What sauce goes well with chicken. Chicken stew with gravy - an easy recipe

Chicken meat is one of the most inexpensive food products in Russia. From this wonderful bird you can cook at least about 100 various dishes, not counting offal (liver, stomachs, hearts). Sauces for chicken products came to us from french cuisine, were loved for their simplicity and are widely used to this day.

Sauces for chicken meat are prepared mainly in chicken broth, they are also very diverse: they are simple and complex, with a rich amount of ingredients. In this article, we will describe how to make sauces for chicken depending on the method of preparation.

Oriental sauce for boiled chicken

Dish for romantic dinner impregnated with the magic of the east.

Ingredients for oriental sauce.

  • onion - 2 heads,
  • garlic -3 cloves,
  • wine vinegar- 10 ml,
  • cilantro - 1 bunch,
  • walnuts peeled - 400 gr.,
  • broth - 500 ml,
  • chicken yolks - 2 tbsp. salt,
  • pepper.

Sauce preparation oriental.

  1. Crush nuts, garlic, cilantro and salt in a mortar, or you can grind in a blender. Pour the nut mixture into a saucepan.
  2. Finely chop the onion and put in a saucepan with crushed nuts and garlic.
  3. Pour wine vinegar, broth into the mass, pepper to taste and mix well. Put on fire and boil for several minutes, stirring constantly.
  4. Remove the fire sauce. Beat the yolks and dilute with 200 milliliters of the cooled mass and mix vigorously. Gently fold the yolk mixture into the main sauce, stirring to prevent the yolks from curdling.
  5. Cut the boiled chicken into portions, pour over with nut sauce, garnish with tomato slices and sweet pepper sticks, parsley and dill sprigs.

Mushroom with tomatoes and sour cream sauce for baked chicken stuffed with rice

Ingredients for mushroom sauce with tomatoes and sour cream:

  • white dry mushrooms - 25 gr.,
  • onion - 30 gr.,
  • tomatoes - 40 gr.,
  • sour cream - 90 gr.,
  • oil - 45 gr.,
  • flour -20 gr.,
  • water - 400 ml,
  • spices.

Making mushroom sauce

By itself, baked chicken, stuffed boiled rice gorgeous, and with this sauce will go with a bang

  1. Pour dry mushrooms with water and soak for several hours. Then remove the mushrooms, rinse, pour the amount of water prescribed according to the recipe and boil until soft. Then remove the mushrooms from the broth and cut into cubes. Strain the broth and cool.
  2. Cut into half rings and fry the onion butter, add mushrooms to it, sprinkle with flour and brown a little. Put the mixture in a saucepan or saucepan and pour the broth.
  3. Grate the tomato or chop in a blender, add the tomatoes to the mushrooms, salt and cook, stirring for 15 minutes.
  4. Then add sour cream to the sauce, pepper, mix and cook for another 7 minutes.
  5. Pour into suitable dishes sauce and serve. With steamed rice and baked chicken, this gravy works great.

Very tasty and easy sauce. A dish of German cuisine.

Cream Sauce Ingredients:

  • onion - 2 heads,
  • sour cream - 150 gr.,
  • water -150 ml,
  • olive oil - 50 gr.,
  • flour - 25 gr.,
  • spices.

Making sour cream sauce for fried chicken

  1. Prepare the onion, cut into half rings and fry in oil until golden brown.
  2. Add flour to the onion and fry it a little, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps.
  3. Mix sour cream with water in equal proportions and pour into onion sauce. Salt the sauce, pepper and simmer for a few minutes.
  4. Pour the fried chicken with sauce and cook over low heat for about half an hour. It will be very tasty.

Famous and very easy to prepare french sauce bechamel is very suitable for chicken dishes. It is cooked with milk, cream or chicken broth. You can add dill or parsley to it. This will give the sauce a subtle flavor note.

Bechamel Sauce Ingredients:

  • cream - 150 ml,
  • flour - 25 gr.,
  • butter - 30 gr.,
  • salt - to taste,
  • nutmeg- at the tip of a knife
  • dill -15 gr.

Preparation of bechamel sauce.

  1. Melt the butter in a saucepan.
  2. Sprinkle the melted butter with flour and fry until golden brown.
  3. Pour in small portions, constantly stirring the cream, salt and add nutmeg.
  4. In order to avoid lumps, it is necessary to stir the sauce continuously for 10 minutes.
  5. Remove the sauce from the heat, strain through a sieve, put chopped dill greens into it and pour into a saucepan.

Pineapple sauce for fried chicken

Exquisite, aromatic gravy, according to an American recipe, which is suitable not only for fried chicken, but also boiled or baked. It is better to choose fresh pineapples for it.

Pineapple Sauce Ingredients:

  • Orange juice- 125 ml,
  • cornmeal - 25 gr.,
  • chicken fat - 30 gr.,
  • lemon juice- 25 ml,
  • orange peel -30 gr.,
  • pineapple pulp - 120 gr.,
  • water - 200 ml.

Making pineapple sauce

  1. On chicken fat. Fat can be rendered from the skin of the thigh part of the carcass, fried cornmeal to a golden hue.
  2. Pour the orange and lemon juices into the flour, the ox and heat the gravy on the stove until it thickens.
  3. Put in grated food orange peel and finely chopped pineapple pulp cubes. Mix the sauce well, pour into a gravy boat and serve to the chickens.

Dishes from chicken meat are to the liking of many people, and when served with sauce, such a treat will be remembered for a long time.

Recipes for sauces for chicken are available in in large numbers and each of them is unique. The most delicious and popular are garlic-mushroom, soy, milk and tomato sauces. Usually they are used by adherents of traditional tastes, and lovers of something new try to try sauces with original ingredients. There are also many such recipes, these include - Mexican salsa with the addition of coconut flakes and lime, sauce with hot pepper chili, almonds and sweet paprika.

When added to sauce for chicken cranberries, cherries, oranges and gingers, you can get sweet and sour sauce, which also will not leave you indifferent.

A variety of sauces for chicken allows you to choose the most pleasant one for yourself, which will help the dish to open up especially brightly.

How to make white chicken sauce

This sauce perfectly emphasizes the taste of baked or boiled chicken.

Preparation time 20 minutes, designed for 5 servings.

In the composition of the "White" sauce for chicken, you need to take the following products:

One leek;

One glass of 20% cream;

2 tablespoons of olive oil;

2 tablespoons breadcrumbs;

Lemon zest;

Spices to your liking.

How to prepare "White" sauce for chicken:

The tender part of the leek should be cut into thin rings and lightly crushed with your hands. Then it is fried until golden brown in a pan. Then add cream and simmer over low heat until it boils. It will take no more than 2 minutes. Then add salt, ground pepper and lemon zest. Just try to remove the zest without touching the white part, as it can give bitterness. The next component will be breadcrumbs, add them and stir well. The sauce will become thick, remove it from heat and beat until smooth in a blender. As it cools, the sauce will thicken. The density of the sauce, at your discretion, can be adjusted by adding breadcrumbs.

For lovers of something hotter, you can cook spicy sauce for chicken.

To prepare hot sauce for chicken, we will take:

Tomato sauce 300 g;

Parsley or cilantro 50 g;

Garlic 4 cloves;

Spicy sauce"Tabasco" 3 drops;

Balsamic vinegar 1 tablespoon and spices to taste.

Hot sauce cooks for 5 minutes, it can season 6 servings.

How to prepare hot sauce for chicken:

All cooking is based on mixing the prepared ingredients; you don’t have to boil, evaporate and stew. Chop fresh herbs, garlic and mix with tomato sauce, balsamic vinegar and Tabasco, seasoned with spices. Hot sauce can be made at the very last moment, when the chicken is ready.

It is worth trying to prepare sweet and sour sauce for chicken dishes. The sauce will reveal new taste sensations, such a simple product like a chicken.

To prepare a sauce with a sweet and sour taste for chicken, you need to prepare:

2 small onions;

A small piece of ginger root;

2 garlic cloves;

2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;

2 tablespoons sherry and soy sauce;

1 spoon of vinegar;

3 tablespoons of ketchup;

2 tablespoons of sugar;

125 ml unsweetened fruit juice (pineapple, orange);

1 tablespoon of starch;

2 tablespoons of water.

15 minutes prep time for 3 servings.

We will prepare sweet and sour sauce for chicken as follows:

Finely chop the onion, garlic and ginger and fry in a pan for no more than 2 minutes. Mix soy sauce, vinegar, sherry, juice, ketchup and sugar together in a saucepan. Set on fire and bring to a boil. Separately, dilute the starch in water and pour it into a saucepan with spices in a thin stream. Simmer for a few more minutes until the sauce thickens. It can be served in a gravy boat or watering the finished dish.

Chicken - regular dish. But if you know how to cook it in a non-standard way, then you can get a real festive extravaganza of taste from a familiar dinner. Experienced housewives know a lot delicious recipes, post the results of their efforts in the form of photos in in social networks. Anyone can repeat culinary feats - the main thing is to choose the right sauce.

Sauce recipes for chicken in the oven

The white meat of domestic birds is considered beneficial for health. Chicken in sauce in the oven is often cooked and found in the cuisines of all peoples of the world. This dish is always delicious, simple and quick to make. The bird is undemanding to equipment, but with soft bones, tender meat any knife will do. For many, chicken in the oven with gravy after the first experiments becomes a favorite. holiday recipe, and it’s nice to post photos of new ideas on social networks.

Honey sauce for chicken in the oven

  • Time: 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 3-4 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 186 kcal / 100 g.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The recipe is suggested based on 500 g of chicken. Spicy Recipe able to boast interesting taste, a combination of sweet and spicy. Culinary beginners are advised to carefully combine spices. Note to lovers of beauty and collecting food photos: the result of efforts is beautiful, with bright colors. golden crust- perfect for photography.


  • honey - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • soy sauce - 5-6 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • ground ginger - 2 teaspoons;
  • curry - 2-3 teaspoons;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. The sauce is prepared separately from the chicken.
  2. Grate the garlic on a fine grater.
  3. Take soy sauce.
  4. Melt honey. Pour into sauce. Mix thoroughly.
  5. Season the mixture with garlic, spices, salt.
  6. While cooking, gradually add the sauce, making sure that the chicken is evenly soaked with it. 70 minutes is the total cooking time.


  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 278 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: for chicken, for lunch or dinner.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Soy sauce provides a salty taste, so the sauce does not need additional salting. Mustard can be chosen as traditional Russian, with increased causticity or bitterness, as well as European varieties with a milder "temperament". The amount of garlic depends on the intensity of the flavor and the spiciness of the base ingredient. Dill is traditionally used dried, but can be replaced with fresh.


  • mustard - 2-2.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • dill - 1 teaspoon;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • wine or wine vinegar - 2 teaspoons.

Cooking method:

  1. Cooking begins with the fact that you need to grate the garlic.
  2. Then connect the components.
  3. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Pour carefully into the dish.
  5. Care must be taken to ensure that the chicken meat is soaked in the sauce.

Sour cream with onions and carrots

  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 320 kcal / 100 g.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

The proposed option will be not only a sauce or gravy. It can be turned into a complete side dish. If you like vegetables, just double or triple the proportions of onions, carrots, bell peppers. It is permissible to add other vegetables: potatoes or Jerusalem artichoke, mushrooms are appropriate - they often use champignons, porcini, milk mushrooms. Healthy lifestyle enthusiasts may prefer cauliflower, broccoli.


  • sour cream, kefir or low-fat mayonnaise- 200 g;
  • bell pepper- 1 PC;
  • onion- 1 PC;
  • carrots - 2-3 pieces;
  • flour - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, parsley, dried or fresh basil - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut vegetables into medium cubes.
  2. Beat sour cream, spices, flour in a blender until smooth.
  3. Combine with vegetables.
  4. The future gravy is poured into the pan after the chicken has already been fried a little.
  5. In the future, the dish is closed with a lid and stewed. The meat must be turned over periodically.


  • Time: 60 minutes.
  • Number of servings: for 5-6 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 180 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: to the main dish.
  • Cuisine: Turkish.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Turkish cuisine is famous for its spicy, spicy, appetizing recipes. The proposed option is no exception. He will remind you of heat, summer, rest. It goes well with red wine. With the quantity, proportions of spices, it is quite acceptable to conduct experiments. Every Turkish chef has his own secret recipe this sauce.


  • tomato sauce or juice - 150 g;
  • fresh onion- 1 PC.;
  • garlic - 2-4 cloves;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • salt, marjoram, rosemary, ground pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Fry the onion until transparent.
  2. Add garlic.
  3. When the garlic is browned, place the prepared chicken in the pan.
  4. Fill with mixture tomato sauce and spices.
  5. Add a quarter cup of water.
  6. The dish is fully prepared within an hour.

From oranges

  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Servings: 5-6 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 240 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: for lunch or dinner.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: above average.

Have you heard about the semi-legendary dish - duck with oranges? Remember that the main thing is not at all an exotic duck for the Russian table. It is really quite acceptable to replace the meat with duck, goose or turkey, but the sauce remains the same - spicy, sweet and sour, with a pleasant interesting bitterness, very tender and refined. Honey provides additional sweetness, sesame oil provides a rich aroma.


  • large orange - 1 pc;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • basil, coriander, parsley, paprika - 0.5 tsp each;
  • sesame oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • starch or flour - depending on the desired density;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Squeeze juice from an orange. Put on fire.
  2. Heat honey to a liquid state, add oil.
  3. Combine honey with oil and orange juice.
  4. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
  5. At the end, add spices, starch, mix thoroughly.
  6. The sauce can be used both directly at once, and after some time. It is recommended to let it cool down.


  • Time: 15-20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: for 4-5 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 310 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: for lunch or dinner.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

This recipe is good to use in combination with low-fat chickens, for example, tobacco chicken. Fans of a healthy lifestyle replace mayonnaise with sour cream, kefir. Use instead of melted cheese hard varieties, if you want to achieve greater sharpness, piquancy. Of the spices, rosemary, coriander are well suited, you can even add a little cinnamon.


  • low-fat mayonnaise - 150 g;
  • processed cheese - 50 g;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Grate the garlic as finely as possible.
  2. Grate processed cheese.
  3. Mix the ingredients.
  4. Beat with a blender until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained.
  5. When spreading in the casserole dish, make sure the chicken is completely covered by the sauce.

Lemon with spices

  • Time: 15-25 minutes.
  • Servings: 5-6 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 124 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: for baking.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: above average.

Sour, refreshing, spicy, uplifting - even if you don't like it unusual sauces, you'll love this one. The fruit indicated among the list items - lime - can be replaced with juice, apple cider vinegar. The lemon for the sauce must be very large, ripe, without dark spots or other imperfections. Some housewives add a medium-sized mandarin, nectarine - the result is sweeter.


  • large lemon - 1 pc;
  • lime - 1 piece
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sesame seeds - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • marjoram - 0.5 tsp;
  • dried basil - 0.5 tsp;
  • curry - 0.5 tsp;
  • water;
  • corn starch - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • salt to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Squeeze juice from lemon and lime, add sugar, put on fire.
  2. Gradually add starch, water, stir constantly.
  3. Add spices, salt.
  4. Achieve a smooth medium consistency.
  5. Cool down.

With yogurt and herbs

  • Time: 10 minutes.
  • Servings: 4-6 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 98 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: for dishes from fish, poultry.
  • Cuisine: Mediterranean.
  • Difficulty: very easy.

This is a sauce that can be prepared if you know that guests will be arriving in ten minutes. The recipe is nowhere simpler, the ingredients are the most ordinary, sold in any supermarket. Cooking does not require attention, reaching the desired temperature, or other difficulties. To all other advantages, you can add the fact that the sauce is low-calorie, suitable for people on a diet, athletes, fans of a healthy lifestyle.


  • unsweetened yogurt- 200 ml;
  • parsley - 30 g;
  • cilantro - 20 g;
  • olive oil- 50 g;
  • apple or balsamic vinegar - 1 teaspoon;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse greens, finely chop.
  2. Mix everything in a blender.
  3. Can be served as independent dish.

Italian tomato cheese sauce

  • Time: 30-40 minutes.
  • Number of servings: for 4-5 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 200 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: for the main course
  • Cuisine: Italian.
  • Difficulty: above average.

Traditional italian sauce served not only with chicken. It is a traditional part of many pasta varieties. Cast chicken gravy italian dish will reveal its full potential - sweet and sour, spicy thanks to garlic, onions, oregano. Delicate because of the cheese, it smells delicious and goes well with the rest of the ingredients. The composition is useful - it uses natural products, proven by centuries of national cuisine.


  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • mozzarella or processed cheese - 100 g.
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • oregano - 1 tablespoon;
  • fresh tomatoes - 3 pcs;
  • canned tomatoes - 400 g.
  • ketchup - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 0.5 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut vegetables.
  2. Remove skin and seeds from fresh tomatoes.
  3. Heat oil, put onion, garlic.
  4. Add cheese, wait for melting.
  5. Add canned tomatoes, ketchup, sugar, seasonings with salt.
  6. Add after 20 minutes fresh tomatoes.
  7. Simmer until a uniform consistency is obtained.


There are dishes in the cuisines of various nations that are prepared very simply and easily, but this does not make their taste worse. with gravy is one such dish. It does not require exquisite ingredients, and any housewife is able to cook it, even not yet very experienced in home cooking. In addition, the chicken gravy included in the composition allows for many variations, so you can always bring something new, your own to the recipe. Well, how about we cook?

Braised chicken with gravy. Basic recipe

We will need: chicken carcass, salt for rubbing, vegetable oil, two medium carrots, a couple of onions, fresh herbs- a bunch of basil, a bunch of parsley, a couple of tablespoons of wheat flour, a couple of cloves of garlic, spices to taste (the main thing is without busting). Chicken is better to take store (broiler), not too big. And be sure to try to buy not frozen, but chilled. If chicken stew with gravy is prepared from a frozen product, then it must first be gently thawed (for example, when room temperature in the kitchen).

Cooking is simple

  1. We thoroughly wash the main product. We cut the carcass into neat small pieces (it is allowed to purchase already chopped parts, for example, thighs or others, but it is especially tasty when white meat alternates with red).
  2. Put the prepared chicken in large saucepan and fill with clean water (about 2 liters will be enough). Bring to a boil, remove the heat and remove the foam. Cook on low gas for about an hour.
  3. At this time, in a frying pan in vegetable oil (it is better to take olive oil, but you can also use ordinary, sunflower oil), fry chopped onions and carrots.
  4. We take out the chicken from the pan and transfer it to a cauldron (in its absence, you can use a deep frying pan with high edges). There, a little chicken broth(and the remaining in the pan can be used later for soup) and vegetables fried in a pan. You can add flour and a spoon to vegetables tomato paste, spices and salt. Don't forget to mix. As spices, if unsure, feel free to use a mixture of ground peppers, which is now popular. Just note that some salt is already included in its composition - do not over-salt the dish. This chicken sauce will give the meat extra juiciness and softness.
  5. We simmer the mass for another 15 minutes on the smallest fire (more is possible: for those who want to ensure that the meat melts in the mouth). Chicken stew with gravy is almost ready.
  6. Just before cooking, add chopped herbs and garlic. Turn off the heat, cover with a lid and let it brew (another 15-20 minutes).

How to serve?

Chicken stew with gravy is served on the table as a full-fledged independent dish. As a garnish, you can use such simple cereals, like rice or buckwheat, cooked crumbly. Can be submitted with mashed potatoes or cook boiled potatoes and salad from fresh cucumbers and cabbage - it turns out very harmoniously, and sets off the chicken taste.

In a slow cooker

Stewed chicken with gravy in a slow cooker is prepared as easy as shelling pears. The main thing is the presence of the device in your kitchen. Next, we perform all the preparatory steps with the ingredients (see basic recipe). Pour a little into the multicooker bowl vegetable oil and lay the bird (by the way, try using the breast: it turns out very gently). Fry until half cooked in the "Frying" or "Baking" mode (up to 30 minutes, approximately according to the timer). We introduce onions and carrots after this procedure. Pour a spoonful of tomato paste mixed with broth or water (or a glass fresh juice tomatoes) so that the liquid almost covers the meat. Simmer until done for another half an hour. good side dish there will be young boiled potatoes, you can serve a salad from fresh vegetables and herbs, seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice. Do not forget to pepper and pour over the prepared side dish with gravy.

Variations on a theme

The most common variation is to replace tomato paste (if someone does not like this taste) with sour cream. You get a chic white gravy with vegetables, which you can water the side dish. And you can serve chicken as a separate dish, generously pouring it large quantity a mixture suitable for dipping fresh bread.

Chicken breast is especially popular with housewives, due to the fact that it has a low calorie content, it is quickly prepared and very well absorbed by the body. A lot of meat dishes marinated and cooked with gravy. Sauces for chicken different tastes help the food to open up in a new way, acquiring interesting flavors and aromas.

Chicken breast sauce recipes

To prepare delicious sauces for chicken, all kinds of products are used: vegetables, fruits, seasonings, spices, mushrooms and cheeses. Each ingredient gives the breast a unique flavor and aroma. Rediscover the usual chicken fillet in a new way with unusual gravies. When starting to prepare such a treat for the first time, use step by step master classes with photo.

Sauce for chicken breast with mayonnaise

  • Time: 2 hours 15 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 234 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If you are looking for options delicious cooking chicken breast, then gravy for chicken based on mayonnaise and sour cream is one of the most simple ways. The set of products in the recipe is simple, the process does not take much time, but the sauce is very tender with creamy taste and spicy notes of garlic. It is worth noting that this dressing is used by lovers of meat treats more often, thanks to a simple set of products.


  • mayonnaise - 50 ml;
  • sour cream (15% fat) - 100 ml;
  • olives - 8 pcs.;
  • fresh dill - a few branches;
  • garlic - 3 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix mayonnaise with sour cream in a saucepan.
  2. Pass the garlic through the press, add to the sour cream-mayonnaise mass, mix.
  3. Finely chop the dill and olives, pour into the dressing, mix again. If desired, you can add a little ketchup or tomato paste to give a beautiful shade and piquant flavor.
  4. Put the finished dish in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
  5. Serve the gravy over the chicken breast.

From sour cream

  • Time: 1 hour 15 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 125 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

It is believed that gravies prepared on the basis of fermented milk products, are most suitable for meat, especially chicken. This fact is due to the fact that these products are perfectly combined and in the aggregate are better absorbed. In addition to garlic, nutmeg adds spice to sour cream sauce, but you can add other spices at your discretion. Chicken stewed in this dressing is very tasty, tender and fragrant. If you take sour cream with a low percentage of fat content, then the dish will also come out low in calories, which is useful for people who control their weight.


  • sour cream - 200 ml;
  • water - 70 ml;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • nutmeg - ¼ tsp;
  • salt, black ground pepper- taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Dilute sour cream with water and mix thoroughly.
  2. Add crushed garlic, flour, nutmeg and spices. Mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
  3. Pour sour cream sauce fried on vegetable oil chicken breast, cover and simmer over low heat.
  4. Turn off and let the dish brew for half an hour.

bere blanc

  • Time: 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 277 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The recipe for chicken breast sauce originated in France and means " white oil". It is a thick white mass made from butter, which must be cold, and not softened at room temperature. Such gravy is suitable not only for the breast, but for wings, drumsticks, other parts of the chicken, as well as fish. To make the dish tasty, take natural oil with the highest percentage of fat.


  • butter - 220 g;
  • shallots - 2 pcs.;
  • white dry wine- 220 ml;
  • wine vinegar - 30 ml;
  • lemon juice - 10 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop shallots, place in a saucepan.
  2. Pour in the wine with vinegar and put on slow fire.
  3. Boil the mass until all the liquid has evaporated.
  4. Remove the butter from the refrigerator, cut into several pieces and add one at a time, stirring constantly.
  5. When the butter is completely melted, add spices, pour in lemon juice, stir well. To obtain a more uniform, delicate consistency, grind the mass through a sieve.

Cranberry sauce for chicken breast

  • Time: 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 44 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: American.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If you think perfect combination poultry meat with sweet and sour gravy, then be sure to try the recipe for chicken meat sauce with cranberries. The dish is prepared very simply, there are no unusual ingredients in the composition of the products, but taste qualities chickens are not just complemented, but revealed from a new side. You can serve gravy with fish, pork, duck, turkey. If you want to make the treat a little spicier, add ground black pepper to taste.


  • orange juice - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • lemon juice - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • cranberries - 5 tbsp.;
  • honey - ¼ tbsp.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • orange peel - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. In a saucepan, mix 2 types of juice with honey, put on a slow fire and cook for 5 minutes.
  2. Put the cranberries, boil for another 5 minutes.
  3. Add salt, continue to cook for another 5 minutes.
  4. Put the orange zest, leave on the fire for another minute, remove from the stove. If you want to get a more uniform consistency, puree the mass with a blender.


  • Time: 45 minutes.
  • Servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 30 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Chicken in orange sauce turns out delicious with an amazing citrus aroma. This dish would look great festive table and disappear in minutes. The amount of sugar and honey can be reduced so that the dressing is not so sweet, or vice versa, add pepper, mustard, spices to give the dish a sharpness and piquant flavor.


  • oranges - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • lemon juice, grain mustard, honey - optional;
  • salt, water.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour boiling water over citruses, cut into 2 parts, squeeze the juice into a separate container.
  2. Cut the remaining pulp and zest small pieces, put in a small saucepan, pour water so that it covers the fruit mass.
  3. Boil for 15 minutes, strain.
  4. Pour in orange juice, add salt, sugar, simmer for another quarter of an hour.
  5. The sauce is already ready, but at this stage you can add other components as desired.
  6. Use the resulting dressing to marinate chicken breast, wings, drumsticks before further frying in a pan, stewing or baking in the oven.


  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 124 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Dressing for chicken with mushrooms and tomatoes is very tender, with homogeneous consistency, a beautiful pink color. The set of products includes a lot of fresh vegetables, which is useful in combination with poultry meat for diet food. Mushrooms take those that you love more, but they must be fresh. Choose the fat content of sour cream, starting from what calorie content you want to get gravy.


  • tomatoes - 200 g;
  • mushrooms - 200 g;
  • zucchini - 300 g;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • sour cream - 50 ml;
  • onion - 100 g;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the skin from the zucchini, remove the seeds, cut them and tomatoes into half rings.
  2. Finely chop the onion, fry in oil with tomatoes, zucchini. Add 250 ml of water, simmer for about 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse the mushrooms well, cut, fry separately until tender.
  4. Connect fried mushrooms with other vegetables, pour in sour cream, add spices, puree.

with parmesan

  • Time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 276 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: Italian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Cheese-based chicken breast sauce gives the bird a special taste and aroma. The cream and butter included in the list of ingredients give the gravy a delicate aftertaste, and the cheese gives a thick texture. The combination of this gravy with chicken meat is a classic culinary arts. For beauty and additional flavor, add finely chopped fresh herbs to the product set.


  • butter - 30 g;
  • parmesan - 100 g;
  • cream (fat) - 150 ml;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Put the oil in a frying pan and put on a slow fire.
  2. After the butter has melted, start pouring the cream in a thin stream, stirring constantly.
  3. Add spices, wait until it boils, turn on the heat and simmer for another 5 minutes, without ceasing to interfere.
  4. Remove the sauce from the stove, add the grated cheese, stir until completely dissolved. Serve hot with chicken breast.

with ginger

  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 318 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Fans of spicy food should try the sauce for chicken breast with ginger. In combination with other ingredients, it turns out sweet and sour with a spicy bitterness, which you can adjust by changing the amount of ginger in the recipe. In addition to the delicious unique taste, the dressing also has a wonderful aroma, which can be enhanced with fresh herbs or spicy spices.


  • soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • honey - 40 ml;
  • olive oil - 40 ml;
  • lemon juice - 40 ml;
  • ginger root - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt honey in a small saucepan, pour in soy sauce, lemon juice, mix. Keep cooking.
  2. Peel the ginger, finely chop, add to the rest of the ingredients, stir.
  3. Pour in the oil, stir, remove from heat, let it brew for about 40 minutes.

with avocado

  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 163 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

This sauce recipe is one of the simplest, it includes a minimum of ingredients, it is prepared in a matter of minutes, but it turns out amazingly tasty. This gravy is suitable for both fried, baked chicken breast, and boiled. If you replace cream in the recipe with natural yogurt or low-percentage sour cream, then the sauce can be used to prepare diet meals.


  • avocado - 150 g;
  • cream - 150 g;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the avocado, remove the pit, and rub the pulp through a sieve.
  2. Pour in the cream, add salt to taste, puree the mass with a blender.

Creamy with mustard and thyme

  • Time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 194 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Chicken breast baked with mustard and thyme sauce is very tender, soft and insanely fragrant. Cream gives a special charm to the dish, garlic gives spicy notes, and ruddy cheese crust looks appetizing. In addition, the treat has a beautiful appearance. The amount of gravy is calculated per kilogram of chicken fillet, which is beaten off and then fried on both sides.

Here she is, beauty, lies in all its glory,

Everyone loves ruddy chicken!

Indeed, it is difficult to find someone who would not like a fragrant chicken, which there are many ways to cook. And on the festive table, and on a quiet ordinary family dinner fried, boiled, stewed, grilled or barbecued chicken meat is a real little holiday for relatives and friends. Well, if you serve such meat under delicious sauce to emphasize the taste of the cooked dish, then it will simply be impossible to refuse such a treat.

There are many recipes for chicken sauces, both classic and original. Thanks to this magnificent variety, it became possible to choose exactly the version of the sauce that can most clearly reveal real taste chicken meat. To date, the most common sauces for chicken are sour cream, milk, cheese, tomato, cheese-garlic or garlic-mushroom. lovers sweet and sour sauces there is also plenty to choose from: cherry, ginger-based orange, cranberry sauces for chicken or cauliflower sauce with tomatoes can delight even the most demanding gourmets.

Sauces for chicken can be roughly divided into “quick”, from the category of “mixed and ready”, and those with which you have to tinker a bit. They are all good, each in their own way. Choose and cook with pleasure!

Sour cream sauce for chicken

½ stack sour cream
greens - to taste,
salt pepper.

Mix sour cream with herbs and mix in a blender until smooth, salt and pepper to taste. Instead of sour cream, you can use kefir or light yogurt without additives. From this, the sauce will acquire a new original shade, while remaining delicious. sour cream sauce serve with a ready meal or use as a filling when roasting chicken.

Sour cream sauce with horseradish and walnuts for chicken

400 g sour cream
2 tbsp finished shit,
2 tbsp crushed kernels walnuts.

Mix sour cream with ready-made horseradish and crushed walnut kernels. This sauce should be prepared just before serving.

Avocado cream sauce for chicken

1 part heavy cream
1 part avocado
salt - to taste.

Peel the avocado from the peel, rub through a sieve and, gradually adding heavy cream, beat the mass with a mixer and lightly salt. This sauce is ideal for fried or boiled chicken.

sweet and sour chinese sauce for chicken

400 g canned red beans
a mixture of five spices: 2 tsp each. ginger, anise seeds, fennel, cinnamon and cloves,
2 tbsp red wine vinegar,
1 tbsp sesame oil,
3 tbsp molasses,
1 tbsp Sahara.

Just before preparing the sauce, mix the spices and grind them in a mortar so that they better retain their flavor. Mix the prepared spices with beans and molasses in a blender until smooth. Season the resulting mixture with vinegar and sesame oil, add sugar and mix thoroughly. This sweet and sour sauce is perfect for fatty chicken. If you grease it with sauce and bake in the oven, it turns out juicy, fragrant and very appetizing.

Georgian peanut sauce for chicken

1 stack peeled walnuts,
100 ml pomegranate juice
150 ml of water
2-3 garlic cloves,
2-3 tbsp chopped green cilantro,
1 tsp red pepper,
1 tsp hops-suneli,
½ tsp saffron,
½ tsp coriander,
salt - to taste.

Grind nuts, garlic and salt until smooth. Add the rest of the spices and mix thoroughly again. Pomegranate juice mix with boiled water and dilute the nut-spicy mass with this mixture, stirring it constantly.

Honey Ginger Sauce for Chicken

5 tbsp soy sauce,
3 tbsp honey,
2 tbsp mustard,
1 tsp fresh minced ginger root
salt - to taste.

Whisk the soy sauce with the mustard and honey until smooth, then add the ginger and salt to taste.

And these recipes will make you spend more time in the kitchen, but believe me, the result is worth it.

Sour cream sauce with apples and spinach for chicken

100 g sour cream
200 g spinach
200 g apples
100 g green tarragon,
salt - to taste.

Boil spinach well washed and cut into small pieces in water and rub through a sieve along with the broth. Also wash the apples, peel, cut into pieces and boil in a small amount water, rub together with the broth through a sieve. Mix sour cream with grated apples and spinach, chopped tarragon, salt and beat with a mixer.

white sauce on cream or milk for chicken

400 g cream (milk),
50 g butter,
50 g flour
¼ tsp salt.

Whisking constantly, sauté the flour over the melted butter. Then, in small portions, add boiling cream or milk to the browning, salt and beat well so that there are no lumps. In such a base sauce, you can add sautéed spicy vegetables such as onion, celery root or parsley.

Milk Bean Cream Sauce for Chicken

200 g cream
200 g milk-ripened beans,
50 g parsley,
salt - to taste.

Wash the beans, soak them briefly in water, then boil them in the same water and rub through a sieve. Pour the mashed hot mass with boiling cream, add finely chopped parsley, salt and puree with a blender.

Cheese sauce with sweet pepper and garlic for chicken

100 ml sour cream
100 processed cheese,
100 g sweet pepper,
50 g onion
3 garlic cloves,
50 g vegetable oil,
hot hot pepper - to taste.

Grind pepper and onion and sauté them in vegetable oil. Pound sour cream and cheese into a homogeneous mass and mix with browned vegetables. Add crushed garlic, chopped hot pepper and beat the resulting mass with a blender.

Cauliflower Sauce with Tomatoes for Chicken

600 g cauliflower,
500 g tomatoes,
500 g leek,
200 g parsnip roots,
500 g vegetable oil,
salt - to taste.

Boil the cauliflower and rub it through a sieve. Peel the washed parsnips and finely chop them. Also finely chop the tomatoes and leeks. Sauté tomatoes, leeks and parsnips in vegetable oil and combine with grated cauliflower, salt, stir and boil for 15-20 minutes. Serve ready-made sauce for chicken dishes.

Spinach sauce with parsley for chicken

500 g spinach
100 g parsley,
50 g garlic
juice of 1 lemon,
1 tsp salt.

Finely chop the parsley. Boil spinach, squeeze and rub through a sieve. Pass the garlic through a press. Mix, add lemon juice and salt. Before serving, add a little olive oil to the sauce and beat the mass with a blender.

Tomato Cheese Sauce for Chicken

1 bank canned tomatoes in its own juice
150 g melted cheese
1 sweet pepper
spices, herbs - to taste.

Pre-bake the pepper in the oven, peel it and remove the seeds. grind canned tomatoes along with pepper. Put the mass in a saucepan, salt, pepper, add garlic, red pepper to taste. When the mass begins to boil, reduce the heat and add the melted cheese cut into small pieces into it. Cook the sauce over medium heat until the cheese is completely dissolved, remembering to stir constantly. At the end of cooking, add chopped greens to the finished sauce.

Spicy apple sauce for chicken

400 g sour apples,
1 lemon
¼ tsp hot pepper,
20 g olive oil,
salt - to taste.

Cut the apples into pieces, pour a small amount of water, boil and rub through a sieve. Add lemon juice, salt, hot pepper and olive oil. Puree the resulting mixture with a blender.

Plum sauce with mustard for chicken

300 g plums,
1 tbsp dry mustard,
50 g vegetable oil.

Wash the plums thoroughly, remove the pits and simmer in a little water. Add dry mustard, vegetable oil to the plums and beat everything with a mixer or puree with a blender.

Sauce from black currant with mustard for chicken

300 g blackcurrant,
200 g of water
100 g sugar
1 tbsp ready mustard.

Wash and sort the black currants, fill them with water, add sugar, boil for 5 minutes and rub through a sieve. AT hot sauce add 1 tbsp. mustard and mix well.

Whitecurrant sauce with white wine and almonds for chicken

500 g white currant,
100 g dry white wine
200 g of water
100 g sugar
50 g almonds.

Sort and wash the white currants, cover with water, add sugar and cook for 5 minutes after boiling. Pass the finished mass through a sieve, add dry white wine and boil for 5 minutes. Ignite the almond kernels in a dry frying pan, chop and gradually add them to the sauce, stirring constantly. You can adjust the thickness of the sauce yourself by adding boiled water in small portions. The amount of sugar can be reduced or even completely eliminated. This sauce can be served both cold and hot.

Orange sauce for chicken

2 oranges
2 tsp Sahara,
mustard, salt, pepper, lemon juice, vinegar, honey - to taste,

Pour boiling water over the oranges and cut them in half. Squeeze the juice into a separate bowl, and finely chop the zest and peel. Then send them to the pan, fill with water so that it slightly covers the zest. Put the saucepan on the fire and simmer the mass for 15 minutes. Then strain the broth, add orange juice, salt and sugar to taste to it, and again put it to simmer on a minimum fire for 10-15 minutes. At the end, add mustard, pepper, honey, vinegar and lemon juice to the resulting mass to your liking. Pour the prepared sauce into two gravy boats. Submit one with ready meal, and you can use the sauce from the second gravy boat while cooking the chicken.

Cranberry sauce for chicken

400 g cranberries (fresh or frozen)
1 orange
2 tbsp honey,
1 red onion
2 tbsp olive or sunflower oil.

If you use frozen cranberries to make the sauce, thaw them first, then rinse thoroughly with warm running water, remove the crushed berries. Do the same with fresh cranberries. Squeeze the juice from the orange pulp, remove the zest from the peel with a grater. Finely chop the onion. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the onion in it for 5 minutes. Then add cranberries, honey and zest with juice to the onion. Stir thoroughly, reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and cook the sauce for 20 minutes. Then turn off the heat, let the sauce cool, pour it into a container and refrigerate for 2 hours. Before serving, garnish the sauce with sprigs of fresh herbs.

Apricot sauce with pineapple for chicken

200 g pineapple pulp
300 g pitted apricots
250 ml of water
2 tsp cognac.

Pour 50 ml of water into the bottom of the pan, dip the apricot halves into it, cover with a lid and bring to a boil. Pass hot apricots through a sieve. Pineapple pulp cut into small cubes, mix with apricot puree, add 1 cup of water and bring the mixture to a boil. At the end of cooking, add cognac and mix thoroughly the resulting mixture.

Mushroom sauce for chicken

300 g champignons,
300 ml cream
100 ml sour cream
100 ml vegetable oil,
3 bulbs
pepper, salt - to taste.

Finely chop the onion and fry it for 2 tbsp. oil until soft, then add finely chopped mushrooms and fry for another 20 minutes, then let the mass cool. Put the fried mass in a blender bowl, add sour cream and half the norm of cream there and grind everything until smooth. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan, pour in the remaining cream, focusing on the density, stirring, bring the sauce to a boil over low heat and remove from the stove.

Mushroom sauce with zucchini and tomatoes for chicken

200 g of any fresh mushrooms,
300 g young zucchini,
200 g tomatoes,
100 g onion,
50 ml sour cream
100 ml vegetable oil,
salt - to taste.

Peel the washed zucchini from the peel and, having cleaned from the seeds, cut into circles. Cut the tomatoes into slices as well, chop the onion. Spasser the prepared vegetables in vegetable oil, then pour 1 glass of water and simmer. Sort the mushrooms, clean, wash, finely chop and fry in vegetable oil until tender. Connect the stew vegetable mix and fried mushrooms, add sour cream, salt to taste and beat the mass with a blender.

Prepare sauces for chicken, experiment and enjoy your favorite chicken, discovering and emphasizing more and more unique tastes in it with the help of great sauces.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina