The basics of proper nutrition for weight loss: menu, nutritionist recommendations and reviews. Proper nutrition: cheese. Proper nutrition: eggs.

Good afternoon, dear site visitors site. Probably each of us understands that proper nutrition- this is an important foundation for acquiring a healthy body, but unfortunately, not everyone pays due attention to this.

And in this article, I want to convey to you in detail that in fact, a balanced diet is not only healthy, as most people think - this is the only plus, but also delicious.

How to balance your weight loss diet, looks in the video. Sweets are not always unhealthy, but quite the contrary. They are a natural antidepressant that promotes the production of endorphins. Refusal of them leads to the fact that the body compensates for the lack of their overeating of other products that experience psycho-emotional stress. From this result, it only gets worse. If you have set to lose weight, it is important to know the sweetness of the day and let him eat at what time.

For greater weight loss, you will have to give up various cakes, sweets, sweets, yeast dough. Instead, they will use sugar fruits in any quantity: grapes, apples, grapefruit, kiwi. Sugar fruits are eaten no more than 200 grams per day.

Properly selected recipes of dishes and combinations of products will allow you to choose for yourself a tasty and useful menu for a week or a month. From this article, you will understand what foods and dishes should be excluded from your diet in order to improve your body.

You will also receive practical advice from experts on proper nutrition for weight loss or muscle growth.

If it's so cute, you can afford the lowest calorie treat - candy, jelly, dried fruits, honey, halva, dark chocolate from time to time. It is advisable to finish eating sweet food before 18 hours. Many people wake up in the morning without much appetite and skip breakfast, not even knowing that it is preventing your body from losing weight. Proper breakfast - depending on your future days. This gives an increase in mood energy, protects not only the figure, but also the health of the gastrointestinal tract.

When you lose weight, you need to eat the right food for breakfast. Do not eat cookies, cheesecake, bagels in the morning. The best breakfast for weight loss is considered oatmeal. Also suitable toast white bread with banana or wheat porridge with milk. It's good to dry breakfast, yogurt, scrambled eggs with vegetables, a sandwich in a pie - he wrapped chicken with cheese or cooked eggs with cheese.

Actively promoted in society last years. And it is not surprising, because, unfortunately, more and more people need to adjust their weight, improve and cleanse the body. What are the principles of proper nutrition, what should be followed, what should be limited, what should be completely abandoned, this article will tell.

1. What is proper nutrition and how to eat right

To stick with proper nutrition, follow all the recommendations and be able to develop a menu for yourself, decide on a list of products, you must first determine what proper nutrition is.

At the time when breakfast is eaten in the blood, it inhibits the production of the hormone leptin, which causes excessive appetite. Therefore, if you want to eat less food during the day, be sure to have breakfast. This is especially true for people who tend to be overweight. Therefore, weight loss is proper nutrition - small portions, but at short intervals.

The correct time for lunch is from 12 noon to 3 pm, when our digestive system active. Nutritionists advise lunch vegetable salad, about 100 g stewed fish or meat with fat without baking. If you prefer soup lunch, it should be smaller potatoes, pasta, carrots, beets. When you lose weight, make soup for lunch only.

- this is one of the main components of a healthy lifestyle, which ensures the normal development, growth and vital activity of a person, helps to strengthen the body and prevent various diseases.

It should be noted right away that it is not some kind of debilitating diet, severe restriction or temporary measure. As a rule, people embarking on this path do not leave it, but adhere to the recommendations for a proper balanced diet in the future.

Although it says, "Give the enemy dinner," never turn down dinner. It won't help you succeed in losing weight or eating dinner before 6 pm or cutting it out completely. You can only damage your body - clean out your stomach for so long and make an ulcer. Dinner is necessary, the most important thing is that after eating before going to bed it is 3-4 hours. Food should not be too high in calories, removing mushrooms, meat and beans. For dinner choose vegetable stew, fish, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese.

Proper nutrition - days of fasting

With the video below, you will learn about the functions of breakfast, lunch and dinner for weight loss, right choice products. During the fasting period, the human digestive system "rests", less energy is consumed for digestion, it is directed in a different direction - to activate the metabolism to release toxins from the body. Fasting days are very helpful for weight loss. Nutritionists advise doing one day a week.

And this is quite understandable, because it is aimed at a long-term correction of one's diet, a person simply has time to get used to his newly acquired habits, and no longer refuses them. In addition, if this system is abandoned, all the pleasant “bonuses” of its use will disappear: the loss excess weight, good mood, lightness, cheerfulness in the body, improvement of the body.

It would be right to spend the day to eat to eat a dish. Choose desired products, Considering individual characteristics body. For example, some people from apples awaken an appetite that cannot be done on an apple fast day. Choose food that you like, because fasting day is stressful for the body.

It contains beneficial intestinal bacteria that are easily digested. It is a nutritious and immunomodulatory product. Choose 15 liters fresh yogurt divided into 5 servings and drunk throughout the day. During breakfast, lunch and dinner, add 3 tablespoons to it low-fat cheese. At noon, add one tablespoon of cottage cheese or fruit.

A healthy diet includes the following:

  • Proper nutrition does not allow starvation, it always implies the opportunity to have a full and tasty snack, choosing what is more to your liking.
  • A rational nutrition system always and everywhere allows you to find something to eat, preventing embarrassing situations (for example, at a party).
  • The basics of proper nutrition imply freedom of choice and the absence of strict categorical prohibitions.

2. The principles of proper nutrition - 7 ways to improve health

To master healthy eating regimen no need to use complex formulas for calculating calorie, but just follow some recommendations and stick to the established plan.

Rice Dump Day is especially beneficial for people with high acidity and those suffering from joint diseases. This product neutralizes the body's salt, it treats joint pain by wrapping around the stomach wall. A day is said to eat up to 200 grams of rice. Drink water throughout the day.

  • The first push should be well rinsed, so the water becomes clear.
  • Then she soaks for one night.
  • Prepared in the morning without salt.
  • Get a day.
  • There is nothing else there.
The composition of buckwheat includes a mass of minerals and trace elements necessary for humans - iodine, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium.

To understand how to eat right, it is worth considering the following principles:

It is worth noting that no need to drastically change your diet, this usually returns to the previous mode after a while. Rational nutrition will become normal if all changes are introduced gradually without experiencing internal opposition to the new rules.

Thanks to his chemical composition this product strengthens hair, nails, walls of blood vessels. At the bottom of the diet for unloading, it is useful to eat buckwheat with yogurt or green apples. Drink at least 2 liters of water or green tea without sugar.

Given that many fibers are in apples, saturation comes quickly. Thus, apple hungry days are relatively easy. It organizes the work of the stomach and intestines, significantly reduces weight loss. Speed ​​of the day - 15 kg of apples, 2 liters of pure still water or unsweetened green tea.

3. List of products for proper nutrition

This list will help you figure out how to eat right:

All of the above products belong to the group of easily digestible. But there is also a category of hard-to-digest foods that also need to be included, but in moderation on the menu. It is: chocolate strong coffee and tea, condiments/spices, salt and sugar.

Spending a day out of the water is not easy. If you decide to cleanse your body thoroughly so that it fasts for you. But before you start, it would be right to consult your doctor if you have any contraindications for fasting. During the day, you need to drink at least 25 liters of water.

How to Reduce Your Appetite for Weight Loss

The positive effect of oats on the gastrointestinal tract is known. During the day you should eat oatmeal with unsweetened green tea. When you are trying to lose weight, you should eat less food. But what if the food instinct indicated that hunger is constantly haunting you? There are several tricks for easy weight loss.

4. Proper nutrition diet + weekly menu

By following the diet proper nutrition, you need to develop a menu, adhering to the following principles:

  1. Fruit doesn't go well with anything., but are a separate meal. Due to the rapid digestibility, such a snack is allowed even 1 hour before lunch / dinner.
  2. Different proteins do not mix(e.g. fish and milk).
  3. Protein foods don't go well with carbs(potatoes or cereals are not suitable for meat, eggs, cheese, nuts). But, this does not mean that you need to completely abandon the combination, for example, meat and potatoes (I am sure that for many this will be almost impossible). You can just eat meat with boiled potatoes or baked instead of fried potatoes.
  4. Cabbage great addition to fats(it inhibits the action of fats, leading to a slowdown in the secretion of gastric juice).
  5. high carbohydrate foods(beans, potatoes, bread) not compatible with acidic foods.
  6. Proteins and fats are incompatible(like butter and cheese, eggs and sour cream).
  7. Starch intake per meal should be moderate(so, you should not seize potatoes or porridge with bread).
  8. Consumption whole milk should be minimal.
  9. Green vegetables stimulate the body, so it is a wonderful base for any dish.
  10. A large amount of oil or acid inhibits the absorption of protein.

How to eat right will tell the following menu for the week:

Eat more vegetables and carbohydrates. Eat slowly and chew food thoroughly, feel its taste. The brain is a signal for the body to get food 20 minutes after the start of the meal. After you have poured the food onto the plate, place one tablespoon before. Try to take a small plate. Then your role will look huge, you can get it. Spend more. There is one pattern - when a person does not sleep, he eats a lot. When the weight consumes more fluids or vegetables, fruits that contain a lot of water. Sometimes our body perceives the lack of water as hunger. Coming home, a glass warm water slowly drunk, hunger will become boring.

  • Eat small meals throughout the day, even if you are not very hungry.
  • If you spend all day at work, take with fruit or dried fruit.
  • They can kill your appetite.
  • Don't skip breakfast.
  • Balance your diet menu regularly.
One lives long if you listen to their "biological clock".

Proper nutrition for pregnant and lactating mothers

The diet of proper nutrition of the expectant and nursing mother should differ not in quantitative increase, but in quality products and harmless cooking methods. It must be varied so that the child receives all the necessary elements in the womb, and the mother's body is not depleted from the fact that all valuable substances leave with milk.

Then he is healthy, full of energy. Thanks to proper metabolism, food is completely digested, and decomposition products are removed from the body. According to nutritionists, you should eat at least 3 times a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Among them - from snacks.

When you lose weight before breakfast, you will drink a glass of water and room temperature and only 30 minutes. Between breakfast and lunch, there may be low fruits or fruits. Meals should be made at intervals of 2-3 hours. Optimal time lunch - from 17 to 20 hours. In this case, it is easy to refuse extra pounds heals the body.

Below I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video in more detail: How to eat right during pregnancy.

Balancing the diet of women who have already given birth can be a little more difficult due to the occurrence of colic in the tummy and allergies in the baby, as well as the desire to return to the previous form of a woman.

how to lose weight in a week video

Lose weight quickly, but proper nutrition of the body still needs to be done. It is good to have a partner in weight loss and support each other on the way to the goal. If you have proven weight loss recipes, please share them with your comments. If you know the technology of the gastrointestinal tract, it will be easier for you to eat according to it. And if you have previously had digestive disorders, they will gradually decrease, and your stomach will work normally.

Some tips for a healthy diet. Do not drink anything while eating. To process ingested food, our body synthesizes a certain amount of digestive enzymes. When we drink water just before or during a meal, we “wash away” these enzymes and they pass into the lower gastrointestinal tract. As a result, food either remains in the stomach while the body does not synthesize a new portion of enzymes or does not pass into the lower compartments before processing. This, in turn, leads to breakdown and bacterial degradation, as well as the absorption of breakdown products in the blood.

Proper nutrition for children

Due to the constant growth of the child, the diet should include a sufficient amount of protein. The high mobility of babies makes the metabolism in the body very fast, which is why children cannot stand for a long time without food. Therefore, snacks are an essential part of their diet.

In response, the body begins to consume energy for the synthesis of additional enzymes and for the disposal of toxic products from food. As a result, various gastrointestinal disorders develop over time, including gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Do not drink anything 1-2 hours after eating. Depending on the type of food received, it remains in the stomach for about 2-3 hours, and in the small intestine for about 4-5 hours. After about 2-4 hours, the process of digestion is enhanced in the intestines, where the nutrients contained in the food are processed and absorbed. The liquid during this period not only dilutes the gastric juice, but also cleanses the nutrients before they are completely absorbed. Instead of feeding our body, we feed the bacteria that cause rot processes in the intestines.

From a very early age, it is worth accustoming a child to a small intake of salt, and prefer natural sweets to confectionery sweets - it is sweet, tasty, and also incredibly healthy. It is also worth instilling in the child the correct drinking regimen.

Proper nutrition for weight loss

Rational nutrition, of course, is an assistant in, but the process of weight loss can only be ensured by reducing the number of calories consumed relative to those spent. Refusal of alcohol and simple carbohydrates (cake - ice cream), fragmentation in nutrition, reduction in portions, physical activity should also take place.

If you have difficulty limiting fluid intake immediately after eating and are very thirsty, rinse your mouth with water and then take 2-3 small sips. Prolonged chewing allows the salivary glands to cleanse food of toxins and other unnecessary substances. This process is carried out with a bactericidal substance - lysozyme, which neutralizes their negative impact. In addition, the chewing process is necessary to enhance peristalsis. Poor chewing food interferes with the digestion process and leads to the buildup of hard fecal matter in the colon, called fecal stones.

For muscle growth, the menu should directly consist of half of proteins, carbohydrates and fats of 30% and 20%, respectively. Carbohydrates are better to eat after strength training(unlike, muscle building requires reinforcement after physical activity) and in the morning.

Eat only when you feel good. Fatigue, pain, fear, anxiety, depression and anger reduce the synthesis of gastric juice and lead to a delay or complete cessation of peristalsis. Laughter and jokes at the table help to relax and calm. If you are feeling emotionally stressed, skip one or more meals until you feel completely calm. If you feel tired, rest before sitting at the table.

Do not take too hot or too cold food, as well as "exotic" food in large quantities. Digestive enzymes begin to fully work when the food we eat reaches our body temperature. This means that foods that are too cold or too hot slow down the digestion process. Eat and drink at a moderate temperature and do not overdo it with your unusual food. Introduce "exotic" foods to your menu gradually, increasing their consumption slightly.

Water should be drunk more than usual - about 3-4 liters. The feeling of hunger should not be experienced at all, so even at night you need to eat 200 g of cottage cheese.

6. What foods should be avoided

To know how to eat right, you must definitely give up foods from the prohibited list. Such food does not bring any benefit, but causes significant harm: deterioration in physical condition (and morally after such food there is nothing to do, but you just want to lie down to sleep), the development of serious diseases (diabetes, stomach ulcers, heart attack, etc.) , weight gain, loss of attractiveness of the skin, hair, nails.

In a word, such products are the enemies of the body, with which, without hesitation, you need to part.

To harmful products relate:

  • purchased sauces (ketchups, mayonnaise, etc.);
  • refined sugar, butter, coffee, cocoa;
  • salinity, smoked meats, fried foods, preservatives;
  • products fast food, meat finished products(sausages, etc.);
  • white flour products;
  • alcohol.


At first glance, proper nutrition seems to be an incomprehensible science, but with the right attitude and a gradual transition to a healthy diet, all the rules are learned and quickly become a habit. Therefore, be patient, comprehend the science of a healthy lifestyle, stay healthy and beautiful!

And in conclusion, I want to provide you with a video "Recipes for proper nutrition" to watch. Happy viewing!

Proper nutrition includes only permitted foods. Many foods from our usual diet should be excluded by switching to such a diet. Such products can mainly be steamed or baked. On proper nutrition, foods are allowed, such as: chicken, turkey meat and lean beef, eggs, low-fat dairy products, vegetables, fruits, various cereals(it is best to choose brown or wild rice), fish and seafood. Other foods can be eaten small quantities or even have to be excluded from your diet. When choosing foods, you also need to look at the glycemic index. This indicator is found in carbohydrates and shows how quickly the level of sugar rises.

What should be proper nutrition? On average, a person should consume 1200-1500 calories per day. Some people need a little more quantity, for example up to 1700 calories. For weight loss optimal amount this is 1200 calories per day. The food that you eat must be weighed before cooking and look at its correspondence to calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates (simpler KBJU). If you decide to lose weight, then your daily rate calories should be no higher than 1200 calories and you must fit into this amount. To count calories, an application that can be installed on your phone can help you and the program itself will count your products. Also, such programs are installed on a computer, do not forget to write everything down in the application.

Proteins are very important for losing weight people, they will help your body to give a beautiful relief when playing sports. Unlike proteins, carbohydrates need to be controlled. They can harm your figure, so watch them carefully. Fats are good for health, but in reasonable quantities. If you cannot exclude them, then eat them in the form of fish or oil, which is drunk 2 times a day in the morning and evening, do not get carried away, eating fat once a week is enough. Break your diet into 5 meals, 3 main and 2 snacks. Try to keep your prima every 2-2.5 hours. When you skip food, your metabolism can stop and then all the food you eat is turned into fat.

Subject to proper nutrition, there are so-called "allowed gluttony." Once a week, you can afford to eat anything, even those foods that are not right. Your tastes in this are unlimited, as are the portions. Overeat your favorite cakes, pizzas and everything forbidden and harmful.

I would like to give a special place to salt, it is completely excluded. Each product has its own portion of salt, which will be enough. Salt causes swelling, and they look like extra pounds that are not needed. The result is to get rid of extra pounds.

What happens when calories, carbohydrates and fats are reduced?

Looking at proper nutrition without fanaticism, but with a sober head, we note that the set of products is not very large. Medicine calls it a deficiency. This has nothing to do with proteins. When a person does not use right amount carbohydrates, then due to the lack he is not able to play sports. He just doesn't have the energy for it. People who follow proper nutrition are afraid of carbohydrates "like fire" and cut back on their consumption.

With a lack of fat, too, everything does not go smoothly. If the body lacks the amount of fat consumed, then almost the entire body suffers. First of all, the reproductive function is disturbed, the skin does not look fresh, hair and nails suffer from brittleness. The list does not end here, it can be supplemented over time. The body will begin to give serious failures. You will not see it right away, everything will be gradual. Your figure will begin to suit you, but your body will not thank you from the inside. We will not notice this, as we have become dependent on such food and go to the finals. We want to wear our school jeans, in which we ran in the 11th grade to the disco. Under this addiction, we will not notice the signals that the body is trying to give us. At some point, your brain will turn off, and you will start to be terribly afraid of everything that is not related to proper nutrition. Your body will begin to work for survival, it is depleted and receives few vitamins, and some do not consume at all.

A person, having tried such food for more than a year, feels guilty before himself more than he enjoys eating. You eat an apple, and in your head you already count the number of calories you eat. You get nervous from what you see at buffet tables. There are breakdowns for sweets, because with such a rhythm it is impossible without breakdowns. Then, of course, you tell yourself that you will increase your workouts by two or three times. You constantly have resistance with food and with yourself. Food comes first. Your head is full of what to buy, what dish to cook, what you will take to eat at work. You have programmed the time of appointments, because you are afraid to miss them, you try to eat in any situation, being at meetings, on the way to work, classes. And so day after day. The body begins to resist this, behaves unpredictably and cruelly. Of course, we understand that our desire was to switch to the smallest clothing size, but the body does not need it. Takes it as if we want to destroy it.

You should enjoy food, just like exercising. When you mentally divide foods into fats, proteins and carbohydrates, then you have problems. When you blame yourself for eating a piece, then start worrying: your mind and body have ceased to understand each other. You need to come to your senses, or soon you will get to a session with a psychologist.

Eating disorders

Medicine says that with such nutrition, we can recognize diseases such as anorexia, bulimia and many more. These are the most famous, but no one is immune from others. Therefore, we don’t get carried away. If we can see these diseases externally, since it’s hard not to notice anorexia, you literally turn into a skeleton with skin before our eyes, then other diseases can only be seen from the inside. Now there is no longer an ideal of women who have skin and bones. More and more people are striving for a beautiful toned body, without fanaticism for losing weight. Anorexia goes back to the distant past and is much less common. Mental disorders begin to appear, which outwardly may be invisible.

Girls who strictly follow proper nutrition and go in for sports are accustomed to the ideal. They like how they are praised by others and if something does not work out for them, then they are afraid to ask someone for help. They cannot show themselves weak and do everything themselves. Today or tomorrow you will start to get better. You will control your weight, and your control measures will become tighter. You will reduce the calorie rate, and apples and water may remain from the allowed products. Breakdowns are inevitable here, after them you will blame yourself, then you will break down again and feel guilty again, and so on in a circle. And at first everything was fine, you weighed the food and divided it into portions. We made ourselves permitted products and excluded harmful ones.

Of course, you can add permitted products yourself, but do it consciously. There is a lot of information on the Internet now, there are also online consultations of doctors. Read books on this topic, you can also find them in electronic form on the Internet. Find a good specialist and make an appointment with him. Look for different ways information, do not stop. After going through all the stages of proper nutrition, you will understand what is common with healthy eating he has nothing. Getting happiness from satisfying hunger, and not when you need it on a schedule, looking at food you do not count calories, you are not afraid to eat something that does not fit in daily allowance, separating food into healthy and not healthy, forgot about food in containers and recipes for only the right products. You live and rejoice, you have no guilt. Your workouts are a pleasure, and not because you overeat and feel guilty.

Remember if you are on the right diet

  1. Counting calories and weighing food is fine, as long as you don't get into it. A month is enough for you to figure out the amount of food you eat. Just don't become a fan of it, everything is good in moderation.
  2. What will give you the right nutrition? No studies have shown the benefit of eating smaller meals. One doctor after another says that snacking often can lead to diabetes.
  3. You don’t have to strictly forbid yourself, because it is known that the more you forbid yourself, the more you want it.
  4. We all know that from junk food you need to refuse, but only with the mind. Without extremes, it is not necessary to become a constant purchase of bars, cookies and all sorts of healthy food products.
  5. We want to eat - we eat. Don't wait for the signal that it's time to eat.
  6. Eat slowly, chew well. We remove the phones, do not turn on the TV, with them you will eat more than expected without noticing it. Without them, you will get a feeling of satiety faster.
  7. No need to turn food into a cult and counting calories. The body will outwit you and take as much as it needs.
  8. A healthy and fit body is what you should remember. Turn on your head, try to balance the food you eat and your reflection in the mirror.
  9. Come to an understanding of what nutrition system is right for you and stick to it all your life. So that your body, mind feel in mutual understanding.
  10. Listen to your body. You don't have to control everything.