How to cook an omelette is the easiest. Boiled air omelet

This simple dish is familiar to everyone since childhood. After all, it is in kindergarten children are often served a lush juicy omelette.

But as soon as the hostess begins to cook an omelette at home, failure awaits her. The omelette, which a few minutes ago was so high in the pan, hit the plate, suddenly fell off, turning into a thick pancake.

Homeland omelet - France. It is there that no breakfast is complete without this dish. But the classic omelet is prepared without milk - on eggs alone. True, with all sorts of additives: cheese, tomatoes, ham.

Adding milk or other dairy products - sour cream, kefir, cream - this is already the freedom of the housewives. And milk is good for scrambled eggs. It turns out fluffy and porous.

Subtleties of cooking

  • For an omelet they take only fresh eggs. Before use, they must be washed in warm water to prevent the ingestion of such a dangerous infection as salmonellosis.
  • Eggs are mixed with milk and lightly beaten with a whisk or fork. Do not use a mixer for this purpose. Excessive foam adversely affects the quality of the omelet.
  • To make the omelette more fluffy, the yolks are separated from the proteins, mixed with milk and lightly beaten. Then the whites whipped into a stable foam are mixed in.
  • The quality of the omelet depends on the amount of milk. Those housewives who pour milk by eye are mistaken. The fact is that excess milk raises the omelet well in the pan, but immediately after turning off the stove, it falls off a lot. Therefore, milk is poured strictly according to the norm: 15 ml of milk is taken per egg.
  • The choice of pan also affects the quality of the omelette. In a thin-bottomed pan, the omelette burns quickly, while remaining raw inside. Perfect for making omelets cast iron pans or modern - with a non-stick coating. In any case, the bottom should be thick.
  • Fried omelet on creamy, melted, vegetable oil, on lard or fat. It is better not to use margarine and spread, as they can give the dish an unpleasant aftertaste.
  • Omelet is prepared not only from eggs and milk, but also with the addition of other ingredients. Sausages, tomatoes, zucchini, onion and other vegetables that need heat treatment, first fried in a pan, and then poured with an egg-milk mixture. If they are mixed immediately with the omelet mass, then this will significantly worsen the quality of the omelet. Greens are immediately mixed with eggs or sprinkled with it already ready meal.
  • The egg mixture is poured into a well-heated frying pan, greased with oil. Then the fire is reduced to a minimum, the dishes are covered with a transparent lid.
  • When the edges of the omelette mass just grab and turn white, with a fork or spatula they are gently moved to the middle. Punctures are also made in the omelette so that the liquid flows down.
  • Then the pan is closed again with a lid and the process is no longer interfered with. As soon as the whole omelette rises and thickens, it is ready.
  • Flour is sometimes added to the egg-milk mixture. The omelet becomes denser and holds its shape better. In this case, the amount of milk is increased.
  • Very often, the finished omelette falls off due to the temperature difference between the pan and the plate. Therefore, the omelette plate is preheated.
  • For a tall omelet, take a narrow frying pan.
  • A stuffed omelette is cooked in a wide frying pan without a lid, as a thick omelette is difficult to bend in half. In this case, each portion is fried separately.

Natural milk omelet


  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • milk - 45 ml;
  • salt - to taste;
  • butter - 15 g.

Cooking method

  • Eggs are mixed with milk, salted and poured into a heated frying pan, greased with oil.
  • Without lowering the heat, stir with a spatula.
  • When the mass thickens, the edges of the omelet are folded from both sides to the middle in the form of an oblong pie.
  • As soon as the bottom of the omelette is fried, it is laid out on a heated plate. Drizzle with oil and sprinkle with herbs.

Milk omelette with green onions


  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • milk - 45 ml;
  • green onion - 20 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • butter - 15 g.

Cooking method

  • Eggs are lightly beaten with milk and salt.
  • Add chopped green onion and mix.
  • Pour into a hot oiled pan. Mix lightly.
  • As soon as the omelet mass becomes thick, the edges of the omelette are wrapped in the middle in the form of a pie and fried until the lower golden crust.
  • The finished omelette is laid out on a heated plate and sprinkled with herbs.

Omelet in milk with bacon and onions


  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • milk - 45 ml;
  • bacon - 40 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method

  • The bacon is cut into small cubes.
  • Finely chop the onion and fry with bacon in a frying pan.
  • Eggs are mixed with milk and salt, beaten with a whisk.
  • Pour the bacon with the egg mass, mix quickly.
  • When the omelet thickens, its edges are bent towards the middle to make a pie.
  • The omelette is brought to readiness and transferred to a heated plate.

Omelette with milk and sausage


  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • milk - 45 ml;
  • sausage - 40 g;
  • tomato ketchup - 20 g;
  • melted butter - 30 g;
  • salt - to taste.

Method 1

  • The sausage is cut into small cubes and fried in oil.
  • Add ketchup and boil until liquid evaporates.
  • Eggs are beaten with milk and salt, poured into a preheated frying pan, greased with oil. Mix quickly.
  • When the mass thickens, minced meat is laid out in the middle in the form of a long strip.
  • The edges of the omelette are lifted and bent towards the middle, giving it the shape of a pie.
  • Bring to readiness and transfer to a heated plate.

Method 2

  • The sausage is cut into cubes and fried in oil.
  • Mix with ketchup and boil for a short time.
  • Eggs are beaten with milk and salt.
  • Pour the minced meat with this mixture and mix quickly.
  • Close the lid, reduce the heat to a minimum. As soon as the omelette rises and thickens, the pan is removed from the stove.
  • The omelette is laid out on a warmed plate and sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Milk omelet with cheese


  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • cheese - 50 g;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method

  • The flour is diluted with cold milk and stirred until the lumps disappear.
  • The yolks are rubbed with salt and mixed with milk.
  • Beat the whites with a mixer and combine with the rest of the mass.
  • Add crumbled cheese and mix everything.
  • Pour into a greased frying pan and fry on both sides until golden brown. So that the omelet can be easily turned over to the other side, take a flat lid, cover the omelette with it and turn the pan over. The omelette stays on the lid. Then gently shake it into the pan.

Omelette with milk and mushrooms


  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • mushrooms - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method

  • Mushrooms are boiled and cut into pieces.
  • Onions are crushed and fried in vegetable oil, adding mushrooms.
  • Eggs are combined with milk, salt and beaten with a whisk.
  • Pour the mushrooms with this mixture, mix lightly.
  • Close the pan with a lid, reduce the fire to a minimum and fry the omelet until cooked.
  • Spread on a warmed plate and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Omelette with milk and jam


  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • milk or cream - 30 g;
  • butter - 10 g;
  • sugar - 5 g;
  • jam - 25 g;
  • lemon zest - a pinch;
  • powdered sugar - 15 g.

Cooking method

  • Eggs are combined with milk, zest is added.
  • Pour into an oiled pan and stir lightly until the mixture thickens.
  • In the middle of the omelet spread berries from jam without syrup in length.
  • The edges of the omelet are wrapped in the middle and pressed lightly.
  • When the underside of the omelette is ready, carefully transfer it to a dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

All these recipes are designed for 1-2 servings, but any housewife can always change the output. finished products, given the number of eaters and their appetite.

Hello hostesses!

An ordinary omelet can be cooked in ten different ways. And the taste will be different!

This article is your assistant for creating an original breakfast. We have collected wonderful recipes worth a try!

To quickly switch between recipes, use the links in the blue frame:

Classic fluffy omelette with milk and egg in a pan

We can not ignore the source of all the following amazing recipes. Of course, it all started with him, the classic omelet!

Only two main ingredients: eggs and milk, and what a taste and benefit!


  • Eggs - 4 pcs
  • Milk - 120 ml
  • Salt/pepper to taste


Break the eggs into a bowl, pour milk, salt, pepper to them and beat well together until a homogeneous consistency.

At this time, heat up a frying pan greased with oil. Pour the omelet into the pan and cover with a lid - this is a prerequisite for splendor.

Fry over medium heat for about 5-7 minutes, the bottom will be more ruddy, and the top will steam under the lid and be more tender.

Lush omelette in the oven like in kindergarten

tall and fluffy omelet ik from our childhood.

It is prepared in the oven, which is most useful not only for kids, but also for adults. And no one can forget its taste, it is especially tender, milky!



Break the eggs into a bowl.

Stir them, but don't beat them.

Pour in the milk and stir again.

For baking, choose a form with high sides. Lubricate it with butter.

Pour the egg liquid into the mold.

Place in the oven for 35-40 minutes at 200 degrees. Do not open the oven during cooking.

5 minutes before the end of cooking, brush the surface with butter.

The oil will help it brown beautifully and give it a flavor familiar from childhood.

You can eat! It turns out a very tender oven omelette, lush, beautiful and very tasty!

Crispy omelet with cheese in a pan

Great recipe with crispy cheese crust!

Fast and light breakfast and very, very tasty!


  • 2 eggs
  • 100 g grated cheese
  • 50 g milk
  • salt/pepper/herbs to taste


Prepare all ingredients. Shake eggs with milk, add spices.

Put the cheese in the pan and fry until it melts.

Pour the egg mixture on top.

Cover and fry until nicely browned.

After that, fold the egg "pancake" in half in the pan.

Can be served on the table. Wonderful breakfast!

Delicious omelette with vegetables - French recipe

Very interesting and delicious healthy recipe for those who love vegetables.

See this video for cooking tips.

Treat your family to this wonderful vitamin breakfast.

Omelette roll with tomatoes, mushrooms and cheese

Here is such an elegant omelet roll can be prepared not only for breakfast, but also for festive table, as a warm and even cold snack.


  • 6 eggs
  • 50 g canned mushrooms
  • 1 tomato
  • 30 g cheese
  • fresh herbs to taste


For a better understanding of the whole cooking technique, watch this video.

Omelet with bacon, cheese and potatoes

Hearty bachelor breakfast! He is not as fat and harmful as they say.

We will fry it without oil, on that small amount pork fat, which will highlight the bacon during frying.


  • Bacon (sausage) - 250 g
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Cheese - 100 g
  • Milk - 50 ml


Cut the bacon into strips and place in the pan.

Fry until golden brown. And put the cooked bacon on a paper towel to go excess fat. Then it will be crispy.

Cut potatoes into small slices. Fry until done.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater and put in a pan on the prepared potatoes.

When the cheese is melted, spread the bacon over it.

Crack the eggs into a bowl, add milk, salt and shake well until the composition is homogeneous.

Pour the bacon and potatoes into the omelet, cover. Fry until the egg is cooked, it should be fried on the bottom and hardened on top.

It turns out very tasty! Other vegetables can be added if desired: green beans, tomatoes, bell pepper.

Italian omelet frittata

Exquisite omelet with vegetables according to a real Italian recipe.


  • egg - 4 pcs
  • hard cheese - 50 gr (parmesan)
  • cherry tomatoes - 5 - 6 pcs
  • bell pepper - 0.5 pcs
  • leek - 1 pc.
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • thyme - 2 - 3 sprigs
  • salt, pepper - to taste


Break the eggs and shake in a bowl.

Parmesan (or other hard cheese to taste) grate on a medium grater.

Cut the tomatoes into slices and let dry for 15-20 minutes.

Cut the leek into thin half rings and fry in a pan with high sides and a thick bottom, on olive oil. Put it on a plate.

Pour the beaten eggs into the pan and begin to fry over low heat.

When the bottom layer of the omelette is fried, add some salt and begin to evenly spread the chopped vegetables on top. Roasted leeks, cherry tomatoes, thyme and bell pepper strips.

Fry until cooked under the lid. You can also place the omelet in the oven and bake until golden brown.

Delicious rich and flavorful omelet!

How to make a steam omelet

Steamed omelet is very useful. It is prepared without oil, is dietary, this recipe is recommended for baby food.


  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • sour cream - 20 g
  • milk - 30 g
  • salt and pepper to taste


Shake eggs with milk. Add sour cream and shake everything together again. Salt, if desired, pepper.

Take a baking dish, grease it with butter.

Pour the egg into the mold, place it on the double boiler grate in the multicooker bowl.

Pour 200-300 ml of water into the bowl, it can be hot. Turn on the steamer mode for 20 minutes.

If there is no slow cooker, then you can put a grate with an omelette on a pot of water, which will need to be boiled until the omelet is ready.

The finished omelette will be soft, very tender and healthy. You can decorate with herbs and serve with vegetables.

How to cook an omelet in a bag

The omelet is cooked in a bag for safety and health reasons.

Cooked without oil, it turns out to be very low in calories.

At the same time, it does not contain carcinogens, which are formed during frying in oil. Suitable for baby food.


  • eggs - 3 pcs
  • milk - 150 ml
  • salt to taste


The whole point of this method is that an egg beaten with milk is placed in a bag.

Here, many make the mistake of using ordinary food bags for cooking.

When heated, polyethylene begins to release harmful compounds directly into the cooking dish.

Important: Use only heat-resistant baking bags for this recipe.

Otherwise, all the usefulness of the recipe will come to naught.

So, having packed our egg product into a baking bag, tie it well and send it to a pot of boiling water.

The package will float there, gradually its contents will cook and we will get a very soft, dietary product.

The same method is used when preparing an omelette in a jar.

All ingredients are placed in jars. Pour not up to the end, i.e. the contents will rise as it cools.

Banky is sent to water bath. To prevent them from bursting, you can put a textile napkin on the bottom.

Glass is a completely safe material for cooking. And such an omelet will be very useful!

Delicate and airy French omelet

This recipe is simply amazing!

Crispy crust on top, soft inside air omelet, so porous that it wobbles as it moves.

Authentic French omelette from Provencal chefs.


  • 3 eggs
  • 30 g butter


Crack the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks.

Add the egg whites and start beating separately.

You should get stable peaks.

Only then add the yolks and continue to beat.

Grease a frying pan with oil and pour the foamy mass onto it.

Cover with a lid and fry for 2-3 minutes. Do not open the lid.

After the mass has baked and become stable, open the lid. Lift the edge of the omelet and place pieces of butter on several sides under it.

We need this to get a golden crust.

When the bottom is browned and no liquid remains on the surface, fold the omelette in half. Hold a little to fix this position.

Garnish with herbs and serve. Delicate, airy, light - an amazing omelet!

Omelet with cottage cheese

Healthy protein omelette, suitable for a fitness breakfast.

The combined benefits of cottage cheese and eggs, and at the same time amazing yummy.


  • eggs - 3 pcs
  • cottage cheese (can be fat-free) - 200 gr
  • green onions - 30 gr
  • salt/pepper to taste


Beat eggs, add cottage cheese to them.

Chop the green onion in there.

Pour the mass into the pan and fry under a lid over low heat until the egg hardens.

An omelette is a delicious egg dish. Many people manage to cook it without milk, but with this component the dish turns out tastier and more tender. How to make an omelet? There are quite a few recipes. Some contain sweet ingredients, some are meaty. Omelets are loved both for breakfast and as a light dinner. However, much depends on the quality of the ingredients. It is worth taking the choice of eggs and milk seriously. A dish of expired products will not only not bring any benefit, but will also cause an eating disorder.

How to choose products?

How to make an omelet so that it turns out delicious? To begin with, you should choose quality products and follow simple advice. For example, eggs are not stored for more than twenty days. Anything that lies beyond this period is a bad product, it is better to refuse to use them. You can check the eggs at home. To do this, cool water is poured into the container. An egg is placed in the liquid. Fresh, suitable for cooking, will lie on the bottom, moreover, horizontally. And the shell of such an egg usually does not shine, but has a matte finish.

The next ingredient is milk. Of course, it must be fresh. The fat content of the product also plays a role here. How to make an omelet from eggs and milk so that it comes out very tasty? Take milk with a fat content of two percent or more. Anything that does not contain fat is low-calorie - not suitable.

The omelet is also cooked in butter. Of course, the owners of a good frying pan are lucky. However, a mixture of eggs and milk often sticks. Therefore, it is better to use a small amount of oil. Apply both vegetable and creamy. With the latter, the dish turns out better and tastier, although many are often afraid of its calorie content. But an omelet does not require a large number butter.

Many claim that delicious omelette can be obtained using fresh vegetables or mushrooms. However, this is not entirely true. Properly frozen tomatoes, mushrooms, corn or spinach are a good accompaniment to a classic omelette.

Dish from the oven. Delicious recipes

How to make an omelette in the oven? This recipe comes out very tender dish. Many people associate it with the scrambled eggs they ate in kindergarten. You will need the following ingredients:

  • half a liter of milk;
  • a dozen medium-sized eggs;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • butter - a small piece.

It is also worth finding a deep baking sheet, because the omelet will rise by about a third. So fill the dishes that are used to prepare this dish, it is worth carefully. Part must remain free.

Cooking an omelette in the oven

How to make an omelet from eggs and milk? In order to make it happen tasty dish, you need to mix eggs and milk. Remember that you do not need to beat the mixture! A good option- is to pour milk into a deep bowl, and then beat in eggs one at a time, constantly stirring. Also add a spoonful of salt. You can also use sea salt. Many housewives season the omelet with black pepper.

While the mixed homogeneous mixture is settling, it is worth preparing a baking sheet. It is sent empty to the oven, which is already heated to two hundred degrees. Hot dishes are smeared with a piece of butter, carefully, not forgetting the sides. Now a mixture of milk and eggs is poured into it.

The omelet is baked for half an hour. Another ten minutes in the oven will allow the dish to form a brownish fried crust, which many people like so much.

Fluffy omelette without additives

This recipe can become a classic because it does not contain a lot of ingredients. How to make an omelette with milk in a pan? For this you will need:

  • four eggs;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • a pinch of soda and salt.

The secret of splendor is that proteins with salt and soda are whipped first. To do this, it is better to take a mixer to get a really thick hat of eggs. Now mix in the yolks. At the same time, they begin to beat at a low speed, gradually increasing the pace. A sufficiently thick foam should form on the surface of the mixture.

Now take a frying pan, grease it with a piece of oil. You will have to act quickly. How to make an omelette? In the reviews, culinary experts advise that you need to pour the mixture while it has not yet fallen off. Now the composition is immediately covered with a lid. Cook the omelette over high heat, it will take about five minutes. After turning off the pan, do not open for another ten minutes, so that the capricious dish does not become less magnificent. According to culinary experts, it is best to serve such an omelet with chopped fresh tomato or parsley.

Omelet with mushrooms in the form

A beautiful serving of an omelet is important. Such a simple and quick dish can be offered even to guests. How to make an omelet interesting for children? Many mothers claim that a beautiful, original presentation solves the problem. For this dish you need to take:

  • a glass of milk;
  • six eggs;
  • salt and pepper;
  • mushrooms and onions.

If desired, the last ingredient can be replaced with any favorite vegetables or fruits. In the latter version, it is also recommended to add a little granulated sugar.

Mushrooms should be taken in such quantity that they are enough to decorate an omelet.

Cooking an omelet with mushrooms

First, onions are fried in vegetable oil. It is better to cut it as small as possible. Then finely chopped mushrooms are also added. The best option is champignons. As soon as they are browned, you can remove them from the pan.

How to make an egg omelette this case? Pour milk into a bowl, beat one egg into it. Spices are also sent here. Black pepper can be substituted for allspice. If the dish is planned for children, then this ingredient can be completely removed. The components are whipped with a whisk, since this dish does not require lush foam from eggs and milk.

V Silicone forms pour the mixture, about half. Now spread the fried onions and mushrooms on top. But about a third of the free space should still remain in the form, otherwise the omelette will simply come out of the dishes. At least, this is what many cooks recommend in their reviews.

How to make an omelette according to this recipe? It is baked in the oven for thirty minutes. At the same time, the oven should be heated to one hundred and eighty degrees. Additional accompaniment to this dish is not required, it is fine as an independent one.

Recipe for a quick omelette in a pan

Often, especially in the morning, there is very little time to prepare breakfast. Then this recipe saves.

How to make an omelette in a pan? You will need:

  • two chicken eggs;
  • a couple of spoons of milk;
  • salt and black pepper.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, without whipping. The pan is greased with butter, a small piece. Glow up. The mixture is poured onto a hot surface. Now the most important! In the process of frying, we reduce the fire, and the composition constantly interferes. It turns out separate lumps of omelette, fried on all sides. Americans love this dish. It is practical and delicious.

You can remove black pepper from the recipe and pour the resulting mixture with honey or jam. How to make an egg omelette quickly? This is the best option!

Omelet in the microwave

For this recipe you need:

  • five eggs;
  • 100 ml. milk;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • butter

What are the benefits of cooking an omelet in the microwave? You do not need to follow him, worrying that the dish will burn. The omelet is tender. However, for the first time, it is still worth paying attention to how long the microwave will cope with cooking.

Eggs and milk are mixed with a whisk, beat lightly. Favorite spices are also sent here.

Butter will be needed to grease the molds. It is worth choosing dishes that are suitable for use in microwave oven. The mixture is poured into the mold, but not to the very edge.

Now you can put the container with the future omelette in the oven. With a power of 800 W, this dish is prepared in just eight minutes. How to make an omelet with milk in a specific microwave model can only be learned by experience.

An omelet is a delicious dish. You can make it both sweet and meaty. Often greens, mushrooms, cheese are combined with it. How to make an omelet from eggs and milk? It is worth remembering that only with high-quality products such a dish will turn out not only tasty, but also healthy. Cooked in the oven beautiful forms an omelette can be festive dish. A quick recipe in the pan will become indispensable for morning cooking.


  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs;
  • butter - 40 grams;
  • salt - 1/4 teaspoon;
  • ground black pepper - 1/4 teaspoon.


  • whipping container - 1 pc;
  • whisk or fork - 1 pc;
  • frying pan with a thick bottom with a diameter of 20 cm - 1 pc.

French omelette recipe for 1 serving (150 grams)

  1. Gently beat the eggs with a fork until homogeneous mass without foam formation. If you beat them too much, the omelette will turn out to be lush, dense and not plastic.
  2. Heat a frying pan over medium heat and add oil. As soon as the oil is completely liquid, pour the egg mass in an even layer. Fry over medium heat for 1-2 minutes.
  3. When the base and edges are baked to golden brown, and the middle remains a little viscous, then the dish is ready. We remove the fire. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  4. We bend two edges to the center in the pan and let it stand for a while, but no more than 15 seconds. And fold it in half again so that it resembles a large waffle tube.
  5. We shift it to a plate, serve it with brown bread and fresh herbs.

How to make an omelette with milk


  • eggs - 4 pcs;
  • milk - 120 grams;
  • salt - 1/4 teaspoon;
  • butter - 40 grams.


  • container with high sides - 1 pc;
  • whisk or fork - 1 pc;

Recipe for an omelette with milk for 2 servings (300 grams):

  1. Take a bowl with high sides and carefully break all 4 eggs into it.
  2. Add salt and start whisking with a whisk or fork until smooth. Eggs, beaten to a dense foam, will make the dish more fluffy.
  3. Pour milk into egg mixture and stir.
  4. Melt the butter in a hot frying pan and pour the resulting egg mass.
  5. Fry on low heat for 5-7 minutes. Omelets tend to burn on thin-bottomed pans because the heat from the burner travels through the bottom too quickly and turns it into a burnt mush.
  6. After the mass almost completely thickens around the edges, cover the pan with a lid and turn off the stove.
  7. Let stand covered for another 15 minutes. During this time, it will completely thicken and finally cook, while not burning from below.
  8. We lay out the dish on plates with a long plastic spatula and serve.

With milk

How to make an omelette with tomatoes


  • eggs - 3 pcs;
  • milk - 100 grams;
  • tomato - 1 medium;
  • salt - 1/2 teaspoon;


  • container for whipping with high sides - 1 pc;
  • whisk or fork - 1 pc;
  • board for cutting vegetables - 1 pc;
  • frying pan with a thick bottom with a diameter of 24 cm - 1 pc.

Recipe for an omelette with tomatoes for 2 servings (350 grams):

  1. In a tall bowl, lightly beat the eggs with a whisk or fork.
  2. Add milk to egg mixture.
  3. On the board, the bow mode is thin half rings.
  4. Pour the oil into a skillet heated over high heat. Add the chopped onion to the oil and fry until light yellow, about 1 minute. Add a small pinch of salt.
  5. While the onion is frying, cut the tomato into medium-sized squares. When the onion is ready, put the tomatoes in the pan and mix them with the onion.
  6. Immediately add the eggs mixed with milk, and shake the pan a little so that the mass is more evenly distributed along the bottom.
  7. Add the remaining salt and pepper.
  8. Reduce the heat to medium and fry for 5-7 minutes until the edges and base are set.
  9. Completely remove the fire, cover with a lid and leave for another 10 minutes until completely baked.
  10. We lay out the finished dish on plates.

How to cook an omelet with sausage


  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • milk - 100 grams;
  • fresh onion - 1 medium head;
  • raw smoked sausage / salami - 100 grams;
  • salt - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • ground black pepper - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • olive / sunflower oil (deodorized, refined) - 1/2 tablespoon.


  • whisk or fork - 1 piece;
  • board for cutting vegetables and sausages - 1 piece;

Sausage omelet recipe for 2 servings (400 grams):

  1. Beat the eggs with a fork in a large bowl. If you don't feel like fiddling with whipping with a fork, then take a clean wide-mouthed milk bottle and carefully pour the eggs into it. Close the lid tightly and start shaking. 10 seconds is enough and the eggs are perfectly beaten.
  2. Add milk to the bowl and whisk a little more.
  3. Pour oil into a heated frying pan and add the onion.
  4. While the onion is frying, cut the sausage into thin strips. To prepare an omelette, it is better to use fragrant varieties of sausage. Boiled or boiled-smoked sausages are not suitable, they will give the dish a not very pleasant aroma.
  5. Add the sausage to the onion and fry a little, no more than 10 seconds.
  6. Pour the egg mixture into the skillet and spread evenly.
  7. Add salt and pepper. If the selected sausage is salty, then the amount of salt can be reduced or not used at all.
  8. Fry over medium heat for about 10 minutes until a dense fried crust forms.
  9. We remove the fire and, without covering with a lid, let the dish stand for a while and reach readiness.
  10. The finished dish is laid out on plates and served with fresh vegetables.

Omelet recipes with tomatoes and sausages can perfectly complement each other; just mix sausage and tomatoes when frying.

How to make spinach omelet


  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • milk - 100 grams;
  • fresh onion - 1 medium head;
  • spinach frozen / fresh - 50 grams;
  • salt - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • black pepper, ground - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • butter - 40 grams.


  • container for whipping with high sides - 1 piece;
  • medium-sized saucepan - 1 piece;
  • whisk or fork - 1 piece;
  • frying pan with a thick bottom with a diameter of 24 cm - 1 piece.

Spinach omelet recipe for 2 servings (320 grams):

  1. If we use fresh spinach, then you need to start cooking with it. We wash the spinach well in running water, since during cultivation and storage, harmful substances and bacteria can get on spinach.
  2. Put the spinach in a saucepan and cover with boiling water for 1 minute. Carefully drain the water and repeat the procedure. After removing excess moisture, lay the spinach leaves on kitchen towel and let dry slightly.
  3. Beat the eggs with a fork in a large bowl until smooth.
  4. Add milk to the bowl with the eggs and beat a little more.
  5. Cut the onion into thin half rings.
  6. Put the oil in a heated frying pan and add the onion.
  7. Fry the onion over high heat until tender golden brown, about half a minute and add a little salt.
  8. While the onion is frying, chop the spinach and add to the onion in the pan. Saute spinach and onion for 1 minute more.
  9. Pour the egg mixture into the skillet and spread it evenly, tossing lightly with the onion and spinach.
  10. Add salt and pepper.
  11. Fry over medium heat for about 5 minutes until the edges are set.
  12. We remove the fire, cover the omelet with a lid and let it stand for a while and reach readiness.
  13. We fold the finished dish in half and arrange on plates.

Omelet with spinach is very tasty and healthy. Spinach is high in antioxidants and folic acid. As they say in some publications, spinach is contraindicated for people suffering urolithiasis from high content oxalates in spinach.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to list all the omelette recipes, because the cooking options popular dish from a mixture of milk and eggs - hundreds. Classic recipe cooking is very simple - just beat 2-3 eggs with a little milk, season the mixture with salt and pepper (you can do without it) and bake the mixture in the oven or fry in a pan. More diet option omelet - cooking in a double boiler. Children's omelettes are best cooked for a couple or in a slow cooker. The same ingredients are used, only oil is not used in the cooking process, which makes the dish more healthy and low-calorie. Sometimes a little flour is added to the egg mixture for density or soda for splendor. For an omelette, it is not necessary to take milk, you can cook a dish of eggs with the addition of sour cream, mayonnaise and even water.

To make the meal more satisfying, appetizing and tasty, a variety of fillers are used. The most common of them are: tomatoes, cheese, sausage or sausages, any greens, mushrooms, green pea, bacon or ham, bell pepper etc. There are a lot of options, so try to experiment a little and come up with your own. original recipe omelet. For the filling, you can also use carrots, zucchini, boiled beef or chicken, shrimp, salmon, ham, corn, spinach, crab sticks and many other ingredients. A wide range of seasonings, spices and herbs: a mixture of peppers, garlic, Provencal herbs, cardamom, saffron, basil, cilantro, etc.

Omelets can be served hot or cold with hot toast, chopped herbs, or any suitable sauce(soy, cream or mayonnaise).

Omelet - preparing food and dishes

In order to make an omelet, you will need a bowl where eggs and milk will be beaten, a whisk or fork (you can also beat the mixture with a blender or mixer), a knife, a cutting board, a measuring cup for milk, a frying pan or a baking dish. Depending on the recipe, additional tools may also be required: vegetable cutters, vegetable peelers and a grater. Omelets are served in regular serving bowls.

Milk should be taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that it has time to warm up to room temperature. All vegetables and herbs should be thoroughly washed, if boiled meat is used in the recipe, cook it in advance. All ingredients are ground in accordance with the recipe, the cheese is grated. You also need to prepare the necessary set of seasonings and spices.

Omelette Recipes:

Recipe 1: Omelet

Classic omelette Made with just two ingredients: milk and eggs. Add some salt and a pinch of black pepper to the mixture. Great dish for early breakfasts!

Required Ingredients:

  • 2 large eggs;
  • Milk - 60-70 g;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • A pinch of black pepper.

Cooking method:

Break the eggs into a bowl, pour in the milk and stir the mixture with a whisk. Add salt to taste, but not too much. You can throw a pinch of black ground pepper. Grease a baking dish with butter and pour in the mixture. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the omelette for 15-20 minutes until full cooking. The omelette should be fluffy golden brown. After cooking, leave the omelet in the oven for another 5 minutes.

Recipe 2: Omelet with banana-curd filling

Great treat for kids and their parents! Omelet pancakes should not be too thick so that it is convenient to wrap the filling in them. The omelette itself is prepared in vegetable oil.

Required Ingredients:

  • 3 large chicken eggs;
  • Starch - 1 tsp;
  • Water - 100 ml;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • 1 banana;
  • Cottage cheese.

Cooking method:

Break the eggs into a bowl, pour in water, add starch and a little salt. Mix the mixture thoroughly. Grease a frying pan with vegetable oil and bake a thin layer of omelette dough over low heat. The result should be 5-6 omelette pancakes. Mix 1 banana with cottage cheese in a blender until smooth. Roll the stuffing into each omelet.

Recipe 3: French Omelette

The classic French omelette is a delicate mixture of eggs and a small amount milk, cheese, mushrooms and leeks. You can also make an omelette large quantity people, the main thing is to follow the rule: for 2 eggs you need to take no more than a third or a quarter of a glass of filler. Try to surprise with it wonderful dish relatives and friends!

Required Ingredients:

  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Milk - 15-20 ml;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Pepper - to taste;
  • Butter - 15 ml;
  • 3 champignons;
  • Leek - 1 pc.;
  • A few lettuce leaves;
  • Sweet pepper - a quarter;
  • hard cheese- 30 y.

Cooking method:

We cut the onion into small rings, mushrooms into thin slices. We rub the cheese on a grater. First, fry the leek in a pan, then spread the mushrooms and fry together for 7-10 minutes. Cut the pepper into strips, finely chop the lettuce. beat eggs with milk, season with salt and pepper, add herbs. Melt the butter in a frying pan and pour in the egg mixture. We spread the mushrooms with onions, sprinkle everything with cheese. We fold the finished omelette in half, put a lettuce leaf in the middle and Bell pepper. Serve hot.

Recipe 4: Omelet with sausages and vegetables

Turn regular omelette into the present work culinary arts by adding sausages, cheese, vegetables and greens to the egg mixture! Men will especially like such a multi-component dish, as it turns out to be very satisfying and nutritious. Great option for family dinner.

Required Ingredients:

  • Leek - 2 pcs.;
  • 3 milk sausages;
  • 2 sweet peppers;
  • 1 large ripe tomato;
  • 80-90 g of cheese;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 220-230 ml of milk;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Black ground pepper - to taste;
  • dried basil;
  • Any greens;
  • 2 tablespoons flour (with a slide);
  • A quarter teaspoon of soda;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Butter spoon.

Cooking method:

We wash all vegetables and herbs. Cut the onion into small rings, chop the greens, cut the pepper into cubes. We cut sausages into circles. We rub the cheese on a grater, cut the tomato into small cubes. Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the onion for a few minutes. Then put the pepper, simmer for another 3 minutes. Next come sausages - fry until browned. Break the eggs into a bowl, beat with a whisk or a mixer, add salt and pepper and basil, pour in the milk. Whisk the mixture thoroughly. Put tomatoes in a pan with herbs and sausages and simmer for a few minutes. Mix flour with baking soda and add to eggs. Beat the mixture with a mixer. Pour the contents of the pan with the egg mixture and sprinkle with herbs and cheese. Cover the pan with a lid and bake the omelet until cooked through on low heat. The finished omelet should turn out tender and fluffy with a delicious cheese crust.

Recipe 5: Omelet with sour cream "Summer"

Omelet from egg-sour cream mixture - great option for summer breakfast. Tomatoes, zucchini and bacon are used as a filler.

Required Ingredients:

  • 2 large eggs;
  • 30 ml homemade sour cream;
  • 50-60 g of cheese;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • A pinch of black ground pepper;
  • 1-2 ripe tomatoes;
  • Half a small zucchini;
  • 60 g bacon;
  • A spoonful of vegetable oil - for frying.

Cooking method:

Cut the zucchini into thin sticks, tomatoes into small slices. Cut the bacon into small cubes. Heat oil in a frying pan and add vegetables and bacon. Fry over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for 12-14 minutes. Grate cheese on a medium grater, beat eggs and sour cream in a bowl. Add salt and pepper to the egg mixture, put the cheese. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Pour the mixture of vegetables with bacon, fry the omelette for about 10 minutes over low heat. This omelette is good both hot and cold.

Recipe 6: Japanese Shrimp Omelet

Dedicated to all seafood lovers! Diversify an ordinary omelet with shrimp, ham, vegetables and herbs. Omelette "Japanese" is very spicy and fragrant, thanks to the soy sauce and paprika included in the composition.

Required Ingredients:

  • 6 chicken eggs;
  • 200 g small peeled shrimp;
  • 160 g of ham;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 st. l. butter and soy sauce;
  • a teaspoon of paprika;
  • Several sprigs of parsley;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

Finely chop the onion. Rinse peppers, remove seeds with stalks, cut into thin sticks. Cut the ham into cubes and fry in vegetable oil, then put bell pepper and onion to the ham, simmer for another 5-6 minutes. Add peeled shrimp to vegetables and ham and fry for three minutes. Beat the eggs with salt and paprika, pour the contents of the pan with the mixture. Fry the omelet until cooked through for 4-5 minutes. cut into portioned pieces, pour soy sauce and serve hot with parsley sprigs.

- To make the omelette lush, add a little flour to the mixture - one and a half spoons will be enough;

- So that the omelette has a tender creamy taste, add a little sour cream to the milk-egg mixture;

classical proportion for an omelette: for 1 large egg, 2-3 tbsp. l. milk;

- The onion does not need to be fried to a golden color, it is important that it is just soft. Otherwise, the onion in the omelet will be baked;

- Ham or sausage can be pre-fried and not fried - if desired.