How to bake apples in the oven with honey. Baked apples with honey in the oven: the best recipes

Servings: 4 pcs.
Cooking time: 30 min.

Recipe Description

Apples baked in the oven with honey, lemon ice cream and nuts are a wonderful combination for an autumn dessert. I cooked them for honey and nut Spas. A very beautiful and symbolic dessert. The aroma of apples and cinnamon is emphasized by the extraordinary taste of buckwheat honey. This is simply pure pleasure!

There are many good ones, for my taste, this one is one of the best. Sour or sweet and sour apples are suitable for it. It’s better to have a soft variety, since they don’t bake for very long. Some people make cinnamon sauce with honey, but I used sugar; I do not recommend baking honey, because when heated it loses its beneficial qualities. They say it even becomes harmful. Therefore, it is better to pour honey over an already baked apple.

The ice cream filling makes the apples especially delicious. I took lemon ice cream from a nearby cafe, but, of course, if you make the ice cream yourself, the dessert will be healthier and suitable for baby food. You can also replace ice cream with whipped cream with sugar and vanilla.

To prepare apples baked in the oven with honey, you need:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of butter;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon;
  • 4 apples (soft, sweet and sour or sour variety);
  • 4 tbsp. spoons (ball) of lemon ice cream (or other, or cream);
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey of the new harvest;
  • 1 tbsp spoon of chopped nuts (any).

Cooking step by step:

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. WITH.
In a small bowl or cup, melt the butter in the microwave for 30 to 60 seconds. Add sugar and cinnamon to it, stir until smooth.

Wash the apples, dry them with a towel, remove the cores from the side of the stalk, trying not to break through the “bottom”, so that you get an apple “cup”.

Place the apples in a small baking dish.

Brush the inside of the apples with the butter-cinnamon sauce.

Bake in the preheated oven until the apples are soft but still hold their shape (about 15 minutes). Remove the pan from the oven and let the dessert cool slightly.

Fill apple cups with ice cream, top with runny honey and sprinkle with crushed nuts.

Serve dessert warm.
Bon appetit!

Amazingly, very simple products in the most predictable combinations, and even with very simple cooking, give results that are difficult to beat for professionals with a full range of delicacies.

And if you try to compete “on speed”, then here too the “experts” are unlikely to beat the amateurs - a couple of minutes to peel the fruit, a quarter of an hour in the oven, another minute to pour in honey.

And the aroma, and the taste...

For cooking in the oven with honey, it is best to choose late varieties of apples with green skin. Their pulp is quite dense and has a suitable sweet and sour taste. Ideal varieties for baking are Semerenko and Antonovka.

The fruits for such dishes are left whole, cut into slices or small slices and the middle must be removed, trying to remove all partitions.

Depending on the dish being prepared, the desired variety and type of honey is selected; this is indicated in the recipe.

Honey is placed in the funnel left after removing the center or poured over cut fruits. In addition, various fillings are prepared with honey to fill apples.

The fillings include cottage cheese, dried fruits mixed with nuts, or a creamy filling made from the same fruits with cream.

You can add pumpkin and raisins to sliced ​​apples baked in the oven with honey.

Baked apples are not only served on their own. An unusual dessert can be prepared from these fruits for a romantic dinner if, after baking, you pour them with a specially prepared wine sauce or cook them with vanilla caramel.

Apples in the oven with honey - “Vitaminka”


Five ripe firm apples;

Natural buckwheat honey - 60 grams;

One small lemon.

Cooking method:

1. Cut off a small piece from the tail side of the fruit that looks like a “lid” and remove the seed pod along with the seeds with the tip of a knife.

2. Cut the lemon into thin rings and place one such ring in each apple. Add a not-quite-full teaspoon of buckwheat honey to the lemon and cover with a lid.

3. Transfer the filled apples into a small pan and place in a hot oven.

4. Bake with honey for 15 minutes at 220 degrees.

Apples in the oven with honey


Three table.

spoons of liquid “herbal” honey;

Dark raisins - 50 grams;

Apples - 300 grams;

60 grams of dried apricots;

3 tbsp. spoons of almonds;

One tsp. cinnamon powder.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the dried apricots and raisins and soak separately for half an hour in warm water. Strain the water, rinse again and dry well, spreading the dried fruits on a towel. Cut the dry dried apricots with raisins into equal, not very small pieces.

2. Lightly fry the almonds and finely chop them when cooled.

3. Mix the crushed ingredients, add cinnamon and honey and stir thoroughly. Fill the apples with the resulting mixture and bake in the oven.

4. Bake at 180 degrees, 25-30 minutes.

5. Just before serving, sprinkle the baked fruit with powdered sugar.

Dessert of apples baked in the oven with honey - “Sun in a glass”


Three kilograms of apples;

For the sauce:

One and a half bottles of dry white wine;

Yolks 12 pieces;

Sugar - 300 grams;

Vanillin - a small packet.

Cooking method:

1. Pour hot wine over egg yolks mashed in sugar. Add vanilla and beat until thick. If the sauce unexpectedly turns out to be too thick, thin it with wine.

2. From peeled whole apples, carefully remove the middle from the stalk side. Place a teaspoon of meadow honey in the recess and bake the fruits at 180 degrees for a quarter of an hour.

3. Place the fruit in wide glasses and pour over the prepared wine sauce.

Cool well.

Apples in the oven with honey - “Roses under the snow”


A layer of puff pastry (frozen);

Lemon acid;

Liquid light honey;

Ground cinnamon;

Powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

1. An hour before cooking, lay out the puff pastry to defrost.

2. Rinse the apples well under the tap and wipe dry with a towel. Cut the fruit in half and cut each half into thin slices, these will be “petals”.

3. Immerse them in water with citric acid diluted in it (for one glass of water, a small pinch of acid) and put it in the microwave to warm up for three minutes. Then place the apples on a linen towel and dry slightly.

4. Roll out the semi-finished puff pastry slightly with a rolling pin and cut into small strips, 4 cm wide and 17 cm long. Brush the strips with honey.

5. Carefully lay out the “petals”, slightly overlapping them on each other so that their rounded part extends almost half beyond the strip of dough, and the cut reaches only half of it. Sprinkle with cinnamon.

6. Wrap the free part of the dough over the apples and roll the strip into a roll - you will get a “rose”.

7. To prevent the “buds” from unfolding and losing their shape during baking, place them in the cupcake recesses of a large silicone mold.

8. Place the mold with “roses” in the oven at 190 degrees for no more than 45 minutes.

9. When the products have cooled, sprinkle the “roses” with powdered sugar.

Apples in the oven with honey and curd filling


7 apples, medium size;

150 grams of fat cottage cheese;

One egg yolk;

60 grams of light raisins;

2 tbsp. l. honey;

50 grams of roasted almonds;

Half a tsp. cinnamon powder;

0.5 medium lemon.

Cooking method:

1. Soak the sorted raisins in boiling water for five minutes. Drain all the water and, transferring it to a sieve, dry it a little.

2. Using a fine grater, scrape the zest from the lemon. Mix honey well with freshly squeezed lemon juice (1 tsp), finely chop the almonds, and grind the cottage cheese through a sieve twice.

3. Thoroughly grind the curd mass with the yolk diluted with lemon juice, honey, zest and ground cinnamon. You should get a smooth yellow mass interspersed with cinnamon.

4. Add finely chopped almonds, dried raisins and mix everything thoroughly again.

5. Without cutting through the apple, carefully remove the middle with a small thin knife so that a small but fairly wide funnel is formed in the fruit. It is best to do this from the side of the stalk.

6. Fill the “funnel” with the curd mass and transfer the fruit to a baking sheet lined with foil or a parchment sheet.

7. Bake the cottage cheese-filled fruits in the oven at 180 degrees for half an hour.

Apples in the oven with honey - “Drunk Apples”


Three small apples;

Dessert wine - 4 tbsp. l.;

One hundred grams of dark raisins, seedless;

Dark honey - 4 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method:

1. Halve the fruit, remove the core and, without peeling, cut each part into thin slices.

2. Place the sliced ​​fruits in a fireproof dish in layers, sprinkling each layer with washed raisins.

3. Pour honey melted in a steam bath over the apples placed in the mold. Pour in the wine, cover with a sheet of foil and place in the oven.

4. Bake at medium temperature (190 degrees), 35 minutes.

Oven-baked apples with honey caramel


Ripe apples, any sweet and sour variety - 3 pcs.;

3.2% pasteurized milk - 100 ml;

Cocoa powder - 1 tsp;

A third of a teaspoon of cinnamon powder;

Three tablespoons of honey;

One raw yolk;

One teaspoon of potato starch;

25 grams of sweet cream butter.

Cooking method:

1. Mix cinnamon with starch and cocoa. Grind the mixture well with the raw yolk and pour hot milk over everything. Stir thoroughly with a whisk until smooth, add oil and bring to a boil.

2. Wash the apples, pat dry with a towel and cut each into two halves lengthwise.

3. Remove the seeds and place the fruit in the oven at 200 degrees.

4. After a quarter of an hour, remove the baked fruits from the oven, fill them with the prepared cream and bring them to readiness, putting them back in the oven for 10 minutes.

Apples in the oven with honey and unusual creamy filling


Six small apples;

Two large spoons of linden honey;

11% cream, natural - 50 ml;

1 raw yolk;

1/2 lemon;

A large handful of peeled hazelnut kernels;

Cinnamon - two sticks.

Cooking method:

1. Peel apples (4 pcs.) with a special vegetable knife and cut into two halves crosswise. If fruits have tails, be sure to remove them.

2. Using a knife, carefully remove the centers of the fruit with the seeds in it and place the apples, connecting both parts of each, in a baking dish.

3. Add water to the mold so that it covers the fruit by only one centimeter, and place in the oven. Bake for half an hour at 200 degrees.

4. Also peel the remaining two apples and grate them with a medium grater. Add lemon zest, honey, yolk, lemon juice, cream and stir well.

5. Fold the foil several times and make low portion rings out of it. The width of the rings depends on the size of the fruit. They should fit freely into the rings. If you have special serving rings, you can use them.

6. Remove the fruit from the oven. Place the lower halves into portion rings placed in another form and fill them with 2-3 cm of filling. Place the upper halves of the baked fruit on top of the filling.

7. Place cinnamon sticks between the rings and bake for another half an hour, but at 180 degrees.

8. During the baking process, you need to periodically remove the pan and pour the released juice over the apples.

9. Cool the finished fruits and serve, sprinkled with finely chopped nuts. Before chopping, fry the nuts well in a dry frying pan or bake them in the oven.

“Sunny Apples” - apples in the oven with honey and pumpkin


Pumpkin - 400 grams;

300 grams of apples, Antonovka variety;

3 tbsp. l. honey;

Cooking method:

1. Wash the pumpkin thoroughly under the tap, cut off the peel, grabbing the hard, slightly greenish flesh underneath. Select all the seeds along with the fibers and cut the pumpkin pulp into small two-centimeter slices, one centimeter wide.

2. Cut the apples without peel, seeds and partitions into approximately the same pieces.

3. Place in any thick-walled bowl in layers: pieces of pumpkin pulp, chopped fruit, again pumpkin, again fruit.

Subtleties of preparing baked apples with honey. Recipes for delicious apples with honey in the oven

In a separate bowl, mix honey with freshly squeezed lemon juice and ten tablespoons of cold water. Mix everything well and generously pour the honey mixture over the fruits laid out with the pumpkin.

5. Bake for forty minutes at 180 degrees.

Apples in the oven with honey - baking tricks and useful tips

To prevent whole apples from bursting during baking, pierce them in several places with a toothpick.

If you decide to take red or pink late or mid-ripening varieties for cooking in the oven, try to choose very hard, unripe fruits

If you leave whole apples in the oven, the flesh will become too soft and will “spread.”

Apples are delicious on their own, and desserts made from them are simply wonderful. This fruit goes well with a wide variety of fruits, berries, nuts, and can be used with any type of dough and dairy products. That is why the list of sweets and possible apple dishes is simply huge, it can be compiled endlessly, but here are the most delicious dessert options.

Apple dessert - general principles of preparation

Flour desserts are made from different types of dough, and apples are often used as a filling. They are chopped, combined with sugar, cinnamon, nuts or mixed with raisins, other fruits, berries, and cottage cheese. Sometimes they are added directly to the dough, for example, this is how charlotte is made; below there is a classic recipe for the most popular apple pie.

What other desserts can you make with apples:

· marshmallow;

· fruit salads and sauces;

· ice cream;

They can be baked, fried, dried, they are often combined with cottage cheese or kefir, and added to pancakes and pancakes. The main thing is to choose and prepare the fruits correctly. If the skin is thick, then it needs to be removed; seeds and cores are removed in most recipes. The tastier and juicier the fruit, the better the dessert will be. And we remember that the apple darkens in the air, becomes gray and unattractive, so it is prepared at the very last moment.

The easiest dessert made from apples with nuts and cinnamon

A very healthy and simple apple dessert option. It's easy to make in a few minutes. If you need to reduce calories, then reduce the amount of honey.


· two apples;

· 1 tbsp. l. honey;

· 2 tbsp. l. water;

· 1 tbsp. l. nuts;

· 0.3 tsp. cinnamon.


1. Combine honey and water, place on the stove and heat. Or put it in the microwave and melt it. Add cinnamon, stir, the dressing is ready. If you are allergic to honey, make sugar syrup.

2. If the skin on the apples is thick, then it is better to peel it off. Cut the pulp into cubes or neat slices and pour into a bowl.

3. Fry the nuts, chop them, add to the fruit. You can use any nuts: hazelnuts, walnuts, peanuts. Also delicious with sunflower seeds. If you want to make a healthy dessert, add flax or pumpkin seeds.

4. Pour in the honey melted with water and cinnamon, stir and the dessert is ready!

Baked apple dessert

There are a huge number of ways to prepare desserts from baked apples, and this is only one of the options. It is simple and requires a minimum set of products. But if desired, the fruits can be filled with honey and nuts, curd mass, and dried fruits.


· apples;

· cinnamon;


1. Wash the apples; it is better to use small fruits. It is important that they are approximately the same.

2. Cut a small funnel on top along with the core and throw it away.

3. Mix sugar and cinnamon, sprinkle into a damp funnel. If any filling is to be used, the hole is made larger and filled.

4. Transfer the apples into a mold and place in the oven. Or microwave for a few minutes.

5. Bake at 180 degrees until soft. Let it sit for a while before serving.

Charlotte - a traditional apple dessert

When considering desserts made from apples, one cannot help but think of charlotte. A delicious pie is prepared according to a variety of recipes. Here is the classic recipe for apple pie itself.


· 1 tbsp. flour;

· 1 tbsp. sah. sand;

· four apples;

· four eggs;

· 15 g butter;

· semolina or additional flour.


1. Rub the bottom and sides of the pan with a piece of butter. Additionally, sprinkle with semolina or flour. Immediately turn on the oven at 180 degrees to warm up.

2. Break the eggs into a large and always dry bowl. Lower the mixer. Turn it on and start beating at the highest speed.

3. After three minutes, the mass will become light and fluffy. It's time to add granulated sugar. But you don’t need to knock over the whole glass at once. Add in small portions, continuing to beat.

4. Pour the flour into a sieve and immediately sift it into the dough, now stir with a spoon and carefully so as not to precipitate the mass. If suddenly the eggs are not beaten very well, then you can insure the charlotte with slaked soda (0.5 tsp of powder) or baking powder from a bag (1 tsp), just add and stir.

5. Rinse the apples. Cut the fruit into pieces. Now you can pour them into the dough and mix. Or then we spread it over the dough when it is already in shape. You can arrange the apples and pour the mixed mixture on top.

6. Send the apple pie to bake. This will take about half an hour. We pierce it with a toothpick. We check readiness. But we do it carefully and carefully. If the stick hits the apple, it will be wet even when the dough is ready.

Drinkable apple dessert

A variant of a healthy dessert, which is now called the fashionable word smoothie. To ensure that the delicacy is well absorbed and satiating, we will prepare it with natural yogurt. You can replace it with yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk.


· three apples;

· 120 g yogurt;

· 1 tsp. lemon juice;

· 2 mint leaves;

· cinnamon, vanilla, sugar to taste.


1. Peel the apples, cut into small pieces, place in a blender or a convenient bowl. We take the one in which it will be easy to grind. Immediately pour lemon juice over it. Add one mint leaf.

2. Grind the blocks to a smooth puree.

3. Add sugar or honey to taste, you can add cinnamon and vanilla.

4. Spread yogurt or any other fermented milk product.

5. Beat the dessert for another 20 seconds.

6. Pour the drinking dessert into a large glass, add a second mint leaf. You can sprinkle cinnamon powder on top. Use immediately before the apple turns dark.

Pastila - apple dessert without preservatives

This is one of the most profitable apple desserts. Since it can be perfectly stored for several years without adding preservatives. We are talking about real dry marshmallow, that is, thin.


· apples;

· film or silicone mats.


1. Traditional marshmallow is prepared with skins. Therefore, we wash the apples, cut them into pieces, and throw away the cores as we go.

2. Throw the pieces of fruit into the pan, add 0.5 cups of water, cover and place on the stove.

How to bake apples with honey

Simmer until soft.

3. Drain the apples into a colander. The juice that has been released can be left for other purposes. Transfer the pieces to a convenient bowl or return to the pan.

4. Grind the apples with a blender. If they are sour, add sugar. But don’t add too much, otherwise the marshmallow will take a long time to dry.

5. Spread the prepared puree onto mats or simply onto sheets of film. The layer thickness is no more than 0.5 cm. Place it in the sun to dry. Or place in the oven, dry at 60-70 degrees until ready.

6. Carefully remove the pastille from the sheets. Cool completely, check if it is dry well. Then we roll them into tubes and wrap them in parchment paper, in which we store the dessert.

Fried apple dessert

A very unusual dessert option. For fried apples, choose only dense fruits, otherwise nothing will work.


· 3-4 apples;

· 40 g butter;

· 2 tbsp. l. flour;

· cinnamon, powder to taste.


1. Place the oil in a frying pan. We put it on the stove. You can fry apples in odorless vegetable oil, but it turns out much tastier in butter.

2. Cut the apples into slices, trying to make the slices the same thickness. Lay out on the board in one layer. Pour flour into a strainer. Sprinkle the slices on one side.

3. Quickly turn the apples over and sprinkle the other side with flour.

4. Place the slices in heated oil. Fry on both sides over high heat.

5. Remove with a spatula onto a paper towel. To remove excess oil. Fry the remaining slices.

6. Transfer the finished apples to a flat plate, sprinkle with powder and cinnamon on top.

Ice cream - a cool dessert made from apples

A recipe for a natural and delicious apple dessert. To make ice cream, you will additionally need heavy cream.


· 2 apples;

· 10 g vanilla sugar;

· 150 g of milk;

· three yolks;

· 250 g heavy cream;

· 220 g sugar. sand;

· 30 g cognac.


1. We start cooking with fruits. Peel, cut into pieces, pour in cognac and put on the stove. Add a spoonful of water and simmer until soft.

2. Place fresh yolks in another saucepan, add sugar and milk. Grind until smooth, add vanillin and place on the stove. Prepare the custard, but do not bring to a boil. After the first bubbles appear, immediately remove from heat. Let cool.

3. Grind the apples with a blender or grind through a sieve. We put it in the refrigerator.

4. Pour the cream into a large bowl, beat until well foamed. Add the cooled fruits, and then the prepared cream. Beat the ice cream mixture until smooth.

5. Place the bowl in the freezer for 30 minutes.

6. Take out, immerse the mixer and beat for a few seconds. Cool again and stir again after an hour.

7. Divide the apple ice cream into cups, molds, or simply place it in a container with a good lid. We do all this very quickly. Remove until completely frozen.

· The apple will not darken if you immediately sprinkle it with lemon juice. Fruit vinegar is sometimes used for the same purpose. If there is nothing like that, you can dilute a little dry citric acid, but it should not affect the taste of the dessert.

· Even a modest apple salad will turn into a chic dessert if the fruit is beautifully cut. You can use curly knives, graters and other devices.

· Apple peels and cores do not need to be thrown away; you can use them to prepare a compote or a healthy concentrated decoction, which is very valued in cosmetology, contains a lot of substances useful for hair, skin and nails, and helps fight colds.

If you want to please your kids with a delicious and healthy dessert, prepare them baked apples with honey. Moreover, there are a lot of apples this year, summer varieties spoil quickly, and it’s a shame to throw them away.

Throughout August and September I cook apple compotes, bake charlotte, add apples to pancakes, pancakes, and bake them in the oven this way almost every day.

Write down the recipe.

We will need:

  • 6 apples (which will make 12 halves)
  • 12 teaspoons honey
  • juice of half a lemon
  • cranberry jam and black currants - for decoration

If the apples are clean, you can cut out only the core, but then it will take a little longer to cook them. I had accumulated apples that were slightly spoiled, so I cut off those halves that were no longer suitable for consumption, and cut out the middle with the seeds from the remaining ones.

To prevent the apples from darkening, you must immediately lightly sprinkle them with the juice of half a lemon, this way they will retain their color, and the lemon taste in combination with sweet honey will give an excellent result.

Place a teaspoon of honey in the center of each apple half:

If you don’t have honey, you can simply sprinkle this place with granulated sugar, it will be no worse, but not as useful.

I stocked up on honey for the whole year, but children don’t really eat it alive, so at least let them get their vitamins this way.

Now I put all the prepared apples on a baking sheet (I don’t grease them with anything):

I put the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and leave for 15 minutes.

Although my apples are summer, they are hard and elastic, so this time will be enough for them. If you only have loose and soft varieties of apples, they will need no more than seven minutes. But usually for this recipe I still use hard apples, it turns out tastier, and there is a greater chance that they will not fall apart right in the oven.

In fifteen minutes our apples are ready. The skin wrinkled a little, the color changed a little, became darker.

Once they had cooled a little, I spooned half a teaspoon of cranberry jam onto each half and topped them with fresh blackcurrants:

My apples are sweet on their own, and they are also drizzled with honey, so additional sourness will not harm them; rather, on the contrary, this way we will remove the excess sugariness.

The apples were moderately caramelized, well baked, but did not lose their shape, they were juicy inside, even slightly crunchy.

The best recipes for baked apples with honey

And the sweet and sour taste is simply amazing! With this dessert you don't need any cakes or pastries.

Fast, simple, very tasty and at the same time healthy - take it into service!

Baked apples (5 recipes with photos)

Apple is one of the healthiest foods. It is rich in vitamins, microelements and contains a large amount of fiber. Apples are useful in any form, including baked ones. Baked apples very tasty. They are good as an independent dish or as a side dish for meat or poultry.

Classic baked apple

1. Apple
2. Granulated sugar

1. Use a knife to pick out the core from the apple so that a cone-shaped, non-through hole is formed.

2. Pour granulated sugar into the hole.

3. Next, you need to bake the apple. To do this, you need to place it in a baking container (baking tray, frying pan...), pour a little water into it (so that the apples do not burn) and bake at a temperature of 180-200 degrees in the oven. Baking time depends on the size of the apple, on average it is 15-25 minutes. In addition to the oven, baked apples can be cooked in an air fryer and microwave.

Baked apple with raisins and nuts

1. Apple
2. Raisins
3. Walnuts
4. Granulated sugar

1. Using a knife, pick out the core from the apple so that a cone-shaped, non-through hole is formed.

2. Prepare the filling: Crush the walnuts.

3. Add raisins to the nuts. If the raisins are hard, then they must first be soaked in water.


Add granulated sugar to the filling and mix.

5. Stuff the apple.

6. Bake an apple: put the apple in a baking container (baking tray, frying pan...), pour some water into it and set it to bake at a temperature of 180-200 degrees in the oven. Baking time depends on the size of the apple, on average it is 15-25 minutes.


Baked apple with honey and nuts

1. Apple
2. Honey
3. Walnuts

1. We pick out the core from the apple so that a cone-shaped, non-through hole is formed.

2. Grind the walnuts and put them in the apple.

3. Pour honey on top.
4. Bake an apple: put the apple in a baking container (baking tray, frying pan...), pour some water into it and set it to bake at a temperature of 180-200 degrees in the oven. Baking time depends on the size of the apple, on average it is 15-25 minutes.


Baked apple with honey and dried apricots

1. Apple
2. Honey
3. Dried apricots

1. Using a knife, remove the core from the apple so that a cone-shaped, non-through hole is formed.

2. Finely chop the dried apricots. If the dried apricots are a little dry, then they must first be soaked in water.

3. Stuff the apple with dried apricots.

4. Pour honey on top.

5. To bake an apple, put it in a container (baking tray, frying pan...), pour some water into it and set it to bake at a temperature of 180-200 degrees in the oven. Baking time depends on the size of the apple, on average it is 15-25 minutes.

Baked apple with cinnamon

1. Apple
2. Cinnamon
3. Granulated sugar
4. A piece of butter

1. Remove the core from the apple so that a cone-shaped, non-through hole is formed.

2. Place a piece of butter at the bottom of the hole in the apple.

3. Mix cinnamon and granulated sugar in a ratio of 1 to 16.

4. Pour the cinnamon and sugar mixture into the apple.

5. Place the apple in a container (baking tray, frying pan...), pour some water into it. Set to bake at 180-200 degrees in the oven. Baking time depends on the size of the apple, on average it is 15-25 minutes.

Tags: apple, baked, nut, raisin, dried apricot.

Baked apples are a healthy and tasty dessert. It turns out to be low-calorie, unless, of course, the fruits were baked in shortcrust pastry with a large amount of fatty and sweet filling. We will tell you how to cook delicious baked apples in the oven.

Which variety to choose

The apple chosen for baking should have a strong peel and dense flesh. It is worth remembering that early varieties of fruit have thin skin that can burst in the oven, so you should choose autumn apples with thick skin. You can bake any fruit, but the best dishes come from the Simirenko or Antonovka varieties. You can also use Golden and Granny Smith apples.

How to prepare fruits

For baking, select several apples of the same size. Before cooking, use a sponge to thoroughly clean the peel of dirt and wax, which is sometimes used to cover the fruit to extend their shelf life.

After this, the core (seed box) of each apple is removed from the tail side, being careful not to damage the “bottom” with sepals, so that juice does not flow out of the fruit when baking. This can be done with a regular knife or a special one with a rounded blade.

Baking Features

Apples are often baked by placing them in a heat-resistant form. Some housewives add a little water into the mold or onto a baking sheet so that the flowing sweet juice forms marmalade at the bottom.

It’s better, of course, to lay down some foil so you don’t have to waste time cleaning the baking sheet.

You can wrap the fruits in foil or dough to prevent juice from leaking out.

At what temperature should apples be baked in the oven? The fruits are baked at a standard temperature for baking - 180 degrees Celsius.

Oven baking time ranges from twenty minutes to half an hour and varies depending on the number of apples, type and operating features of the oven.

The flesh of the finished fruit is soft when pierced with a knife or toothpick.

Watch the video recipe for this dish:

Apples without filling

The lowest-calorie (no more than 50 kcal), but at the same time very tasty and the healthiest apples are without filling. Making them is very simple - you can even bake them whole, but properly prepared fruits without the seed capsule are more enjoyable to eat.

If you decide to bake the fruit whole, do not forget to pierce the peel with a toothpick in several places so that the peel does not burst during heat treatment.

You can cut and bake the fruit in halves, removing the core. You can even cut it into slices and cook it, placing it beautifully in a mold.

After baking in the oven, remove the apples and sprinkle them with sugar, and then place them in the turned off oven for about five minutes to form caramel.

You can bake the fruits by wrapping them in thinly rolled dough and serve warm with ice cream.

Apples with honey

We offer a recipe for baking baked apples with honey in the oven.

Calorie content of the dish – 215 kcal, per 100 g – 62 kcal

Number of servings – 2

Cooking time – 30 minutes


Required Products:

  • apples – 2 pcs.;
  • thick honey - 2 teaspoons;
  • fresh mint - for decoration.


To bake apples without filling, wash the fruits, remove the seeds and veins, and remove the tail.

Place a spoonful of honey into the indentations made after cleaning.

You can replace honey with granulated sugar. It’s very tasty to supplement it with butter – a piece about a quarter of a teaspoon. Instead of sugar and honey, you can put a teaspoon of condensed milk in the apples.

Place the apples in the pan and place in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Before serving, the baked dessert can be decorated with fresh mint, sprinkled with powdered sugar or cinnamon, depending on preference. Baked apples with honey are ready from the oven!

Stuffed apples

There are plenty of baking options. Some people cook apples without filling, others like to fill the fruits with juicy curd, fruit, nut or even meat mixture.

The filling for baked apples in the oven can be a mixture of:

  • chopped dried fruits;
  • chopped nuts and honey, which will complement liqueur, wine or cognac well;
  • cottage cheese, eggs, sugar, sour cream and raisins;
  • boiled rice with raisins, sugar and butter;
  • steamed oatmeal with dried fruits and sugar;
  • cranberries and sugar;
  • piece of chocolate.

Apples go well with the flavors of vanilla and cinnamon, so these spices are worth adding to the filling. Lemon zest is a good addition to the taste of a baked apple. You can serve the finished dish with vanilla or chocolate sauce.

By the way, you can bake fruits filled with hard cheese and dried fruits or hard cheese and minced meat. True, such a dish can no longer be classified as dessert. It's more of a snack.

To put the filling in the apples, you need to cut them or remove part of the pulp with a spoon. You can cut it in different ways. For example, cut an apple in half and remove the seed pod, and put a mound of filling in the indentations.

You can cut the fruit crosswise by cutting off the top and tail. Remove the “stub” and place the stuffing mixture in its place. After this, cover with the cut “lid”.

Or you can cut the fruit crosswise into thin layers and place the filling in a thin layer between them, “assembling” the apple back.


Oven-baked apples are an excellent dessert for children and adults. It lifts your spirits and replenishes your body with vitamins and minerals.

What are the benefits of baked apples in the oven? This dish will improve metabolism, avoid constipation, remove toxins, lose weight, improve immunity, prevent the development of cancer and lower cholesterol levels.

The fruits after heat treatment contain vitamins PP, H, B, E, A, C, minerals potassium and iron, as well as a large amount of pectin. Potassium is necessary for normal heart function and normalization of metabolic processes, iron is necessary to supply the blood with oxygen, and pectin removes toxins from the body and improves skin condition.

Now you know how to cook baked apples in the oven. This dietary dish can be eaten by nursing mothers and pregnant women, and introduced into complementary foods for children from 6 months. Bon appetit!

Similar materials

One of the most favorite children's treats, which is always on hand, is baked apples. Even those kids who neglect fresh fruit gobble them up with appetite. Most often, the fruits are baked with sugar. Even in this form, they are tasty and healthy, and baked apples with honey are even more so: the taste is softer, the aroma is more pronounced, and there are more benefits. And they are no more difficult to make than the usual version with sugar.

Basic Rules

Whatever apples baked with honey are planned, the recipe begins with their preparation. That is, you need to make a hole in which the filling will be folded. To do this, a circular cut is made around the tail, preferably as narrow as possible. Through it, the seeds and partitions - seed chambers - are scraped out with the same knife. Some people recommend using a small spoon for this purpose. However, if the pulp gives way easily to a blunt object, it means that the apple is not hard enough and will spread when baked.

Those who have not yet prepared baked apples with honey should take into account that when heated, the honey begins to bubble and splash out of the “cup”. There is a loss of a valuable product, due to which the apple itself will stick. So you need to fill the hole to half its depth.

The readiness of the treat is determined by the wrinkled skin, as in the case of using sugar. Baking time in one oven can be very different from another. So every cook finds this out in practice.

Very often apples burst when baked. To avoid this, the skin must be pierced in several places with a needle. But not to the cut-out hole, only the skin, otherwise the filling will start to leak out.

If you are preparing a lot of baked apples at once, you should immediately coat the pits with lemon juice so that the inner pulp does not darken.

And one last thing. To avoid burning in the oven, either place a baking sheet lined with parchment or pour very little water into it.

Honey and cinnamon

This is the most affordable way to cook apples in the oven with honey - you’ll definitely have cinnamon in the house. Cut apples are rubbed with spice on the outside, and honey is poured inside. According to other recommendations, the insides of the fruit are sprinkled with cinnamon, they say, this way it is better absorbed. Still other cooks put a piece of cinnamon stick into honey. Experiment! And if you find some pine nuts, sprinkle them on the cooled fruit, it will become even tastier.

Honey and nuts

To prepare baked apples with honey and nuts, you first need to chop the latter. Most often they take walnuts - they are cheaper, and you can even buy them in the nearest small store. The nut crumbs are mixed with thick honey, spread over the apples, and the stuffed fruit goes into the oven.

Honey and cottage cheese

The cottage cheese that goes into the filling should not be too wet - the apples will not be baked, and the honey will not saturate their pulp. It is better to buy grainy - it is not dry, but not too wet. The cottage cheese is mixed with honey (it is mixed, not ground or churned into a paste). You can add a little cinnamon for flavor. The filled apples are placed in the oven, and after a few minutes you can invite the children to enjoy them.

Honey and lemon

Sometimes mothers doubt whether the dessert will become too sour. It won’t - the components compensate each other. So baked apples with honey and lemon will acquire a sweet and sour taste. Honey is mixed with natural lemon juice in half and poured into the hole. Remember: bubbles will form, so leave some space above the filling.

Honey and berries

You can, of course, stuff apples with other fruits, but they are not too juicy for filling. But if you take raspberries and blueberries in half, you will get simply wonderful baked apples with honey! You can also use other forest and garden berries in the mince, the main thing is that they do not have a thick skin. It will be even more piquant if you make the dessert “under the lid”, that is, cut off the top of the apples, remove the tail from it and cover the stuffed fruit with it. The berries are first placed in the recesses. Honey is poured onto them, vanilla can be sprinkled on top, and then covered.

Baked apples in vermouth

This recipe is more complicated than the previous ones. Prepared apples are placed in the form in which they will be cooked. A teaspoon (or a little less) of thick honey is poured into each and a small piece of butter is placed. A little vermouth is poured into the bottom - from a spoon to half a glass, depending on the size of your shape and how many fruits you have. The fruit will take longer to bake than in other recipes, and they must be regularly basted with the flowing juice and vermouth poured in. When the baked apples with honey have cooled, they are sprinkled with vanilla sugar and cinnamon.

Honey, nuts and raisins

Apples with honey in the microwave are no worse than in the oven. Moreover, those who constantly use this device have greatly improved the original recipe. For the filling they use raisins, cinnamon and honey. All three components are mixed and placed in the cut holes. The microwave power setting ranges from 640 to 750 (depending on the model). Usually 10 minutes is enough for baking, but for the first time set it to 5 until you find out how much your appliance requires. When the fruit is baked, apple-cinnamon juice will remain on the tray. It is poured into a cup and heated until thickened, after which it is poured over the finished fruits. All that remains is to sprinkle the dessert with powdered sugar and scatter some cashews on top of the apples.

At first glance, apples baked in the oven with honey may seem like a primitively simple recipe, but with variations from this material we intend to prove the opposite.

The combination of apples, dried fruits and honey is a classic, which we decided to combine in the following recipe. The resulting dessert is the true essence of autumn and will fill your kitchen with the rich aroma of spices.


  • apples - 6 pcs.;
  • dried lingonberries - 45 g;
  • vegetable oil - 10 g;
  • dates - 5 pcs.;
  • honey - 35 ml;
  • ground cardamom, cinnamon - ½ teaspoon each;
  • zest and juice of one orange;
  • walnuts - ½ tbsp.


Carefully scoop out the flesh from the apples, being careful not to damage the bottom of each fruit. Discard the seeds and core, and cut the remaining pulp into small cubes and set aside. Finely chop the dates and combine them with spices, dried lingonberries and butter. Add apple slices to the aromatic mixture and top it all with citrus juice and zest. Distribute the aromatic filling among the apples and sprinkle the surface with chopped nuts. Leave the apples to bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

Apples baked in the oven with cottage cheese and honey - recipe


  • apples - 4 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese - 95 g;
  • honey - 35 ml;
  • walnuts - 35 g;
  • a pinch of ground cinnamon.


Core the apples and remove some of the pulp to make room for the curd filling. Beat cottage cheese with honey and cinnamon. Distribute the curd filling into the cavities of the apples and sprinkle everything with nuts. Bake the dessert at 190 degrees: 15 minutes for crunchier fruits and 25 for soft, almost puree-like fruits.

Recipe for baked apples with honey and nuts

This dish is a gift for every sweet tooth, as it combines not only honey and nuts, but also a mixture of coconut and chocolate. One such apple will be enough to complete a hearty autumn dinner.


  • apples - 4 pcs.;
  • coconut flakes - 35 g;
  • chocolate chips - 75 g;
  • walnuts - 45 g;
  • honey - to taste.


Finely chop the nuts and mix them with melted chocolate, honey and coconut. Cut out the core and some of the pulp from the apples. Place the coconut-chocolate filling into the resulting cavity. Place the apples to bake for about 45 minutes at 180 degrees, additionally pouring about a quarter glass of water into the pan.

Apples baked with raisins and honey

Baked apples can be given a unique aroma not only by assorted spices, but also by a small amount of alcohol, such as bourbon. If you are worried that hop apples may come out, then your worries are in vain, because under the influence of high temperatures all alcohol easily evaporates.


  • apples - 6 pcs.;
  • oat flakes - 75 g;
  • honey - 115 ml;
  • flour - 10 g;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • butter - 75 g;
  • apple cider - 230 ml;
  • bourbon - 55 ml.


While the temperature in the oven reaches 200 degrees, arm yourself with a large knife and cut out the core with seeds, as well as part of the pulp, from the apples. Prepare the filling by combining oatmeal, flour and a little cinnamon. Melt the butter and mix it together with oatmeal and honey. Fill the cavities of the apples with the oat mixture and place the fruit on a baking sheet. Pour the apple cider and bourbon mixture into the baking tray itself. Leave the apples to bake for 40-45 minutes, and then serve immediately after cooking.