Recipe for fried pies on the water. Fried pies with cabbage - an easy recipe with a photo.

Today we will tell you how to cook incredibly tasty and air dough for fried pies in various ways.

Kefir dough for fried pies


  • white sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • - 500 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • soda - a pinch;
  • flour - 3.5 tbsp.


We warm up the kefir a little, throw in salt, sugar, add soda, vegetable oil and mix everything. Next, gradually add the flour in parts and knead homogeneous dough for fried pies. Now cover it with a napkin and leave it to rise for about half an hour.

Air dough for fried pies


  • white sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • flour - 4 tbsp.;
  • warm water - 1 tbsp.;
  • instant yeast - 1 teaspoon;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • boiling water - 1 tbsp.


So, pour the yeast into a bowl, pour a glass warm water, throw sugar and pour in vegetable oil. AT enamelware Sift the flour, make a well in the middle and pour in the yeast mixture. Mix everything quickly, add a glass of boiling water and knead elastic dough 10 minutes. If the flour is not enough, then add more. After that, cover it with a towel and remove for 20 minutes in any warm place to rise. After the time has elapsed, we take out the dough and proceed to the preparation of pies.

Cottage cheese dough for fried pies


  • baking soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • - 500 g;
  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • table vinegar;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.


Beat the eggs with a whisk with sugar until fluffy. We twist the cottage cheese through a meat grinder, combine it with the egg mass and throw in the soda, quenched with table vinegar. Sift the flour separately, and then carefully combine all the components and knead the airy dough. We cover it with a clean napkin and leave it for 40 minutes. After that, we proceed directly to the preparation of pies.

Quick dough for fried pies


  • boiled water - 500 ml;
  • instant yeast - 1 sachet;
  • white sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • flour - 1 kg.


We heat the water, pour out the yeast, pour in the vegetable oil and mix everything. Then we throw a little sugar and introduce small portions of premium flour. We knead the elastic airy dough, cover it with a napkin and leave it warm for about 20 minutes.

Dough for fried yogurt pies


  • natural yogurt - 400 ml;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar white sand - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • margarine - 250 g;
  • baking soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • flour of the highest grade - 4 tbsp.


Note: a slightly different recipe is used for oven-baked pies. This one, below, is ideal for pan-fried dough products.

With all my heart I wish your household delicious pies! It's such a pleasure to burn yourself and bite off a hot pie with a little crispy crust, drink it down. fragrant tea with milk or cocoa.


  • 250 ml milk
  • 250 ml water
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 20g dry yeast or 40g raw
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 kg flour (may take a little more or less depending on the density of the flour itself or the humidity in the room)
  • vegetable oil

Start kneading the dough

We measure out 250 ml of water and 250 ml of milk. The resulting mixture of liquids should be warm. I usually mix cold milk from the fridge with hot water- I get a warm base for our test at the output, this is exactly what we need.

For the test, I use both dry and raw yeast. To prepare dry yeast pie dough, you need 2 sachets (20 g) of yeast. If you use raw yeast - take 40 gr.

We check the yeast for performance: we breed it with 1/5 cup of warm water and a teaspoon of sugar. We leave for 5-7 minutes. If the yeast is fresh, high-quality - after a short period of time you will see a lush foam cap. I always check absolutely all packets of yeast, even freshly bought ones, with good term expiration dates on the packaging.

The head of foam is ready to leave the bowl - this is exactly the result of the action of the yeast that we need. Pies - to be!

In a large bowl, drive two eggs, pour warm milk.

Add well-fitted yeast.

Mix well, add salt. Little by little we begin to add well-sifted flour.

Note: never add all the flour in the recipe at once. This way you can avoid mistakes. Depending on the density and type of flour, less / more flour may be required. It is better to add flour gradually, focusing on the consistency of the dough.

We begin to knead the dough with our hands, gradually adding the sifted flour.

As a result, the consistency of the dough should turn out to be elastic, rather steep - not stick to your hands. We pick up the palm of vegetable oil, knead the dough and cover with a towel.

Yeast dough for fried pies (any yeast dough, by the way) works best in a warm, damp, draft-free place.

On the Internet you can find great amount ways to "raise" the yeast dough: some housewives even pour a bath of hot water to create a humid warm environment in the bathroom and bring the dough into the room for proofing.

I make do with wetting the towel in hot water and, having squeezed it well, I cover the dough. Then I put the dough in the oven. Naturally, with the oven turned off) the dough is in such conditions for 1 hour and rises perfectly. You can put the yeast dough on a sunny windowsill, just make sure that the window is closed - the yeast dough does not like drafts!

According to this recipe, you can cook delicious, as well as other homemade cakes.

After 1 hour, we look under the towel and see - the dough has more than doubled in size! Today my dough came up so well that the top remained on the towel and appearance The photo leaves much to be desired. I apologize for the unpresentable appearance.

Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and knead it. We leave for another 20 minutes.

Then pour vegetable oil into the palm of your hand and pinch off small balls from the dough. Each ball is a future pie. The surface on which you lay the dough balls should also be greased. vegetable oil or dusted with flour.

We leave the balls to "rest" for another 15 minutes, in the meantime we are engaged in the filling.
So, the dough is ready for baking!
Flatten the koloboks into cakes with your fingers, put the filling. For example, today we will have potato pies.

We pinch the pies without leaving holes in the dough. The pies are oval elongated, which can be inconvenient when baking - they are spinning. But if you put the pies a little more compactly, there will be no such problem.
Fry yeast pies in a deep frying pan with vegetable oil.
Attention! Vegetable oil should be well heated. You can check the readiness of the oil for frying in a simple way: dip a piece of dough the size of a large pea into the oil - if it immediately pops up and starts to fry, then the oil is heated, you can lower the pies.

It will take about 5 minutes over medium heat to beautifully fry the pies on each side.

You can try pies!

This is what the pie looks like

Here are some frequently asked questions about this recipe:

For pies and pies in the oven, I use a different dough recipe: with the addition of sugar, milk, butter (without water). It performed better when baked in the oven. Many friends tried to use the recipe for this dough for pies in the oven, but due to the fact that the dough rises well and the baking time is longer than in a pan, the pies increase very much in size, burst, and the filling flows out.

How many fried pies are obtained from this amount of dough?

The amount depends on the size of the pies, I get 28-30 (I make them quite large, as you can see from the photo). If you make them small and neat, you get about 40 pieces.

How long do you need to fry the pies?

In well-heated oil, the pies are fried very quickly, no longer than five minutes. We put our pies in the heated oil - as soon as the bottom is reddened, we turn over! The dough for fried pies according to this recipe is “bubbly” and a little crispy.

A question from a newbie that I thought was very important:

Do I need to fry the pies right away, is it possible to stick first, using all the dough, and then fry?

If you stick pies and leave them on the table, the dough will continue to rise. If you take the pie in your hands, it can fall off, tear, the filling will fall out. Therefore, it is recommended to sculpt pies from 4-5 pieces (how many fit in a pan) and fry them immediately. There are such recipes for fried pies when the pies are put on proofing, but in this case it is not needed (our dough was already quite suitable).

If the apartment is cold, will the dough work in the oven turned off?

In case of coolness in the apartment, it is better to put the yeast dough on water bath for proofing. An example of the organization of such a bath is shown in the photo (taken from the Internet). In a large bowl with warm (close to hot) water, put a bowl of dough, cover our construction with a film.

I would love your comments and feedback on the recipe!
Successful experiments!

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Hello, dear readers of "Simple and delicious"!

Today I want to show how an excellent yeast dough is prepared for fried and baked pies. fried pies it turns out such that they say "melt in your mouth", especially when they are warm. Well, baked ones, of course, also turn out very tasty. From ready dough cook delicious fried pies with potatoes and onions.

When cooking yeast dough I used fresh pressed yeast. With them, in my opinion, the pies are especially airy. I carefully weighed all the ingredients on an electronic kitchen scale, although I usually do it by eye. So, if you keep the proportions, you should get the same wonderful pies.

Ingredients:(for 20 pies)

for the test

  • 550-560 g flour (this is about 3.5 cups with a capacity of 250 ml)
  • 1 cup milk (250 ml) 3.2% fat
  • 1 egg
  • 25 g of pressed yeast (1/4 of a 100-gram pack), or half a packet of dry (2 tsp without a slide)
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 st. l. sugar (if the filling is sweet, then you need 4 tablespoons of sugar)
  • 1 tsp without a slide of salt
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. warm water to dilute the yeast

For filling

  • 500 g potatoes
  • 2 medium onions
  • 30-35 g butter (fry the onion)
  • salt to taste


First, grind the yeast with your hand. They crumble very easily.

Add 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tsp flour and 2-3 tbsp. l. warm water. We mix. If there are small lumps of flour left, don't worry - when the yeast rises, the flour will completely disperse.
Unused yeast can be safely frozen by wrapping it in cling film. When frozen, they do not lose their properties.

We set the yeast aside for 10-15 minutes, let it rise. We start preparing the dough. In a large mixing bowl, whisk the egg and 1 tsp. salt. Then add a glass of milk and a quarter glass of vegetable oil. We mix. Warm up the milk a bit.

After 10-15 minutes, the yeast has risen with a magnificent hat.

Add them to the egg-milk mixture and mix gently with a spoon.

Weigh the flour, sift it and gradually, in 3-4 doses, add to the dough. We interfere first with a spoon, and then with our hands, putting the dough on a table sprinkled with flour. The palm can be periodically lubricate vegetable oil, will stick to the dough less. It is necessary to knead for a long time until the dough becomes completely homogeneous.. X well mixed This dough does not stick to your hands at all.

Cover the cup with the dough with a clean towel or lid and put in a warm place. I usually put on a stool to a warm battery. If the batteries are cold (in summer 🙂), I pour some warm water into a basin and put a cup of dough there. But, generally speaking, such measures are necessary if you use dry yeast, just the dough will rise faster. And if the yeast is fresh, the dough will rise in any case quickly enough.

So, after about an hour, or a little less, we see this picture:

Now you need to knead the dough and let it rise again. We press the palm of our hand, it should turn out something like this:

We put the dough again to approach, but for now we will prepare the filling for fried pies. We clean the potatoes and put them to boil. Salt at the end of cooking. Onion cut into small cubesand fry on butter until golden.

We make mashed potatoes from boiled potatoes, using part of the broth in which they were cooked. If required, add salt to taste. Add the fried onion from the pan along with the oil to the puree and mix well.

While preparing the filling, the dough has risen again.

Lubricate the working surface with vegetable oil and spread the finished dough on it.

Divide the dough into 20 approximately equal parts in the form of balls.

We let the dough rise a little until the balls look something like this:

Gently knead each ball with fingertips into a cake and put 2 tsp. fillings.

Should have taken a photo here. ready pie, but I was distracted by something and did not take a picture. Therefore, I will show a photo from the previous recipe, because I make any pies in the same way.

We slightly press the seam and put the pie on a greased surface with the seam down. While we are blinding the last pie, the first ones will already fit and it will be possible to fry. I usually cover the patties with cling film to make them fit better, but you don't have to.

Pour vegetable oil into the pan with a layer of 4-5 mm, heat it up properly and quickly lay out the pies.

We carefully monitor the pies, as they are fried very quickly, the main thing here is to turn over in time. It is very convenient to do this with two forks.

When the second side is ready, quickly put the pies on the barrel so that they are also fried on the side.

And almost immediately turn over to the other side.

That's all! The pies are ready and, as you can see, there is nothing complicated in their preparation. Maybe someone will say that I am showing the cooking process in too much detail, but not everyone knows how to handle dough, especially baking delicious pies. And if my recipe helps at least someone to make friends with yeast dough for fried and baked piesI'll just be happy.

For baked pies, you do everything the same, just put it not on a frying pan, but on a baking sheet covered with parchment, and grease it with egg mixture on top. See baked pies for details. In the same recipe, I show you how to make a delicious green onion and egg filling.

This dough is also great for making whites.

For today I say goodbye to you. Everyone have a good day and good mood. Always cook with pleasure!

Smile! 🙂

Very funny cartoon "In the parking lot"

One of the warmest memories of distant childhood are fried pies, cooked in butter from flavored homemade test with smell fresh milk, in the heart of which the most delicious and fragrant filling is hidden, causing an unbridled desire to taste them again.

In this article, we will look at a few simple recipes pies and fillings for them. And also, you will find out which option is best for fried pastries and of course, we will reveal some secrets of making delicious pies.

Pie dough

Dough preparation techniques have been developed for centuries. Dough is prepared from sourdough and yeast - in a sponge and non-dough way. Today, pies and pies are baked mainly from yeast dough with and without muffin. But one should take into account the fact that the dough flavored with milk, eggs, sugar and others food additives it turns out tastier and at the same time heavy, which is more suitable for sweet cakes, pastries and other goodies. But for not sweet pastries, you need to know the measure or knead the dough in a sponge way - by pre-fermentation, it is better to cook without baking at all - as our grandmothers, who know a lot about this matter, advise.

First, consider the safe method and the simplest recipe pie dough on yeast with a minimal addition of muffin, which is mainly used for non-sweet pastries. In general, it is not recommended without baking - such a product becomes dry and insipid after a certain time.

200 ml of warm boiled water,
100 ml milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
11 g sachet of dry yeast
300-350 g flour.

Pour warm water and warmed milk into a deep bowl, mix salt and yeast. Add sifted flour.

Knead a moderately thick dough, cover with a towel and insist in a warm place - 1 hour or more, until the dough has noticeably increased in volume. Knead in between.

AT this case, most of the water can be replaced with milk, because pies with milk are much tastier and more aromatic than those cooked with water, but this will increase the fermentation time, which also affects the quality and freshness of the yeast.

In order for the dough to be “obedient” - it does not stick to hands and dishes, and of course, to improve the taste, you can add melted butter or margarine, about 40 g.

Steam method:

The recommended way to prepare the dough with large quantity muffins, for sweet pastries. Combine in a small bowl 2 teaspoons of sugar, 1 tbsp. spoons of flour and yeast. Pour 100 g of warm water, mix thoroughly and wait for the formation of a "cap" - 10-15 minutes. Then, in a separate large bowl, pour the rest of the water, dilute the salt in it, pour the prepared dough, add the flour, knead the dough and insist.

The number of ingredients is the same as in the first method, with a minus added to the dough. The exact amount of flour added, in both cases, may vary up or down, plus or minus 20-50 g.

When making a dough, salt is not put into it, but is added immediately before kneading with all the ingredients. At the same time, do not forget that salted dough does not ferment well.

To make up for the missing points, we have prepared a separate topic, which demonstrates in an accessible form the entire process of preparing a universal dough for baking with detailed description and step by step photos to them.

Cutting and proofing

Divide the finished dough into small portioned pieces, sprinkle with flour on top and roll into balls, which are laid on a floured work surface and covered with a clean towel, for a short proofing - 5-10 minutes.

What is proofing for? - Products without proofing turn out to be porous and damp, because in the process of cutting the structure of the dough is disturbed, gases are removed from it and the dough becomes dense, as a result, baking is less lush.

Shaping, sculpting and cooking

Roll the prepared blanks from the yeast dough into not thick round cakes, put the minced meat in the center, tighten the edges and pinch tightly, give the product a typical shape for pies and press them down with your palms.

Heat oil in a frying pan and place the patties seam side down. Fry in sizzling oil for 2-3 minutes on each side, until golden brown.

The frying process should be moderately fast, over medium heat. With insufficiently heated oil, the product does not have time to become covered with a ruddy crust and continues to absorb excess oil, becoming greasy. And when overheated, the surface burns, it remains not fried inside, a taste of bitterness appears and such a product can cause heartburn.

Fried Pie Recipes

In each case, when preparing home baking you need to follow certain rules, be sure to take into account preferences and tastes, try all the options and only then combine your unique recipe.

    Pies with minced meat
  1. Knead the yeast dough according to one of the proposed options. For a custard, choose the double method. Keep in a warm place to rise, then divide into the desired pieces, roll them into balls and roll out. Start minced meat and close the edges. Fry in a frying pan in hot vegetable oil.
  2. For the filling, chop 500 grams of beef or pork finely, chop 2 heads onion cubes and fry in a pan with 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil until tender. Salt and add spices to taste.
  3. Ready meat stuffing should first be cooled, and then used to make pies of any complexity.

For clarity and as an example, we offer step by step recipe, where the whole process is described and illustrated in detail, following which you can cook delicious pies with a budgetary filling of eggs and greens.

Potato patties fried in a pan

Along with meat, pies with potato stuffing which goes well with many ingredients.

    How to cook pies
  1. Sift flour in a deep bowl, mix it with softened margarine, salt, sugar and baking powder. Add warmed milk and water, knead the dough is not very dense consistency.
  2. To prepare vegetable stuffing First, boil the potatoes and cut into small pieces. Fry the chopped onion until half cooked and add to the potatoes along with chopped herbs. Salt and stir.
  3. Divide the pre-cooked dough into small pieces, roll them out and put the potato vegetable filling in the center. Form a pie and fry in oil.
Stuffing for pies

Everyone's favorite pies can be prepared with almost any filling, based on the season and taste. This moment is no less important, especially for savory pastries, where the filling plays a decisive role. And it doesn't have to be sweet. Pies with marmalade, jam, fresh or frozen fruits and berries with sugar and cream are excellently tasty. Seafood stuffing is no less in demand, with fried mushrooms, with cottage cheese and many others.

This type of baking goes well and harmonizes with many ingredients. And for a better perception of their taste, it is recommended to consume them with sauce.

We all love fresh pastries, with air and tender dough. However, many housewives are frightened by the process of preparing the dough; at first glance, it seems to be a difficult and lengthy task. But in fact, this is not at all the case, cooking gives only pleasant emotions, and the result itself makes us even proud of ourselves, especially if it is very tasty dish you are cooking for the first time. Today we will look at a recipe for dough for fried pies, which will become for you great option when you need to quickly feed the family or unexpected guests. To do this, we need a little time, the desire to cook something tasty and, of course, necessary products. So, we will consider several cooking options, as a result of which each housewife will be able to choose her own suitable recipe.

As soon as you put a large dish with a charming slide of still hot pies on the set table, no one will definitely think that these ruddy and mouth-watering balls of dough, with delicious stuffing prepared even less than an hour, not half a day. Let this remain your secret, which you can use. Let's consider the secret itself, let's start directly with the products that we will use to make quick dough for fried pies.

Product set

  • 12 tablespoons of flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda.

Here are the ingredients prepared, so let's get down to business.

Step by step recipe

  1. We take a bowl for kneading dough, in which we initial stage We will mix all products. To begin with, we take the prepared egg and drive it into our bowl.
  2. After that, we send sugar to the egg. We need to beat the eggs and sugar well. You can do this with a mixer or a whisk. A mixer, of course, will be much more efficient and faster, but a whisk is also an excellent, standard option. We should be able to homogeneous mass in which the sugar must be completely dissolved.
  3. When the sugar has dissolved, we can confidently add a pinch of salt.
  4. The next step is the addition of kefir. By the way, instead of kefir, you can use both yogurt and yogurt, take what you have at home, or what you simply like more.
  5. Next, add soda to the common container. Due to the fact that kefir contains acid, soda does not have to be extinguished.
  6. Now let's get to the flour. In order for us to get an airy dough for pies, we need to sift the flour. We do this in a separate container. Then gradually, somewhere in a tablespoon, add to the rest of the products and mix each time. When all the dough is in the bowl, start kneading the dough. We should get a dough that is not thick in its consistency. If it sticks to your hands, do not worry, you did everything right, as it should be. Of course, this causes some difficulties, but we will have to try a little, especially if we have some tricks that will make our work easier.
  7. So, we take our container with the dough, next we put a bowl with plain water, which will become our assistant. We also prepare the surface on which we will lay out future pies, for this we sprinkle it well with flour.
  8. Therefore, the stage of formation of pies will occur as follows. We take a tablespoon, moisten it in water, then we need to scoop up the dough itself and put it on the prepared work surface. This dough, confidently stretch, so that we get a kind of cake. On this cake we put the filling, which you must prepare in advance. We lightly grease our hands with vegetable oil and begin to form the pie itself, connecting the edges.
  9. After that, we can start frying, laying out each made pie in a frying pan.
  10. Fry the pies in a pan on both sides, during which time they will become ruddy and very appetizing.

Due to the fact that there is a little flour in our delicacy, the pies retain their freshness for a long time. However, they will quickly be swept off the table, and you will not be able to check this.

We considered one cooking option, it turned out to be quite simple. For variety and comparison, consider another one.

Yeast dough

Many housewives absolutely do not like to cook dough when they have to make dough. But the preparation of such a variant of the test will definitely change the skeptical views on this stage of cooking. Such a dough will certainly turn out even not for the most experienced housewives. Cooking will take place in two stages, but it will take only some 15 minutes. So, let's look at how our dough is prepared and from what.

Product set

  • 3.5 cups of wheat flour of the highest grade;
  • 1.5 cups of warm water;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 0.5 cups of vegetable oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 sachet of dry yeast.

The products are ready. You noticed that in this recipe we make dough with water and dry yeast. Let's consider in detail all our actions.

Step by step recipe

In other words, there can be a lot of variations of preparations, and you should try and choose your favorite recipe, thanks to which you will gather the whole family at one table. Spoil your loved ones with delicious and easy-to-cook dishes.