"Melting" pies in your mouth like fluff: a step by step recipe. The most wonderful pies "Like fluff

Cooking pies on kefir is quite simple, they turn out lush and tasty.

    • Light pies on kefir
    • Ingredients
    • Cooking
    • Kefir pies (video)
  • Cooking time: 60 min.;
  • Servings: 15;
  • Kcal: 237.1;
  • Protein / Fat / Carbs: 4.45g / 3.96g / 47.09g

Light pies on kefir

Every person should remember from childhood such a wonderful taste of pies like fluff, it was it that all grandmothers and mothers cooked, since there is nothing better than treating your family with lush and fragrant pastries.

Many housewives keep in their notebooks various notes on exactly how to make dough like fluff on kefir for pies, and it is this recipe that can become a treasured addition to such a piggy bank.

The dough for kefir pies does not require a lot of products, and it is also easily kneaded. Pies made from this dough look rosy and appetizing.

Eat wonderful recipe which can be cooked yeast pies on kefir in the oven in a minimum of minutes, and when cooking, which does not require special professional skills of the cook, it is enough just to follow the instructions.


  • Kefir - 1 tbsp.;
  • Refined oil - 100g;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Dry yeast - 11g;
  • Flour - 600 gr.
  • Cooking

    In order to make dough like fluff on kefir for pies, you will need to prepare high-quality fresh products and follow the instructions:

  • Put butter in kefir and warm to room temperature.
  • Then salt and sugar are added and mixed thoroughly.
  • In a separate container, you need to mix flour and yeast, only the flour should only be sifted, otherwise it will not work to make the dough like fluff. If the yeast looks like granules, then they are pre-diluted in warm water to avoid lumps in the dough and incomplete dissolution of the yeast. Some housewives replace dry yeast with fresh yeast in the amount of 40 gr.
  • Next, all the ingredients are mixed.
  • The dough is kneaded and left for half an hour in a warm place.
  • As soon as the dough is suitable, you need to form buns or pies with filling and put in the oven for 20 minutes. Bake until golden brown.

  • Kefir pies can be made with or without filling

    Buns like fluff in the oven recipe number 2

    Ingredients to cook curd buns or pies like fluff in the oven, you need the same ones as in the first recipe, but the essence of cooking is slightly changed.


  • Kefir needs to be poured into a bowl, and it should not be warmed up, but at room temperature, for this you need to put it on the table in advance or put the box with it in warm water.
  • Yeast is diluted with sugar and water, and if there is confidence that they will really work, then they can be immediately mixed with part of the flour and sugar.
  • The flour must be sifted, otherwise there may be lumps that will obviously spoil the taste of future baking.
  • Flour with yeast is added to kefir and mixed thoroughly.
  • Then salt and the remaining flour are poured.
  • The dough must be kneaded carefully and carefully, and after it stops sticking to your hands, it must be left for 20 minutes in a warm place. The time it takes for the dough to rise can vary depending on the yeast, so don't worry if the dough doesn't rise in the first 10 minutes.
  • The resulting dough is rolled into a sausage and cut into equal portions.
  • Each ball must be crushed in your hands and made into a cake or left, so if you plan to cook rolls.
  • If these are pies, then the pre-prepared filling should be put in the central part of the cake and carefully blind the edges together.
  • Pies or buns are always laid out on greased parchment, after which they are sent to a preheated oven.
  • After a few minutes, as soon as the crust has set, the pies can be greased with whipped yolk or vegetable oil so that they are more roasted and ruddy.
  • Kefir pies like fluff recipe step by step with photo

    Pour kefir into a bowl. We breed yeast in water with sugar, sift the flour and add it all to kefir, mix everything. Then add some salt and required amount flour

    Knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands, then put it in a warm place for 20 minutes

    Roll out the dough into a sausage and cut into individual portions

    We make round cakes from individual portions of the dough, then we form the shape of buns

    We heat up the oven. We lay out our blanks on a baking sheet, which we previously covered with parchment paper

    As soon as it appeared on buns golden crust you can take them out of the oven

    Kefir pies (video)

    You can bake absolutely everything from this dough: pizza, pies, buns (vanilla, a little more sugar and a little melted margarine can be added to the dough). The dough always turns out. If it seems to you that in 30 minutes it did not come up very much, do not be discouraged, as it should be, this dough rises during baking.

    A lactic acid drink for any type of dough can be taken both fresh and not very. An expired one can even come in handy if it does not have the characteristic smell of fermentation.

    Kefir must be warm, since it is in such an environment that baking powder and yeast are activated better. If they are mixed with a cold product, the dough will turn out to be too dense.

    Kefir dough like fluff for pies in the oven recipe

    Ingredients for 12 pies:

    Recipe Information

    • Cuisine:Russian
    • Type of dish: pastries
    • Cooking method: in the oven
    • Servings:12
    • 2 h
    • Vegetable oil - 125 grams;
    • Fast-acting yeast - 8 grams;
    • Kefir-250 ml;
    • Wheat flour - 500 grams;
    • Coarse salt - 1 teaspoon;
    • Sugar sand - 1 tablespoon;
    • Filling any to taste;

    Operating procedure:

    Sift the flour into a bowl with a wide bottom and high walls.

    Add instant dry yeast to it. Stir so that the yeast is distributed throughout the mass.

    Mix vegetable oil and kefir in a saucepan for heating. The mixture is heated to a temperature of 36-37 degrees.

    Pour the kefir-oil mixture into the flour.

    Mix the mass first with a spoon or spatula, then bring it to readiness with your hands.

    Ready dough should be soft, oily, not sticky to hands.

    We cover the cup with a napkin for warmth so that the mass comes up. We leave for 30 minutes. It is advisable to place the cup in a warm place. If the kitchen is cool, then the cup with the mass can be lowered into another basin with warm water.

    Checking the lift. The dough, which has increased in volume, is slightly crushed, we take it out of the cup for cutting.

    Roll out into a long strip, divide into equal parts.

    It is better not to use a rolling pin. With your hands, flatten the ball of dough, giving it the shape of a cake.

    In the middle of the cake we place a spoonful of the filling, fasten the edges and give the shape of a boat.

    We spread the finished semi-finished products on a baking sheet covered with parchment for baking. Turn on the oven to heat up. A baking sheet can be placed on top of the stove / if gas / so that the pies start to rise faster. If the oven is electric, cover the pies with cling film. After 10 minutes, grease with chicken yolk for a beautiful golden crust.

    Bake pies for 20-25 minutes. For those who love sesame, nuts can be sprinkled on top before putting in the oven.

    As a filling for pies, you can use cabbage, potatoes, mushrooms, meat. Wonderful pies are obtained with an egg and green onions. Cheesecakes with cottage cheese come out no less wonderful. The dough like fluff on kefir is simply universal!

    We make cheesecakes from dough like fluff on kefir for pies in the oven

    Who does not love ruddy cheesecakes with the most delicate sweet cottage cheese! If everyone in your family has their own taste preferences regarding the filling, then dough like fluff on kefir is undoubtedly your option for baking pies. From half the mass, you can stick pies with cabbage, and from the second half, sweet cheesecakes.

    Filling ingredients:

    • 250 grams of cottage cheese;
    • 50 grams of butter;
    • 60 grams of granulated sugar;
    • 2 grams of vanillin;
    • 1 tablespoon of potato starch;
    • 1 egg;

    Operating procedure:

    For curd filling fold the cottage cheese, melted butter, sugar, vanillin and starch into a blender bowl. Add the egg, then twist the mass until smooth. Divide the lump of dough into equal parts if possible. Roll out a long strip in turn from each part, and then cut into the number of future cheesecakes.

    Roll each piece between your palms into a ball, then press down with the palm of your hand to make a round cake.

    Put a little curd mass in the middle of the cake.

    Raise the edges of the cakes. Blind into circular sides so that the cottage cheese does not flow onto the baking sheet during baking.

    Place raw buns immediately on a baking sheet. Cover the bottom of the baking sheet with baking parchment, if there is no parchment, grease the bottom with vegetable oil. Let the dough rise a little, then brush the sides with egg yolk.

    Cheesecakes are baked at a temperature of 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

    Yeast dough like fluff on kefir for pies in the oven, it does not require a dough, which significantly reduces the cooking time for pies.

    Video recipe dough like fluff on kefir for pies in the oven

    It is far from always that pies on kefir and soda (without yeast) turn out as soft, airy, like fluff, and lush, as we would like. Especially if they are fried in a pan. Sometimes they give off soda, bake poorly or do not rise and remain flat. So what is the secret of delicious kefir pies? To prepare the perfect pie dough you need to know 3 tricks: which kefir is better to take and what to add to it so that the dough does not tear when sculpting, and also when to put soda.

    Secrets of delicious and airy pies on kefir

    1. In no case do not take fat-free kefir, otherwise the pies will turn out flat and will not rise. Kefir should be of maximum fat content, it is advisable to mix it with sour cream - the dough will remain moist for a long time, it will not dry out.
    1. It is better to take kefir not fresh, but “old”, almost expired - the older, the stronger it is, it has a lot of lactic acid bacteria, and a large number of acid guarantees an active reaction with soda. Combining with an acidic environment, soda forms millions of bubbles that will raise the dough and bake, pies will turn out lush and airy.
    1. To prevent the dough from tearing when sculpting, you need to add vegetable oil directly to it. It contains linolenic acid, which literally “glues” flour cells together.
    1. A very important point - how to make sure that the pies do not taste like soda, and soda quickly and effectively raises the dough? Baking soda is added to the dough for loosening and is quenched by kefir on its own. The main thing is to correctly introduce it into the dough. It is not worth adding directly to kefir, since all carbon dioxide will be in the air, but not in the dough. Soda should be introduced when there is already half the flour in the dough. In this case, it will react with kefir and immediately begin to raise the flour.

    Kefir dough for pies has a neutral taste, so it is suitable for both salty and sweet stuffing. Having certain skills, it is not difficult to work with him, and from the second or third time modeling will take only 5-10 minutes. The result is always excellent - pies are airy, like fluff, large and fluffy, remain soft on the second day after cooking.


    • 3.2% kefir 250 ml
    • 20% sour cream 2 tbsp. l.
    • yolk 1 pc.
    • salt 1 tsp
    • sugar 1 tbsp. l.
    • flour 400 g
    • soda 0.5 tsp
    • sunflower oil in the dough 1 tbsp. l.
    • sunflower oil for frying 150 ml

    How to cook pies on kefir

    1. Kefir is well shaken so that there are no lumps, pour into a saucepan and mix with fat sour cream. We heat the mixture over low heat for 2-3 minutes to 30 ° C - in heat, lactic acid bacteria become more active and better extinguish the soda for us so that its taste is not felt in the pies.

    2. We remove the saucepan from the heat and pour the warm kefir-sour cream mixture into a deep bowl. Add salt, sugar, sunflower oil, as well as the yolk, previously shaken with a fork. Mix everything with a whisk.

    3. Then we introduce half the flour (necessarily sifted), add baking soda, mix, and then add the rest of the flour.

    4. We dip our hands in vegetable oil and collect the sticky dough in a bun. Transfer it to a floured board and knead.

    5. We grease the bowl with vegetable oil and put the kneaded dough into it (we also grease it with a couple of drops of oil on top). We tighten the bowl cling film and leave at room temperature for 15 minutes - during this time the soda will have time to react and the pies will not have an unpleasant aftertaste.

    6. Lubricate the work surface a small amount vegetable oil. We dip our hands in oil and, squeezing the dough between the thumb and forefinger, we survive from it balls in size, like a chicken egg. Output 11 pieces.

    7. We stretch the dough balls with our fingers, forming cakes with a diameter of 10 cm. Knead them so that the middle is a little thicker and the edges are a little thinner. (Work comfortably on a silicone mat or floured board.)

    8. We put the filling inside the cakes and form pies. We press them lightly so that the height is no more than 1 centimeter. The filling can be sweet or savory (I have potatoes with overcooked onion and chopped green dill dressing).

    9. We heat the refined vegetable oil for frying - you need to take it so much that it reaches the middle of the dough products (approximately 150-170 ml). Lay the patties seam side down in the pan.

    10. Fry for about 3-4 minutes on each side until browned. It is better to take a frying pan with a thick bottom, it does not need to be covered with a lid, the fire should be moderate so that the pies do not burn, but are well baked.

    11. Place the finished pies on a paper towel-lined plate to drain any excess fat.

    Serve the dish warm or cold. Ruddy and fluffy pies they are perfectly baked on kefir, very soft and tasty.

    The dough, like fluff on kefir, is the key to successful baking. It is always convenient to work with it, it is plastic and airy, and does not stick to hands. Pies and buns, obtained due to the interaction of a fermented milk product with various baking components, are distinguished by a lush texture, a ruddy surface, excellent taste and do not get stale for a long time.

    The dough is light, like fluff on kefir

    The dough is soft, like fluff on kefir, can be prepared in two different variations: with yeast and without yeast. For products that are made in the oven, it is better to use the first, following good recipe knead the dough, let it brew for half an hour and start shaping the baking.

    1. Whatever the recipe for yeast dough on kefir, like fluff, in order for the products to justify their name, the dough should be kneaded on a low-fat fermented milk product - fatty kefir reduces yeast activity.
    2. Kefir for dough can be both fresh and slightly sour. The main thing is that it should not have a characteristic smell of fermentation.
    3. The dough should be kneaded only on warm kefir. In the cold - yeast and baking powder "work" slowly, so the dough may turn out to be too dense.

    Yeast dough on kefir, like fluff

    The dough, like fluff on kefir with yeast, can satisfy both lovers of high-speed baking and admirers of good-quality lush muffins. Last, this recipe is suitable, where the dough is prepared in a sponge method with the addition of milk, butter and eggs, and takes at least two hours. But it takes 15 minutes to bake pretzels and pies.


    • flour - 600 g;
    • kefir - 250 ml;
    • egg - 2 pcs.;
    • milk - 50 ml;
    • yeast - 25 g;
    • sugar - 20 g;
    • butter - 80 g.


    1. Melt the butter, warm the milk.
    2. Add sugar and yeast to milk.
    3. Mix warm kefir with butter and eggs.
    4. Pour in the yeast and fold in the flour.
    5. Knead the dough and set it aside for 1.5 hours.
    6. The dough on kefir is soft, like fluff, put on the table, punch down and proceed to the molding of products.

    Dough like fluff on kefir for buns

    Lush dough for buns on kefir always succeeds. Traditionally, buns are baked from sweet dough. As a rule, a lot of baking (sugar and butter) “inhibits” the yeast, which does not happen when there is kefir in the dough. It supports the yeast and gives them the opportunity to process fatty components, so the dough is sweet and airy.


    • kefir - 750 ml;
    • yeast - 20 g;
    • margarine - 200 g;
    • sugar - 100 g;
    • flour - 1.2 kg;
    • egg - 3 pcs.


    1. Melt margarine. Warm up the kefir.
    2. Mix ingredients with sugar, eggs and yeast.
    3. Add flour and knead the dough.
    4. Let the test go well.
    5. Punch down butter dough on kefir, like fluff and immediately start molding products.

    Dough for pies on kefir, like fluff

    Many housewives put the dough, like fluff on kefir for pies, in the refrigerator. Although this method contradicts traditional cooking, the dough comes out pliable and elastic. Just at low temperatures kefir and yeast “fall asleep”, and in the warmth, they begin to work actively, so the dough grows in volume before our eyes, and pies in the oven.


    • kefir - 300 ml;
    • yeast - 50 g;
    • margarine - 250 g;
    • flour - 800 g;
    • salt - 5 g;
    • sugar - 70 g;
    • egg - 3 pcs.


    1. Warm up kefir and margarine.
    2. Add eggs, yeast, sugar and flour to the mass.
    3. Knead thoroughly and send the dough, like fluff on kefir, to the refrigerator for 2 hours.

    Dough like fluff on kefir for pizza

    Pizza is a dish that you want to cook quickly and eat right away. In this case, you can knead the lush pizza dough on kefir with soda. Soda, paired with kefir, speeds up the fermentation process and helps to get an airy dough in a couple of minutes. It has liquid consistency, so the filling is buried in it, which makes the pizza tastier.


    • kefir - 400 ml;
    • egg - 2 pcs.;
    • flour - 625 g;
    • soda - 5 g;
    • vinegar - 1 teaspoon;
    • sugar - 20 g.


    1. Beat eggs with sugar and kefir.
    2. Quench the soda with vinegar and add to the mixture. Add flour immediately after.
    3. The consistency of the dough should resemble a biscuit.
    4. Pour the dough, like fluff on kefir, onto a baking sheet, spread the filling on top.

    Kefir dough, like fluff without yeast

    Lush dough on kefir without yeast - a godsend for housewives who prefer easy baking methods. For such cases, the dough on kefir and soda - perfect option. The same ingredients that were used in pizza, in different proportions, turn into a soft and elastic mass, which is perfectly rolled, fried or baked.


    • kefir - 250 ml;
    • flour - 870 g;
    • soda - 10 g;
    • egg - 2 pcs.;
    • oil - 40 ml;
    • sugar - 20 g;
    • salt - 10 g.


    1. Beat kefir, sugar, salt, butter and eggs.
    2. Gradually add flour.
    3. Knead the dough with your hands.
    4. Sprinkle the work surface with flour and, having rolled out the dough soft as fluff on kefir with a rolling pin, form pies.

    Dough like fluff on kefir without eggs

    The dough on kefir, tender as fluff, is a universal thing: no matter what you knead it with, it will still turn out magnificent. This recipe will come in handy economical housewives, because it is prepared without eggs, on warm kefir and yeast. Their reaction is enough to ensure that the dough does not delay proofing, and vegetable oil will make it viscous and smooth.


    • kefir - 250 ml;
    • flour - 750 g;
    • dry yeast - 10 g;
    • oil - 100 ml;
    • sugar - 20 g.


    1. Add sugar, yeast and 40 g of flour to warm kefir and set aside for 15 minutes.
    2. Enter the rest of the flour, oil and knead thoroughly.
    3. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes and start shaping.

    Dough for lush yeast pancakes on kefir

    Dough for fluffy pancakes on kefir it is better to cook with the addition of yeast. Such pancakes are moderately sweet, very ruddy, quickly fried and do not fall off after frying. The main thing is to knead the dough on warm kefir, let it brew for 30 minutes in a warm place and do not stir so as not to disturb the yeast, but take it carefully from the edge for baking.


    • kefir - 250 ml;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • flour - 375 g;
    • sugar - 40 g;
    • dry yeast - 5 g.


    1. From warm kefir, flour, sugar and yeast, knead the dough.
    2. Place the container in warm water and set aside for 30 minutes.
    3. Beat in the egg and leave for another 20 minutes.
    4. You can start frying pancakes, carefully taking the dough from the edge, without stirring.

    Lush dough on kefir is useful not only for baking, but also for making your favorite dumplings. Such products require a thin and plastic shell that holds the filling well, which will completely provide a mass of kefir, flour and eggs. In this case, all that is needed: mix these components and let the dough rest for no more than 30 minutes.


    • kefir - 250 ml;
    • flour - 1 kg;
    • salt - 10 g;
    • egg - 2 pcs.


    1. Mix flour with salt, add kefir and eggs and knead the dough.
    2. Cover the dough with a bowl and set aside for 30 minutes.
    3. Divide into pieces, roll into sausages and cut into bars.

    What is the riddle air test? What is the secret of baking, which can lie for a long time not only without getting stale, but also remain the same airy and soft after more than one day?

    It's simple - airy yeast and yeast-free dough, "like fluff", is kneaded on kefir. Surprised? And you try! We have selected for you the most best recipes very simple and more complex dough, “like fluff”, on kefir, with and without yeast.

    Kefir dough - general principles of preparation

    Thoroughly kneaded dough, properly selected products - this is the success of airy, soft dough. On kefir, more than one of its types is kneaded. Air dough "like fluff" on kefir can be both yeast and yeast-free.

    For flour products (big pies, buns or buns) baked in the oven, it is better to cook yeast. For pies that will be fried in a pan, you can cook without yeast. Kefir dough for pies with soda or cottage cheese turns out to be no less soft and fluffy.

    A lactic acid drink for any type of dough can be taken both fresh and not very. An expired one can even come in handy if it does not have the characteristic smell of fermentation. Kefir must be warm, since it is in such an environment that rippers and yeast are activated better. If they are mixed with a cold product, the dough will turn out to be too dense.

    Fat content is also important. 2.5–3.2% kefir is ideal for kneading.

    Flour must be sifted. This will not only allow you to remove accidentally fallen rubbish, but also saturate it with oxygen, which will give additional splendor to the dough.

    The method of preparation depends on the type of dough and is described in the recipe. And if you strictly adhere to it, then any dough mixed with kefir will never let you down.

    Bezopare yeast dough "like fluff" on kefir


    One glass of low-fat kefir;

    Standard bag (11 gr.) "instant" yeast;

    Half a glass of lean non-aromatic oil;

    10 gr. salt;

    25 gr sugar;

    Three full glasses of wheat white flour.

    Cooking method:

    1. In a wide bowl, mix the twice-sifted flour with dry free-flowing yeast.

    2. In a separate, suitable size bowl, mix kefir with non-aromatic vegetable oil. Add salt and sugar to the mixture and mix thoroughly so that the bulk components, especially sugar, dissolve well.

    3. Slightly heat the kefir mixture in the microwave or on steam bath and pour it into the flour. First, mix everything with a spoon, and then knead the thick dough well with your hands right in the bowl.

    4. Then, laying it on the table, punch it several times. Shape into a ball, place back in bowl and cover with a linen towel and keep warm.

    5. After half an hour, it will become softer, slightly increase in volume and will be ready for cutting.

    6. From such a dough on kefir, any baked products: pies or pies, air buns and even homemade pizza, always turn out lush and airy. For sweet rich pastries, you can add a little melted margarine to it and flavor it with vanilla. If you add margarine, then be sure to increase the indicated rate of flour.

    Quick dough on kefir for pies in the oven


    Half a liter of 3.2% kefir;

    40 ml of frozen oil;

    Two eggs;

    20% sour cream - 50 gr.;

    25 gr. unrefined sugar;

    Flour - how much "will be accepted" (about half a kilo).

    Cooking method:

    1. Soda should be well extinguished, for this, pour it into kefir, shake it up and leave it for five minutes, stand.

    2. In a slightly swollen kefir, add sugar with a spoonful of salt, pour in the yolks with proteins and beat vigorously.

    3. Pour in vegetable oil with sour cream, and beat the mixture well again.

    4. Now transfer the flour and, pouring it in small parts into the kefir mass, knead the dough. Add flour until the dough stops sticking to your hands, but it should remain soft and plastic.

    5. Form a ball from the dough, wrap it in a film or place it in a bag and leave it on the table for half an hour.

    6. After that, turn on the oven to warm up to no more than 180 degrees. Make small pies with any filling from the rested dough. Transfer them to a baking sheet, which was previously greased with vegetable fat and set to bake for half an hour.

    Quick sponge yeast dough "like fluff" on kefir


    0.6 kg of baking flour, premium;

    Medium-fat kefir - 200 ml;

    50 ml of pasteurized, factory milk;

    5 gr. table salt;

    Sugar - 2.5 tbsp. l.;

    A full large spoon of "instant" yeast, or 25 gr. pressed bakery or alcohol;

    Two eggs;

    "Creamy" margarine - 75 gr..

    Cooking method:

    1. On minimum heat, melt margarine completely. You can take butter, the dough will not get worse.

    2. Slightly warm the milk, but do not boil or even make it too hot. The temperature should not exceed 38 degrees.

    3. Pour sugar into milk, add yeast, and, slowly stirring the mixture with a spoon, dissolve the added components well. Let the yeast mixture stand close to the heat for 10-15 minutes. For example, not far from the included burner. During this time, the surface will be covered with many bubbles and will increase significantly. If this does not happen, take new (fresh) yeast and repeat.

    4. In a bowl, mix warm kefir with previously melted butter, lightly whisked eggs and salt. Pour the risen yeast into the mixture and mix gently again, but do not beat.

    5. Constantly stirring the mixture with a spoon, begin to gradually introduce flour into it. Start kneading the thicker mass with your hands, also adding flour in small portions.

    6. Put the dough that does not stick to your hands on a table greased with vegetable oil and knead vigorously with your hands. It will become more flexible and smooth.

    7. Then grease a deep bowl or pan with vegetable oil and put the ball-shaped dough into it. Cover and leave for an hour or an hour and a half for distance. The volume should almost triple.

    8. After that, put it on the table again, crush it slightly and proceed to cutting.

    Kefir dough for yeast pies


    low-fat kefir- 2 tbsp.;

    Half a glass of sunflower, frozen oil;

    A large spoon, without a slide, sugar;

    small sachet fast acting yeast(11 gr.);

    Dessert spoon iodized salt;

    Flour with high gluten - 3-3.5 cups.

    Cooking method:

    1. Pour warm fermented milk drink(kefir) in a bowl. Dissolve sugar in it, then yeast. Pour in two large, full tablespoons of flour and mix the mixture with a spoon. Then cover the bowl with a cloth and keep warm.

    2. In half an hour, a very lush, airy dough will be ready. Pour sunflower oil into it, pour fine salt and two thirds of flour. Mix well with your hands, add the rest of the flour and knead the dough slightly sticky to your hands.

    3. Cover it with a cloth and put it in heat, but already for 45 minutes.

    4. After that, the dough will be ready. To make it easier to work with, grease your hands with vegetable oil before cutting.

    Dough "like fluff" on kefir for buns with raisins


    800 ml of fermented milk product (kefir);

    Three chicken eggs;

    200 gr. natural oil(or creamy margarine);

    Half a cup of sugar, white;

    1.2–1.5 kg of baking flour, premium;

    A small pinch of salt;

    22 gr. "fast" yeast (two small bags);

    To taste vanillin or cinnamon, raisins.

    Cooking method:

    1. Carefully sort out the raisins, removing the remaining dry tails, spoiled raisins and rubbish. Fill it up with a glass warm water for 10 minutes. Then rinse well and pat dry on a clean linen towel.

    2. Melt margarine or butter completely and cool well. Kefir slightly warm and mix with chilled fat.

    3. Add sugar and salt, beaten eggs in a separate container, yeast and mix everything well with a spoon. Pour in vanilla or cinnamon, without stopping stirring.

    4. In small parts, half a glass each, add flour and knead the dough. With the last portion, add the raisins and knead thoroughly with your hands on a floured table. Knead for about ten minutes, carefully kneading the dough so that the raisins do not stray, but evenly disperse.

    5. Put it back in the bowl and let it rise well. Increased in volume air, soft dough knead several times with your hands and cut into buns, which, after the “distance”, bake in hot oven.

    Curd dough on kefir for fried pies in a pan


    250 gr. 9%, store-bought cottage cheese;

    One glass of high-fat kefir;

    A raw egg;

    One and a half teaspoons of sugar;

    A teaspoon of dough ripper or half a spoonful of quick soda.

    Cooking method:

    1. With any of the rippers, mix the flour sifted twice. You can also do this when sifting, then it will mix with flour more evenly.

    2. In a separate bowl on a sieve, grind the cottage cheese and mix it with a slightly beaten egg and warm kefir. Don't forget to salt and sweeten the mixture.

    3. Next, enter the flour mixed with the ripper and knead the dough. If you took less fat dairy products the dough may be runny. Then you need to take more flour. The finished dough should be airy, but in no case liquid and not steep.

    4. Cover the dough kneaded on kefir with cottage cheese with a towel without removing it from the bowl, and let it rest for 20–30 minutes.

    5. Then put it on a well-floured surface and mold the pies. Their filling can be both sweet and meaty. We roll out cakes for pies no thicker than 0.7 cm and not thinner than half a centimeter.

    6. Fry them on steel or cast iron pan, in a well-heated vegetable fat until lightly browned on both sides.

    Universal pastry "like fluff" on kefir


    Baking white flour - 0.9 kg;

    150 gr. refined sugar;

    Standard 11 gram sachet vanilla sugar

    Fresh alcohol or baker's yeast- 20 gr.;

    Half a liter of medium-fat, thick kefir;

    Unsalted butter - 80 gr.;

    One fresh egg;

    Half a small spoonful of salt.

    Cooking method:

    1. In 50 ml of warm water, dilute a teaspoon of sugar and pressed yeast crushed with your fingers until completely dissolved. Cover and leave for up to 20 minutes.

    2. On a low heat, completely dissolve the butter, then cool it. Warm up the kefir well.

    3. Lightly beat the egg with a fork along with salt and add to kefir. Then add melted butter, vanilla and the remaining regular sugar here, mix. Sugar must be completely dissolved in the kefir mixture.

    4. Add yeast to the mixture, stir and knead the dough, adding flour little by little.

    5. After that, transfer the dough to enough large saucepan or a small bucket and, having covered with a lid, leave to “rise” for two hours. To make it easier for the dough to rise, grease the bottom and especially the sides of the container with vegetable oil.

    6. After about an hour, lightly knead it with your hands and let it come up again.

    7. From the finished air dough “like fluff” on kefir, you can bake any fancy products.

    Kefir dough tricks - useful tips

    If there was no kefir of the specified fat content, you can take any. But keep in mind the lower the fat content, the less often the dough will be and therefore the amount of flour will need to be increased.

    Do not overheat the liquid in which you will breed the yeast. In excessively warm, and even more so in hot, they will die and will not rise.

    Also reduces the activity of yeast fatty lactic acid product. Therefore, when using this, the prescription rate of yeast should be slightly increased.

    Mix the rippers with flour or dilute in kefir and only after that add all the other ingredients.

    In order to save time, do not shorten the "distance" time of the yeast dough, the quality of the baking will be significantly reduced.