling film, after separating the layer from the side walls with a knife. Turn the mold sharply onto a cutting board and evenly tap on its bottom.
  7. If the layer does not move away, then you can arrange a kind of shock therapy for the dishes, literally for a minute placing the bottom of the cold dish in hot water. Then repeat the maneuver with a quick turn on the film.
  8. As a result, a thin rectangular layer of jelly should remain on a piece of cling film.
  9. Put a little filling on it and carefully roll it into a loose roll (it will break too tight), helping yourself with a film.
  10. The whole roll can be decorated as you wish. Top with whipped cream and then sprinkle with vanilla powdered sugar, pastry confetti or coconut flakes.
  11. With a sharp and thin knife, cut the cold roll into rolls of the desired size and serve immediately.
  12. The shelf life of such a dessert is no more than a day or two, even if it is in the refrigerator.

Yummy! Be sure to try!


● Milk - 500 ml;
● Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l;
● Egg - 2 pcs;
● Sugar - 2 tbsp. l (in the dough);
● Salt - a pinch;
● Flour - 8-9 tbsp. l. with a small slide;
● Cottage cheese - 400 gr;
● Sour cream - 7-8 tbsp. l;
● Sugar for curd filling - to taste;
● Fruits, to your taste, I have apples, kiwi, tangerines, bananas)

To prepare pancake dough, pour milk into a bowl and mix with eggs. Add sifted flour, sugar and salt. Stir the dough with a whisk or beat with a mixer until smooth. In terms of density, it will be as usual. pancake dough Not very thick, but not quite runny either. Pour vegetable oil into the dough, stir. The dough for pancakes needs to stand for about 10 minutes, then you can start frying pancakes.
Under the first pancake, grease the pan with oil. We collect in a ladle right amount test (for thin pancake), pour it into the pan and twist it in different directions so that the dough spreads in a thin layer along the bottom. Wash fruits, peel and cut into strips.

When all the pancakes are ready, we make the curd filling for pancake rolls with fruit. Mix the curd with sour cream and sugar until a homogeneous viscous mass. Leave for a while to melt the sugar, then taste. If the fruits are sour, make the curd mass sweet, if the fruits are sweet (canned peaches, for example), then better cottage cheese leave sour. Spread the cooled pancakes on a board or on a table. We cut off the edges on both sides so that the cut of the pancake rolls with cottage cheese and fruit is even. We coat about half of the pancake with a layer of curd mass. Place fruit in the middle. We turn the pancake into a tight roll, transfer to a separate plate.

So stuff all the pancakes. If the edges unfold, we coat them curd mass or sour cream. Cover the pancakes with cling film and put in the fridge for 30 minutes. Chilled pancakes cut into pieces of the same size and put on a plate vertically (cut up). For sweet rolls, you can prepare fruit syrup or whip cream with sugar, sprinkle pancake rolls with cottage cheese and fruit with chocolate or powdered sugar, or serve with jam syrup.


● 100 g sushi rice
● 300 g plums
● 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
● 100 ml 20% cream
● 2 tbsp. spoons rice vinegar
● Vanilla
For 2 rolls.

1. Boil rice, as for sushi. Spread in a thin layer on a mat covered with cling film.
2. Cut the plums in half, remove the pits, pour the cream over the pulp and boil over low heat until the plums become soft. Grind the mass in a blender, add sugar and vanilla to taste.
3. Put half of the sauce on the rice, roll up the rolls and cut into 6 parts.
4. Pour the remaining sauce onto a plate, place the rolls on top and serve

Instead of plums, you can use apples, pears, blackberries or strawberries. If there is no time to prepare the sauce, you can use any fruit jam or marmalade to your taste.


● 1 glass of milk
● 1 tbsp. cocoa spoon
● 2 eggs
● 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
● 1-2 tbsp. spoons of flour
● 2 tbsp. butter spoons
● Vegetable oil for frying
● 1 cup cooked sweet rice
● 250 g mascarpone cheese
● 2 tbsp. spoons of honey
● 1/2 cup sugar
● 15 g gelatin
● 1 mango
● 2 peaches
● 5-6 strawberries
For 6-8 rolls

1. Grind eggs with sugar and cocoa, add melted butter, milk and flour, knead batter. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil, heat well, bake thin pancakes.
2. Soak gelatin in 1/2 cup of water, leave for 20-30 minutes to swell, then dissolve in a water bath. Warm honey, add sugar and 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of water, boil for 1-2 minutes. Cool, add mascarpone and gelatin, beat with a mixer.
3. Peel the mango and peaches, cut in half, remove the stones, cut the flesh into thin strips. Wash the berries, dry them, cut into slices.
4. Grease pancakes cheese cream, on 1/2 of each pancake put with wet hands 1-2 tbsp. spoons of rice, spread evenly Put slices of berries, strips of fruit in the middle, grease with cheese cream.
5. Roll up the rolls using a mat. Place in refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. After the rolls, cut obliquely into 4-6 pieces. Put on a plate, serve with fruit syrup.


For rice:
● Orange 80 g
● Cinnamon sticks 1 stick
● Milk 500 ml
● Round-grain rice 150 g
● Sugar 80 g
● Salt 0.7 tsp.

For rolls:
● Canned pineapple 80 g
● Orange 1 pc.
● Bananas 1 pc.
● Coconut flakes 4 tbsp. l.
● Mango 1 pc.
● Almond crumb 1 tbsp. l.
● Fresh mint

1. Divide the rice in half and color one half with a teaspoon beetroot juice. I grind the beets with a blender and squeeze through a cotton rag.
2. On the makisa wrapped in film, lay out the rice with diagonal stripes of white and pink so that you end up with a square.
3. Cut out a 1 cm thick block from a banana, put it on rice. Using the makisa, roll up the roll.
4. We shift the roll onto the coconut shredded with a blender into small crumbs, roll it so that the roll stops being sticky.
5. Cut off the edges with a knife to align the roll. Each time wetting the knife and removing the sticky rice with a wet napkin, cut the roll into pieces 4 cm wide. From this amount of rice, I got 2 big rolls cut into 8 portions.


● 100 g cooked sweet rice
● 100 g camembert cheese
● 4-5 strawberries
● 2 nori sheets
For 2 rolls

1. Cut Camembert into strips. Rinse strawberries, dry, cut into slices. Spread the rice on 2/3 of the nori sheet with wet hands.
2. Lay Camembert strips and strawberry slices in the middle. Roll up the rolls with a mat, cut diagonally into 4 parts.
3. Serve with vanilla ice cream, garnished with strawberry leaves.

To get thin rolls (hosomaki), put cheese and strawberries in one row. For thick rolls (futomaki), lay out the products in 2-3 rows.
Instead of camembert cheese, you can use feta or dor blue.
Strawberries can be replaced with blackberries, strawberries, raspberries.


● 150 g cooked sweet rice
● 3 nori sheets 10×18 cm
● 100 g cottage cheese
● 1 canned peach
● 2-3 tbsp. spoons of sugar
● 2-3 tbsp. spoons of blueberry jam
● Colored coconut
For 3 rolls

1. Grind the peach in a blender, add cottage cheese and sugar, beat for 2-3 minutes.
2. Wrap the mat with cling film for convenience. Lay a sheet of nori on it, over the entire surface, spread the rice with wet hands. Then carefully flip the nori over so that the rice is on the bottom.
3. Lay in the center curd cream and jam. Roll up the roll with the help of a mat. roll in coconut flakes, cut into 6 pieces and serve.

You can add a little to the peach-curd cream for flavor. vanilla sugar or cinnamon.
Canned peach can be used in place of canned apricots or pears.

Read also:

Desserts and pastries


Unusual crispy lavash appetizer: for those who do not breathe evenly for chebureks!

Eastern culture has long and firmly occupied the palm in popularity in our latitudes. We love to go to Japanese restaurants, we are fond of yoga, we organize our space according to Feng Shui. Our houses are filled with small Buddhas and money talismans, Bonsai trees and Chinese characters, some people fill them in the form of tattoos, sometimes without even knowing the meanings.

Mixing styles

Eastern culture attracts with its unusualness and mystery. However, despite all the interest, it remains alien to us, so we manage to remake it in our own way. Choosing from different cultures what we like the most, we create a kind of wild fusion around us, which is more understandable and pleasant for us. So in cooking - adoring Japanese sushi and rolls, which nevertheless learned to eat with chopsticks, we eat soups with a spoon (the Japanese do it exclusively with chopsticks, eating thick, and then they drink the broth simply from the bowl).

And few people know about Japanese classic delicacies, because in most cases for dessert in our Japanese restaurants they offer sweet rolls, which the Japanese probably don’t even have an idea about. Traditional Japanese sweets are wagashi, which for some reason have not gained wide popularity among us, and few people have tried them. Sweet rolls, like Philadelphia and California rolls, were invented far beyond the Land of the Rising Sun.

Japanese sweets

Classic Japanese wagashi sweets are made from bean or rice dough with various seeds, herbs, tea, nuts and more. healthy ingredients. The Japanese are ardent adherents of healthy cuisine and sweets are also prepared only from natural products.

For the Japanese, not only taste is very important, but also appearance dishes, and wagashi sometimes resemble real works of art. The refined forms of this dessert are reminiscent of the transience and change of nature. There is even a saying: "Tell me what wagashi you ate - and I'll tell you what time of year it is." This is part of the culinary culture of the Japanese, which they revere and adhere to all traditions. All sweets are made by hand, and masters have been learning this for quite a long time.

Wagashi are somewhat different from our usual desserts, they are less sweet and quite original in taste. Maybe that's why they didn't really take root, along with the rest of Japanese culture.

Fusion in cooking

Therefore, you should not immediately discard sweet rolls and become an ardent supporter of the traditional Japanese cuisine. After all, fusion in cooking has long been recognized by the whole world, and it is very popular. Some restaurants specialize exclusively in such cuisine, combining the sometimes impossible, while creating culinary masterpieces. So sweet rolls, the recipe of which is quite simple, have gained immense popularity and love among the visitors of our restaurants. Let them have nothing to do with Japanese sweets.

Sweet rolls are easy to make at home. Their recipe is quite easy, and the result will pleasantly surprise your family.

Sweet pancake rolls

There are several options for preparing this dessert, and one of them is based on pancakes. For cooking you will need:

For pancakes:

  • Milk - 1 glass.
  • Flour - 0.5 cups.
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt - 1 pinch.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Oil for frying (1 tablespoon add to the dough).

For filling:

  • Cheese "Philadelphia" - 200 gr.
  • Cream 15% - 100 ml.
  • Powdered sugar - 70 gr.
  • Fruits to taste (kiwi, banana, strawberry).


Whip the pancake ingredients with a mixer or whisk until homogeneous mass. The consistency of the dough should resemble liquid sour cream. Fry pancakes of the same thickness in a pan.

Since Philadelphia cheese is not sweet, for the filling, beat it with a mixer along with cream and powdered sugar until smooth. If this option does not suit you, pay attention to the following 2 ways:

  1. Take Mascarpone instead of Philadelphia. It is also not very sweet, so you can add a little powdered sugar to taste.
  2. Both of these products can be replaced fat cottage cheese. To give it a pasty consistency, beat in a blender with sour cream and powdered sugar

Peel the fruit and cut into slices. Lubricate the cooled pancakes with cheese mass. Arrange sliced ​​fruit on top. Roll the pancake into a tube, cut and place on a plate. Garnish with fruit slices, whipped cream or berry syrup. Sweet pancake rolls with fruits are ready!

Chocolate rolls

Based on this, it is possible to prepare chocolate dessert. The ingredients will be the same, plus:

  • Cocoa powder - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Chocolate - bar 200 gr.
  • Cream 20-25% - 100 ml.

From these products we will make chocolate sweet rolls, the recipe for which is practically the same, and chocolate sauce for them.

We prepare the dough for pancakes, as indicated above, and add cocoa to it. We stir. We fry pancakes.

We prepare the filling in the same way, without changes in the recipe.

For the sauce, melt the chocolate in a water bath, add cream to it and stir the mass for 15-20 minutes until thickened. When making a classic chocolate sauce, dark chocolate is usually used, but you can use any.

Twist the spring rolls into rolls, cut and arrange on a plate. Pour chocolate sauce or serve it separately in a gravy boat.

Sweet rice paper rolls

For this dessert, you will need such an unusual ingredient as rice paper. This is a very thin, almost transparent sheet of rice dough. It is almost impossible to cook it on your own, but you can buy it in special shops or departments with Japanese and Chinese products.


  • Rice paper.
  • Rice - 1 cup.
  • Sugar - 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Vanilla sugar - 0.5 sachet.
  • Cream 10% - 100 ml.
  • Fruit to taste.


Cook rice with sugar and cream. Rinse the grits well, pour water 1.5 cm above the edge, add cream and sugar, put on high heat. After boiling, cook on a minimum heat for 10 minutes, then remove from the stove and leave for 15 minutes. Do not lift the lid during the entire cooking time.

Cut fruits into slices or slices.

Prepare rice paper. To do this, dip it in warm water for 15 seconds and carefully place it on a waffle towel - let it dry a little.

For the convenience of folding the rolls, use a bamboo mat. Put rice paper on it, cooled rice on top, leveling it over the surface. Line up the fruits. Roll the rice paper like a classic roll or fold the edges slightly inward like an envelope.

Cut into portions and drizzle with berry or fruit syrup. Unusual sweet rolls are ready. You will surely like them original taste, try it!

Sweet sushi will allow you to surprise your guests with bright and original dish. They are prepared from cream cheese and rice paper. Thanks to these products, the dish acquires a delicate and mild taste. In addition, the composition of the rolls may include dyes, colored sauce, various fruits etc.

Sweet sushi at home.


cherry syrup
- marmalade
- cottage cheese
- Cherry
- banana
- rice paper
- sugar
- cream
- vanilla
- rice


Moisten rice paper with cherry syrup, which must first be diluted with water. Thanks to him, the paper will turn pink. Boil the rice. Boil it as usual, only instead of soy sauce and salt, add vanilla and granulated sugar. If desired, you can add cream. Lay out the blank sheet in the form of a rectangle, put sweet rice on it. Peel one banana and place in the center. Add cottage cheese with syrup and powdered sugar. Put marmalade and cherries inside, decorate after cooking. Cut the roll into 6 pieces. Sprinkle with coconut flakes, pour with cherry syrup.

cook and

Sushi sweet recipe.

You will need:

Curd - 120 g
- sweet rice - 155 g
- granulated sugar, blueberry jam - 2 tablespoons each
- colored coconut
- canned peach
- nori sheet - 3 pcs.


Grind the peach in a blender, add granulated sugar and cottage cheese, beat for two minutes. Wrap the mat for convenience with cling film. Lay the nori sheet, spread the rice with wet hands, gently flip the nori over so that the rice is on the bottom. Lay curd cream, jam in the center. Using a mat, roll up the roll, roll in coconut flakes, cut into 6 parts, serve.

They are very tasty and

Rolls with mango and chocolate.

You will need:

Butter - 2 tablespoons
- milk - 1 glass
- egg - 2 pcs.
- sugar - 2 tablespoons
- cocoa - a tablespoon
- flour - a tablespoon
- peach - 2 pcs.
- mango
- gelatin - 15 g
- mascarpone - 255 g
- Ready sweet rice - 1 tbsp.
- vegetable oil
- honey - 2 tablespoons
- strawberries - 6 pcs.


1. Eggs rub with cocoa and sugar, add butter, pre-melted, flour, milk, knead the dough liquid consistency. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil, heat it well, bake thin pancakes.
2. Soak gelatin in half a glass of water, leave to swell for half an hour. After that, dissolve the honey in a water bath, heat it up, add granulated sugar, a couple of tablespoons of water, cook for a couple of minutes. Let cool, add gelatin and mascarpone, beat with a mixer.
3. Peel the peaches and mangoes, cut in half, remove the stones, cut the flesh into thin strips. Wash the berries, dry, cut into slices.
4. Lubricate the pancakes with cheese cream, put a tablespoon of rice in half with wet hands, level it. Put berries, fruit strips in the middle, brush with cheese cream.
5. Roll up with a mat, place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Cut the rolls diagonally, put on a plate with fruit syrup.

We all love desserts, but often we want not just something sweet, but something interesting, tasty, and most importantly, something that does not affect the figure. We offer you a recipe for sweet sushi, which is easy to prepare, and most importantly, dietary.

Like any rolls, sweet sushi are different and have different recipes. We offer you sweet rolls prepared on the basis of sweet rice, which makes the dessert tasty, dietary and nutritious. They are easy to prepare and are prepared according to the principle of ordinary sushi.

Spread the rice on a sheet of special paper, fill it with stuffing, roll it into rolls and cut it.

For these rolls, we need rice paper, which is made from rice flour and water. It is a thinly rolled rice dough that is very brittle and brittle when dry. Since this paper is made mainly from rice, it is also dietary product.

For cooking we need:

  • coarse grain rice - 2-3 tablespoons
  • cream - ½ cup
  • milk - ½ cup
  • vanillin - 1 tsp
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. (can be replaced with honey)
  • rice paper - 1 sheet


  • mango - 1 piece
  • strawberries - 2 berries
  • kiwi - 1 piece
  • coconut flakes - 2 tbsp. l.

You can take fruits that you like or that you have at home, you can experiment with the ingredients.

First stage
Cooking rice. Pour milk and cream into one saucepan and bring to a boil. In the boiling milk mass, put the previously soaked rice in water. Cook until done for 10-15 minutes. Rice should turn out soft and not have separate crumbly grains, the consistency should turn out to be similar to rice porridge. A minute before readiness, add a spoonful of sugar, and when the rice is ready, add vanillin and stir thoroughly. Let the rice cool down.

Second phase
While the rice is cooling, we cut the fruit. Mango must be peeled and separated from the stone and cut into strips. You also need to peel the kiwi from the skin and cut it, like strawberries.

Third stage
Before putting the rice on the paper, it must be moistened with water so that it becomes elastic. Otherwise, the paper will simply break when twisting the rolls. If you want to add colors to rice paper, soak it in warm water with cherry syrup. Next, put a sheet of rice paper on a bamboo mat - makisu, and spread on it cold rice a thin layer on the entire sheet, only leave a strip 1-1.5 cm wide at the bottom in order to roll the roll. We put the fruit cut into strips in the middle and wrap the sushi. Before slicing sushi, roll them in coconut flakes. Next, we wet the knife in water and cut the sushi.

Bon Appetit!