How to cook yogurt in a redmond slow cooker. Yogurt options

Yogurt - unique product. It is a source of protein and calcium, puts in order the intestinal microflora, promotes better absorption of vitamins. However maximum benefit brings only natural product without preservatives and fragrances. It is not easy to find this in stores - it deteriorates too quickly, which means it is unprofitable. That's why homemade yogurt out of competition!

All you need to make yogurt is milk and yeast. This product is obtained as a result of milk fermentation, which takes place best at a temperature of about 40 ° C. In the yogurt maker, the necessary heat is maintained. But in its absence, the multicooker does an excellent job with this function. Models with the “yogurt” mode are best suited for this purpose. However, it is quite possible to do without it.

Milk for yogurt.
You can take almost any milk. One has only to take into account that a thicker and more fatty product will be obtained from high-fat milk. For light yogurt, it is better to choose low-fat milk.
Pasteurized milk with a long shelf life ferments just as well as whole milk. However, yogurt made from "live" raw materials has a softer texture and natural flavor. Unpasteurized milk should be brought to a boil before use, cooled and strained to remove foam.

Starter selection.
As a starter you can use:

  • Natural yogurt without additives, which can be bought at the store. It is worth paying attention to expiration dates. The fresher the product, the better.
  • Previously prepared homemade yogurt. Do not store it for more than a week. You can only use your yogurt as a starter a few times. Over time, its benefits decrease and it becomes more sour.
  • Dry enzymes sold in pharmacies. Their selection is quite large. It is not difficult to ferment milk with them, and their cost is fully justified by saving on the purchase of ready-made yogurts.

Features of cooking yogurt in a slow cooker.

  1. All utensils that are involved in the manufacture of yogurt must be clean and yogurt jars sterile.
  2. In order not to damage the multicooker bowl with jars, it is better to lay a small towel or silicone mat on its bottom.
  3. If desired, you can ferment yogurt directly in the bowl, without using jars.
  4. If there is no “yogurt” mode, you can set the required temperature using the “multi-cook” function or using the heating mode.
  5. It can take 6 to 12 hours to make yogurt in a slow cooker. It is good to ferment it at night in order to get a ready-made delicacy by morning.
  6. After preparing the yogurt, it should be put in the refrigerator for at least an hour.
General principle of preparation.
Milk is heated to a temperature of 40 °C. A small part of it is mixed with ready-made yogurt or dry sourdough. The mixture is then combined with the remaining milk. It is mixed and poured into jars, which are installed in the multicooker bowl. Jars do not need to be twisted, you can close them cling film. Pour warm water into the bowl up to about the middle of the containers with the workpiece. Close the lid and turn on the "multi-cook" or "yogurt" mode for 6-8 hours. If you do not have such programs, then you can set the "heating" program for 20 minutes, then wait another 6 hours until cooked without opening the lid. Or, pouring warm milk and warm water, just close the lid and use the slow cooker as a thermos. In this case, you need to wait for the result of about 10 hours. There are many options for making yogurt in a slow cooker.
And here are some of them in more detail:

Homemade yoghurt with rose flavor

2 liters of milk 3.5-4% with a shelf life of 5 days
200 ml plain yoghurt
3 tbsp rose petal syrup or jam

Cooking method:
1. Boil the milk in a slow cooker on the "multi-chef" mode for 25 minutes at 100 degrees, add the syrup, strain from the foam. Wash the bowl and return the milk to it. Cool to 55 degrees and add yogurt, stir. Close the lid tightly and leave to ferment for at least 8 hours without turning on the "heating" function. In my multicooker model, the temperature is maintained for a very long time due to the sealed lid.
2. Put the finished yogurt into a linen bag or gauze folded in several layers and hang for several hours to become very thick. If it becomes very thick, then you can dilute it back with whey or yogurt, which was fermented.
3. Transfer the yogurt from the bag into a bowl, blend with a blender until completely homogeneous and arrange in jars. Keep refrigerated.

Vanilla yogurt with apples and cinnamon Orange_Dahlia

To prepare this yogurt, pour a liter of milk into a heavy-bottomed saucepan, cut open two vanilla pods and put them in the milk. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and set aside. Remove the resulting film and pods, add the starter to the milk, mix well and pour into jars. Send jars to the slow cooker, to the yogurt program. At the end of the program, take out the jars and put them in the refrigerator.
Peel apples, cut into cubes, put in a pan with a tablespoon of poppy seeds, honey and cinnamon. Pour no large quantity water and cook, stirring, until the apples are soft. Cool and spoon over yogurt before serving.

Step by step yogurt recipes from TimeCook:

In the USSR, yogurt was produced with
1920s. It was sold in pharmacies
how remedy entitled

Material from Wikipedia

Natural, “real” yogurt is found on store shelves, but not as often as yogurt with fillers familiar to all of us. Most often, what is sold in bright jars can only be called yogurt conditionally, since upon closer examination, dyes and flavors “identical to natural” will certainly be found in the composition, as well as thickeners, stabilizers, emulsifiers and preservatives - that is, everything which is by no means useful. You can, of course, buy real yogurt in the store, but in this case, considerable expenses await you - calculate how much your health will cost you from store jars, even if you buy them one every day for each family member?

That is why yogurt makers are increasingly prescribed in our kitchens. But the owners of a multicooker do not need this kitchen gadget - a smart pan will help you cook yogurt in a multicooker without much hassle. Moreover, the presence of a separate program "Yogurt" is not necessary at all! But first you need to understand the principles of making yogurt. Yogurt is a fermented milk product resulting from the joint work of living microorganisms: thermophilic streptococci and Bulgarian bacillus. These microorganisms live at a temperature of 36-40°C. Milk heated to this temperature is injected right amount sourdough and leave alone for several hours. The longer the bacteria work, the thicker our yogurt will end up. But you can’t overdo it either, the product can peroxide. To stop the activity of microorganisms, the finished yogurt is cooled and stored in the refrigerator.

The quality of milk is of great importance. Ideally, you should take fresh milk from the market, so you can be 100% sure that it will not contain any additives like powdered milk or vegetable fats. But even the freshest, "only from under the cow" milk still needs to be boiled to destroy unnecessary bacteria that can interfere with the process, otherwise you will end up with an equally healthy fermented milk product, but it will not be yogurt. For the same purposes, all the dishes in which yogurt will be prepared, as well as spoons and spatulas for mixing, should be scalded with boiling water or even sterilized in boiling water. If the opportunity to buy village milk if you don't, choose a trusted brand and use store-bought milk. Milk with a short shelf life will also have to be boiled, as it contains a lot of live bacteria. Therefore, most often, the choice of housewives falls on ultra-pasteurized milk in tetrapacks - it is completely freed from "unnecessary" microorganisms, but at the same time it has not been subjected to prolonged heat treatment, which made it possible to preserve the maximum usefulness in the product.

Sourdough is another component of the success of homemade yogurt. The highest quality sourdough is dry. You can buy it at a pharmacy or a specialized store. healthy eating. When buying, pay attention to storage conditions - dry live sourdough should be stored in the refrigerator. If there is no desire to mess with dry starters, buy not drinking yogurt with a short shelf life without fillers ("Activia" or "Actimel").

How to cook yogurt in a slow cooker Regardless of the presence of the Yogurt program, the cooking process useful product the same for both the yogurt maker and the multicooker. Prepared milk, heated to the required temperature (not higher than 40 ° C!) is mixed with necessary quantity sourdough and poured into jars. The bottom of the multicooker bowl is covered with a cloth so as not to damage the coating, pour warm water 40°C to a level of ⅔-¾ of the height of the jars and turn on the "Yogurt" or "Heating" program for 2-3 hours. After that, the multicooker is turned off and the yogurt is kept without opening the lid for another 2-3 hours. After that, the yogurt is cooled and put in the refrigerator. The neck of the jars must be covered with lids or tightened with cling film so that condensation does not get inside. You can cook yogurt in a slow cooker without jars - just in a multicooker bowl, and then pour the finished product into another bowl. This allows you to cook right away. a large number of yogurt.

Properly prepared yogurt has a smooth and shiny surface. If you want drinkable yogurt, keep yogurt for less time. Accordingly, for more thick yogurt holding time should be increased. The fat content of milk also affects the density of the finished product. If you are watching your figure and counting calories, use low-fat or skimmed milk, and for the rest of the family, and especially for children, take milk with normal or high fat content. Our website has talked about the benefits of fats in the human diet more than once. To increase the fat content of milk, you can add 1-3 tablespoons to it. cream. Yes, and yogurt made from high-fat milk, frankly, is much tastier than low-fat!

You can add any fillers to homemade yogurt. It could be grated chocolate, cocoa, pieces of berries and fruits, jam, jam, natural juices, nuts, dried fruits, vanillin ... It is important to remember that all these products can only be added to ready-made yogurt. In no case do not put them in milk at the same time as the sourdough, otherwise you will get a completely unexpected result.

There are not so many recipes for making yogurt, and this is understandable - it’s impossible to come up with anything simpler. But for those housewives who first decided to cook yogurt at home, our site offers several recipes, after trying which, you will soon learn to determine the ratio of products and cooking time yourself. For multicookers with the “Yogurt” program, there are instructions and recipes attached to the “cyber saucepan”, but you choose the operating time of the “Heating” mode yourself. In the recipes below, the minimum values ​​\u200b\u200bare given, you are free to decide how long to keep the yogurt heated.

Method number 1

2 liters of milk 2.5% fat,
500 ml 10% cream,
5 tbsp Sahara,
1 jar of "Activia" without fillers.

Pour the milk and cream into the multicooker bowl and turn on the "Steam" or "Baking" mode. Bring, stirring constantly, to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and turn off the slow cooker. Let the milk cool under the lid to a temperature of 40°C. Add yogurt, mix well and close the lid. Turn on the "Heating" mode for 1-2 hours, then turn off the multicooker and leave for 3-6 hours without opening the lid. Pour the finished yogurt into another bowl, stir with sugar and refrigerate. Fillers - according to your taste.

Method number 2

1 liter of milk 3.5% fat,
1 bottle "Actimel".

Heat the milk to 40°C and stir with Aktimel yogurt. Pour the resulting mixture into sterile jars or cups, cover them with lids, but do not screw. Lay a napkin on the bottom of the multicooker bowl, put cups and pour in warm water. Set the "Heating" mode for 15-20 minutes, then turn off and leave the multicooker for 5 hours without opening the lid. Close the finished yogurt with lids and refrigerate overnight.

Method number 3

1 liter of milk of any fat content,
1 sachet of dry sourdough.

Thoroughly stir dry sourdough in milk heated to 40 ° C. It is better to do it this way: pour 1 glass of milk, pour in the starter and mix well. Then pour the contents of the glass into the rest of the milk and stir. Remember that all utensils must be sterile! Pour milk with starter into cups, tighten the top with cling film or foil and place them in the multicooker bowl. Pour in warm water, turn on the "Heating" mode for 15 minutes, then turn off the multicooker. Do not open the lid! After 5-6 hours, rearrange the cups in the refrigerator.

As you can see, making yogurt in a slow cooker is not difficult at all. It should be noted that when preparing yogurt using dry sourdough, the first portion turns out to be a little slimy, similar to jelly. This does not affect the taste in any way. useful qualities yogurt. Set aside 2-3 tbsp. prepared yogurt in a separate bowl and use as a starter for the next portion, and each time your yogurt will be tastier and tastier.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Today we'll talk about how to cook yogurt in a slow cooker simple and fast. You can use a yogurt maker to make homemade yogurt, but not everyone has it, while a slow cooker can be seen in almost every family. With this miracle of technology at your disposal, you can cook any recipe at home without much effort. dairy products which are better than industrial ones in terms of their qualities and characteristics.

Why better, you ask. Everything is simple. In industry, in the production of yoghurts and other fermented milk products, stabilizers, preservatives, emulsifiers and other additives are used that allow products to be stored for a longer period, but are not very healthy, and in large doses can even be harmful.

Therefore, today it is best to eat the food that you do not doubt and know exactly what is included in its composition. This is especially true for baby food, because every mother makes sure that her child receives only high-quality food. It is known that yogurts, which have live bacteria in their composition, are more useful.

Their regular use improves immunity and has a beneficial effect on digestion. To prepare yogurt in a slow cooker you need to know the exact amount of ingredients for a particular multicooker model, as well as the general technology for its preparation. With this knowledge, you will get not only healthy, but also tasty, which will appeal to both adults and children.

Any multicooker yogurt recipe which you would not find, is prepared on the basis of milk. It is best to take whole homemade milk, in which case your yogurt will have a more pronounced creamy taste, besides, yogurt cooked with full-fat milk is much thicker. If you use store-bought milk, then try to take milk with a fat content of at least 3.5%. It is advisable to use dry live sourdough or Activia yogurt as a starter. Remember that there are much more bacteria in dry sourdough, so give preference to it.

you can cook yogurt in multicooker polaris, philips, redmond and many others, but one way or another, every hostess will definitely have a question about the period of its storage. Ready-made yogurt prepared in a slow cooker must be stored in the refrigerator in jars with lids. Homemade yogurt can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

There are situations that, for some reason, the expiration date of yogurt has come to an end, and you still have a few jars of it left. Of course, it is risky to give such yogurt to children and it is unlikely that any mother will do this, but on the other hand, it is a pity to throw it away. How to proceed in such a case? This yogurt can be used to make home baking, in particular, you can bake pancakes on it or add it to pie dough, as well as bake. If desired, you can add nuts, jam, dried fruits, as well as fresh berries and pieces of fruit to the finished yogurt.

How to cook yogurt in a slow cooker. Best Recipes

Today we will look at the most popular recipes cooking homemade yoghurts for different models of multicookers.

Yogurt in a multicooker Polaris


  • Milk - 1 liter,
  • Dry sourdough - 1 sachet

This polaris multicooker yogurt recipe popular with mothers with young children. It should be noted that Polaris multicookers, unlike multicookers from other manufacturers, have the “Yogurt” cooking mode and they come with yogurt cups. Regardless of what kind of milk you will use homemade or store-bought, it must be boiled and cooled. You also need to sterilize cups for yogurt.

All utensils, as well as ingredients, must be sterile, this will allow only beneficial bacteria to develop in yogurt. into milk room temperature add dry yogurt starter. Mix well so that there are no lumps in the milk. Pour the resulting mixture into sterile jars. Close them with lids and put them on the bottom of the multicooker. Select cooking mode "Yogurt". In this mode, yogurt will cook for 7 hours.

After this time, take out the jars of yogurt and put them in the refrigerator to ripen. During this time, it will thicken and reach the desired consistency. Ready yogurt should have a dense consistency, slightly sour, but at the same time not sour. As you can see making yogurt in a slow cooker not burdensome and takes an average of half an hour, and the rest will be done for you by a smart multicooker - an indispensable assistant in the kitchen. Yogurt is delicious on its own, but for a change, you can add berry or fruit puree to it just before use, as well as a spoonful of delicious jam.

Yogurt in a redmond multicooker


Yogurt in a redmond multicooker It turns out very tasty if it is cooked correctly. Redmond multicookers do not come with special cups for yogurt. But this does not matter, because you can use jars from chocolate paste or baby food. The dishes in which your yogurt will be cooked, boil or put in the oven for a few minutes. Boil the milk and cool it to room temperature, then add the starter to it and mix until smooth. Pour it into clean jars.

Put them on the bottom of the multicooker, in which you put a clean cotton towel in advance. Turn on the Multicook program. The preparation time for yogurt in this mode is about 2 hours. If you are preparing yogurt for the first time, it is advisable to observe it from time to time. With a little practice, you will be well versed in when it is ready. Anyway, 2 hours is enough. After the program is completed, the yogurt must be left in the slow cooker for another 2-3 hours to ripen. After that, take out the yogurt and put it in the refrigerator for one hour.

Now let's figure it out how to make yogurt in philips slow cooker.

Yogurt in Philips multicooker


  • Milk with a fat content of at least 3.5% - 1 liter,
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Powdered milk - 1 tablespoon,
  • Vanillin,
  • Dry sourdough - 2 tablespoons

Yogurt in Philips multicooker according to this recipe, as you have already noticed, it is prepared with the addition of sugar and vanillin. The principle of preparing such homemade yogurt using a slow cooker is very similar to the previous recipes that we have already reviewed, but it has some features. So, all products for making yogurt should be at room temperature. In a deep bowl, mix milk and sugar. Add powdered milk and vanillin (you can also use vanilla sugar). Stir again.

Powdered milk in this recipe is added in order to obtain a thicker consistency. If you do not have powdered milk available, then just take a spoonful of powdered infant formula. Pour the resulting mass into clean sterilized jars. Cover them with lids and put them on the bottom of the multicooker.

Please note that you do not need to pour water into the multicooker. Select cooking mode "Yogurt". In the Philips multicooker in this mode, yogurt is cooked for 8 hours. After that, remove the jars from the multicooker and send them to the refrigerator. Unopened yogurt jars can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Before serving, puree of fresh berries and fruits can be added to yogurt.

Now you know how to cook yogurt in multicooker polaris, philips, redmond. And finally, we offer you another recipe for making yogurt with step by step photos graphs.

Delicate homemade yogurt is loved by adults and children. Are you planning to cook a milk dessert in the purchased multicooker, but you don’t have special cups / jars with thick bottoms and walls yet? In fact, their absence is not a problem. Because delicious yogurt can be prepared right in the multicooker bowl.

I used the RMC-01, which is only 350 watts and has a 2 liter ceramic bowl. The menu of my multicooker includes the program / mode "Yogurt", the default cooking time is 12 hours.

Ingredients for 500 ml milk/4 servings of yogurt:

  • milk fat content from 2.5% - 500 ml
  • cream fat content from 10% - 200 ml
  • granulated sugar - 1 tablespoon without top
  • sourdough - 100-125 ml.

Yogurt in a Redmond slow cooker - recipe

As a starter, you can use a special pharmacy starter or store-bought yogurt, as well as Actimel, Activia or natural Landliebe. In this case, the sourdough can be both with fruit additives and without them. How fatter than cream- the thicker and tastier yogurt. Sugar aids the fermentation process and adds a sweet taste to the final product.

Pour milk, cream and sourdough into a clean and dry (not heated!) Multicooker bowl. All ingredients are at room temperature.

Then add granulated sugar, but you can do without it if you plan to get unsweetened yogurt (such as Greek). Mix all ingredients.

Insert the bowl into the multicooker.

Close the lid, turn on the device in the network.

In the Menu, select the program / mode "Yogurt" and press the "Start" button. If your multicooker does not have such a program, set the temperature to 40C and start the multicooker for 8/10/12 hours, depending on the power of your assistant 860/700-600/350 W.

Easy to start cooking homemade yogurt in the Redmond multicooker in the evening, and in the morning after the signal about the end of the program, (do not stir the yogurt in the bowl!) Pour into any jars with lids and refrigerate for at least 2-4 hours. It is better to use small portion jars. finished product with airtight lids can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

When serving, thick and tender, soft and very creamy homemade yoghurt can be supplemented with fresh berries, favorite jam, healthy cereal or flavored honey. Enjoy your meal!

Yogurt in the Redmond slow cooker. A photo

Making yogurt in a slow cooker is an incredibly easy process. If you ever try to do this, you will see for yourself how easy and accessible everything is. And the taste of homemade yogurt from a slow cooker should not even be compared with store-bought counterparts. It will surprise you with its soft and delicate texture. In addition, the product turns out to be quite nutritious and satisfying - one glass of such yogurt may well replace the usual portion of dinner, and the feeling of hunger after it will not bother you.

For some reason, many housewives believe that homemade “sour milk” can only be made in multicookers with the yogurt function, and are terribly upset because such a program is not provided for in their own “miracle pots”. But there is absolutely no reason to be upset, believe me!

"The Beautiful Half" reveals to you a "terrible secret": you can cook yogurt in any slow cooker. The main thing is that it has a "Heating" function. And it is in all models without exception, since each multicooker at the end of cooking is simply obliged to keep the food warm until it is turned off from the network.

What products are needed to make yogurt in a slow cooker?

All you need is milk and sourdough. The latter can be purchased at supermarkets or pharmacies in your city. Also, sales of starter cultures for yogurt via the Internet in specialized online stores are actively developing. Such a starter is a dry powder in a package that just needs to be diluted with milk. Store-bought yogurt can also be used as a starter. It is only important that it be a natural living product, and not “something” from the category of cheap surrogates.

Product Selection Tips:

  • Milk. It can be either pasteurized (from the package) or homemade. Yogurt made from high-fat milk has a firmer texture and richer flavor, but diet menu does not fit. Before preparing homemade yogurt in a slow cooker, it is recommended to boil fresh milk and cool to room temperature.
  • Leaven. Now in the offers from manufacturers you can see the starter cultures of the most different types- for example, with lacto- and bifidobacteria or symbiotic. For yogurt, which will be prepared in a slow cooker, any of them will do. Before use, be sure to read the instructions for the package - the proportions and sequence of actions are clearly described there.
  • Shop yogurt. The main condition: it should not contain any additives of fruit, berries, chocolate, vanilla, etc. Look for a product with a name like "Classic" or "Natural" - such yogurts are in the series "Activia", "Danissimo" and others from the manufacturer "Danone".
  • Cooking yogurt in a slow cooker: a step by step recipe with a photo

    And now we present you a master class with step-by-step photos, from which you will learn how to cook yogurt in the Vitesse VS-525 slow cooker. There is no special program for yogurt in it, but there is a universal heating function.


    Cooking. Store-bought yogurt "Activia" this case we will play the role of leaven. It must be put in a wide bowl, pour in the same milk (it can be straight from the refrigerator) and stir the mass with a whisk until the yogurt is completely dissolved in milk.

    Now you just need to pour the milk into clean glass jars or glasses. Choose dishes of such volume that they can be placed in the multicooker bowl. In any case, the capacity of jars should not exceed 0.5 liters.

    Pour some room temperature water into the bottom of the multicooker bowl. Cover each jar with cling film on top (it is better to take a film for microwave ovens). Put them in a slow cooker and close the pan with a lid. If you have a lid with a valve (it is on multicookers that can cook under pressure), then you do not need to install it in a sealed position, and you can even remove it completely.

    Connect the multicooker to the network and enter it into the "Heating" mode. Now you just need to wait until the yogurt is ready. This will happen in about 4-6 hours. You can periodically remove the lid during the cooking process and see if it has reached the desired condition. Remove the jar of yogurt from the multicooker and tilt it slightly to one side: the finished yogurt will not flow out of it, as it will acquire a jelly-like consistency. If the contents of the jar remain liquid, then put it back into the slow cooker - let it heat itself further. At the end of cooking, the yogurt is removed from the multicooker, allowed to cool and put in the refrigerator. In principle, it can be eaten immediately, but it tastes better when cold. When serving, optionally add fresh, frozen or canned berries, pieces of fruit, pour jam syrup or chocolate sauce.

    In the same way, you can cook yogurt in other models of the Vitesse multicooker, as well as in the Redmond, Polaris, Orion, Supra, Mulineks and all the others multicookers.

    The yogurt recipe that we offered you here has been tested for personal experience. So you should definitely succeed. Finally, here are a few more tips and tricks:

  • jars with milk and sourdough must be covered with cling film before being installed in a slow cooker - do not miss this moment. The fact is that during the heating process, condensate will accumulate under the lid of the multicooker, and it is undesirable for it to fall into containers with yogurt;
  • ferment yogurt directly in the bowl from which you will eat it later. If you shift it - for example, from a jar to a bowl - then it will simply break and outwardly become like sour kefir. This is completely normal - it's just that he has such a delicate texture. So do not worry and do not think that the problem is the quality of milk or sourdough. But even with unsightly appearance it will be unbelievably delicious. And the problem of lumps can be solved, in the end, by whipping the “broken” yogurt with a whisk or a mixer at low speed;
  • when introduced into ready-made yogurt fruit puree or berry mass, keep in mind that its consistency will become more liquid.
  • P.S.: If this tutorial turned out to be useful for you, you can say “thank you” to its author by writing a comment or clicking the button of your favorite social network under publication.

    This is a story about how to cook homemade yogurt in a slow cooker in the laziest but most reliable way.

    A story about how to cook homemade yogurt in a slow cooker in the laziest but most reliable way.

    The article is dedicated to those who have a slow cooker, but who do not yet cook yogurt, as well as to those who do not have a slow cooker, but who, succumbing to the fashion trend, are thinking of purchasing it. (It is not at all a fact that after reading the article, you will be strengthened in your intention.)

    I love homemade yogurt and have been making it in a thermos for years. But progress does not stand still, and its engine, as you know, is Laziness. Another driver, of course, is curiosity.

    The main disadvantage of making yogurt in a thermos is the need to catch correct temperature milk for sourdough. Here you are standing over a saucepan with a chemical thermometer in your hand. Turn your back a little - the temperature has dropped - you need to warm it up. Until the convective flow of milk reaches the top from the bottom, it is overheated, cool again ...

    Do I need to boil milk for sourdough yogurt in a slow cooker?

    Theoretically, you can tip a bottle of cold milk into the pan, throw in the starter and press the button. Everything. I did this a few times and it worked. However, there are nuances...

    Yoghurt is a capricious product that requires respect. With the “threw - pressed the button - ate” method, there is a high risk of getting not quite yogurt, or yogurt not in its entire volume, or not yogurt at all.

    Therefore, before sourdough, I still boil bottled milk. Then I chill. When preparing yogurt in a slow cooker, the temperature of the milk is not as critical as in a thermos, most importantly, the milk should not be too hot - above 40 degrees, so as not to ruin the starter. Below, please.

    Boiling sterilizes the milk, we remove the competitors of our sourdough. This means more chances of getting the right yogurt.

    How to ferment homemade yogurt?

    Homemade yogurt can be fermented with purchased yogurt with a short shelf life. So that the bacteria there were really alive. Unfortunately, such yogurt is not found without sugar and fruit additives. So I strain it through a metal strainer (clean!).

    I tried the famous Activia. The milk has fermented. The output turned out to be something very similar to Activia - sour and not very thick.

    Milk for homemade yogurt

    For fermentation, only milk with a short shelf life is suitable, what is in the store in the refrigerator. Do not take “long-playing” packages, I couldn’t even make yogurt from such milk - it didn’t turn sour with black bread near the battery for 3 days ...

    Multicooker mode for making yogurt

    Here are the possible options. My multi-arc (one of the cheapest devices) has a special “yogurt” button - 8 hours at a temperature of 40 degrees and, which is important, without heating at the end of cooking. You can cook on the "multi-cook" in the same mode, but do not forget to turn off the heating if you can.

    It is often suggested to cook yogurt in a water bath in special small jars. But, of course, I’m too lazy - it’s necessary to thoroughly wash each jar, and the output is too small. I cook directly in the multicooker pot (see picture).

    Step-by-step instructions for making Lazy but high-quality yogurt in a slow cooker

    1. Boil fresh milk (1 liter)
    2. Cool down to 40 degrees or below
    3. Pour into multicooker pot
    4. There we also filter a box of proper yogurt through a strainer (you can use a tablespoon, but I like reliability, so I don’t press - anyway, after all, yogurt is opened and should be consumed as soon as possible)
    5. Stir with a plastic spoon
    6. We close the multicooker
    7. We set the "yogurt" mode or something similar - 40 degrees for 8 hours without heating.

    Important note

    The slow cooker makes a clicking sound while making yogurt. Quietly, infrequently, but eight hours in a row - not everyone can stand it, especially at night. I don't recommend sleeping within earshot.

    Another practical note

    As it became clear from the previous paragraph, we had to evict the clicking pan. In a cool hallway And it turned out to be a godsend! Because at the end of cooking, the yogurt quickly cooled down and did not ferment while we basked in bed for a couple of extra hours

    The most important note

    Yogurt is what is eaten with a spoon. The yogurt does not drip from the spoon, but trembles on it like jelly, flickering at the break with the milky light of the moonstone. Yogurt is made only from milk and bacterial starter, in last resort with fruit and sugar. There shouldn't be anything else.