How to cook quail eggs recipes. Preparation of quail eggs and cooking in a saucepan

A feature of quail eggs is the possibility of eating them not only in boiled and fried, that is, subjected to heat treatment, then raw. For a long time it was believed that eating raw is the most useful, in which all useful qualities, vitamins and microelements included in the composition.

Eating raw quail eggs is a serious health hazard due to the risks of salmonellosis. Recommended food option, especially for baby food, is precisely a thermally processed dish. If all the rules are followed during the cooking or roasting process, then beneficial features product is not lost, the risk of severe disease is reduced to zero.

Despite the presence of heat treatment, the risk of getting sick with salmonella remains when preparing soft-boiled eggs. The duration of the temperature exposure is so short that not all bacteria can be destroyed. For baby food, it is better to use soft-boiled recipes.

How long do you need to boil quail eggs?

One of distinguishing features Quail eggs are extremely small in size and have a very thin but strong shell. These characteristics cause a small amount of time required for cooking.

The process of preparing a soft-boiled quail egg requires only 1-2 minutes of boiling in boiling water. At the same time, they can be immediately lowered into boiling water, since the shell never cracks compared to less durable chicken.

If you are planning to cook quail eggs hard boiled, the cooking time takes 5 minutes.

Depending on how long the culinary process lasted, the consistency, density of the product, the color of the yolk, and its taste properties will change.

How to boil a hard boiled quail egg

The culinary process of making a hard boiled quail egg is similar to that of a chicken egg. However, there are significant differences in this process, due to the fragility of the shell and the need to follow the correct algorithm of actions in order to avoid damage or digestion:

  • When stored in the refrigerator, eggs need to be taken out some time before the start culinary process. They can warm up room temperature and there will be no damage to the shell when heated.
  • You do not need to pour a lot of water into the pan: it is enough that it only covers the eggs in it.
  • It is necessary to lay the egg in the dishes very carefully, as if it hits the bottom of the container, it can break.

To the question of how much you need to cook after boiling to get a hard-boiled dish, there is a definite answer: 5 minutes. The algorithm of actions is the same for both hard-boiled and soft-boiled cooking:

  1. Wash gently under running water warm water;
  2. Put the dishes for cooking with water, add, if desired, salt and bring to a boil;
  3. Carefully lower the washed eggs into the container with a spoon and boil them for 5 minutes until cooked;
  4. Pour out of container hot water and allow the dish to cool to a comfortable temperature.

During the cooking process, it is important to prevent overcooking of the dish: proteins become rubbery, the yolk darkens, and useful and nutritional properties decrease.

How to boil a soft-boiled quail egg

There are two ways to get a soft-boiled quail egg.

The first option involves boiling the product in water that has reached the boiling point. The process and sequence of actions completely repeat the hard-boiled cooking algorithm. The main difference is the duration of cooking: to get a soft-boiled egg, it is enough to cook on low heat for 1-2 minutes.

The second option is to lay not in a boiled, but in cold water. Eggs will be ready approximately 2-3 minutes after the start of the cooking process. disadvantage this method are the difficulties in determining the exact moment of preparation.

How to boil a quail egg for baby food

Quail eggs are recommended for inclusion in the diet of a child due to high content in them useful minerals and vitamins. For a number of components (iron, potassium, etc.), the concentration per 100 grams is 4-5 times higher than in chicken. They are also well suited for feeding children due to their hypoallergenicity, which minimizes the possibility of allergies.

For baby food, the use of eggs, which in without fail were subjected to heat treatment. This rule helps to prevent the possibility of salmonella infection. Should be prepared exclusively fresh eggs that were demolished no more than 7 days ago.

When cooking a dish for small children, do not add salt to the water: it worsens taste qualities ready meal. Salt is not added to nutrition for infants: its consumption for infants is very dosed.

The following cooking algorithm is recommended: thoroughly washed with soap and warm water eggs are laid in already boiled water and boiled for 5 minutes. It is not worth including soft-boiled eggs in the children's diet, as there is a possibility of diseases due to poor heat treatment of the yolk.

Cooking tasty, beautiful and healthy dish without losing the product during the cooking process, a number of tricks and useful observations should be used when cooking, which are given below.

It is safe to eat only fresh eggs. However, it is not always possible to visually understand how long they have been stored and whether they are suitable for consumption. The degree of freshness can be determined using 5 simple methods.

  1. By expiration date. The easiest and most reliable way. The shelf life of quail eggs is much less than that of chicken eggs, and is up to 40 days in temperature regime from 0 to 20 degrees and up to 60 days in a temperature regime from 0 to 15 degrees. The shelf life of a boiled egg should not exceed two days. If quail eggs float during cooking, then they are already expired and you should not eat them.
  2. By weight. An egg that is too light can be stored for a long time, so it is better not to eat it. Weight should not be less than 15 grams
  3. By shell. In a fresh egg, the shell is always rough and without shine. If it has a smooth shiny surface, then it is no longer possible to cook it - it is stale.
  4. By sound. When shaking a stale quail egg, there are light sounds and a feeling that something is rolling inside the shell.
  5. behavior during cooking. Most housewives know why eggs, both chicken and quail, float when cooked: the product is already stale. Adding salt to a pot increases the density of the water, so excess salt can also cause a float. However, if you want to protect yourself and your loved ones from eating a low-quality product, then you should not eat the eggs that have surfaced during the boil.

It is strictly forbidden to lay eggs in a container with boiling liquid that were taken out of the refrigerator and they did not have time to warm up. The temperature difference will cause the shell to burst, the product to spoil, and you may be splashed with boiling water.

Apart from traditional way cooking (in a saucepan) there are alternative ways:

  • Cook in the microwave: cooking time at power levels from 400 to 500 watts is 3 minutes. It is not recommended to overexpose the container with the product in order to avoid an explosion, and eggs with cracks in the shell cannot be cooked in the microwave.
  • Cook in a multicooker: a multicooker allows you to cook a dish both on water and on steam. To get a hard-boiled dish, they should be removed from the multicooker after 10 minutes, “in a bag” - after 5 minutes, soft-boiled - after 3 minutes. The cooking process is carried out in the “Steamed” mode, the eggs are placed in the steam basket.

Ways to quickly and conveniently clean boiled quail eggs

The miniature size of the eggs makes the procedure for shelling them rather complicated and long. With inaccurate cleaning, the protein is damaged and does not look aesthetically pleasing. If you peel boiled quail eggs in the same way as chicken eggs, the process will take a lot of time and effort, and the result will not be the best. To make eggs easy to clean, you need either a lot of experience in cleaning them, or knowledge of the secrets proper cooking. Then even a child will cope with this process.

Do not use methods applicable to speed up the cleaning process of larger chicken eggs. There are several quick and convenient cleaning options that can be used without the risk of harming the appearance of the product.

  1. After the end of cooking, pour cold water for a few minutes, after which the shell will be removed easier and faster;
  2. Soak after the completion of the cooking process in a mixture of water and vinegar in a ratio of 1: 1 for three hours. Vinegar helps dissolve the shell, after which it is enough to rinse from it and remove the film. The method is recommended if you need to peel a lot of eggs.
  3. Less effective is the way to roll a boiled egg on a flat horizontal surface, pressing it lightly with the palm of your hand. Cracks will appear on the shell, it will be divided into two parts.

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List of recipes

Quail eggs are extremely useful product, it contains a large number of useful substances. Quail eggs can be boiled, fried, baked or simply eaten raw. In spite of heat treatment, the vitamins contained in them will remain intact. As a rule, 5-7 minutes are enough to not only cook eggs, while retaining trace elements and vitamins.

Before buying quail eggs, you should carefully examine them to ensure the freshness of the product, this will help to avoid problems with gastrointestinal disorders later. First of all, you need to pay attention to the place in which they are stored. The shelf life of quail eggs in the refrigerator is three months, but if they are stored at room temperature, this period is reduced to one month. Their freshness can be determined even by weight, a fresh quail egg should not be too light.

The weight of a quail egg is 12 grams, so it is several times smaller than a chicken egg. The price of quail eggs is slightly higher than ordinary chicken eggs, but they must be included in your diet. Of course, high cost is not yet an indicator of quality, but in this case the price justifies the enormous health benefits of these eggs.

How to boil quail eggs

The process of boiling quail eggs is almost identical to cooking chicken eggs. To cook quail eggs, not so much is required, namely:

  • Quail eggs;
  • Pot or other container;
  • Water;
  • Salt.

To prevent the shell from bursting during the cooking process, quail eggs must be removed from the refrigerator in advance for heating.
First of all, you should pour cold water into a saucepan and salt it a little. Salt also prevents damage to the integrity of the thin shell. Then the pan must be put on fire and wait for the moment of boiling. Gently drop into boiling water right amount eggs and boil over medium heat until fully cooked. It is important to remember that the water must completely cover the quail eggs so that they cook evenly.
For those who are on a diet, it will be useful to know how many calories are in a quail egg. The nutritional value boiled eggs is about 160 calories per 100 grams. For all losing weight, this product will be simply irreplaceable.

Egg boil time

How much to cook quail eggs so that they do not lose their beneficial properties? Unlike chicken, they cook much faster. Quail eggs can be boiled both soft-boiled - it will take only 3 minutes, and hard-boiled - the cooking time will be 5-6 minutes. But you need to remember that you should not keep them in water for too long, as the taste can deteriorate significantly.
Boiled eggs need to be dipped in cold water, this is necessary not only so that they cool faster, but also to facilitate the process of cleaning them from the shell.

The benefits and harms of quail eggs

Quail eggs benefits and harms: what wins? This is exactly the question that everyone wants to know the answer to. So what are the benefits of quail eggs? After all, they are so often praised not only simple people but also physicians. Proved that daily use a few quail eggs helps strengthen the immune system, improves brain function, removes cholesterol that is harmful to the heart and saturates the blood with useful vitamins and microelements. Quail eggs are rich in B, A, D, C vitamins and, of course, calcium. In addition, they contain a lot of protein, which is absorbed by the body by eighty percent. The advantages of these eggs include low content calories.
The shell of quail eggs can also be eaten. Doctors recommend carefully grinding it into powder and eating with a small amount fish oil. It is thanks to him that he will learn large quantity protein and calcium. It is important to grind the shell into powder so as not to damage the gums and oral mucosa.

However, to complete the picture, it should be recognized that excessive consumption of quail eggs can cause some harm.
Quail eggs reduce the size of the gallbladder, because of this, the outflow of enzymes worsens, so people with liver diseases should be careful about this product.
Due to the cholesterol contained in quail eggs, they should be used with caution by patients with diabetes and atherosclerosis.
In the absence of diseases from the category described above, quail eggs will do absolutely no harm.

Quail egg dishes

With quail eggs, you can cook many dishes. Porridges, soups, appetizers, main courses - this useful product can be added to almost all recipes.
A salad with quail eggs turns out to be tastier than a salad in which chicken eggs will be used.
There are many opinions about whether quail eggs can be eaten raw. This should be done very carefully, as there is a possibility of contracting salmonellosis. It is best to subject them to some kind of heat treatment to kill harmful bacteria.

Fried eggs from quail eggs are not only tasty, but also very healthy. The fat content in it will be lower than in chicken egg fried eggs, which already makes it dietary product. To cook scrambled eggs, you need to take 8-10 eggs. It is known that five of these eggs are equal to one chicken. The best way to cook scrambled eggs is olive oil, as with it the dish will turn out especially tasty and healthy. In addition to the usual scrambled eggs, you can also cook an omelet. Quail eggs in combination with milk protein are better absorbed. You can cook an omelet traditional recipe by mixing milk with egg mass. You can add a little soda, salt to taste, as well as any greens to the mixture. The omelet is baked on both sides.
The salad with quail eggs and cod liver is very tasty. To prepare it, you need to take a jar of cod liver, eight to ten pieces of boiled quail eggs. Cod liver and eggs must not be chopped too finely and put on a plate. Salt, pepper or any other seasoning should be added according to your taste preference. Also, do not forget about greenery. With it, the taste of the salad will turn out brighter. You can replace the cod liver, for example, with cheese. In this case, the dish will turn out to be low-calorie, which means that it is perfect for all dieters.
Pickled quail eggs - this is perhaps one of the most unusual dishes. Their taste and aroma will be remembered for a long time and guests will definitely like it. This product can be found on store shelves, but pickled quail eggs can be prepared on your own, as this does not require special culinary talent. To make the marinade delicious, you should take 100 ml of vinegar, 2 cups of water, salt and sugar to taste. Do not forget about such spices as Bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves. They will complement the taste and aroma of the marinade and make it spicy.
Quail eggs are boiled, and when they are ready, they are dipped in a marinade prepared in advance. Peeled eggs in the marinade must be removed in the refrigerator and left there for two days. It is after this amount of time that it will be possible to use eggs not only as an independent dish, but also as ingredients for various salads.

Quail eggs have been used in cooking since ancient times. Records of their benefits and cooking secrets are found in the ancient papyri of Egypt and the recipes of Chinese healers.

After tens of hundreds of years, this product has not become less popular. Today they can be found in the window of any store or ordered from a private farm.

Beneficial features

One of the secrets of popularity is this. They can also be used by allergy sufferers.

They don't have the same huge amount antibiotics, as in chicken. This is because the quail does not suffer from salmonellosis and other infections, because a very high body temperature protects against disease. No infections – no need for antibiotics.

The calorie content of quail eggs is 168 grams per 100 grams of product.

From 15 to 20 kilocalories per 1 pc.

Their beneficial properties have repeatedly become the subject of research by scientists around the world. So, in the last century, scientists from Japan proved that with regular use they help to remove radioactive substances from the body. They also enrich useful trace elements, fatty acids and vitamins and have a good effect on the mental abilities of children.

One of the undoubted advantages of consumption is the presence of iron in them. One hundred grams of the product contains 3.2 milligrams of iron, and its daily norm is twenty milligrams for an adult.

Choosing high quality quail eggs

To purchase quality products, as with any other food product, you need to specify the expiration date and production date. The product can be stored for a month from the date of manufacture at room temperature. Therefore, we carefully choose the date of production, closer to the date of manufacture.

Another important nuanceappearance and cleanliness of the eggs. Inspect them, purchase a product without cracks, chips, droppings and feathers on the shell. If the ingredient smells unpleasant, it is better not to purchase it. If in doubt only at home, put the ingredient in a container of plain water. Spoiled - will emerge. If you have any doubts about the expiration date and quality of the product, ask the seller for quality certificates and a veterinary certificate.

Principles of cooking quail eggs

The most popular way to cook eggs, including quail eggs, is boiling. Consider main principles of cooking quail eggs.

Although the product will be subjected to heat treatment and lie in boiling water for some time, they must be washed before cooking.


Wash them in cool running water, do not use soap or detergents!

  • so that they do not accidentally break during the cooking process, you need to choose such a container so that they are packed tightly - they do not knock against each other during the boiling process;
  • start boiling them in cold water. Only with gradual heating will it be possible to avoid cracks in the shell;
  • so that they cook evenly, they must be completely covered with water;
  • as soon as the water in the container with them boils, reduce the heat and set the timer. From the moment of boiling, they should not cook for more than five minutes.

How long to cook soft-boiled quail eggs?

There are enough recipes for boiling eggs. For example, soft-boiled - in this version, more nutrients remain in the yolk. Yes, and it's nice to dip bread in the yolk. The recipe for boiled soft-boiled quail eggs is simple. We use the usual cooking scheme, only after boiling we keep it on fire for 2–2.5 minutes.

How to cook quail ingredient hard boiled?

Do not forget that in front of you is not ordinary egg, and their smaller brother, who needs much less time to reach the condition. Hard boiled are obtained in five minutes of cooking after the start of boiling. Overexpose, get tasteless rubber, instead of a delicious healthy diet product.

Eggs in a bag

Remember the Soviet cartoon about the Bremen town musicians, as the king suggested: "Eat, daughter, a dietary egg." And he held out an egg to his daughter, in a special stand. This is what it is, the very thing in the bag - a very delicate texture - so much so that you can only eat it with a spoon, after breaking part of the shell on one side (it is best to break it with the blunt side).

Cooking it in a bag is very simple - we cook it according to the already known scheme. After the start of the boil, keep on fire for only a minute. Cool down - not necessary!

How to cook quail eggs in the microwave

You can’t get away from progress - the kitchens of modern housewives are filled with appliances. That is why dozens of new recipes and cooking methods are born every day. Now we cook eggs in the microwave.

The recipe is simple, but there are a few secrets: you can’t just put it in the microwave and turn it on. Otherwise, you will have to wash the entire kitchen after the explosion.

Take the utensils allowed for microwave oven, pour cool water there, put it so that the water closes them completely. Close the dish with a lid. Set the microwave power to 500 watts, turn on for three minutes. You can have breakfast!

Gourmets have their own special recipes, for example, poached - an egg boiled without a shell. It is interesting that poached does not always work out even for eminent chefs on a regular stove, but it always comes out great in the microwave. There are two recipes for poached in the microwave. Try both and choose the most convenient for you.

Option number 1

We take a glass that can be heated in a microwave oven, pour cold water into it, add a teaspoon of nine percent vinegar, pour a couple of pinches of salt, stir well - until a small funnel-tornado appears in the glass. Carefully pour the quail ingredient into this funnel, trying not to separate it into separate parts.

Option number 2

We take a glass that can be heated in a microwave oven, carefully break a quail egg into it. Slowly along the wall, pour water into the glass so that it does not shake up, does not divide into several parts. Pour a couple of pinches of salt into the water, add a little vinegar, put in the oven. Further, the cooking process is the same for both options.

At 500 watts, cook for one to two minutes. We check the condition every half a minute, as soon as the protein turns white, hold for another half a minute and take out a glass. You can catch poached with a small slotted spoon. Or drain the water through a strainer.

Poached is good in quality self-dish, but most often it is added to sandwiches or used in hot salads.

In principle, the process is no different from conventional cooking on the stove, it will only take twice as long.

Interestingly, you can cook in a slow cooker in two ways - as usual, in water, or steamed.

It is necessary to place them in the bowl of the multicooker, having cleaned it in advance, and turn on the “steam”, “steamer” or “steaming” mode. Cook ten minutes. After cooking, place in cold water. The advantage of this cooking method is that you can cook even with a crack. During the steaming process, they will not leak out.

What should be done to make quail eggs easy to peel?

There is no secret here: to make them easy to clean after cooking, drain the boiling water, put them in cold water. Tap it on a hard surface before peeling the shell. After cleaning, rinse with running water to wash away small particles of the shell.

There is an alternative recipe for cleaning quail eggs, it will be especially interesting as an experience for children who are fond of chemistry. We mix two parts of cold water and one nine percent vinegar. Place the quail ingredient in the solution. After four hours, remove, rinse with running water to wash off the remnants of the shell.

How to fry quail eggs?

To begin with, the amount needed for scrambled eggs (10-20 pieces) is washed under running water. Pour into a bowl, add spices and salt to taste.

Pour vegetable oil into the pan or use fat. We warm up, pour the ingredients prepared in a bowl into a heated pan. We fry to the desired state (who loves a liquid yolk, and someone does not) and serve.

Another familiar dish for us is an omelette. To cook it from quail eggs in the oven, you will need to beat the right amount of eggs with milk at room temperature. Add salt. Pour into a greased form and bake in a preheated oven. The dish will be ready in 20 minutes.

Just do not get it right away, wait about ten minutes so that it does not fall off. Does the dish look fresh? Cook it with ham and cheese - it will be delicious.

Enjoy your meal!

Quail egg yolks are much healthier than chicken ones. They are rich in potassium, vitamin A, magnesium and iron. Spotted product include in children's menu to reduce the chance of anemia and disease nervous system, normalize the child's digestion and strengthen the immune system. Quail protein is well absorbed, but is recommended for children from 1-2 years old. Useful Supplement, intended for the child, are boiled. Fried and pickled foods are bad for an unformed stomach.

Method for babies

with nourishing and natural product the baby is introduced at 7-8 months. Pediatricians recommend limiting yourself to yolks. Babies at this age are still breastfed or formula fed. Formulas and mother's milk fully satisfy the need child's body in amino acids and building material necessary for the development of the muscular system.

Quail protein does not bring any benefit to the small consumer. But it can cause rashes and diarrhea. And although an allergy to a quail product is a rare occurrence, it is better not to risk the health of the child.

A spotted egg must be hard-boiled before use. The baby's stomach does not take liquid yolk well. The additive causes bloating, colic and diarrhea.

How to choose the right raw material

The reaction of the child to quail complementary foods depends on the quality of the product. You can buy eggs from your hands only from good friends who comply with all sanitary requirements. But it is better to go to the nearest supermarket and carefully examine the packaging and the shell:

  1. The shiny surface warns that the expiration date is about to expire. Fresh eggs are matte.
  2. The packaging must be intact, without dents, torn edges or other damage.
  3. If there are cracks on the shell, there is a high probability that microbes or infections have got inside the quail product. Infected raw materials should not be given to a child.

Disinfectant solutions

Spotted blanks must be disinfected before cooking. Do not trust the claims that quails do not suffer from salmonellosis. Bacteria can appear on the shell during packaging or transportation.

To protect the health of the baby, the mother must prepare a solution of boiled water and hand soap. Eggs are transferred to a sieve and dipped in liquid for 3-4 minutes. This time is enough to destroy the microbes. Rubbing the shell with your hands or a brush is not worth it. It is very fragile and can crack from any mechanical impact.

The disinfected workpiece is washed under a tap. Running water will wash away the residue soap solution so that the chemical components are not absorbed into the protein and yolk during heat treatment.

If the mother does not want the baby's food to come into contact with chemicals, they are replaced with ordinary soda. For 2 glasses of water take 1 tbsp. l. dry component and stir until the additive dissolves. Spotted blanks are immersed in a disinfectant solution for 10 minutes, and then rinsed.


Quail eggs for a baby are boiled in two ways:

  1. Blanks with shells that cracked during washing are placed in a small saucepan and poured with cold water. The liquid must cover the product completely so that the raw materials are evenly boiled. The container is placed on the stove, turning on the maximum fire. With gradual heating, the risk that the shell will burst and water will get into the protein is reduced. When the eggs begin to boil, the power is reduced. At the minimum temperature, the workpiece is boiled for 5 to 7 minutes.
  2. If the shell is not damaged, first bring the water to a boil. Add 20 g of salt to the cooking liquid and stir. And then gently lower the spotted product with a spoon or a small strainer. Detect 5-6 minutes.

Ready eggs are filtered and poured immediately ice water. Due to the sharp temperature difference, the shell will be easily separated from the protein.

It remains for mom to clean the quail product and remove the yolk. For the first feeding, use 10 or 12 parts vitamin preparation. The component is ground with a fork and a little milk or mixture is added, bringing the dish to a creamy consistency.

If the baby does not like the taste of complementary foods, the yolk can be added to cereals. Buckwheat or rice is ground with an egg, but oil, salt or spices cannot be added. The baby will like the option of yolk and semolina. Ready groats whipped with a quail billet to make a fluffy mass, similar to a soufflé.

Eggs go well with vegetable purees and light soups. Boiled yolks are also added to minced meat for meatballs, cutlets and other meat or fish dishes.

Ways for kids from 3 to 7 years

From a year old, children also try protein. Mom gives the baby a half or a whole hard-boiled egg three times a week along with porridge, vegetable puree or salad. Some fans of the raw food diet are trying to feed their child with a quail product that has not passed heat treatment. But the dish is contraindicated for a child who has not reached 7 years. We must not forget that the children's stomach perceives raw food differently than an adult. The baby may have diarrhea and bloating.

From 3-4 years old, children are given soft-boiled quail eggs. They are prepared in the same way as hard-boiled, only kept in water for 2-3 minutes.

If mom wants to please the baby with something unusual and useful, she can cook a nutritious omelet. Children 2-3 years old will love the fruit and vegetable option:

  1. Apples, peeled and peeled, chopped small cubes and pass on butter with grated carrots. The puree is brought to half-cookedness and ground with a blender to get a homogeneous mass.
  2. Fruit and vegetable paste spread in a slow cooker. Grease the bowl with a small piece of butter.
  3. 4 quail eggs beaten with 150 ml of milk are poured on top of the mass.
  4. Simmer for 15–20 minutes, turning on the “Baking” mode. You don't need to add sugar or salt.

For breakfast, a child 2-3 years old can make a quick omelette. You will need:

  • a glass of milk or water;
  • quail eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tsp;
  • a pinch of salt.

The method of preparing a dietary baby food simple:

  1. Bring liquid to a boil in a saucepan.
  2. Eggs are beaten with vegetable oil, can be replaced with melted butter.
  3. The lush mass is poured into hot milk or water, covered with a lid for 2-3 minutes.
  4. The finished omelette is pulled out with a slotted spoon so that the excess liquid is glass.

A dish of quail eggs is served with porridge or vegetables. So satisfying and tasty breakfast the student will like it too.

Children 6-7 years old and older are given eggs boiled without shells. Thanks to this method, the protein is tender and airy, and the yolk retains the maximum amount of nutrients. You will need a small bowl or saucepan, into which about 1.5 cups of water is poured. The base is lightly salted and brought to a boil.

The quail egg is washed under the tap and the shell is carefully broken. The contents are poured into a clean and dry bowl. Boiling water is vigorously stirred with a spoon or fork to form a funnel. It is quickly poured into raw billet and cook until done.

Quail eggs should appear in the child's diet at least 2-3 times a week. Spotted product improves well-being, improves children's immunity and mood. Babies are given boiled eggs and omelettes, soups, cereals and meatballs with grated yolks. The main thing is not to abuse vitamin complementary foods, because food is beneficial only when mom knows when to stop.

Video: how to cook hard boiled quail eggs

Delicate taste, anti-allergenicity, high nutritional value, a panacea for many diseases and disorders in the body - this is all about quail eggs. In order for the entire value of the product to be absorbed and received by the body, it is allowed to eat raw quail eggs for food. However, some people, due to their physiology, cannot tolerate the taste raw eggs. Children are also not recommended to give such a product. In this case, quail eggs can be boiled. Let's figure out how to boil hard-boiled quail eggs so that everything is saved as much as possible. useful material.

How to choose quail eggs

The safety of quail eggs is relative. You can be sure that the purchased product is reliable and harmless to your health only under the following conditions:

  • Verified outlet. Buy a product only if the seller has a quality certificate for it.
  • Even a responsible seller sometimes has troubles, and damaged quail eggs can be sold. Always carefully inspect the appearance of the purchased product. Good fresh eggs are clean, free of foreign odors and have whole shells.

How to boil quail eggs hard boiled correctly

The most important condition for hard-boiled quail eggs is the exact observance of the cooking time. If you keep the product longer than the due date, the eggs will not retain nutrients, lose their tenderness, acquire rubber and bad taste. Remember! Quail eggs are boiled for no more than 5 minutes. The cooking process itself is quite simple:

  • Wash the eggs thoroughly so that the product put into the water is clean.
  • Salt the water brought to a boil.
  • Gently, using an ordinary tablespoon, immerse the eggs in boiling water (quail eggs, unlike chicken eggs, will never crack if deepened in boiling water) so that it completely covers them. Boil the allotted time.
  • Small quail eggs, like chicken eggs, can be poorly cleaned after cooking. To avoid this, after the eggs are cooked, immediately put them in cold water. If you are not in a hurry, you can leave the boiled product to cool in the water in which they were cooked. The option of salted water also works: during the cooking process, add a sufficient amount of salt to the water in which the quail eggs are boiled.

How to cook hard boiled quail eggs - cook in the microwave

In order to save a little time, it is possible to boil quail eggs in the microwave. Place the prepared product in a deep ceramic container, cover completely with warm water. Set the mode to 500W. Quail eggs are boiled in this way for only 3 minutes. The advantage of such cooking is the fact that you do not need to keep track of time and control the process.

Hard-boiled quail eggs give off their taste perfectly in salads and as a dressing for first courses.