Custard ring buns with curd cream. Back to the USSR: custard ring with curd cream - recipes

The choux pastry is prepared quite simply: 10 minutes – and you can place the eclairs on a baking sheet. But it would be too good if the preparation of such a wonderful dessert were without pitfalls. Choux pastry for cakes has two of them, and the first is the critical consistency. A little more liquid - and your preparations will already spread out on the baking sheet like shapeless pancakes; a little less - they will not puff up during baking. And with liquid in the recipe it’s just difficult, because 1 egg can be 50 grams, 70 or 80. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that the eggs may have to be added in parts. If you see that the dough is approaching the desired consistency, beat the last egg and pour in a little at a time so as not to miss the right moment.

The second trick is not to open the oven until the rings are browned, and then wait until they begin to be easily removed from the baking sheet.


Choux pastry:

  • water 250 ml
  • wheat flour 200 g
  • salt 0.25 tsp.
  • butter 130 g
  • chicken egg 4 pcs.
  • boiled condensed milk 300 g
  • butter 200 g

For decoration:

  • dark chocolate to taste


1. So, start by preparing the dough. Pour water into the saucepan. Add salt and butter. Bring to a boil, stirring until ingredients dissolve.

2. Add flour, which you have previously sifted, to the boiled oil mixture. Mix with quick movements until smooth.

3. As a result, you should get a mass that moves well away from the walls. The dough should come together into a ball. Cool a little.

4. Add one at a time to the cooled dough. chicken eggs. After adding the egg, mix well until smooth.

5. You should get a smooth and homogeneous mass.

6. Line a metal sheet with parchment. Place the dough into a pastry bag. Place on parchment in the form of rings of the desired diameter at a short distance from each other. Send to hot oven for 40-50 minutes. Bake at 200 degrees. The finished rings easily come off the parchment.

7. Prepare the cream. Add butter to a deep bowl room temperature and boiled condensed milk. Beat with a mixer until smooth and creamy.

They are made quite quickly and eaten just as quickly. Their only drawback is that once you try it, it becomes difficult to stop, and they are not even dietary at all... Eh! But since the family asks, I simply cannot help but do them.

Use powdered sugar, since sugar will definitely not dissolve in butter and will then have an unpleasant crunch on your teeth.

Total cooking time – 1 hour 30 minutes
Active cooking time – 1 hour 0 minute
Cost – average cost
Calorie content per 100 g - 288 kcal
Number of servings – 24 servings

How to make custard ring buns with curd cream


Wheat flour – 200 g
Water – 200 g
Butter – 100 g
Chicken egg – 5 PC. weighing 64-67 grams
Salt – 1 pinch
Butter – 170 g for cream
Cottage cheese – 330 g
Powdered sugar – 80 g
Condensed milk– 120 g
Cognac – 1 tbsp. or brandy
Vanilla sugar – 1 tsp.
Powdered sugar – 1 tbsp for sprinkling


1. The butter that we will take for the cream must be selected from the refrigerator in advance, long in advance, preferably in the evening and at night, since we need it in a softened state.
We'll start cooking with the dough, and we'll make the cream while baking the rings.
From the specified amount of ingredients, approximately two baking sheets of choux buns are obtained.
Place a saucepan on the fire with 200 grams of water, 100 grams of butter, add a pinch of salt and bring everything until the butter is completely dissolved and boils.

2. During this time, sift 200 grams of flour into a bowl.
After the contents of the pan boil, pour all the flour into it at once and stir quickly and vigorously. Stir until the dough is homogeneous so that there are no dry bits of flour left in it. The latter should be completely and completely brewed.

In theory, after you have poured in the flour and started stirring, you do not need to turn off the fire so that the flour is reliably brewed. But I do choux pastry for many years, and quite often (it’s very simple!), and I love it dearly, and I’ve tested it experimentally a dozen times - if you turn off this very fire, and then add flour and stir, then it will brew just as well as and with fire, but the pan will suffer less, which is good. This method is probably not very good if we are talking about very large quantities flour and dough, but on such a home scale, feel free to turn off and brew the flour.

3. Remove the dough from the pan into the bowl in which you will knead it with the eggs and let cool slightly. It can be warm, but not hot, since in this case the eggs driven into it may “cook”. Pay attention to the weight of the eggs! They are quite big. Otherwise, take 6 pieces. In short, rely more on weight than on the eye.
First, mix one well, and then add the next egg.

The dough should be smooth, viscous, hold its shape well, and not spread.
Turn on the oven and preheat it to 180″.

4. Line a baking tray with baking paper (I have a reusable mat).
Place the dough into a bag for depositing. Try to fill it tightly, if possible, without air.

Pipe the dough into rings with a diameter of approximately 7 centimeters (or as desired). Of course, you can give it any shape, even just lay it out with a spoon, eventually getting ordinary round products.
We make them at a decent (2 centimeters is required) distance from each other, since they will grow during baking.

Smooth any loose ends with damp fingers.

5. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven. Baking time: 25-30 minutes. It all depends on individual characteristics exactly your oven. If the choux pastry is undercooked in the oven, it will fall off. And another important point: you cannot open the oven while baking - again, the dough will definitely fall.

But after 25 minutes, you can safely take out 1 piece and check readiness. Cut it - in the middle ready dough almost empty, with rare and thin layers of dough.
So, the first batch is baked, choose and immediately, while the oven is hot, go for the second.

6. Well, while everything is baking, it’s time to prepare the cream.
Beat softened butter with powdered sugar by adding vanilla sugar, to lightness and airiness. This procedure should not last you less than two to three minutes, because we don’t want to feel lumps of butter in the cream, and we want everything to be quite airy.

Add a spoonful of cognac, condensed milk and continue whisking for another minute or two.
I take the cottage cheese already pureed (found in the store). If you have regular one, it would be better to grind it through a sieve.
Add cottage cheese to the butter mixture and beat thoroughly until completely smooth. Spread the cream into the cornet (of course, you can just use a spoon).

7. Cut our rings lengthwise and fill the lower part with cream. Next we close top part and lightly press and glue. In order for the two halves of the rings to “stick” to each other, the cream should be slightly above the level of the cut.
Sprinkle the rings with powdered sugar. And you can invite everyone to tea!

Enjoy your meal!

Many of us simply adore custard rings with curd cream from childhood, and I am no exception to the rule =). I tried several recipes for filling the rings: and with curd mass from the store, and with sugar, and with white chocolate - everything is delicious, but “it doesn’t taste right.” The ideal curd cream turned out to be the one I’ll talk about in this recipe. In fact, it is very easy to prepare and its secret is that the cottage cheese is mixed with butter cream, only this way it turns out homogeneous, smooth, very tasty and delicate filling for custard rings.

Ingredients for choux pastry (for 15 rings):

  • Flour - 200 g
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Water - 180 g
  • Salt - 1/3 tsp.
  • Eggs - 300 g without shell (this is approximately 4-5 large C0 eggs)

Ingredients for curd cream:

  • Cottage cheese - 320 g
  • Butter - 175 g
  • Powdered sugar - 90 g
  • Condensed milk with sugar - 65 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g
  • Cognac or dessert wine- 1 tbsp.

How to prepare choux pastry for cakes (step-by-step recipe with photos):

If you have ever cooked according to my recipes, then you will be able to cope with the rings without difficulty, because any choux pastry from the above recipes is suitable for their preparation.

Place butter (100 g) in a thick-bottomed saucepan, pour in water (180 g), add salt (1/3 tsp), put on fire and melt. The heat should be medium so that everything melts and heats up as quickly as possible.

Constantly stir the contents of the saucepan so that the mixture melts and boils faster.

Before boiling, the heat can be high or medium, but after boiling it should be reduced to low.

Wait for the mixture to boil and immediately pour in all the flour (200 g).

Stir until the lumps disappear, so that there is no white flour visible anywhere. We make intense movements, trying to smooth the dough along the walls and bottom of the saucepan. At first it will be successful, but as it brews the dough will form a lump.

The dough will be properly brewed if it has stood on the fire for 2 minutes after gluing into a ball, and a film has appeared at the bottom of the saucepan. In the photo below you can see that there is a crust on the bottom. It should not be peeled off (otherwise it will be felt as hard lumps in the finished cakes); the very fact of such a layer at the bottom indicates that everything is going according to plan. Set the choux pastry aside and move on to the eggs.

Eggs (300 g) need to be stirred with a fork until the whites and yolks combine. You should add the egg mixture gradually, in small portions, because the dough may turn out to be too liquid if you accidentally add eggs.

Pour eggs into the dough (about 1/5 part), stir. Then pour in the same portion, stir again, and so on. When there is very little egg mass left in the bowl with eggs, carefully monitor the thickness of the dough. You may not need the last batch of eggs.

This photo shows how thick the dough should be; as it flows from the spatula into the bowl, it forms a “triangle”

Transfer the dough into a pastry bag (you can use a star tip or another toothed tip). Press out the dough in a circle in the form of a ring, leaving a void in the middle. Do this with all the dough, leaving a distance of 2-3 centimeters between the pieces (choux pastry in the oven rises greatly and swells, increasing in size).

I bake all my products on Teflon mats, you can also use silicone ones, baking paper, whatever you like and trust.

Preheat the oven for baking cakes to a temperature of 200 C, “Top-Bottom” mode. Bake for the first 10 minutes at 200 C, then reduce the temperature to 170 C and bake for another 20 minutes (depending on the power of your oven, it may take a little more or less time) The finished cakes should be a beautiful ruddy color, an absolutely dense crust (when you tap your fingernail on surface should produce a dull, empty sound).

It is very important not to open the oven for the first 20 minutes of cooking! Otherwise, the dough will sag and will not rise again!

Preparing curd cream for cakes

In the very simple recipe The cream is made from butter and powdered sugar, but if you add condensed milk, the cream will turn out even tastier. It is the whipped butter cream that is responsible for the tenderness and uniformity of the filling; in addition, the curd cream ceases to be cloyingly sweet.

Many people replace powdered sugar with regular sugar. It should be remembered that sugar cannot dissolve in oil. If you make such a replacement, you will feel it in the cream and crunch on your teeth. It is for this reason that either powder is added to the cream, or sugar syrup is boiled with milk and eggs (as in).
For curd cream, you need to choose pasty curd. If you use a granular one, it will be very difficult to bring it to a homogeneous state. Initially, you need to beat softened butter (175 g) with powdered sugar (90 g) until white.

It is not recommended to replace powdered sugar with regular sugar, because even the finest sugar dissolves in butter with great difficulty and will be felt as grains in the cream. It is also better to take powdered sugar without additives in the form of starch. It is for this reason that it is recommended to use vanilla extract rather than vanilla sugar. If you decide to add vanilla sugar, grind it in a mortar and pestle.

Beat the cream until smooth.

Pour in condensed milk (65 g). I use only high-quality condensed milk without vegetable fats in the composition (manufacturer - “Rogachev”). It often happens that just 2 tablespoons of bad condensed milk spoil the entire cream: it begins to separate, comes off as flakes, and other troubles arise. Most likely the reason lies in the condensed milk: modern manufacturers parts add solid vegetable fats type palm oil into your products.

As for cottage cheese for cream, the ideal solution, as I said above, is homogeneous, paste-like cottage cheese in briquettes, which can additionally be rubbed through a metal sieve directly into the cream (320 g).

Beat the cream again for 1-2 minutes until smooth.

The finished curd cream looks smooth and homogeneous.

Fill the custard rings with cream

After the custard rings have cooled, cut each into two halves. The porous structure inside indicates that the dough was cooked correctly.

Transfer the cream into a pastry bag (you don’t need to use a metal tip here), squeeze the filling into each ring in a circle and cover with the second part of the ring.

These are the custard rings with curd cream you get. Enjoy your tea!

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After a few days break, I went for a morning jog through the garden plots. Please do not confuse this, not a raid, but a jog :-)

It rained at night. The grass is wet, fresh, good. It smells like a new harvest and approaching autumn. And he’s waiting at home hot tea and airy custard rings that I baked until late yesterday.

After a shower, I looked into the children’s room and saw a picture: a smaller child, lying in bed, hugging a plate, trampling on these same cakes and smiling with cream-stained lips...

Recipe for custard rings with curd cream

For the test:

  • flour – 200 g;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • water – 180 g;
  • eggs – 5 pieces;
  • a pinch of salt;

For cream:

  • cottage cheese – 320 g;
  • butter – 175 g;
  • powdered sugar – 90 g;
  • condensed milk (regular, not boiled) – 65 g;
  • bag vanilla sugar(10 g);
  • a tablespoon of cognac;
  • a little powdered sugar for sprinkling.

I've been wanting to do this for a long time, and now I've decided to do it.

When I was preparing, I said that I was not going to buy electronic scales. And now I measured the products on the scales so as not to make a mistake and get the dough of the desired consistency.

He took a saucepan, put oil in it, and poured water.

I added a pinch of salt, put it on the fire and brought it to a boil. To get choux pastry, you need to turn the heat down, without removing the pan from the stove, sift the flour into it.

I just didn’t have time to cook and take pictures, so I put the pan on the table so that the dough wouldn’t burn. I quickly mix the contents with a spatula, and when the dough sticks together and becomes homogeneous and shiny, I remove it from the stove.

Place in a bowl and cool until warm. Break the eggs into a separate bowl and beat them a little with a whisk.

Add eggs to the dough in portions of several spoons and stir with a mixer.

It turns out to be such a viscous dough.

I load it into a pastry bag with a 10mm toothed tip. I place custard rings approximately 6-7 cm in diameter on a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Let me clarify right away that the first cakes did not turn out to be very fluffy, so then I planted the rings in two layers - the result was what I needed. Or you should use a larger nozzle, 15 mm in diameter, but I don’t have one.

In general, a pastry bag is a different story, two Chinese version the bag and syringe that I had previously were tortured to death by their inconvenience.

The whole city searched until I found a normal bag with simple and reliable stainless steel attachments in a completely inconspicuous shop. It costs twice as much, but, as they say, we are not such rich people to buy cheap things...

According to the recipe, the cakes should be baked for the first 15 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees, then for 25 minutes at 180 degrees. It took me about 30 minutes to do everything (especially the oven). It turned out to be two dozen cakes.

For the cream, I ground vanilla sugar in a mortar to a powder, because sugar grains do not dissolve in butter and will crunch on the teeth. For the same reasons, instead of regular sugar, powder is also used for the cream.

Beat the well-softened butter with a mixer with powdered sugar and vanilla sugar.

I add condensed milk in portions and continue to beat at high speed for several minutes.

Finally, add cognac and whisk a little more. I rub the cottage cheese directly into the cream through a fine sieve.

I also decided to add a taste of summer to half the cream. Mixed it with a few spoons of thawed homemade strawberries- delicious!

I cut the cooled rings with a knife and fill them with cream (you can just use a spoon).

Sprinkled with powder. Beauty!

And I should try it, but I’ve already tried condensed milk, cream, and strawberries. Still, I ate a small ring - wonderful and awesome!

The next morning the custard rings were even tastier - they had been brewed. This needs to be done, especially since almost half of the cream remains, keep this in mind. I also want to make it with glaze...

That's all for today. Be healthy and see you again, dear readers!

Pastries based on choux pastry are distinguished by their particularly refined taste and aesthetics. appearance. Custard rings- This is a type of custard eclair cake. Most often they are filled with buttercream, but it all depends on your taste preferences. Curd or custard go very well with the crispy base of custard cakes. Let's prepare custard rings with light cream together.


To prepare custard rings with cream, we will need the following ingredients:

  • flour - 2/3 cup for dough and 1.5 tablespoons for cream;
  • water - 2/3 cup;
  • butter - 70 g;
  • salt - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 400 ml;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • powdered sugar - 1 tablespoon.

How to make custard rings

1. Pour 2/3 cup of water into a thick-bottomed ladle. Add salt and butter to the water,

2. Place the ladle on the fire.

3. Bring the mixture to a boil, and then add flour to it.

4. Bring the mixture to homogeneity over the heat, constantly stirring the dough with a spatula. Then remove the dough from the heat and let it cool slightly.

5. Add two eggs to the slightly cooled custard mixture.

6. Knead the dough by hand (with a spoon or fork) or using a blender.

7. Turn on the oven to heat up to 220 degrees. We cover a baking sheet with parchment and use a pastry syringe to form dough rings on it.

8. Bake the rings for the first 10 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees, and then reduce the temperature to 180 and cook the cakes for another 7 minutes. The finished rings are golden in color and hard to the touch.

9. Let's make the cream. To do this, put two tablespoons of sugar (a little more is possible) and one and a half tablespoons of flour into a ladle.

10. Pour 400 ml of milk into flour and sugar and place the ladle on the fire. Bring the cream to a boil, while constantly stirring it with a whisk.

11. Ready cream cover cling film or a cellophane bag and leave until completely cool.

12. Cut the custard rings so that the lower and upper parts are the same thickness.

13. Fill the lower part of each ring with cream using a culinary syringe, and then cover this structure with the upper part of the ring. Decorate the custard rings with powdered sugar and serve with tea or coffee.