How to make meringues at home. How to make meringue at home: air kiss.

So, meringue, comrades!

It seems that I have already given here all the possible and impossible educational programs on the most frequent confectionery fakups: a lot of waste paper has already been written about biscuit, cheese cakes have been written for you here and baked, and chocolate, and dietary, pancakes and pancakes, all the most ideal recipes have been painted in all details and with step by step photos. What else do we have in the first places in terms of the number of culinary fakups? Only meringue remained without attention. Moreover, you also ask me to tell you how to cook meringue so that it is beautiful, persistent, tasty and crispy. Well, let's do some work on the bugs, shall we?

You have probably seen, tried, or cooked a scary brown meringue yourself. This is a catastrophe. natural classic meringue should be white. I myself often find on the Internet a lot of recipes for the so-called "meringue" with a slight brown tint. Don't trust them. It's not meringue. It's already a cookie. The moment the meringue changed color, it ceased to be a meringue and became a cookie.

Remember the main rule of the oven: the meringue is not baked, the meringue is dried.

Meringue is a French crunchy pastry made from meringue. Meringue is beaten egg whites with sugar. Meringue can be made from any kind of meringue. There are three main varieties:

  1. French is the easiest and most common way to beat egg whites. Just beat the whites, gradually adding sugar.
  2. Swiss - more resistant meringue. Here the proteins are whipped in a water bath.
  3. Italian - the most stable and most labor-intensive type of meringue. Prepared with sugar syrup.

For meringue I prefer to do Swiss meringue. Such a meringue keeps its shape perfectly, it is more stable compared to the French one, but the process is not as energy-intensive as in the Italian one.

The main thing

What to do to make the meringue white, crispy and beautiful? Here are my 10 commandments.

  1. The ideal ratio of sugar proteins in meringue is 1 part protein to 2 parts sugar. That is, ideally, you need to weigh the proteins and take exactly 2 times more sugar.
  2. Separate the whites from the yolks while still cold, immediately after the refrigerator (so they are easier to separate). And then leave the proteins for 30 minutes at room temperature, covered with cling film.
  3. In order for the proteins to whip into a steep foam, all the utensils that are involved in whipping the proteins must be crystal clear and dry.
  4. For a water bath, it is desirable to use metal or glass heat-resistant dishes.
  5. To stabilize the meringue, confectioners use cream of tartar. If you don't have one, you can replace it with a few drops. lemon juice.
  6. The temperature of the oven with this method of cooking meringue should be no more than 100º. If the oven is powerful, then in order to avoid darkening, it is better to lower the temperature to 80 and increase the drying time to 2-3 hours.
  7. Drying time for meringues depends on their size. As a rule, this process takes from 1 hour or more.
  8. Do not open the oven during the first hour of drying! Otherwise, the meringues may crack or fall off.
  9. The easiest way to check the doneness of the meringue is to tear off one bezie from the baking sheet, if it comes off easily, then the meringue is ready. And if it sticks, then he needs a few more minutes.
  10. Once the meringues are cooked, don't take them out of the oven right away. Leave them in the oven all night to dry them properly inside. Or at least for 1 hour.

And the meringue recipe on Swiss meringue

We will need:

  • egg whites, room temperature- 225 gr. (7 pcs.)
  • sugar - 450 gr. (2 glasses)
  • lemon juice or cream of tartar - ½ tsp (optional)
  • a few drops of vanilla or any other essence (optional)
  • a few drops food coloring(optional)

Before you start cooking meringue, carefully read the 10 rules for making meringue ⇑

From these ingredients, you will get a lot of bezes. Therefore, for the first time, I advise you to take 3-4 proteins, weigh them and add exactly 2 times more sugar, that is, 120 gr. protein take 240 gr. Sahara.


  1. We heat the oven to 100º. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone mat.
  2. In a heat-resistant bowl, put the proteins, sugar and essence, and place it on water bath. The water must not touch the bowl!
  3. Constantly stirring with a whisk, heat the proteins until the sugar is completely dissolved for about 4 minutes (rub the protein mass between your fingers - you should not feel the grains) - this is very important!
  4. After the sugar has dissolved, remove the whites from the water bath, add lemon juice or cream of tartar and start beating with a mixer at low speed for 4 minutes.
  5. Then we increase the mixer speed (to the maximum if the mixer power is less than 500 W, and to the penultimate scale if the mixer power is more than 500 W) and beat for another 3-4 minutes or until the mixer bowl cools down to room temperature.
  6. If desired, add a couple of drops of essence or food coloring and beat for another 1 minute.
  7. Transfer the meringue to a pastry bag and place the meringue on the prepared baking sheet.
  8. We dry the meringue from 1 to 4 hours (depending on the size), after which we turn off the oven and leave the meringue to dry all night.

Now look at a small video review on cooking the right meringue:

Swiss meringue meringue is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

But here I thought well and decided that for the especially lazy you need to write down and the easiest french meringue recipe. Such bezeshki are crispy both inside and out, but the taste is in no way inferior to the above))

Here is my perfect meringue recipe on a simple french meringue


  • egg whites - 115 gr. (4 things.)
  • lemon juice - a few drops
  • sugar - 115 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 115 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. In a clean, dry bowl, at medium mixer speed, beat the whites to soft peaks, i.e., the mass should turn white and be held on the whisk when raised. Add a few drops of lemon juice.
  2. Then increase the mixer speed and, while continuing to beat, gradually introduce the sugar, adding 1 tablespoon at a time and beating for 3-4 seconds after each serving of sugar.
  3. When the mass becomes shiny and glossy, and the peaks hold their shape firmly, turn off the mixer and sift 1/3 of the powdered sugar into the proteins, mix gently and mix in the remaining two parts of the powdered sugar in the same way.
  4. Everything else is the same as last time: we place the meringue with a pastry bag on a baking sheet and bake at 100ºС for 1 hour.
  5. After an hour, try to remove one bezie from the baking sheet: if it comes off easily, then you can turn off the oven, if it sticks, leave it for another 30-45 minutes, or even for 1 hour (this will depend on the size of your particular bezek).

    Another the right way check the meringue for readiness - break it in half: if it breaks and crunches, then it's ready.

  6. Finished meringue french meringue You can leave it in the turned off oven all night, or you can take it out immediately and cool.

We store ready-made pies in an airtight container (not in the refrigerator!) At room temperature for a week, or even more. To be honest, I keep them for months.

If you still have any unresolved questions, ask in the comments below. ⇓ Let's decide together.

See you again.

Good luck, love and patience.

Meringue at home

Recipe cooking dessert at home, according to the recipe, squirrels are whipped with sugar to a state of air mass, then baked in the oven, you will learn how to cook meringue in the oven, according to the meringue recipe, it has a dense surface and a delicate, viscous inside. I bring to your attention my other recipes, which are located on the site https: // site / they will wonderfully complement and hopefully decorate your table.


Eggs (whites only) ______________ 3 pcs.

sugar ___________________________ 160 g.

citric acid ________________ pinch

How to cook meringue at home:

1. How to beat egg whites: The protein must be separated from the yolk, for this you need to take fresh and cold eggs, because in fresh eggs the protein separates much easier, separate it into a separate bowl, protect yourself from the awkwardly broken yolk.

2. Next, the protein can be moved to a bowl for cooking meringue. Now it is important to gradually add sugar to the bowl with the protein, at the rate of about 60 g of sugar for one egg white. Beat the protein with a mixer, gradually adding in portions no more than 1 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

3. The mixer must be turned on at low speed for whipping. Whisk for about 2 minutes until air bubbles appear. Gradually, the mass will become thicker, but in order to whiten the meringue, in the process of beating and adding sugar, you need to add a pinch of citric acid.

4. After that, switch the mixer to medium speed, beat for about 1 minute, then turn to maximum speed and beat until completely cooked.

5. Readiness can be determined, at the tip of the whisk, there will be a shape-retaining peak, or we check with a spoon, the cooked one should not spread over the spoon and keep its shape.

6. How to bake meringues in the oven: Cover the baking sheet parchment paper for baking, the prepared mass with the help of a tablespoon or a bag folded from thick paper is laid out on a baking sheet.

7. In order that no matter what the meringue is burnt and baked inside, bake in the oven, you need on a small fire. To do this, the temperature of the oven must be 150 degrees. We put a baking sheet and reduce the temperature by about 10 degrees.

8. We need to dry the meringue a little, bake for 15 minutes, turn off the oven completely, wait until the oven cools down, only after the oven has completely cooled down, the meringue will be ready.

9. Meringue at home ready, I recommend that you cook meringue in the evening, for breakfast, your delicacy will be ready. In my family, they love to eat this dessert with milk.

10. We alternate the preparation of desserts, so that they do not become boring, I recommend you other recipes that we have published on the site. This is a homemade recipe or, for example, a very simple homemade recipe.

Good appetite!

How to cook meringue at home

Cooking meringue at home is still a lot of controversy. It seems that you will take into account all the subtleties, you will do everything according to the recipe, but either the squirrels will not get into the foam, then they will get wet on the second day, or they will be covered with an unhealthy tan with an unpleasant odor.

A short meringue recipe fits into one sentence: separate the proteins from the yolks, beat with sugar and bake. But! It is necessary to take into account a number of requirements, deviation from which can lead to disastrous results.

1. To prepare boiled white perfect meringue, you will need: for 8 proteins - 500 g of granulated sugar (powder is better). You can’t take less sugar, otherwise the meringue will become wet on the second day.

for the preparation of meringue, the ratio of sugar and eggs is important

2. Everything must be dry: dishes, proteins, granulated sugar.

Sugar is dried on a baking sheet. It is enough to heat it and leave it open until it cools two or three times. Sugar is sometimes sold so raw that during this procedure a crust forms on its surface - break the crust, dry it.

granulated sugar must be dried in the oven and cooled

Cool to room temperature before mixing with egg whites.

Separate the whites from the yolks so that the yolk is not torn. To do this, you can slightly break the middle of the egg and let the protein spill into the bowl. Then pour from one half of the shell to the other until the yolk remains there alone. Better yet, play it safe and leave some protein in the shell.

A few hours before cooking (overnight), leave the proteins in an open bowl on the top shelf of the refrigerator. This will cool them down and dry them out a little more.

Dishes should be cool without the slightest sign of moisture or grease.

3. Beat with a mixer - the surface of the cream should be open. First beat the whites, at the very beginning add a few salt crystals.

Add sugar in small amounts. Don't add anything else.

it is important to add a few salt crystals

Spread whipped cream on greased vegetable oil baking sheet with a spoon - there are no secrets.

4. Meringue is dried, not baked. When you try to bake a cake, it burns out in the fourth minute.

The oven should be open, heating just enough so that the meringue pan is moderately hot. It is advisable to turn off the oven every half hour or hour and wait for the baking sheet to cool. At this point, the meringue dries especially well. It will take several hours to dry. As soon as it will be possible to remove the meringue from the baking sheet (with the help of a spatula - try to move it), the cake can be considered ready.

meringue will dry in the oven for 2 hours

Heating the meringue from above is unacceptable.

A frozen cloud of whites whipped with sugar - airy meringue. A perfectionist's dream.

Meringue Recipe by Paul Bocuse

Meringue is french cuisine. Meringue is our meringue. Today we will prepare meringue according to the recipe of the famous Frenchman Paul Bocuse.


  1. 2 squirrels
  2. sugar 185 grams
  3. a little powdered sugar
  • utensils for whipping must be completely clean - absolutely dry;
  • over-whipping the whites is just as bad as under-whisking;
  • proteins are rather not baked, but dried (at a low temperature of 100-125 degrees);
  • the whipped mass must be very resistant (in French, “up to the bird's beaks”);
  • checking the readiness of proteins - turn the bowl over and you are not hurt;
  • Sprinkle the laid proteins on a baking sheet with powdered sugar through a strainer.

History of meringue and everything about him

Delicate and crispy meringue cakes have long taken their place of honor in the list of the most popular and beloved sweet desserts. But because of the complexity of making it, many of us prefer to shop for meringues rather than making our own. In order to learn how to cook meringue properly, study our culinary tips.

Meringue or meringue (French baiser - kiss; French meringue - meringue) is french dessert made from whipped egg whites with granulated sugar and baked in the oven. Sometimes also used corn starch or cream of tartar (as a binding ingredient). Vanilla and a little almond or coconut extract are often added to the meringue. Cakes are light, airy and very sweet.


The word "meringue" comes from the French. "baiser" - a kiss. For the word "Meringue", regarding its origin, there are two hypotheses. According to the 1st, meringues were invented in the city of Meiringen (in Switzerland) by the Italian chef Gasparini. But the 2nd hypothesis is considered the most likely: Massialo François was the first to use the word "meringue" in his cookbook (1692).

Types of meringue

The basis of any meringue is egg whites and sugar. But sometimes the recipe also involves the use of nut flour, starch and other components. Cooks who do not have enough experience with meringue cakes sometimes have a very difficult time, so now we will tell you about the secrets of its preparation.

There are three main methods for making meringue:

  1. French,
  2. Italian,
  3. Swiss.

The simplest is the French method (cakes are obtained in a simple unpretentious form): beat the chilled egg whites into a strong foam, add a pinch of salt and beat, gradually introducing granulated sugar, until stable peaks form. This method of making meringue cakes is the most common.

More difficult to make Italian meringue (it can also be used as a cream or filling for confectionery): in pre-whipped proteins, without stopping beating, pour hot strong in a thin stream sugar syrup without stopping beating. Beat the mass until it cools completely.

Meringue, which is prepared by the Swiss method, is the strongest, densest. It can hold any shape, any complex patterns can be made from it. For cooking, boil water in a saucepan and place a container over it with egg whites and sugar (water during boiling should not touch the bottom of this container). Beat the whites slowly until the sugar is completely dissolved, and then increase the speed and bring to a dense, thick mass. " Swiss meringues” are most often used for the Pavlova Cake dessert.

Neuroscientists argue that happiness is a physiological illusion that we fall into for very short periods of time. For example, for those couple of minutes until the meringue melts in our mouths. On this page - 3 meringue recipes at once and all the secrets of making meringue at home. Each meringue recipe is with detailed step-by-step photos.

The first of the three proposed recipes is a basic version of meringue with nuances and cooking tips, followed by two recipes with bells and whistles. As the saying goes, "med-len-but, so that everyone can understand." And so that everyone succeeds, because meringue is a capricious thing.

Meringue is a dessert, a protein cake that is whipped with sugar until a dense airy mass, after which the mass is laid out in the form of a cone and baked to a dense surface and a tender, slightly viscous center.

The nuances of making the perfect meringue at home. A culinary trick for a unique meringue is, but baking them is no less important. The oven must be preheated to 150 ° C, then we put a baking sheet with meringue in it and turn off the oven. The cooking process requires patience - the meringue will be ready when the oven has completely cooled down. You can put the meringue in the oven in the evening - to morning breakfast get an excellent dessert, the degree of dryness that is characteristic of an ideal protein treat. These are the main tricks of the meringue recipe snow white color from the famous culinary specialist Delia. For more familiar methods of preparing meringue, see below.

Basic meringue recipe without secrets

  • 3 eggs (whites only)
  • 160 - 175 g sugar or powdered sugar
  • citric acid - a pinch
  • whisk
  • cup or bowl

Steamed almond meringue recipe

In addition to the main ingredients, proteins and sugar, additional ones can be included in the meringue recipe. Almonds, for example - he will give the dessert amazing taste. Or other nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios - each with its own individual accent.

But nuts, of course, are not all that meringue can be enriched with. We will layer the meringues butter cream- and this is a real "gloss" of enjoyment of taste. And so that you are not afraid to complicate the meringue, we will make it for a couple - this method gives a 100% guarantee that the meringue will turn out. According to connoisseurs, with the assistance of heat in the form of steam, protein and sugar are bonded almost at the molecular level, so the baking process runs smoothly.

Recipe Ingredients

  • proteins - 2
  • sugar - 110 grams
  • almonds - 36 grams
  • vanilla sugar - 2/3 sachets
  • Chop the almonds into small pieces

How to make almond meringue

Pour into a wide bowl hot water and put a bowl for whipping egg whites. The bowl must not touch the water! Only steam will heat our mixture.

Put the egg whites in a bowl and beat them with a mixer at high speed.

As soon as they begin to thicken, start adding granulated sugar and vanilla sugar.

Continue beating until the egg whites are glossy and firm (this will take about 10 minutes).

Remove the bowl from the water bath. Stop beating, add almonds, mix gently.

Pour the mixture into a cornet. Holding it vertically, squeeze any figures onto a baking sheet covered with parchment: patches, snails, zigzag stripes, hearts - fantasize and do.

Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 100 degrees. Bake for about an hour.

Butter cream for meringue

We will also make the cream in a water bath.


  • butter - 100 grams
  • egg - 1
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • alcohol for flavoring - 2 teaspoons


Pour hot water (40 degrees Celsius) into the container. Place another bowl on top and crack the egg into it. Beat it with sugar into a thick meringue.

In another bowl, beat room temperature butter. Continuing to beat, add according to Art. spoonful of egg mixture. Add alcohol at the end.

Place the whipped mixture in the refrigerator to chill.

Ready and cooled meringues spread with cream on the flat side and connect in pairs.

It turns out such fantasy, bizarre curly beauties (how did you “sculpt” them)

Meringue recipe with chocolate and sesame seeds

Very tasty and unusual recipe meringue, in which toasted sesame seeds and drops of chocolate were combined. It's worth a try, even if it doesn't seem to fit. Believe me, how it fits together! Chocolate and sesame in a protein shell - one of the most unusual dessert flavors!

Recipe Ingredients

  • proteins - 2
  • sugar - 100 grams
  • black chocolate - 50 grams
  • sesame - 35-40 grams
  • lemon juice - incomplete teaspoon (2/3)

Preparation of meringue "chocolate sesame"

Roast the sesame seeds until light golden brown. Be sure to let it cool before cooking the meringue.

Coarsely grate the chocolate.

Place whites in a bowl. Beat them at high speed and as soon as they start to thicken, add the lemon juice.

While continuing to beat, add the sugar. The protein mass should become very steep. Stop whipping.

Add sesame seeds and stir in gently. Add chocolate and stir again gently.

You can form a meringue, as in the previous version, using a cornet, or you can just use a spoon. If you want small balls, then a teaspoon; more clouds will turn out if you spread dessert.

Take two spoons - one to collect, the second to clean off the first.

Place the balls on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

Put in an oven preheated to 150 degrees. Bake for 25 minutes. It is better to cool on a kitchen rack.

The main secrets of making the perfect homemade meringue

Let's sum up a little. To get the meringue:

Use clean and dry utensils, water is unacceptable in any form; it is not recommended even to bake meringues in wet weather;
- you can additionally degrease the dishes by wiping them with a swab dipped in vodka;
- there is an opinion that if you wipe the walls of the whipping dish with a piece of lemon, the proteins will turn out to be especially lush and steep;
- observe temperature regime, meringue is not baked, it is dried; if your oven has a convention function, use it to expel any hint of moisture.

Meringue is a delicacy of angels, because it is so similar to air clouds! How to make bizet at home to pamper yourself and your family? This requires very few ingredients, but a lot of patience. Believe me, what comes out of it will make you forget about the efforts made.

How to make a bizet: a classic recipe

2. Do this until the mixture turns into a cloudy foam.

3. Now enter powdered sugar. Do not pour everything at once, but gradually, in small equal parts. Accompany this by whisking to keep the cream shape.

4. When the sugar dissolves, add starch and beat everything again. At the end of the work, you should get a cream of such a consistency that, even if you turn the bowl over, it does not leak out or deform.

meringue baking

1. Prepare the baking sheets: flour the bottoms.

2. Use a baking syringe or a teaspoon to form protein islands.

3. Preheat the oven to 100 C. Send the meringue there and leave for 2-2.5 hours. Keep the cabinet door open.

4. Turn off the fire, but don’t get the cakes right away - let them “sit” a little more.

Serve with tea, coffee or use as cake decoration.

How to make bizet in the microwave

Traditional set of products:

  • 100 g of proteins;
  • 100 g sugar (powder);
  • 50 g of grated chocolate;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice.

How to make brownies in the microwave

1. An important point: there should be as much sugar in terms of weight as proteins. 1 part protein = 1 part sugar.

2. Beat the whites with a mixer at a low speed. When the mass darkens, increase the power to get a thick foam.

3. Add sugar, beat until characteristic hard peaks appear.

4. Add lemon juice if desired. It neutralizes the excessive sugariness of the cake (if someone does not like it).

5. Prepare the chocolate powder. Carefully add it to the cream, stir so as not to disturb its airy form.

6. Pour the cream into molds (1/2) and send them to the microwave. Set the mode to 800 revolutions, and set the timer to 0.5 minutes. That's how long it takes to cook.

When the time is up, don't take them out right away. Let them sit there for a couple of minutes. If you pull it out earlier, then the "airiness" will disappear. Then remove the cakes from the molds, decorate them fresh berries or leftover chocolate chips.