Fried pies - lush pastries in a pan.

Until some time, I treated with genuine white envy those who know how to handle dough, who bake delicious pies, cakes and pizzas. But she has never been able to do it herself. Then I decided to learn this art, and as it turned out, it is not so difficult. You just need to put your soul into cooking and follow the recipes.

If you decide to cook pies in a hurry, then use the following recipe:

Start by heating ¾ cup of milk. Dissolve half a pack of 100 gram yeast in it. Add a tablespoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt there. If you like a sweeter dough, then pour a heaping tablespoon of sugar. Now melt two hundred grams of butter and pour it into the mixture. Pour three cups of flour into a deep large bowl, and then pour the resulting mixture into the flour. Knead the dough, and without waiting until it starts to approach, prepare the pies. These patties quickly increase in size during cooking, so keep them small.

The filling for them can be very diverse. For example, for cooking, mix minced meat with finely chopped or finely grated onion. Pepper and salt the minced meat to taste and fry it in sunflower oil. Then spread the minced meat on the dough circles with a teaspoon and mold the pies.

If you want to cook pies with potatoes, then boil it, make mashed potatoes and mix with finely chopped onions fried in vegetable oil. It will not be superfluous to slightly pepper the minced potato. Next, we make pies in the same way as in the previous case.

You can make sweet pies with jam or with some berries. Very tasty are obtained with apricots.

After you have blinded the pies in a hurry, put them on a greased baking sheet and send them to the oven preheated to two hundred degrees for about ten to fifteen minutes. Then flip them to the other side and continue baking for about five more minutes.

Believe that all guests will be delighted with such pies, especially since not everyone manages to cook dishes from dough, especially pies and pancakes. And it may very well be that you will be asked to tell. You decide for yourself whether to reveal the secret of such quick cooking or keep everything a secret.

Very many people observe Fasting, and at this time they limit themselves in nutrition, do not consume milk, eggs and meat for food. But after all, milk and eggs are most often included in recipes for making pies. But still there is a recipe that is quite suitable for those who fast. These are pies from which are prepared quickly and easily. In addition, these pies are not baked in the oven, but fried in a pan. It will take you just half an hour to cook such delicious pies.

So, let's start by pouring three tablespoons of vegetable oil into a glass, adding water to the top. Then, in the container where the dough will be kneaded, pour the resulting mixture of water and oil, add half a teaspoon of salt and soda and beat with a whisk.

Now you need to pour two cups of flour into the mixture. The dough must be kneaded so that it does not stick to your hands. We make a sausage from the dough and cut it into fifteen pieces. We roll them out and fill them with stuffing, after which we make pies. Such quick pies must be carefully fastened together, as they can fall apart when frying. We heat the pan, pour it with sunflower oil and send the pies for frying. As soon as you see that they begin to brown, turn over to the other side so that they do not burn, and the fire here needs to be made a little less. Cover the pan with a lid so that the pies reach.

The result is very soft, tender, fragrant, which do not get stale for several days. But it is unlikely that you will be able to check this, because, most likely, you will eat them much faster.

Agree, sometimes it’s too lazy to mess with yeast dough and wait until it rises, and oh, how you want warm ruddy pies for tea. It is at this moment that it will come to the rescue recipe for quick pies in a pan without yeast. Only half an hour and delicious and plump pies are on the table.

Also, such a simple recipe for quick pies in a pan will help out if you do not have an oven.

Quick fried pies can be prepared with any filling to your taste:

⦁ Rice with egg.
⦁ Mushrooms with onions.
⦁ Cabbage with mushrooms.
⦁ Cheese with herbs.

You can also make them with sweet fillings. In any case, it will turn out very tasty.

The pies themselves are juicy inside, with a golden, crispy bubbly crust on the outside. Quick, hearty and very tasty!


Shred the cabbage.

Mushrooms cut into small pieces.

In a frying pan, heat water (150 ml), put cabbage with mushrooms in it and simmer over medium heat under a lid for 5-7 minutes. Add ketchup, salt and pepper, mix and simmer for another 5-7 minutes until the cabbage is soft.

In a deep bowl, combine kefir, sugar, salt, vegetable oil and an egg. Mix.

Add the baking powder and gradually introduce the sifted flour (you may need a little more or less flour, it depends on the size of the egg and the type of flour). Knead the dough and set it aside for 10-15 minutes. The dough should not be too heavy, it should be light, soft, sticky to the hands.

After 10-15 minutes, with the help of vegetable oil, form small circles of dough with your hands, knead each circle with your fingers into a pancake, put a tablespoon of the filling in the middle and close the edges, forming a pie.

Pour vegetable oil into the pan so that it covers the bottom with a thin layer. Turn on the stove (medium heat) and wait until the oil warms up. Reduce the heat to a minimum, put the pies seam down and fry until golden brown (literally 1-1.5 minutes on each side). Place the finished pies on a paper towel to remove excess oil. And that's it, quick pies in the pan are ready, bon appetit!

Fried pies without yeast are especially popular in our family. Mom always baked them. Her donuts and pies are a great celebration of childhood.

Loves their oven and my older sister. She makes them special, very tasty, large and ruddy. She, before putting them in a frying pan, rolls them thinly, along with the filling. The pies are exceptional. Today I will introduce you to her recipe.

Recipe 1


  • Sour milk (you can kefir) - 0.5 l;
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • Egg - 1 pc;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Vegetable oil for frying.


Throw soda into sour milk. Mix well so that it extinguishes in it. Then we drive in the same egg and add sugar and salt. Gradually adding flour, knead a homogeneous soft dough and roll it into a large ball, which is then cut into convenient portions. We make sausages with them and cut them into slices. We roll out these slices with a rolling pin to a thickness of 5 mm.

You can roll out the cakes thinly and cut circles from them with a glass with thin edges. In the middle of such a circle from the dough we put the filling and stick the edges well. Then with a rolling pin roll out the finished pie a little. Leave, let the pies stand for 15 - 20 minutes and then fry. Pour vegetable oil into the pan, and put the pies with the seam down so that they are half immersed in the oil.

Fry the pies on both sides until a beautiful golden color. We take any filling for pies: potatoes with liver, fried cabbage with carrots and onions, any thick jam, strawberries or cherries with sugar so that the juice does not leak, add a little starch. Fried pies without yeast are ready.

Fried pies with potatoes and mushrooms, no yeast

You can also make stuffing with mushrooms:

  • Champignons - 500;
  • Boiled eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Onion - 200 g;
  • Boiled potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • Pepper, salt to taste.

Boil potatoes, eggs and finely chop. Rinse the mushrooms well, fry with onions and stew a little. Then mix everything, pepper, salt.

Recipe number 2 fried pies without yeast from reader Natalia

  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Kefir - 0.5 l;
  • Salt -0.5 tsp;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • Margarine - 0.5 packs (oil 50 - 60 g can be used).


Whisk eggs with sugar and salt. We combine this mixture, soda, quenched with vinegar, melted margarine with kefir. Gradually add flour and knead a soft dough. Using vegetable oil, we beat the dough and let it rest for 30 minutes.

We collect the dough with a tablespoon, giving it a round shape with our hands. Any filling can be used.

Do not put pies tightly in the pan, they grow by leaps and bounds.

Fried pies without yeast - Recipe number 3

  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Flour - 4 cups;
  • Margarine - 150 g;
  • Sour cream - 12 tbsp. spoons;
  • Soda and salt - 0.5 tsp.


Mix flour with soda and sift. Mix sour cream, eggs, salt and sugar until the salt and sugar dissolve. Beat the softened margarine a little and gradually add a mixture of sour cream with eggs, then flour and quickly (for 20-30 seconds) knead the dough. Instead of sour cream, you can add kefir, yogurt, or another sour milk product.

A simple recipe for fried pies without yeast No. 4.

  • Kefir - 1 bottle;
  • Eggs - 4 - 5 pcs.;
  • Margarine - 200-250 g;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp.

Beat kefir with eggs, adding a little salt, slaked soda. Finely chop the margarine and let it soften. Then we mix the flour and the rest of the products and knead the dough gently, gradually adding flour. Then wrap the dough in cellophane and put it in the refrigerator. In the meantime, prepare the filling. We fry the pies in oil. The dough can be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days. As you can see fried without

yeast is prepared quickly and easily.

Enjoy your meal!

For more information watch the video.

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The best pies in a hurry:

If time is running out... Do you like pies, but do not like to fiddle with the dough for a long time? Then this recipe is just for you.

Do not believe that these are really fast pies? I strongly advise you to try it, the recipe is wonderful, now I cook the dough for pies the only way, everything turns out quickly and tasty! Delicious pies according to an unusual recipe for yeast dough, which does not require time to stand, are delicious with any filling.

Flour - 0.5 kg.

Milk - 1 glass

Sugar - 1 tsp

Salt - 0.5 tsp

Egg - 1-2 pcs.

vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp.

30g wet (regular) yeast


Dissolve sugar and yeast in warm milk.

Sift the flour with a slide, make a depression in the middle, pour in the yeast with milk. We do not mix!We leave it as it is, the yeast will soon begin to ferment and a cap of foam and bubbles will appear.

Then add the eggs (previously beat them with salt) and begin to knead, adding flour from the edges to the middle. In the process of kneading, add vegetable oil.

When all the products are combined and the dough becomes soft, it must be beaten on the table - it will be even softer, more uniform in consistency.

Immediately after kneading, you can start cutting: if you need small pies, then while you make the last pie, the first ones will rise well and be ready for baking.

Pies can be fried or baked in the oven. A large pie can be allowed to rise a little (from half an hour) and then put in the oven.

Bake and fry like regular yeast baked goods.


1. Dough like fluff

1 glass - kefir,
0.5 cups - vegetable oil,
1 sachet (11 grams) dry yeast
1 teaspoon of salt
1 st. spoon - sugar,
3 cups flour

Mix kefir with butter and heat a little, add salt and sugar, sift flour and mix with yeast, gradually pour in kefir mixture and knead the dough, cover and put in heat for 30 minutes. While the dough is rising, you can prepare the filling. Line a baking sheet with greased paper, shape into patties, and place seam side up on the baking sheet. While the oven is heating up. give them a little distance (10 minutes), then grease the pies with an egg.

Bake at a temperature of 180-200 degrees until golden brown.

Absolutely everything can be baked from this dough: pizza, pies, buns (vanilla, a little more sugar and a little melted margarine can be added to the dough).
The dough always turns out.
If it seems to you that in 30 minutes it did not come up very much, do not be discouraged, as it should be, this dough rises during baking.

2. Cottage cheese pies in 15 minutes

Cottage cheese pies are a delicious and quick dessert for children and adults, which is nice to eat with tea, coffee or cool berry compote. And thanks to the content of cottage cheese, this is also a very healthy dish, it can even be included in the diet of those who follow therapeutic diets and refrain from starchy foods.

Best of all, some fruits and berries are combined with curd dough: apples, apricots, plums or peaches, gooseberries, strawberries and others. They can be cut into small pieces or rubbed on a coarse grater, mixed with cinnamon, honey, sugar or lemon zest. Thanks to this choice, you can cook different pies every time and constantly surprise your guests.

And as a filling for such a dessert, all kinds of jam or jam are suitable, in which there are many large pieces of fruit, and chopped walnuts. And if you really like cottage cheese, you can make not only dough from it, but also the filling. To make it tastier, mix cottage cheese with a little sugar, butter and raisins.
Having decided to fill the pies with jam, discard the liquid one, as it will flow out, which will spoil the whole dish for you. It's best to just use the fruit from it.

To make cottage cheese pies, mix two eggs with 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and beat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Combine the resulting mixture with 500 g of cottage cheese, stir and add 10 tbsp. tablespoons of sifted flour. Once again, mix everything well until a homogeneous mass is formed, put two pinches of salt and the same amount of soda into it. Knead not too stiff dough.

Prepare the filling and divide the dough into the required number of pieces. You should get about 20 of them in a standard size.

For children, you can make smaller pieces to make the pies more miniature and attractive.

Give the pieces of dough the shape of a cake, put inside not a large number of toppings and pinch the edges well. Remember that the filling should not fall out of the pie. Then put the pies on a baking sheet, carefully greased with olive oil, separately from each other. Bake in a hot oven for 15 minutes at 200*C.

After the allotted time, take out the curd pies and lightly sprinkle them with powdered sugar. Let them cool for a while and serve with tea, compote or milk drinks.

3. Baby pies

These pies are just amazing! The softest, most delicious!

And cooking them is so easy and fast that you just can’t believe that such a delicious result is obtained ...
What an amazing dough! It’s not even clear if it’s yeasty or not ... Soft, obedient, early ripening, I’ve never worked with it before ...
And the pies themselves are prepared in such an unusual way!

Flour - 3-3.5 cups (550 -600 g)

milk -1 glass (250 ml)

dry yeast -11 g (pack)

drain. oil -200 g

sugar -1 tbsp.

salt -½ tsp


Melt the butter in a saucepan and dilute it with milk. Milk-butter mixture should be warm
Add yeast, sugar and salt there. Stir and let stand for 5 minutes.
Then we sift the flour. Not all at once, gradually...
Mix with a spoon. When the dough comes together in a soft lump, put it on a table dusted with flour.
Let's mix it up a bit. The dough is ready! Lift is not required. Let's start splitting...
Divide the dough into 6 pieces
Each piece is rolled out into a rectangle, 50 × 30 cm in size, about 3 mm thick
Spread the filling along the long side
Roll up, pinch the edges

We dust the hand with flour and with the edge of the palm we make sawing movements from front to back. At the same time, our sausage begins to roll around the table and acquire a “waist” ... A little bit of practice and it will turn out quickly and beautifully! Thanks to “sawing”, the edges of the pies stick together by themselves. The tails can be slightly pressed down for greater beauty. Placed on a baking sheet. Lubricate the pies with nothing. Bake immediately in an oven preheated to 180 C for 25-30 minutes or until browned.

If they are not strongly blushed, the softest ones are obtained. If you bake it harder, they will be more crispy ... These are the ones inside - there is little dough, a lot of toppings! Due to the twisting of the dough, it turns out slightly layered ...

4. Delicate homemade pies

The secret of these delicious pies is in an incomparable dough: soft, elastic, not sticky to hands and very pleasant to the touch. And what pies are made from it! Gentle, airy, soft as fluff! And not only pies: the girls made sweet and savory pies, yeast rolls with apples, donuts, buns and cheesecakes, cinnamon buns, whites, sausages in dough from this dough. - everything turned out just a fairy tale, how delicious!

Flour - 600 gr.;
granulated sugar - 4 tablespoons;
eggs - 2 pcs.;
margarine - 50 gr. (can be replaced with butter);
milk - 250 ml. (can be replaced with water + dry milk 2 tablespoons, or kefir);
salt - 1 tsp;
yeast - 2 tsp dry (or about 24 gr. pressed);
vanillin - 1 tsp (it is possible without it).

I will not describe the filling, since everyone has their own favorite. Any one is suitable for these pies, that is minced meat, that pate, that chopped chicken legs, onions and greens, jam, cabbage, mushrooms, cheese, chocolate etc.
The author made the dough in a bread machine using the main dough program, but if you do it manually, then there is nothing complicated either.


To do this, you need to dilute the yeast in warm milk or water with the addition of 1 tbsp. Sahara.
Let them come to life (yeast), and when they begin to foam, you can make dough.
To do this, mix all the ingredients and knead the dough, if it is watery, add more flour.
The dough should not stick to your hands.
Put the dough in a warm place to approach for 2-2.5 hours.
Knead twice, for the third time you can sculpt pies and bake.
Put the pies on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, brush with egg and put in a preheated oven at 200 degrees until browning.

5. Pancakes

2 eggs
500 ml of sour milk (or kefir + milk)
200 gr cottage cheese of any fat content
1 tsp soda
12 tbsp flour with a slide (300 g)
salt, sugar to taste
vegetable oil about 100 ml.

Beat cottage cheese with eggs, add half of the milk.

Add salt, sugar (if the pies are with unsweetened filling, then a little more salt and vice versa) and add flour.

Add soda to the remaining milk, mix well and combine with the curd mass.

Beat everything with a mixer or whisk. The mass turns out to be the consistency of thick sour cream.

Pour a portion of the dough into a well-heated frying pan, reduce the heat and cover with a lid.

As soon as it is noticeable that the bottom of the pancake is browned - put the filling (closer to the center) gently, using a spatula, fold the pancake in half. The dough is soft and rolls up easily.

Cover the pan with a lid for 1 minute, then turn the pancake over and cover again.

6. Pies - Delicious without the hassle

The pies are soft, tasty and do not get stale for 2-3 days, unless of course they live. The dough is prepared in 5 minutes and pies are immediately molded, no need to wait until it rises.

1 glass of warm water;
50 gr. pressed yeast;
1 st. a spoonful of sugar;
1 teaspoon of salt;
3 art. spoons of sunflower oil;
4 cups flour;
1 glass of boiling water;
any filling.


Dissolve the yeast in warm water, add sugar, salt, sunflower oil, mix the flour a little and pour in a glass of boiling water. Knead the dough. After the dough is kneaded, we immediately begin to sculpt pies. I prepared the filling in advance, I had a potato with a liver, and so, any one to your taste will do here. What I love about this recipe is that you don't have to wait at all - even though the dough is yeasty. While one was fried, I sculpted the next).

In terms of beauty, the pies did not turn out very well, but they have no equal in taste and speed.

Many people during Lent strictly observe dietary restrictions and do not consume milk or eggs, not to mention meat. At the same time, what to do with cravings for sweets or pastries? It is clear that you have to overcome yourself, but if you really want to, then recipes with lean products come to the rescue.
One day I found a recipe for pies in a hurry, and, of course, I decided to try it. The experiment failed, pies could be hammered in nails. However, I changed the recipe a little, added soda, which was not in the recipe, and instead of baking in the oven, I fried pies.
O! The result turned out to be excellent, since then I have been using this recipe all the time: 30-40 minutes - and there is a whole plate of ruddy pies on the table.
And for those who do not fast, the second recipe for quick pastries. The recipe was brought by my mother from a relative. She said it was delicious and baked it right away. I really liked the pies. Pies are made in haste, with any fillings - sweet, salty. The dough is yeast-free, on soda, without eggs. Will please both guests and family members.

Pies in haste from lean dough
Author: Nadezhda Andriyakhina

2 cups of flour
3 art. spoons of sunflower oil
0.5 teaspoon salt
0.5 teaspoon of baking soda
sunflower oil for frying.


Pour the oil into a glass, top up with water.

Pour the mixture of water and oil into a bowl for kneading the dough, add salt and soda and beat into a suspension (you can also manually so that the soda and salt dissolve).

I still can’t understand what soda is doing here, there is no acid, therefore, no gas is released, but for some reason the dough still becomes looser and softer, and the pies increase in size, so my additive significantly changed the state of the pies.

Add flour and knead the dough. It turns out it is very plastic, it does not stick to hands and dishes, even sculpting pies is easy, the flour for rolling is purely symbolic.

Roll the dough into a sausage, cut into pieces. Usually 12-15 pies are obtained from this amount of dough.

I put a grated apple mixed with sugar in the filling. It is clear that any filling for pies is suitable here: from sweet to salty, both lean and fast.

Only if you put jam, then sprinkle with starch, then the filling will not leak out. And one more thing: you need to fasten the seam of the pie very carefully so that it does not spread when frying.

Fry the pies in a pan, first on one side until browned.

We turn over to the other side, reduce the fire a little and hold the pies under the lid so that they reach.

Ready-made pies are very soft and tasty, they do not get stale for several days, unless, of course, they lie down.

Recipe 2:
Author: Annushka

sour cream - 250 gr
margarine (or butter) - 125 gr
flour -200-250 gr
salt - 1/2 tsp. spoons
sugar - a little (you can without sugar)
soda - 1/2 tsp. spoons
Filling to your taste


Melt margarine over low heat. Remove from heat, add sour cream, salt and sugar.
Pay off half a teaspoon of soda 1 table. a spoonful of boiling water (it turns out that soda can be quenched not only with vinegar, but also with boiling water). Stir to form foam.
Add the quenched soda to the rest of the ingredients, add the sifted flour there and knead the elastic dough.
Divide the dough into 16 parts and, adding the filling, make pies.
Put the pies on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and bake in the oven for about 40-45 minutes.
I hope you enjoy this easy and quick recipe for homemade pies.
Our quick pies were with cottage cheese (pictured).