Kindergarten omelet is an ideal proven recipe. Omelette, like in kindergarten: recipes with photos

1/2 liter milk

1 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon butter for greasing the pan

60 grams butter

Baking dish or frying pan with deep sides

So, let's start with the fact that there are various rumors. Some experts claim that flour or even soda was added to that omelette. They lie shamelessly.

It's all about the ratio of eggs to milk. How do you cook regular omelette? Do you add a couple of tablespoons of milk to the eggs and beat well? And much more milk is added to this omelette. And it takes longer for the omelette to bind properly. Hence the crust. And one more thing - just mix the eggs well with the milk, without beating. Judge for yourself, who could manually beat a couple of hundred eggs with a bucket of milk in one huge pan? And if you remember the whisks of that era, spring-like devices on a wooden handle, you will understand that I am not lying at all.


So, grease the mold well. butter.

Pour the milk into a deep bowl.

Add salt and eggs.

Stir well without beating.

Pour the resulting mixture into a greased mold and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

Note: Be aware that the omelette will rise during baking, and do not fill the pan more than two-thirds full.

Bake for exactly 30 minutes. Try not to open the oven, especially for the first 15-20 minutes.

Cut the finished omelette into portions. Place a piece of butter (to taste) on the hot omelette. Bon appetit!

PS. I didn't expect this recipe to get so many responses. culinary communities. Therefore, I decided to supplement the story about the omelette with two important remarks.

1. The omelette falls off. And that doesn't mean you did anything wrong. It's just that the temperature in the oven is never uniform anyway. For example, at the door it is lower. Even if you have an oven with a fan, the edges still roast first, then the middle, and this middle then falls off.

So, the canteen omelette also fell off. You just never saw it. Because we, the cooks, managed to very masterfully cut the finished omelette into portions, in such a way that it was unnoticeable.

2. About the height of the omelet. In fact, if the omelette rises in the oven, it is very little. Not by a lot. And the canteen omelette was high for one reason only - as much as possible more portions We tried to cook it in one baking sheet, so the omelette mixture was poured into the baking sheet, as they say, “to capacity.” This is not 4-6 servings at home, but 200-500 servings, in 4-6 baking sheets. Remember the number of “eaters” in a pioneer camp or in a school canteen.

Step-by-step recipes for a unique omelet as in kindergarten with cheese, tomatoes, chicken and shrimp with milk and sour cream, in the oven and slow cooker

2018-03-06 Yulia Kosich





In 100 grams of the finished dish

8 gr.

10 gr.


2 gr.

137 kcal.

Option 1: Classic omelet recipe like in kindergarten

We remember some kindergarten dishes with a shudder. However, there are many snacks that cause culinary delight. This and semolina, And cottage cheese casserole, And meatballs. But in today’s selection we will reveal the secrets of an amazingly tender baby omelette. By the way, his recipe contains only four ingredients.


  • six chicken eggs;
  • 290 grams of pasteurized milk;
  • table (fine) salt;
  • 26 grams of butter for the pan.

Step-by-step recipe for an omelet like in kindergarten

Break the eggs one at a time, separating the yolks from the clear whites.

Pour salt into the container with the yolks. Beat by hand using a whisk.

Then wash the whisk and wipe dry. Kill the whites. As a result, a lush foamy mixture should form.

Mix carefully again. Grease a glass or other non-stick container with soft oil (butter).

Immediately pour the contents of the bowl into the mold. Transfer the omelet preparation into the oven as in kindergarten. Set the temperature to 195 degrees.

Bake tender breakfast for no more than half an hour. Moreover, do not open the door under any circumstances for the first 20 minutes. Then, preferably through glass, check the condition of the omelet. As soon as the surface is appetizingly fried, the stove can be turned off.

Serve exclusively delicate dish better after cooling for a while. Otherwise, if there is a sharp temperature change (oven/kitchen), the omelette will definitely “sit”. By the way, since we do not use flour, soda or baking powder, it is better to beat the eggs by hand. So, few small bubbles will appear in them, which during baking, even if they burst, will not cause the dish to settle.

Option 2: Quick omelet recipe like in kindergarten

According to the standard, it is important to separate the whites from the yolks. However, if you are in a hurry to prepare quick breakfast, abandon this process by beating the eggs with milk and salt entirely and immediately.


  • five chicken eggs;
  • butter for lubrication;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 245 grams full fat milk.

How to quickly cook an omelet like in kindergarten

Preheat the oven to the required 205 degrees. Install a metal grill inside.

After this, break all the eggs into a necessarily dry bowl. It is better to wipe it with paper towels.

Add a little here and there fine salt(a pinch will be enough). Pour in cool full-fat milk.

Using a whisk, whisk the mixture very vigorously until foam forms and is smooth.

Now grease the fireproof container with oil. Pour in the egg-milk mixture. Transfer the pan to a wire rack. Close the oven door.

Bake the baby omelet for 23-26 minutes until a distinct crust appears. Now turn off the fire. Serve after cooling slightly in the oven.

Getting and cutting a hot omelette is very problematic. Most likely the breakfast will disintegrate and settle. That is why it is important to leave it in a warm oven for a while to cool naturally.

Option 3: Children's omelette with tomatoes

Tomatoes can add flavor to any egg dish. And even more so this applies to our delicate omelette. But keep in mind that tomatoes will release juice, so it’s better to reduce the volume of milk a little.


  • four small tomatoes (fresh);
  • six chicken eggs;
  • butter for the mold;
  • a glass of milk (any fat content);
  • a pinch of salt in the eggs.

How to cook

All small tomatoes wash. Place in boiling water, and after a couple of minutes transfer to cold water. Then take out the fruits and remove the peel, cutting out a space from the stalk.

Setting the tomatoes aside, crack the eggs. Moreover, it is important to separate the whites and yolks into different bowls.

Beat the whites by hand for 3-4 minutes. Next, add salt to the yolks and mix (you don’t have to wash the broom).

At the next stage, pour milk into the yolk mixture. Continuing mixing, add protein in portions.

Now heat the oven to 195 degrees. Additionally, grease a suitable non-stick container with butter. Pour the prepared mixture.

Cut the blanched tomatoes into slices. Spread evenly into batter.

Place the future omelet, like in kindergarten, on a wire rack in the oven. Cook breakfast for about 27-29 minutes. After the crust appears, turn off the stove. Serve after half an hour with tea.

To make your egg casserole more beautiful, we recommend replacing regular tomatoes with cherry tomatoes. However, they do not need to be blanched. Simply cut each fruit in half and place it bottom down. If you are already adding to children's menu greens or cook it for yourself, be sure to sprinkle the omelet with fresh or dried basil.

Option 4: Omelet like in kindergarten with cheese

Cheese, like tomatoes, is excellent for any type of omelet. In addition, this ingredient is guaranteed to provide golden brown crust, improving the external characteristics of breakfast.


  • 35 grams hard cheese;
  • five fresh chicken eggs;
  • salt (pinch);
  • 245 grams of fresh milk;
  • butter.

Step by step recipe

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Moreover, at the same moment it is recommended to put a grill inside so that it also warms up.

Now, having broken the eggshell, separate the whites and yolks. To do this, use different dry containers.

Salt the yolks. Beat the whisks for about a minute. Then beat the egg whites with a clean, dry whisk.

Mix both. Pour in milk in a thin stream. Mix.

Pour the resulting mixture into a generously greased mold.

Fill the future children's omelet with shavings. Bake for no more than half an hour. Do not change the temperature.

In addition to the recommended hard cheese, it is quite acceptable to take soft white cheese. For example, suluguni or mozzarella. Salty varieties (cheese cheese or Adyghe cheese). However, in this case, reduce or completely eliminate salt.

Option 5: Children's omelet with chicken

Adding boiled chicken fillet to our incredible omelette makes it more filling. At the same time, the number of calories will increase quite slightly. Therefore, this option is suitable not only for a morning memory of childhood or breakfast for a child, but also for those who are on a diet.


  • 105 grams of chicken fillet;
  • fine salt;
  • water for boiling chicken;
  • six eggs (fresh);
  • 305 grams of milk;
  • butter for the mold.

How to cook

Carefully clean the lean chicken fillet. Cut into three parts. Place in a saucepan, add water and add salt.

Leave the bird on medium heat for 20-22 minutes. After the specified time has passed, remove the fillet and leave to cool.

During this time, separate the yolks and whites. Beat them one by one in separate bowls with the addition of salt.

Now pour milk into the yolk mixture. While mixing, add the whites.

Pour the finished mixture into a non-stick container. It is important to lubricate its walls (inner) with oil.

Disassemble at the end boiled fillet in pieces. Spread in dough. Place in the oven.

Bake the omelet as in kindergarten for 28-29 minutes at the temperature set at the beginning of the process.

Option 6: Omelet like in kindergarten with sour cream in a slow cooker

The slow cooker is perfect for creating the most delicate omelet. In this case, you don’t have to separate the whites and yolks. Breakfast will be unsurpassed in any case.


  • 195 grams of sour cream;
  • fine salt (pinch);
  • butter for the bowl;
  • six eggs (chicken);
  • a couple of sprigs of dill.

Step by step recipe

Six medium fresh eggs break into a bowl. It is important to wash it well and wipe it dry with napkins.

Starting whisking, pour in low-fat sour cream. Add salt.

Coat the bottom and bottom of the bowl well with oil. Pour in the milk and egg mixture.

Place the bowl with the future baby omelette in the multicooker. Sprinkle with chopped fresh dill.

Cover the lid (until it clicks). Set the "Baking" mode. Prepare light breakfast about half an hour.

Remove the dish after some time, during which it has cooled down a little.

Thanks to the multicooker, you can make exclusively tender omelette. The main thing is not to open the lid while cooking. However, adjust the baking time depending on the brand of your specific machine.

Option 7: Children's omelet with shrimp

To radically change the usual serving of your favorite omelet since childhood, try to include in its composition fragrant shrimp. Perhaps this is the kind of breakfast that will become your family’s favorite!


  • ten small shrimps;
  • five eggs;
  • 245 grams of fat milk;
  • butter (for the mold);
  • fine salt;
  • water for boiling shrimp;
  • five sprigs of dill (fresh).

How to cook

Wash the shrimp (with chitin and head) and boil in a saucepan with water. At the same time, do not forget to add salt and place several whole branches of dill. Active cooking time (after boiling) is 2 minutes.

Now beat the eggs with salt and milk. For this it is better to use a metal whisk.

Once you have a foamy, homogeneous mixture, pour into a non-stick pan. Moreover, its walls must be lubricated with oil.

At the end, place small boiled shrimp on the surface.

Place the omelet as in kindergarten in a preheated oven (200 degrees). Bake the aromatic breakfast for no more than 25-30 minutes (until a crust forms).

If you don’t have time to clean seafood, you can buy cocktail shrimp (already peeled and boiled). IN in this case they can be added to an omelet by simply scalding them with boiling water.

Many chefs dream of preparing the exact same omelet they made in kindergarten. Its delicate, special taste reminds of that happy, cloudless time and takes you back to childhood. In fact, reproducing this nostalgic treat at home is quite easy. The main thing is to have a suitable recipe on hand.

Omelet like in kindergarten - a classic recipe in the oven

An omelette in the oven, like in a kindergarten, is usually prepared in a tall, fluffy form. A frying pan is not used for this. The treat is baked in the oven. To prepare it you will need to take following ingredients: 6 eggs, 320 ml full-fat milk, a pinch of salt, butter.

  1. Eggs are broken into a deep bowl. The whites together with the yolks are lightly beaten with a whisk and salted.
  2. Next, milk is poured into the mixture. The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed together, but there is no need to turn them into fluffy foam.
  3. Any heat-resistant rectangular shape is greased with butter. It must be applied in a thin layer, otherwise milk product will prevent the omelette from rising.
  4. The ingredients, well mixed together, are poured into the mold. They should appear much lower than the upper boundaries of the dish, because the dish will rise several times in the oven.
  5. To really make it look like in kindergarten, you need to choose a shape with high sides - at least 12 cm.
  6. Cook at 190 degrees for about 35 minutes. At the end, an appetizing golden crust should appear on the surface.

Immediately after removing the pan from the oven, the omelette will settle somewhat. In addition, there may be whey at the bottom of the container. This is quite normal for such a dish.

How to cook a dish in a frying pan?

If you don’t have access to an oven, but you still really want to try a treat from childhood, then you can cook an omelette on regular frying pan. Again you will need to use the simplest available ingredients: 6 eggs, 230 ml of milk, 2 pinches of salt, butter.

  1. Large chicken eggs are broken into a large container. Using a whisk or regular fork, mix them until a uniform yellow color is obtained. In this case, you cannot use a mixer, as you can completely ruin the dish.
  2. Milk is poured into the eggs. It is very important that the products are at the same temperature. Therefore, eggs and milk are removed from the refrigerator in advance.
  3. The ingredients are mixed well and salted. If desired, you can add to them a small amount of ground black or red pepper.
  4. Deep Cast-iron pan generously greased with butter.
  5. The resulting milk-egg mass is poured into the prepared bowl and placed on the stove.
  6. The dish cooks over low heat for approximately 12-15 minutes.

Omelet like in a kindergarten in the oven is a dish that is famous for its tenderness and unique taste. This omelette is easy to prepare at home from the most simple ingredients. Children's chefs shared the intricacies and secrets of baking high and air dish with the taste of childhood.

A tall omelet like in kindergarten is an egg casserole that is traditionally served for lunch in preschools and schools. It is cooked in large roasting pans and cut into portioned squares. To cook an omelet in the oven like in a kindergarten, you only need salt, milk and eggs, but it is not forbidden to add an individual taste to the dish by adding vegetables, meat, seafood and seasonings.

5 cooking secrets

  • Maintain proportions. The kindergarten casserole turns out tall and tender thanks to the milk included in its composition. It is recommended to follow a combination of 1:3 - for one part of eggs according to the omelet recipe as in the kindergarten, you will need 3 parts of milk.
  • Bake in a cast iron or glass pan. They heat up slowly but evenly, and the food rarely burns in them.
  • Cook in a tall, small-diameter container. Remember that the omelette, after falling, will remain 1-2 cm above the level at which it was poured. The more omelette mass in the dish, the higher the casserole, so to cook an omelette in the oven like in kindergarten, fill out the form well.
  • Bake over low heat or low power. A well-simmered omelette will delight the hostess with its fluffiness and rich taste.
  • Don't open the door oven during the cooking process. A strong temperature change will cause the omelet to collapse prematurely. Also, to prevent the dish from sinking in the plate, chefs recommend not taking the omelette out of the oven immediately, but waiting 5-7 minutes until it cools.

Classic recipe

How to cook fluffy omelette like in kindergarten to please the child? This omelet requires eggs, whole (not skim) milk and butter. The dish does not need to add soda and yeast - the whole secret of its splendor lies in the right combination ingredients. Included egg omelet as in a kindergarten there is 1.5 times more milk than in a traditional one, so the consistency of the dish becomes more airy and porous.

  • eggs - 6 pieces;
  • milk - 1.5 cups;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • salt.
  • Separate the eggs into yolks and whites. Mix the first ones with milk until smooth. Add some salt.
  • In another container, beat the egg whites until stiff. Add the protein mixture into the mixture in portions and mix.
  • Grease the mold with a thin layer of butter, fill it with the omelette mixture and place in an oven preheated to 200°.
  • Bake without opening the oven for about half an hour. The dish is ready!

When lubricating the omelette baking dish with butter, it is recommended to be careful: excess oil may prevent the dish from rising. Some cooks sprinkle the bottom and sides of the pan breadcrumbs- this makes the casserole even tastier and more appetizing.

Egg casserole does not tolerate beating with a mixer: to make the dish airy and porous, mix the omelette mass by hand.

Original recipes

With sausage and tomatoes

It’s not forbidden to diversify a classic omelette with fillings, just like in childhood: it will be even healthier and tastier. Adding sausage, meat, vegetables and other products to the recipe for an omelet with milk and egg, as in kindergarten, subject to correct proportions, will not affect the splendor of the dish.

  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • boiled sausage - 60 g;
  • smoked sausage - 60 g;
  • ham - 60 g;
  • tomato - 1 piece;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • salt.
  1. Mix eggs with milk and salt until smooth.
  2. Cut each type of sausage, tomato into small cubes, and onion into half rings.
  3. Place the onion in a frying pan and fry vegetable oil until the color changes. Add the tomato and wait until it releases its juice, then add all types of sausage to the vegetables. Simmer for 7-10 minutes.
  4. Grease a baking dish with butter and, after transferring the vegetables into it, fill it with the egg mixture. Place in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 200-220°. Once the top of the casserole begins to brown, it is ready.

An omelet with sausage, like in childhood, can be prepared not only for breakfast, but also for lunch - as an appetizing and satisfying second course. Also, the recipe for a lush omelet like in kindergarten can be varied with mushroom, fish, cheese filling, and also turn the dish into a dessert by adding sweet ingredients to the omelette mass: sugar, orange zest, dried fruits, vanillin.

Despite obvious benefit omelette, scientists do not recommend eating dishes made from chicken eggs for people suffering from carbohydrate metabolism disorders, hypertension and diabetes mellitus more than once a week.

With seafood in a frying pan

An omelet with the addition of seafood will become a valuable source of iodine, proteins, rare trace elements (selenium, taurine), essential acids (lysine, arginine), as well as fatty acids Omega 3, which allows it to be used in sports or dietary nutrition. Mussel meat contains a quarter daily norm vitamin E, which is responsible for strengthening the immune system and restoring metabolism, being an excellent prevention of oncology.

  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • milk - ¾ cup;
  • mussels - 100 g;
  • octopus tentacles - 100 g;
  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt.
  1. Fry seafood in a frying pan with oil until cooked.
  2. Mix milk, eggs and salt in a separate container.
  3. Pour the omelette mixture over the seafood and cover with a lid and cook over low heat for 4-5 minutes. Ready!

If the seafood is frozen, it must be thawed in a dry frying pan and fried after the excess liquid has evaporated. The kindergarten omelet recipe in a frying pan is adapted to cooking on the stove, but it is better to achieve the maximum height of the dish by baking it in the oven.

With cheese in the microwave

It’s easy and quick to cook an omelette in the microwave like when you were a child, and thanks to the absence of oil in its composition, the dish can be called dietary. Considering that the omelette will rise during baking, you should not fill the mold with egg mass more than 2/3. If you do not open the microwave doors during cooking, the casserole will not settle.

  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • hard cheese - 50 g;
  • milk - ½ cup;
  • greens, salt.
  1. Mix eggs with milk, add salt.
  2. Place the container with the omelette mixture in the microwave and bake, covered, at 200 W for fifteen minutes.
  3. Season the finished dish with cheese (grated) and herbs.

Casserole in microwave ovengreat option For baby food, especially if you add vegetables to it: boiled zucchini, carrots, broccoli, Bell pepper. Some housewives add flour and semolina to the recipe, believing that this will make the dish higher, but the traditional omelette, as in childhood, is not combined with flour. For greater density, cooks recommend replacing the milk in the recipe with mayonnaise or sour cream (3-4 tablespoons).

To prepare fluffy omelette just like in kindergarten, take advantage of the advice of Soviet culinary experts. To the universal joy of children and adults, you can serve this rosy and fluffy egg casserole for breakfast and lunch: in any case, it will be both healthy and tasty.

When entering a store, sometimes your eyes widen at the abundance and variety of products offered. On the shelves there are many delicacies and delicacies that are now quite accessible to the average buyer.

But sometimes you crave not a new dish, but a well-forgotten old dish that you loved to eat when you were a child. And for me, one of these dishes is an omelet like in kindergarten. It is completely different from the one we fry in a frying pan in the morning, but rather something between an omelet and an airy casserole. One of the secrets to creating such a culinary miracle is precisely the use of an oven rather than a frying pan.

Lush, porous, delicate and very delicious omelette You can easily cook it in the oven just like in kindergarten. I was once sure that flour, soda or baking powder must be added to such a dish to create the desired porous structure, and the procedure for beating the egg mass here is especially thorough and intense.

However, in fact, the cooking method turned out to be the simplest. Surprised by this, I decided to try to make my own treasured dish from childhood. It worked the first time. Later, I cooked omelettes all the time, and they always turned out well. The dish consists of only four ingredients, the proportions of which must be observed to obtain the desired result.


  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • milk – 150 ml;
  • salt - to taste;
  • butter for greasing the mold.

How to cook a fluffy omelet like in kindergarten

Eggs, previously washed in running water with baking soda, break them one by one and place them in a deep bowl. Add salt to taste.

Pour milk into the eggs.

Shake by hand with a fork or a special whisk. There is no need to use a mixer or blender, since our task is just to combine the ingredients with each other, and not to turn them into a fluffy mass.

Grease a small fireproof dish with butter. Then pour the entire egg-milk mixture into it. Place to bake in a preheated oven. The temperature should be 180 degrees.

Cooking time will depend on the height and size of the pan. But on average it lasts 30-40 minutes. After the omelette in the oven becomes golden brown, you can open the oven door and check the readiness with a dry wooden stick.

The result was an omelette, covered with a crust on top, and very tender and juicy inside.

As expected, in cross-section the dish has a pronounced porous structure.

  • It is not recommended to open the oven door while preparing the omelet so that it does not settle prematurely.
  • It should be borne in mind that during baking the mass rises, and already ready dish When taken out of the oven, it falls a little.
  • To get really high and sumptuous dish from eggs, you need to cook it in a tall, small form.
  • For easier and more comfortable whipping, the milk should be slightly warmed and the eggs should be removed from the refrigerator some time before cooking so that they are at room temperature.
  • The best tool for whisking is a long-toothed fork. It allows you to thoroughly mix the ingredients without the formation of foam, which is what is required for a real omelet.
  • Some housewives recommend whisking the milk before adding it to the egg mixture. Due to oxygen saturation, the dish turns out airy and fluffy.
  • If you need to prepare a larger or smaller amount of omelet, you should follow the proportions: for one egg take 50 ml of milk.
  • If you want to diversify classic recipe omelette as in kindergarten, you can add diced ham, herbs, olives or cheese to the egg mixture. You can also experiment with adding vegetables, just not too juicy.
  • It should be taken into account that various additives affect the fluffiness of the omelet. The higher the percentage of their content in a dish, the denser and lower it will be.
  • Omelette in the oven for children can be prepared not in a large form, but in small portion molds. For example, those in which muffins are prepared work well. It is important to regulate the cooking time, since due to the difference in the size of the molds, it may differ.
  • There are situations when it is not possible to cook a lush omelette like in a kindergarten in the oven. In this case, a multicooker can replace it. The ingredients are the same; a multicooker bowl is used as a mold, which must be greased with butter. The dish is prepared in the “Baking” mode for 10-20 minutes, depending on the power of the device. Readiness is also checked using a wooden stick or toothpick.