Pies from potato dough in the oven recipe. potato dough

Each housewife has her own recipe for potato pies - with cabbage, mushrooms, minced meat. We have collected the best!

I want to offer you a recipe for potato pies, which I decided to cook in a snack version - with cheese, garlic and sausage. You can choose any filling, at your discretion. The dough turns out very tasty, and the pies themselves are incomparable. Try it!

  • mashed potatoes - 500-600 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • flour - 150-200 g;
  • chopped dill greens - 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, black ground pepper- taste;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • smoked sausage - 100 g;
  • garlic - 2-4 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.

Add dill, salt and pepper. Mix well until smooth.

Place the filling in the center of each circle. In my version, it is a slice of cheese, a piece of sausage and a little chopped garlic.

Recipe 2: potato patties with mushrooms in a pan

This simple recipe for potato patties with mushrooms will not leave you indifferent. In many ways, the texture and taste of the finished pies depend on the variety of potatoes. Watery white, for example - not the best way. But yellow and crumbly - just right. You can take absolutely any mushrooms, if you don’t have forest ones - champignons or oyster mushrooms are also great.

Potato patties with mushrooms are delicious both hot and cold. Serve them with sour cream or your favorite sauce, as well as fresh herbs or vegetables if desired.

  • potatoes - 800 gr
  • boiled forest mushrooms - 300 gr
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • green onion - 5 sprigs
  • table salt - 1 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • breadcrumbs - 9 tbsp.

First of all, we clean and set the potatoes to boil until fully cooked. Don't forget to salt.

Meanwhile fry for a small amount refined vegetable oil boiled mushrooms and an onion (peeled and diced). If your mushrooms are cut large or even whole, you can cut them smaller. But I don’t do this, because then I pierce the finished filling in a food processor. Fresh champignons do not need to be boiled - we fry them immediately.

Ready mushrooms smell appetizingly and are well reddened. Yes, in the process of frying, we salted them to taste. Until then, let it cool down a bit.

Let the potatoes cool slightly and then mash them. It is more convenient and best to do this with a meat grinder, but you can also use a pusher. Add one egg to the warm puree. No flour!

Now just mix everything by hand until smooth - the puree is not hot, but warm. Taste for salt, adding a little if needed.

I chopped the fried mushrooms with onions a little in a food processor, but not into porridge, but so that small pieces remained. Add chopped green onion and mix everything thoroughly. The filling is ready.

We take part of the potato mass (it molds well) and form a ball. For each pie, I advise you to moisten your hands a little in cold water, then the puree will definitely not stick.

We make a pie by rolling it with our fingers. If it breaks or cracks, seal with dough.

So we sculpt all the pies - I got 13 pieces, but you can have more or less depending on the size. By this time, all the pies have completely cooled down.

Now we break the second chicken egg into a bowl, dilute it with 50 milliliters of cold water and chat a little. Dip each pie first into the egg mixture and then into breadcrumbs.

Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and lay out some of the pies. All the ingredients are already completely ready with us, so the pies only need to add rosiness.

Fry them on both sides until a delicious golden crust appears. We are preparing the rest in the same way. By the way, blanks perfectly tolerate freezing, so such pies (without frying) can be prepared for future use.

Recipe 3, step by step: minced potato patties

Potato patties with meat - it's easy, fast enough and very tasty! See for yourself!

  • Boiled meat (pork, veal or chicken) - 500 g
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • Potato - 1 kg
  • Flour - 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Pepper -0.25 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 50 g

Scroll the boiled meat in a meat grinder.

Boil potatoes "in uniform". Clear.

Still warm, twist in a meat grinder. Add eggs, salt, pepper, flour. Knead everything well.

Clean and wash the onion. Cut into cubes. Heat up the pan. Pour vegetable oil. Saute the onion in vegetable oil for 5-7 minutes. Add minced meat and fry everything together, stirring, for another 5 minutes. Add salt and pepper. Mix well.

Form pies. Take small pieces of dough and flatten into a cake with wet hands. Put minced meat in the middle of each. Form a pie, any shape.

Heat up the pan. Pour vegetable oil. Fry potato patties over medium heat until golden brown 2-3 minutes.

Then turn over and fry the potato patties on the other side for 2-3 minutes. So fry all the pies.

Potato pies with meat are good served with sour cream. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 4, simple: potato pies with ham in the oven

We offer a recipe for pies for hastily from potato dough with meat filling. Very tasty, very satisfying and quite fast!

  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 250 gr.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.
  • raw smoked salted ham - 250 gr.;
  • onions - 4 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil - 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream - 200 gr.;
  • fresh herbs - 1 bunch.

First of all, boil the potatoes in their skins. It is better to do this in the evening, then it will be less sticky to your hands. Peel off the skin and grate.

Add eggs, salt, pepper and flour to the grated potatoes.

Knead the potato dough for pies. Everything about everything took about 30 minutes, no more.

The filling for potato pies also does not take much time, 15-20 minutes. Peel the onion and chop finely. Lightly fry in vegetable oil. Add smoked ham to the onion. If there is no ready-made ham, then you can take bacon or minced meat. Only minced meat will need to be salted and peppered to taste. Add finely chopped fresh herbs. Can also be frozen or dried.

Approximately 10 pies should be obtained from the raw materials obtained. Therefore, we divide the potato dough into ten equal parts. To prevent the dough from sticking to the table, cover it with parchment paper and for reliability we will use additional flour. Roll out each part of the dough into a cake.

Spread 2-3 teaspoons of sour cream on one edge of the cake and spread the meat filling, about 2-3 tablespoons.

Close the pie to make a semicircle. Crimp the edges of the dough with a fork. You can trim the edges with a special decorative wheel.

Place the finished potato pies with meat on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Grease the top of each pie with vegetable oil.

We send the pies to the oven for 30-40 minutes to bake at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Recipe 5: Potato Pies Cooked with Cabbage

  • potatoes - 8 pcs.;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 100 g;
  • white cabbage - 250 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • sunflower oil - for frying.

Wash the potatoes well, put in a saucepan with cold water, put on fire and cook for 30 minutes after boiling until cooked. Salt or not salt it during cooking - it does not matter.

Cool the boiled potatoes, peel them from their uniforms and crush with a crush until mashed. You can use a blender and even a mixer. The consistency of the dough for potato pies depends on the state to which the potatoes can be crushed. Add salt and one beaten chicken egg. It will be enough to break the egg with a regular fork.

Pour the flour and knead the potato dough for pies. It is better to sift the flour. And here it's not so much about enriching it with oxygen. After all, our dough for potato pies will not rise. By sifting flour, we will get rid of foreign objects that sometimes get into it. And thus we will save ourselves from unnecessary surprises in potato pies.

We pinch off small pieces from the potato dough, make cakes out of them and lay them out on a cutting board. You can form pies directly on the palm of your hand, but this is not very convenient.

Finely chop the cabbage, mix with chopped onions. Pour everything into the pan and fry in sunflower oil 15 minutes until done. After the cabbage is cut, it must also be chopped with a knife across long strips in order to get the smallest possible preparation for potato pies. The same advice applies to onions: you should try to cut them into very small cubes.

We wash the chicken eggs under cool water, put them in a saucepan. Pour cold water over them and let them boil for 10 minutes. After cooling and cleaning. Finely chop boiled chicken eggs, mix with chilled fried cabbage. Salt the stuffing and season with spices.

In this filling, you can do without eggs, and instead of them add, in accordance with some recipes, fried grated carrots. It will give the potato patties a sweeter taste.

On potato pancakes, put a tablespoon of the finished cabbage stuffing with eggs. Gently pinch the edges and lightly roll the resulting pies in flour.

In a hot frying pan in hot sunflower oil, fry the potato pies until golden brown from all sides.

Due to the fact that both the potato dough and the filling were used ready-to-eat, there is no need to subject the pies to a long heat treatment. A crust will appear, put them on a napkin to remove excess fat, and serve piping hot on the table.

Recipe 6: Fried Mashed Potato Patties (Step by Step)

  • Warm water - 0.5 liters.
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons.
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon without a slide.
  • Dry yeast - 1 sachet (11 grams).
  • Vegetable oil - 4-5 tablespoons.
  • Flour - 4 cups (sometimes more, how much the dough takes) + sprinkling.
  • Potatoes - 500-600 grams.
  • Onions - 1-2 pieces.
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste.
  • Vegetable oil.

Heat the water somewhere up to 40 degrees, add salt, sugar, yeast, vegetable oil, mix. Sift flour, add flour, knead not very steep dough. Pour the flour gradually, the most important thing is not to fill the dough with flour, the dough should be soft, tender and not stick to your hands. Cover the bowl with a towel and put in a warm place for 20-30 minutes.

Peel potatoes, rinse, boil in salted water until tender. Drain water, mash into puree. I grated potatoes coarse grater, we like it better.

Peel the onion and chop very finely. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion until golden brown. Salt onions, argue. Transfer the onion to mashed potatoes and mix thoroughly.

Knead the dough again. Cut the dough into 4 pieces. Roll each part into a sausage, cut into small pieces. Roll out with a rolling pin into a small cake.

Put in the middle of the cake potato stuffing, pinch the edges and flatten slightly with the palm of your hand.

Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the pies from the spirit of the sides until golden crisp. Serve the pies immediately, hot, but also cold, they are very, very tasty. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 7: how to cook potato patties with mushrooms

If you want something tasty and satisfying, then cook potato pies with mushrooms. Our dough will be made from potato mass. We will prepare the filling from fresh mushrooms, but, as practice has shown, salted mushrooms also go well with this type of pies.

For the test

  • Potatoes (medium tubers) 4 pcs.,
  • flour 1 cup
  • egg 1 pc.,
  • semolina 2 tbsp. spoons.

For filling

  • Mushrooms (6-7 medium size) 200 g,
  • onion (medium size) 1 pc.,
  • salt to taste
  • sunflower oil for frying.

We need to boil the potatoes "in uniform", that is, without peeling. For those who do not know: pour washed tubers with cold water and put on fire. Boiling time depends on the size of the tubers. On average, jacketed potatoes are cooked for about 15 minutes. The knife should pass well through the potato.

While the potatoes are cooking, let's prepare the filling. In our case - fresh champignons and an onion. Wash mushrooms and finely chop. Finely chop the onion too.

In a preheated pan, fry the onion first, and then send the mushrooms to it.

Salt and let them fry for 15 minutes on low heat under the lid.

Potato patties with meat great addition for first courses or for tea, perfect for afternoon snack. Crispy crust, tender potato and meat filling- that's what awaits you. You can cook the potatoes on purpose, or you can use leftover mashed potatoes. Cooking time will take a little, and wonderful pies sure to delight your loved ones.

So, for the preparation of fried potato pies with meat, we will prepare the products according to the list. I used corn flour, but wheat flour is fine too.

Peel the potatoes, put to boil, salt. While the potatoes are cooking, let's make the filling. Finely chop the onion and saute until translucent.

Add minced meat to the pan, mix and fry until tender, stirring, 7-10 minutes. Let's salt and pepper.

Let the stuffing cool down a bit while you prepare the potato dough. Drain water from boiled potatoes and mash potatoes. Let cool slightly, add the egg.

Stir, add flour a spoon at a time, knead well. The dough should be soft, don't use too much flour. It took me 3 tbsp. flour. This is the dough we made.

Having dusted the board with flour, roll small balls from the dough, knead them into cakes.

Let's put the meat filling.

The dough is very tender and soft, it is more convenient to form potato pies in the palm of your hand. We carefully bake the pies. They can be rounded. Roll the patties in cornmeal.

Fry the pies in hot vegetable oil on both sides. They are fried very quickly, 3-4 minutes on each side.

Put the finished pies on a paper towel to remove excess oil.

Potato patties with meat fried in a pan are ready to serve, please come to the table! Crispy crust, tender potatoes and delicious meat filling - this is such a wonderful dish we got. Delight your loved ones with these delicious pies.

Very tasty potato pies with sour cream, help yourself!

How to cook tender potato dough for pies, pies, dumplings? Step by step recipe with photo. Video recipe.
Recipe content:

The dough is different. Most often for baking we use yeast, puff or shortbread. There is also a rarer dough in cooking - cottage cheese and potato. In this review, we will consider how to cook potato dough. It is suitable not only for zrazy, but also for baking both sweet and savory pies, rolls, pies, cookies, as well as pizza bases. As a filling for products on potato dough, meat, cabbage or mushrooms are suitable. Unsweetened options - apples, plums, apricots, pears, jams, jams, etc. You can also show your imagination and choose the most suitable option for yourself.

It is easy to guess that potato dough is made from potatoes. Not only fresh potatoes, but also not eaten yesterday's side dish from dinner, ready-made mashed potatoes. Flour for dough is mainly used wheat, but rye is also suitable. The amount of flour is added by eye, because. gluten different varieties potatoes are different. The dough is considered kneaded when it does not stick to the hands and the sides of the dish. Thanks to an unusual cooking technology, it turns out to be very airy and melts in the mouth. And after baking, the dough will turn out soft and tender with an evenly fried crust. Well, the undoubted plus of potato dough is that it is unpretentious, simply and quickly prepared from available products.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 137 kcal.
  • Servings - 400 g
  • Cooking time - 40 minutes


  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Wheat flour - 200 g
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - a pinch
  • Salt - a pinch

Step by step cooking potato dough, recipe with photo:

1. Peel and wash potatoes. If there are black eyes or spots on the tubers, then cut them out.

2. Cut the potatoes into pieces and place them in the cooking pot.

3. Fill the potatoes with drinking water and add salt. Optionally, for aroma and taste, you can add Bay leaf and peppercorns.

4. Send it to the stove to cook. Boil it over high heat. After boiling, reduce the temperature to the minimum setting, close the lid and cook until soft, about 20 minutes.

5. Drain all the water from the pan and put it with the potatoes on the fire to evaporate excess moisture. Then transfer the potatoes to a bowl and cool so as not to burn yourself during further work. You can not pour out the liquid in which the potatoes were boiled, but on its basis prepare dough for pancakes. It will be very tasty.

6. Use a potato masher to mash the potatoes into a smooth, lump-free puree.

7. Pour a little flour to it and knead the dough. At first, you can do this with a pusher or a spoon.

8. Gradually knead the dough, adding a little flour. it is desirable to sift through a fine sieve. So it will be enriched with oxygen and the dough will turn out airy.

potato dough from boiled mashed potatoes with grains, fat, salt and eggs. Potato dough gains more delicate taste, if you add butter and yolks. This dough is used to make shulyantsi (boiled potato dough sticks), fruit dumplings, various deep-fried curly products served with fruit sauce or meat, various pies with stuffing and rolls.

Such a potato dough pie can be prepared
with any filling to taste
Products for 4 servings:
75 g butter
1 onion, thinly sliced
150 g flour
125 g boiled potatoes, mashed

For filling:
1 st. l. olive oil
2 shallots, finely chopped
125 g mushrooms, cut into slices
125 g cooked ham, cut into cubes
175g canned artichoke hearts, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
thyme sprigs for garnish

1. Melt 25 g of butter in a saucepan and fry the onion until golden brown. Cool down a bit.

2. Cut the remaining butter into cubes and grind with flour. Add mashed potatoes, as well as onions from the pan along with the resulting juice. Salt, pepper and knead soft dough. Shape it into a round cake with a diameter of 23 cm, put it on a baking sheet or in a lightly oiled form and raise the edges in the form of sides.

3. Prepare the filling. Heat up in a frying pan olive oil, add shallots and fry until golden brown. Add mushrooms and simmer until soft.
Arrange the ham and artichokes on top of the dough, top with the mushroom and shallot mixture and season with spices to taste.

4. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 25-30 minutes until the dough is golden brown. Serve hot, garnished with thyme sprigs.

Potato puff pastry buns
POTATO Puff Pastry
250 gr creamy margarine chop with 2 cups of flour into fine butter crumbs. Add 2 cups of mashed potatoes, a teaspoon of salt and half a cup of milk. Knead the dough, put in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.

Fry 300 g of raw fatty minced meat with onions until tender, adding a little water in the middle of the frying process. Grind 2 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper, mix and refrigerate. Roll out the dough into a rectangle half a centimeter thick. Spread the mince evenly. Roll up along the long side. thin sharp knife cut across into buns. Without crushing them, put them on a baking sheet greased with margarine. Top with beaten egg. Can be sprinkled with grated cheese. Bake at 250 degrees for 20 minutes.

Meatballs in potato dough
minced meat 250 g
1/2 cup boiled rice
onion 1 head
vegetable oil 1 tbsp. a spoon
sweet chili sauce 1 tbsp. a spoon
ground paprika 1 teaspoon
grated hard cheese 150 g
egg 1 pc.

For test:
mashed potatoes
in powder 1/2 cup
wheat flour 2 cups
margarine 200 g
water 200 g
baking powder 1 teaspoon
Cooking method:

For the dough, mix flour with mashed potatoes, baking powder, add margarine cut into pieces and grind into crumbs (you can use a food processor). Pour in cold water, knead the dough. Wrap it up in cling film and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
For the filling, finely chop the onion, fry in oil, cool. Mix minced meat with rice, egg, onion and remaining ingredients.
Divide the dough into 20 parts, roll each into a circle. Place the circles in the molds, greased with oil, so that the edges of the dough slightly extend beyond the edges of the form.
In each resulting "basket" put 3-4 tablespoons of minced meat, lightly gather the edges of the dough. Bake for 15 minutes at 200°C.

Pie "potato sunflower"
6 pieces of potatoes
1 egg
5 tablespoons flour
half a teaspoon of curry

For filling:
3 hard-boiled eggs
4 medium onions
300 g chicken liver
half teaspoon curry
salt pepper
50 grated cheese


Peel the potatoes and boil until tender in salted water. Drain the water and make a puree. Whisk in the egg and mix thoroughly.
Knead the potato dough, add flour, salt, curry powder. It turns out a heavy bun.
While the dough is set aside and prepare the filling. Boil the eggs, peel and cut into cubes. Cut the onion into cubes and fry until golden brown. Mix half of the onion with the eggs.
Fry the liver until cooked, add the remaining half of the fried onion, mix everything well, salt, pepper. Let cool slightly and cut the liver into small cubes.
We roll out the dough slightly, but since the dough is not very elastic, I practically kneaded it with my hands until it was round. Thick, about 1 cm.
Further, we put a saucer in the middle of the cake, it will be like the middle of the "sunflower" and carefully cut the "petals" so that later we can make small pies out of them.
Now on each "petal" we lay the filling of eggs and onions and slightly raise the walls of the pies so that the filling is well kept.
Sprinkle each petal lightly with cheese.
Now we remove the saucer and we have a place for minced liver. We spread the minced meat and also sprinkle with a little cheese.
We send the cake to the oven for about 30-40 minutes.

Fish sticks in cheese-potato dough
Frozen fish fillet- 400-500 gr.
Ground black pepper

Potatoes - 2 pcs.
Hard cheese - 100 gr.
Butter - 50 gr.
Flour - 150-180 gr.
Salt - 1/2 teaspoon

Raw egg yolk
Sour cream - 1 tbsp. a spoon
Sesame seeds

Peel potatoes, boil, cool slightly, chop in a blender.
Add grated cheese, softened butter, salt - beat everything together until smooth. The mass turns out to taste similar to soft processed cheese.
Add flour, knead a soft elastic dough, put it in the refrigerator for an hour.
Cut the semi-frozen fish fillet into sticks 7-9 cm long, a little more than a centimeter thick, salt, pepper, leave for half an hour, then dry the sticks with a paper towel.
Roll out the dough 3 mm thick, cut into strips 25-30 cm long, 1.2-1.5 cm wide. Put in the middle of each strip fish stick and fold the dough crosswise. If the strip was too long, cut off the extra pieces - these pieces, as well as the edges of the dough, knead and roll out again, etc., when a very small piece of dough remains, roll it with a very thin flagellum and roll it out - this is the last strip.
Put the sticks in the dough on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, grease with yolk mixed with sour cream, sprinkle with sesame seeds.
Bake in an oven preheated to 200 * 20 minutes.

potato buns
250 g boiled potatoes
250 g flour
20 g butter
70 ml milk
2 tsp dry yeast
1 yolk
a pinch of salt
1 tsp Sahara

Boil the potatoes and crush well (through a sieve, so that there are absolutely no lumps).
Mix all the ingredients, knead the dough and leave to rise for 30 minutes.
Divide into 8 parts and form buns. Let them rest for 15 minutes before baking.
Preheat oven to 190 degrees. Coat the buns with protein (milk, water), sprinkle with sesame seeds (coarse salt, herbs, peppers) and bake until tender (it took me 15 minutes and browned for 5 minutes).

Remove the buns to a wire rack and brush with melted butter.

Potato dough rolls
Ingredients for bagels:
Water or milk - 500 ml.
Fresh yeast - 50 gr.
Salt - 2 tea. False
Sugar - 1 tsp.
Mashed potatoes - 200 gr.
Butter - 100 gr.
Flour - 1 kg.

For filling:
Sprats, tuna or ham, in principle, the filling can be anything.

Recipe for making bagels:

Let's dissolve yeast in warm milk together with salt and sugar. Add mashed potatoes, egg and mix. Then adding flour and butter in portions, knead the dough. We cover the dough with a napkin and set to approach.
When the dough rises, divide it into 4 parts and roll out circles.
cut each circle of dough, like a pizza, into 8 pieces (triangles.)
put the filling on the wide part of the triangle and roll up the bagel.
Put the bagels on a greased baking sheet, let them come up a little, brush with egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
Bake in the oven until done.

Potato dough pies
400 g boiled potatoes (steamed)
600 g flour
100 g melted lard (or butter)
150 ml water
150 ml milk
25 g fresh yeast
Salt half a spoon
2 tbsp sugar
green onion, boiled egg

Peel boiled potatoes, cut into large pieces and dry a little in the oven. Mash into a puree while still hot.

Mix water and milk (lukewarm), dissolve yeast in part of the liquid. Mix flour and lard (possible in a food processor), adding yeast and gradually pouring in the rest of the liquid. Add salt at the end. V last turn add potatoes, mixing well. The dough should be quite soft (like gnocchi).
Roll into a ball and leave to rise for 35-45 minutes in a warm place, covering the dough with a towel. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 0.5 cm and cut circles using a glass or a round metal mold. Put in the middle a spoonful of the filling and pinch. Bake at a temperature of 220 * until golden brown.

potato cake
Mashed potatoes - 1 - 1.5 cups
onion - 1 pc.
vegetable oil 0.5 cup
sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon
salt 1/2 teaspoon (or to taste)
dry yeast - 1 sachet
water - 1/3 cup.

Cooking technology:
Boil potatoes, drain the water, wipe hot, cool to 30-40 degrees.
Pour yeast, sugar, salt with water and let stand for 10 minutes to dissolve.
Finely chop the onion and sauté. oil.
Finely chop the greens.
Mix cards. puree, onion, herbs, add yeast, mix well; add flour and knead the dough so that it lags behind the hands, but not steep.
Divide the dough into 2 parts, roll out and put on a baking sheet (I don’t use a rolling pin, I level the cards. The dough is right on the baking sheet).
Sprinkle seeds on top and bake for 20 minutes. in the oven.

potato roll with mushrooms
potato dough
700 g of mashed potatoes, 3 tablespoons without a slide of starch.
250g onions, 250g carrots, 250g mushrooms, salt, spices.
Prepare mashed potatoes. Stir in starch.
Line a baking sheet with baking paper.
Lay out the potato mass in a rectangle. Place in
preheated to t=200~220°C oven for 15~20 minutes - until lightly browned.
Prepare the filling. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a medium grater. Finely chop the mushrooms. Fry on a vegetable
oil. Remove the baking sheet and spread the vegetable filling over the potato layer. Carefully roll the layer into a roll, while separating the paper.
Grease the top of the roll with vegetable oil. Place in the oven for 15 minutes.

Potato dough pizza
for the test:
potatoes - 6-7 small tubers;

Flour - 1.5 cups; butter - 2-3 tablespoons; grated cheese - 2 tablespoons; egg - 1 pc.; yeast - 20g; milk - 1/2 cup; ground black pepper, salt - to taste ; for the filling: boiled sausage - 50g; ham - 50g; processed cream cheese - 3pcs; hard cheese - 50g; grated cheese - 3 tbsp; egg - 2 pcs; milk - 1 cup; ground black pepper, salt - taste.

Boil the potatoes in their skins, peel them, mash them, mix thoroughly with flour. Make a well in the center, pour in the egg, melted butter, sprinkle with grated cheese, salt, pepper, pour in the yeast diluted with warm milk. Knead tender dough, cover it with a towel and put in a warm place for 2 hours. Then roll out and put on a pan greased with butter, so as to cover the bottom and sides of the pan. In a bowl, put finely chopped sausage, ham, cheese, cheese, grated cheese, pour eggs and milk, salt, pepper and beat well. Put the filling on the dough, close it around the edges, put in hot oven for 40-50 minutes. Serve hot.

Potato roll with cabbage
potatoes - 10 pcs., raw eggs - 2 pcs., boiled eggs - 3 pcs., onions - 2 heads, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, cabbage - 1 head of sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons, salt - 1 teaspoon, ground black pepper, dill - 1 bunch

Preparation procedure:

Boil potatoes in salted water, dry and rub hot through a sieve (you can also pass it through a meat grinder or chop in a food processor). Cool and stir well raw eggs. For the filling, finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil. We shred the cabbage and warm it up until it is soft and stops crunching (this can be done in the oven, microwave oven or covered in a heavy bottomed saucepan). Finely chop the boiled eggs and mix with cabbage and onions. Salt, pepper and sprinkle with chopped dill. We spread the potato mass on the cling film and give it the shape of a rectangle 2 cm thick. Put the filling in the middle of the rectangle. We turn the roll, while gradually removing the film. Transfer to a greased baking sheet, seam side down. We grease the surface of the roll with sour cream, if there is a desire, we apply a pattern (for example, draw a lattice with the blunt side of a knife) and bake the roll at 180 ° C until a golden crust forms. When serving, cut the roll into circles and serve with sour cream.

Potato balls with minced meat
Potato Dough:
Potatoes 500 gr
Eggs 1 pc
Flour 80 gr
Filling Ground beef:
Minced beef 350 gr
Bulb onion 90 gr
Filling Sauce:
Tomato juice 1 glass
Sour cream 1 cup
Vegetable oil 5 gr
Butter 50 gr
Salt, pepper to taste

Peel potatoes, put in boiling salted water and boil until tender.

When the potatoes are cooked, drain the water in which the potatoes were boiled and mash with a potato masher.

Add the egg, salt and flour to the mashed potatoes, stir everything and make a dough.

In another bowl, finely grate the onion into the prepared ground beef. You can add half an egg to the minced meat, then the finished meat filling will be denser, because the minced meat condenses the egg, but you can not add the egg to the filling. Salt.

Pinch off pieces of 75 g from the potato mass and, sprinkling a little flour, knead with your hands into a cake about 4 mm thick.

in the middle potato cake put minced meat about 35 gr
Blind like a pie and roll it in the palms to give a round shape.
Drop 5 g of vegetable oil into the pan and spread it, this is to potato balls didn't stick to the bottom. Arrange all the potato balls in the pan close together.

Prepared tomato juice and sour cream for pouring mix in a separate bowl, add a teaspoon of salt. And pour the prepared potato balls with this mixture.
Put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer for about 5 minutes with the lid closed. Then open the lid, pour melted butter on top and place in the oven over medium heat.

Keep it in the oven for about 20 minutes. so that not all the sauce has evaporated, then when serving with this sauce, it will be possible to pour potato balls.

For potato dough:
Potato - 1 kg
Sour cream (thick, fatty) - 1 tablespoon
Salt pepper

For minced meat:
Minced meat - about 200 g
Onion - 1 small onion
Salt pepper

Traditionally, Zeppelin potato dough is made from boiled and grated raw potatoes.
Take about 1/3 - ¼ of all prepared potatoes and boil until fully cooked. It is very desirable to boil the potatoes in their skins so that they turn out to be drier, not watery. Peel the boiled potatoes and mash them into a puree.

Peel the remaining potatoes and grate on the smallest grater, which is also used to make potato pancakes. As a result, you should get a fairly homogeneous potato mass, reminiscent of porridge. Put the grated potatoes on a sieve covered with gauze in two layers, and squeeze well.

Leave the squeezed juice to stand for 10-15 minutes. After this time, carefully drain the liquid, and add the precipitated starch to the squeezed potatoes.
Add here a tablespoon of sour cream, mashed potatoes, salt - pepper and mix until smooth.

In vegetable oil or even better in lard, fry the chopped small cube onions until light gold. Add fried onion to chopped meat, salt and pepper and mix until smooth.

Make a palm-sized flatbread out of the potato dough.

Put a small piece of minced meat in the middle. Close up the stuffing, giving the zeppelin the shape of an airship.

If the dough starts to stick to your hands during sculpting, moisten your hands with water. Place the formed zeppelins on a plate dampened with water. It is highly desirable not to delay the cooking of zeppelins. in the air they will darken. The added sour cream will partially compensate for the darkening, but if you leave them for too long, they will take on an unsightly dirty color. Boil zeppelins in salted water for about 20 minutes. There is a rule for boiling zeppelins, which says that first they should float, and then, when they are ready, they will begin to sink again. Boil the zeppelins in a large pot. It is very desirable that they float freely enough during the cooking process. If you overload the pan, the zeppelins will rub against each other, which can cause them to fall apart. Carefully remove the cooked zeppelins with a slotted spoon.

Zeppelins are served with sour cream, onions fried in lard, and cracklings. This is delicious!

POTATO Dumplings
potatoes - 800 g, egg - 1 pc., wheat flour - 250 g, onion - 150 g, salt, bacon - 50 g.

Cooking method:
Purified raw potatoes grate on a fine grater. Drain part of the juice, add flour, egg, salt to the potato mass and knead the dough. With a spoon dipped in water, separate small pieces of dough and dip them into boiling salted water. Cook for 6-8 minutes, stirring gently. Cut the bacon into cubes and fry, put the finely chopped onion and fry until golden brown, stirring all the time. Before serving, pour melted bacon with fried onions. Serve the sauerkraut salad separately.

Pork chop in potato dough
We will need.
400 gr. pork
6 potatoes
1 medium onion
1 egg
salt to taste
ground black pepper or a mixture of peppers.

We cut the pork into plates across the fibers, beat off, salt, pepper and set aside.
Now we can work on the potato dough (if we prepare the dough first and then the meat, the dough will turn black and appearance will be irrevocably damaged).
We clean the onion and three on a fine grater, add the egg, mix and set aside. We clean the potatoes, wash them and three on a medium grater (side grater on a tetrahedral grater, it looks like a carrot only small. Squeeze the grated potatoes and send them to the onion-egg mixture, mix, salt. Put a frying pan with vegetable oil on the fire. Let it heat up while we We will pack the meat in potato dough.

To do this, we take some dough, make a cake, put our chop on it, a little more dough on top, form a potato pie, carefully covering the meat from all sides and immediately send it to a well-heated frying pan. Fry the meat on both sides. Repeat the procedure until the meat and potato dough is over. Now we put our meat in a form or a frying pan of a suitable size, lightly greased with vegetable oil (in one layer) and send it to the oven preheated to 170 degrees for half an hour.
Serve with fresh vegetable salad.

Potato roll with minced meat and cheese
600 g potatoes
3 glasses of milk
3 eggs
1 st. flour
1 st. cumin spoon
2 tbsp. spoons of breadcrumbs
seasoning for potatoes
50 g butter
salt pepper
500 g minced meat (or 500 g mushrooms, or 250 g minced meat and mushrooms each)
1 large onion
150 g processed or hard cheese
1 bunch of greens

Boil potatoes until tender.
Fry finely chopped onion, add minced meat and (or) mushrooms, fry until tender. Drain water from potatoes, add cl. butter, a glass of warm milk, crush, beat with a mixer. Add flour, salt, pepper, 3 eggs, beat well again.

Add 2 cups warm milk and stir. It turns out batter.

We cover the baking sheet with baking paper, grease with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and seasoning for potatoes. Pour the dough, sprinkle with cumin.

In a preheated oven to 180 C for 15 minutes (until golden brown). The dough turns out very tender, it is a little difficult to work with it so that it does not tear, you can add flour, then these problems will disappear, but I don’t like to fill the dough with flour, I like it more fragile, airy.

We cover the foil on the working surface, and right with the paper we turn the base onto it, remove the paper, lay out the minced meat (mushrooms).

Grated cheese and finely chopped greens.

Carefully, helping with foil, roll up the roll, if somewhere the dough cracks, it can be easily corrected later. Wrap tightly in foil like candy and bake for another 15 minutes.

We take out, unfold, cut into portioned pieces, not very thin (you can thin it cold),

Delicious both hot and cold. The dough turns out incomparable, airy, tender, very interesting in taste. Can be used instead of mince fried mushrooms or a mixture of minced meat with mushrooms.

potato bread
potatoes (boiled) - 230g
salt - 1/2 tsp
butter - 25g
flour - 50g

Mash the boiled potatoes, add salt, butter, add enough flour to make a soft dough. Bake under the grill (or just in the oven on the deck, you can on the stove in the pan) for about 5 minutes to golden crust from each side. Serve hot.

potato donuts
600g boiled potatoes, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp sour cream, 100g flour, 10g yeast, pepper, frying oil, salt.
Pass potatoes through a meat grinder, add diluted yeast, salt, pepper, eggs, sour cream and flour, make dough, form small balls from it and fry in oil.

Serve hot with fresh vegetable salad.

Sausages in a potato coat.
4 sausages
6 medium potatoes
4 tbsp flour
1 egg
vegetable oil for frying

Great idea for breakfast or a quick snack.

Peel potatoes, rinse, boil in salted water.
Mash the hot potatoes, add the egg, salt, flour and knead the dough that does not stick to your hands.
Season and season.
Form tortillas from the potato mass.
Put a sausage in each cake, and wrap it with dough.
Fry in a pan in vegetable oil.
Place on paper towel to remove excess oil.

Plum dumplings
potato dough for dumplings:
300 gr potatoes
120 gr flour
30 gr semolina
30 gr butter
3 yolks

Boil potatoes, mash, add melted butter and other ingredients, quickly knead the dough.
The same dough is used for other types of dumplings, maybe with the addition of spices, if for meat filling

Pull the pit out of the plums original recipe it was proposed to put refined sugar, I took pieces of marzipan.
roll out pieces of dough and wrap the plums in the dough. Boil in salted water over low heat for 12-15 minutes.
Fry the breadcrumbs in butter, pull out the dumplings, roll in breadcrumbs and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Potato biscuits
Boil a pound of potatoes in a “uniform”, peel and knead it well. Add a tablespoon of melted butter or margarine, one egg, two tablespoons of flour, a little salt, ground black pepper, crumbled cheese. Mix thoroughly.
From the resulting mass, take small ones, the size of Walnut, pieces and, giving them the shape of cakes and slightly rolling in flour, lower a few pieces into boiling salted water. When they float, take them out with a slotted spoon and, after letting the water drain, put them on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top, pour three to four tablespoons of melted butter and hold in the oven until golden brown.

Potato cookies "Surprise"
2-3 potato tubers, 120-150 g cream, 100 g sugar, 1/2 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tbsp. l. ground walnuts, 3 eggs.

Cooking method:
Rinse the potatoes, boil them in their "uniform", peel, lightly mash and pass through a meat grinder. Whip cream with salt, sugar, cinnamon, then, without ceasing to stir, add eggs one at a time, ground nuts and at the end of the batch - potatoes. Put the kneaded dough in a layer of 1.5-2 cm into a rectangular shape, greased with oil, and bake at a temperature of 160 ° C for 40-50 minutes. When the cake has cooled, cut it into equal rectangles.

Have you ever made potato patties? Only in such a way that the potato does not act as a filling, but as one of the main components of the dough? If not, then read our article, where we will tell you in detail about the preparation of delicious pies, zrazy and zeppelins.

Potato pies with cheese

cook it original delicacy for breakfast - and your family will be very grateful to you. We will prepare potato pies with cheese and beetroot sauce as follows:

  • Grate boiled beets and one clove of garlic on a fine grater, add salt, pepper, a couple of tablespoons of sour cream to them and mix thoroughly.
  • While the sauce is infusing, make the potato dough for pies. To do this, boil four medium potatoes in salted water, peel them and crush them. Add 150 grams of flour, one chicken egg, salt and ground pepper to the potatoes. Stir the ingredients with a spoon and then knead them with your hands elastic dough. finished product wrap in cling film and leave alone for a while.
  • To prepare the filling, mash 150 grams of cheese with a fork, and then mix it with chopped dill, green onion, parsley and a clove of garlic.
  • Roll out the rested dough to a thickness of two millimeters and cut out circles with a glass. Put a teaspoon of filling on each blank and pinch the edges.
  • Fry mini pies in vegetable oil on both sides.

Put the finished delicacy on a plate, transfer the beetroot sauce to gravy boats and serve the dish to the table with hot tea or milk.

Potato patties with minced meat

This hearty dish you can not only prepare for the usual family tea party, but also submit to festive table. To make minced potato patties, you will need:

  • 500 grams boiled meat(you can take pork, chicken or beef) scroll through a meat grinder.
  • Boil until cooked, and then peel one kilogram of potatoes. Until the vegetables have cooled, grind them with a meat grinder, mix with two chicken eggs, salt, spices and four tablespoons of white flour. Knead the dough with your hands. If in this process it sticks to your hands and the table, add a little more flour to it.
  • Peel two large onions, chop and fry together with minced meat in vegetable oil until golden brown. Season the filling with salt and ground pepper to taste.
  • Divide the dough into small balls, form a cake from each blank, lay out the filling and pinch the edges.
  • Fry the pies in a preheated pan until cooked on both sides. After that, put the treat on paper towels and wait until they absorb excess fat.

Fried potato pies can be served with sour cream sauce and fresh vegetables.

Lenten pies on potato broth

If you are fasting, then this is not a reason to deny yourself small gastronomic pleasures. However, not every housewife can boast of the ability to cook dough on potato broth for pies. So read our recipe carefully and cook delicious pastries together with us:

  • Peel four medium potatoes, cover with four cups of water and boil until tender. Pour one glass of broth into a deep bowl, and pour the rest into a saucepan.
  • Crush the potatoes to a state of mashed potatoes and transfer to the broth.
  • Dissolve four teaspoons of dry yeast in a bowl of cooled broth, and then pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan.
  • Add four tablespoons of sugar, two teaspoons of salt and ten tablespoons of vegetable oil to the ingredients. Sift flour (as much as you need for a dense dough), add ground bran or fiber.
  • Knead the dough with your hands, cover it with a towel and place in a warm place so that it can rise. Do not forget to knead the dough with your hands, and at the end it should be mixed again.

Lenten pies on potato broth can be prepared with the most different fillings. For example, with stewed cabbage, apples or jam. Please note that according to this recipe you will get a lot of dough, so you can wrap part of it in plastic and send it to the freezer until the next time.

Potato zrazy in the oven

Potato pies, zrazy, potato pies and zeppelins are the names that different peoples gave to the same dish. Therefore, we will leave the subtleties of their decoding to linguists and proceed to the description of the recipe. To cook potato pies in the oven, you will need:

  • Put the saucepan on the fire, pour two tablespoons of vegetable oil into it, pour in a glass hot water and lay out 500 grams of sauerkraut.
  • Simmer the stuffing under the lid until it is soft enough. At the very end, add a teaspoon of sugar and a teaspoon of tomato paste to it.
  • Boil six medium-sized potatoes until tender, peel them and mash them. Add salt, ground pepper and flour.
  • Knead a dense dough and divide it into equal balls (about 50 grams each).
  • Flatten each piece, put one teaspoon of the filling in the center and form round pies.

Bake zrazy in the oven on a baking sheet lined with parchment. When they are ready, serve them to the table with sour cream sauce. To prepare the sauce, combine sour cream, minced garlic, salt, pepper and fresh herbs.

Pies stuffed with green onions and eggs

Few can resist this delicious and hearty meal. It turns out especially tasty in the middle and end of summer, when it's time to young potatoes. Recipe:

  • Potato cook from 600 grams of boiled potatoes, two chicken eggs, two spoons wheat flour, salt and ground pepper. Combine the indicated ingredients and then mix them with your hands on the work surface of your kitchen table.
  • For the filling, chop three boiled eggs, chop a bunch of green onions and dill with a knife. Salt and mix the ingredients.
  • Form pies from the dough and filling, roll them in flour and fry in a pan on both sides.

Serve the finished dish to the table with kefir or sour cream.

Potato patties with mushrooms

If you like fragrant Forest mushrooms be sure to try this recipe:

  • Prepare potato dough according to one of the recipes described above.
  • For the filling, take 250 grams of wild mushrooms, peeled, chopped and fried with onions.
  • Form small cakes from the dough, put the minced meat in the center and form pies out of them.

Fry potato pies in vegetable oil and serve hot.

with apple filling

This dish is prepared very simply and quickly, but it turns out very tasty. Its recipe is:

  • Crush to a state of puree 450 grams Add salt, pepper and two tablespoons of melted butter to it. After that, combine the potatoes with a glass of wheat flour and knead not too tight dough.
  • Peel three apples, remove the core, cut them into thin slices and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  • Divide the dough into four parts and roll each into a circle.
  • On a baking sheet covered with baking paper, lay out two blanks, put the butter cut into thin slices on them, and apple filling. Sprinkle the blanks with sugar, cover them with the remaining circles and pinch the edges.

Bake the pies until tender, after piercing each in several places with a fork.


This dish is sure to please your family as well. To prepare it correctly, carefully read the instructions:

  • Take two kilograms of potatoes, peel them and divide them into four parts. Boil one part until tender and pass through a meat grinder. Grate the remaining three parts on the smallest grater. Squeeze raw potatoes and combine with boiled potatoes.
  • Wait for the potato juice to settle, and then drain the liquid from the pan, without touching the starch remaining at the bottom.
  • Combine starch with minced potato, mix, add salt and ground pepper. If you did everything right, you will end up with a dense and elastic dough.
  • For the filling, combine the rolled meat, chopped onion, garlic, pepper and salt to taste.
  • Wet your hands in cold water, take a handful of the potato mass and form it into a cake one and a half centimeters thick. Put the filling in the center and pinch the edges.
  • Boil water in a large pot, add bay leaf and a few peas to it. fragrant pepper. Gently put the zeppelins inside and boil them for half an hour.
  • To prepare the sauce, take 250 grams smoked brisket(or lard), and then cut it into cubes. Fry the meat with chopped onions, and at the end add a little sour cream.

Arrange the finished dish on plates and pour over the meat sauce before serving.


Potato patties are a wonderful treat that all members of your family will love. Read our recipes and use them to cook delicious and satisfying meals.