How to cook a fluffy omelette in a slow cooker. Omelet in a slow cooker Redmond recipe with milk

Most people prefer scrambled eggs for breakfast. It is made with milk, cottage cheese, vegetables and, of course, meat products. And in the end, you can feast on every morning different dishes. If only someone else would have prepared it. Time is running out. So you can easily and quickly make an omelette in a slow cooker. Any model, even the simplest one, will cope with this task. You just need to choose your delicious recipe for breakfast.

Classic omelette

Most often, when people talk about an omelet, they mean a mixture of eggs and milk. This is how it is prepared according to the simplest and most classic recipe. But even here there are some little tricks. First, proportions are very important. Milk should be as much as eggs. So for 200 ml of liquid you need to take 4 eggs (usually they contain about 40-50 grams). The second - it does not need to be whipped, just lightly stir with a fork.

Grease the multicooker bowl lightly with oil. If the coverage is good, you can not do this. Pour the omelette mass (be sure to add a little salt and pepper in advance) and cook in a slow cooker for 30 minutes. For this, the "Baking" mode is suitable. According to this recipe, you can make an omelette in a slow cooker in any model. Of course, this is a "classic", on the basis of which there are many other dishes.

Omelet with vegetables

Most often to get even more tasty dish, v classic omelette add different vegetables. The brighter they are, the more beautiful the result will be. Best fit bell pepper different colors, tomato, zucchini, onion and carrot. You can put them all together, or you can choose some. The main thing is to keep the proportions: after all, there should be more egg mass. So, for 4 eggs and a glass of milk, you need to take a total of no more than 200 grams of vegetables.

As usual, mix the eggs and milk with a fork, adding a little salt and ground pepper. Vegetables, of course, can simply be cut into cubes and put in a slow cooker. But it will be much more beautiful if they are cut in different ways: zucchini and tomatoes - in circles, bell peppers, onions and carrots - in strips and laid out in the form of a picture at the bottom of the bowl. In this case, you will get not only tasty, but also a beautiful omelette in the Redmond multicooker. In this model, you can make it using the "Baking" modes (cooking time - 25-30 minutes) and "Multi-cook" (temperature - 110-120 degrees and cooking time - 30-35 minutes). Lay the omelet on a dish with vegetables up to show all its beauty.

Omelet with sausages

Of course, there are recipes for the strong half of humanity, who cannot imagine their breakfast without a piece of meat or at least sausages. That's exactly what they are intended for an omelette in a slow cooker with the addition of meat products. For him, you need to take 6 eggs, 120 ml of milk, 2 teaspoons of flour, 1 head onion, 1 tomato, 2-3 sausages and 40 ml of vegetable oil.

Cut the onion, tomato and sausage into cubes. Set the "Baking" mode and the time - 40 minutes. Pour in the oil, fry the onion until soft, add the tomatoes and sausages, fry a little more. Meanwhile, mix eggs, milk and flour. You can add a little ground pepper to taste. Pour this mixture over the frying, close the lid and cook until the signal. Ready omelette served with fresh herbs and a cup fragrant coffee. Not a single man will refuse such a breakfast.

Omelet like in kindergarten

For many, an omelet is, first of all, also a memory of breakfast in kindergarten. Lush, melting in your mouth, and most importantly, delicious - and that's not all that can be said about him. And what kind of juice stands out from it! Cooking such an omelet in a slow cooker will not be difficult. Need only the right recipe. It will require 5 large eggs, 250 ml of milk and half a teaspoon of salt.

Mix eggs, milk and salt with a fork. No need to beat! Grease the multicooker bowl with a thin layer butter, pour the omelette mass and bake for 40 minutes in a slow cooker, selecting the "Baking" mode. Put the finished omelette on a plate and you can enjoy. The omelet will be exactly the same as from the canteen kindergarten.

Children's omelet

The classic kindergarten omelet is not liked by some kids because of the crust. Often they leave it uneaten. You can cook for them children's omelet in the Polaris multicooker using the Multicooker mode. It is very important that the thickness of the egg mass is no more than 3 cm. A thicker layer may not be baked. Therefore, you need to take only 3 eggs, 120 ml of milk and a small pinch of salt.

In the multicooker, set the "Multipovar" mode, the temperature is 180 degrees. Melt the butter (you will need about 1 tablespoon). Then lower the temperature to 110 degrees. Pour the mixture of milk and eggs with salt, close the lid and cook for 20-25 minutes. The result is an omelet with delicate taste and without crust. Quite diet option, even despite a piece of butter.

Omelette for a couple

Unfortunately, many exclude omelet from their menu, as oil is used to make it. And without that high-calorie dish becomes even more difficult. To not have to add extra fat when preparing it, you can make a steamed omelette in a slow cooker. And to make it more useful, you can add cottage cheese instead of milk.

Beat together 2 eggs and 200 grams of cottage cheese. It is better to use paste. If there are grains, it is advisable to rub it through a sieve. Pour the resulting mass into a silicone mold. It should fit in a steamer bowl. Pour 6 multi-glasses of water into the multicooker pot and place the steaming bowl on top along with silicone mold. Cook with the lid closed for 25 minutes. Transfer the finished omelet to a plate and serve with vegetable salad. Delicious, satisfying and healthy - just a recipe for the perfect dish!

boiled omelette

But steaming isn't the only way to do it. diet omelette in a multicooker. The recipe for the next dish is used for cooking in canteens at sanatoriums and boarding houses. It is not fried or baked, but simply boiled. It turns out a tender omelette that melts in your mouth. This flavor is hard to compare to others. You just have to try.

To start, beat 3 eggs with a pinch of salt into a fluffy foam. Add 2/3 cup milk and beat again. Enclose one package in another for durability. Pour the omelette mass into them and tie tightly. Pour water into the multicooker bowl so that the bag floats in it. Place the omelet in the water, close the lid and set the steam cooking mode. Cook 30 minutes. It's a little longer than usual. But it's worth it. You can add some vegetables if you like. boiled meat. Ready boiled omelet just transfer to a plate from the package.

Dessert omelette

Real sweet tooth can cook a sweet omelette in the Panasonic multicooker from the wife of Emperor Franz Josef. In world cuisine, it is known under the name "kaiserschmarn", or "royal scars". So you need following products: 6 chicken eggs, 2 tablespoons of sugar, one and a half cups of flour, one and a half cups of milk, 50 grams of butter, 2-3 tablespoons of raisins different varieties, a pinch of salt and cinnamon and 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar for decoration.

Soak the raisins in advance, rinse well and dry on a paper towel. In a bowl, mix eggs, milk, flour, salt and sugar. It is important to ensure that there are no lumps. Set the "Baking" mode, leave the default time (this is 40 minutes). Pour in the omelette mass and cook until it seizes on the bottom and still remains liquid on top. It will take about 10-15 minutes. Sprinkle with cinnamon and add prepared raisins. As soon as he stuck to the egg pancake, using a wooden spatula, turn it over. Break into pieces and, stirring, bring to readiness. The omelet should be a nice golden color. Arrange slices on a plate and sprinkle powdered sugar. Delicious dessert omelette is ready!

Knowing one recipe for how to cook an omelette in a slow cooker, you can forget about other options forever. In a miracle pan, this is faster and easier to do. Yes, and you do not need to stand at the stove. Technology can do it without human intervention. Almost.

In a slow cooker, a very tasty omelet is obtained - lush and tall. For some reason, this does not come out in a frying pan. Let's cook an omelette with sausages in the Redmond slow cooker.

You will need:

  • Milk
  • Sausages (sausage, bacon, ham, any meat)
  • Salt pepper
  • Greenery

In addition, if you like vegetables, you can put tomatoes, bell peppers, pre-fried onions, and generally anything your heart desires in an omelet. In this sense, an omelet is not inferior to pizza. By changing the filling, you will have a new dish for breakfast every morning.

Cooking an omelette in a Redmond slow cooker

So, first we cut the sausages into circles, pour vegetable oil on the bottom of the multicooker bowl, turn on the “Frying” mode and put the chopped sausages there.

Do not close the multicooker lid!

While the sausages are frying, prepare the omelet. Break the eggs, pour milk into them. The proportions of eggs and milk are approximately 2:3, based on their volume. It is not necessary to beat the egg-milk mixture strongly, it is enough to stir and lightly beat it with a fork. Salt and pepper the eggs.

When the sausages are fried, turn off the slow cooker and pour the mixture of eggs and milk into it.

Sprinkle dill on top.

Set the multicooker to the “Baking” mode for 20 minutes.

During cooking, it is better not to open the lid of the multicooker, then the omelet will turn out to be more magnificent. But if you are making an omelette for the first time and are worried that it may burn, open the lid after 10 minutes and check the readiness of the dish. For the future, remember the time during which an omelet from a certain number of eggs will be ready.

In the Redmond slow cooker, a 4-egg omelet is cooked for exactly 20 minutes. The multicooker sounds the end of the program, you open the lid and take out a hearty and tasty breakfast for the whole family.

When serving, sprinkle the hot omelette on top with grated cheese.

To prepare the dish, a Redmond RMC-M20 multicooker was used.

Time: 30 min.

Servings: 1-2

Difficulty: 1 out of 5

The recipe for an amazingly delicious omelet with milk in the Redmond slow cooker

In fact, the cooking process can be greatly simplified by trusting modern kitchen appliances. Every housewife can make Redmond, relatives will appreciate its taste.

It is worth noting that it is in a multicooker-pressure cooker that it will be possible to properly bake the egg mixture, preserving the trace elements and vitamins that are contained in the products used.

At first glance, it may seem that using the usual recipe for an omelette with milk, there can be no difficulties. But you need to find your own “approach” to the Redmond pressure cooker, that is, familiarize yourself with the rules for cooking such a dish.

  • Use only quality fresh produce. Undoubtedly, the taste of the finished dish will also depend on how fresh eggs and the milk you use.

So take care of the ingredients in advance, and only then master the cooking technology in the pressure cooker, which the selected recipe describes.

  • Whisk the ingredients separately. In order to cook fluffy omelet in a Redmond pressure cooker, it is worth whisking the squirrels and yolks separately.

The yolk part of the egg is mixed with milk, and then the protein foam is gradually introduced. Thanks to this, it will be possible to enrich the dough with oxygen, thereby ensuring the splendor of the finished dish. You can also cook and in the usual way, as they used to do it in a pan.

  • Do not use thermally unprocessed vegetables. It must be remembered that any additional component of the dish must be boiled until cooked or fried in vegetable oil.

It is possible that the recipe you choose will not describe this preparatory procedure, but it is important. Remember raw vegetables you ruin the dish.

  • Don't add too much sugar. Even if your pressure cooker is meant for kids, don't add too much sugar, ¼ teaspoon is enough to balance out the taste of the omelet.
  • Consider the rules for adding greens. It is worth noting that dry herbs can be added to raw egg mass, and frozen greens - only during languishing. Fresh parsley or dill garnish the finished omelet before serving.
  • Do not open the multicooker immediately after the end of the cooking program. Let the dish brew for 5-10 minutes, thanks to this it will only become tastier.
  • Cook on the "Multipovar" mode. Thanks to this program, you will be able to independently regulate the duration of cooking in a multi-cooker-pressure cooker.

Well, now it's time to find out the recipe for a delicious omelette and cook it in a slow cooker-pressure cooker.


Step 1

Prepare food for cooking. Break the eggs, pour required amount milk.

Step 2

Add some salt.

Step 3

Thoroughly mix the contents of the bowl with a whisk until smooth.

Step 4

Coat the bottom of the bowl with oil.

Step 5

Pour the egg-milk mixture into the bowl.

Step 6

Set the bowl in the multicooker.

Step 7

Select the "Baking" mode for 25 minutes. as in the photo, press the "Start" button on the menu bar. It is during this time that you will be able to make the most delicate omelet.

Step 8

After the end of the program, let the omelette brew a little, and then carefully transfer it to a plate, sprinkle with freshly chopped herbs.

See another version of this dish:

An omelette is an invariable attribute of breakfast. In a matter of minutes, you can cook nutritious and healthy (if not abused) food, and an omelette in a Redmond slow cooker will be more fluffy and taller than in a pan. Today I will show you how to cook the simplest omelette in a multicooker. Having mastered this recipe, you will be able to create the most variety of dishes. For example, cook the classics of the omelet genre - an omelette with brisket (fresh or smoked) and tomatoes. If you lay out the ingredients in the form of thin strips connected in the center, like the sun, this beautiful dish will not be ashamed to serve to guests. For a child, the food that he cannot refuse will be an omelet in a thin and long sausage, united by the ends with a toothpick. Cut the entire sausage on one side so that it resembles a comb, and then connect it into a ring. The notches will straighten out, and you will get a flower. Place an egg inside and fry so that the omelet does not leak out. In my small multicooker Redmond M11, such artistically designed dishes have to be prepared in portions - because more than one serving simply does not fit in it. But if it's about regular omelette, then the three-liter bowl of my multicooker easily feeds a family of three, and satisfying the taste of everyone. We have a division at home - some love fried eggs, others omelet. I found a simple way to please everyone at the same time. I will talk about it a little later. For now, the basic recipe.

Easy breakfast ingredients:

  • eggs 4 large or 5 small
  • milk 150 g
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • basil leaves.

How to cook an omelette in a Redmond slow cooker

Beat the eggs with a whisk (fork, mixer), salt and add milk. The more milk there is in the omelet, the more tender it will turn out and vice versa. Turn on the slow cooker (“frying” mode) for 15 minutes and wait until the oil in the bowl heats up.

Five minutes after the start of the multicooker, pour in the egg mixture. Cover the miracle saucepan with a lid and open the valve. After 10 minutes, the omelet will be completely ready.

And now the promised version of the "fried omelet".

Take two eggs, separate the yolks from the whites. Mix the whites with the rest of the eggs, pour in the milk and add salt. Then, in the same way, pour the mixture into the preheated multicooker bowl, greased with oil. When the omelette is half cooked (after 5 minutes), open the slow cooker, carefully place the egg yolks on the omelet. And when serving, divide the dish - to whom an omelette, and to whom an omelette-scrambled eggs.

Take off ready meal easy only when it consists of one or two eggs - pry with a wooden spatula and transfer to a plate. In all other cases, you will need to leave the omelet in the "heating" mode for another 5 - 10 minutes. And only then, lifting the resulting circle from all sides and, tilting the bowl, make it slide down the wall onto the plate. In all other cases, you will have to divide the scrambled eggs right in the slow cooker, and then transfer it in parts to a plate.

Sprinkle with finely chopped green basil(use dried in winter) - it seems to me that he, like no other seasoning, fits eggs. Add any tomato sauce and you can try two in one - scrambled eggs in an omelet.

Do you want to breakfast light and low calorie meal? The best way- make an omelette in a slow cooker. Its preparation will take much less time, and the result will be a very tasty, lush, with a delicate crust, and most importantly, a healthy omelet.

There is never enough time in the morning to make a good and nutritious breakfast. But the multicooker solves the problem. It is very convenient and easy to use. You can throw in all the ingredients and leave to cook. Meanwhile, mind your own business. An omelette according to the classic recipe is very easy to prepare.

You will need

  • chicken egg 3 pcs;
  • milk half a glass;
  • butter - 30-50 gr;
  • salt.

Cooking process

  1. Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat with a whisk. In the resulting mass, add milk and pour salt. To mix everything.
  2. Put the butter in the bowl of the multicooker and let it melt, and then grease the container. Pour eggs with milk into it, close the lid.
  3. In the multicooker menu, select the “baking” mode and set the time - 25 minutes. The number of components of the recipe is designed for 4 people.

Variants of omelette recipes in a slow cooker

If you like experimenting with breakfast flavors, try varying the amount of ingredients you add to your omelet.

Omelet with sour cream

To make the morning dish nutritious and satisfying, you can add sour cream to the omelet. The taste will be more tender and rich.

List of ingredients

  • chicken eggs - 5 pcs;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • sour cream - 100 ml;
  • butter - 50 gr;
  • salt.

How to cook

  1. Beat the yolks with proteins in a separate bowl, add milk, spices and sour cream to them.
  2. Smear a piece of butter on the multicooker bowl, and then add the resulting mixture of ingredients.
  3. Set the baking mode for 25 minutes.

Recipe with cheese

This type of omelet is not like the others. It is denser and can be served rolled up into a tube to the table. It is much more convenient to eat it in this form.

What to take

  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • cheese - 60 gr;
  • bread - 2 pieces;
  • sunflower oil - 18 ml;
  • salt and other spices - to taste.

Cooking process

  1. In order not to mess with flour, we recommend using pieces of already prepared bread: you need to knead them in milk.
  2. Separately, beat the eggs and add the bread mass to them. It is better to grate the cheese, add spices to it and crumble into beaten eggs. Mix everything together.
  3. Pour oil into the multicooker pan and wipe the sides of the bowl with it. Turn on the "baking" mode, set for 20 minutes.
  4. Pour the prepared mixture of ingredients into a saucepan and close the lid. Once the omelette is cooked, take it out of the bowl and roll it into a tube. You can put some stuffing in it, for example, pieces of meat.

Omelet with sausage, tomatoes and cheese

This version of the dish will appeal to men. Omelet with ham has a lot of calories and will give strength and energy for the whole day.

You will need

  • eggs - 6 pcs;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • cheese - 80 gr;
  • ham - 100 gr;
  • green onions - 3 stalks;
  • tomatoes - 1 pc;
  • vegetable oil - 18 gr;
  • spices - to taste.

cooking process

  1. Mix milk with beaten yolks and whites. Add finely chopped cheese and ham to them.
  2. Preheat the slow cooker and fry the slices of tomatoes and onions in it in oil, then add all the other ingredients.
  3. Put the device on the “extinguishing” mode. Cooking time - 20 minutes.

Recipe with mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese

A more dietary type of omelet (330 kcal). But it will suit both households with good appetites, and ladies who dream of losing weight.

What to take

  • chicken egg - 4 pcs;
  • any kind of mushrooms - 150 gr;
  • cheese - 50 gr;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • vegetable oil - 4 gr;
  • salt and other spices - to taste.

Cooking method

  1. Boil mushrooms and remove all water from them. Peel the onion from the husk and cut into quarters of the rings.
  2. Pour vegetable oil and mushrooms with onions into a slow cooker. All fry for 7 minutes. Beat eggs in a hotel container, add salt and spices.
  3. Stir the mixture and pour into a bowl. Close the lid and set to cook in the “frying” mode for 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, cut the tomatoes into rings, rub the cheese and put on top of the omelet.
  4. In this form, let the multicooker work for another 5 minutes. After cooking, the dish can be decorated with fresh herbs.

Italian frittata

Frittata belongs to classic look omelet. It is very delicate in taste and will give you a feeling of lightness for the whole day.

List of components

  • egg - 4 pcs;
  • onions - 1 pc;
  • medium zucchini - 1 pc;
  • cheese - 60 gr;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc;
  • fresh herbs - 1 bunch;
  • olive oil -17 ml;
  • spices (salt and pepper) - to your taste.

Cooking method

  1. Dice zucchini and onion with pepper. Put the slow cooker to heat up and fry the chopped ingredients for 10 minutes.
  2. Shake the egg mixture and pour spices into it, mix. Pour the eggs into the bowl with the vegetables and simmer for 15 minutes.
  3. After the multicooker beeps, open the lid and pour in the grated cheese. Leave in this form for 10 minutes and make sure that the cheese melts.

Omelet for a couple in a slow cooker

Steamed omelet looks like a white cloud. It will be enjoyed by both children and adults.


  • milk - 100 ml;
  • egg - 3 pcs;
  • butter - 30 gr.

How to bake

  1. Mix milk with whipped protein and yolk. We place homogeneous mass in whatever molds you have.
  2. Pour into the multicooker hot water. One glass is enough. From above we adapt the steam nozzle. It should be present with your multicooker. We put the container on the steam grate.
  3. Salt and pepper the future omelette as you need. We select the “baking” or “steam” mode and set the timer for 20 minutes.
  4. After the program is completed, turn the contents of the mold over. The omelet is ready. For a child, it can be decorated with greens or slices of sausage.

Recipe for a fluffy omelet with sausage

In order not to spend money on ham, you can buy a cheaper option - sausage. But the taste of any dish will not change at all.

What will you need

  • sausage - 120 gr;
  • egg - 3 pcs;
  • milk - 0.5 cups;
  • bell pepper -1 pc;
  • butter a small piece;
  • cheese - 50 gr;
  • green peas - 40 gr;
  • spices.

How to cook

  1. Beat eggs and add milk to them. We clean the bell pepper and cut into squares, we do the same with boiled sausage.
  2. Process the cheese on a grater and add to the mixture of eggs with milk. We fall asleep spices to your liking. Don't forget to oil the bowl.
  3. Dump the entire base for the omelette into the slow cooker and cook for 15 minutes in the “baking” mode.

The difference in cooking in multicookers brands: "Redmond" "Polaris" "Panasonic" and others

Manufacturers of different models of multicookers offer us each their own interface and functional modes. So that universal recipes no omelettes. Housewives adapt already in the process of cooking to their brand kitchen appliances. Now we will compare the 3 most common models with each other.

  • redmond. It has 50 programs, but their location is very easy to remember. There is a “multi-cook” program that will set itself optimal temperature and right amount time, but you can also select the “baking” mode.
  • Polaris. In the multicooker of this manufacturer there is a “multi-cook” mode. When preparing an omelette, this function is preferred. When using it, you will wait for the finished breakfast much faster, and the taste will turn out to be more intense.
  • Panasonic. This model has 6 cooking programs. There is no “multi-cook” mode In order to make a delicious and fluffy omelette, use the “baking” and “frying” functions

omelet recipes a large number of. You don't have to strictly follow them. Show your imagination and cook with your soul. You can use different multicooker functions, add new ingredients such as asparagus, corn or shrimp. It all depends on your preferences.