Three courses with poached egg. Cooking poached eggs - how to do it right

A poached egg is the perfect morning meal. It is enough to add to it a piece of fresh tasty bread, a cup of aromatic coffee - and breakfast is ready. If you want to diversify your morning with other dishes with a poached egg, we have collected 5 interesting recipes from chefs for you.

Poached is actually the name of a cooking method. Its meaning is that the products are languishing in a hot liquid at a temperature below the boiling point. In this way, you can cook tender river fish, meat, root vegetables or legumes. But the most famous and widespread dish all over the world is poached eggs.

There are several ways to cook poached eggs.

1) The old fashioned way: eIf you master it, then you can safely call guests for breakfast and arrange a cooking show for them. In a saucepan, for exampleTefal illico G7024414 ,boil enough water, add a spoonful of vinegar, then with one hand twist the funnel in boiling water with a fork or tablespoon, and with the other break the egg in half (cooks do this on the side of the pan) so that the liquid gets inside the funnel. In a simpler version, you first break the egg into a ladle and then gently lower it into boiling water for 3-4 minutes.

2) In plowing: in stores you can find a wide variety of all kinds of devices for cooking poached eggs. The most inexpensive are silicone "baths" with a tail. You break 1 chicken egg into this container and lower it by the tail into boiling water for 3-4 minutes.

3) In film: the simplest and most reliable way. Line a shallow cup with cling film, be sure to grease the film with vegetable oil (otherwise the protein will stick to it), gently break 1 egg inside, salt and pepper to taste, then gather the edges of the film and tie with a thread. Place such a bag in a pot of boiling water for 4-5 minutes. Then cut off the tail of the package with scissors and carefully remove the egg.

According to Wikipedia, a poached egg is a traditional French breakfast dish made from broken poached eggs. You will learn a detailed description of the "poached" method in detail from the article itself. With this method of preparation, a soft, creamy yolk is obtained, wrapped in protein petals.

Some cooks add poached eggs to soup or broth. Now the topic of “poached” has been touched upon, so it would be fair to give the word its definition. Poached - an egg boiled in a bag and carefully peeled so that the yolk does not spread.

Crispy poached egg - learn a delicious way to cook at home

This cooking method is chosen by people who appreciate the delicate taste of simple eggs and are able to appreciate the way the cooking process itself.

The secret to making a crispy poached egg

The main secret is that the eggs must be fresh, and the water must never boil.

  1. We collect 2 liters of water in a saucepan and pour 100 ml of vinegar, turn on the stove to maximum and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat to medium, the temperature of the water should be 92 degrees C, as if the water is about to boil.

2. The egg must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance or placed in warm water for 2 minutes (to warm up), otherwise it will simply crack.

An important secret is to take the egg out of the water and use a spoon to lower it into the pan for exactly 10 seconds. Then we take it out and put it on a towel.

4. In the middle of the whirlpool, break the egg and let it boil and slowly spin for only 3 minutes.

5. After exactly 3 minutes, we take out the egg with a spoon and lower it into a bowl of cold water.

6. We will do the same with the second egg. There should be two eggs.

7. We put the pan on medium heat to heat it up. Prepare three plates. In the first plate - a little flour, in the second - a raw egg, in the third - breadcrumbs in crumbs.

8. Put a pinch of salt in the egg and beat a little.

9. Cut off the extra parts from the poached egg.

10. Roll the poached eggs first in flour.

11. Then dip into a raw egg.

12. And sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

13. These are the intermediate blanks.

14. Heat a piece of butter in a pan and wait until it melts.

15. Dip a poached egg into the oil.

16. Fry on both sides until golden brown.

17. Transfer to a napkin so that the fat is absorbed.

18. Crispy poached egg is ready.

You can eat it as an independent dish or add vegetables and herbs. Excellent snack.

How to cook a poached egg in the microwave

Now you will have the opportunity to learn how to prepare breakfast or a snack with the participation of the poached culinary reception at


  • Bread - 1 pc.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Vinegar - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Butter - 10 g
  • Lettuce, dill, tomatoes - optional
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste


  1. We put the pan on the fire and fry the bread on one side without oil.

As a tip: While the bread is toasting, turn on the kettle so that there is hot water.

2. When frying bread on the second side, put a piece of butter under it.

3. We take a bowl, which in size should be included in the microwave. Pour boiling water into it in such an amount that the egg cannot reach the bottom.

4. Pour 1/2 teaspoon of vinegar into the water, stir quickly.

5. Immediately pour the egg into the water. Pour carefully so as not to damage the yolk.

6. Put the bowl with the egg in the microwave (full power) for 1 minute.

7. While the egg is being prepared, serve the toasted bread. Side fried with butter - up. Put lettuce leaves on bread.

How to cook a poached egg in a bag - a quick video recipe

Poached eggs are prepared quite simply in professional kitchens. Making it at home is also quite simple, since there are several ways.

Cooked poached eggs

How to boil a poached egg at home

Exists 4 ways cooking at home. Among them, it is impossible to single out the best, since the cooking option depends on the possibilities and available items. Each recipe requires eggs and water, salt to taste. Some recipes use a 9% vinegar solution.


  1. Pour water into a saucepan, add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar and start heating.
  2. Crack an egg into a bowl or cup;
  3. When the water is warm, make a funnel;
  4. Pour in the egg (the water should not boil);
  5. Boil the egg, helping the white wrap around the yolk;
  6. After three minutes of cooking, remove the egg with a slotted spoon.

in a pouch

  1. Cut a 20x20 square in cling film, grease it with oil;
  2. Place the film in a bowl or bowl;
  3. Break the egg into the film;
  4. Start heating water in a saucepan;
  5. When the water is hot, place the bag in it;
  6. After 5 minutes of cooking, remove the bag, cut and remove the egg.

In the microwave

  1. Crack an egg into a cup;
  2. Boil water;
  3. Pour boiled water into the bowl;
  4. Add vinegar and salt;
  5. Pour the egg into a bowl and put in the microwave;
  6. Cook the dish for 40-45 seconds at 1000 watts.

For a couple

  1. Grease a steamer dish with oil;
  2. Pour water into the multicooker bowl, set the mold in it;
  3. Pour into the mold of water;
  4. Break the egg into the water;
  5. Cover the form with foil and turn on the slow cooker;
  6. Steam the egg for about 4 minutes after the liquid boils;
  7. Remove the egg with a slotted spoon and serve.

How to make a poached egg at home: video

The recipe for cooking is presented in the following video.

Step by step recipe with photo and video

A poached egg is a simple and quite effective way of preparing eggs, which involves boiling the egg in hot water without the shell. This cooking method allows you to cook the eggs as delicately as possible, keeping the protein silky and tender and the yolk moderately liquid and viscous.

Complemented with crispy toast, vegetables or fresh herbs, a poached egg is a healthy and very tasty breakfast or a light snack during the day that can be prepared in a few minutes. Today I will tell you about the secrets and subtleties, as well as show some popular cooking methods for this dish. Let's start?!

The perfect poached egg comes from the freshest eggs. Therefore, first check how fresh the eggs you bought in the store.

Dip the chicken egg into a wide glass of cold salted water. If the egg immediately sinks to the bottom, this is ideal. The egg is fresh, its white adheres tightly to the yolk, and you don't need any extra tricks to get a perfectly shaped classic poached egg.

In this case, we use the simplest, “basic” cooking method. Crack the egg carefully into a small bowl, being careful not to damage the yolk.

Boil about a liter of water. When the water boils, add 1-2 pinches of salt if desired. Then reduce the heat to low so that only small bubbles form at the bottom of the pan. To cook a poached egg, it is enough that the water temperature is 70-80 degrees. Active boiling in this case only harms - the egg, most likely, will simply burst.

Bring the container with the egg as close to the water as possible and in one motion easily tip it into the water.

Note the time and boil the egg for 3.5-5 minutes, depending on the desired degree of readiness. Readiness can be checked by pressing on the yolk with your fingertip. It should be resilient and springy when pressed. If the yolk is soft, the egg is undercooked. If, on the contrary, the yolk is hard, the egg is overcooked.

Remove the finished poached egg from the water and place on a napkin or towel for a few seconds to drain the water.

Another method of making poached eggs can be called "win-win" - it is very simple and always works. It lies in the fact that the egg just needs to be filtered before cooking.

During storage of eggs, part of the protein becomes more liquid and separates from the bulk. This part of the protein, as a rule, interferes with the preparation of a beautiful poached egg. Separate it and the problem is solved.

The third popular cooking option is boiling eggs in a plastic bag. This method is more troublesome than the previous two, but can be useful in cases where you need to cook a large number of eggs at the same time.

Lubricate the cling film with vegetable oil. Line the bottom of the bowl with cling film so that the ends of the cling film hang down on the outside.

Pour in the egg. Gather the ends of the cling film and tie as close to the egg as possible. Try to keep as little air inside as possible.

Now simply place the bag in hot water and boil until desired doneness.

The poached egg is ready! Enjoy your meal!

If necessary, a poached egg can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 days in an airtight container or covered with cling film. In this case, before serving, the egg will only need to be warmed up by placing it in warm water for a few minutes.

The French recipe for poached eggs is almost the same as poached eggs, only they are prepared without the shell. The bottom line is that you “twist” the water into the funnel with a spatula, forming a whirlwind, into the center of which you carefully pour the broken egg. As a result, the protein beautifully envelops the yolk, and the same poached egg is obtained. In addition to homemade, there is a restaurant method of cooking poached eggs - it is suitable when you need to boil many eggs at once. The method is practical, albeit devoid of graceful dexterity: you break an egg into plastic wrap, tie it “in a bag” and lower it into boiling water for 4 minutes.

And poached - the difference is that poached is part of the benedict sandwich.


  • eggs,
  • salt - 1 tsp in a small saucepan (600-800 ml.),
  • white natural vinegar - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

How to cook poached eggs

Gently crack open the egg and release the contents into a bowl (you can use a large spoon).

Put a saucepan of water on a small fire, wait for the bubbles to boil, add salt and vinegar.

Carefully pour the egg from the bowl into the water.

Boil 4 minutes.

Remove with slotted spoon.

An alternative way from the English culinary specialist Delia: cook for no longer than 1 minute, and then leave them in a saucepan of hot water removed from the heat for another 10 minutes. There they will “reach”, and you can enjoy a magnificent poached egg with a completely hardened protein and runny yolk.

Features of the poached egg recipe:

  1. Eggs must be as fresh as possible, otherwise they will never come out neatly "collected", they will spread. Sometimes the egg still turns out with tattered edges of the spreading protein. Just cut them off with a knife.
  2. When the egg slips into the pan, it is important that it stays in the water and does not stick to either the sides or the bottom. Check it with a spoon - the egg should float.
  3. The water should not boil too much, make sure that it bubbles gently.
  4. Any additives, including salt and vinegar, are optional. Vinegar is added if the egg lacks freshness - it helps the protein "hold" the yolk. Salt is also optional, in any case, you will not find it in classic French recipes. Just an egg and water is all.
  5. Instead of water in some recipes, you will find broth, and even white wine. But this is already excessive exoticism or details tied to a very specific dish. For a poached egg is, strictly speaking, not a dish, but a method. Why are you doing it is another question.
  6. The poached egg should be used immediately. If this is not possible, it is permissible to keep them for no more than 1.5 hours in cold water or in the refrigerator (longer). Before serving, rewarm by placing in hot water, then pat dry on paper towels.