Cottonseed oil - useful properties and contraindications. How to use cottonseed oil in cosmetology and cooking for health and beauty

For many of us it is exotic, although there are places - for example, Central Asia - where this product is as popular and indispensable as our sunflower oil. But the largest consumer and producer of cottonseed oil are the States, where this product has long been loved along with peanut oil.

Cottonseed oil is used in the food, chemical and cosmetic industries. Drying oil is made on the basis of unrefined oil. It is also used as lighting, in places where there is oil lamp lighting. It also produces vegetable stearin.

Oil is extracted from cottonseeds, which is known as Gossypium barbadense and Gossypium hirsutum L.. Cotton, first of all, everyone knows as the main raw material for the production of cotton and cotton fabric. This plant belongs to the family mallow, once it was taken out of South America.

Cold pressing is usually used to extract the oil. The product yield is 18% of the total mass of raw materials, it is not a large percentage and under other circumstances could increase the cost of oil. But receiving cottonseed oil advantageous because the seeds are still considered a waste product in the processing of cotton.

Raw cottonseed oil smells very strongly due to the very high content non-glyceride components, which give it a characteristic darkish red-brown tint. But after refining, the product becomes light, loses its aroma. It is refined oil that can be eaten.

How to choose

When choosing cottonseed oil, experts advise focusing on color, aroma and taste (it should not be bitter). The product should not be too thick, as this indicates improper storage. There should be no oil and sediment, as this indicates that the product has been stored for too long.

How to store

Refined cottonseed oil can be stored for quite a long time. If at long-term storage in a bottle of oil, a precipitate will appear in the form of white flakes - do not be alarmed. This is normal, because 30% of the composition of this vegetable product is solid fats, which settle over time in the form of flakes. If you do not want to allow the appearance of sediment, you can store this type of oil at zero temperature - in this case, the product will solidify into a homogeneous mass.

In cooking

Healing properties and the noble taste of cottonseed oil are best manifested in cooking. If you are not a confectioner and do not dream of getting the perfect confectionery fat for cakes, pastries, waffles, then you can simply find refined salad oil- its application is the most diverse.

The honorable role of cottonseed oil in world cooking is its use for pilaf. Classic mutton, Ferghana, wedding and others variety of options- all this is cooked in cottonseed oil. Many say that the unusual cotton flavor can make pilaf true. Asian dish, but there are those who argue that it is too heavy.

Another interesting find is cottonseed oil instead of sunflower oil in pies, buns and cakes. With it, the dough gets a subtle nutty flavor and becomes very fluffy. Some home-made preparations play well on cotton fats, for example, eggplant caviar and lecho. And this oil can be refilled vegetable salads- especially interesting combination with radish. You can also direct sauerkraut, vinaigrettes, pickled vegetables.

The most popular cottonseed oil salad is a dish of apple, cucumber and radish. They need to be grated, salt, pepper, add a little apple cider vinegar and fill with cottonseed oil.


Of course, the calorie content of the oil is very high - 884 kcal. Therefore, it should be consumed in moderation.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of cottonseed oil

Composition and presence of nutrients

Chemical composition cottonseed oil includes vitamins B, E and PP, monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids, which are the main supplier of omega-3 to the body.

It should also be noted that the oil is particularly rich in tocopherols, of which more than 70% belongs to tocopherol A. Naturally, the composition of cottonseed oil depends on the raw material - on the plant variety and growing areas. However, in any case, this oil contains a large amount of saturated, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated fatty acids. Thanks to this composition, cottonseed oil was ranked among the most useful oils. Arachidonic and linoleic acids, which are polyunsaturated, are synthesized by the body very little, and cottonseed oil can make up for their deficiency.

Useful and medicinal properties

Cottonseed oil is considered an excellent antioxidant, prevents aging, affects the elasticity of blood vessels and heart function.

Fatty acids in the composition of cottonseed oil have anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties, positively affect the immune system.

Vitamin E acts as a very powerful antioxidant: it protects against early aging, strengthens the immune system and provides a positive attitude and strong nerves.

Fatty acids can help the rapid healing of wounds and the resolution of inflammation, fight diabetes, dermatitis, allergies, heal burns perfectly.

Phytosterols, which are very rich in cottonseed oil, help reduce cholesterol, dissolve cholesterol plaques, and prevent the development of myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis. They also have the ability to reduce the absorption of cholesterol by the intestines, which reduces its deposition on the walls of blood vessels.

The unsaturated fatty acids contained in the product are fat-soluble vitamin-like substances, which are called by the collective term - vitamin F. They have a pronounced antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effect, restore immunity, and also exhibit wound healing properties. Together with vitamin D, they help better absorption of phosphorus and calcium, which is necessary for normal bone formation. Indications for the use of vitamin F are diabetes, autoimmune and allergic inflammatory diseases, dermatosis and eczema.

The oil is perfect for the skin of children and adults, restoring full-fledged cellular metabolism, healing any bites, abrasions and cuts, excellently nourishing, removing chicks.

However, care should be taken with the uncontrolled use of cottonseed oil in its pure form, since its excess is also unsafe. It is worth noting that for people who are allergic to nut butter, a cottonseed product can be a perfect substitute for it.

Use in cosmetology

In home and industrial cosmetology, cottonseed oil has long occupied a small but stable niche: it perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, relieves irritation, relieves peeling, and is instantly absorbed.

The unsaturated fatty acids in cottonseed oil are involved in the production of ceramides. This product is used both for the bases of homemade balms, creams and masks, and in its pure form, as it can cope with many skin problems and dryness, improving its structure and making it more elastic. Oils can be added both to ready-made mixtures and to make your own, including in combination with essential oils. Together with olive and other base oils, the cotton product smoothes wrinkles, heals cracks, removes dryness and well nourishes the skin with useful vitamins.

One thing - if you want to wipe your face with this oil or apply masks, keep in mind - it often provokes comedones on the face. Therefore, so that the oil does not clog pores, dilute it with other oils, different healthy ingredients, use facial scrubs and steam baths.

Cottonseed oil also enhances the protective functions of the skin, strengthening it and improving its structure. It helps a lot when the skin becomes rough from frost and wind, showing its softening and regenerating properties and promoting the production of ceramides.

Cottonseed oil is the best carrier for other beneficial substances, such as essential oils. Due to its rapid absorption, all active substances enter the deeper layers of the skin faster.

One of the legends about cotton says that the pickers of this plant quickly grew old under the sun, but their hands remained tender and young due to the healing oily seeds. It is not easy to believe in this - after all, fluffy boxes were collected, not oil, but if you buy a bottle cosmetic product, healing power you can definitely feel it for your hands.

You don't have to make difficult masks: you can just rub cottonseed oil on your skin and put on gloves when you plan to do the dishes. Half an hour - and the hands will be like from a spa.

Thanks to the healing and nutritional properties and the ability to restore cellular metabolism, cotton oil has long been recognized as an excellent remedy for hair. It awakens dormant bulbs, activating the growth of hair, and also softens and makes hair obedient, heals split ends well, removes excess oil and restores shine, relieves dryness and inflammation of the scalp.

But remember that cottonseed oil should not be consumed in its pure form. To get luxurious curls, it is advised to use two methods. So, you can add cotton emulsion to store finished products: balms, shampoos, serums and masks. The main thing is that the amount of oil does not exceed 5% of the total volume of the selected product. Or you can mix cottonseed oil with a base oil in a ratio of 1:10 - peach, olive or coconut. You can add 2-3 drops of any essential oil- mint, geranium, grapefruit, etc. It is necessary to rub such a fragrant mixture into the head, distributing it along the entire length, and wrap it with a towel for an hour. Then you need to thoroughly rinse with shampoo - you can do it in two steps. The effect will please you - the curls will be much more obedient, softer and will be able to keep clean and fresh longer.

All of the above qualities have made cottonseed oil a popular base for various cosmetic emulsions, creams, balms, and sunscreens.

Dangerous properties of cottonseed oil

There are no products in nature that have no contraindications at all, due to possible allergic reactions to one of the components. Let's apply this fact to cottonseed oil. You should be careful about the choice of oil: you can use exclusively refined oil for medicinal and domestic purposes, which, in addition to labels, can be identified by its light color.

Unrefined cottonseed oil is not advised to be eaten due to the presence in its composition gossypola- a pigment that gives crude oil specific brown color. It is able to suppress spermatogenesis and often leads to reproductive disorders, and also blocks the activity of enzymes involved in metabolism. And although antitumor activity has now been discovered behind gossypol, the study of this substance has not yet been completed. It is possible that cotton gossypol will become a panacea for incurable diseases in the future, but today it should be treated with caution, since accidentally exceeding the permissible dose can lead to severe poisoning, even death. During the refining process, gossypol is removed, so this product is harmless when purified.

A contraindication to its use is exclusively individual intolerance. As for the allergenicity of this oil, experts agreed that it does not cause allergies even in people prone to such manifestations.

From the proposed video you will learn how to cook a real Uzbek pilaf with chickpeas and cottonseed oil.

Cottonseed oil is used much less often than sunflower, olive or corn oil. The product is popular in Eastern countries. Used to prepare most different dishes. But unrefined oil is toxic, so it takes place only in cosmetology and traditional medicine without internal use. And the benefits and harms of cottonseed oil are due to its rich composition.

How cottonseed oil is made

The combination of "vegetable oil" is always heard. But such a familiar sunflower is associated with it. Cotton is better known outside the country, in distant Asia and stands there on every kitchen shelf. It is obtained from cotton. The plant gives not only fabric, but also a product that can be used in cooking, home medicine, and cosmetology.

Cotton seeds are used for making. In most cases, the product is obtained by cold pressing. From the total weight of the seeds, 15% of the oily substance is obtained. Because of this, the cost of the product in the markets is not so small. But there could have been more if the seeds were not just cotton waste. Like all oils, cottonseed oil comes in two varieties: refined and unrefined. They have different uses.

Important! Unrefined oil should not be used in cooking.

The composition and calorie content of cottonseed oil

Cottonseed oil is high in calories. There are 884 calories per 100 grams of product. This property warns that it should be consumed in moderation. Contains no proteins or carbohydrates. Only fats.

Useful properties are due to the presence of vitamin B, E, PP in its composition. And monosaturated and unsaturated acids enrich the body with useful Omega-3 and Omega-6. More than 70% is occupied by tocopherol A. The composition depends on the plant variety and the conditions of its germination.

AT large quantities there are acids: myristic, palmitic, stearic, arachidic, palmitoleic, oleic, linoleic.

In 100 grams, approximately 99.9 milligrams of tocopherol, 0.2 choline, 24.7 phylloquinone, 24.7 unsaturated fatty acids, 19.4 monounsaturated, 50.5 polyunsaturated.

Benefits of cottonseed oil

If you carefully analyze the composition, you can understand that in terms of useful properties it is a champion among other plant products.

What are the benefits of refined cottonseed oil for the body:

  1. Useful for the elderly, increases the elasticity of blood vessels and heart tissues.
  2. It has a positive effect on the immune system.
  3. Has anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect.
  4. Strengthens the nervous system.
  5. Rejuvenates the body.
  6. The acids in the composition have a positive effect on skin healing, dermatological diseases, the treatment of allergic reactions, burns, and diabetes.
  7. Phytosterols lower cholesterol levels.
  8. Useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis.
  9. Some groups of vitamins help treat inflammation, increase the ability of the immune system.

How to use cottonseed oil for medicinal purposes

The product is used not only in cooking. A large number of useful substances in the composition allows them to treat some diseases at home. Often, doctors prescribe the use of the product for problems with immunity.

Attention! Before starting treatment folk remedies you should consult a doctor.

In order to strengthen the general condition of the body, to help it resist infections and other diseases, cottonseed oil is consumed daily. The recommended dose is a teaspoon. It is advisable to use on an empty stomach, then drink about a glass of water.

For those who are planning pregnancy, a teaspoon is prescribed on an empty stomach.

For digestive problems, constipation, drink 30 grams three times a day. Use is useful as cancer prevention.

For insomnia and mental health problems, drink a teaspoon before bed.

When expanding the veins, special baths are made: 2 tablespoons of oil, 5 drops of basil oil, 20 drops of cypress, 5 liters of water. Carry out the procedure daily.

If you need to cure a burn or a dermatological disease, then melt 30 grams of wax, put 200 grams of cotton product, egg yolk. The skin is smeared with the resulting agent until healing.

The use of cottonseed oil in cosmetology

A large amount of fatty acids enriches the oil. Due to this, the product is used in cosmetology not only in the preparation of homemade masks, but also in industrial conditions. Vegetable fats are actively used to moisturize the skin and hair. Cotton is one of the most useful. But it helps not only to moisturize, but also to provide nutrition, beauty and youth. In many beauty recipes, this particular one is found. herbal product, you can notice it in the compositions of professional organic cosmetics.

Cottonseed oil for face and body

The easiest way to moisturize dry skin is to use a blend of oils. Cotton, olive, any essential oil should be mixed in equal proportions. All this is infused for about 5 minutes in a warm place. So they show up better beneficial features. The product is applied to cleansed steamed skin. After 15 minutes, the residue is washed off.

Citrus oils are good for fighting cellulite. But cotton is added to the grapefruit and lemon product. The mixture of oils is heated before application. They also warm up the skin, rub it with a washcloth, and do a light massage. Effectively used for moisturizing during vacuum massage.

If the skin is dry and needs nutrition, then this mask is suitable: 1 yolk, a spoonful of oil, a spoonful of honey. The ingredients are mixed, applied to the skin for 15 minutes. After rinsing, a moisturizer is applied.

To avoid irritation after shaving, apply in equal amounts cottonseed oil and grape seeds.

Cotton hair oil

For dandruff, section, dullness and loss, use a large number of vegetable oils. They forget about cotton, but in vain. The product is able to help with almost any problem with hair.

If the hair is dry, then it is enough to apply the right amount of product to the entire length before washing. Wrap your head with polyethylene, a towel. You need to rinse thoroughly.

Cotton product is also added to shampoos. The right amount cosmetic product is squeezed onto the hand, 15 drops are added and applied to the hair. It is enough to do the procedure 4 times a month.

To accelerate growth, a mixture of 1 tablespoon of oil, 2 tablespoons of sour cream and 2 tablespoons of mustard powder is applied to the hair roots for 15 minutes.

You can add the product to almost any hair mask, oil combinations. It is undesirable to use on oily hair, as well as strenuously smear the roots with it.

How to use cottonseed oil in cooking

Cottonseed oil is also used in cooking, dressing and frying. However, not everyone is willing to do so. Compared with sunflower, cotton product has more positive properties which in combination with other products enhances. The taste of dishes does not spoil, but, on the contrary, gives a light pleasant aroma. When frying, it does not emit toxic substances. Its rich composition will make any dish useful. In moderation, it is allowed to use even those people who are on a diet. It is best to season any vegetable salads. With a lack of substances and low immunity, they are added to cereals along with flaxseeds and fiber.

It gives hot food light nutty aroma and taste. This is especially felt when cooking potatoes, pastries, fried pies. In this case, the benefits of the products will be greater.

Harm of cottonseed oil and contraindications

Cottonseed oil has not only benefits, but also harm to the human body. Especially it concerns unrefined product. Gossypol gives a specific color, impairs spermatogenesis, reproductive function, and metabolism. Allergies are extremely rare, but such cases cannot be completely denied. If after use there were reactions, then in the future it is not worth repeating. Caution should be taken with the product by those who have excess weight or inclination towards it. During pregnancy, it is advisable to seek specialist advice.

How to choose and store cottonseed oil

Checking the smell or taste is not always possible. First of all, you need to pay attention to the color and texture. It should be transparent, light, without impurities. If there is a brown color, then it is unsuitable for cooking and for oral use. The smell and bitter taste is a bad sign. Be sure to pay attention to the production date and shelf life. If there is a sediment and density, then it should not be used. Storage temperature - no higher than 25 degrees, no more than 1 year.


The benefits and harms of cottonseed oil are not well known. But its properties and composition rich in fatty acids can improve the condition of the skin, hair, immunity and overall tone of the body. In cooking, only a refined product is used, it is more useful than other vegetable oils. Gives dishes more usefulness and a light pleasant aroma. Unrefined oil can lead to problems with the reproductive system. It is not recommended to use if you are overweight.

There are many vegetable oils, but only the main ones are usually associated with them - sunflower, olive, corn. However, there are other, less common types that you should definitely try once in order to appreciate them. unique properties. One such little-known vegetable oil is cottonseed oil. The name goes back to the plant itself, from which the oil is extracted - the Cotton plant of the Malvaceae family. AT Everyday life everyone knows him as cotton.

For the production of oil, only cotton seeds are used, containing no more than 25% of oils in their composition, and only 18% can be extracted by pressing. However, the production of oil from cotton cannot be called unprofitable, since in fact it is obtained from the waste of the main direction of cotton processing - the textile industry. So, separating the seeds from lint, cotton fluff, they are flattened on rollers, heated in ovens to 220 degrees and then the oil is squeezed out by presses.

On the market you can find oil of different colors. Dark shades are inherent in unrefined cottonseed oil, which is not used for food, medicinal and cosmetic purposes, because it contains harmful substances. Unrefined oil is cheaper, it is used mainly for the production of olives, laundry soap, and vegetable stearin. Refined oil undergoes additional purification, after which it acquires a light shade. It is virtually odorless, making it ideal for cooking and perfume bases. cosmetics. Also, with his participation, margarines and mixed vegetable oils are produced. Despite the exoticism of cottonseed oil in our latitudes, it is quite popular in its homeland, in Central Asia, where it is used as universally as sunflower.

The chemical composition of cottonseed oil varies slightly depending on the variety and where the cotton is grown. About 60% are phytosterols, and another 30% are tocopherols. The composition of fatty acids includes stearic, arachidonic, palminic, myristic, oleic and linoleic acids.

It would be a mistake to believe that cottonseed oil is suitable only for cooking for lack of the best options. Having carefully studied its composition, you can learn a lot of interesting things about cottonseed oil: the benefits and harms of its components and predetermines its use in other areas.

  • Phytosterols, which are so rich in cottonseed oil, have the ability to reduce the absorption of cholesterol by the intestinal walls, which leads to a decrease in its deposition on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Plant sterols can lower the concentration of "bad" cholesterol in the body by 15%. This reduces the risk of myocardial infarction, cancer and atherosclerosis.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids - arachidonic, palminic, linoleic - belong to vitamin-like fat-soluble substances, in the old fashioned way called the collective term - vitamin F. They have a pronounced antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effect, restore the body's immunity, and exhibit wound healing properties. In combination with vitamin D, they contribute to better absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which is necessary for the formation of bone tissue. Indications for the use of vitamin F contained in cottonseed oil are diabetes mellitus, allergic and autoimmune inflammatory diseases, eczema and dermatosis.
  • The same unsaturated fatty acids make cottonseed oil a valuable component in cosmetology. They are involved in the production of ceramides by the body. Cottonseed oil is used both for the bases of homemade creams, balms and masks, as well as in its pure form, because it can cope with many skin problems and dryness, improves its structure and makes it more elastic. Cottonseed oil is the best carrier for other beneficial substances in cosmetics, such as essential oils. Due to its rapid absorption, active substances quickly penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.
  • The high content of vitamin E (99 mg/100 g) determines the good antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties of cottonseed oil. Vitamin E, or tocopherol, prevents early aging of the body, its deficiency negatively affects the nervous system. However, one should be careful about the uncontrolled use of it in its pure form, since its excess is also unsafe. Therefore, the most balanced use is provided by vegetable oils, among which cottonseed is in the lead.
  • For people who are allergic to nut oil, cottonseed oil can be an ideal replacement.

There are no products that do not have contraindications, due to possible allergic reactions to any of the components. This also applies to cottonseed oil. In addition, you should carefully consider the choice of oil: use it in household and medicinal purposes you can only refined, which, in addition to labels, can be identified by a light shade. Unrefined cottonseed oil contains gossypol, a pigment that gives the raw oil its characteristic brown color. Gossypol inhibits spermatogenesis and can lead to reproductive disorders, blocks the activity of enzymes involved in the metabolism of the body. And although an active antitumor effect has now been discovered behind gossypol, the study of this substance has not yet been completed. Perhaps in the future, cotton gossypol will become a panacea for incurable ailments, but today it should be treated with caution, because accidentally exceeding the maximum allowable dose can lead to severe poisoning, even death. Gossypol is removed during the refining process of cottonseed oil, so the refined oil is harmless.

… But there is one amazing oil that combines best qualities all of the above - cotton.

It's strange - in the Soviet Union, cotton picking has always been an honorable and iconic affair, a kind of reality show for working youth, and almost no one has heard of cottonseed oil. But in the USA, the mysterious oil is valued in the same way as the legendary one, and in Central Asia, signature pilaf with lamb will be served to you only in cottonseed oil. What else will please us with this unusual product?

Haute cuisine oil

Cotton conquered the world more than 5 thousand years ago - it was then that the first "fabric" plantations appeared on the territory of modern India and Pakistan, and then in other corners of the planet. Contemporaries of Alexander the Great called cotton trees where wool grows, and in the Middle Ages people believed that cotton is the wool of sheep that are born from plants ...

But with all this luxurious history, full of myths and conjectures, such a simple idea as cottonseed oil, humanity thought of only in the 19th century. Europe was gripped by a real oil boom: in an attempt to get healthy fats from nuts and plants, the scientist took up cotton seeds - and a miracle appeared.

The oil began to be actively used as a high-quality cooking oil, the basis for oils and margarines and even in industry. After the Second World War, the ubiquitous soybean took over, but even now cottonseed oil is valued for its delicate nutty flavor, perfectly balanced composition and unique beneficial properties.

This product did not have time to gain worldwide fame, like the same, and many "oil" questions remained. What is it, cottonseed oil - the benefits and harms, how to take, what to mix with, what it tastes like, and also tell me the recipe, please! And few people realize how versatile this oil is: a refined cotton product is popular in cooking and confectionery, is used in home medicine and world cosmetology, and linseed oil is made on the basis of unrefined cotton. And cotton fat is the best base for fragrant homemade soap!

For a great mood and clean vessels

Among others the healthiest oils cotton stands out especially - for its amazing composition. It contains all the most important fatty acids in an ideal proportion: palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, etc., healing phytosterols and tocopherols (vitamin E).

How will the beneficial properties of cottonseed oil help our health?

  • Vitamin E in the cotton product acts as the most powerful: it protects us from early aging and provides strong nerves and a positive attitude.
  • Fatty acids help heal wounds and resolve inflammation, fight diabetes, allergies, dermatitis, burns heal perfectly.
  • Phytosterols help the body, dissolve small cholesterol plaques, prevent the development of atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction.
  • The oil is ideal for children's and adult skin: it restores full-fledged cellular metabolism, heals bites, cuts and abrasions, perfectly nourishes, and removes chicks on the hands.

If you have already wanted to put healing cottonseed oil on the kitchen shelf, the harm and benefits are what you need to know by all means. In addition to countless advantages, the oil also has a strict contraindication - individual intolerance. Before use, be sure to try the product externally (a little emulsion on the bend of the elbow) and a couple of drops inside.

Important: at the beginning of the 20th century, a study was conducted in China, as a result of which a connection was proved between male infertility and the consumption of unprocessed cottonseed oil for food. This effect is due to the content of gossypol in the oil. By the way, those who live in countries where cotton is grown know about this feature. Like the fact that when calcined on hot pan the oil becomes harmless.

What is cooked on cotton?

noble taste and healing properties cottonseed oil is best manifested in cooking. If you are not a professional confectioner and do not dream of getting the perfect confectionery fat for your cakes, pastries, waffles, then it is enough to find refined cottonseed salad oil in the store - its use in the kitchen is the most diverse.

The most honorable role of the cotton miracle in world cooking is pilaf oil. Classic mutton, wedding, Ferghana and other options - all this is traditionally cooked on cotton. On culinary forums, you can find endless disputes: someone is against, someone is for cottonseed oil ... Some reviews say that it is the unusual cotton flavor that makes pilaf a real Asian dish, others assure that the oil is too heavy. One thing is clear - it's definitely worth a try, especially since today you can buy cottonseed oil in many hypermarkets and online stores.

Another find - instead of cotton in pies, cakes and buns - the dough acquires a subtle, barely perceptible nutty flavor and becomes surprisingly lush. Home-made preparations will play perfectly on cotton fats: lecho and eggplant caviar. And it is also ideal to fill vegetable salads with such oil - especially with radish.

Salad with radish and apples

You will need: 1 radish (or), sour apple, cucumber, 3-4 leaves, a tablespoon lemon juice and cottonseed oil, salt-sugar.

We clean all vegetables and fruits, rub the radish on a fine grater, cucumber with an apple on a larger one. We cut the greens, mix everything and season with lemon and cotton. Important condition- Eat in a few minutes!

Cottonseed oil in cosmetology

In industrial and home cosmetology cottonseed oil has long occupied its small but stable niche: it perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, relieves irritation, relieves peeling, and is also instantly absorbed!

One of the cotton legends says that the cotton pickers grew old very quickly under the scorching sun, but their hands always remained young and tender because of the healing oily seeds. It’s hard to believe in it - after all, women collected fluffy boxes, and did not manually squeeze out the oil, but if you stocked up on a bottle of a cosmetic product, healing power you can definitely feel it in your hands.

The good news for busy hostesses and businesswomen is that to get soft and gentle hands, it is not necessary to make complex masks: just rub the skin with oil and put on gloves when you are going to wash the dishes. Half an hour of meditation over the sink - and your hands will be like from a spa!

Cotton seed oil is an excellent base for homemade masks and creams. It can be added to ready mixes or make your own, including with . In combination with olive and other base oils, it heals cracks, smoothes wrinkles, removes dryness and nourishes the skin with vitamins.

One thing - if you are going to wipe your face with cottonseed oil or apply masks, keep in mind - it can provoke comedones on your face. Reviews on women's forums are as follows: so that the oil does not clog pores, dilute cotton with other oils, various useful ingredients, use facial scrubs and steam baths.

The benefits of cotton for hair

Due to its healing and nutritional properties and the ability to restore cellular metabolism, cottonseed oil has long been recognized as an excellent natural remedy for hair.

Cotton hair oil awakens dormant hair follicles and activates the growth of hair, softens and makes curls obedient, heals split ends, relieves inflammation and dryness of the scalp, removes excess fat and returns a fresh shine.

How to use cottonseed oil for hair? There is one immutable rule: you can not use cottonseed oil in its pure form! To get luxurious well-groomed curls, you can use 2 methods.

First way.

Add cotton emulsion to finished products: shampoos, balms, masks and serums. The main thing is that the amount of fat does not exceed 5% of the volume of the product.

The second way.

Mix cotton with base oil in a ratio of 1:10 - olive, or. You can add 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil - geranium, mint, etc. Rub the fragrant mixture into the head, distribute along the length of the hairs and wrap with a towel for an hour. Then rinse thoroughly with regular shampoo - you can in 2 visits.

The effect will certainly please you - the curls will become much softer, more obedient and will retain freshness and cleanliness for a significantly longer time.


diets and healthy eating 17.02.2018

Dear readers, lately we have become much more likely to use different types vegetable oils - from flax and sesame seeds, almond, camelina, from walnut and others. Cottonseed oil is not yet so popular with us. Although it also has its own characteristics that can be beneficial to our health and beauty. Today we will talk about the composition, the benefits and harms of cottonseed oil, how to take and use it.

Cottonseed oil is also sometimes referred to as cottonseed oil. As you might guess, it is obtained from cotton seeds. This is exactly the cotton plant, which we all call cotton and which serves as a raw material for the cotton industry. Historians say that cotton began to be grown for the manufacture of fabrics almost 5 thousand years ago. As a culture, it was cultivated in the territories of present-day India and Pakistan. However, oil from cotton seeds began to be obtained only in the 19th century.

Among oilseeds, cotton does not occupy a leading place - its seeds contain approximately 25% oil, from which a maximum of 18% is extracted by pressing. But these vegetable fats made of cotton proved to be very attractive for cooking. Cottonseed oil has become the basis for margarines and other oils, and the special composition and properties of cottonseed oil have given it a special role in healing the body and in cosmetology.

Interestingly, cottonseed oil is very popular in some US states, and all of Central Asia uses it. tasty butter in pilaf.

How is cottonseed oil obtained and what happens

Cottonseed oil is obtained in several stages. First of all, the seeds are selected and cleaned of fluff. Then they are crushed and heated to a temperature of 220˚C. Crushed and roasted seeds are placed in containers made of woolen fabric and pressed on presses. Now most often they use the pressing of cotton seeds in two steps.

They sell two types of cottonseed oil - refined and unrefined. In cooking, refined, that is, refined oil is used. It is golden or straw in color, with a not very pronounced smell, with a subtle nutty taste. Refined cottonseed oil is good for frying meat and vegetables, it gives golden crust. For salads, you need to take a special salad oil - solid fats are removed from it.

Cooled to 0°C, this oil solidifies, and if it is heated, it melts and becomes transparent. This oil is also used for baking bread and for the production of canned food and fat-and-oil products.

Unrefined cottonseed oil is not used in cooking. It has an unusual smell, brown-red hue and it is bitter. This oil contains gossypol, a rather toxic compound. Unrefined oil is used to make drying oil, so we will not consider it further.

The chemical composition of cottonseed oil and its calorie content

Useful properties and contraindications of cottonseed oil are due to its rich composition. It contains many useful components, although there are those because of which they should not be abused.

Cotton seed oil contains:

  • saturated fatty acids;
  • mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • vitamins - B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, D, E, K;
  • essential oils;
  • phytosterols;
  • phospholipids.

Cottonseed oil is rich in saturated fatty acids, so this product should be consumed in moderation. And unsaturated fatty acids, which are of great benefit to the body, are presented in it in optimal amount and ratio. These are Omega-6 acids (their 43% or more) and Omega-3 (about 30%). According to the content of these acids, cottonseed oil is more than 3 times ahead of olive oil.

Also, cotton seed oil contains a lot of tocopherols, a rejuvenating vitamin E. Due to this, it is a natural antioxidant.

The red pigment gossypol is found only in the crude, unrefined oil. It can be poisonous, and in men it can cause infertility. Recent studies have identified gossypol's antitumor activity, but the compound remains to be studied and has controversial properties.

Cottonseed oil calories

It should be remembered that cottonseed oil has a high calorie content. There are 880-890 kcal per 100 g of the product. It contains practically no carbohydrates and proteins and, accordingly, a large percentage of fats.

Cottonseed oil has a pleasant taste, almost neutral, but at the same time enhances the taste of other products. However, with such a high calorie content, it should be consumed in moderation.

Useful properties of cottonseed oil

The benefits of cottonseed oil are obvious by the fact that it contains so much vitamin E. It is a natural antioxidant that gives a rejuvenating effect and strengthens the immune system. The fatty acids in this oil are also beneficial for the immune system, have anti-inflammatory effects, and reduce the likelihood of allergies.

Other health benefits of cottonseed oil include:

  • benefit for of cardio-vascular system. Cottonseed oil helps to strengthen blood vessels, maintaining their elasticity. Thanks to phytosterols, cholesterol levels decrease, cholesterol plaques dissolve. It is a means of preventing heart attack and atherosclerosis;
  • unsaturated fatty acids, along with vitamin D, help absorb calcium and phosphorus - this is good for bones. Also, the oil is useful for muscle formation;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids give an anti-inflammatory effect, improve the protective functions of the body;
  • high content of tocopherols and B vitamins is useful for normal functioning nervous system, provides protection against nervous disorders and depressions;
  • benefit for the respiratory system. The oil helps to clear the respiratory tract;
  • polyunsaturated acids of cottonseed oil - nutrient, valuable in diabetes;
  • the oil has good wound healing properties, ensures normal tissue regeneration, heals burns, abrasions, insect bites;
  • oil practically does not cause allergies, helps to eliminate allergic reactions. Useful for skin diseases - dermatitis, eczema.

Cottonseed oil is especially useful for skin care and for many skin problems.

Vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids are the main value of cottonseed oil in cosmetology. Skin inflammation is removed, cellular metabolism is restored. This oil is suitable for the skin of children and adults.

Cottonseed oil is perfectly absorbed, does not leave a feeling oily skin. Its main cosmetic advantages: antioxidant, rejuvenating, moisturizing, softening, nourishing, protective, sunscreen, soothing effect.

Cottonseed oil is rich in phytosterols. They act as antioxidants, improve skin regeneration, and normalize collagen synthesis. This ensures the rejuvenating effect of cosmetics with cottonseed oil.

Vitamin E is essential for healthy skin. It affects the synthesis of melanin, eliminates redness, protects against ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Its rejuvenating effect is used in anti-aging cosmetics.

Linoleic acid, or Omega-6, keeps cell membranes intact, restores fat metabolism, provides skin hydration and protects its upper layer. Omega-6 also soothes irritated skin and nourishes it. The lack of this fatty acid causes dry skin.

Cottonseed oil is especially useful for aging skin. It transfers its silkiness to the skin, moisturizes well and at the same time protects the skin.

Soap is made with refined cottonseed oil - moderately foamy, wonderfully softening. Also, the oil is used in moisturizing creams (for dry, aging skin), face creams, cleansing lotions and creams after shaving and hair removal. The oil is used in sunscreens and after-sun creams, in massage oils.

In combination with olive oil, cottonseed oil will eliminate cracks in the skin and wrinkles, relieve dryness and flaking. It can be used in home cosmetics, combined with essential oils. If using cottonseed oil as a face mask, it is best to combine it with other oils to avoid clogging pores.

Cottonseed hair oil is very useful. It activates the bulbs, stimulates hair growth, eliminates excess fat. Useful products with cottonseed oil for dry scalp, with split ends of the hair, they make the hair soft and shiny.

For hair, this oil must be combined with base oils - olive, coconut. Proportion 1:10. You can add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil. This mixture is applied to the hair and wrapped for an hour. After washing off with shampoo. You can add a little cottonseed oil to ready-made balms and shampoos.

Harm and contraindications

Cottonseed oil has few contraindications, it rarely causes allergies. The main contraindication is individual intolerance to the product. In some cases, this oil can have a mild laxative effect.

Half a teaspoon is enough to understand if there is an allergy and if the oil suits your taste. And do not abuse it - it is still a high-calorie product.

Use in cooking

Cottonseed oil is suitable for baking - cakes, waffles, cakes. By itself, the oil is neutral in taste, but it will perfectly emphasize the taste of other products. Also, this oil is useful for salads, sauces, marinades, lecho, meat, eggplant caviar. In Central Asia, cooking pilaf is indispensable without it.

In this video - a recipe with cottonseed oil for Tajik pilaf.

How to choose and store cottonseed oil

You need to buy only refined oil. Look at the expiration date. It is better to take the simplest product without additives and flavor enhancers. The oil should be light and not very thick, without sediment (this indicates long storage).

Cottonseed oil is stored for 1 year. For home storage use glass dark dishes. Store in a dark place. Over time, a dark precipitate forms, but this does not affect the taste and smell of the oil.