What to take from food in. What food to take on the bus

Before a long journey, the question arises: “what to take with you from food?”. To avoid discomfort and unforeseen situations, you should think about it in advance, and having decided to write a list so as not to forget anything.

Food for the road if you are traveling by train

IN long way on the train, car and bus, you need to take fresh food that is not perishable, you need to be especially careful not only in summer. After all, it is often hotter in the train in winter than in summer.

Store all products separately and pack them well.

List of such products:

  • Smoked sausage;
  • Vegetables;
  • Bread;
  • boiled eggs;
  • Cookie;
  • Fruits;
  • Vacuum packed food.
  • Salt, sugar.

(do not consider "liquid dishes": soups, stews, mashed potatoes).

You can take bread with you (after cutting it in advance, it is inconvenient to do this on the train and your neighbors are unlikely to like crumbs everywhere), smoked sausage- the favorite product of the majority when traveling (also pre-prepared for consumption) or ham in a vacuum, potatoes (baked in their skins - they do not spoil for a long time).

Potato Recipe:

Thoroughly wash the potatoes (medium size), cut into 4 longitudinal parts, why put on a baking sheet (after laying baking paper), salt and sprinkle provencal herbs(or other spices of your choice), add a tablespoon sunflower oil. Then mix everything well and put in the oven.

In summer, everything is conducive to giving preference to vegetables and fruits and it is better to wash and dry them in advance, and arrange them in separate bags.

Do not take with you on a train journey:

  • Sweet sparkling water;
  • Juices;
  • Bananas;
  • Cheese (even if it does not spoil, it will become soft and unpleasant in taste);

Why you shouldn't take sweet water? It does not quench thirst, and the opportunity to get to the restroom is not always there. You can't go wrong with plain water and tea.

Do not take salads and dishes seasoned with mayonnaise, this is a perishable product.

What food to take on the road by car

On the one hand, it may seem that it is more comfortable to eat in the car, there are no prying eyes, neighbors who sometimes confuse, but on the other hand, there is no place for eating in the car.

It is more convenient and safer to travel by car with a thermal bag (or a travel refrigerator) - it maintains the temperature of food, but does not cool it. In the summer, it is possible to cool the water in advance and it will remain cool in the travel refrigerator.

Take with you on a trip by car:

  • Flour, including sausages in the dough (you will find the recipe below);
  • Fruit (washed in advance);
  • Potato;
  • Cereals;
  • Smoked sausages;
  • Bread sliced;
  • water;
  • Tea and coffee in a thermo mug;
  • It is also possible to grab the soup in a thermos;
  • Vegetables.

Recipe for sausages in dough

There is an extremely simple and quick recipe This delicacy will appeal even to those who are not friends with cooking. They are perfect for traveling both in summer and winter - in any season, and on two-day trips.

Buy ready dough- puff yeast (it is in the form of square plates) and sausages.

Such a dough, as a rule, is frozen, you need to leave it for 15 minutes, then roll it out with a rolling pin (layer height 0.5-1 cm) and cut into rectangles. Then just wrap the sausage in it, put it on a baking sheet and grease with yolk.

Send to the oven for 15 - 20 minutes.

Such sausages in the dough remain tasty even when cold.

Before the road, be sure to cool the product, wrap it in foil and put it in a thermal bag.

It is better to wash vegetables and fruits before the trip (cut, if necessary).

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Taking food on a bus trip

What food is not suitable for long-distance bus travel? You should not take greasy food, buns on the road (they crumble a lot - this is inconvenient and do not forget about the presence of neighbors who will also not be happy with the extra garbage). Do not take salty, spicy and sweet foods, such foods cause thirst, and on a bus trip this is an unnecessary inconvenience.

Take with you on your bus trip:

  • Fresh vegetables, cut in advance;
  • Bread;
  • Not a sweet cookie;
  • Fruits;
  • Water.

In the summer, you can make a fresh vegetable salad by putting it in a disposable container, it will not spoil and satisfy your hunger.

What food to prepare for the trip for the child?

If you are on a train

The question of what to take with you from food becomes more serious if children are traveling with you. In this case, it is worth considering the diet more carefully.

In no case do not take on the road for a child:

  • Porridge with milk - if this dish is fundamentally important, take porridge fast food. Better than poisoning;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Boiled meat.

What to take?

  • Boiled or baked potatoes (not mashed);
  • Vegetables;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Apples;
  • Cookie;
  • water;
  • Juice (better store - stored longer).

If your child loves meat and cannot do without it, cook 1-2 grilled patties, for example, so that he eats it at one (nearest) meal.

If you are driving

How is the food situation if you are traveling with children?

If you have a “travel refrigerator” at your disposal, you can take a child’s usual diet, along the way you can always stop by a roadside cafe and ask to warm up food in the microwave.

Do not forget! Refrigerate or freeze all food before travel to prevent spoilage.

When traveling by car, things are easier than when traveling by train, with regards to shopping. There are many shops and gas stations along the road. But carefully monitor the shelf life of the goods.

Proper nutrition on a long journey

For those who follow their figure and health, it is important to adhere to a certain menu.

An important question arises - what to cook on the road:

salad recipe

It is very simple, and you need to try so that it deteriorates on the road.

Tear lettuce leaves (number by eye, but don't be stingy) with your hands into a container, chop a lot of greens (any you like), then cut the cucumber into quarters and radishes. Sprinkle everything with sesame seeds and season with a teaspoon olive oil. Salad ready!

cut separately fresh cucumber, it can be consumed for dinner with chicken.

Possible breakfast option: a slice of whole grain bread with fresh vegetables or cheese.

All products must be stored separately.

Food that you should not take on the road in any case

What food is contraindicated on the road? Everything is obvious:

  • Forget everything related to fish better at home, because even if the temperature standards are observed, the “life” of this product is not long;
  • Milk (and it is better to protect yourself from fermented milk products) - the reason is the same, not a long shelf life and the consequences of poisoning with milk or cottage cheese are severe.
  • Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, french fries and other similar dishes are very fatty and hard to digest, which definitely causes discomfort.
  • Snacks and instant noodles. Regular nuts don't count.

What medicines to take with you on a trip

There is always a chance that the digestive system will fail at the most inopportune moment, even if you ate only fresh foods.

In such a case, it is worth putting in your bag "saving funds", such as:

  • And activated charcoal (everyone's favorite and reliable);
  • Smecta;
  • Polysorb;
  • Enterofuril (with frequent stools);
  • Loperamide (for loose stools);
  • Regidron (with dehydration);
  • No-shpa;
  • Mezim.

In the summer, be sure to take alcohol wipes on a long journey, they will come in handy on a trip by train, car, and bus.

Undoubtedly, eating on the road is a kind of stress, but it is possible to make this process safer and more comfortable. Approach the preparation of your diet for the journey with special trepidation and compliance with all the rules, then, most likely, the journey will go smoothly. Products should be fresh and it is better not to take semi-finished products with you, but cook everything yourself. And in case of an emergency, do not forget to take medicine with you on a long journey.

Happy road!

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Considering the vast territories of the former Soviet space, sometimes you have to spend several days on the train. In this regard, the question remains very relevant, what products to take on the train, what can I take with me on a trip without risk to health? The answer to this question depends not only on personal preferences, but also on how much time you need to spend directly on the road, as well as on the time of year that the trip falls on.

Healthy food while traveling

Despite love for culinary masterpieces homeland, on the train it is recommended to pay attention to healthier and safer food, namely:

  • fruits and vegetables, e.g. apples, pears, bananas, plums, grapes, citrus fruits, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, sweet bell pepper;
  • bakery products- bran, rye, White bread, buns (preferably without filling or with nuts, cinnamon, fruit jams, but not with cottage cheese!);
  • cereals that can be prepared in portions (by adding boiling water) directly on the trip - oatmeal, buckwheat and other cereals, now there is a great variety of them on sale;
  • raw smoked sausages, processed and hard cheeses;
  • kefir, yogurt - you can take it with you in the cold season and for a very short period of time, it is advisable to eat it in half a day;
  • bottled mineral and ordinary drinking water, juice packaged in small volumes, tea, coffee bags, sugar;
  • chocolate, nuts, seeds, gingerbread, crackers;

  • for children - fruit and vegetable puree and juices industrial production to be stored at room temperature closed.
  • canned liver or meat, buy canned food in small packages - so that they eat everything at once.
  • cutlets, fried chops, boiled chicken- eat no later than 6 hours.
  • fried pies stuffed with apples or cabbage - eat no later than 8 hours later.
  • boiled eggs, the main thing is to cook hard-boiled - eat no later than after 8-10 hours.

How to store food on the go

In order to feel as comfortable as possible on the trip, you must follow the following rules.

  • It is better to buy products in the usual places where purchases are usually made, and not at the station.
  • It is necessary to check at what temperature the products can be stored, this is indicated by the inscriptions on the packages. For a trip, you need to choose those that are stored at room temperature.
  • All products that need it must be thoroughly washed and dried at home, packed in separate bags, this applies to all vegetables and fruits, since washing them on the train is like eating them unwashed.

  • As mentioned above, it is advisable to pack all products in separate bags, so they will be stored longer. It is more expedient to wrap some of them in food paper (confectionery parchment), which will not allow the products to "suffocate".
  • For convenience, it is better to cut sausage, cheese and bread at home.
  • During the trip, it is better to eat those foods that spoil faster first of all. In the compartment, you need to choose the coolest place, certainly away from the battery (as a rule, it is located under the window), and store the food bag there.
  • It should be noted that in the warm season, food deteriorates faster, so what you managed to do in winter, for example, drink kefir stored in the evening in the morning, can be hazardous to health in summer.
  • Also don't forget to take napkins and disposable tableware, with plates, forks and cups for a convenient snack.
  • You can prepare your food in advance and put it in small bowls or cute suitcases for food, they are also called laptop lunch.

What food should not be taken on the train

  • dairy products, especially cottage cheese, milk, to a lesser extent - sour cream, kefir;
  • confectionery in the form of cakes, cakes with cream and custards;
  • sausages boiled, liver, blood, fish, pastes;
  • meat, fish salads, especially with dressing (for example, mayonnaise);
  • hot smoked fish, herring, boiled seafood;
  • pies with cottage cheese, fish, offal.

This is due to the fact that at temperatures above +8 degrees, a favorable environment is created for the development of all kinds of microorganisms, which may be unsafe for those who eat such dishes.

If, nevertheless, such favorite fried chicken or fish and other gastronomic delights are included in the grocery basket for the trip, then they should be included in the very first meal that is planned on the trip, such products can be taken on the train and used without harm to your health. And, finally, the most important rule, following which you can avoid stomach troubles: if the products cause even the slightest suspicion, it is better to refrain from using them.

When you are going on the road, whether the trip takes several hours or a couple of days, it is important to think in advance what you will have to eat. Of course, if you are driving a roadside service can save you, but it may not be everywhere. And if you are already traveling by train or bus, then on such a trip you should definitely stock up on food or a snack.

What to take with you on the road? Some useful tips, what you can cook or take with you to make your trip as comfortable, safe and useful as possible (that is, chips, snacks and other pleasures of the stomach do not interest you).

  • Food should not take up much space. Of course, if you are driving, then you are your own boss and you can take containers or lunch boxes with your favorite food. But other times it's just inconvenient. But disposable vacuum packaging with products cut into them - great option.
  • Food should not spoil quickly - avoid things that quickly melt, spoil and crumble, such as dairy products, raw sausages, sandwiches with mayonnaise and various sauces.
  • No harsh odors - this item applies to cheeses, sausages and other pungent-smelling foods. Believe me, after a couple of hours of riding a bus or train, the smells of food will fill the air, so be careful when choosing products.

The rules are simple, but knowing them, you can make your life easier on trips.

Now let's figure out what you can take and what to cook on the road.

Good to know! If you are going on a trip to another country, study what products you can bring into the country so that it does not turn out that a malicious border guard will force you to throw away all the food.

What can you take with you on the road?

What does not require cooking, just go to the store:

1. Vegetables and fruits. What could be simpler - and you do not need to cook, and tasty, and healthy. At this point, the main thing is to take those products that do not deteriorate.

From fruits: apples, pears, oranges, tangerines, bananas.

From vegetables: cucumbers, carrots, Bell pepper, tomatoes (when buying, choose strong and small fruits to eat one piece at a time).

If the road is long and you take with a margin for a couple of days, then it is better to take the whole thing. Salads and sliced ​​​​fruits should be eaten immediately, they quickly lose their “marketable” appearance.

2. Raw smoked sausages, salami and hard cheeses - vacuum-packed cuts are very convenient now. If you plan to take a piece or stick of sausage, it is better to wrap it in cloth or paper, even in hot weather the sausage will keep well.

3. Nuts, dried fruits or muesli in bars. A win-win option for travel of any duration. Regarding nuts, it is better to take the unsalted version.

4. Vegetable and fruit chips. These are sold in the store, in fact, these are “dehydrated” pieces of fruits and vegetables without any additives. Or you can just grab dried apples, an excellent travel delicacy.

5. Baby vegetable or fruit purees. Its assortment is now huge, mashed potatoes are well stored on the road.

6. Drinkable yoghurts- spoil quickly, but as an option for one of the first meals on the road, it is quite suitable. The main thing is to eat / drink everything during the first 4-5 hours of the trip.

7. Instant porridge. They are suitable if during the trip there is access to boiling water.

8. Water is not food. Of course, but without it, the road is difficult. Preference should be given plain water without gases and tastes.

More helpful tips can be found in the video:

What to cook on the road?

1. Eggs and meat. As without eggs and a piece of chicken, especially if the trip is expected to be long. Hard boil the eggs and wrap them in paper so they last longer. From meat, it is better to give preference to chicken baked in the oven. More convenient to wrap meat dish in foil, its surface reflects the sun's rays and preserves food for a longer period.

2. Frittata is an alternative to boiled eggs and fried chicken🙂 But it is better not to store this dish for more than a day.

Frittata for the road - a simple recipe with a photo

For 8 pieces you will need:

  • 6 eggs;
  • 100 ml sour cream;
  • grated cheese;
  • you can add salami, tomatoes, spinach, corn or green pea(all additives to your taste)
  • salt pepper

Put the oven to warm up to 180-200 degrees. In a large bowl, beat eggs, add sour cream and mix until uniform consistency. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix. You can either bake in a large baking pan for 30-40 minutes (then the frittata then needs to be cut into pieces like a pie) or you can bake in a cake pan. In this case, fill each mold with egg mass by 3/4 and bake in the oven for 20 minutes until cooked.

3. Homemade oat cookies- natural and tasty. with photos and step by step description help you get ready for the road without any hassle.

4. Various sandwiches, and stuffed pita/tortillas. This is the most common dish option for any trip. Here your imagination can run wild, any fillings: meat, herbs, cheese and different sauces. Whatever your heart desires, the main thing is not to forget the rules of food on the road, described above. It is better to wrap sandwiches and pita bread in parchment paper.

5. Granola - sweet baked muesli. Allows you to quickly "recharge" on the road. You can buy these bars at the store, but you can also make your own.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 glass of hercules;
  • 3 tbsp oatmeal (you can make your own, grind cereals in a coffee grinder)
  • 1/4 tsp salt;
  • 1/4 tsp soda;
  • 1/2 tsp vanillin;
  • 2 tbsp coconut or sunflower oil;
  • 3 tbsp liquid honey
  • 1 cup of your favorite nuts (peanuts, unsalted unroasted almonds, cashews, etc.)
  • Peanuts need to be cut to a size that suits you. Mix in a separate bowl nuts, hercules, oat flour, salt, soda and vanillin.

Melt honey in a small saucepan, add oil. Everything is done on a slow fire. Pour this mass over the nut-oat mixture and mix well.

Spread parchment paper on a baking sheet and spread the oatmeal mixture on it, smoothing to get a uniform flat layer.

Put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, bake for about 20 minutes. Let cool and then cut into small pieces.

Granola can be stored in a regular container or paper bag.

As you can see, the range of food and products that you can take with you on the road is wide and you definitely won’t have to go hungry.

P.S. What do you take with you on the road/train/travel? Share your tips and recipes in the comments to the article.

When you are going on a trip, you start to think about what to cook on the road, what kind of food is more convenient and practical to take? Many foods spoil quickly, while others do not spoil, but are harmful to health. Using the advice of experienced travelers, we have compiled a list of recommendations on this topic.

What to take in the drog from food?

The biggest problem is the heat and shaking. Few products can survive them with dignity.

But there is a way out, it is possible to choose unpretentious and tasty food:

  • Vacuum-packed raw smoked sausage, smoked meat;
  • For a snack and tea, cookies, bread, crackers, crackers are suitable;
  • Dried fruits are a great option. They do not spoil for a long time, they are tasty and healthy;
  • Bread. But it is important to pack it properly, it should be paper, not a bag. It is much more convenient to take bread instead of bread, they are more compact and do not crumble so much;
  • Nuts, but not salty, as they make you want to drink;
  • Cheese in individual packaging, sliced, can be processed;
  • From vegetables, you can take cucumbers, they are unpretentious, and tomatoes. But, as for the latter, it is better to take cherry tomatoes packed in a box;
  • Tea or coffee bags;
  • From fresh fruit give preference to apples, pears, bananas.

If, according to an old habit, you take home-cooked food on the road:

  • boiled eggs;
  • Potato;
  • Meat or poultry.

remember, that you can store them for no more than 5 hours, and even less under other conditions. Therefore, eat eggs and potatoes first, they are great for this.

What to feed children on a trip?

This is a separate problem, kids often cannot eat what adults eat. Often they begin to get sick, and then in general the problem with the diet becomes acute.

What to take for a child with you in a car, bus or train?

  1. If the trip is short, take soup, porridge or mashed potatoes. The same dishes are suitable for the first snack on a long journey;
  2. You can also take cereals in instant bags, which you only need to pour boiling water or milk;
  3. Fruit purees, packed in jars or soft bags, for one feeding;
  4. Fruits: apples, bananas, citrus fruits;
  5. Dried fruits;
  6. So that the work of the intestines is not disturbed, and this often happens on the road and the child starts having problems from this, grab small portioned jars of yogurt or kefir, berries. Berries should be taken hard: currants, gooseberries, dried cranberries;
  7. You definitely need water, there should be plenty of it. Some take juices, this is possible, but ordinary water is best. She, like nothing else, quenches thirst, if necessary, she can wash her face, wash her hands.

From sweets, you can take lollipops and cookies, but it is better to refuse chocolate, all kinds of marmalades and bars. All this is stored for a short time and ends quickly.

What to cook on the road by car?

If you go on a trip by car, then the range can be significantly expanded. After all, you have the opportunity to take with you a cooler bag and a gas burner:

  • Any food prepared at home will do. AND boiled eggs, and potatoes and even soup, poured into jars, will remain in a refrigerator bag for a rather long time;
  • In a thermos you can pour tea or coffee, compote. Any drink to your liking;
  • For tea, take homemade cakes;
  • Sliced ​​bread, sausage;
  • Vegetables;
  • Clean drinking water.

Be sure to purchase a gas portable stove, it will help you out more than once. It can be used for both heating and cooking. To do this, you will also need dishes, metal bowls, a bowler hat or any saucepan, mugs are better suited. It would be nice to have a mug with double walls - a thermo-glass, it allows you to hold it without burning yourself, and does not allow the drink to cool down quickly.

It is impractical to take disposable dishes on the one hand, as they quickly deteriorate, break and heat up. On the other hand, it can be easily thrown away and does not need to be washed.

What foods should be avoided?

It is better not to take such products on the road:

  • Fish will not fit in any form and no matter what you ride. It spoils quickly, gets very dirty and causes a lot of problems with processing and cooking;
  • Milk, even stored for a long time, can deteriorate and then there is a chance of poisoning them. Only a small packet is acceptable, which you will drink almost immediately;
  • Many, almost all, take with them noodles fast food. It's convenient, pour boiling water and you're done. But the amount of chemical additives that it contains is huge, why spoil the stomach when it is quite possible to get by with normal food;
  • watermelons And melons better not to eat on the road. They are easy to poison.

And be sure to collect a first aid kit in which you put:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Analgin;
  • Smecta;
  • Regidron;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Bandage;
  • Alcohol wipes;
  • Suprastin.

And all individual medicines.

Food on the bus

Traveling by bus is comfortable, but as far as food is concerned, snacking on it is inconvenient. Therefore, the products that you take with you should not be dirty, not crumbly, without a strong smell, preferably divided into portions.

Salty and smoked food is also not suitable, as it causes thirst. Better grab:

  • Vegetables, chopped at home;
  • Bread;
  • Apples, pears;
  • drinking water;
  • It is possible to cut and put a salad, a piece of meat in the container, which will be delicious without heating;
  • In a thermos favorite drink;
  • Wrap several sandwiches in foil;
  • And a small bag of candies will help brighten up boredom.

To travel on a bus, food should be prepared for consumption as much as possible: opened, unwrapped, eaten and thrown away.

Do not forget to take wet wipes, they perfectly clean your hands from food debris.

Of course, everything is individual and depends on your preferences. Our tips on what to prepare for the trip are selected taking into account the options that will be available to travelers in one way or another.

Video: the right snacks on the go

In this video, Diana Protasova will tell you which products are best for a trip:

Summer is the time for outdoor activities, vacations and travel. When going on a trip, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail: make a list of necessary things, collect a first aid kit and, of course, do not forget about the supply of provisions. But in the summer, food spoils quickly, especially if you have a long train journey. Therefore, you need to choose those products that are stored for a long time and without a refrigerator. This is especially important for families with children, because for them the quality and freshness of the dishes are of paramount importance. So what to take on the road from food to refresh yourself on the way on the train or bus?

Basic rules when choosing products for the train

The train is perhaps the safest and most convenient mode of transport. It has a bathroom, and you can always take boiling water. But there is no refrigerator on the train, and the journey usually takes longer than other modes of transport. Therefore, when choosing what to take on the road from food, you need to remember a few basic principles:

    Products should be well stored and not melt in the sun.

    You need to choose food that does not have a strong smell and does not leave a lot of debris (such as cleanings).

    It is best to take with you products that do not require additional preparation.

How much food should be taken?

Difficult to accurately calculate required amount products. It depends, first of all, on the travel time. And if you have to go more than five or six hours, then a snack will be a must. In addition, for some reason, the appetite is always good on the train.

What to take from food on the road in the summer, so that later you don’t have to throw out excess or spoiled food? The number of products must be calculated based on sample menu for the entire journey. It should include breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, which you cannot do without on the train. But, given that physical activity on the road is minimized and little energy is spent, it is better not to gain a lot of food. Moreover, excess products are an unnecessary burden. IN last resort, it will be possible to buy something on the train or at the bus stop.

Sample list of products

Let's try to make an approximate list of products that you can take with you on the train.

    Instant cereals with dried fruits are an excellent breakfast option. Especially if they are packed not in bags, but in disposable glasses.

    Processed cheese in individual packaging is good because it can be eaten immediately after opening.

    Meat dishes: it is best to choose canned food, for example, pâté in small jars. It can be used at one time. lovers home cooking they can take cutlets or meatballs with them, but they will need to be eaten within the first six hours of the journey. By the way, the fried or baked chicken, beloved by many, will also come in handy, but it is better to pack it in foil and not put it off the next day.

    Bread or pita.

    Pies or cupcakes. It is better not to take pastries with cottage cheese or meat stuffing. But if you really want to, then you will need to eat it in the first hours of the journey.

    When choosing what to take from food on a long journey, you can think of soups, mashed potatoes and instant noodles. Of course, these are not the most healthy meals, but they definitely won’t go bad in the summer, especially if you need to go for two or three days.

    Fresh vegetables and fruits. It is better not to take too juicy (peaches or apricots) so as not to wrinkle. In addition, in the summer you can always buy them at the station and wash them right on the train.

    For snacks, you can take nuts, corn sticks, cookie. From sweet - dried fruits, marshmallows or gingerbread.

Drinks are important

What to take on the road from food is, of course, important. But on a trip, especially in summer heat, you need to observe the correct drinking regimen. Therefore, drinking water without gas should always be available. It is good to take tea and coffee bags, as well as refined sugar for hot drinks. You can also grab juices in small packages that you can drink through a straw.

Calculation of liquid - approximately one liter per eight hours of travel per person. But if there is a long road ahead, then there is no need to carry extra water, because you can always buy it.

What to offer the child?

Families with children should pay special attention to the quality and freshness of food. Especially when it comes to very young children, because for them nutrition is of paramount importance. What to take on the road from food to a child so that the trip is a success? If you have a long road ahead, then a cooler bag will be very useful in which you can store or prepare lunch.

Toddlers can take a few jars of baby food on the road. By the way, vegetable or fruit puree You can offer not only crumbs, but also an older child. Also useful baby juice, biscuits and, of course, pure water.

It must be remembered that many children get sick in transport, especially in summer. Therefore, it is better not to feed the child immediately before the road. And it will be possible to refresh one hour after departure. It is better if it is a hot dish - it will help to better transfer the road to both the child and his parents.

Unwanted Products

Having decided what food is better to take on the road, you need to mention those products that are undesirable to take with you. Let's list some of them.