Properties and uses of cottonseed oil. cottonseed oil

Almost all vegetable oils are beneficial for human health. Some of them have an impressive list healing properties, such as, olive oil. But not all healthy oils are known to a wide range of consumers. So popular in the West cottonseed oil unjustifiably forgotten in Russia.

Like any oil, this remedy is very high in calories, so you need to use it in moderation. On the other hand, such oil is preferable to animal fats. The product has pleasant taste and aroma that distinguishes it from other vegetable oils. The price of cottonseed oil is quite high: the product is 4-6 times more expensive than usual sunflower oil.

in cooking and folk medicine this product is used very actively. Its properties, rules for admission and combination with other means will be discussed in this article. Many consumers refuse to cook on cotton, preferring to use it in cosmetic purposes. The product will definitely not cause harm to the body, but if its appearance differs from the usual vegetable oils, this does not mean that vegetable oil cannot be used for cooking traditional dishes. Plov is prepared on the basis of cottonseed oil in Central Asia. Gourmets are sure that more fine dining difficult to find.

Useful properties and harm

Only refined oil is suitable for use, which contains:

  • fatty acid- the oil contains a high content of oleic, flaxseed and other oils;
  • vitamins - the product is especially rich in vitamins of group B, A and E;
  • phytosterols - regulate cholesterol levels;
  • polyunsaturated acids - contains linoleic acid, which is not produced by the body.

Oil improves hair growth, relieves them of brittleness, stimulates blood circulation. It is taken for the preparation of therapeutic masks to restore especially damaged hair after chemistry or dyeing. The product has antibacterial properties. Improves skin condition, relieves lips from peeling, protects against chapping and frostbite. It is often used for massage, and the oil can be used to treat baby skin as a prevention of diaper rash.

A feature of cotton extraction is that it effectively copes with high cholesterol. Oil prevents the absorption of harmful substances by the intestinal walls, resulting in a reduced risk of atherosclerosis.

Refined oil looks like sunflower and olive oil. Unrefined has a reddish color. In cooking, only refined oil is used, from which a harmful substance, gossypol, has been removed. IN large quantities it poisons the body and disrupts reproductive functions. Do not add unrefined oil to food. Moreover, it is not even used for cosmetic purposes, although a good soap is obtained from the raw oil, which has useful properties.

Refined oil is practically harmless. It can not be used only by those who suffer from individual intolerance. Many people do not like the taste of cotton. It is quite possible to replace it with peanut or corn.

How to use

This product can be called exotic, so few people know how to take it correctly. medicinal purposes and what can be made from it. Consumer opinions differ regarding the taste of butter. Some call it noble, others compare it with "cheap perfumery". It is known that cotton fat is often used in cooking confectionery. It is suitable for making waffles, cakes, biscuits, pastries.

Cotton is considered to be a traditional component of the national pilaf. True, the oil itself, as well as the dishes prepared from it, turn out to be heavy and are not recommended for a daily diet. Oil is considered one of the best gas stations for salads. It gives the dish a subtle nutty flavor and makes it richer.

In cosmetology, oil is used to prepare nourishing and rejuvenating masks. IN pure form it is not recommended to take: it can cause greasiness of the glands and lead to the appearance of comedones. The same can be said about hair masks. It is advisable to dilute the cottonseed with other fats, and the proportion of oil should not exceed 5% of the total mass.

Cotton has been proven to have a calming effect. To normalize sleep and improve the emotional state, it is recommended to take 1 tsp shortly before sleep. cotton. To improve digestion and prevent cancer, it is recommended to take 30 g up to three times a day. For insect bites, just apply a few drops to the affected area and rub in lightly.

Cottonseed oil is a type of vegetable oil that is produced by processing the seeds of the cotton plant, which is a member of the Malvaceae family. We will talk about the beneficial properties and contraindications of cottonseed oil in this article.

Benefits of cottonseed oil

The chemical composition of cottonseed oil is very rich. This product is distinguished by the content of tocopherols, phytosterols, as well as palmitic, oleic, stearic, arachidonic and linoleic acids. All this allows you to use this product for medicinal purposes.

Cottonseed oil has the ability to prevent deposits on the walls of blood vessels. The benefit of cottonseed oil lies in the fact that with its regular use, immunity increases. This product is actively used in the fight against increased level blood sugar, allergic and dermatological rashes. Cottonseed oil is very useful in the treatment of skin burns. Gossypol, which is part of the oil, does not allow viruses to spread in the blood.

Cottonseed oil is a great alternative to walnut oil. This is especially important for those who have allergic reactions to nut butter. The fatty acids in cottonseed oil make this product indispensable for people suffering from stomach ulcers.

Cottonseed oil is known in cooking and cosmetology. It helps in the fight against dryness and age-related changes in the skin, and also makes the hair shiny and silky. In addition, very often cottonseed oil is added in the manufacture of soap.

Harm of cottonseed oil

It is contraindicated to use cottonseed oil if there is an individual intolerance to any component in its composition. In addition, with its excessive use in medical treatment, a violation of the reproductive system can be provoked. Only knowing about the benefits and harms of cottonseed oil, as well as after consulting with a specialist, can it be included in the diet.

We often say: "vegetable oil", usually assuming that these words primarily refer to sunflower oil, which is so popular with us.

However, these words hide a very large list of oils extracted from plants. This is rapeseed, and corn, and, of course, olive and palm. There is also cottonseed oil on this list. It will become the hero of our conversation today.

For many of us, cottonseed oil is still exotic, while there are places - for example, middle Asia- where cottonseed oil is as popular and indispensable as our sunflower oil. However, the largest producer and consumer of cotton or cottonseed oil is the United States, where this oil has long been loved along with peanut oil.

Cottonseed oil is used in the food, cosmetic and chemical industries. Drying oil is made on its basis (unrefined). In addition, it is used as lighting, where lamp oil lighting is used, and the so-called vegetable stearin is also produced from it. But in our today's article, we will turn first of all to those qualities of cottonseed oil that allow it to be used for making cosmetics And food products.

This oil is extracted from the seeds of cotton, known to botanists as Gossypium hirsutum L and Gossypium barbadense.

To us, ordinary consumers, cotton is first of all familiar as the main raw material for the manufacture of cotton and cotton fabric, without which our modern life is unthinkable. This plant belongs to the Malvaceae family and was once taken out of South America.

The oil is extracted from cotton seeds, usually by cold pressing. Exit finished product makes up approximately 18% of the total mass of raw materials, this is a rather small percentage, which under other circumstances would increase the cost of oil. However, obtaining cottonseed oil is beneficial, since the seeds are still a waste product during cotton processing. Let's say right away (later we will return to this topic) that only refined cottonseed oil is used.

Qualities and composition of cottonseed oil

In various descriptions, you can read conflicting information about cottonseed oil. Some argue that cottonseed oil has a strong pronounced odor and a very bright reddish color. Others describe cottonseed oil as a viscous liquid that is almost colorless and odorless. Whom to trust? The fact is that raw cottonseed oil really smells very strong due to the very high content of non-glyceride components, they also give it a dark red-brown color. But after refining, the oil becomes very light, loses its smell.

At home, you can use this oil for salads, frying, deep-fried dishes. If you are fond of creating homemade cosmetics, then you cannot do without cottonseed oil - it has qualities that can rejuvenate and strengthen the skin, it is especially good for the skin of the hands. No need to invent anything special, generously lubricate your hands with cottonseed oil before putting on latex gloves for cleaning or washing dishes. You can even add a little oil to the gloves. So to say, combine business with pleasure. When you take off your gloves, you can't help but appreciate the pleasant effect of cottonseed oil on your hands.

Very rich and unusual compared to other types of vegetable oils chemical composition cottonseed oil. It should be noted the special saturation with tocopherols, of which more than 70% is tocopherol A. Naturally, the composition of cottonseed oil depends on the raw material - on the cotton variety and the places of growth. But anyway here in in large numbers are saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated fatty acids. Reference books talk about mixtures of glycerides of oleic, flax-butyric, palmitic, stearic acids. Thanks to this composition, cottonseed oil is ranked among the most useful vegetable oils. Linoleic and arachidonic acids are polyunsaturated, human body they are synthesized very little, cottonseed oil can make up for their deficiency.

Cottonseed Oil Refining

It is often also called plastic, it is noted that it is an excellent raw material for different types salad dressings and oils, oil and fat products and margarines. Refined cottonseed oil can be stored for quite a long time, and in the process of preparing the listed food products, it remains homogeneous and is easily processed. Above, we said that only refined cottonseed oil can be consumed. Why? Because it contains the poisonous substance gossypol. It is its pigments that give crude oil dark bright color.

Gossypol is toxic and can only be removed from the oil by chemical refining. In its unrefined form, even in very ancient times, cottonseed oil was used to treat burns. As for gossypol, there is an assumption that it will be possible in the near future to create a cure for a disease that is still incurable. Cottonseed oil contains about 70% liquid fats, and the rest is solid fats. At long-term storage they fall out in the form of flakes. If cottonseed oil is stored at a temperature of 0°C, then it solidifies and is stored in a solid form.

Cottonseed oil in homemade recipes

How to use cottonseed oil in home cooking? Just buy a package marked "cotton salad oil". You can fill it like salads from fresh vegetables and vinaigrettes, sauerkraut, pickled vegetables. The taste of cottonseed oil is very pleasant in salads.

Try to do very delicious salad , for which you will go one apple, cucumber, radish. Grate the ingredients, salt, pepper, add a teaspoon apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of cottonseed oil.

One more recipe - eggplant caviar with cottonseed oil. Bake a kilogram of eggplant and one onion in the oven, pass through a meat grinder, adding a couple of large tomatoes, a few cloves of garlic, salt, pepper, season with cottonseed oil.

Cottonseed oil for frying pilaf turns out perfect, on a regular saucepan pilaf you need to take about half a glass of cottonseed oil. In addition, cottonseed oil is added to the dough instead of sunflower oil and even instead of butter or margarine, the dough is softer and "fluffier".

Cottonseed oil in cosmetics

The unsaturated fatty acids found in cottonseed oil make it very valuable product for dermatology and cosmetology. After all, these acids are very important for the metabolic process in skin cells, for stabilizing the lipid balance. Cottonseed oil increases the protective functions of the skin, strengthens it, improves its structure, and increases elasticity. It helps well when the skin becomes rough from wind and frost, showing its regenerating and softening properties and contributing to the production of ceramides.

All of the above qualities make cottonseed oil a popular and favorite base for various cosmetic emulsions, balms, creams, sunscreens. Quite often it is used in a mixture with olive and shows its qualities especially well in cosmetics for mature, dry and sensitive skin. Preparations from the oil are applied to the skin quite easily, absorbed quickly. Sometimes cottonseed oil causes allergies, in which case, its use should be stopped. In other cases, its effect is really rejuvenating properties.

In home cosmetics, cottonseed oil is especially loved by those who are fond of aromatherapy and the preparation of skin care products. essential oils. Essential oil blends definitely need a base - refined cottonseed oil or a cocktail of various vegetable oils, including cottonseed oil, is ideal for this. You can especially advise such homemade cosmetics to those whose skin needs more thorough daily care. At the same time, it must be remembered that cottonseed oil is comedonic, which means that its use should be combined with steam baths, cleansing masks. regular use scrub.

Probably, when you start using cottonseed oil, you will have your own secrets and recipes. Well, share with us, they will be useful to us too.


Cotton seed oil. Cotton oil. Refined cottonseed oil. Cottonseed oil for food.


155 rub. + Donya cottonseed oil; 1 liter; KAZAKHSTAN; Reference: 125

155 rub. + Refined cottonseed oil Gulistan; 1 liter; Ravgani buttermilk; TAJIKISTAN; Article: 126


Cottonseed oil or cottonseed oil is a vegetable oil obtained by pressing from seeds. various kinds cotton. The oil content in the seeds is low, rarely exceeding 25%, and by pressing it is possible to isolate it from only 16% to 18%. With such a low content, it is advantageous to obtain this oil only in view of the fact that cottonseeds constitute almost no value waste of cotton production.

Cottonseed oil belongs to the number of oils that are classified as NON-DRYING oils, while others are allocated to a special section of SEMI-DRYING oils. Cottonseed oil refers to vegetable oils, not very popular in Russia and Europe.

Producers of cottonseed oil are the countries of Asia and America. +Cotton oil production. It is made from cotton seeds and has a low cost.

REFINED COTTON OIL looks like sunflower or olive oil. + Cottonseed oil in cooking is used only purified oil, from which the harmful substance - GOSSYPOL has been removed. Refined oil has virtually NO HARM.

Cotton seed oil is the most popular vegetable oil in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Central Asia. This is due to the national mentality and a large amount of raw materials in the regions.

High-quality cottonseed oil, which has many unique beneficial properties, but, unfortunately, is little known to the Russian consumer.

Cottonseed vegetable oil is produced by pressing or fuguing from cotton seeds after preliminary removal of the fiber from them and appropriate processing. The oil content in the seeds is in the range of 17-27%.

Cottonseed oil is very high in calories, so you need to use it in moderation. On the other hand, +COTTON BUTTER is preferable to animal fats. The product has a pleasant taste and aroma that distinguishes it from other vegetable oils. The price of cottonseed oil in Uzbekistan is quite high: the product is 4-6 times more expensive than regular sunflower oil.

In the East, +cotton oil for pilaf is the main edible vegetable oil. It is eaten daily. For example, REAL ORIENTAL PILAF is prepared only with COTTON OIL, which gives it a special aroma and taste.


Separated from the seed fluff on decorticators and sorters, the seeds are crushed on rollers, consisting of 2-5 pairs of smooth cylinders, making up to 280 revolutions per minute, and then heated on steam braziers to 220 ° C. The crushed and heated mass is placed in woolen bags, shifted with horsehair napkins and pressed on hydraulic presses with a force of 70 kgf / cm. Recently, double pressing has been successfully used, the first - cold pressing, and the second - when heated. Oil cleaning is carried out in the usual way.

Crude oil is colored brown.

Enlightened has a light red or orange color.

Refined - light yellow.

There is also a completely colorless oil obtained by alkali treatment using bleaching clays (based on perlite).



The boiling point of refined sunflower oil is from 150 to 200°C.

Unrefined sunflower oil has a boiling point of 120 to 150°C.

That is why, unrefined oil should be used in salads, and refined oil is suitable for frying, stewing foods.

168"C - Temperature good oil- fat, for frying vegetables and fish.

182"C - For products with dough.

At a temperature of 210, the destruction of fat molecules begins.

234 "C - Flash point of refined, deodorized oil.

225"C - Hydrated and unrefined.

The temperature of the "smoke point" at which "charring" of fat occurs:

138°C - Coconut oil.

140°C - Olive oil.

160°C - Sunflower oil.

169°C - Peanut butter.

194°C - Pork lard.

220°C - Cottonseed oil.

230°C - Soybean oil.

The temperature is determined by eye at the beginning of the appearance of haze.


Cottonseed oil is unpretentious in preparation, it is easy to use in cooking. It is perfect for frying, stewing, salad dressing and is used in the same way as regular sunflower oil.


Cottonseed oil used for food use, goes through the process of refining and deodorization. It has a slight sour taste. It is used in cooking as a base for salad dressings, as well as for frying.

Cottonseed oil is mainly used for hot processed various products and is indispensable in the preparation of national baursaks and flat cakes, golden pilaf and many other dishes.

Cottonseed fat is often used in the preparation of confectionery. It is suitable for making waffles, cakes, biscuits, pastries. Cottonseed oil is often used in cooking and folk medicine.

Cottonseed oil is considered to be a traditional component of the national pilaf. True, the oil itself, as well as the dishes prepared from it, are heavy and are NOT recommended for daily diet. Cottonseed oil is considered one of the best salad dressings. It gives the dish a subtle nutty flavor and makes it richer.

Cottonseed oil in cosmetology is used to prepare nourishing and rejuvenating masks.


Cottonseed oil can be called an exotic product, so few people know how to properly take cottonseed oil for medicinal purposes and what can be prepared from it. Consumer opinions differ regarding the taste of cottonseed oil.

Cottonseed oil has been proven to have a calming effect. To normalize sleep and improve the emotional state, it is recommended to take 1 teaspoon of cottonseed oil shortly before bedtime. To improve digestion and prevent cancer, it is recommended to take 30 grams up to three times a day.


The chemical composition of cottonseed oil, as well as the quality of the oil, depends on the place of its cultivation and the type of cotton.

MYRISTIC ACID - provides better penetration into the skin of the components used for cosmetic purposes;

LINOLIC ACID - vitamin F, helps to maintain the hydro balance of the skin, is a UF filter;

PALMITOLEIC ACID - actively promotes the regeneration of mature skin;

STEARIC ACID - helps to restore the protective function of the skin;

PALMITIC ACID - improves the synthesis of collagen, hyaluronate;

ARACHIC ACID - has an anti-inflammatory effect;

OLEIC ACID - activates lipid metabolism.

POLYUNSATURATED ACIDS - contains LINOLIC ACID, which is not produced by the body;

FATTY ACIDS - cottonseed oil contains a high content of oleic, flaxseed and other oils;

VITAMINS - the product is especially rich in vitamins of groups B, A and E;

PHYTOSTEROLS - regulate cholesterol levels;


Useful properties of cottonseed oil. Cottonseed oil is very rich in TOCOPHEROLS, polyunsaturated fatty acids and is one of the healthiest vegetable oils. The content of vitamin E is higher than in cotton, only in soybean oil. Therefore, cottonseed oil is essential for everyone, especially women and girls.

Cottonseed oil useful properties and contraindications.

The chemical composition of cottonseed oil includes vitamins B, E and PP, monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids, which are the main supplier of omega-3 and 6 to the body. It should also be noted that the oil is especially rich in TOCOPHEROLS, of which more than 70% belongs to TOCOPHEROL A. Naturally, the composition of cottonseed oil depends on the raw material - on the plant variety and growing areas. However, in any case, this oil contains a large amount of saturated, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated fatty acids. Thanks to this composition, cottonseed oil was ranked among the most healthy oils. + Linoleic acid in cottonseed oil, as well as Arachidonic acid, are polyunsaturated acids. Very little is synthesized by the body, and cottonseed oil can make up for their deficiency.


Due to its acidic composition, cottonseed oil has a number of beneficial properties:

It is a natural antioxidant and immunoregulator;

Stimulates skin regeneration and has a healing effect - especially for burns;

Improves skin quality, promotes the restoration of cell structure and regulates lipid balance;

They act as immunostimulants.

Restores male potency;

Protects from ultraviolet radiation.


Cottonseed oil is considered an excellent antioxidant, prevents aging, affects the elasticity of blood vessels and heart function.

FATTY ACIDS in the composition of cottonseed oil have anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties, positively affect the immune system. FATTY ACIDS are able to help the rapid healing of wounds and the resolution of inflammation, fight diabetes, dermatitis, allergies, heal burns perfectly.

VITAMIN E acts as a very powerful antioxidant: it protects against early aging, strengthens the immune system and provides a positive attitude and strong nerves.

PHYTOSTEROLS, which are very rich in cottonseed oil, help reduce cholesterol, dissolve cholesterol plaques, and prevent the development of myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis. They also have the ability to reduce the absorption of cholesterol by the intestines, which reduces its deposition on the walls of blood vessels.

The UNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS contained in the product are fat-soluble vitamin-like substances. They have a pronounced antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effect, restore immunity. Together with VITAMIN D, they help to improve the absorption of phosphorus and calcium, which is necessary for the normal formation of bone tissue. Indications for the use of VITAMIN F are diabetes, autoimmune and allergic inflammatory diseases, dermatoses and eczema.

Cottonseed oil for the skin is suitable for the skin of children and adults, restoring a full-fledged cellular metabolism, healing any bites, abrasions and cuts, excellently nourishing, removing chicks.


Oil that has NOT been REFINED, is toxic due to high content GOSSIPOL. Gossypol is used in the chemical industry for the production of drying oil and lubricants.

Only REFINED oil and DEODORIZED oil are suitable for consumption.


Cottonseed oil, which contains the maximum amount of vitamin E in its composition, protects against heart disease and cancer, improves immunity, maintains potency, helps with diabetes and strengthens the muscles.

Cotton face oil. Improves the structure of the skin of the face, increases its protective functions, has moisturizing and regenerating properties, stabilizes the LIPID balance.

The high percentage of UNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS (more than 40%) in cottonseed oil explains its special value in dermatology. UNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS play important role in the metabolic processes of skin cells, contributing to the restoration of disturbed cellular structures, which leads to the preservation of the required level of water in the skin cells.

Regulate the processes of maturation of skin cells, which manifests itself in improving the structure of the skin, improving appearance skin and skin elasticity.

Has bactericidal properties.

Promote the production of CERAMIDES and improve the protective functions of the SKIN.

They have an active regenerating effect when applied locally, on the skin.

Cotton hair oil. Improves hair growth, relieves them of brittleness, stimulates blood circulation.

Used to prepare therapeutic masks to restore especially damaged hair after chemistry or dyeing.

It is often used for massage, and the oil can be used to treat baby skin as a prevention of diaper rash.

Promotes healing of wounds. For insect bites, apply a few drops to the affected area and rub in lightly.

Relieves lips from peeling, protects against chapping and frostbite of the LIPS SKIN.

Handles effectively elevated cholesterol. The oil prevents the absorption of harmful substances by the walls of the intestines, as a result of which the risk of developing atherosclerosis decreases.


Care should be taken with the uncontrolled use of cottonseed oil in its pure form, since its excess is also unsafe.

DO NOT USE UNREFINED COTTON OIL IN FOOD! Moreover, unrefined cottonseed oil is not used even for cosmetic purposes, although a good soap with useful properties is obtained from untreated oil. UNREFINED oil has a reddish color.

It can not be used only by those who suffer from individual intolerance. Many people don't even like the taste of cottonseed oil. Cottonseed oil can cause harm if there are contraindications to the use of the product in food.

For people who are allergic to nut butter, a cottonseed product can be a perfect replacement.

Severe harm Cottonseed oil can cause people suffering from individual intolerance to the product. You should carefully consider the choice of oil: you can only use REFINED OIL for domestic and medicinal purposes, which, in addition to labels, can be identified by its light shade.

As part of unrefined oil cotton is present GOSSIPOL - a pigment that gives the crude oil a characteristic brown color. GOSSYPOL inhibits spermatogenesis and can lead to reproductive disorders, blocks the activity of enzymes involved in the body's metabolism. In large quantities, GOSSIPOL poisons the body and disrupts reproductive functions.

At present, GOSSIPOL has also been found to have an active antitumor effect; the study of this substance has not yet been completed. Perhaps in the future COTTON GOSSYPOL will become a panacea for incurable ailments, but today it should be treated with caution, because accidentally exceeding the maximum allowable dose can lead to severe poisoning, even death. GOSSYPOL is removed during the refining process of cottonseed oil, therefore, in its purified form, the oil is HARMLESS!


If during long-term storage you see a sediment in the form of white flakes in a bottle of cottonseed oil - DO NOT FEAR. This is normal, since 30% of its composition is SOLID FATS, which eventually settle in the form of flakes. If you do not want to allow the appearance of sediment - store this type of vegetable oil at a temperature of 0 degrees - in this case it will harden into a homogeneous mass.