Diet omelet - healthy recipes. PP omelette for breakfast: diet recipes with photos

Today, more and more people are choosing to cook an omelette in an unconventional way. So, more and more often, an omelette is cooked in a slow cooker and oven. During this cooking method, you can not use vegetable oil, which will significantly reduce the calorie content of the omelet, but you will have to spend a little more of your time. How to cook diet omelette when you don't have time? Use the microwave - just 1-2 minutes and the omelette is ready. Who likes to tinker with pp should definitely try a steamed omelet, the most that neither is diet dish! Well, don't forget about traditional cooking omelette pp - in a pan!

When can you eat an omelet? Depending on its ingredients, an omelette can be eaten for breakfast, dinner, and even lunch! You can always choose your tried and true diet omelette recipe!

How to cook PP omelette in a pan

The easiest and most common way to make a omelet omelette is a breakfast omelette in a pan. A diet omelette in a pan is prepared without the addition of vegetable oil, which means that you will need a non-stick pan.

  • 3 eggs. In this omelette, we will use only one yolk and three whites, so you will significantly reduce calories and fat content.
  • 2 tablespoons of milk. It's only 20 calories, but you can also use water if you like.
  • Spices and salt.

Beat eggs, add milk, salt and spices. Pour the omelette pp into a preheated pan and fry for 5-7 minutes.

Dietary steamed protein omelet

If you want a fluffy and airy protein omelet, then try steaming it. This steam diet omelette is often also called a sports omelette due to its high protein content. Also, it is this omelet recipe that doctors recommend to people with gastrointestinal diseases who adhere to the diet table No. 5.

You will need:

  • 4 eggs. Separate the whites from the yolks. In this recipe, we will use only proteins.
  • 3 tablespoons milk or water
  • Salt and spices.

Beat egg whites, add milk and salt. Pour the omelette into a steamer bowl and cook for 10 minutes. If you do not have a double boiler, you can cook an omelette in a water bath using a colander and any silicone molds for baking.

Protein omelette diet recipe

And here is another dietary omelette that deserves our attention. The thing is that we will cook it with the help of a package. We will need:

  • 4 proteins;
  • Salt and spices to taste.

Beat the proteins, salt, add spices and pour the protein mass into the bag. To be on the safe side, put on another bag and submerge it in boiling water. Cook for 20-25 minutes, then remove, carefully cut the bag and let the steam come out. Such a dietary omelette is good to serve with herbs.

Dietary omelet with vegetables

PP omelette with vegetables is lovely dish, which can be cooked not only for breakfast. Thanks to the addition healthy vegetables this omelette perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger, which is why it is prepared as a dinner. How to cook a diet omelet with vegetables:

  • 3 eggs. Separate the whites from the yolks. We will again use only one yolk and three egg whites.
  • 50 grams of green beans. This bean contains a minimum of calories, but a maximum of fiber, which is the best suited for weight loss.
  • 50 grams of mushrooms. They also contain a minimum of calories, but perfectly saturate.
  • 50 grams of green peas. If fresh is not available, you can use frozen.
  • A few tablespoons of milk or water.
  • Salt.

We will cook a pp omelette with vegetables in a pan. First, lightly fry the vegetables in olive oil. When the vegetables are almost ready, fill them with beaten eggs. Cover with a lid and cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes.

Omelet with apples in a pan

If you like sweets, you can always treat yourself in the morning great omelette with apples. Such an omelet is an excellent substitute for dessert, and making it is very easy and simple.

  • 100 grams of apples. It is better to use sweet and juicy varieties so that the omelette is tastier.
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 tbsp butter (take the leanest one around 67%);
  • Powdered sugar and cinnamon to taste.

Cut the apple into thin slices, add to it powdered sugar and cinnamon to taste. For a couple of minutes, fry in butter over low heat until they become soft. Then add beaten eggs and cook for 5-7 minutes over low heat.

Diet omelette with tomatoes

Another favorite dish for all those who lose weight - this is a dietary omelette with tomatoes. This omelet contains very few calories, but this one perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger.

  • 1 medium tomato. In principle, you can use any tomatoes, but give preference to more meaty varieties. You can also make this omelet with cherry tomatoes.
  • 3 squirrels. In this recipe, we use only proteins to minimize the calorie content.
  • Salt;
  • Any green. Green onions are perfect.
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil.

Beat the egg whites, pour them into the pan and immediately place the sliced ​​​​tomatoes on top and sprinkle with herbs. Cook over low heat until the omelet is completely cooked.

PP omelet with cottage cheese recipe

Diet omelette in a pan can be cooked with cottage cheese. It will not be just an omelet, but a real high-protein omelette, which can be a great dinner.

  • 100 grams of cottage cheese. You can use low-fat cottage cheese or 5% fat cottage cheese.
  • 2 eggs;
  • Any green. Don't forget about healthy celery and spinach, they are very often used in weight loss.
  • Salt and spices.

Beat the eggs thoroughly and add the cottage cheese. Try to mix well so that there are no large lumps. Add salt and spices, herbs. Cooking such a dietary omelette should be done on low heat for 5-7 minutes.

Photo: natalista_tort

Diet omelet with cheese

PP omelette with cheese is not a fantasy at all, but a reality. Although cheeses are high in fat and are not considered dietary products, if you wish, you can always try to cook a real dietary omelette. What's the secret? So, for cooking you will need:

  • 20 grams of any low-fat cheese. low fat cheese- This is a cheese with 10% -20% fat. It is good to use mozzarella and suluguni cheese in this recipe.
  • 3 eggs. Take only one yolk and three whites.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Beat egg whites, salt and pepper. Grate the cheese on a grater and add to the egg mass. We cook such a pp omelet in a pan with a non-stick coating under the lid for 5 minutes. You can sprinkle greens on top.

Broccoli omelet (PP)

Do you love broccoli? There are legends about the benefits of broccoli, it is an indispensable vegetable on the PP, so if you want to gain harmony, then be sure to include this dish in your diet.

  • 70 grams of broccoli. You can use either fresh or frozen broccoli, there is no difference.
  • 2 eggs;
  • Salt and pepper;
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil.

Pour out olive oil and add broccoli, you need to fry it on both sides (you can cook such a diet omelet with broccoli in a non-stick pan, then you won’t need oil). If the broccoli is not ready, simply simmer it with a little water. Then pour the beaten eggs with salt and pepper, cover with a lid and cook over low heat.

Oatmeal dietary omelet

Dietary omelette with oatmeal, which is also called oatmeal, is very popular. The advantage of such an omelette is that it can be served with any filling - salmon, herbs, cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits and berries.

  • 2-3 tablespoons oatmeal. Do not forget that it is better to use coarse flakes. They contain much more useful fiber.
  • 1 egg;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of milk (if desired, you can not use at all).

We mix all the ingredients and put our oatmeal on a dry and hot pan. Fry each side for a few minutes and our hot pancake is ready! It's time to serve it on the table with any filling.

Buckwheat omelette recipe pp

If you don’t know what to eat buckwheat with, then be sure to try cooking buckwheat diet omelette, which is great option for lunch and dinner. To prepare it you will need:

  • 100 grams of boiled buckwheat
  • 1 egg and 3-4 more proteins. We try to reduce the calorie content of the omelet as much as possible, and therefore we use only one yolk.
  • Salt and pepper to taste;
  • Any green.

Beat the egg mass, add the chopped greens, salt and pepper. You can cook such an omelette in a pan with a non-stick coating. Serve with vegetables.

Diet omelette without milk on the water

If you are a lover of an omelette without adding various ingredients, then try the omelet on the water. You will need:

  • 3 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons of water. For one egg, we take one tablespoon of water. If you are making an omelet with 2 eggs - 2 tablespoons of water, respectively.
  • Salt and pepper to taste

First, separate the whites from the yolks and beat them. Then carefully add them to the yolks, add water to the same place and beat again. At the end, salt and pour into a hot frying pan. Once the omelette has risen, you can reduce the heat and cook on a small one until fully cooked.

Diet omelet in the oven

How to cook an omelette without frying diet? Of course, with the help of the oven. You can cook in a regular baking dish or in small silicone molds.

  • 4 eggs. You can use only one egg yolk if you wish. This will greatly reduce the calorie content of your omelet.
  • 100 grams of boiled cauliflower. This vegetable is the best suited for baking an omelette in the oven, as it gives the omelette a special tenderness.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • 4 tablespoons of milk. Remember that you can always replace milk with water.

Whisk eggs and milk. Add salt and pepper to taste. Put the boiled cauliflower on a baking sheet (be sure to salt the water in which you will cook the cabbage) and pour over the egg mixture. Cook in the oven at 180 degrees for about 25 minutes.

Diet pp omelet in the microwave

Prepare simple and delicious omelette You can even use the microwave. This is especially convenient if you have limited time in the morning.

  • 2 eggs;
  • any dry greens;
  • salt and pepper.

In a separate container, beat the eggs, add salt and pepper and any dry herbs (Provencal or Italian herbs fit perfectly). Now place the bowl in which you will cook the omelet in the microwave for exactly 1 minute at a power of 600-800. After that, pour the egg mixture into this preheated bowl and place it in the microwave again for the same time. Your omelet is ready!

PP omelette in a slow cooker

simple and easy way to cook a diet omelette without frying is to use a slow cooker. We offer an excellent omelette recipe that you and your family will definitely like.

  • 5 eggs;
  • 120 grams of spinach. you can use fresh spinach, slicing it, or frozen. Be sure to thaw the spinach before cooking to drain excess water.
  • 5 tablespoons of milk. (You can not use at all or replace with plain water).
  • Spices.

Mix eggs with all ingredients. We add spices. Pour the egg mixture into the slow cooker and set the "Baking" mode. Cook for 10 minutes with the lid closed.

As you have already seen, it is not so difficult to cook a pp omelette. The main thing is to use the right ingredients which are not only tasty, but also healthy. You can make your own diet omelet recipes using useful products. Let your favorite omelettes be sure to be with green vegetables rich in fiber, healthy greens And low-fat varieties cheeses. Then your diet will become truly diverse and useful. You know delicious recipes omelets? Share with us and we will publish them! Let's lose weight together!

Omelet is a favorite dish of eggs and milk. Significant advantages of the dish include ease of preparation and a large number of ingredients. Cooking will be mastered even by an inexperienced cook.

Nutrition experts advise people on a diet to pay special attention to omelettes. This dish has few cherished calories, but a lot of satisfying protein, which is so necessary for losing weight. And an omelette can be prepared in several versions, which will pleasantly diversify the dietary diet.

Dish Features

To lose weight, you need to limit yourself in food. The body burns fat when it expended more energy in a day than it received from food. The unit of measure for this energy is the kilocalorie (kcal).

If a person spends 1700 kcal per day, then he should eat no more than 1400-1500 per day. Then the extra pounds will inevitably begin to melt. Counting the calorie content of food and eating low-calorie foods is the basis of losing weight.

We reduce calories

The classic omelette is cooked on fat milk with butter and sour cream. But the dietary "lite" version is no less tasty. To reduce the calorie content of the dish, you can:

  1. For recipes with milk, use a low-fat product. 100 g of milk with a fat content of 1% contains 24 kcal, 2.5% - 54 kcal, 3.2% - 60 kcal. The lower the fat content of milk, the lower the total calorie content of the dish.
  2. Cook an omelette with water without adding milk at all.
  3. Take only proteins for making an omelet. The calorie content of chicken protein is 44 kcal per 100 g of product, and the yolk is as much as 352 kcal. Protein weight 1 chicken egg on average, about 30-35 g, which will be only 13-16 kcal.
  4. Salt the dish just a little. Salt minimum is important dietary principle. This will help the body get rid of swelling and cleanse toxins.
  5. Do not fry vegetables using oil (this adds calories), but stew or steam them.

By following these principles, it's easy to make a delicious yet low-calorie diet breakfast omelet. Losing weight should master the preparation of an omelette in the oven, steamed. You can fry eggs in a frying pan, if you take oil in the smallest amount.

It is better to choose interesting low calorie recipes, cook with pleasure, and lose weight slowly and “with taste”.

Where allowed

Omelet will fit perfectly into most weight loss diets. Nutrition experts recommend eating a breakfast dish for people who adhere to protein, vegetable and carbohydrate diets.

But it is necessary to take into account different nuances. For example, for the Dukan diet in the first stage fit recipe With chicken breast but not with vegetables. On a mono-diet (diet of one product), an omelette for breakfast is possible only in its "egg version", that is, without the addition of other ingredients. So losing weight should carefully read the requirements of the chosen diet.

Diet omelette is good for breakfast high content squirrel. A person has a longer feeling of satiety.

Next culinary secrets will help even a novice cook to succeed:

  1. Secret fluffy omeletteproper whipping eggs with milk or water. This should be done carefully (and not intensively), being careful not to destroy the structure of the eggs, with a fork or whisk.
  2. Greens, vegetables, spices should be added already to the whipped mass. This is also necessary for the future splendor of the omelet.
  3. For cooking, it is best to use a container with a lid, which provides for steam removal. Then the dish rises well and browns.
  4. Excess milk or water will cause the omelette mass to settle and release "juice".
  5. So that a well-raised omelette does not fall off, it is not removed from the fire (or not taken out of the oven) immediately after cooking, but left on the cooling surface for some more time. Some restaurants even serve omelets on preheated plates.

And of course, you need to choose a recipe for a dietary omelette for breakfast to your liking. It all depends on how you approach the cooking process: if with interest and passion, then the result will surely please.

Recipes with and without butter

There are many recipes for a delicious diet egg omelette, everyone will find their own version. The following recipes do not specify salt, it should be added to taste.

Protein steam

This recipe uses only egg whites.


  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • milk 1% - 120 ml;
  • butter - 5 g.


  1. Crack the eggs, separate the whites.
  2. Mix them with milk.
  3. Grease the bottom and sides of a cooking container with butter.
  4. Pour eggs into it with milk.
  5. Place in steamer for 10-15 minutes.

Calories: 91 kcal.

Important! IN protein recipe you can use milk with a higher fat content. But then the calories ready meal will increase.

in a frying pan

The proposed recipe tells how to cook a dish in a pan.


  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • milk 1% - 3 tablespoons;
  • fresh chopped greens - a pinch.


  1. Crack the eggs, separate the whites.
  2. Mix them with milk.
  3. Add greens to the omelet mass.
  4. Heat up the pan well.
  5. Pour whites with milk on it, close the lid.
  6. Lower the stove temperature.
  7. Roast for 5-7 minutes.

Calories: 55 kcal.

Important! In the recipe, the cooking container is not lubricated with oil. Use a non-stick pan.



  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 5 g;
  • milk 1% - 4 tbsp.


  1. Mix eggs with milk.
  2. Pour eggs with milk into it, close tightly.
  3. Reduce the temperature of the stove to medium, simmer the dish for another 2-3 minutes (the omelet will begin to thicken).
  4. Reduce the heat to a minimum, bring the dish to readiness (another 4-5 minutes).

Calories: 208 kcal.

Important! The secret of the splendor of an omelette is not in the ingredients, but in the intricacies of cooking. A heavy bottomed pan is required. For splendor, the omelet must be “steamed” with high quality.

In the oven

The proposed recipe is cooked in the oven, and as you can see in the photo, the dish turns out to be as beautiful as in the pan.


  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • milk 1% - 1 tbsp.


  1. Whisk eggs with milk.
  2. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  3. Pour the egg-milk mass into a container for cooking.
  4. Place in oven for 20 minutes.

Calorie content: 280 kcal.

Important! This is a more hearty, satisfying breakfast option. It can be prepared if a busy day is expected.

Without milk


  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese 1.8-2% - 50 g;
  • butter- 5 years


  1. Stir the eggs until smooth.
  2. Add cottage cheese to them, mix thoroughly with a fork.
  3. Heat up a frying pan, brush with oil.
  4. Pour eggs into it with cottage cheese.
  5. Close the pan tightly for 3 minutes, turn off the stove.
  6. Leave the omelette to “reach” under the lid for a few minutes.

Calories: 241 kcal.

Interesting! Such an omelet "pancake" can be seasoned with herbs and rolled up like in a restaurant.

With vegetables

This variant tells how to make a tasty and healthy dish with vegetables.



  1. Wash and cut vegetables into pieces.
  2. Stew vegetables in a pan or steam in a double boiler so that they release water.
  3. Mix eggs with milk.
  4. Finely chop the greens, add to the scrambled mass.
  5. Heat up a frying pan, brush with oil.
  6. Put the vegetables (without liquid) in the pan.
  7. Pour in the egg and milk mass, close the lid.
  8. Lower the stove temperature.
  9. Fry 5-7 minutes.

Calories: 241 kcal.

Peculiarity! Instead of peppers and tomatoes, scrambled eggs are suitable stewed zucchini, patisson and eggplant. The calorie content of the dish will not increase.


Low fat omelet for breakfast excellent dish for those who want to lose weight. Starting from it a day, you can not only eat delicious food, but also stay full for a long time due to the high protein content in eggs.

History and characteristics of the omelet

It is not known exactly when the omelet was invented. This dish was known in the Roman Empire. Whipped eggs got their final name in France "omelette", which means "scrambled eggs". In Italy, the omelet was known as "frittata". Several varieties of cheese and vegetables were often added to the eggs, in Spain - tortilla. An omelette is more like a casserole in terms of the number of ingredients, very satisfying and high-calorie. Omuraisu is an omelet in Japan with the most popular rice filling.

For the diet version of the omelet, only proteins are more often used. They are better tolerated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Egg white makes up about 67% of the total weight of an egg. It is rich in biotin, vitamins B , , , . In terms of vitamin D content, protein is second only to fish oil. Also, protein is a source of valuable amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals (iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus). In 100 g of protein, there are 11 grams of protein and 45 calories.

Nutritionist advice. Scientists have long proven that cholesterol from eggs is not so terrible. The composition of the chicken egg (protein and yolk) includes lecithin and choline. These are substances that prevent the deposition of cholesterol. It also contains up to 14% daily allowance protein, a large supply of essential amino acids, essential vitamins and minerals, antioxidants.

The benefits of eggs are not lost when frying. The main charm of an omelet is short-term heating. So only 10-15 percent of vitamins are destroyed.

Important! Egg white human body absorbed by 93.7%. If compared with other products, then for fish this coefficient is only 76, and for meat - 73%.

The calorie content of an omelet depends on the method of its preparation, as well as the ingredients.

Calorie omelette per 100 g of product:

Best Recipes

Best Recipes protein omelette for diet 5:

Omelet in a double boiler with herbs. You need 3 proteins, a glass of low-fat milk, salt, a little paprika, 5 g of vegetable oil, fresh herbs(parsley, basil, dill).

Cooking process:

  • Separate whites from yolks.
  • Beat well in a clean and dry bowl until a fluffy foam appears.
  • Add salt, paprika and beat again.
  • Gradually add chopped herbs, stirring constantly.
  • Lubricate the container of the steamer vegetable oil.
  • Pour in the mixture and cook for 10 minutes.

Omelet in a pan with vegetables.

It will take

  • 5 proteins,
  • 150 g milk
  • tomato,
  • average bell pepper,
  • parsley,
  • some vegetable oil
  • salt.

Cooking process:

  • Beat the whites with a mixer until a fluffy foam appears.
  • Add milk, stirring vigorously.
  • Chop the parsley, salt, add to the eggs.
  • Heat the pan well, brush with vegetable oil. Pour in the omelette mixture, reduce the heat to low and cover with a lid.
  • While the eggs are cooking, cut the tomatoes and bell pepper into small cubes. You can add a little low-fat sour cream and mix.
  • Put on top of a half-cooked omelette and roll up. Leave for 3 minutes and turn off the fire
  • Before serving, sprinkle with herbs.

Omelet in a double boiler with cheese. A steamed protein omelette that the whole family will love.

Required for cooking

  • 4 squirrels,
  • 30-35 g semi-hard cheese,
  • 100 g milk
  • greenery,
  • salt,
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking process:

  • Cheese grate on a fine grater.
  • Proteins kill with salt and seasonings with a mixer.
  • Pour in milk and continue whisking until thick foam appears.
  • Lubricate the bottom of the container with vegetable oil, pour in the mixture, sprinkle with grated cheese on top and cook in a double boiler for 10 minutes.

Omelet in the oven with chicken fillet and tomatoes.


  • 4 squirrels,
  • 100 g milk
  • 50 g boiled chicken fillet,
  • tomato,
  • some salt and vegetable oil.

Cooking process:

  • Wash the tomato and cut into small cubes. Chicken fillet cut into thin slices.
  • Whisk egg whites with salt and milk until stiff white peaks form.
  • Mix the ingredients and pour into a mold greased with vegetable oil.
  • Bake in the oven for 10 minutes at 170 degrees Celsius.

Omelet in a pan with broccoli.


  • 3 squirrels,
  • 200 g broccoli,
  • 3 tablespoons of milk
  • salt,
  • olive oil,
  • you can sprinkle with grated cheese for taste.

Cooking process:

  • Boil broccoli in salted water for 5 minutes. Cut the inflorescences into more small pieces.
  • Prepare the base for an omelet from milk, proteins and salt.
  • Grease a frying pan with vegetable oil, lay out the broccoli, and then pour over the omelet mixture.
  • Cook covered over low heat for 7 minutes.
  • For taste, you can sprinkle with grated cheese 2 minutes before readiness.

Omelet in a slow cooker with ham.


  • 5 proteins,
  • 100 g milk
  • 80 g lean ham
  • salt,
  • small Bell pepper,
  • you can add greens.

Cooking process:

  • Cut the ham into strips.
  • Peel the bell peppers from partitions and seeds and chop into cubes.
  • Whisk egg whites with milk and spices.
  • Lubricate the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil, put the ham.
  • Pour the omelet mixture over the ham and add the pepper cubes.
  • Cook for 15 minutes on the baking mode.

Omelet in the oven with cottage cheese. For taste, you can also add parsley or green onion.

It will take

  • 4 squirrels,
  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese,
  • 30 g green onions,
  • Art. l. finely chopped greens
  • some vegetable oil
  • salt.

Cooking process:

  • Beat the whites in a separate bowl with salt, put the cottage cheese softened with a fork and mix thoroughly.
  • Finely chop the onion and greens, add to the total mass.
  • Grease a baking dish with oil (you can cover it with parchment).
  • Pour the omelette into a mold and bake for 15 minutes in the oven at 170 degrees Celsius.

Important! Yolks that are not yet allowed by the diet can be put in a plastic container and frozen. They will not lose their properties, and in the future they can be used for cooking.

Diet table#5 is very different. Recipes for delicious and healthy meals in the video below.

That's what makes our time good, because along with all sorts of fashion trends, today the fashion for a healthy lifestyle is reviving and gaining momentum. No, no, we are not talking about the weight loss craze that has become fashionable since the days of Twiggy. We are talking about the fashion for sports and healthy food. Healthy food is not only natural products, but also low calorie meals prepared in gentle ways. For example, a dietary omelet. To make it popular dish it turned out to be dietary, it is cooked in the oven, in the microwave oven or steamed. We offer you the recipe for just such an omelet. Yes, not one, but several! And what recipe to choose and how to cook an omelet, choose for yourself.

Omelet with vegetables in the microwave

Very handy recipe. vegetable omelet. In the microwave, it cooks, firstly, quickly, secondly, without adding any oil, and thirdly, it turns out lush and, surprisingly, juicy. This recipe is for one or two servings. Therefore, if you want to cook it in a larger volume, just increase the amount of food. So, we are mastering the recipe for an omelet in the microwave.


  • Handful of freshly frozen mixed vegetables
  • 3 raw eggs
  • Half a glass of fresh milk
  • Salt and spices


If you really want to make a diet dish, then take skimmed milk It won't affect the taste of the omelet. So, pour the eggs into a bowl and beat them with a fork until a light foam appears. Now, continuing to whisk, add milk, add salt and spices to taste (curry, paprika, dried basil, and a mixture of Italian herbs).

Next, take a plastic or glass container and put frozen vegetables in it. Vegetable mix also can be any. It turns out very tasty omelet with Hawaiian mix, but not much difference at all. The main thing is that it does not include potatoes and large pieces vegetables. Pour the milk-egg mixture over the vegetables and send the mold to the microwave. We set the timer for ten to fifteen minutes and turn on the oven at full power. After the longed-for sound "ding!" we take out the form, put the omelette on a plate and enjoy the taste of this healthy diet dish.


The omelette pan should be large enough, as the volume of the mixture increases three to four times when cooked in a microwave.

Diet protein omelet

Great diet food egg whites. This option is suitable for omelet lovers who care about their figure.


  • 2 egg whites
  • 3 tablespoons unleavened milk
  • 2 tablespoons green peas (canned)
  • 1 fresh ripe tomato
  • A teaspoon of olive oil
  • green onion
  • Salt and spices


Separate the whites from the yolks and pour them into a bowl. Then add the salt and beat the whites with a fork until light foam. Now, continuing to beat, add milk, and at the very end put chopped green onions and mix everything. Lubricate the pan with olive oil, put on fire and fry the tomato sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin circles in it. Then spread over the tomatoes. green pea and fill it with omelet mixture. Cover the pan with a lid and bring the omelette to a boil.

Omelet with mushrooms in the oven


  • 4 eggs
  • 700 grams of fresh mushrooms
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • Tablespoon of lemon juice
  • Salt and spices at your discretion


Wash mushrooms, dry and cut into slices. We put a brazier on the fire and put in it a tablespoon of butter and two tablespoons of olive oil. When the oil is hot, put the chopped mushrooms into the brazier and fry them for about three minutes. In the meantime, we clean and pass the garlic through a press, and then add it to the mushrooms and put the spices there. We continue to fry for another three minutes. At the end of cooking add lemon juice, put salt, mix and remove the brazier from the heat.

We take another pan or refractory baking dish and turn on the oven. While the oven is preheating, dissolve the remaining butter in the roasting pan and add two tablespoons of olive oil to it. We spread half of the mushroom frying in the pan and fill it with beaten eggs until light foam. Fry the omelette in a pan until it seizes around the edges. Put the remaining mushrooms on the still liquid omelet in the middle and put the pan in the oven. We bring our dish to readiness already in the oven. This will take approximately three to four minutes.

Sweet omelet in the oven

In the oven, you can cook dessert option omelet. Of course, this dish is unlikely to suit you if you are on a diet. Although as a dessert it is quite harmless and safe for the figure.


  • 4 egg whites
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • Half a glass of apricot jam
  • Vegetable oil


The advantage of this type of omelette is the use of only egg whites. The disadvantage is the presence of sugar. But in any case, the dessert turns out to be quite dietary. So we separate egg whites, pour them into a bowl and whisk in a light foam. Now add sugar apricot jam and mix everything well. Lubricate the refractory form with vegetable oil and lay out the resulting sweet mass. Bake the omelette in a preheated oven. Serve dessert with hot milk or a chilled milkshake.

Simple diet omelette

This recipe is remarkable for the way it is prepared. And what is the secret - now we will find out.


  • 3 eggs
  • Half glass of skimmed milk
  • Salt of your choice


Put a pot of water on the fire first. Pour the eggs into a bowl, add salt and beat them until foam appears. Then add milk and beat well again. And now the most interesting. To make an omelette, we need two baking bags. Pour the milk-egg mass into them and tie the bags so that there is some free space left in them. We lower the bags into boiling water and cook the omelet for about twenty minutes. After that, we take out the bags from boiling water, turn them inside out and shake out the contents on plates. That's all!

Choose a recipe and cook a diet omelette in the oven, in a pan or even in boiling water and enjoy the result and the process itself. Bon appetit and success in the culinary field!

In many diets, the use of animal products (such as cheese, milk, eggs) is not only allowed, but even recommended, so cooking from them is just a nice little thing. In general, if you put your family on a diet, and the family is especially not happy about it, it will be useful to cook something that is familiar and loved by everyone. For example, an omelette different ways the preparation of which we will talk today.

Omelet in a pan

When cooking an omelet in a pan, you can put any ingredient that fits the scope of your diet. Since oil is used during frying, an omelet in a pan is less than the rest considered dietary, but with proper cooking, even he can maintain the figure in the required shape. For example, you can cut the bacon (necessarily very thin), “dry” it in a pan until crispy. In addition to bacon, onions are fried. All this is poured into an omelette mass and fried over low heat.

Diet steam omelet

First of all, you will need a special dish: a bowl. 2 eggs are beaten with 100 ml of milk and onions, previously passed through a meat grinder. Add salt, pour into a bowl pre-oiled. The bowl should be placed in a wide pan of low height, in which water has already boiled (which is at least 2 cm below the level of the bowl). Cook the dish over high heat, constantly watching it. If the mass has thickened, it should be removed from the edge. So the omelette is cooked for about 7-10 minutes, after which it stands for a couple of more time and can be ready to eat.

Diet omelette in a slow cooker

First of all, you need to pour olive oil into the bowl and fry the onion - until transparent. You can take eggplant slices (salted in advance), bell pepper straws and add them to vegetables. Tomatoes should be scalded, cooled and peeled off. The resulting vegetable mass should be mixed. After that, the omelette mass is added to the bowl. Everything is mixed and cooked in any of the selected modes for 20 minutes.

Diet omelet in the oven

To prepare a dietary omelette in the oven, take 100 ml of milk, onion, boiled cauliflower, bell pepper, 2 tomatoes and, of course, eggs - 6 pieces. Boil vegetables over low heat - seasonings are added to taste. Put the resulting mass into a mold. Mix eggs with salt and milk, and after beating, mix with vegetables. The prepared mass should be cooked in an oven heated to 200 ° for about 20 minutes.

Diet protein omelet

The only difference protein variant from the usual - this is that the yolk is not used in the omelet. Most often, it is still in a liquid state with a spoon collected from a broken egg. After such a “fence”, the rest of the ingredients are added to the protein to taste: salt, spices, vegetables. Such an omelet is prepared by any of the above methods.

Diet vegetable omelet

Vegetables added to the dish will always serve as an excellent filling for the scrambled mass. It can be eggplant, tomatoes, even cucumbers. Often in recipes you can find an ingredient such as onion, partially fried. By the way, some even add fruits to the dish, but the combination is not ordinary, so not everyone will like it.

Diet omelet in the microwave

When cooking an omelet in the microwave, remember: if your omelet mass contains yolks, then they are covered. It is recommended to add low-calorie cheese and spices. One way or another, for such a dish you will need oil - odorless sunflower or olive oil (you will need to fry some ingredients, for example, onions, but the dish itself is cooked without oil, lowering the calorie content). The dish is prepared on a special plate, on which the scrambled mass is laid out in layers first, and then the ingredients (you can use mushrooms, feta cheese, tomatoes).

Diet omelet in a bag

Even if cooking in a bag is not so familiar to modern housewives, this does not change the fact that the dishes cooked in a bag differ in both taste and other benefits. For example, such a dish is prepared without oil, therefore, the calorie content disappears. There are only a few rules to follow:

  • There should not be a single hole in the package!
  • The package falls only into boiling water!

Before you try something complicated, prepare a regular diet omelette in a bag: to do this, just beat the eggs with milk and salt, and pour the resulting mass into the bag. Tie the bag tightly (it is better to put it in two bags at once) and lower it into boiling water for 25 minutes over medium heat. The package should be opened carefully so as not to burn yourself, and be sure to let the omelette brew.